Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community
Aep Wahyudin, Uwes Fatoni, Saeful Anwar, Ahmad Sarbini, and Undang Syaripudin
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
{aep.wahyudin, kanguwes, saeful.anwar}
Keywords: Media Literacy, Literacy Model, Mosque and Boarding school, Smart community in media.
Abstract: The media has a huge impact on a wide audience of people, both adults, teenagers, and children. An effective
literacy form is needed to anticipate the impact. The purpose of this research is to find out the model of
Literation based on Mosque and Boarding school in some areas in West Java, including to know the potential,
management, dissemination of information and awareness of Media Literacy Model based on typology of
mosque and boarding school In this area. This research uses an action research approach, also called
participatory action research, the approach in this research uses social cognitive theory, social process and
social learning theory. The results and findings of this research to find media literacy model based on mosque
and boarding school can into an effective literacy model. Mosque and boarding school is a sociological and
cultural base that integrates with the life of Indonesian society, therefore this research will investigate media
literacy model based on mosque and boarding school in West Java area.
Media has positive and negative effects, may be
useful for education, encouraging progress, or
revealing things that were previously not known to be
important knowledge. Conversely, the media also has
a bad and destructive influence. Studies on the social
impact of the media are reminiscent of all parties to
judge what might be harming themselves, their
families, or their communities and the environment.
Currently Indonesia has entered the media
saturated era, the era where the mass media
experience rapid development, both in terms of media
technology and media content itself. While electronic
media that meet the criteria of mass media is radio
broadcast, television, film, media on-line (internet).
Television as a medium of information, education and
cheap entertainment that can be enjoyed by every age
for 24 hours has been regarded as a magic box that
can bring pictures, sound and writing in almost the
same time with the occurrence of events. Through the
show program presented, television has succeeded in
hypnotizing even bewitching its viewers by drawing
attention and the construction of the imagination of
the audience in a massive and collective.
The so-called rating spurred a desire by industry
players to emulate another high-rating television
programming event instead of creating new and
different innovations. So there is a massive
duplication of a genre of programs, such as soap
operas themed teenage love affairs, the occult
program (mystic), esek-esek, ignorant of people,
bloody crimes, gossip, comedy insert violence, and so
Children of this age (including kindergartens)
generally love violent acts in cartoon movies, and
personify themselves like their favorite superhero
characters. Therefore the role of parents is necessary
for this kind of television spectacle in order to
minimize the superhero's aggressive aspect, but
maximize the creative aspect, and guide the children
toward potential and positive imagination.
Teenagers are now not shy anymore show up in
public. If used to wear miniskirts and tang top is
considered taboo society, but now it has become a
trend among teenagers. The teenagers were no longer
embarrassed to embrace until the kiss in public places
they have considered normal and reasonable. Even
prenuptial sex is also considered to be a reasonable
proof of love.
In Indonesia the majority of parents consider
television has become part of the family, some even
consider as a baby sister, parents also consider
television as a "friend" when the child alone. Because,
often children look more calm when left watching
television. For parents to let their children watch
television all the time is considered better than their
children playing outside the home. Parents, especially
Wahyudin, A., Fatoni, U., Anwar, S., Sarbini, A. and Syaripudin, U.
Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 22-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mothers, feel comfortable watching their children sit
in front of the television, while they are busy
completing the household chores. In the concept of
Indonesian families, mothers are among the most
dependent on the television media. It can be seen that
a mother can spend her time in front of the television.
In the midst of the siege of media, Nielsen Media
Research Indonesia put forward,
80% Housewife becomes the controller of the
television remote control. Mothers are often the
main target audience in television programming
shows, proved to be a lot of programs that are
specifically intended for mothers. The
dependence of mothers on television shows
makes mothers also target consumers of
commercial advertisements that encourage
consumptive attitudes. Thus housewives
contribute to the moral decline of the nation.
Given the magnitude of the impact of television,
many institutions in various countries have sought to
develop community empowerment to become savvy
and critical viewers of the media called media
literacy. The concept of media literacy (media
literacy) is an alternative to empowering the public in
the middle of the confluence of media message
production. Concept Willing to educate the public to
be able to interact and exploit the media intelligently
and critically. So the public is not easily fooled by the
media and not easily exploited the media for the
interests that are not in favor of public needs.
Competence is based on attitudes and judgments on
messages disseminated by the mass media and shown
in the form of mass media options that will be
consumed. Powerful media audience’s means media
competence or media literate at least have the ability
to analyze messages in media messages, evaluate
information sources, and discuss issues of media bias
and credibility.
Mosques and boarding school can serve as a basis
for media literacy in religious approaches in building
literacy communities in mosques and boarding
schools. Indonesia is the country with the largest
number of mosques in the world. The number of
mosques in Indonesia even beat mosques in Saudi
Arabia which is a country with a Muslim population
of 100 percent. "Indonesia is the country with the
largest mosque in the world Why is it natural because
Indonesia is the largest Islamic country in the world
Indonesia also has a typical boarding school As a
nation with the largest Muslim population different
from other Muslim countries in the world, the number
of santri boarding schools in 33 provinces across
Indonesia reached 3.65 million spread across 25,000
boarding schools.
In Indonesia with the majority of Muslim
population then the existence of the mosque was
eventually become widely spread in almost every
region. In the neighbourhood level of the village
alone there can be 3-5 mosques in it. But not a few
also Muslims who have not made the mosque as a
destination to worship and move. Many do not
participate prosperous existence, so it is not
uncommon we see the existence of a lonely mosque
of activities in it. Literacy media is needed involving
the base of mosques and boarding schools, so that
people become smart. Communities must have the
ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate
messages, so as to choose which media are good and
which are bad.
In accordance with the objectives to be achieved, this
research uses qualitative methods. Borgan and Tailor
stated that qualitative research is a procedure that
produces written or oral data, sourced from the
subject or behavior observed,
Qualitative research is an inquiry of
understanding based on distinct methodological
traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human
problem. The researcher builds a complex,
holistic picture, analyzes words, reports detailed
view of important, and conduct the study in
natural setting (Creswell, 1997: 15)
In this study the authors use an action research
approach, or also called participatory action research
is a participatory research activity among citizens in
a community or a wider social scope to encourage the
action of transformative (change of living conditions
better). Thus, as the term implies, participatory action
research has three main pillars, namely research
methodology, action dimension, and the dimension of
participation. That is, carried out with reference to a
particular research methodology, should aim to
encourage transformative action, and should involve
as many citizens or community members as possible
implementers of their own RAP. Paradigm
Participatory action research is based on the
phenomenological paradigm, or often also called the
paradigm of interpretivist, subjectivism, or social
definition. (Cf Sanapiah Faisal, "Philosophy and
Roots of the Qualitative Research Tradition", in
Burhan Bungin, 2003: 3-17.)
Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community
This research, will also use information
organization theory from Weick (2001), is one of the
theories of communication that discusses the
importance of disseminating information within the
organization to maintain the survival of the
organization. Sometimes a person's behavior can
arise simply because of the modelling process.
Modelling or imitation is "the direct, mechanical
reproduction of behavior, the direct and mechanical
reproduction of behavior (Baran & Davis, 2000: 184).
This research will take place in one of mosque and
boarding school area in West Java in doing media
literacy at mosque and boarding school in West Java
and West Sumatera. This research data is collected
through the following ways simulation and
modelling, participation, documentation study,
observation, interview, literature study, forum group
discussion (FGD), and media literacy training
(Literacy Media Community)
2.1 Media Literacy
Barry Duncan (in Guntarto & Dina, 2002), a media
literacy expert, argues that media literacy is very
concerned in helping students develop an informative
and critical account of the nature of mass media,
engineering techniques used, And the impact of such
techniques. The National Leadership Conference on
Media Literacy (in Baran, 2004) states that media
literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
communicate messages. The same thing is expressed
by Wikipe he (2007) which states that media literacy
is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating
messages in a deep variation of media models, genres,
and forms in which using an instructional model
based on inquiry that encourages individuals to ask
questions about what They watch, see, and read.
(Rubin in Baran, 2004; Astuti, 2007)
Silverblatt (in Baran, 2004) identify five basic
elements of media literacy. The elements of the media
literacy are: an awareness of the effects of the media,
an understanding of the process of mass
communication, a strategy for analyzing and
discussing media messages, an understanding of
media content as a text that gives ideas into every
culture and life Individuals and the ability to enjoy,
understand, and appreciate media content.
2.2 Social Cognitive Theory (Social
Cognitive Theory)
The social cognitive theory, developed by Albert
Bandura, is based on the proposition that neither
social processes nor cognitive processes are central to
understanding human motives, emotions, and actions.
Social Cognitive Theory (Social Cognitive Theory) is
a new naming of the Social Learning Theory
developed by Albert Bandura. In some of its
publications, Bandura has elaborated the social
learning process with cognitive and behavioural
factors that influence a person in the social learning
process. This theory is instrumental in studying the
effects of mass media content on media audiences at
the individual level.
The results of this study, see, observe and organize
media literacy. Research activities with literacy is
aimed at society that exist in boarding school
environment represented by religious scholar figure
that exist around Tasikmalaya regency region. Invite
also a number of broadcasting institutions that exist
in the region of Tasikmalaya that clearly addressed to
the perpetrators of the broadcasting industry itself.
Place of execution of activities in Hisyam Hall
Pondok boarding school Qoshrul Muhajirin
Singaparna, Tasikmalaya with the address of Badak
Paeh RT 024 / RW 005 village. Antasari District
Leuwisari, Tasikmalaya.
The study of this literacy model, presenting
resource persons related to the needs in the boarding
school environment, is: Dr. Aep Wahyudin, M.Ag
(Commissioner of Broadcast Content Sector) with the
topic of Smart Media, Smart Media, Dr. Asep
Salahudin (Cultural and religious social researcher)
with the topic of Media and Cultural Wisdom, KH.
Zam Imadudin, Lc., M.Pd with the topic of
Broadcasting Ethics in Islam, and Harry A Mulyadi
on the topic of Ideal Quality Content, Healthy,
Educative and Child Friendly. US, delivered
Boarding school has a strong foundation with
religious and cultural base in facing media. The US
says, "Healthy media and intelligent viewers, of
course this is what we expect. Media (print,
electronic, etc.) are present broadcast quality, healthy,
educative, and child friendly. Media is not only a
force to accelerate the realization of democratic
public space, but it is also expected to be an important
subject to inject awareness so that people have a
complete knowledge of the surrounding reality,
whether political, social, cultural, economic or
The negative impact of the media, the media can
match and even religion becomes the new religion,
the US ilustasinya describe, "media into a" new
religion "that requires its adherents have in fact a true
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
obedience to the entire contents of the broadcast
(broadcast). Rating is suddenly used as a benchmark
to determine how far the level of community
adherence to the "religion" is. Another impact, the
media created a popular culture, popular culture only
sells dreams. Television in this context being that
hides media tyranny agenda (hidden tyranny) at once,
said Hannah Arendt, space to practice kejumawaan
guile powerful desire to produce impressions and
communications that are not real, that completely
artificial and deceptive.
Anticipating the negative impact of the media, it
is necessary with the defence of religion and culture,
boarding school as the centre of religious knowledge
and worship activities can be a model. As the United
States, "the importance of local culture in the face of
the media's impact, with local culture. In the midst of
pessimism, optimistic attitude must be nurtured.
Religion and culture must be re-presented as a moral
force (filter), to restore the media to its original
khitah, as an instrument to spread goodness and
virtue. There must be a common movement and
awareness that there is something wrong in our view
of the media. So wisdom Sunda, minimal through the
maxim that we can read as a legacy of the ancestors,
very clearly teaches the necessity us to speak (see) is
not the origin of the way, (Abong biwir teu
diwengku, abong letah teu tulangan) emphasize so as
not to forget the land (Adam lali tapel), not hypocrisy
(Budi santri, legeg lebe, ari lampah euwah-euwah ),
Must know the self (ngukur ka kujur, nimbang ka
awak), consistence in truth (ulah unggut kalinduan,
gedag kaanginan), transparent (Ngadek sacekna nilas
saplasna), have emotional intelligence (Ari umur
tunggang gunung, angen-angen pecad sawed),
Intellectual intelligence (asak warah), does not need
to be arrogant with something that is not really ours
(Adean ku kuda beureum); , Do not be swept away
(Ulah kabawa ku sakaba-kaba) and do not keep
fantasizing about something that we can not achieve
(Ngudag-ngudag kalangkang heulang, Ngeunah eon
teu ngeunah ehe, ngajul bentang ku asiwung, piit
ngendek-ngendek pasir) , and away from sense
Misguided ((akal bulus).
Anticipating the impact of this media, it is
necessary to understand the media in the perspective
of Islamic ethics and communication. Boarding
school is a religion educational institution that teaches
ethics and morals, including in communication ethics.
As ZZN conveys the need for the Principles of
Reward and Sins in viewing the media, he says "this
principle explains that every message or statement
that comes out contains consequences of reward or
sin. Oral, as well as writing have a key role in
communicating, whether leading us to success or
destruction. "The media must also have a province of
honesty, in Islamic communication according to
ZZN, among the form of honesty in communicating
is not twisting facts, and not spreading lies or lies. So
that the media needs to be monitored, examined and
scrutinized, it is in accordance with the opinion ZZN,
that the media scrutiny as a form of communication
in Islam, the "man fal yughoyyiruu ro'a minkum
munkaron biyadihi, wa ilamyastati 'fabilisanihi, wa
ilam yastathi' fabiqolbihi".
According to the Commissioner of West Java
KPID, boarding school already has a good filter
potential i.e. religious defence and morality, it
becomes the capital to be a savvy audience.
According to him, the literacy model becomes a
savvy audience, which is Make watch as an activity
of choice, Limit the time (best ideal time is 2 hours /
day), Select age-appropriate, good & beneficial
programs (see left or right corner codes) Letters A =
child, R = adolescent, D = Adult, SU = All Age) BO
= Parental Guidance), Watching with a mind that is
not empty, Critical if there is bad content broadcast,
Complain to KPI if there is any information about the
content of the broadcast.
It is necessary and important to address the
spectacle clearly, the agreement with the family about
the pattern of watching TV, make parents as family
models, invite parents to accompany and guide while
watching TV, set TV family watching schedule to
watch TV as a conscious choice of purpose, watching
TV According to need not out of desire, choose TV
shows that educate and informative always watch TV
according to segment of event and age classification.
Literacy media is needed involving the base of
mosques and boarding schools, so that people become
smart. Communities must have the ability to access,
analyze, evaluate and communicate messages, so as
to choose which media are good and which are bad
Democracy today will be difficult to enforce, if the
community is not media literate. Mass media, as one
of the pillars of democracy, can play an optimal role
if the people are media literate.
Mosques and boarding school can be the basis of
media literacy in religious approaches in building
literacy communities in mosques and boarding
schools. Local culture-based literacy models, local
wisdom that is dug, polished, packaged and properly
maintained can serve as an alternative to the
guidelines of Indonesian human life today and can be
Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community
used to filter out new / foreign values so as not to
conflict with the national personality. Religious-
based literacy model, that is understanding of religion
environment boarding school and mosque can be
filter and gate keeper to information and impressions
that do not educate, so that can become a clever and
critical audience.
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education