Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the
Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah
Cudio Slamet Rajiansah, Eeng Ahman and Neni Sri Wulandari
Economics and Islamic Finance Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung Indonesia,,
Keywords: Risk Analysis, Islamic Financing, Agricultural Sector.
Abstract: Micro-enterprises, especially the agricultural sector is one of the centers of attention in the development and
economy of Indonesia. One of the main problems in the agricultural sector is financing. Attention to the
agricultural sector businesses are considered less, than that the agricultural sector has a fairly high risk. The
purpose of this study was to analyze assessment with the principle of 5C, the risk of Islamic finance agriculture
and calculating potential losses in the agricultural sector of Islamic finance BRI Syariah UMS KK Outlet
Lembang. Bank BRI Syariah Lembang UMS KK Outlet is one of sharia institutions that provide microfinance
iB allocation to the agricultural sector. This study uses primary data and secondary data. This study was
conducted by quantitative descriptive method. Data analysis techniques to analyze the risks of Islamic finance
is done by using stages Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and methods creditrisk +. The results showed
that BRI Syariah KK Lembang focus on 3C (character, capacity, and colleteral) and sharia. There are 31
events in the risk of Islamic micro financing in the agricultural sector. One incident contained in the
unacceptable level, this level is conducted and immediate action is needed to manage the risks, there is one
event that a customer fails to pay. This can happen because the business went bankrupt, failing to harvest the
influence of climate/weather, pests and fluktuaktif market price. Potential losses in the agricultural sector
microfinance bank BRI Syariah KK Lembang in estimates is high at 91.92%. Risk mitigation measures that
can be done is restructurin, disbursement of voluntary customer guarantee or together.
Financing make a donation large enough in
channeling the funds given by the Islamic bank, one
of the financial institutions are aiming for
segmentation of micro enterprises especially the
agricultural sector, namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Sharia (BRIS). With one of his cash office is located
in Lembang Bank BRI Syariah KK Lembang.
The agricultural sector in the area of the Valley is
one of the Bank's target market segmentation BRI
Syariah KK Lembang given that the result of
agricultural trade in the Valley it sustains a wide
range of basic necessities in Bandung. But behind it
was the agricultural sector experienced a decrease in
Lembang price in the market, the weather also has a
very strong influence resulting in reduced crop yields
by 50% to 70%. (Suryana et al., 2016).
Figure 1: Nonperforming Finance BRI Syariah Outlet
Source: Bank BRISyariah UMS Outlet KK Lembang
In figure 1, Non Performing financing (NPF) BRI
Syariah KK Lembang in 2015 to 2017 in February
have elevated her above NPF fairly high average level
of bank health, even to exceed the provisions of 5%
BI, one of which is present on the granting the
financing of the agricultural sector, bank BRI Syariah
Rajiansah, C., Ahman, E. and Wulandari, N.
Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 446-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
KK Lembang surely must be balanced with the risk
management, this position on reputation management
company in the League if it is able to control risk are
good then the reputation will go up, if not able to
control vice versa BRI Syariah KK Lembang his
reputation will plummet.
The need for a series of procedures and
management of financing feasibility risk facing
financial institutions including Islamic banks,
according to the research of Safitri and Hendry
(2015), more emphasis on the principle of prudence,
quickness, convenience and safety for Parties to the
customer or the bank. But according to Rahma Yudi
Astuti (2016) implementation of prudence here, that
the procedure for channelling financing and credits do
not based on raw or SOP guidelines alone but must
respond to the internal integrity of dabbling on the
process of channeling financing.
However, if seen from the distribution of
financing on the agricultural sector, according to
Rindi (2016) with focus on given micro financing on
the agricultural sector cut flowers in a bank BRI
Syariah Setiabudhi Bandung that the bank less
meticulous in analyzing the agricultural aspect of the
5 c of the customer, as well as his less monitoring and
follow up, against the customer who has provided the
financing so that the NPF bank increases can be said
that risk management in a bank BRI Syariah Bandung
Setiabudhi felt less. Lack of access to economic
resources, particularly funding for the agricultural
sector and the SMES in the country Nigeria and
hinder economic growth and development (Olaitan,
Based on the results of earlier research and the
problem then a writer interested in researching
microfinance risk management agriculture research
with the title of "Model of computation of Credit risk
+ in Micro financing iB On the agricultural sector at
PT. BRI Syariah UMS KK Outlet Valley". The
benefits of research conducted in particular bank BRI
Syariah is to optimize the Islamic financing in the
agricultural sector and can formulate a risk
management strategy in order to maintain
competitive edge excellent service bank BRI Syariah
and developing new innovations in the future.
According to of the Microcredit microfinance is a
program of giving small loans to poor people for self-
employment or business projects they run that
generate profit by allowing can guarantee the life of
the self himself and his family. Financing or financing
is the awarding of kucuran funding provided by one
party to the other party to support investment that has
meant well done by the party itself or an institution
(Muhammad, 2005). Characteristics of micro-finance
or microfinance, according to Abdul Rahim
(Rahman, 2010) among other lending on a small scale
to small entrepreneurs and small-scale lending apply
also to the poor.
Microfinance is designed to help the poor and
microfinance service providers are always related to
the granting of funds for a very poor community, the
microfinance scheme had operations since the year
1960-70s but already since a long time usage for
conventional microfinance is always involved,
whereas the majority of the poor who have low
incomes and the majority of Islam would still choose
access in islamic microfinance (Wilson, 2007).
Banking risk management as in the regulation of
Bank Indonesia No. 11/25/PBI/2010 on the
application of risk management for commercial banks
is a series of methodologies and procedures used to
identify, measure, monitor problem circumstances,
and manage risks arising from all activities or the
activities of a project business bank (Farida and
goddess, 2016). Enterprise risk management is a
system of management of risks faced by the
Organization in a comprehensive manner with the end
goal of increasing the value of the company (Laluma,
In addition, the granting of financing by type of
activity is financing institutions infuse funds that
often become the main cause of the financing
institutions face big problems (Siswanto, 1997). A
risk is an event or an event that in case of can impede
the achievement of the goals or objectives of a
company Division (Hery, 2015). Necessity of risk
management risk management is conducted, is a field
of study that exposes about how an organization
apply a measure in mapping the existing problems
with a variety of management approaches in a
comprehensive manner and systematic (Fahmi,
If humans are able to predict future events as this
is contrary to the provisions of the word Allah in
terms of Commerce was only Allah can predict profit
or loss and the man only as sought in the management
of risk in order to more was and alert in the
management of his business (Rivai and Ismal, 2013).
The word of God Surat Al Baqarah ayat Al-Baqara
verse 280 and 283:
And if (the person who owes it) in the lurch, then
give respite until he widened"
Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah
One of the tools of risk management is the
analysis of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), is
defined as a process to manage risks of the company
as a whole to reach different types of risk, and lines
of business ((IBI) Ikatan Bankir Indonesia, 2015).
According to the COSO (2004) that the company
must apply the 8 stages of important components that
are interdependent and relate in risk management is
the internal Environment (Internal Environment),
goal Setting (Objective Setting), the identification of
event (Event Identification), the task is at risk (Risk
Assessment), response (risk Response), the activity
control (Control Activities, information and
communication (Information & Communication) and
monitoring (Monitoring). One of the analytical tools
to measure failure risk is Credit risk + model it for
analysis failure of risk which must be faced at a time
when the debtor was in a State of not being able to
pay his debts (CSFB, 1997). This is applied to
calculate the credit risk, where the distribution of
losses from the credit portfolio is reflected by the
frequency from the default (the frequency of event)
and the value of loans defaulted (severity of loss)
(CSFB, 1997).
In accordance with the original purpose of this
research is to analyze the risk management over the
potential risk of micro financing iB on the agricultural
sector in the bank BRI Syariah KK Lembang. Objects
in this research was conducted at Bank Rakyat
Indonesia (BRIS) Sharia cash office. Based on the
objectives to be achieved, then the research is
descriptive research using quantitative directed. Data
sources used for this research in the form of primary
data and secondary data.
In this study the method of purposive sampling
will be imposed on the practitioner's role as informant
BRI Syariah KK Lembang. Upon consideration of the
chosen that respondents selected customer/trade in
the agricultural sector.
Data analysis techniques used in this research is a
descriptive analysis, i.e. the method of ERM with the
research phase are used in analyzing financing risk
management within the agricultural sector in BRI
Syariah KK Lembang consists of 8 components
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and to measure
the potential harm micro financing iB credit risk + is
calculated by the method of aiming to measure the
failure of risk which must be faced at a time when the
debtor was in a State of not being able to pay his
The identification of the risks already mentioned
earlier then calculated or assessed with measurements
being an indicator of the size of the risk. The
possibility of risk or probability of risk impact risk
and then converted into the form of a score based on
the indicators on the impact of the risk, this will result
in a score of risk which further grouped in accordance
with the category level risk, and risk mapping done
by classifying into 4 levels of risk which comprises
unacceptable levels, issue, supplementary issue, and
acceptable (Hery, 2015).
Table 1: Risk mapping.
Risk Effect
Supplementary Issue
Supplementary Issue
Unacceptable (14)
8 Supplementary Issue
Supplementary Issue
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Table 1 is risk mapping, unacceptable levels of
depth, this level is done immediately and action
needed to manage risk, if the risk of this happening
obviously will have an impact is very detrimental to
the bank. Unacceptable levels of classification i.e. the
customer experience the default (the default) to the
bank or financing problem. Previous research
revealed that the respondent agriculture requires
funds for agricultural businesses although must face
various risks (Azis and Yusoff, 2014).
Of the 18 total financing the troubled debtors who
are in collected 2-5 i.e. Rp. 1,967,302,427. Then a
group of debtors agriculture bank BRI Syariah KK
Lembang grouped based on the assumption of
likelihood of default (probability of default), the next
step of determining the value of the value of the
recovery rate and the real loss, the real value of stop
loss value between zero (lowest) means there is no
loss at all, if exceeding the number one (highest)
means that the company facing a loss in the amount
of 100% RR and Riil Lost can see in table 2.
Table 2: RR and Riil Lost.
Riil Loss
Source: Micro Finance IB Data, Processed
After determining the value of RR and the real
Loss, and then calculate the expected loss and
expected loss individually. After the calculations are
then retrieved a total of value of expected loss
amounting to Rp 675,477,523 appeal, thus, total
losses should be covered by the provision of company
bank BRI Syariah KK Lembang is amounting to Rp
675,477,523. After the results of the expected loss.
Then it can be resumed by calculating the expected
loss in each individual each classroom appeal that
appointed, divided so 10 classes in a group exposure
to 1 million, 10 million and 100 million.
The next step of determining the number of the
customer, the determination of the amount of the
debtor's gridlocked in the method of computation of
credit risk + use statistical analysis using the poisson
distribution. Authors using microsoft excel in a
calculation. Then retrieved the number of debtors
who could jam with 96% confidence level as follows
table 3:
Table 3: Determination of n-poisson distribution with the
1 Million
10 Million
100 Million
Source: Research Result (2017)
The next step is the calculation of Unexpected
Loss (UL) loss due to non-payment borrowers who
should be controlled while not expected before. It
became the image of the magnitude of the potential
losses that will be faced by bank BRI Syariah KK
Lembang, the value of the loss that was not expected
and should be controlled normally total value of
unexpected loss bigger than expected loss.
The result of the calculation of the unexpected
loss showed the potential losses to the agricultural
sector amounted to RP. 731,280,608. The values
emerge from every 1 person debtor who could jam
from-1 million, 10 million, and 100 million. The
potential losses are more dominant in the appeals of
10 million with a value of Rp. 604.310.641. Last step
i.e. calculating economic capital calculation based on
obtained values economic capital, amounting to Rp.
55,803,085. So the capital should be provided due to
the unexpected loss is loss of Rp. 55,803,085.
As the event risk has been explained earlier that
the bank BRI Syariah events the most prominent risk
i.e. the customer hangs/default where the customer is
not able to reimburse the installment to the bank, then
the Act of monitoring/ monitoring for the troubled
financing is absolutely necessary. Abdullah (2013)
are trying to see the granting of financing on the
agricultural sector with comparison with
Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah
manufacturing, construction and real estate in
Malaysia, it turns out the research stated that there is
a correlation and levels of his output is significantly
higher, in this study turns out to reap the results of
that research results have a positive impact towards
economic growth in Malaysia.
Significant relationship between the agricultural
sector and Islamic banking that provides ease of
different types of capital for farmers which means
improving the livelihood of the farmers, but farmers
face financing problematic in usability to the banking
Sharia (Hassan, 2012). The positive role of financial
institutions and provide solutions to access financing
on farmers so as to promote agriculture in Malaysia
(Mohd et al., 2015).
There is research done by Rashid (2013) the
results of his research mentioned that in Pakistan the
agricultural sector is still minimal funding and
climate also influence against the sustainability of the
agricultural business. This is a picture in the
agricultural sector to obtain running funding, whereas
if it is seen that the agricultural sector is quite large
participation in donations of food for humans.
Based on the research result Santeramo et al.
(2014) that the lack of massive intervention against
the agricultural sector to provide assistance in the
form of subsidies or funding his results the
agricultural sector at risk as heavy as productive
potential, vulnerability and food insecurity. That is on
offer in risk insurance contract here should be on the
The results of this study refers to the value of the
regression showed a significant positive relationship
but not between the company and the value of ERM.
These findings do not support the assumption that
increasing the value of ERM company, also showed
a significant negative relationship between the value
of the company, its size and profitability. (Tahir,
First, if the troubled financing the bank dug
deeply starting from character or Action monitoring
its efforts to providing supervision and coaching to
customers who default. Secondly, if business
borrowers into bankruptcy, damage caused by nature
and other external factors then it is done restructure.
The Act of monitoring i.e. monitoring, review
location customer efforts to see his efforts with the
purpose of knowing the level of health of his efforts,
then another to bank out fash or take over other to
If viewed from the pasca finding and the
disbursement of financing actions monitoring is done
by analyzing in an orderly start from character or
characters the customer effort, evaluation of
customer's financial reports on a regular basis, action
monitoring also can be done by plunging directly into
the customer's business location such as with
Based on the results of the study conducted by the
researchers, can be drawn the conclusion that the
results of the judging aspect 5 c (character, capacity,
capital, condition, coletteral) + Sharia, that BRI
Syariah KK Lembang focus more on 3 c (character,
capacity, colleteral) + Sharia. Furthermore, the results
of the identification of risk financing and operational
risks related to the agricultural sector in the bank BRI
Syariah KK lembang, either directly or indirectly
generate a risk event that consists of 31 16 event risk
13 financing of operational risk events, and 2 external
risk events.
Results for mapping and measuring the risks
associated with the agricultural sector with an
unacceptable level of risk events with 1 as the
customer experience a default to the bank because his
business into bankruptcy. After the results of the
calculation of the potential loss of Sharia financing
micro iB for the agricultural sector in the bank BRI
Syariah KK Lembang being estimated at RP.
731,280,608 this relatively high potential 91.92% if
compared with the total of his tray of Rp. 795.537.654
And further risk mitigation action that results in a set
of bank BRI Syariah KK Lembang, one of the major
risks in financing micro-iB is the financing
problematic/jammed. So the risk mitigation actions
that can be performed by bank BRI Syariah KK
Lembang IE restructure, customers guarantee
disbursement on a voluntary basis or together. Risk
mitigation actions can be done with monitoring at
regular intervals. This contribution deals with the
implications of the development of the theory in
economics, specifically on the measurement of the
probability of the risk with Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM) and measuring potential losses
with Creditrisk +.
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Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah