Relationship of Intellectual Property and the Basic Movement Ability
in Elementary School Students
Rama Ebzan Putra, Dian Budiana and Carsiwan Carsiwan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Intellectual Intelligence, Basic Movement Ability, Elementary School Students.
Abstract: Physical education is not only required to develop psychomotor aspects, but physical education must be able
to develop the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of a learner. One of the materials in physical
education is basic movement. In fact, this is the main material that should be developed by physical
education in elementary schools. Because physical education should be able to develop human as a whole,
then in the development of basic movement abilities are not only psychomotor aspects that must be
considered but two other aspects of cognitive and affective must also be considered. The purpose of this
research is to find out how much the relationship between intellectual intelligence with basic motion
capabilities. This research is motivated by the interest of researchers to know that in physical education,
especially learning basic movement abilities require not only the psychomotor aspect alone, but there is
another determinant factor that is cognitive aspect. The research method used in this research is quantitative
correlational descriptive method. The population and sample in this study were students of grade 3-B SD
Labschool UPI which amounted to 29 people, it was obtained through technique of non-probability
sampling with saturated sampling type. The instrument used as a measuring instrument for collecting data is
the application of neuronation and TGMD-2. The data have been analyzed and processed through statistical
software SPSS 20 for windows. Based on the results of the processing data, it was found that the
relationship of intellectual intelligence with basic motion capability of 0.063 means the level of relationship
is very low. It is also known that intellectual intelligence contributes 0.4% to basic movement ability while
the rest is influenced by other factors.
Physical education is one of the subjects in every
school. Physical education aims to educate students
through physical activity (Bailey et al., 2009).
Nurjaya and Mulyana (2016) reveal that "Physical
education is an educational process that deals with
efforts to develop all student’s potential". While the
meaning of education itself according to Kamus
Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) is "A learning
process for every individual to achieve higher
knowledge and understanding about certain and
specific objects". Formally acquired knowledge that
results in each individual that has a mind-set,
behaviour and morals in accordance with the
education obtained.
Intellectual intelligence is commonly called
intelligence. The term was first popularized by
Francis Galton, a leading English scientist and
mathematician. Intelligence as the general capacity
of the individual appears in the individual's ability to
face the demands of life rationally (Engle, 1999).
According to Galon (in Swandhana, 2015)
intelligence is "the cognitive ability that organisms
possess to adapt effectively to complex and ever-
changing environments and influenced by genetic
The learning of movement in physical education
cannot be separated by the cognitive abilities of the
students, because in every process of learning the
motion in physical education requires the processing
of information received and stored in the student's
memory, which is essentially included to the
cognitive ability, Riyadi said (2011)
The process of mastering movement skills, not apart
from the mastery and processing of information
received during the learning process by learners.
Information received during the learning of motion
will be stored in the information storage system,
which consists of sensory memory, short term
Putra, S., Budiana, D. and Carsiwan, C.
Relationship of Intellectual Property and the Basic Movement Ability in Elementary School Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 248-252
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
memory, and long term memory. To generate a
feedback or response from a stimulus (information)
that is present in the learning process of motion, it
takes several stages of information processing
including stimulus identification, response selection
and response programming as action. (p.11)
The essence of education is not only to develop one
aspect of human, but all the aspects that exist in
human beings, the education is briefly aimed to
humanize humans or help humans find their identity
as human beings. Since physical education is one of
education, physical education not only develops one
or more aspects, but the three aspects developed in
physical education are cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Therefore, in physical education these
three aspects are needed to support successful
students in undergoing physical education process.
But in reality some societies think that physical
education requires only psychomotor skills, or the
society usually assumes that physical education is
just a sport done at school.
Based on the problem, the researcher who is a
physical education student feels the need to examine
that physical education is not only using the ability
of muscle or psychomotor ability, but physical
education requires cognitive ability also to support
the process of physical education. To prove it, the
researcher conducted a research entitled "Intellectual
Intelligence Relationship with Basic Movement
Ability on Elementary School Students".
The research method used in this research is
descriptive correlational method by using
quantitative approach, which means this study is
trying to describe the relationship between
intellectual intelligence with long service learning
outcomes in badminton. According to Sudjana and
Ibrahim (2007), merriam (1998), descriptive
research is "a study that attempts to describe a
phenomenon, event, event occurring in the present
moment". This approach is used to test the
predefined hypothesis. Sugiyono (2010) explains
Quantitative research methods can be interpreted
as a research method based on philosophy
positivism, used to examine the population or a
particular sample, sampling techniques are generally
done randomly, data collection using research
instruments, quantitative / statistical data analysis
with the aim to test the hypothesis has been
established. Correlation study is a research that is
studying the presence or absence of relationship
between variables one with other variables (Riley,
2007). This is in line with what Sudjana and Ibrahim
(2007) explain about the notion of correlational
research methods, "correlation studies studying the
relationship of two or more variables, i.e. the extent
to which variations in one variable relate to variation
in other variables”.
2.1 Intelligence Test
The intelligence test is a test used to measure one's
intelligence level (Cattel, 1940). The intelligence
test used by researchers is the application software
contained in the android smartphone that is
Neuronation. Neuronation is an application
published by Freie University Berlin and also in
cooperation with other universities.
2.2 Basic Motion Skills Test
The basic motion capability test used by researchers
is a second edition of Test of Gross Motor Skill
(TGMD) compiled by Ulrich, DA of the School of
Kinesiology University of Michigan in 2000.
TGMD-2 is a test used to measure roughness since
early age.
Table 1: description of intellectual intelligence test results
data (mean, standard deviation, highest and lowest score).
Intellectual Intelligence
Basic Movement
Valid N (listwise)
Based on table 1 it can be concluded that the
intellectual intelligence test results have the lowest
value = 57, the highest value = 1019, average =
410.1 and standard deviation = 243,926. While the
result of basic motion ability has the lowest value =
46, the highest value = 88, average 69,9 and
standard deviation = 10,157. After the description of
data from each variable then the next step is the
normality test of each variable.
Relationship of Intellectual Property and the Basic Movement Ability in Elementary School Students
Table 2: Result of Test of Normality Using Kolmogorov
Smirnov dan Shapiro-Wilk.
Tests of Normality
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Based on the above table it can be seen that the
significance value of basic movement test on
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test = 0,058 and at Shapiro-
Wilk test = 0,350. As for the significance value of
the intellectual intelligence test on the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test = 0.076 while in the Shapiro-Wilk test
= 0.083. Based on the normality test it can be
concluded that the data from basic movement test
and intellectual intelligence test are normally
distributed because all significance value> (α) =
Based on the above table it can be concluded that
the value of correlation coefficient between
intellectual intelligence and basic movement ability
= 0.063. This means that the correlation between
intellectual intelligence and basic movement ability
has a very low level of relationship. While the
positive value contained in the correlation
coefficient shows that the greater the intellectual
intelligence the greater the value of basic movement
After the correlation test, then the next stage is
hypothesis test. As the authors have mentioned
before that the test of this hypothesis is done to test
whether the hypothesis that the researchers
submitted accepted or not. In addition, this
hypothesis test is also done to see the relationship
between two significant variables or not, here are the
3.1 Determining the Hypothesis
H0: There is no significant relationship
between intellectual intelligence and basic
movement skills;
Ha: There is a significant relationship between
intellectual intelligence and basic movement
3.2 Determining the Basis of Decision
If the probability value is> 0.05, then H0 is
accepted. If the probability value <0.05, then H0 is
3.3 Make a Conclusion
From result of correlation analysis at table 4.6 got
probability value = 0,747. So based on it because the
value of probability or significance value> 0.05 then
the conclusion H0 accepted or means there is no
significant relationship between intellectual
intelligence with basic movement abilities.
3.4 Determinant Test
Determinant test is done to know the size of the
contribution of variable X to variable Y. Especially
for this determinant test the authors do not use SPSS
application but the authors calculate it manually by
using the formula as follows:
KP = r2 x 100%
KP : Determinant Coefficient Score
r : Correlation Coefficient Score
After the calculation to determine the value of
the coefficient determinant then obtained a result of
0.4% which means that intellectual intelligence
contributes to basic movement of 0.4% and the
remaining 99.6% influenced by other factors.
As the authors previously described that the purpose
of this research is to determine whether or not there
is a relationship between intellectual intelligence
with basic movement capabilities. Based on the
processing and the results of data analysis the
researchers found some inventions. For the greatest
score of the intellectual intelligence test is 1019 and
the lowest score is 57 with an average value of 410.
While for the largest score of basic movement
capability is 88 while the lowest score is 46 with an
average value of 70. In addition, the authors also
found that after conducted processing and data
analysis to determine whether or not there is a
relationship between intellectual intelligence with
basic movement capability in students of UPI Class
3 Pilot Laboratory then it can be concluded that
there is no significant correlation between level of
intellectual intelligence with basic movement ability.
This is due to the low correlation coefficient
value is 0.063 which means the relationship between
intellectual intelligence and basic movement ability
is very low, when the relationship between two or
more variables is said to be very low or low then the
automatic relationship between the two variables is
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
not significant it is marked with the value of
probability from result of correlation analysis using
application of SPSS = 0,747, this probability value
higher than with α which is determined that is = 0,05
meaning there is no significant relation between
intellectual intelligence with basic movement ability.
This means that the hypothesis proposed by the
author is rejected. This may be due to the
insufficiency of the students being sampled during
the test, especially the basic movement ability tests
so that the demonstrated abilities of the test results
may not match the actual capabilities, other than that
the lack of accuracy and competence of the author in
terms of testing the ability of basic movement can be
a factor which results in inaccurate results of basic
motility tests, or indeed in basic movement ability,
the psychological aspect, especially intellectual
intelligence, is not a very influential factor in
supporting basic movement skills well.
In addition, based on data analysis in this study,
intellectual intelligence contributes only 0.4% and
the rest is 99.6% influenced by other factors. This
proves that intellectual intelligence does not greatly
contribute to basic movement skills. The discussion
on the influence of intellectual intelligence on one's
performance is expressed by Goleman (2007), he
says that "Intellectual intelligence accounts for only
20 percent in performance improvement, while 80
percent is influenced by other factors." This proves
that intellectual intelligence provides the effect that
is not too large on a performance in general.
Because that is meant to be a general performance it
can also be equated with basic movement ability,
that intellectual intelligence has little effect on basic
movement ability (Mikolajczak, 1940).
The same thing is expressed by Dakir (1977) that
"People will never achieve success in any field
unless they like the field. So to optimize the
intellectual intelligence commonly called
accelerated learning, cannot be achieved without the
help of positive emotional activity. "This means that
intellectual intelligence is not only the only
determinant in one's success, but there is another
psychological factor that determines one's success in
one way. This may also apply to one's success in
mastering basic movement ability, that intellectual
intelligence is not a major determinant of good or
bad movement ability. In addition, research
conducted by Muhaimin S. Si conducted in 2015 on
the analysis of the relationship of intellectual
intelligence with playing skills in badminton.
Muhaimin (2015) proves that intellectual
intelligence affects only 10.8% of badminton
playing skills and 89.2% is influenced by other
factors. In line with Muhaimin, another study
conducted by Maryadi in 2015 on the analysis of
intellectual intelligence relationship with the success
of penalty kicks in the game of football. Maryadi
(2015) concludes from her research that there is no
significant relationship between the level of
intellectual intelligence and the success of penalty
kicks in soccer games. It can also be a supporter that
intellectual intelligence does not exert too much
influence on ability, in this case more specifically to
one's psychomotor skills.
When viewed from the side of pedagogy, based
on facts in the field that the authors see, that the
learning of physical education in the primary
laboratory of UPI Laboratory dominantly focuses on
one aspect only the development of psychomotor
aspects of students, in addition the way of teaching
physical education teachers at the time of the
learning process is still teacher centre and lack of
opportunities for students to explore themselves. So
based on the fact this field can be concluded that the
learning of physical education in the Labschool UPI
has not maximally developed the three aspects that
should be developed in physical education, so the
authors assume this is one cause of very low
intellectual intelligence relationship with basic
movement skills in elementary students of
Labschool UPI class 3-B.
After conducting a series of stages ranging from the
collecting of theory, researching, data collecting and
data analyzing hence obtained results that can
answer the formulation of problems that have been
formulated that there is no significant relationship
between intellectual intelligence with basic
movement skills in elementary students of
Labschool UPI Class 3-B academic year 2016/2017
and the great relationship between intellectual
intelligence with basic movement ability is 0.063 or
means the relationship between intellectual
intelligence and basic movement skills in elementary
students of Labschool UPI Class 3-B is very low.
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