The Influence of Learning Out of School Camping and Hiking
Courses on Self-Control
Jahidin Jahidin, Adli Hakama, Nurlan Kusmaedi
and Yunyun Yudiana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Outdoor Education and Self Control.
Abstract: This article discusses the effect of outdoor education Program camping and hiking on self control. The
method used in this research is experiment. The pre-test post-test two treatment design. Using simple
random sampling. which specified a group of structured games activities as a single experimental group and
an unstructured games activity group as the two experimental groups. The results showed that the group of
structured games activities and groups of unstructured games activities there are significant differences.
After administering the test, this paper finds out that the group implementing outdoor education program of
camping and hiking and unstructured games is better than the group which does not in terms of self-control.
Self-control has the meaning as an individual's
ability to read and read the situation of the self and
the environment and the ability to control and
implement behavioral factors according to the
circumstances to run in socializing (Walters, 2011).
The ability to control oneself becomes very
meaningful to minimize bad behavior. During this
time many found in life in society as well as in the
state order of events that occur due to inability to
control themselves (Walters, 2011).
Individuals with low self-control often have a
low sense of tolerance for others and tend not to
think about the long-term impact they will face after
doing something bad (Zimmerman et al., 2015;
Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990). Self-control is a
potential that can be developed and used by
individuals during the processes in life, including in
the face of the conditions contained in the
Changes and developments in self-control are
part of the objectives of the teaching and learning
process of Law Number 20 Year 2003. In its
implementation, efforts have been made so that the
realization of student self-control which part of the
national education goals both in the process and
evaluation of learning. Physical education is one of
the subjects in school and is an integral part of the
overall education system of Bucher (1979).
The wide scope of physical education materials
such as games, development activities, water
activities, gymnastics activities, rhythmic activities,
education outside the classroom, and health (BSNP,
2006). Out-of-school education is a very effective
activity when it comes to connecting learning
objectives on a psychological basis (Taniguchi et al.,
2005). Camping and hiking are part of outdoor
educational activities that have a positive impact on
individual development (Gregg, 2009; Kruse and
Card, 2004; Bean et al., 2016). In the execution of
activities outside the classroom can be games,
stories, sports, experiments, competitions, recognize
the surrounding environmental cases and discussion
of solutions, environmental action, and
environmental crawl (Vincencia, 2006).
In the implementation of outdoor learning
activities teachers can modify the game program
conducted in the learning process in outdoor
education where balanced games can be developed
as well as carefully planning challenging activities,
and choosing the important and timely to challenge
the understanding and enhance the active learning
(Werner and Almond, 1990). By providing a
structured or systematic game that is arranged in
stratum from the easiest hardest keyang (Harsono,
1988) and vice versa are not structural. (Gregg,
2009) says' younger students are likely to need more
supervisory and structured activities. Then (Ismail et
al., 2014) say "through unstructured games, children
improve their cooperative skills, build knowledge
Jahidin, J., Hakama, A., Kusmaedi, N. and Yudiana, Y.
The Influence of Learning Out of School Camping and Hiking Courses on Self-Control.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 262-265
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
through imitation, and gain new insights through
trial and error."
Referring from the opinion of the experts above
eating this research is intended to be able to answer
some questions 1) Is there an effect of learning
outdoor education program camping and hiking with
activity games that are structured on self-control
students. 2) Is there any influence of outdoor
education learning camping and hiking program
with unstructured games activity on student self-
control. 3) Is there any difference in learning effect
of outdoor education program camping and hiking
using structured games activity with unstructured
games activity on student self-control.
The research method used is the experiment with the
pre-test design post-test two design Cohen (2007).
This research lasted for three days that is on 14 - 16
April 2017, with a 44-hour meeting that starts from
Friday 14th to 10th day of the week. The study with
these 3 refers from (Taniguchi et al., 2005). The
sample was determined based on simple random
sampling which consisted of 40 students of class VII
and VIII SMP Wangunsari, Lembang, West
Bandung regency, West Java. The instrument used is
self-control adopted from instruments (Tangney et
al., 2004). Processing is done by using t-test statistic.
In this research is divided into two groups of
samples, namely: a sample group that conducts
outdoor educational camping and hiking activities
with structured games and sample groups that
conduct outdoor educational activities camping and
hiking with unstructured games.
Table 1: Test Results Paired Sample Test Self Control
group structured.
Pair 1
Pretest structured -
Posttest structured
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on the results of the Paired Samples Test
of self-control in the structured group, the
probability value or Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000 smaller
than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), it can be concluded below
that there are differences in mean before and after
treatment on the ability of self-control in the
structured group. It can also be seen from the mean
in the Paired Samples Test or on t arithmetic. If the
positive t count means the average before the test is
higher than after the test and vice versa the negative
t count means the average before the test is lower
than after the test of. Based on result of paired
samples test known that t table -7.658 it shows that
post-test value bigger than pre-test value.
From the results of research and tested by paired
samples test showed that there is a significant
increase meaning that the treatment given to the
group of structured game activity has a positive and
applicable influence in improving the self-control of
first-grade students, this is supported by quantitative
testing of data obtained through pretest and posttest
self-control students.
This gives an understanding that there is an
influence of learning outdoor education program
camping and hiking with a structured game activity
on student self-control, these results also imply that
learning of outdoor educational programs of
camping and hiking with structured game activity
has an effect on student self-control as predicted by
theory (Gregg, 2009).
Table 2: Test Results Paired Sample Test Self Control
group unstructured.
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on Paired Samples Test result of
unstructured self-control group ability, it is known
that probability value or Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000
smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0,05), thus it can be
concluded under Ho rejected, meaning that there is
average difference in before and after treatment on
self-control group unstructured ability. It can also be
seen from the mean in the Paired Samples Test or on
t arithmetic. If the positive t count means the
average before the test is higher than after the test
and vice versa the negative t count means the
average before the test is lower than after the test of.
The Influence of Learning Out of School Camping and Hiking Courses on Self-Control
Based on the results paired samples test known that t
table -12.433 it shows that the value of post-test is
greater than the value of pre-test.
From the results of research and tested by paired
samples test showed that there is a significant
increase means that the treatment given to
unstructured game activity groups has a positive and
applicable influence in improving the self-control
ability of the junior high students, this is supported
by quantitative testing of data obtained through pre-
test and post-test self-control students.
This implies that there is an effect of learning
about outdoor education program camping and
hiking with unstructured game activity on student
self-control, the result also implies that outdoor
learning education camping and hiking programs
with unstructured game activity have an effect on
student self-control as the results of research
conducted by (Ismail et al., 2014).
Table 3: Independent Samples Test Result Test Structured
and Unstructured Group on Self Control Capability.
Test for
t-test for
of Means
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
Interval of
Based on the calculation of independent samples
test, obtained t value for the value of self-control
ability is -9.253 and t
for 95% significance level
and degrees of freedom (df) = 38 obtained t
2,042. Value -t
(-2.843 <-2.042) and P
value (0.007 <0.05) then Ho is rejected, meaning
that there is a difference between the mean value of
the ability of self-control group activity and the
game is structured with the average value of activity
groups and unstructured games. A negative t value
means that the average of the structured group is
lower than the unstructured class average, with mean
difference -3.900. This means that the value of the
ability of self-control group is not structured greater
than 3.900 value of the ability of self-control group
This gives the understanding that groups are
doing outdoor educational activities camping and
hiking programs using unstructured games have a
high level of self-control influence when compared
to outdoor educational activities of camping and
hiking programs using structured games. This means
that the group implementing outdoor education
program of camping and hiking with unstructured
games is proven to have better self-control. This is
in line with (Ismail et al., 2014; Guralnick, 1993).
From the field observations on unstructured game
groups researchers see that the presence of caution,
struggle and sincerity, and high cooperation in
completing every game activity that is passed,
besides that unstructured activities and games also
provide benefits to the child to respond to feedback
from each stimulus provided either in the form of
ideas, as well as consider the opinions of others so as
to develop self-control. This is as described by
(Guralnick, 1993) "Furthermore, exposure during
unstructured" play to the feelings, feedback,
opinions, and ideas of peers helps children move
beyond egocentric feelings, to consider the ideas of
others. "In addition, unstructured playing exposure
to peer feelings, feedback, opinions, and ideas helps
children move beyond egocentric feelings, to
consider other people's ideas. This is in line with the
research results (Ismail et al., 2014) "that through
unstructured play, children enhance their
cooperative skills, build knowledge through
imitation, and gain new insights through trial and
error." It means "through unstructured games,
children improve their cooperative skills, build
knowledge through imitation, and gain new insights
through trial and error."
This study suggests that the opinions expressed
by (Gregg, 2009) are mapped out that “younger
students will likely require more supervision and
structured activities, as well as more comforts during
camping, such as cabins, running water, and
prepared meals.” This means "Younger students will
likely need more supervision and structured
activities, as well as comforts during camping, such
as cabins, clean water and fast food" what is
proposed for outdoor education camping and hiking
programs using unstructured activities and games
better if applied to improve self-control in junior
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
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know the influence of self-control.
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The Influence of Learning Out of School Camping and Hiking Courses on Self-Control