The Influence of Emotional Value to Customer Satisfaction to
Increase Customer Loyalty in PT. Karya Imtaq
Nurfaedah Nurfaedah
and Molly Mustikasari
STAI Siliwangi
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Emotional Value, Consumer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
Abstract: Nowadays many Hajj and Umrah travel companies are established. This happens because many moslem want
to go Umrah while waiting for very long queue to go Hajj. One of travel in Indonesia is PT. Karya Imtaq
(PT.KI), it is owned by Persatuan Islam Organisation (Persis) is one of the big Islamic organization in
Indonesia which own the member more than 5000. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of
emotional value to the customer satisfaction, the influence customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, the
emotional influence value on customer loyalty. The research population is PT. KI’s customers using purposive
sample technique, with 50 persons’ sample from Garut district. The methodology of this research using
quantitative method which is also use explanatory type research. The data analysis techniques used is the
correlation and regression techniques to determine the relation of variable X to Z, the contribution of each
variable X, Z to Y by using SPSS 20 software. The results showed the emotional value of the customer PT.
KI gives positive influence on customer satisfaction reached 67%, Customer satisfaction give positive
influence on customer loyalty reached 57%. The emotional value has a direct influence on customer loyalty
reached 29%.
As recognized and known by all the businessman in
service business that deve- loping of service business
has grown very fast, especially in hajj and umroh
travel. Recently, there is a bad information about
umroh travels which is not responsible in doing their
business. This fenomenon indicated that research
about Hajj and Umroh travel are very interested to be
discussed in detail.
In the tight competition situation in service
company mainly in travel Hajj and Umrah¸ so every
companies should have precise business strategy in
product service marketing that have for keeping the
customer and company sustainability. Business
service are different with other business i.e commo-
dity businesss. Company service could not store the
material or put them on the storage (Buchari Alma,
2011). In service marketing mostly has an indicator
direct selling from producer to consumer, such as
maintenance service, curing, advices, entertainment,
travel agent, laundry, barber/beauty shops and other
service business (Buchari Alma, 2011). Thus, the
service quality become an important strategy to fulfill
customer satisfaction and this customer satisfaction
according to the scientist is an assesment about sign
or product either service specialization, or those
product itself that prepare satisfaction value to the
customer that relate to fullfill consumer consumption
needed (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2000).
If the customer rate product or company service
could give an added value to the customer, the
customer will be satisfied with the service or product
provided. This condition will create emotional
relation between customer and company. This
emotional relation is called customer loayality to a
bank (Rahmat Hidayat, 2009).
According to the scientist the emotional value
become one of the five factors that could cause
customer satisfaction (Lupiyoadi, 2001). That is also
supported by Sweeney, Jillian C. and Geoffrey N.
Soutar (2001), Yoana Arina Pramudita dan Edwin
Japarianto, (2013). Customer Value is a value that is
hoped by customer where the social value in line with
the status and self esteem, emotional in line with
esthetic, quality/performance in line with product
specialization and self esteem or value in line with
Nurfaedah, N. and Mustikasari, M.
The Influence of Emotional Value to Customer Satisfaction to Increase Customer Loyalty in PT. Karya Imtaq.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 421-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
efficience (Yoana Arina Pramuditadan Edwin
Japarianto, 2013).
The result from other research stated that
emotional value has the important role (Basrah
Saidani, Muh. Syifaul Mujtahid, Andrian Haro,
2017), (Spreng, A. Richard, Mackenzie B Scot et al.
1996).Customers choose more the mark that has been
previously recognized well and give value added to
the customer either as functional value or emotional.
The emotional value is emotional touch to the mark
that they offered , though the mark for the product
marketed only rely on to its function (Sadat, 2009).
Trough offered emotional touch, PT. Karya Imtaq
believe that the product offered will give the feeling
them self by its customer especially the Persis
community organisation member and Persis
community organisation sympathizer.
In accordance with (Hawkins and Mothers Baugh,
2013) Emotional Value and indicator that formed
them is: 1. Pride: proud, superior, worthy; 2.
Affection: loving, affectionate, friendly; 3. Serenity:
restful, serene, comfortable, soothed; 4. Desire:
desirous, wishful, craving, hopeful. Emotions
influence every aspect of our thinking life: they shape
our memories; they influence our perceptions, our
dreams, thoughts, and judgments and our behaviors,
including our decisions whether to return to a place of
business, how much we are willing to pay for a
product or service, and what we tell our family and
friends about our experiences. Emotions are more
than mere cognitive processes and indeed more than
just feelings (Janelle Barlow, Dianna Maul 1999).
Emotional value should get serious attention in the
business world to make consumers feel satisfied with
the company’s service products. We often forget that
satisfaction is itself an emotional response. Besides ,
specisific usage from satisfaction is positive
correlation with customer loyalty (Caruana,2002).
Other research found that high customer satisfaction
will cause high loyalty (Dwi Ariyani, Febriana
Rosinta, 2010).
Base on the theory of emotional value, the
member of Persis is the potential for PT KI, it means
PT KI will not find the difficulty to get the consumer
because the consumer of PT KI is dominated by the
emotional value of the member of Persis. But in
reality not all the member of Persis use this service
product of PT Karya Imtaq. While base on the
emotional theory it should not happen. Nevertheless
there is no researcher about this before, so this should
be a further research. The businessman know a lot
that one of the main purpose of marketing activity is
often seen by the loyalty customer achievement
through marketing srategy (Siregar, 2004).Customer
loyalty is the important part of repetitive buying to the
customer (Caruana, 2002).Customer loyalty has
positive correlation with business performance.
Customer loyalty is not only to improve the
correlation value in business, but also could attrack
the new customer (Beerli dkk., 2004). In a short
period of time, improvement customer loyalty will
increase to the selling profit. Profit is the main motive
in business consistance, because by the profit the
business will run well (Soeling, 2007).
The marketing literature suggests that customer
loyalty can be defined in two distinct ways (Jacoby
and Kyner, 1973). The first defines loyalty as an
attitude. These feelings define the individual’s
(purely cognitive) degree of loyalty. Service
management literature, proposes that customer
satisfaction influences customer loyalty, which in
turn affects profitability. This theory is supported by
research results (Roger Hallowell, 1996); (Zhaohua
Deng, Yaobin Lu, Kwok Kee Wei, Jinlong Zhang,
Loyal customers are crucial to business survival
(Semejin, Van Riel Allard, Van Birgelen and
Streukens, 2005), Specifically, in increasingly
competitive markets, building strong relationships
with customers (Deepak-Sirdeshmukh, Jagdip Singh,
and Barry Sabo, 2002), that is, developing the loyalty
of consumers is seen as the key factor in winning
market share and developing a sustainable
competitive advantage.
In general the enterpreuner know that customer
perception to the quality based on one or more signs.
In Olson model, sign information value depend on
predictive its value, belief value, and whether that
sign is intrinsic or extrinsic to the product. Intrinsic
sign can not be changed without changing the
characteristic product or service, while the extrinsic
sign is not related with product or service, but it is
related i.e with the company image (Tor Wallin
Andreassen, Bodil Lindestad,1998).
The result of the other research explained that
tangible and empathy are the very important
dimension. In Iran (Golmo-hammadi, Jahandideh,
2010) emphasize reliability is the most important
dimension and real for Iran customer. Abduh (2011)
verify that sharia bank customer in Indonesia is
percepted based on the law and convenience as an
important dimension on sharia bank.
From a behavioral view, customer loyalty is
defined as a repeat purchase, is the buyer selects the
same specific product or service (Neal, 1999). The
dilemma lies in the fact that not every intention leads
to action, and not every repetitive buying behavior
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
reflects the intention (Zhilin Yang, Robin T. Peterson
Quantitative method is used in this study with
explanatory research as type of this study. Colleting
data technique use the observation, interview and
questioner distribution. Sample taken used by
purposive technique. This sample taken 50 persons
from 1.000 population. They fullfilled criterian as a
customer using travel PT. Karya Imtaq more than
To test the correlation hypothesis is used the
Product Moment Pearson Correlation through SPSS
20. Simple linear regression formula is used for
modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent
variable denoted Y and one independent variable
denoted X. The research model as follows:
Y = a + bX
Y = Customer Loyalty
A = Constants
B = Regression coefficient
X = Emotional Value
3.1 Result Study
In discussion area, will be reviewed the result of the
data analyses that base on the questionnaire
distribution. The purpose is to answer the hypothesis
1) Hypothesis: It is predicted that emotional value
give positive influence to the customer
satisfaction. To exam the influence of emotional
value use Product Moment Correlation, with
failure level 5%, it is shown by Table 1.
Table 1: Model Summary
Adjusted R
Std. Error
of the
a. Predictors : (Constant), EMOTIONAL VALUE
b. Dependent Variable : CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
From the data mentioned (Table 2) is known that
0.820 while value r
= 0,284, so it can be con-
cluded that r
> r
, Determination coefficient
indicate the significant correlation. The significant
correlation achieved 0.820
=0.673. Its mean that the
influence of emotional value to customer satisfaction
is 67% and the rest 33% is determined by other factor.
While to analyze simple linear regression, use the
data is processed SPSS, and the result is:
Table 2: Coefficients
a. Dependent Variable: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
If the figure enter to the simple linear regression
formula , is shown as below :
Y = -0,980+0.340X
The result of simple regression test is if we
changed the customer satisfaction (independent
variable) to the better changes, this will cause to the
change of increasing customer satisfaction ( mediator
variable), it can be seen that the alternative hypothesis
is accepted.
2) Hypothesis : the customer satisfaction influence
to the customer loyalty
From the data mentioned (Table 3) is known
that r
0.671 whilevalue r
= 0,284, so it can be
concluded that r
> r
, Determination
coefficient indicate the significant correlation. The
significant correlation achieved 0.6712
=0.451. Its
mean that the influence of customer satisfaction to
customer loyalty is 45% and the rest 55% is
determined by other factor.
Table 3: Model Summary
R Square
Std. Error
of the
a. Predictors : (Constant), CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
b. Dependent Variable : CUSTOMER LOYALTY
While to analyze simple linear regression, use
the data is processed SPSS, and the result is:
The Influence of Emotional Value to Customer Satisfaction to Increase Customer Loyalty in PT. Karya Imtaq
Table 4: Coffiecient
a. Dependent variable : CUSTOMER LOYALTY
If the figure above enter to the simple linear
regression formula , is shown as below :
Y = -2.441+0.428X
The results is, if we change the customer
satisfaction (mediator variable) to the better changes,
this will cause to the change of increasing customer
loyalty (dependent variable), it can be seen that the
alternative hypothesis is accepted.
3) Hypothesis : Emotional Value influence to
customer loyalty
Table 5: Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), EMOSIONAL VALUE
b. Dependent Variable: LOYALITAS PELANGGAN
From the data mentioned (Table 5) is known
that r
0.538 while value r
= 0,284, so it can
be concluded that r
> r
, Determination
coefficient indicate the significant correlation. The
significant correlation achieved 0.538
=0.290. Its
mean that the influence of emotional value to
customer loyalty is 29% and the rest 71% is
determined by other factor.
While to analyze simple linear regression, use the
data is processed SPSS, and the result is:
Table 6: Coffiecient
a. Dependent variable : CUSTOMER LOYALTY
If the figure above enter to the simple linear
regression formula , is shown as below :
Y = -0.980+0.340X
The results is, if we change the emtional value
(independent variable) to the better changes, this
will cause to the change of increasing customer
loyalty (dependent variable), it can be seen that
the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
3.2 Discussion
The illustration of the above relation describes as
shown below:
Figure 1: The Relationship of Variables.
It could be concluded that the influence of
emotional value to customer satisfaction in regard to
improve customer loyalty, as follow:
As the hypothesis result partially, indicated that
there is significant influence of emotional value to
the customer satisfaction reached 67%. On the
customer satisfaction as mediator variable (Z) to
customer relation (Y) reached 45%. While the result
of hypo-thesis test of emotional value to cus-tomer
loyalty has positive influence. The influence as
independent variable (X) to customer royalty as
dependent variable (Y) reached 29%.
This research explain that the in-fluence of
emotional value becomes one of the factor that causes
quite important in giving customer loyalty, this is
supported by the data of the interview result through
the responden. The responden will not change their
mind although the product price of PT Karya Imtaq is
higher then other company, even they will help PT
Karya Imtaq to promote their product. Some of the
causes are The Fiqh Ibadah for Hajj and Umrahare
based on Quran and Sunnah. And also They know
that the profit received by PT Karya Imtaq will be
used for developing their organi-sation. It means that
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
emotional value will cause loyalty member and
Emotional value to customer loyalty at PT Karya
Imtak has a positive significant influence (29%). This
research strengthen previous research that is
completed by Dwi Aryani and Febrina Rosinta
(2010). The influence of customer satisfaction to
customer loyalty has significant influence. His
research about customer satisfaction and costumer
loyalty. Emotional value has positive influence to
customer loyalty. Bagjo Muhiharjo (2016), has the
same result with the above research.
The potential of emotional value’s member can
grow a business. The existence business due to
loyalty appearance of the member.
The results of this study are expected to have
several uses, both academically and practically.
This research can be a further research, especially
in find out the cause of low emotional value’s figure
and can produce another significant finding,
academically. Practically, it is hoped this research can
be considered by every company and can give
company development. This research can also give
awareness to the company, that there is another factor
that causes customer satisfaction which is give
significant influence to the costumer loyalty.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy