The Efforts to Improve Game Performance through Equipment’s
Modification Implementation in the Small-Ball Games
Andari Dewi Purnama, Andi Suntoda and Mudjihartono Mudjihartono
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendiidkan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Improving Game Performance, Equipment’s Modification, Small-Ball Games Equipments.
Abstract: This research background is the low aspect of game performance in students’ softball game, the equipments
used seem difficult, because they don’t fit to the characteristics of Burujul Kulon 1 Elementary State School
Jatiwangi, Majalengka district students. The aim of this research is to improve the game performance in small-
ball games. The method used in this research is Class Action Research (CAR) with Games Performance
Assessment Instruments (GPAI) used for the instrument, the subject of the research is 20 fifth-grade students,
consists of 10 boys and 10 girl. This research is conducted at Burujul Kulon 1 Elementary State School
Jatiwangi, Majalengka district. The research data are collected by using game performance assessment
observation sheet, field notes, and research documentation. This research results show that the equipment’s
modification implementation in small-ball games is able to give positive benefit to teaching and learning
process for the students by the improvement from the cycle I until cycle II. The processed and analyzed data
shows that the implementation of the equipment’s modification can improve the fifth-grade students of
Burujul Kulon 1 Elementary School Jatiwangi, Majalengka district game performance in small-ball games
Modifying studying equipments can improve the
students’ performance in physical education
(McBrearty, 1998). This is where the role of physical
education teacher in giving a fun learning is essential
(Bailey et al., 2009). One of them is by modifying
studying equipments so the students are able to
understand the softball game in physical education
(Mitchell et al., 2000). To know the study results in
the softball game, it can be seen from the teachers’
field notes or from the direct observation in the
researched field or school (Sarwono, 2006).
According to the obsevation result of the fiffth-
grade students of Burujul Kulon 1 Elementary State
School Majalengka as research subject related to the
efforts to improve the game performance of Burujul
Elementary State School Majalengka students that
consists of class 1-6. Physical education, sport and
health subjects are already given starting from first
grade until sixth grade. The purpose of physical
education is to give the chance for the students to
study various activities that nurture and develop
student’s potential physucally, socially, emotionally
and morally (Rink, 1993).
The method used in this research is Class Action
Research (CAR) that’s a practical research intended
to improve class study (Hopkins et al., 2002). This
research is one of the teachers or pratictioners’ efforts
in various activities form to improve or increase
studying quality in the class.
2.1 Research Subject
The research subject in this CAR is the fifth-grade
students of Burujul Kulon 1 Elementary State School
Majalengka, with 20 amount of students that consist
of 10 boys and 10 girls. The students at this school
come from various family background, their parents
also have various professions such as traders,
employees, teachers, etc.
2.2 Research Instrument
The instrument or equipment used to collect the data
in this research is Game Performance Assessment
Instrument (GPAI) (Oslin et al., 1998) used to
Purnama, A., Suntoda, A. and Mudjihartono, M.
The Efforts to Improve Game Performance through Equipment’s Modification Implementation in the Small-Ball Games.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 342-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
measure or assess the students’ game performace.
The game performance mentioned has 3
constructions, they are (1) Making decision, (2)
Performing, (3) Supporting.
The following is the action analysis data result
through 2 cycles conducted in class action research
implementation in Application of Learning Teams
Games Tournament (TGT) Model Type To Improve
The Game Performance in Football (Purnamasari,
Table 1: Analysis Data Result, Throwing, Catching, and
Batting Skills Percentage Value Results of Every Cycles.
Based on the research result from the beginning of
observation until cycle 2 step 2, it is acknowledged
that the throwing, catching, and batting skills with the
implementation of equipment’s modification in
softball game study has improved. As for the research
final data results from the data preliminary
observation until cycle 2 step 2 can be described in
graphic form as follows:
Figure 1: Preliminary Observation Data.
Preliminary Observation Data described on figure
Figure 2: Cycle Step 1.
After step 1 given, the cycle is as described on
figure 2.
Figure 3: Cycle 1 Step II.
The Efforts to Improve Game Performance through Equipment’s Modification Implementation in the Small-Ball Games
After the step 2 of cycle 1 given, there’s change
described on figure 3.
Figure 4: Cycle II Step 1.
After the step 1 of cycle II given, there’s a change
described on figure 4.
Figure 5: Cycle II Step II.
According to data analysis results above, there are
improvements in every cycle starting from pre-
observation until step 4 cycle II as described on the
graphics above that the improvements form pre-
observation until Step 4 is in cycle II.
From the preliminary observation results it is
known that the teachers don’t provide materials about
throwing, catching, and batting that in the form of
warming up through the game that consists of those
three skills of throwing, catching, and batting. Then
during the studying process, teachers don’t do it
systematically, so a lot of students are unwilling to
follow the lesson because the motion tasks in the
softball game learning that will be studied are too
From the class action research implementation
there’s a fact that providing lessons by modifying
studying equipments in softball with games-drill-
games by the teachers can improve throwing,
catching, and batting the ball skills. Modification is
one of the efforts that can be done by the teachers so
the studying process goes well. Besides it can
improve the students’ learning activity compatible to
the purposes. The research results show that through
the modificatin of the batter and ball can improve the
students’ study result in batting the ball in softball
from the pre-action to the cycle I and cycle I to cycle
II. Based on that explanation it can be concluded that
modification can be considered as an effort done by a
teacher to give different lesson, by paying attention to
students’ ability in understanding and doing their
tasks well , also it can increase, improve, amd
encourage the change of ability possessed by the
Giving and providing motion tasks challenges
should be in games form so the students feel happy
and enthusiastic in following the lessons. Through
game activities, it so suitable to develop the children’s
basic movement skill in elementary school, because
basically children’s world is the world of fun and
games. Based on the explanation it can be concluded
that by playing, the children’s basic movement skills
will be well developed. Because basically everyday a
child is not separated from playing activities.
The results of the research conducted by the writer
from the preliminary observation until Cycle II that
have been explained in previous discussion, the writer
concludes that the implementation of equipments’
modification can improve the game performance of
the fifth-grade students of Burujul Kulon 1
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Majalengka in softball game, based on analyzed data
process of throwing catching and batting skills are
improved. This can be seen from how many students
that have exceeded the minimum mastery criteria
(KKM) achieved in every steps.
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The Efforts to Improve Game Performance through Equipment’s Modification Implementation in the Small-Ball Games