Implementation of Audio Visual Media in the Learning of Pencak
Silat Jurus Prasetya
Ulfa Dwi Cahya, Dian Budiana and Muhamad Ruhiat
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Audio Visual Media, Pencak Silat, Jurus Prasetya.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the use of audio visual media on learning outcomes of Pencak Silat
Jurus Prasetya learning in grade V students in SD Negeri Cisitu 2 Bandung. The research method used in this
research is experimental research method with the research design is Post-test Only Control Design.
Population in this research is all student of class V in SD Negeri Cisitu 2 Bandung about 62 people. The
sample in this research are 20 students, consist of 10 students of experimental group and 10 students of control
group. Sampling technique that will be used for research is using purposive sampling technique. The
instrument used in this study is a test. From the data analysis results obtained t_count = 4.49, and t_table
obtained from the list of t distribution with probability 1-α = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95 and dk = (n_1 + n_2-2) = (10 +
10-2) = 18, then t_table obtained is 1734. So t_count = 4.49 is greater than t_table = 1.734. Thus t_count is in
the rejection region Ho, then Ha accepted. So the conclusion is "Learning pencak silat jurus prasetya by using
audio visual media gives a significant influence on the learning outcomes pencak silat on grade V SD Negeri
Cisitu 2 Bandung".
Basically physical education is education through
physical activity or movement activity. Physical
education is applied in primary schools with the aim
of improving cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
skills as a tool for achieving educational goals.
Understanding is supported by the understanding as
"Physical education is an integral part of the
overall Education system, which focuses on the
development of aspects of physical activity, motion
skills, critical thinking skills, emotional stability,
social skills, reasoning and moral action through
physical activity" (Maksum, 2008).
By looking at the definition of physical education
according to the Ministry of National Education in
2006, physical education has a purpose in addition to
the previously described, namely to improve learning
outcomes of learners in understanding a subject
matter or game in sports that will ultimately be useful
in improving the outcome or ability of learners.
At the time of physical education learning it
should be realized that the physical education
learning model does not have to be centered on the
educator, but on the students or who will be educated.
Learning orientation should be tailored to the
development of the characteristics of learners so that
learners feel interested in learning and also learners
feel happy when learning takes place.
In physical education many sports are studied.
One of the physical education activities that exist in
the 2013 curriculum is pencak silat learning. (Wilson,
2015; Wilson, 2011) "Pencak silat is a martial arts
cultural heritage of the ancestors of Indonesia". With
our study of martial arts, we learn to defend our own
lives from the threats of nature, animals and with
others who are perceived to threaten their integrity.
This learning is one of the local content that plays an
important role to preserve the traditions of the
Indonesian nation.
In general, although pencak silat learning is a
local content that has been implemented in
elementary schools, but in reality there are still many
schools that do not implement pencak silat learning
process. Pencak Silat in this era is much used as an
extracurricular in some elementary schools,
especially in the city of Bandung is due to lack of
resources pencak silat teacher.
At this time, people have forgotten the culture
owned by our own nation, even many who consider
this martial art as an outdated sport. As citizens of
Cahya, U., Budiana, D. and Ruhiat, M.
Implementation of Audio Visual Media in the Learning of Pencak Silat Jurus Prasetya.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 448-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Indonesia who love the nation, then we must make
people aware to maintain our culture so as not to be
stolen by other countries. Therefore, researchers want
to apply pencak silat learning when learning physical
education in elementary school by teaching one of the
stance in pencak silat that is Jurus Prasetya.
Jurus Prasetya is one of the art moves ibing
pencak contained in the elementary school
curriculum in learning martial arts. In this stance
consists of 7 Jurus Prasetya moves and each move has
7 series of movements with 7 counts and earlier
begins with the opening honor with two directions of
the wind. Jurus Prasetya composed and created from
the promise of Pencak Silat Indonesia man himself to
fulfill his obligations. In accordance with the
MUNAS IPSI to VII with the decision No. 3 of 1986
that every Pesilat Indonesia is required to understand
Prasetya Pesilat Indonesia consisting of 7 Prasetya as
one unity round and whole.
There are several cases that appear in pencak silat
learning, one of which is the lack of student
participation in pencak silat learning because in
general learning is done outside the room so that
uncertain weather conditions can be hot or heavy
rains become obstacles when the implementation of
pencak silat learning.
With this case it will be a challenge for a martial
art teacher to be able to continue to innovate in the
learning process of pencak silat, so that this pencak
silat learning can be more interesting, challenging and
most importantly in accordance with the times, even
in this pencak silat lesson eliminating the traditional
values contained in pencak silat itself.
One of the learning environment is very
instrumental in facilitating the mastery of learners to
the competence to be achieved is the application of
technology in the use of learning media.
According to AECT (Association of Education
and Communication Technology) cited by Azhar
(2011; Castells, 2011) "Media is any form used for
the process of information distribution". While the
other sense of media is a tool what can be used as a
message channel to achieve learning objectives.
Learning media is a tool that can be used by an
educator in helping with the education task delivery
of learning materials. Media can also help learners in
achieving competencies to be achieved or mastered,
which ultimately is expected to improve student
learning outcomes.
With the media in learning pencak silat in the
form of audio visual can be considered important,
because in addition to responding to the existing
challenges, audio visual in this pencak silat learning
also has the advantage that can facilitate the process
of teaching and learning both for teachers and for
learners because by using audio visual students can
see the motion over and over again without having the
teacher perform repetitive movements to model.
Audio visual media also has the characteristics can be
repeated with the speed that can be arranged itself in
accordance with the needs of learners.
By using the audio-visual media, pencak silat
learning is expected to be implemented in every
school that is indeed pencak silat learning has many
benefits in life today. As has been explained
previously that the lack of faculty when will
implement pencak silat learning, then by using audio
visual media is one solution for educators or the
school to continue to implement pencak silat learning.
On the other hand, by using audio-visual media,
learners can be motivated to be more active and the
excited to learn pencak silat and material can be
delivered intact in the learning process so as to help
improve the development of learners in a better
Then the plus point of the use of audio visual
media, any learning doesn’t always be done outdoors
but it can be implemented in the room. With the audio
visual media allegedly able to realize the
implementation of learning processes that are more
demanding students to be more active and creative.
The method used by the researcher in this research is
experimental method. This experimental method is
used on the basis that the nature of the study is "to try
something to know the effect or effect of treatment"
(Rubin, 1974). So it can be concluded that in this
study the authors will try the learning by using the
audio visual media on pencak silat learning jurus
prasetya which will then compare the students'
learning success between using audio visual media
and without using audio visual media in grade V
students of SD Negeri Cisitu 2 Kota Bandung.
The research design used was (Post-test Only
Control Design) in Wiggins and McTighe (2005), i.e.
"a research design that only looks at the final test
results". The design is tailored to the research aspect
as well as the subject matter to be expressed.
Population in this research is all student of class V in
SD Negeri Cisitu 2 Bandung 62 people. The sample
in this research are 20 students, consist of 10 students
of experimental group and 10 students of control
group. Sampling technique that will be used for
research is using simple random sampling technique.
Implementation of Audio Visual Media in the Learning of Pencak Silat Jurus Prasetya
The instrument used in this study is the final test of
the jurus prasetya after the treatment.
The procedure of this research design from the
beginning of the research to the end of the study are
as follow:
Determine the sample of the population;
Provide treatment by using audio visual media
and without using audio visual media;
Conduct a final test after treatment;
Calculate the difference between the first group
results (using audio visual media) and the
second group (without using audio visual
media) after being treated;
The final step is testing the hypothesis to
determine whether the difference means
accepting the hypothesis or reject the
hypothesis proposed in this study.
3.1 Results
Researchers conducted this study to determine
whether there is a significant influence of the use of
audio visual media to learning outcomes pencak silat
jurus prasetya grade V SDN Cisitu 2 Bandung. This
research was held 12 times meeting and meeting to 13
is final test. This study starts from Friday, January 13,
2017 to Friday 10 February 2017.
The results of processing and analysis of the data
the authors describe in this chapter, namely as
3.1.1 M Calculating Average and Standard
Here is the result of statistical data of test results of
learning pencak silat jurus prasetya on grade V SDN
Cisitu 2 Bandung in the form of mean and standard
deviation in each research group. Described in the
table 1 as follows:
Table 1: result of student’s statistics data.
Standar Deviation
Experiment (Using
Audio Visual Media)
Control (Without
Audio Visual Media)
3.1.2 Normality Test
Normality test is done to determine whether or not a
normal distribution of data has been obtained. This is
important to know related to the accuracy of the
selection of statistical tests that will be used by
researchers. In this study, the data already obtained
will be tested using the Liliefors Normality Test.
Table 2: description of data tested using Liliefors Normality
Experiment (Using Audio
Visual Media)
Control (Without Audio
Visual Media)
In table 2 the experimental group on the final test
= 0.049, so 0.049 <2.58, then the data
in the experimental group declared distributed
"NORMAL". While in the control group on the final
test has
= 0.096, so 0.096 <2.58, then the data
in the control group is declared distributed
3.1.3 Homogeneity Test
After it is known that the data is normally distributed,
the next step is to test the homogeneity of the test
result data by using the equality test formula of two
variances in the learning group of pencak silat jurus
prasetya by using audio visual media and learning
without using audio visual media. The goal is to
establish that the data is homogeneous or not. The test
results are as follows table 3:
Table 3: Result of Homogeneity Test.
Based on the above table it can be seen that the
result of experimental group variance test is 10.69,
while the result of control group variance test is
17.89. the result of homogeneity test is known that the
result of
(1,67) <
(3.18) with the real
level α = 0.05 and dk = (n-1, n-1) for the numerator =
9 and for denominator = 9. Then the test result above
it can be concluded that the sample group data is
3.1.4 Significance Test
To test significantly the increase in learning outcomes
by using the two-equation test of average. By using
the two equality test can illustrate that there is a
difference or not about the level of movement
mastery of Jurus Prasetya on students in SD Negeri
Cisitu 2 Bandung the learning by using audio visual
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
media and without using audio visual media. The
results of the test, as follows table 4:
Table 4: Result of Significance Test.
Experiment (Using
Audio Visual Media)
Control (Without
Audio Visual Media)
Based on the above table obtained the combined
standard deviation of 3.78. From result of data of
calculation of significance test hence obtained
t_count = 4.49, while t_table at trust level α = 0.05
with dk = (n_1 + n_ (2) -2) = 18, price t of t
distribution list obtained price equal to (1.734). Since
t_count (4.49) is greater than t_table (1734) so that
t_count is in the rejection region of Ho, then Ha is
accepted. This means that learning groups using
audio-visual media show a real difference compared
to the learning group without using audio visual
media. So the conclusion is "Learning pencak silat
jurus prasetya by using audio visual media gives a
significant influence on the learning outcomes pencak
silat on grade V SD Negeri Cisitu 2 Bandung".
Audio-visual media is an observation made by using
the sense of sight and the sense of hearing that has
been prepared in the form of a video whose content is
a task of movement that must be done (Thomas and
Penz, 2003).
Based on the calculation / data analysis, the
authors found results that show that learning by using
audio visual media has a greater success rate in the
learning process of pencak silat especially the jurus
prasetya that has been studied. This is seen from the
average value of the test, the experimental group has
a larger value of 124.60 compared with the control
group that is 116.97.
In other words, learning pencak silat jurus
prasetya by using audio visual media gives a good
influence on student learning outcomes and learning
becomes more easily captured by students because
clearly visible from the ability of absorption through
sight and hearing. As stated by Daryanto (2011) that
The ability of human absorption is classified into 5
parts, namely: (1) Sightings 82%, (2) Hearing 11%,
(3) Smell 1%, (4) Tasting 2.5%, (5) Tasting 3.5%.
Based on the above explanation, it can be
concluded that learning audio visual media gives a
more significant effect than learning without audio
visual media. So from the results of this study can be
confirmed that the audio visual media is one of the
tools in teaching that can be applied in the process of
physical education, especially in the learning of
pencak silat jurus prasetya.
Based on the description of data that has passed the
processing and analysis stage as well as empirical
facts in the field during this study carried out it can be
concluded that:
"Pencak silat learning using audio-visual media
gives a significant influence on the learning outcome
of pencak silat jurus prasetya. So that learning pencak
silat jurus prasetya by using audio-visual is valued
better than the learning pencak silat jurus prasetya
without using audio visual media to the learning
outcomes in the students of SD Negeri Cisitu 2
Bandung ".
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Implementation of Audio Visual Media in the Learning of Pencak Silat Jurus Prasetya