Sholat Jamaah as Miniature of a Concept of Islamic Leadership
Tien Suhartini
Faculty of Economic and Bussiness, Universitas Alma Ata, Jl. Ringroad Barat Daya, Tamantirto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sholat jamaah, leadership, Islamic leadership, imam, makmum.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to offer the rules of sholat jamaah (congregational prayer) as one of the
reference systems of Islamic leadership and to know what character should be owned by an Islamic leader
based on the concept of an imam in sholat jamaah. This research will use literature review method by
collecting various sources based on Quranic verses, al-Hadith, and previous literature. The study expands
the verse of Quran Surah 21:73 about leaders and principles of leadership based on QS Al Maidah: 51, 55,
57 and Hadith: "every one of you is a leader, and every leader will be held accountable. The three principal
traits of leaders are strong, fearful, and gentle. Priest (imam) as a leader must pay attention to the condition
of the subordinate before, after, and during performing the prayer (perform the duty). Makmum as a
subordinate should always follow the imam (leader) command. If the priest is guilty, makmum may remind
and even fix it in a polite manner, in the spirit of goodness. When the leader cannot continue, it can be
replaced by others who also have some criteria with the leader.
Basically, leadership is amanah (a trust) that will
be accounted by Allah SWT. Therefore, Islam has
outlined some of the principles associated with
leadership. Leadership is the process of directing
and influencing members of an organization. The
Prophet's hadith from Abdullah ibn Umar states that
"every one of you is a leader, and every leader will
be held accountable" (Beekun, Rafik Issa, and
Jamal, 1998). Hence, we are at least responsible for
what we choose and do.
Islam is a perfect religion. The perfectness of the
Islamic teachings is expressed directly by Allah
SWT in QS 5:3. Leadership also includes being
discussed in the Islamic teachings. Hence, the paper
will try to reveal the miniatures of Islamic leadership
based on the rules regarding sholat jamaah
(congregational prayer).
The issue of an increasingly complex society
requires good management that begins with
choosing a good leader.
What kind of leadership is recommended in
Islamic teachings?
What character should an Islamic leader have?
3.1 Islamic Leadership
Islamic leadership is seen as one that assists the
individual in attaining happiness in both the worlds.
(Ahmad and Ogunsola, 2011). Leadership is a
mandate that requires character and certain qualities.
With the character and nature of a person will be
judged worthy to hold the mandate of leadership.
Leadership is a process of shared influence. It is
social and relational in nature and is ultimately
shaped by the nature of followers and the prevailing
values and beliefs. (Ali, 2009).
Leadership in Islam (Beekun, Rafik Issa, and
Jamal, 1998) is rooted in belief and willing
submission to the Creator, Allah SWT.
3.2 Moral Basic of Islamic Leadership
Beekun, Rafik Issa, and Jamal (1998) explains that
the duty of a leader is to do all the commands in
dienullah (Islam). “And We made them leaders
guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them
the doing of good deeds, the establishment of prayer,
Suhartini, T.
Sholat Jamaah as Miniature of a Concept of Islamic Leadership.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 503-508
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and giving of zakah; and they were worshippers of
Us”. (QS 21:73)
3.2.1 Iman (Faith in Allah)
The meaning of faith here is a belief in the oneness
of Allah (tawhid) and Prophet Muhammad as his
And it is not proper for a believer and not for a
believer, if Allah and His Messenger have
established a statute, there shall be for them a choice
(of the others) concerning their affairs. And whoever
disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then he is
perverted, a real heresy. (QS 33:36)
3.2.2 Islam
Islam is the achievement of peace with Allah, within
oneself and with the creation of Allah. Through
willing submission to Him.
3.2.3 Taqwa
Taqwa is the fear of Allah and the feeling of Allah’s
3.2.4 Ihsan
Ihsan is the love of Allah, as motivation to work
toward attaining Allah’s pleasure.
3.3 Principles of Prophet Muhammad's
Khan (2012) revealed regarding the principles of
prophet Muhammad’s Leadership as follows:
3.3.1 Start with the Most Likely (Easiest)
Based on the Hadith of 'A'ishah which means,
"Every time the Prophet is asked to choose between
two things, will surely choose the easier," HR
3.3.2 See the Strength in Weakness
In the Quran Surah 94: 5-6 God says, "There is with
it the simplicity of it, and indeed with it there is
convenience." This means that in every problem
there must be a way out and an opportunity to solve
3.3.3 Switching Places (Hijra)
Hijra here not only migration (move) from Mecca to
Medina, but is more intended to find a more
comfortable place to uphold Islam.
3.3.4 Turn Enemies into Friends
In history, we know that Rasulullah SAW was
repeatedly made to suffer by the unbelievers, but he
always replied with kindness. This is what makes
them conscious and ultimately embraced Islam, in
the Qur'an Surah 41:34 Allah says, "And it is not the
same good with evil. Repel (evil) in a better way, so
that the one who feels hostility between you and him
will be a faithful friend. "
3.3.5 Turn the Deficiency into More Value
After the Badr’s war, there were about 70 prisoners
whom they were educated. The Messenger of Allah
asked every prisoner to teach literacy to 10 Muslims,
then he will be released. This is the first school in
Islam, where all teachers are enemies.
3.3.6 The Power of Peace is Higher than the
Strength of Violence
At the time of the Meccan conquest, many war
criminals whose words were very painful, but the
Prophet did not punish him, even just saying, "Go
away, you are free." This is wonderful manners, and
finally they embrace Islam.
3.3.7 Not Making Dichotomous Thinking
A leader must say everything clearly so that the lead
has only one interpretation of what the leader said.
3.3.8 Bringing War to a Separate Land
The war that took place between Muslims and
Gentiles was carried out on separate grounds. It is
clear that we need special place and time to solve the
problems. As well as only involving people who
have conflict.
3.3.9 Gradualist, not Radical
According to the Hadith narrated by Al Bukhari,
Aisha once said that the Quranic verses that
descended at first were about heaven and hell. After
the human heart becomes tender, then down orders
to stay away from Zina and Liquor. It is clear that to
change society, Islam prefers evolution rather than
3.3.10 Be Pragmatic in Controversial Terms
During the implementation of the Hudaibiyah treaty,
Prophet SAW wrote on behalf of Muhammad
Rasulullah, but this was rejected by the Quraysh
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
delegation. Finally, the words were changed to
Muhammad son of Abdullah.
3.4 Leader
3.4.1 Leader Refer to QS Al Maidah: 51, 55,
Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies;
take who have believed - those who establish prayer
and give zakah, and they bow; do not take who have
taken your religion in ridicule and amusement
among the ones who were given the Scripture before
you nor the disbelievers.
3.4.2 Leadership’s Traits
Leadership’s traits in Islam are: the person who
helps you and loves you, who believe with all the
pillars (except for tactics), who founded the sholat
(worshiper), who pay zakah (pay attention to the
poor) and who ruku' (obey God and the Law)
(Hamidy, 2008).
3.4.3 Criteria of Imam
Criteria of Imam are: the most memorized person of
the Qur'an, the most intelligent person to read the
Quran, the most understanding the Sunnah of the
prophet, the first person to emigrate, who first
convert to Islam, and older people (Sukandy, 1986).
3.4.4 Characteristics of Leadership
The most prominent characteristics of leadership
are: al-quwwah (strong), al-taqwa (God-fearing) and
al-rifq (gentle). This nature is also very emphasized
by the Prophet Muhammad. With this nature, leaders
will be increasingly loved and not feared by the
Islamic leadership is not dictatorial or
oppressive, this goes against the shuratic principles
of foundational Islam, and the principle of ijma, or
consensus. Nor can Islamic leadership rely for its
legitimacy on wealth, family, tribe or tradition.
(Almoharby and Neal, 2013)
4.1 Sholat jamaah and Leadership in
Prayers, are a worship consisting of sayings and
deeds which are opened with takbir and closed with
salam. (Syakir Jamaluddin, 2009)
The legal requirements for prayer are: already in
time, holy from najis and hadas (both large and
small), close the aurat and facing the direction of the
Mosqueil haram.
4.1.1 Analysis of the Legal Requirements for
Already in Time
The Prophet SAW not only advocated prayer
on time, but also at the beginning of time. This
can be marked with azan (the calling of the call
to prayer) or can be seen on the schedule of
prayers. Prayers at the beginning of time show
high discipline. We can see people who are
disciplined and not with the alertness come to
Mosque when the azan reverberates. Azhan is
not only considered as a marker has entered the
time of prayer, but is a call from the Supreme
Leader to meet immediately. Hence, in
carrying out the duties of the organization, high
discipline will reach the target in a timely
Holy from Najis and Hadas (Large and
The sacred is the body, clothing, and also the
place of prayer. We are also strongly
recommended to keep the smell of others
(pilgrims) from the odor caused by our bodies.
Both body odor due to sweating, and bad
breath from eating food with a stinging smell.
The prophet strongly advised his ummah to use
the siwak (brush our teeth) before wudlu. It
reminds us to respect the rights of others to get
fresh air and to perform the prayers calmly. We
are forbidden to disturb others with the smell as
well as by deeds.
The sacred cloth and body of the hadas are
the responsibility of the individual. The
sanctity and cleanliness of the place of prayer
(masjid) is a shared responsibility. Hence, it is
necessary to cooperate all pilgrims to realize a
clean and holy Mosque.
Within the organization, realizing
maintaining a good name is the task and
responsibility of all members of the
organization. Do not let the organization be
fouled or infiltrated by ideas or treachery that
destabilize the organization.
Close the Aurat
Close the aurat is to use clothes that can cover
(not thin) and good condition. Based on the
Quran Surah 7:31, Allah commands us to use
good clothes every go to the Mosque. As for
Sholat Jamaah as Miniature of a Concept of Islamic Leadership
the limits of aurat, we can find it in some
hadith saheeh.
Closing aurat means closing shame/error. It
is especially a disgrace that should not be
displayed or shown to others. Similarly, if we
see a congregation whose aurat is not
completely covered, we are advised to tell him.
That is, ignorance/error, the lack of
members of the organization, everyone has to
cover, no need to bring up his past, in
achieving organizational goals.
Facing the Direction of the Masjidil Haram
In the Qur'an Surah 2:144 God commands to
face the holy Mosque. That is, with the
knowledge possessed, everyone who prays tap
into the Holy Mosque as Qiblat. This shows the
need for unity of purpose and endeavors to
achieve that goal. This is under normal
conditions. When an emergency - in conditions
of war, on the way, or when not knowing the
direction, we are allowed to face anywhere, as
recommended by the leader.
That is, when the way to achieve that goal
is too difficult, it is permissible to use a
different method, of course still in order to
realize the ultimate goal.
4.2 Sholat Jamah Procedures
The procedure of sholat jamaah are: Sholat fardhu
congregation should be held in the Mosque; prior to
takbir, the priest is advised to face his jamaah,
paying attention and tidying their shaf; Muqim may
congregate to the traveler who cut short (qashar) the
prayer, with the condition must perfect the number
of rakaat itself, after the priest salam; If the priest is
already in takbir, then makmum must immediately
do the takbir and do not ever precede and dismiss
the movement of the priest; makmum should pay
careful attention to the reading of the priest; if the
jamaah is heterogeneous, the priest should read a
short letter, adjusted to the condition of the pilgrims;
if there is a Masbuq (belated), he should follow the
last priest's movement at any position; if the imam
forgets in the prayer movement, the jamaah is
reminded by saying subhanallah, if the priest
forgot his reading, he’ll be reminded of reciting the
passage; everyone is prohibited passing in front of
the person who is praying; and after the prayer, the
priest should face the jamaah (Syakir Jamaluddin,
4.2.1 Analysis of Sholat jamaah Procedures
Implemented in the Mosque
We have to choose a right place and most
worthy to establish an organization.
Before Takbir, the Priest is advised to Face
Before starting the activity, the leader must see
the condition of his subordinates first. Is the
subordinate really ready and occupy their
respective place.
The Islamic-modelled organization should
not only cater to the economic needs of
employees but should also provide support for
their social and spiritual needs. For instance,
the observance of congregational prayers at
workplace helps to close ranks and create trust
and acquaintance with each other resulting in
social relationships that extend beyond the
workplace. (Ahmad and Ogunsola, 201l)
Muqim May Congregate to the Traveler
Muqim can congregate the traveller who qoshor
prayer and then completes the number of rakaat
itself, after the salam of the imam; a leader has
not always the person who is domiciled at the
organization was founded. The important,
leader is the people who best understand the
best way to achieve organizational goals.
After the Priest Takbir
Makmum must takbir immediately and never
dismisses the movement of the priest; for the
sake of achieving the goals of the organization,
subordinates must be disciplined and perform
his duties immediately, not procrastinate.
Focus on the task, no need to reduce or add
things that are not needed.
The formation of effective leader-member
relations requires an objective assessment of
the position of the leader, which excludes the
idealization of his or her personality and role,
which is not easy to achieve because the
majority of the leaders are idealized by their
followers to a lesser or greater extent (Ansari, 2007)
Makmum Should Pay Careful Attention
Makmum should pay careful attention to the
reading of the priest. Makmum follows the
movements and the priest's reading while
watching; Subordinates in running the
activities always pay attention to the rules set
and direction of the leadership. So, the
organization's goals will be achieved.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
The leadership task is to build a culture in
which conflict is handled through healthy and
creative dialogue. Sometimes, the first step to
improving these relationships lies not in
challenging the leader’s behavior or policies,
but in showing care and concern for the leader.
(Challef, 1997)
If the Makmum are Heterogeneous
The priest should read simple verses, adjusted
to the condition of makmum. Leaders should
know well the conditions the followers. A
leader prohibits giving too much task, over the
ability of his subordinates. Hence, subordinates
will feel heavy and forced to work.
If there is a Masbuq (Belated)
He should follow the last priest's movement at
any position; new members of the organization
should follow the rules that already exist and
participate in the success of the program that is
If the Imam Forgets
If the imam forgets of the prayer movement,
the makmum will remind by saying
subhanallah. If the priest forgot his reading,
the makmum will remind him by reciting the
passage; when the leader made a mistake, the
subordinate remind the leader in a subtle and
unfavorable way. Hence, the leader will realize
his mistake without feeling offended.
Anyone is Prohibited from Passing
Anyone is prohibited passing in front of the
person who is praying; when the program is
running, as much as possible all members of
the organization dispels or withstand existing
disruptions, so stay focused on achieving
organizational goals.
After the Prayer
After the prayer the priest should face the
makmum; after the program finishes, the leader
should pay attention to the condition of his
subordinates while doing the evaluation.
In addition, if the priest can’t continue his
prayer, because of hatred or other things, the
prayer must be continued with the replacement
priest by one of the congregation that is closest
to the position of the priest. That is, when the
leader is absent, and can’t continue running the
organization, it may be a change of leadership.
The person who replaces the leader is
recommended to be the closest and knows
more about the organization.
No leadership process should be regarded
as a permanent structure, but only as a
temporary balance of power, always connected
with specific situational circumstances,
implying the rotational nature of the leader’s
and the follower’ roles. (Stojanovic, 2016)
The most prominent characteristics of leadership are
three namely, al-quwwah (strong), al-taqwa and al-
rifq (gentle). In running the organization, an Islamic
leader must follow the principles of Prophet
Muhammad SAW and also the principles of Islam.
Terms and Criteria for Being a Leader are 1. The
Most Excellent People understanding law and
regulations, meaning must have a broad insight and
knowledge about the organization he leads. 2. The
Most people understanding the Sunnah and Wara ',
the most guarded person in order not to fall in the
matter of syubhat, so that all policies are taken all in
order to obey Allah SWT. 3. Older People, meaning
people who are experienced in their field with
consideration can be more reliable and responsive to
overcome the situation and possibilities that will
occur in the organization.
The main purpose of Leadership in Islam is to
reach Ridho Allah SWT. In realizing that goal needs
to be supported by all members of the organization.
The rule between the leader and the followers is very
clear as prescribed in the congregational prayer.
Imam as a leader should pay attention to the
condition of the subordinate before, after, and during
performing the prayer (perform the program).
Makmum as a subordinate must always follow the
imam (leader) command. If the priest (leader) is
guilty, the vice may remind and even fix it in a
polite manner, in the spirit of goodness, and not
humiliate let alone drop. When leaders can’t
continue, they can be replaced by others who also
have some criteria with the leader.
We gratefully acknowledge the Lembaga Pengelola
Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education, for funding this research and the
cooperation of Universitas Alma Ata, as well as
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy