Smart Tourism through Event Marketing on Geopark
Ayu Krishna Yuliawati and Arief Budiman
Faculty of Economics Education and Business, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
{ayukrishna, arief.budiman}
Keywords: Smart Tourism, Event Marketing.
Abstract: Event marketing is an effort to improve image brand Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi and the activities this activity
is held by the cooperation between government, community and private company. The aim of this research is
to develop smart tourism models for Geopark through event marketing. Quantitative method is conducted in
this research with collection of primary and secondary data. Population and sample in research this is visitor’s
event activities undertaken by manager geopark. Based on the research, can be drawn a conclusion that the
management of Ciletuh Geopark should improve the promotion of event marketing programs through quality
and quantity of information using ICT.
The source of geology in Indonesia apart from
ingredients energy as oil earth and natural gas, coal,
heat earth, and miscellaneous a variety of minerals,
there are also a source of power geology form
phenomenon natural geological beautiful, unique,
rare, and worth high named geopark. Activities that
can be done in geopark include: hiking / trekking,
mountain bike cycling, swimming in the beach,
caving, sightseeing, bird watching, canoe, rafting and
other adventure-nature-based activities. (Yuliawati,
2016) Geopark could utilized for activities
development on various sector corresponding with
direction policy development program utilizing
national source power natural as optimum as able
maybe for welfare people. Geopark Ciletuh
Sukabumi has set as geopark national on 2015 and
will be candidate for Geopark standard international
that is sign in in GGN membership of UNESCO
(UNESCO, 2010). However, Geopark Ciletuh as a
brand of national geopark not as famous as others
Geopark. A research conducted at Ciletuh Geopark
that found the level of public awareness of the
environment is still low, because they tend to
prioritize their livelihood, and have the tendency to
exploit natural resources (Hadian, 2016).
Development technology in field tourism has
change the path of the visitors in a way planning and
choosing tourism destination. The strength of digital
media as a marketing tool is undeniable and manager
of geopark have to be aware of this and use it wrong
only with uses the model of smart tourism.
Smart Tourism Destination is a connectedness
between destination, tourists and destination
management, associated with tourism resources and
tourism activities (Gretzel, U.,C, SIgala., Xiang. Z., *
Koo, C., 2015). Smart tourism a new terminology to
be applied for show enhancement dependency
destination tourism, industry and tourism on all ICT
forms that enable large data / massive transformed be
proposition value. This research is aim primarily to
make a system that can improve experience tourists
and improve the effectiveness of management source
Event marketing is done by Ciletuh form series
online and offline activities performed for improve
image brand geopark. The Activities take place every
year and routine held cooperate with government
provinces / districts, companies private and
community. Example on 2016 event held in the form
of: Cultural Performance, Geobike, Geosurf,
Geodive, Geokite, Geovaganza, Expo and Bazaar
titled Culture Meet Augustus Nature Festival 27 -28,
2016. Organizing using digital media as a
promotional medium.
Based on explanation above the concern of this
research main is for designing model smart tourism
of Geopark through event marketing. The
identification of problem will be, first is still least-
developed model of Smart Tourism for destination
geo tourism. Second is still lack event marketing. As
Yuliawati, A. and Budiman, A.
Smart Tourism through Event Marketing on Geopark.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 538-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
aforementioned, thus, the formulation of this research
is to design smart tourism model for geopark.
2.1 Geoheritage in Geopark
The dynamics of the earth lasted for hundreds of
millions of years ago resulted in a geographical
arrangement as seen today. The shape and
configuration of the archipelago reflects the long
process of interaction between endogenous and
exogenous forces that distribute the mineral
resources, energy, and disaster potentials as they
happen today. The Process of Achieving equilibrium
in the dynamics of the earth that lasted for millions of
years ago is Characterized by regional tectonic
activity and magmatism that can change the structure
of the earth's shell (lithosphere), so that rocks and
minerals previously formed in the depths of the earth
closer to the surface, a collection of ancient flora and
fauna. Transformed and distributed into fossil fuels
(oil and gas-earth and coal), volcanic eruptions that
spread ash and volcanic gases also affect soil fertility
as well as global climate change and so on.
The various available natural resources are the
basic input of the implementation of sustainable
national development. This input is used for
development of activities in various sectors in
accordance with the policy direction of national
development program. The program recognizes
natural resources, for the development of science and
support development Natural tourism objects aspect
of geology, tourism, economy and culture.
Geotourism is a natural part of the tourism sub-
sector that is not included in the general tourism.
However, it has a broader scope on the components
of culture and heritage. In other words, it can be said
that Geotourism focuses on wildlife and all that can
be regarded as distinct or separate aspects of general
tourism (Newsome, 2006). This fits well with the idea
of the which states that Geotourism Provides benefits
to the local community and it does not just celebrate
a sense of place, but Also supports conservation
principles related to natural resources, culture,
heritage, and traditions (Miller, 2009). Therefore,
Geotourism Generally can be conceptualized in
Figure 1 as follows:
Form is the landscape including features and
materials. Interesting landscape in geotourism
includes mountains, rift valleys, steep cliffs, volcanic,
karst landscapes, and arid environment. Of each
feature and material that is in the landscape, there are
several characteristics of a landscape or landscape
composition. Additionally, hierarchy of the
interesting features on Geotourism identified on the
landscape can range from landscapes individually to
geological materials or materials such as rocks,
sediments, and fossils (Newsome, 2006).
2.2 Event Marketing
(Kennedy, John E. and Soemanagara, 2009) interprets
the event is an activity undertaken by the
organization/ company in presenting participants to
go to the activities to obtain information and achieve
the purpose of the implementation of these activities.
Furthermore, (Duncan, 2008) says that event
marketing is a promotional occasion designed to
attract and involve a brand's target audience.
Event marketing held must have influence and
give impression deep to everyone present so that the
customer or potential customer could old enough to
remember a pleasant experience. The event marketing
by (Hoyle, 2002) there three elements that play a role
important to sustainability of the event, namely
Entertainment (entertainment); Excitement
(memorable); and Enterprise (dare to try).
Organizing events in effort for get participants
very depends to marketers in doing principles -
principles of marketing. According to (Hoyle, 2002)
there are five elements marketing in the event, namely
as Product, Price Place, Public Relations, Positioning.
Planning and
Figure 1.
Conceptualization of the nature and scope of
Source: (Newsome, 2006).
Smart Tourism through Event Marketing on Geopark
2.3 Smart Tourism in Geopark
In the digital era, urban construction and development
involving ICT in its various aspects, which is often
known as the concept of smart city. The concept of
smart cities is usually associated with embedded
ecosystem technology that seeks to build Synergies
with their social components in an effort to improve
the quality of life and improve the efficiency of urban
services (Eager, 2013 on Buhalis and Amaranggana
2013). Smart tourism is aim to make use of
technology embedded environmental, process
responsive on level micro and macro, end-user
devices in some touch-points and stakeholders
interests involved the use of a dynamic platform as
system nerve (Buhalis and Amaranggana 2013). Aim
main from application aim smart travel is for improve
experience for traveler do travel and for improve
effectiveness management asset destination tourism
is concerned, to ensure that power competitiveness
aim and satisfaction traveler could have monitored on
Based on Buhalis and Amaranggana (2013), there
is three ICT forms an important for set up destination
tourism clever, there are Cloud Computing, Internet
of Things and End-User Internet System Service.
This research was conducted by using a marketing
approach, particularly smart tourism model through
event Ciletuh Geopark. The research method used is
survey method that is research method conducted on
large and small population, Questionnaires are used
to obtain an overview of the event that have multiple
indicators and also about respondents' opinions about
smart tourism. Data collected consists of two types,
namely primary data and secondary data. The
population in this study is from the data obtained,
obtained data on the number of visitor online site
Ciletuh Geopark until 2016 is 5.954 people (Geopark
Ciletuh Palabuanratu, 2017).
Sampling is done by random sampling Ciletuh
method, number of people who have accessed Global
Geopark online site. The sample in this study is 100
online site visitors Ciletuh Geopark. In line with the
objectives of the study, the data analysis is done
through several stages: d data compilation, data
tabulation, descriptive analysis of each research
variable after the data collected, study literature and
field survey and measure smart tourism through event
marketing of Ciletuh Geopark based on Perceptions
of respondents.
Several events in the region which held in Ciletuh
following is as wrong one way for promote image
brand Geopark Ciletuh. As for some event marketing
is done Ciletuh Geopark Festival "Exploring Ciletuh"
2015 Ciletuh Sabilulungan 2016 Amazing Geopark
Adventure Tourism "Cimaja Geosurf Challenge "in
2017, Ciletuh Geopark Festival "Earth, Wind and
Culture" in 2017.
Most of the respondents that is visitor’s geopark
visit in the event geobike (54%). While percentage
Lowest event visit geopark is geokite and geosurf,
only about 2% of tourists visiting at the event. The
frequency respondent’s visitors geopark visit to event
geopark in part big only 1x within 1 year (74%).
While only 7% who visited 2-3 times in one year.
Partly respondents’ visitors geopark is man that is by
71% and 29% is women. There is a big range age
respondent visitors geopark is on aged 26-34 years
(51%), and only 5% range age 35-43 years. that work
visitors in the event the geopark this in part big is
employees private (67%) while respondents with
work employee’s government have percentage
Lowest that is by 1%.
Product event, some big respondents visitors
geopark (76.2%) rate that a given event by EO not
interesting, there is no respondents agreed that the
event is held the Interesting. in part big respondents
visitors geopark (72.3%) rate that a given event by
EO no much was done in the geopark ciletuh (not
agree), and only about 1% of respondents felt that
many at all events in the geopark ciletuh. as much as
68.3% of respondents’ visitors geopark rate that
visitors at this event no corresponding with
personality (not agree) and only about 2% who agree
corresponding with personality. More than half
respondents visitors geopark (53.5%) rate that
location events held by EO no strategic so give
assessment no agree and only 2% of respondents felt
that very agree that the event is held the its location
Related to communication marketing, as many as
76.2% of respondents’ visitors geopark rate that
advertising event held Event Organizer geopark not
interesting and give assessment no agree and in this
no respondents agreed that advertising events held the
Interesting. Most of the respondents’ visitors geopark
(66.3%) rate EO imagery constructed event yet too
good in the eyes respondents and given assessment
don’t agree with. Besides that, only 1% of
respondents were very agree that image of the event
was very good in the eyes respondents.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Based on the research, can be drawn a conclusion that
the management of Ciletuh Geopark should improve
the promotion of event marketing programs through
quality and quantity of information using ICT in order
to increasing visitors to the event. Updating of
information dissemination about the presence of geo
heritage sites (geology, volcanology, archeology,
culture) and conservation activities to stakeholders
(tourism businesses, communities surrounding the
site, students) through smart tourism approach is
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Hadian, M. Y. 2016. Increasing Community Environmental
Awareness through Geodiversity Conservation
Activities at Ciletuh, Sukabumi, West Java. Journal of
Environmental Management & Tourism, 7(14), p.334.
Hoyle, L. H. 2002. Event Marketing: How to Succesfully
Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and
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Kennedy, J. E., Soemanagara. 2009. Marketing
Communication: Taktik & Strategi. Jakarta: Bhuana
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Miller, R. 2009. Event & Experiential Marketing. In
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Smart Tourism through Event Marketing on Geopark