Building Student's Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project
Based Learning Model
Lena Nuryanti S., Rd. Dian H. Utama, Arief Maulana Hasan and Dewi Yuliana
Faculty of Economic and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Islamic, Project Based Learning.
Abstract: Nowadays, the Islamic economy is experiencing euphoria, whether in developing countries or in developed
countries. The financial industry as well as other forms of Islamic economic institutions grew all over the
world from the Middle East, Asia, to Western countries such as United Kingdom. In Indonesia, Islamic
economics largely manifests into the sharia finance industry, mainly the Sharia Bank which is also the most
salable entity after the 1997 monetary crisis. (Ryusdiana 2014) Islamic Entrepreneurship Learning in Higher
Education should produce graduates who are ready to do entrepreneurship by relying on Islamic sharia-
based economy. In this research, the researchers attempted to develop Entrepreneurship Learning
Management using Project-Based Learning model approach, so it can grow the mindset of the students to
become Islamic entrepreneurs. The Project-Based Learning model is learning by using real projects in life
based on high motivation, challenging questions, tasks, or problems to form competence mastery by
teamwork in an effort to solve problems. The purpose of Project-Based Learning is to improve the learning
motivation, teamwork, collaboration skills in achieving high level academic ability/taxonomy level of
creativity needed in the 21st century (Cole and Wasburn, 2010). Thus, it is hoped that real project-based
learning model can grow the mindset in the form of a combination of entrepreneurial attitude and
entrepreneurial cognition which is the transformation from doing student project to becoming an innovative
and creative entrepreneur based on Islamic Economics. The research method used is the R&D model that
has been developed by some experts. One of them is Bolt and Gall development model in 10 stages
( In this study, we have conducted observations, done interviews,
and collected data through the distribution of questionnaires to 85 students during 16 lecture meetings in
Entrepreneurship Learning materials. Data analysis techniques used in this study is simple linear regression
with the assistance of SPSS 21.0 for windows program. The expected output of this research is the design of
the learning model in the form of guidance and documentation as an evident of the project, which will be
published and registered as Intellectual Property Copyrights.
One of the habits in the presentation of learning
materials which is seen as a classic problem,
especially in entrepreneurial learning, is the
conventional method of delivering the material
(lecture monologue) and also includes aspects of
assessment that do not measure indicators of any
basic competence or subject material. All this time,
entrepreneurial learning is often done by using a
teacher-centered approach that solely emphasizes
cognitive aspects, teachers or lecturers present
learning materials by relying solely on the
description of sentences or narrations contained in
the module or book although using the media
presentation but only transferring notes and stuffing
students with the concept of theoretical concepts
without balancing with conative treatment (real
behavior) based on affective components. So the
evaluation system also only emphasizes the
cognitive aspect. The approach emphasizes the
teacher/lecturer as key informant or teacher-centered
as if only the teacher/lecturer who understand the
theory the most. As the result, there are many
universities which pass students who think
superficially and only stand on the surface of the
Nuryanti, B., Utama, R., Hasan, A. and Yuliana, D.
Building Student’s Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project Based Learning Model.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 655-662
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem, but not the students who are able to think
deeply and think critically in addressing a matter.
Essentially, entrepreneurship courses are not
only the delivery of education value based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution theoretically,
but how the essence of entrepreneurship education
based on the value of Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution can be realized in the people's
economic system which in this case is the practice of
entrepreneurship through a entrepreneurial
experience learning approach.
"National education functions to develop the
ability and to shape the character and civilization of
dignified nation in order to educate the nation's life,
aims to develop the potential of learners to be a
human being who believes and cautious to God
Almighty, who is noble, healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, democratic, and
responsible.” (Explanation of the 1945 Constitution
on education set forth in Law No. 20, Year 2003.
Article 3)
Thus the emphasis is more on the aspects of
attitudes (affective) and experience (psychomotor).
In addition, integratively the aspect of knowledge
should also be taken into account. "What I heard I
forgot, what I saw I remember, what I do I
understand" as the emphasis on the importance of
experience in the learning process. Experience as a
medium of learning, through reflection and meaning
from direct experience, and focus on each
Through entrepreneurship education which
equips the learners with life skills where in it
happens the interaction of knowledge and skills
which are very important to be possessed by learners
so that they can live independently as entrepreneurs.
Hence, four important principles of UNESCO in
carrying out entrepreneurial learning as life skills
should not be abandoned, which are also quoted by
Delors (1996) which are Learning to know (learning
to know entrepreneurship), learning to do (learning
to do entrepreneurial activities), learning to be
(learning to be practicing entrepreneurial activities),
and learning to live together (learning to be with
others in social interaction in entrepreneurship).
Entrepreneurship learning model is assumed to
work well if the lecturer is able to organize student
learning experience by using a systematic procedure.
One of the models in this study is Project-Based
Learning model in Entrepreneurship Learning
conducted for students of the Faculty of Economics
and Business Education of UPI. So the objectives
that have been described above can be achieved.
This Project-Based Learning (PjBL) approach is one
of the student-centered learning approaches through
the experience of completing the learning
assignments with entrepreneurship project as the
source of learning.
The studying results all this time are still less
than the maximum, so a significant improvement is
expected after the application of project-based
learning approach (PjBL). Through the PjBL
approach it is expected that the students will be
creative, innovative, capable, and adaptable
entrepreneurs to face the challenges in global
markets. Some facts or findings during the course
give encouragement to researchers to conduct
research activities about the benefits of a learning
approach, namely: the use of PjBL learning
approach to improve learning outcomes in
entrepreneurship courses.
The goal to be achieved from this research is to
develop and create an active, creative, challenging,
and fun learning atmosphere. For students, without
realizing various potentials will be explored and
creative ideas will be emerged naturally. They will
show their characteristics without having to be
ordered or directed and they will actively and
creatively continue to proceed to improve their
actualization. In the end, the lecturer will act as a
This research result presents an Entrepreneurship
Learning Management which is packaged since the
learning planning, learning activities implementation
process, entrepreneurship practice, entrepreneurship
or SMEs field observation, focused group
discussion, business plan arrangement, organizing
Entrepreneurial Expo or exhibition, Follow-up Plan,
Starting entrepreneurship (independent/cooperation),
evaluation, and continuous improvement.
2.1 Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is a learning process
based on a real project in life based on high
motivation, challenging questions, tasks, or
problems to form competence mastery by teamwork
in an effort to solve problems (Barell, 2010; Baron,
2011), in training materials of the Directorate of
Vocational High School Coaching in 2016.
The role of students and lecturers in the context
of project-based learning becomes very important.
Lecturers play an active role as facilitators who help
facilitate students to learn and consult about things
that need deeper understanding, as managers who
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
are able to design and carry out meaningful learning
activities, as well as manage the necessary learning
resources. Students are also involved in the learning
process with the lecturers because students are
guided, directed to learn to find and to seek as well
as to question something to investigate the answers
of a question and to manage and communicate the
results communicatively. Students are expected to be
able to modify the new received knowledge with the
experience and knowledge they have received
Through project-based learning model, students
are expected to be able to recognize and develop
their learning capacity and potential. In addition,
students are fully and consciously able to use the
potential of learning resources in their surroundings,
more trained to initiate, think systematically,
critically and responsively, so they can solve
everyday problems through tracing meaningful
information to them. Learning based on
Entrepreneurship Project requires lecturers to work
professionally, to teach systematically, and to be
based on effective and efficient learning principles.
That is to say, lecturers can engineer learning
models which are implemented systematically and
can make the learning process as a meaningful
experience for students.
Therefore, lecturers as educators in universities
must have the ability to optimally utilize learning
resources in their environment in the learning
process, to develop new ideas, to reduce the
knowledge gap that students get with the knowledge
gained from the real life environment in the
community, learn the relevance of Entrepreneurship
course to the daily needs of the community, to
develop students' knowledge, skills, and behaviors
gradually and intactly, to give students the
opportunity to develop optimally according to their
abilities and to apply the principles of learning with
process approach and student-centered approach.
The implementation of Project-Based Learning
model can be done on a pair of Basic Competences
and/or some Basic Competences from the
competence unit at the high level.
The stages or syntaxes of the Learning-Based
model are:
Starting with the Essential Question;
Designing the project planning;
Creating a schedule;
Monitoring the Students and the Progress of
the Project;
Assessing the Outcome;
Evaluating the experience. (Barell, 2010;
Baron 2011), in the training materials of the
Directorate of Vocational High School
Coaching in 2016.
2.2 Islamic Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship first appeared in the 18th century
beginning with the new inventions such as steam
engines, spinning machines, etc. Their main goal is
the growth and expansion of the organization
through innovation and creativity. Profits and wealth
are not the main purpose. Simply, entrepreneurs
mean people who are brave enough to take risks to
open a business in a variety of opportunities, dare to
take risks which means independent and dare to start
a business, without fear or worry even in uncertain
In the society there are several forms of activities
performed to meet the needs of everyday life. For
example the needs of clothing, food, and boards. To
achieve that needs, one of the way is by doing
entrepreneurship activities. In the Qur'an,
entrepreneurship is not explicitly addressed, but in
the discussion of muamalah everything is associated
with commerce. The following verses are related to
the rules of buying and selling (Al Quran
Departemen Agama RI, 1989):
Q.S Al-Baqarah: 275 “…..Allah has permitted
trade and has forbidden interest….”
Q.S An-Nisa: 29 “O you who have believed,
do not consume one another's wealth unjustly
but only [in lawful] business by mutual
Q.S Al-Baqarah: 282 “…..And bring to
witness two witnesses from among your
Trading is a part of the business work that mostly
aims to make a profit, so to achieve it people often
do indecent things. Yet this is strictly prohibited in
Islam. As revealed in the hadith: “Allah loves those
who are generous when selling, buying, and
collecting the accounts.”
Trading is still regarded as a lowly job because
trading is usually done with tricks, fraud, dishonesty,
History also records a number of prominent
Islamic figures who are also as tough businessmen,
Abdul Ghani Aziz, Agus Dasaad, Djohan Soetan,
Perpatih, Jhohan Soelaiman, Haji Samanhudi, Haji
Syamsuddin, Niti Semito, and Rahman Tamin.
What is illustrated above, at least can be concrete
evidence that the ethos of business owned by
Muslims is very high, or in other words Islam and
trade is like two sides of a single coin. It is true what
Building Student’s Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project Based Learning Model
the Prophet said: “Ninety percent (90%) of
sustenance comes from trading” (HR Ahmad).
2.3 Islamic Entrepreneurial Mindset
Entrepreneurial mindset is a framework of an
entrepreneurial-oriented mind, preferring to undergo
the avoidance of the avoidors, seeing things simpler
than others who can only see them in a complex
way, willing to learn about something that comes
from taking risks. (Mc Granth and MacMillan, 2000)
Here are six characteristics of Islamic
entrepreneurial mindset of an entrepreneur according
to the study of Al-quran and hadith as well as some
opinions of expert. Mc. Granth and MacMillan
(2000), namely:
2.3.1 Honest
In the sense of not doing business that is categorized
Gharar (not clear), in other words dare to express
the actual condition of the business undertaken, and
want to carry out their business activities in
accordance with their ability. This is necessary
because that attitude is likely to make buyers or
business partners have high confidence to
entrepreneurs so they are willing to be customers in
the long term to come.
2.3.2 Ethical
In running a business must meet the business ethics
of mutual benefit both materially and morally, be
consensual, and without doubt in buying and selling.
This can be achieved by implementing a clear and
operable transactional agreement which is the
presence of buyer's desired goods (clearly qualified,
quantifiable), and a currency (i.e. money) that the
seller wants in accordance with agreed nominal
2.3.3 Independent
The self-concept of Islamic entrepreneurship is “to
be done” (biyadihi). “The best charity is the work
done with the sweat itself -- amalurrajuli biyadihi
(HR.Abu Dawud); In a verse Allah says, "Work, for
Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His
Messenger and the believers." (Surah at-Tawbah:
105). Therefore, when the prayer has been fulfilled
then scatter on the earth and seek God's gifts (rizki).
(Q.S. al-Jumu'ah: 10) Even the words of the Prophet,
"Actually, working to find halal sustenance is a duty
after obligatory prayer" (HR.Tabrani and Baihaqi).
These abrogations are obviously signaling that
people should work hard and live independently.
2.3.4 Caring
True entrepreneurs are not just a person who
prioritizes his company growing rapidly, but also
must have a strong network with the principle of
mutual cooperation to achieve mutual prosperity. A
successful entrepreneur is someone who sees that the
result of his business is as a proof of worship that is
also worth as a provision in the hereafter. Therefore,
the Islamic Entrepreneur should consider that the
treasure of the business must be brought to the
hereafter through the concept of caring while living
in the world, entrusting the wealth to the poor to be
enjoyed later by the owner of the wealth while living
in the hereafter. "The hand on top is better than the
hand below"; "Al yad al 'ulya khairun min al yad al
sufla" (HR.Bukhari and Muslim) the term "hand on
top = giving", "hand below = requesting/receiving"
(in this very symbolic language the Prophet
encouraged his people to work hard to have wealth,
so as to give something to others), atuzzakah. (Q.S.
Nisa: 77) "Man must pay zakat (Allah obliges man
to work hard to be rich and able to fulfill the
obligation to pay zakat)".
2.3.5 Optimistic
An optimistic entrepreneur will take the risk that has
been taken into account. Have a long-term goal, in
the sense of having a clear picture of the final
development of the business undertaken. This is to
be able to provide great motivation to entrepreneurs
to be able to do the work even though at the same
time the expected results are still not obtainable. The
optimistic concept always rests on God without any
doubt, "Bismillahi tawakkaltu alallahi".
2.3.6 Flexible
The word flexible in the Great Dictionary of Bahasa
Indonesia is defined as not awkward, not rigid,
easily adjusted. In other words, flexible
entrepreneurs are always good at adjusting to
environmental conditions and adapting to the
development of time, being creative and innovative,
including knowing themselves and being able to put
themselves as creatures of their God, being grateful
as creatures of Allah SWT and always being
obedient to pray, which is a surrender to God to ask
what is desired and receive whatever results are
obtained. In other languages, it can be argued that
"the man is the one who strives, but God is the one
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
who decides." Thus, praying is one of the therapies
for the maintenance of effort to achieve the ideal.
Flexible concept is described as words of wisdom
from Sekh Muhammad bin Sholih Al Utsaimin
"I'mal li dunyaka ka annaka taisyu abada, wa'mal li
akhirotika ka annaka tamuutu ghodan" which means
"work for your worldly life as if you will live
forever, and work for the Hereafter as if you will die
tomorrow." Those words of wisdom have a deep
meaning where a flexible entrepreneur can balance
their entrepreneurial life for the affairs of the world
and the hereafter, must work hard to increase the
achievement and productivity of the company as
high, collect as much wealth as if he did not will
never leave the world, but when there is the sound of
the prayer call then he leaves work directly to do
obligatory prayers together as well as to do sunnah
prayers. When the wealth is overflowing and the
results of the effort have risen, do the zakat, pauper
the poor, and give charity with the wealth of the
effort, the process of hastening the affairs of the
Hereafter as if he has been told that tomorrow he
will die. Thus, the flexible entrepreneur can adapt to
the world and adapt to the hereafter.
Based on the description it can be seen that
project-based learning can affect the entrepreneurial
mindset. The paradigms in this research are:
Figure 1: Research Paradigms.
This study uses a project-based learning approach to
Islamic entrepreneurial mindset. As for the object of
research as independent variable (exogenous) is
project-based learning (X) with sub-emphasis of
learning process on developing the analytical and
critical thinking skills, students do not only learn
passively but they also do something related to the
material, values, and attitudes related to
Entrepreneurship courses. Students are more
required to think critically, to analyze, to evaluate,
and feedback will occur more quickly in the learning
process. Then the object of the research as the
dependent variable (endogen) is Islamic
entrepreneurial mindset (Y) which includes having
the desire to seek new opportunities, chasing the best
opportunities, disciplining themselves to realize
opportunities, focusing on executing decisions -- not
just planning, and involving the ability of other
people in the team. The object as the respondents in
this study are students of the Faculty of Economics
and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan
This research was conducted at Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. Based on the period which is
less than one year, the research method used is
cross-sectional method. Husein (2008) suggests that,
"cross-sectional approach is a method of research by
studying the object in a certain time or not
continuous in the long term.
Based on the level of explanation and the field of
research, then this type of research is descriptive and
verificative research, by using explanatory survey as
the research method. The population under study are
students of Faculty of Economics and Business
Education, Indonesian University of Education with
the amount of N = 85 people. In this study, the
number of samples is determined by sampling
technique with saturated samples which means that
all members of the population are sampled.
4.1 Descriptive Discussion
The syntaxes/stages of Project-Based Learning
model are:
4.1.1 Starting with the Essential Question
What do you expect from this
entrepreneurship course? Or
What do you aim in this Entrepreneurship
course? Or
How is your goal setting at the end of this
Entrepreneurship course? Or
Building Student’s Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project Based Learning Model
What do you want to do so that you do not
become a human being which is dependent on
your parents and are able to live
With this fundamental question, the students are
expected to have the will to achieve success (need
for Achievement) according to Mc.Clelland
4.1.2 Design Project Planning
By Brainstorming method, what big projects
(events) do they want to show so they can achieve
satisfaction of business results.
4.1.3 Creating a Schedule
Arranging a schedule together to determine the
timing of the project event to be on target as well as
setting up the scenario and the person in charge or
the committee.
4.1.4 Monitoring the Students and the
Progress of the Project
The portion of the lecturer is only as a facilitator and
is not as an executor and does not intervene. Let
students grow to explore their creativity and
innovation. Lecturers’ duties are only to monitor and
to direct if deemed necessary and to prepare
themselves to become consultants for the students.
4.1.5 Assessing the Outcome
At the peak event (culmination), lecturers (may
invite the leadership board) to provide assessment
for their performance at the time of the event. For
example, with some questions concentrated on the
enrichment of lecture materials (about cash flow,
income loss, raw materials, production processes,
consumer behaviour, excellent service, and Islamic
business ethics, etc.)
4.1.6 Evaluating the Experience
At the end of the project event, either directly on the
same day, or on a predetermined day and time, do
the evaluation of their experiences, ups and downs,
or suggestions for improvement of activities on other
occasions. (Barell, 2010 and Baron 2011), in
training materials of Directorate of Vocational High
School Coaching in 2016. Developed in lecture and
research process by Lena Nuryanti, et al.
a. Project-based learning
Based on the results of empirical research on the
implementation of project-based learning on the
students of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, the
findings suggest that faster feedback indicators will
occur in the project-based learning process which
has contributed quite high in building Islamic
Entrepreneurial Mindset students of the Faculty of
Economics and Business Education, Indonesian
University of Education.
b. Islamic Entrepreneurial Mindset
Based on the results of empirical research on
entrepreneurial mindset of students of the Faculty of
Economics and Business Education, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, the findings were found that
the dimension of only pursuiting the best
opportunity had contributed quite high in achieving
the entrepreneurial mindset.
4.2 Verificative Discussion
By using the program SPSS 21.0 for Windows,
obtained the following regression coefficients in
table 1:
Table 1: Simple Linear Regression Model.
Model Unstandardized
t Sig.
B Std. Erro
(Constant) 31.994 8.216 7.288 .000
.887 .067 .433 3.966 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurial Mindset
Source: Results of Data Processing, 2016
Y= 31,994 + 0,887X
The constant value of 31.994 states that if there
is no project-based learning, then the amount of
entrepreneurial mindset is 31.994. The regression
coefficient of 0.887 one unit of value means that any
increase of project-based learning will increase the
entrepreneurial mindset of 0.887 one unit of value
and vice versa, if there is a decrease of
entrepreneurial mindset, project-based learning will
decrease the entrepreneurial mindset of 0.887 one
unit of value.
The relationship between project-based learning
to entrepreneurial mindset is derived from the
summary model described in detail below in table 2:
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Table 2: Model Summary.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
Change Statistics
R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 .433
.278 .176 10381.506 .278 15.727 1 68 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Projec
ased Learning
. Dependent Variable: Islamic Entrepreneurial Mindset
Source: Results of Data Processing, 2015
From the table above we can calculate the
following Coefficient of Determination (CD) value:
CD = 0.278 x 100%
CD = 27.8%
The above calculation results show that the
magnitude of CD (coefficient of determination) is
27.8% which means that Islamic entrepreneurial
mindset is influenced by project-based learning
amounted to 27.8%, while the rest of 73.2% is
influenced by other variables not examined in this
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
Table 3: The results of t-Test.
Model Unstandardized
t Sig.
B Std. Erro
(Constant) 59488.242 7797.974 7.288 .000
.655 .195 .433 3.966 .000
a. De
endent Variable: Islamic Entre
reneurial Mindset
Source: Results of Data Processing, 2015
The calculation of t-test with the assistance of
SPSS 21.0 for windows program obtained tstatistic
of 3.966 with a significance level of 5%. Compared
with ttable value, the value of tstatistic is bigger than
the value of ttable (3.966> 1.665). Hence, the
decision can be made that the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is
a positive influence of project-based learning on
entrepreneurial mindset.
Based on the discussion of the theory, research
results, and testing of linear regression analysis
conducted regarding Building Islamic
Entrepreneurial Mindset of Students Through
Project-Based Learning can be summarized as
The results stated that Project-based learning
applied to students of the Faculty of
Economics and Business Education,
Indonesian University of Education is in very
high category. It shows that the learning-based
project on the students of the Faculty of
Economics and Business Education,
Indonesian University of Education is good.
The indicator which has the highest rating of
faster feedback that will occur is the learning
process with the score of 930, while the
indicator which has the lowest rating is the
emphasis of the learning process on the
development of analytical and critical thinking
skills with the score of 552.
The results stated that, Islamic entrepreneurial
mindset on the students of the Faculty of
Economics and Business Education,
Indonesian University of Education is in the
high category. It shows that the
entrepreneurial mindset of the students of the
Faculty of Economics and Business
Education, Indonesian University of
Education is good. Characteristic which has
the highest rating is only pursuing the best
opportunities with the score of 1,831, while
the characteristic which has the lowest rating
is focusing on executing decisions, not just
The result of this research states that project-
based learning has positive influence on
entrepreneurial mindset with direct influence
of 27.8%. It shows that the higher the
implementation of project-based learning, the
higher the entrepreneurial mindset.
Project-based learning for students of the
Faculty of Economics and Business
Education, Indonesian University of
Education can still be developed through the
improvement of lecturing process on the
development of analytical and critical thinking
skills. In order for these improvements to be
achieved effectively, a high level of
cooperation is required to foster social skills.
In addition, each individual must also be
Building Student’s Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project Based Learning Model
actively involved in project work as a learning
process and lecturers must be able to carry out
an assessment for each student so that there is
individual accountability. The interaction that
arises during the project-based lecture process
will lead to positive interdependence where
the learned knowledge can be obtained
together through active exploration in
Islamic Entrepreneurial Mindset of students of
the Faculty of Economics and Business
Education, Indonesian University of
Education can be improved on the aspect of
focusing on decision, not just planning. This
can be enhanced by establishing a framework,
because without a clear and targeted
framework the project work is in uncertainty.
Basically, through a lecturer who serves as a
facilitator, motivator, and not the executor
then the student is able to provide a clear
framework and able to work effectively
without the intervention of the lecturer
concerned. In addition to creating a
framework, to improve the focus on executing
decisions, it can be done by setting the
standard of success against the target of work
achievement to be implemented.
The results of this study suggest that project-
based learning has a positive effect on Islamic
entrepreneurial mindset, hence the researcher
recommends to implement the project-based
learning more optimally by conducting
experiments both in forms of indoor learning
activities and outdoor learning activities so
that creativity and innovation which is the
transformation of Islamic entrepreneurial
attitudes, knowledge, and skills for students is
increasingly explored.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy