Women’s Labor Force Participation Analysis on Formal and
Informal Business Sectors
Muryani Muryani and Ginanti Permata Hatiku
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Airlangga
Keywords: Women’s Labor Force Participation, Work Sector, Individual Characteristics, Multinomial Logit.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the determinant affecting the women’s labor force in formal and
informal sectors in Indonesia. The data used in this study is Cross Section data from the National Labor Force
Survey 2014. Analysis of Multinomial Logit Regression shows that primary education, secondary education,
tertiary education, age, and income significantly influence the women’s labor force participation in the formal
sector. Meanwhile, primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, age, marital status, and
income significantly influence the women’s labor force participation in the informal sector.
Job opportunity for men and women is not the same.
Some common issues that usually arise for women
job seekers are low human resource quality and
difficulty of finding jobs with a decent salary. Based
on the publication of International Labor
Organization of Indonesia during 2014, women’s
participation in the labor force is still low. In August
2014, the total labor force reached 121.87 million
people increased by 1.7 million people, compared
with August of 2013 the labor force as much as
120.17 million, while the open unemployment rate in
Indonesia in August 2014 amounted to 5, 94 percent
decrease compared to August 2013 amounted to 6.17
percent (BPS, 2014). However, many women are
reported to came join in the labor force during 2014.
Many working women are also reported of still
having full household-responsibility. Education level
also has a positive relationship with women’s labor
force participation, meaning as the education level
gets higher, the possibility of women getting jobs is
also higher (Simanjuntak, 1995).
The result of this research applies in all age levels
in both urban and rural areas. Further research also
shows that married women tend to have higher levels
of labor force participation rate than unmarried
women (Dogrul, 2012).
Theoretically, the relationship of working hours
and income exists, so, many people choose to have
more working hours to get more income. But, a
research from Bellante and Janson (1990) shows that
women with high-paying jobs tend to shorten their
working hours and prefer of having longer spare time.
The type of data used in this study is secondary data
in the form of cross-section data from year the 2014.
Source of data sample is from Survei Angkatan Kerja
Nasional (SAKERNAS) that contains household data
from all provinces and cities in Indonesia. Selected
sample data is composed of 229.103 data from
women in the productive age of 15-64 years old.
This research uses both the qualitative and
quantitative approaches. Qualitative approach is used
to find the probability of events (Gujarati and Poter,
2009), while the quantitative approach focusses on
value measurement and hypothesis testing. The
quantitative approach is done through Multinomial
Logit regression method. The researcher defines what
the independent and dependent variables that
correlate with the topic are to be processed in both
urban and rural areas with the Multinomial Logit
regression, with which authors analyze and interpret
statistically and economically.
Here is the equation model to be used in this
LFPwomen = βo + β1educprimer +β2educsekunder
+β3eductersier + β4umur + β5statprkwn + β6lokasi +
β7pendapatan + ui
LFPwomen : Women’s Labor Force Participation
Muryani, M. and Hatiku, G.
Women’s Labor Force Participation Analysis on Formal and Informal Business Sectors.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 814-817
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
βo : Intercept
β1-β8 : Regression Parameter (coefficient)
β1educprimer : Primary Education
β2educsekunder :Secondary Education
β3eductersier :Tertiary Education
β4umur : Women’s Productive Age (15-65
years old)
β5statprkwn : Marital Status
β6lokasi : Location
β7pendapatan: Income
Multinominal Logit regression is done three times
with the sample from all areas in Indonesia, urban-
area only, and rural-area only. Statistical analysis of
all sample-testing is done through Likelihood Ratio.
Significance parameter testing of each variable is
done through Z-statistic and Goodness of Fit model
with R-square (R2), that is also called by Pseudo R-
square in the Multinominal Logit model. Coefficient
interpretation to interpret the influences of
independent variables to dependent variable is using
Likelihood Ratio from the Multinominal Logit
regression for all areas in Indonesia, urban-area only,
and rural-area only has been equal to 0.000. It means
that all variables (primary education, secondary
education, tertiary education, age, marital status,
location, and income) are influencing the women’s
labor force participation significantly in the formal
and informal sector.
The value of pseudo R
from regression analysis
that is 0.3131 indicates a very good model fit. The
value of pseudo R
for urban-area only is 0.3527,
meaning that 35.27% of the variation in dependent
variable is derived from the variation in independent
variables in the model. Meanwhile, the value of
pseudo R
for rural-area only is 0.2445, meaning that
24.45% of the variation in dependent variable is
derived from the variation in independent variables in
the model. But it must be noted that the main
determinant of model quality is not the value of
pseudo R
, but from the Z-score to test the
statistical significance and the direction of the
coefficient itself.
Table 1: Comparison on the Result of Multinomial Logit Regression
Economic Sector
Marital status
Not significant
Not significant
Not significant
Source: Regression Output of Multinomial Logit in Stata/SAKERNAS 2014.
3.1 Education Level Variable
The level of education used in this study consisted of
dummy primary education, secondary education and
dummy dummy tertiary education. Usage category in
education supported by research and Abdusammad
Usman (2016) which states that the size of the
education being classified into four levels, namely
primary, secondary, tertiary, and no education
(classified by the classification of human needs
according to its intensity). The result shows that more
people with secondary education as the latest diploma
can increase the participation rate in the formal sector
by 5.265 times in all areas in Indonesia and by 4.009
times in urban areas, which is higher than the other 2
Women’s Labor Force Participation Analysis on Formal and Informal Business Sectors
variables representing education level. However, the
analysis of data shows a different result in rural areas,
where more people with tertiary education as the
latest diploma can increase the probability of
women’s labor force participation in the formal sector
by 10.679 times, higher than the 2 other variables.
This is because there is still a lack of labor force
participation in the formal sector that is caused by
limited access to education in rural areas.
In the informal business sector, the effect of those
three education level variables on three group areas
on women’s labor force participation is insignificant,
which is depicted from the negative coefficient
results. It means that higher education level lowers
the women’s labor force participation in the informal
sectors. This result is supported by a research from
Dogrul (2012), that states education seems to have a
negative effect towards labor force participation in
the informal business sector. Women also have a
higher level of participation to work in the informal
sector than the formal sector. The reason behind this
is because the main considerations in the informal
business sector are capital and skill, instead of the
level of education.
3.2 Age Variable
The result shows that age variable significantly and
negatively influencing the probability of women’s
labor force participation in the formal sector. For
example, as women get older, there is a decrease of
participation by 0.995 times in all areas of Indonesia
and by 0.994 times in urban areas, which can be
caused by certain limitations in the formal business
sector. This result is supported by Borjas (2013) that
said, people usually reduce their labor participation
when they are already retired. Hill (1983) also said
that formal business sector has a more rigid system
than informal business sector.
Furthermore, age variable seems to have a
significant positive effect on women’s labor force
participation in the informal business sector, whether
it is in all areas in Indonesia, urban-area only, or rural-
area only. Using the data from all areas in Indonesia,
age is proven to increase labor-force participation by
1.031 times, while in urban-area only, it successfully
increases the participation rate by 1.037 times, and in
rural-area only, an increase in age can increase the
participation rate by 1.027 times. Antyanto (2014)
said that there are many groups of elderly workers in
informal business sector. This phenomenon can be
caused of the public opinion that informal business
sector is more secure, while overlooking the age
variable of its workers.
3.3 Marital Status Variable
The analysis in this research shows that marital status
has a significant and positive effect on women’s labor
force participation in the formal sector in rural areas
by 2.031 times. Whereas in the informal business
sector, marital status has a significant positive effect
on the three group areas, with data from the overall
area in Indonesia shows an increase by 2.020 times,
in urban-area only shows an increase by 1.970 times,
and in rural-area only shows an increase by 2.031
times. As Chinhui research and Potter (2006) stated
that the participation of married women working for
a higher percentage of income distribution and
increase the percentage of female labor participation.
3.4 Location Variable
This research uses 3 variables that explain locations;
urban-area and rural-area. Our analysis shows that
location has a significant and negative relationship
with women’s labor force participation in the
informal sector, which means that women in urban
areas are less likely to work in the informal business
sector by 0.371 times than women in rural areas. It is
like a study conducted by Contreras (2011) which
states that a great competition in urban areas makes it
possible to be able to work in urban areas smaller than
the rural region
3.5 Income Variable
Formal business sector usually pays their workers
higher than the informal business sector. But the
result of this research shows that the relationships
between women’s labor force participation with
income in all 3 groups areas and in both formal and
informal business sectors are positive and significant.
This research’s analysis shows that any increase in
income results in the increase of participation rate by
100%. This is consistent with research Bibi and Asma
(2012) which states that income is an important
variable in determining the labor force participation
of women and act as an incentive to work. In many
previous studies that found that the formal sector tend
to have higher wages than the informal sector
Based on the results of this research and the
discussion that have been done on the determinant
affecting the women’s labor force participation in
formal and informal sectors in Indonesia using
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Multinominal Logit regression, the conclusions are
drawn as follows:
People with higher education levels have a
higher probability to work in the formal sector
than in the informal sector, while in the
informal sector, people with an education
degree have lower probability than those who
do not work. This is because the main
considerations in the informal business sector
are capital and skill, instead of the level of
education. Marital status also has a significant
and positive relationship with women’s labor
force participation in both formal and informal
sectors. Women’s labor force participation in
formal sector continues to decrease with age,
while in the informal sector, age does not show
any effect on women’s labor force
participation. Finally, any increase in income
results in the increasing probability of labor
force participation of women in both informal
and formal sectors. (These conclusions apply to
all the group area, which is all areas in
Indonesia, urban-area only, and rural-area
Based on Multinomial Logit regression, the
three education variables (primary, secondary,
and tertiary education), age, marital status,
location, and income is simultaneously and
significantly affect the preferences of female
labor force in selecting job sector, whether it is
in formal or informal. Partially, the result of
testing in all areas in Indonesia on primary
education, secondary education, tertiary
education, age, and income variables show a
significant relationship in formal and informal
business sectors. Marital status and location
variables also influence the women’s labor
force participation in the informal sector.
While in urban-area only, primary education,
secondary education, tertiary education, age,
and income variables show a significant
relationship in formal and informal business
sectors, and marital status variable shows a
significant relationship in informal sectors.
Furthermore, primary education, secondary
education, tertiary education, marital status,
and income show a significant relationship in
formal and informal business sectors in rural-
area only, while age has a significant effect in
the informal sectors in rural-area only.
Here are some recommendations and suggestions
for further research:
The data used in this research shows that
women’s labor force tends to work in the
informal sector. Government should support
and help them by giving them training that will
increase their expertise and by providing them
with increased micro and small enterprise loans
to help some additional capital assistance, so
they can increase their production and overall,
we hope they can help in maximizing our
economic growth;
It is the author's hope that further research will
be done more dynamically, where the
observation is done on several years with an
updated data. Furthermore, we hope that
further research will include factors other than
those being examined in this research.
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Women’s Labor Force Participation Analysis on Formal and Informal Business Sectors