The Implementation of VIS based Performance Assessment Model in
Volley Ball Learning
Yunyun Yudiana, Yusup Hidayat, Burhan Hambali and Suherman Slamet
Faculty of Sport and Health Education,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 299, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Performance Assessment, Volleyball Information System, Volleyball game.
Abstract: The aim of this research was to test Volleyball information system (VIS) based performance assessment
model in assessing students’ performances in volleyball learning. The research method used was quasi
experiment with interrupted times-series design. The participants of this prior research were 12 students of
Senior High School in Bandung, with the sampling technique used was cluster random. The research
instrument used was observation form adapted and modified from Volleyball Information System (VIS) and
FIVB year 2005 measuring 4 play skills (serve, receive, set and spike). One-way ANOVA on time-lapse
measurement was used as the analysis technique. The result indicated the application of performance
assessment using modified VIS method at the beginning phase gave significant influence. It was indicated
by the existence of improvement of volley ball learning result at every meeting, and it was emphasized by
the result of statistical test F = 9.82 and p_value = 0.00 (0.00 < 0.005). The conclusion of this prior research
was the application of VIS mode based performance assessment could be used during teaching and learning
process and it gave contribution on the improvement of volleyball learning result.
Basic assumption of this research emerged by the
factual condition on the field. The assessment
frequently used to measure the skill play of volley
ball is still based on actual objective assessment or
only to measure the hit accuracy on target area based
on some test items and it is not given during the
game. Whereas seeing from the actual condition on
the field, volleyball learning process has been
modified to the actual game. Hence, the used
measurement should be based on performance
assessment during match.
It has become the research gap that requires
solution with the result that the practical
measurement of volley ball learning result will be
more precise and accurate as well as efficient by the
time it is used in learning process
Likewise, on practical level, the results of the
research related to the development of assessment
instrument of volleyball game are rarely
implemented. The latest research conducted by
Palao et al. (2015) discussing instrument model and
validity to measure the techniques and tactics of
beach volleyball. However, the instrument is used to
measure the skills of athletes in the games and
matches not in learning environment. While the
instrument likely be used in learning environment is
the instrument developed by Oslin and Griffin
(1998) named GPAI (Game Performance
Assessment Instrument) which then redeveloped by
Memmert and Harvey (2008). Moreover, the
instrument frequently used for measuring the skill of
volley ball is AAHPER Volleyball Skill Test (1965).
The instrument that belongs to test battery has aim to
measure students’ skills in mastering basic
techniques of volleyball i.e. Passing, Serving,
Setting, Volleying (Lacy, 2012). While the usual
instrument used for measuring and assessing the
athletes’ performances during their game is VIS
(volleyball information system) developed by FIVB
(Staff Guidelines FIVB, 2005). This instrument is a
program to complete a match covering each player’s
and team’s statistic (Staff Guidelines FIVB, 2005).
Yudiana, et al. (2016) then developed performance
assessment instrument model with the aim of
assessing students’ skills in volleyball learning, the
model is modified from VIS FIVB.
Based on some assumptions above, application
or dissemination is necessary to be performed in
order to finalize the instrument model. The aim of
this process is to perform the instrument model’s
Yudiana, Y., Hidayat, Y., Hambali, B. and Slamet, S.
The Implementation of VIS based Performance Assessment Model in Volley Ball Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 404-407
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
utility test, with the result that it can be used and
applied in schools’ volleyball learning process.
Owing the fact that on practical level, volleyball
learning tends to have actual play condition. As a
result, evaluation model based on performance
assessment is necessarily required to be
implemented in schools.
2.1 Performance Assessment
Basically, assessment is one of the most important
components in carrying out education. It is
performed to improve the quality of learning process
and to become a feedback for students and teachers.
Suwandi (2011) stated that “assessment is one of
necessary activities performed by teachers and
students from a set of teaching and learning
activities.” It is emphasized by Kusaeri and
Suprananto (2012) that stated that assessment is a
systematic procedure covering activities to collect,
to analyze, as well as to interpret information used
for concluding someone’s or something’s
characteristics. Regarding to that viewpoint,
assessment toward students’ learning result is
critical in the learning process. It is based on the
teachers’ needs in gaining learning result data
achieved by the students. Suwandi (2011) stated that
there are 7 assessment techniques frequently
performed, i.e. (1) Performance Assessment, (2)
Attitude Assessment, (3) Paper and Pencil Test, (4)
Project Assessment, (5) Product Assessment, (6)
Portfolio Assessment, (7) Self-Assessment.
Performance assessment is an assessment
performed by observing students in demonstrating
something (Suwandi, 2011), this assessment
technique used for assessing students’ skill in
accordance with the goals and competencies to be
achieved, such as in sport practice, pray practice and
other materials with the context of mastering skill.
Suwandi (2011) suggested that “this method is
considered more authentic that written test.” It is
assumed owing the fact that basically, the result of
performance assessment demonstrates the actual
skills of students. Therefore, performance
assessment is a data collection process by systematic
observation for making decision regarding one
Similar to the discussion above, Zainul (2005)
suggested that performance assessment is frequently
equated with alternative and authentic assessments.
Basic explanation regarding to performance
assessment is “assessment that requires students to
demonstrate their performances, rather than
answering or selecting answer from a set of
available possible answers.” (Zainul, 2005).
Therefore, there are two most important criteria i.e.
task and scoring rubric. It is emphasized by the
viewpoint of Committee for the Workshop on
Alternatives for Assessing Adult Education and
Literacy Programs (2002) that stated two most
important components of performance assessment
are task and score rubric. Meanwhile, Jo Anne
Wangsatorntanakhun (1997) cited by Zainul (2005)
stated that “clearly defined task and a list of explicit
for assessing student performance or product,” two
important points of performance assessment are task
and rubric, in this case task displayed for measuring
students’ skills or motion tasks that are developed
based or arranged indicator, then score criteria is
developed to assess students’ answers or motion
tasks performed by the students. Based on some
suggestions above, the similarity concepts of
performance assessment exist, therefore it can be
concluded that performance assessment is an
assessment of work test result in demonstrating
skills in accordance with individual’s motion skills
through motion task that will be assessed through
assessment format by using scoring rubric.
2.2 Basic techniques of Volleyball
Basic techniques of volleyball frequently used in
volleyball learning are (1) serving, (2) passing, (3)
spiking, (4) blocking or defending.
2.2.1 Serving
Serving is the first weapon that can generate starting
point of a game. Serving is performed from the area
of in-serving zone to the opposing zone over the net.
At the beginning, serving was only to put the first
ball to begin the game. In the development of
modern volleyball, serving is the first offence to
generate an immediate point (Subroto and Yudiana,
2010). Serving is performed to begin a volleyball
2.2.2 Passing
Passing in volleyball game consists of two; forearm
underhand passing and overhand passing. Forearm
underarm passing is performed by controlling the
incoming ball lower than shoulders by using two
hands with the wrists are sealed together (Subroto
and Yudiana, 2010). This passing is commonly used
for controlling incoming ball from the opponent or
The Implementation of VIS based Performance Assessment Model in Volley Ball Learning
from the team-mate, it has difficult characteristic, for
instance a low, fast, hard or sudden incoming ball
but can still be reached by hands.
2.2.3 Spiking
Kristianto (2003) stated that spike is a critical hard
slam of ball that is difficult to receive or to pass. By
forming aggressive slam of ball over the net into the
opposing court. For better performance, these factors
are important to note: standby, tossing, slamming,
and landing with high velocity. When the ball is far
over the net, therefore it can be sharply slammed
2.2.4 Blocking
Blocking is performed to defend incoming ball from
the opponent up close to the net. This skill is critical
to be owned by the players owing the fact that in
modern volleyball, the velocity and direction of ball
hit by the spiker have been difficult to predict by the
defenders. Without blocking from the defenders, it is
difficult to control the ball hit by spiker perfectly.
2.3 Volleyball Information System
VIS (Volleyball Information System) is a program to
complete a match covering each player’s and team’s
statistic (Staff Guidelines FIVB, 2005). VIS based
instrument has six assessment criteria, i.e. evaluation
of the attack, evaluation of the block, evaluation of
the serve, evaluation of the dig, evaluation of the set,
and evaluation of the service reception. The six
assessment criteria are based on the criteria of an
actual volleyball game and VIS software.
Furthermore, scoring technique used in VIS
instrument is checklist technique with three
categories of ball hit result, success, fault, and
attempt (Staff Guidelines FIVB, 2005). Success
category will be given when the athlete is successful
in performing hitting techniques, fault will be given
when the athlete is unsuccessful in performing
hitting technique, while attempt will be given when
the athlete is successful in performing hitting
technique and making score for his/her team (Staff
Guidelines FIVB, 2005). The main goal of VIS is to
inform national and international media the
statistical result of match and individual player.
The research method used was quasi experiment
with interrupted times-series design (Johnson and
Christensen, 2012). The subject of the research is
students of a senior high school in Bandung with
cluster random sampling technique used regarding to
two sampling selection techniques, random selection
and random assignment (Johnson and Christensen,
2012), it is based on the need of school’s facility and
infrastructure for the research to take place
especially used for volleyball learning. The
instrument used was observation format adapted
from Volleyball Information System (VIS) from
FIVB year 2005 that measured four skill plays; (1)
serving, (2) receive, (3) set and (4) spike (Yudiana,
Hidayat, Hambali and Slamet, 2016). With the
quantity of content validity coefficient was in
between 0.60 to 1.00 by using Contend Validity
Ration (CVR) technique. The instrument used is
demonstrated by table 1.
Table 1: The instrument of VIS based performance
assessment in volleyball learning.
Skill Indicator
game skills
The main analysis used in this prior research was
repeated one-way ANOVA.
The result indicated the application of performance
assessment using modified VIS method at the
beginning phase gave significant influence. It is
indicated by the existence of improvement of volley
ball learning result at every meeting, and
emphasized by the result of statistical test F = 9.82
and p_value = 0.00 (0.00 < 0.005) demonstrated by
table 2 and figure 1.
Table 2: Anova Analysis Research Result.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Graphic 1: Measurement Result at Every Meeting.
The application and implementation of
evaluation system by using VIS based performance
assessment model is very useful both for monitoring
as well as giving feedback related to the
effectiveness of learning program and also for talent
guidance purpose (Markovic et al., 2004), moreover
for the students with the most number of population
in the spectrum of volleyball learning process.
Furthermore, the benefit of this research can help to
improve the quality of achievement guidance in
volleyball, especially early age guidance that is
believed to give the best basic strategy to guide and
develop. It is assumed by owing the fact that
basically by performing test and measurement as
well as continuous evaluation supported also by
reliable test instrument can be a good feedback for
teachers and students, as well as knowing students’
skills subsequent to learning process. The result of
this prior research supports some previous research
conducted by (Yudiana, 2016; Palao et al., 2015).
Based on the analysis on the previous discussion,
this prior research concludes that the application of
VIS based performance assessment can be used for
the learning process and gives contribution toward
the improvement of volleyball learning result.
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The Implementation of VIS based Performance Assessment Model in Volley Ball Learning