Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
Hilda Monoarfa
, Tetty Herawaty
and Ahmad Zaki
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
hilda_m@upi.ac.id, tetty@unpad.ac.id, azzakiahmad@gmail.com
Keywords: Strategic Experiential Modules (SEMs); Experiential elements Providers (ExPros).
Abstract: This study aims to find out the phenomenon of tourism object Saung angklung udjo which became one of the
tourist destinations in the city of Bandung. The research method uses qualitative technique and descriptive
research. The method of analysis used is the technique of data reduction, display data and verification. Test
data credibility using triangulation. The results of this study found that Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung, has
owned and applied experiential marketing well to provide impressive experience to the visitors through
experiential modeling dimensions, namely Strategic Experiential Modules (SEMs) and tactical tools that
applied through seven Experiential elements Providers (ExPros) where the two dimensions are a unity of
processes and tactical tools to achieve the purpose of experiential marketing implementation.
Tourism is one of the sectors that can contribute
greatly in the efforts of regional economic growth.
Tourism destination is a geographical area that is in
one or more administrative areas in which there is
potential, tourist attraction, public facilities, tourism
facilities, accessibility, as well as interconnected
communities and complete the realization of tourism
(Chou, 2013; Yoeti, 2008; Hermawan, 2006)
Bandung is the capital city of West Java Province
which has great potential in the field of tourism with
high visits by tourists both domestic and foreign
tourists. One of the famous destinations that provide
services in the culture and art tourism industry in
Bandung is SaungAngklungUdjo.
Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is known as a
producer of bamboo handicrafts, bamboo musical
instrument workshop, and selling center of angklung
musical instrument. The most prominent aspect of
Saung Angklung Udjo which is also their core
business is Saung Angklung Udjo status which
became a popular Sundanese cultural and artistic
tourism destination in Bandung City which has been
heard in both domestic and international level.
According to Schmitt (1999), experiential marketing
is a marketing strategy used by companies to display
products in such a way that is able to produce
memorable experience so as to touch the hearts and
feelings of customers in a positive manner. Schmitt
(2003) states that the essence of experiential
marketing concept is marketing management driven
by experience development. Experiental itself comes
from the word experience which means an
experience. Definition of experience according to
Schmitt (2009: 144): "Experiences are private events
that occur in response to some stimulation (eg as
provided by the marketing efforts before and after
purchase)" which means experience is personal
events that occur due to a certain stimulus for
example, things provided by the company before and
after the purchase of goods or services).
Furthermore, Andreani (2007), defines
experiential marketing as an event or experience that
has a goal to explore products and experiences for
future purchases; it is based on experiential marketing
being more focused on extracting the essence of the
product and then apply it to the intangible and
physical form of an interactive experience that
increases the value of the product or service that helps
customers make purchasing decisions.
Schmitt (2005) describes a conceptual framework
in managing the accumulated experiential marketing
Monoarfa, H., Herawaty, T. and Zaki, A.
Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 532-537
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
experience for a company, divided into two concepts,
namely Strategic Experiential Modules (SEMs),
which form the basis of experiential marketing and
ExperinceProviders (ExPros) into tactical tools to
implement experiential marketing.
2.1 Strategic Experiential Modules
According to Schmitt (1999: 64) Strategic Experintial
Modules (SEMs) describe five types of customer
experience that are the basis of experiential
marketing, the five types are sense, feel, think, act and
relate. SEMs.
2.1.1 Sense
Sense focuses on feelings with the intention of
creating the experience through the five senses ie,
sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Sense can be
used to differentiate companies and products, provide
motivation to customers, and add value to the
product. Sense must be able to influence the five
senses of the customer and become a good stimulus
in order to provide an impressive experience.
2.1.2 Feel
Feel strives to attract the deepest feelings and
emotions of customers in order to create a deep
feeling for the customer experience. Starting from the
usual feelings to the level of strong emotions because
of pride and prestige to what has been passed. If the
company intends to use the feel marketings as part of
marketing strategy, then there are two things that
must be understood, namely:
2.1.3 Mood (mood)
Mood can be generated by providing specific stimuli.
Mood is a state of affection that is positive or
negative. Moods often have a strong influence on
what consumers remember and what brands they
2.1.4 Emotions (emotion)
Emotions are stronger than moods and are affective
statements of specific stimuli, such as anger, jealousy,
and love. These emotions are always caused by
something or someone (person, event, company,
product or communication pattern).
2.1.5 Think
Think comes from surprises, interests, and to attract
consumers to think and concentrate. Think
encourages consumers to care more and think
creatively, to trigger them to evaluate companies and
2.1.6 Act
Act marketing is designed to create an experience
related to the body's experience (physical / body),
long-term behavioral patterns and lifestyles, and
experience as a result of interaction with others,
which will enrich the lives of customers with a bodily
experience (Schmitt 1999: 54) . Act moves beyond
sensation, affection, and cognition.
2.1.7 Relate
Relate connects individual consumers with society or
with a culture. Relate to the power of Pull the deepest
desire for customers to the formation of self-
improvement, social-economic status, and image.
2.2 Experiential Providers
Experiential providers (ExPros) explain how SEMs
can be formed or also called as a means of
communication between producers / companies with
consumers. The media used can be communications,
visual / verbal identity, product present, co-branding,
spatial environment, electronic media and people
(Schmitt, 2003; Amir, 2007)
2.2.1 Communication
Communication includes covering advertising which
is one of ExPros's most important communications
and then following magalogs.
2.2.2 Visual / Verbal Identity
Visual / verbal identity ranges from:
Names (name)
Giving a brand name to a product / company is
important because it provides an experience to
the customer who reads and / or hears it. Giving
a name leads to the identity of the company
owner, functional value as well as certain
emotional value.
Logos (Logo)
Logo is a form of drawing or sketch with a
certain meaning and can represent a meaning
Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
from the company to be easy to remember as a
substitute of the real name.
2.2.3 Product Presence
Products can also create experience through product
design, packaging and display of products and
characters used as part of packaging. Product design
explains the color, image, and symbols delivered
more attractively to deliver product messages more
effectively. Innovative product design can be tailored
to the moment. As Packaging is used to pay attention
to the packaging of a product and have high
expectations for it, a packaging can deliver or bring
the message to the consumer.
2.2.4 Co-branding
Co-branding is used to build the fifth experiential
modules consisting of event marketing and
sponsorship and product placement. Here is explained
about event marketing and sponsorship and product
placement (Kotler, 2009; 2004)
Event marketing and sponsorship
Event marketing and Sponsorship is one of the
important components in experiential
marketing. The purpose of event marketing is to
forge emotions and consumer memory.
Product placement
The proper placement or use of the product
becomes one of the efforts in establishing co-
2.2.5 Spatial Environment
Buildings, offices, factories, and retail is the
environment in question to provide a separate
experience for consumers. Experiential environment
is a broad expression and so-called brand culture that
is the values and behavior of the company's human
resources behind a brand.
2.2.6 Website and Electronic Media
In the present era, in addition to relying on electronic
media such as e-mail and other electronic short
messages, companies tend to rely more on social
media to build relationships and media interactions to
2.2.7 Browse
The person referred to herein is the seller, the
representative of the company, the employee, the
customer service, and anyone who may be associated
with the company or brand. People will be at the
forefront in the application of experiential marketing
strategy in a company.
The method of reasarch is basically a scientific way
to get data with a specific purpose and usefulness
(Bungin, 2011; Sugiyono, 2011). The method used in
this research is qualitative research method
(Rangkuti, 2011). The type of research used in this
study using descriptive study.The data required by
this research is obtained from source from primary
data and secondary data (Moleong, 2011).
2.1 Types of Research
The type of research used in this study using
descriptive study.
2.2 Data Source
The data required by this research is obtained from
source from primary data and secondary data.
2.3 Informant Research
Key informants, i.e. those who know and have a
variety of basic information needed in research.
Head Manager and Sales Marketing and
Corporate Secretary of PT Saung Angklung
Key informants, i.e. those directly involved in
the social interactions studied, where key
informants were drawn from several employees
working in Saung Angklung
Additional informants, i.e. those who can
provide information about experiential
marketing. The additional informants were
taken from Saung Angklung Udjo's visitors.
2.4 Data Analysis Technique
Data Reduction (Data Reduction).
Display Data (Data Presentation)
Verification / Drawing Conclusion
2.5 Testing Data Credibility (Moleong,
Extension of observation
Using reference materials
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Variable of Strategic Experiential Marketing (SEMs)
in Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung Dimension of
Sense Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung.
3.1 Sight
Aspect of this presentation is the focus of Saung
Angklung Udjo with the implementation of plastic
wrap to shop and packaging products both angklung
products and various other art products in various
sizes of the product scale where the packaging of each
product to adjust the size of the products in it.
3.2 Hearing
Sound aspect (sound) performed by Saung Angklung
Udjo among others by continuing to angklung
musical ring to further strengthen sense of visitor in
aspect of sense of hearing.
3.3 Taste
The next Sense Marketing is the development of a
stimulation-based experience on the senses with taste
or taste stimulation. This is reflected in the welcome
drink menu choices such as Sundanese special drinks
such as Bandrek, Ice Lilin, and Bajigur. Welcome
drink is served to all visitors dam already included
from the facilities obtained from the entrance ticket.
3.4 Smell
Saung Angklung Udjo is committed to providing
natural aroma of nature in every corner of the
environment. But management does not tolerate the
unpleasant smells caused by the waste. Cleaning up
garbage so as not to cause unpleasant smell done
twice a day, i.e. in the morning and late evening. In
addition, the aroma of the bathroom is also
maintained by providing camphor and air freshener.
3.5 Dimension of Feel Saung Angklung
Udjo Bandung
In keeping with the moods and emotion of the visitors
during the performance, the MC became the first
person on duty to bring the atmosphere up and make
the show go smoothly and interestingly. MC is
required to Maintaining and improving visitor moods
and bringing visitors emotion to the stage of joy,
happiness, and even pride.
3.6 Dimensions of Think Saung
Angklung Udjo Bandung
One of the efforts undertaken by Saung Angklung
Udjo management is by displaying information
boards containing information about diverse or
modern Angklung Buhun created and developed in
Saung Angklung Udjo. This information board
becomes a display of claims from Saung Angklung
Udjo that SAU is the pioneer of developing and
manufacturing modern angklung.
3.7 Dimension of Act Saung Angklung
Udjo Bandung
Saung Angklung Udjo provides an experience with
the opportunity to visitors to perform live activities
by playing music using angklung instruments to play
various songs. Generally, the selected songs are
national songs such as Halo-Halo Bandung, Bagimu
Negeri, famous pop songs, and foreign songs.
3.8 Dimensional of Relation Saung
Angklung Udjo Bandung
Saung Angklung Udjo as a tourism company that
relies on experience as a superior product makes a
combination of sense marketing, marketing feel,
think marketing, and act marketing as a collaboration
to form a separate niche market that has relate to
service content brought by Saung Angklung Udjo.
Variable of Experiential Providers (ExPros) Saung
Angklung Udjo.
3.9 Dimensional of Communication
Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
For advertisements used, Saung Angklung Udjo uses
billboards, posters, banners, company profiles,
product catalogues and brochures for offline media,
as well as social media, youtube channels, websites,
e-brochures for online media used. As for offline
advertising media such as billboards, banners,
catalogues, and company profile company, Saung
Angklung Udjo in cooperation with Erpedana Media
Visionary Media as consultant design in the
Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
3.10 Dimension of Visual / Verbal
Identity Saung Angklung Udjo
Visual identity in the form of product appearance that
will be seen directly by consumers. The essence of the
visual identity of Saung Angklung Udjo is "Bamboo
Clump" which means: Alunan (Saung Angklung
Udjo will always move Dynamic, Playful and
Energetic in developing Indonesian culture especially
Sundanese culture), Rumpun (with the spirit of
Togetherness and Gotong Royong at every step taken
By Saung Angklung Udjo), Bamboo (as Roots and
Basic Material of an Angklung, and Saung Angklung
Udjo will continue to move forward without
forgetting its origin by upholding the values that have
been built since the first).
3.11 Product of Presence Dimension
Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
As for Saung Angklung Udjo has started producing
Angklung with pentatonic and diatonic scales since
know 1961. With 45 years’ experience, Saung
Angklung Udjo is present as a production center and
bamboo tool in Indonesia. By continuously
improving the variant and quality of the various its
products, currently Saung Angklung Udjo not only
known as a bamboo musical instrument production
but as a center of bamboo handicrafts.
3.12 Dimension of Co-Branding Saung
Angklung Udjo Bandung
Saung Udjo made this marketing and sponsorship
event as one of the company's main marketing
3.13 Dimension of Spatial Environment
Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
"Back to Nature" is a theme carried by Saung
Angklung Udjo in every concept presented. This can
be felt by visitors with the many trees and bamboo
groves that grow shady around the neighborhood
Saung Angklung Udjo. This is to encourage visitors
feel to feel the comfortable atmosphere and natural
impression that try presented by Saung Angklung
3.14 Dimensions of Website and
Electronic Media Saung Angklung
Udjo Bandung
“The website used by Saung Angklung Udjo is
www.saungangklungudjo.co.id. Media website is
more to the needs of promotion and information to
consumers because there is no interaction features.
Information can be seen in menu Home and there is
also FAQ (Frequently Answer and Question) that can
be read visitor website.
3.15 Dimensions of People Saung
Angklung Udjo Bandung
The first thing that concerns the appearance of staff
that aims to support the visitors' confidence in the
services they receive. Saung Angklung Udjo staff
wear work uniforms in the form of Sundanese kebaya
for female staff with headband for male staff. Visitors
can recognize the Saung Angklung Udjo staff with
angklung pin marks installed in certain sections on
the staff's outfit.
The results of this study show that Saung Angklung
Udjo Bandung, has owned and applied experiential
marketing well to provide impressive experience to
the visitors through experiential modeling
dimensions, namely Strategic Experiential Modules
(SEMs) and tactical tools that applied through seven
Experiential elements Providers (ExPros) where the
two dimensions are a unity of processes and tactical
tools to achieve the purpose of experiential marketing
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Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung