The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem of College
Aziz Amrulloh¹
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung,
Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur, Indonesia
Keywords: Traditional Exercises, Self-esteem.
Abstract: This research aims to find out the effect of traditional exercises to students’ self- esteem on PJKR course
(Study of Students Traditional Sports) Faculty of Sport and Health Education in University of Suryakancana.
The sample of this research is 40 college students who took the course of The Study of Recreation with
Purposive Technic Sampling. Based on the result of this research and this discussion, can be concluded that
learning process of traditional exercises give significant effect to students’ self-esteem. Based on data, earned
the averages scores of group of different experiments with the average scores of control group. Based on
calculation, obtained t calculated = 5,251 and t table on degree α=0,05 with dk=n1+n2-2 = 20+20-2=38
indicated number 1,686. If t calculated is higher than t table, the null hypothesis (H0) rejected, this indicates
that the averages of gain group experiment and control group is different or the averages of gain group is
better than control group.
Play is an activity which is very familiar with human
life. Folk games or can be called as traditional
exercise is a cultural value in the treasures of local
wisdom of Indonesian society (Naisaban, 2002). As
any other cultural values that exist in the culture of
society, folk games or more specifically traditional
exercises have been experiencing various
transformations of value throughout the life history of
their owner.
Traditional exercises as the nation's cultural assets
need to be preserved (Khamdani, 2010). Excavated
and grown developed, because, beside as a game to
fill our spare time, it also has potential to be further
developed as exercises that can help to improve
physical quality for the person. In addition, these
exercises have positive effect also for the realization
of a healthy and fit society. It because there are
various activities and physical movement that support
our fitness. The coaching of traditional exercises can
be done at schools and among the common people in
Many benefits can be taken from the traditional
exercises, one of them is a tool that is easy to get and
allows anyone to do the exercise and stimulate the
people to give creative ideas out. The ambience will
produce such as pleasant togetherness. This will grow
harmony in our living. On the other side of all that
learning process has been embedded in traditional
exercises, we have learned to abide by the play rules
in fair play. According to Khamdani (2010) "In
traditional exercises there is a process of learning in
life that is aware of the attitude of mutual acceptance
and forgiveness".
Physical and social-psychological growth in
college period is basically a continuation, which can
be interpreted as a refinement of the previous growth
and development process. In addition, students need
acknowledgment of their abilities which called self-
esteem. Students need rewards and acknowledgment
that they have been able to stand by their selves, be
able to carry out their own tasks, and be responsible
for their attitudes and actions. Slavin (1994) stated
that self-esteem is the values that exist in self, ability
and behavior. Based on the word, self-esteem can be
said as a person's appreciation of himself because of
what is in someone’s self is a power that must be
appreciated and be developed.
This low self-esteem can potentially damage
psychology (Harter, 1993). Basically there are many
ways to evoke the spirit of personality, for example
Amrulloh, A.
The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem of College Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 358-361
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
positive activities such as exercises, be active in
campus organization, and others. Based on the above
exposure the researcher is interested to study about
The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem
of PJKR Students.
The author uses experimental research methods and
the type of research used in this study is quasi
experiment (Cook et al., 1979).
The form of research design that will be used by
the author is as follows figure 1:
Figure 1: Research Design Form.
self-esteem pre-test given to the experiment
self-esteem post-test given to the experiment
treatment given to the experiment group by
bentengan, galasin and kasti programs
pre-test self-esteem given to the control
post-test self-esteem given to the control
no treatment given to the control group.
Data collection related to research, that is by:
Questionnaire Self-Esteem. Instruments are
constructed based on indicators of component
development of each variable.
In this chapter the researcher presents the data on the
results of research to 40 (20 experiments and 20
controls) PJKR students of FKIP University of
Suryakancana. This study uses a self-esteem
questionnaire measurement instrument. Through this
instruments, researcher get the data that must be
processed and analyzed to get conclusions. The data
is processed using statistical analysis before figuring
out the level of significance of traditional exercises
for self-esteem.
Data processing in this research uses statistical
calculation method, with the intention to get an idea
about the effect of traditional exercises for self-
esteem on students after following traditional
exercises activities. The results of the average
calculation of students’ self-esteem as a whole can be
seen in the table 1 below.
Table 1: The Average Student of Self-Esteem.
(experiment group)
(control group)
Total Pre- test (self-esteem)
Total post-test (self-esteem)
The following table 2 is the average difference, in
the experiment group and control group:
Table 2: The Differences of Average.
control group
Total (self-
The following table is about normality test, in the
experiments group and pre- test control can be seen
in the table below 3:
Table 3: Normality test to experiment group and pre-
test control.
Pre- test
L Table (dk=20)
Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
Based on normality test, pre- test scores of
experiment group and control group obtained score
L0 or biggest difference of experiment group is 0,098,
while in control group is 0,090. In table L with real
level α = 0.05 with the number of respondent’s n = 20
dk (20) shows score of 0.190. With criteria of the test,
reject the null hypothesis (H0) if L0 is bigger than
table L. From the calculation above, the L0 price of
the experiment group and control group is smaller
than the L table which means that the pre- test self-
esteem scores of the experiment group and the control
group are normally distributed.
The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem of College Students
The following table is the homogeneity test, to the
experiment group and pre- test control can be seen in
the table 4 below:
Table 4: Homogeneity test, in experiment group and
pre- test control.
F calculated
F table
(α = 0,05, dk1=19, dk 2= 19)
Pre- test
From the calculation of homogeneity test of
experiment group and control group obtained the
calculated score F is 0.365 and the table F with the
real level α = 0.05 with the dk numerator = n-1 = 20-
1 = 19 and dk denominator = n-1 = 20- 1-19 indicates
scores 2.21. By the criteria of the test, if F calculated
is smaller or equal to F table, then the null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. From the calculation above, the
calculated F score is smaller than F table which means
that the pre- test data between the experiment group
and the control group has the same or homogeneous
The Following table of the difference of two
average test, in experiment group and pre-test control
can be seen in the table 5 below:
Table 5: Differences test of two averages to experiment pre-
test control groups.
From the test of difference or similarity of two
averages between experiment group and control
group, seen from the variable self-esteem on pre- test,
obtained the average score of the experiment group is
almost equal to the average score of the control group.
From the calculation obtained t calculated = 0.913
and t table at the level of α = 0.05 with dk = n1 + n2-
2 = 20 + 20-2 = 38 indicates the number 1.686. If t
calculated is smaller than t table, then the null
hypothesis (H0) is accepted, it indicates that the
average pre- test score of the experiment group and
the control group is equivalent.
The following table is about the normality test in
experiment group and post-test control can be seen in
the table 6 below:
Table 6: Normality test in experiment group and post-test
L Table (dk=20)
Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
From the calculation of normality test post-test,
score of the experiment group and control group score
L0 or the biggest difference of the experiment group
of 0.149, while in the control group of 0.129. In L
table with the real level α = 0.05 with the number of
respondent’s n = 20 dk (20) shows score of 0.190.
With the test criteria, reject the null hypothesis (H0)
if L0 is bigger than L table. From the above
calculation, the L0 score of the experiment and
control group is smaller than L table which means that
the post-test self-esteem score of the experiment
group and the control group is normally distributed.
Following table is the homogeneity test, to
experiment group and post-test control can be seen in
the table 7 below.
Table 7: Homogeneity test, in the experiment group and
post-test control.
table (α = 0,05, dk1=19, dk 2= 19)
From the calculation of gain homogeneity test,
experiment group and control group obtained the
score of F calculated is 1.358 and the F table with the
real level α = 0.05 with dk numerator= n-1 = 20-1 =
19 and dk denominator = n-1 = 20 -1-19 shows score
of 2.21. By the criteria of test, if F calculated is
smaller or equal to F table, then the null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. From the above calculation, the
calculated F score is less than F table which means
that the gain data between experiment group and
control group have equal or homogeneous variance.
Here about the difference / equality test of the two
averages gain of self-esteem, to experiment and
control groups can be seen in the table 8:
Table 8: Difference / similarity test of the two averages s
gain of self-esteem, to experiment group and control
Average of
experiment group
Average of
control group
From the test of difference or similarity of two
average between experiment group and control group
seen from the variable gain of self-esteem, obtained
the average score of the experiment group is different
from the average score of the control group. From the
calculation obtained t calculated = 5.251 and t table
at the level of α = 0.05 with dk = n1 + n2-2 = 20 + 20-
2 = 38 indicates the number 1.686. If t calculated is
bigger than t table, then the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected, it shows that the gain of experiment group
and gain control group is different or the average of
gain of experiment group is better than control group.
Average of
experiment group
control group
Pre- test
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Based on this research data, it can be described some
things as follows:
4.1 The Description of Early
Conditions of PJKR Student Self-
Esteem in FKIP University of
The description of early conditions that the students
have in the self-esteem experiment sample is
considered pretty well. This can be seen from the
average score obtained from the questionnaire that is
138.05, with the highest score is 156 and the lowest
score is 115 of the expected total score is 200. The
description of the early self-esteem condition for the
control sample is the same as experiment sample
which has pretty well considered. This can be seen
from the average score obtained from the
questionnaire that is 134.70, with the highest score is
156 and the lowest score is 115 of the expected total
score is 200. This condition occurs because the
students have not get material preparation of the
learning process.
The early self-esteem condition of students in
both group is pretty well on the same level. This
indicated that sample used in both homogeneous
groups or in other words has the same basic potential.
4.2 The Description of Final Self-
Esteem of PJKR Students in FKIP
University of Suryakancana
The description of the final condition that the student
has in the self-esteem experiment samples is
considered pretty well. This can be seen from the
average score obtained from the questionnaire that is
167, with the highest score is 182 and the lowest score
is 150 of the expected total score is 200. This
condition indicates that the learning process of
traditional exercises is quite effective in improving
self-esteem students.
The description of the early self-esteem condition
for the control sample is the same as the experiment
sample which is considered pretty well. This can be
seen from the average score obtained from the
questionnaire that is 146.50, with the highest score is
166 and the lowest score is 120 of the expected total
score is 200. This condition occurs because the
sample is not given treatment like the experiment
group so that there is not significant increase.
4.3 The Significant Effects of
Traditional Exercises to Student
The condition of student self-esteem before the
learning process in both experiment and control
groups is basically same. This suggests that the basic
potential of student self-esteem in both groups is
comparable. The only difference is that the
experiment group is given learning process of
traditional exercises meanwhile the control group is
not given a treatment. By these differences, this
proves that after the traditional exercises learning
process experiment, the experiment group at the end
of the study had a significant increase based on higher
average score compared to the prior conditions before
the treatment was given. Meanwhile for the control
group the prior and final average scores did not
increase significantly.
From the test of difference or similarity of two
averages between experiment group and control
group seen from the variable self-esteem on the gain,
obtained the average scores of the experiment group
is different from the average scores of the control
group. From the calculation obtained t calculated =
5.251 and t table at the level of α = 0.05 with dk = n1
+ n2-2 = 20 + 20-2 = 38 indicates the number 1.686.
If t calculated is bigger than t table, then the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected, it indicates that the gain
of experiment group and gain of control group is
different, or the gain of experiment group is better
than the gain of control group. This indicates that the
learning process of traditional exercises give a
significant effect to student self-esteem.
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settings, Houghton Mifflin. Boston, Vol. 351.
Harter, S., 1993. Causes and consequences of low self-
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Springer US. (pp. 87-116).
Khamdani, A., 2010. Olahraga Tradisional Indonesia, PT.
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Naisaban, L., 2002. Bergembira bersama: 100 permainan
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Handbook of cooperative learning methods. 3-19.
The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem of College Students