Implementation Differences of Cooperative Learning Model Two
Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique with Numbered Heads Together
(NHT) Technique to Study Result of Students on Sociology
Riztiary Pranacita and Lisken Sirait
School of Post-Graduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{riztiarypranacita, liskensirait}
Keywords: cooperative learning model, TSTS technique, NHT technique, study result.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to acknowledge increases and differences of student’s study result on
Sociology. This research is conducted on XI Social Class in one Senior High School in Garut with using
quasi-experiment method. This research used two classes, which two used cooperative learning model TSTS
technique and NHT technique. According to hypothesis test, it can be inferred that class which used
cooperative learning model TSTS technique shows more higher results with significant difference compared
with class that used cooperative learning model NHT technique.
Indonesia is a country on the development in every
sector of its life. Education has a very important role
in Indonesia development so it can used to produce
better quality human resources. The problems that
occurred on education currently is quality of the
education itself. Education quality it can not be
separated with its learning components. Those
components are education purpose, students,
teachers, study material, approaches and methods,
media, study source and evaluation. One of the most
impactful components, is the teachers, because they
are the subjects that directly contacts with the
The tasks and function of the teachers in making
of the condition on learning process which is
educating can be implemented depends on the
creativeness of the teachers on the study process, so it
can create learning conditions which help to create
active, creative, and fun study. Even the curriculum is
so good, but if it’s not followed with good
infrastructure, it will be no means at all. One of the
most have ability that teachers must have is how to
choose and implement a learning model so it can
increase the students comprehension according to the
competency that targeted, which is impact on the
increase on their study result.
Problems that are faced on Sociology learning in
one Senior High School in Garut is there is still a
student that has low results. There is still a student
which has Sociology results below the passing grade.
The Sociology passing grade is 76.
Study result of the XI Social students still low. It
can be declared low because there are still most
students that gets score below passing grade. Low
results on this study could be caused by low interest
and motivation because the study process just
centered only to the teachers, so the study just only
done in one way.
The lecture method which often used by
teachers in the classroom is considered as the cause
of poor attendance, learners high apathy, and passive
learning environment (Vevea, R., and Harris, 2011).
On the other hand, is certainly caused by factors
within the learner, socio-economic aspects of his
family, which is individual factor and social factor
(Thobroni, M. and Mustofa 2012).
According to the factors above, one factor that can
be improved is teacher’s factor and teaching method.
Teachers must choose and develop the innovative
study method so the material can be delivered in full
and the student can comprehend it more better and
also increase the motivation that can increase students
interesting study process. The development of study
process every time always changing. Traditional
learning method must be left behind and change with
Pranacita, R. and Sirait, L.
Implementation Differences of Cooperative Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique with Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique to Study Result of Students on Sociology.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 486-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
more modern model. In the way of constructivism
approach on learning, one of the learning method
which is get more responds is cooperative learning
model (Isjoni, 2012).
Formulate "cooperative learning is o means of
grouping students in small, mixed ability learning
teams. The teacher present the group with a problem
to solve or task to perform. Student in the group the
work among themselves, help one another, praise and
citizen one another's contributions. Students work in
group of four to six member cooperate with each
other to learn the material (Burden, Paul R. and Byrd
Cooperative learning is a learning model that
helps students on developing their comprehension
and attitude according with real life in societies, so
working together with the group it will increase the
motivation, productivity, and study result (Solihatin
Cooperative learning is the heart of problem-
based learning. It is related to collaborative learning,
which emphasizes the “natural learning” (as opposed
to training resulting from highly structured learning
situations) that occurs as an effect of community in
which students work together in unstructured groups
and create their own learning situation. (Philip G.
Cottell, 1992).
Cooperative learning, as a more structured form
of collaborative learning, provides a practical
framework for implementing mutual goals such as
promoting active learning; bridging the gulf between
teachers and students; creating a sense of community;
ensuring that knowledge is created, not transferred;
making the boundaries between teaching and research
less distinct; and locating knowledge in the
community rather than in the individual (Whipple
In cooperative learning there are some technique
that can be implemented on class. The technique that
has been chosen by the researcher is Two Stay Two
Stray (TSTS) and numbered heads together (NHT).
These techniques are developed together by Spencer
Kagan. Cooperative model TSTS technique is a
technique that help students in studying and
comprehending the material with information
Two stay two stray technique with looking on
appropriate step will be very effective to increase the
activity and study result (Hariyani, 2013), on the
other side, the NHT technique is the technique that
give the student to share the idea and considers the
right answer. NHT technique can motivate the
students to increase their partnership motivation
(Wijayati, 2008). With NHT technique, the class can
be more conditioned and noiseless, also the students
can be more active on the study process (Sukanti,
Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is another
instructional strategy designed to actively engage
more pupils during lessons and, thereby, improve
their academic performance (Larry, 2016). The
research problem in general is “Can the cooperative
model technique TSTS and NHT technique increase
the study result of students in Sociology?”. On the
other side, the purpose of the research is to
acknowledge the cooperative learning model TSTS
technique and NHT technique help increase the
students study result in Sociology.
Population in this research are every student in XI
Social class which is 190 persons. Sampling
technique that is used in here is cluster random
sampling. The researcher chooses the class that will
become the sample is XI Social 1 class that used
cooperative learning model TSTS technique, XI
Social 2 class that used cooperative learning model
NHT. Total sample from those two classes are 88
The research design used in this research is quasi
experiment designs. The research method used in this
research is randomized pretest-posttest control
groups design using two classes, one experimental
classes and one control class, randomly collected and
then pre-treatment and post-test.
In this case, research that will be conducted by the
researcher will use quantitative approach, where as in
this research the data can be collected with numbers,
about independent variable and dependent variables,
will be collected in same time.
Collecting data technique in the research using
test, participative observation, interview,
documentation, Test is the statement or some tasks
that has been planned to get the information about
education attribute or psychologic which every
questions or tasks has an answer or conditions which
is assumed true (Zainul 2001).
Test is conducted in pre-test and post-test. Pre-test
is to find student study result before the techniques
implemented, and post-test is to find student study
result after the techniques implemented. The test is
written test with 30 questions multiple choice with the
main topic social mobility. Participative observation
is the researcher is involved in daily activities on the
observed person or used as research data source
(Sugiyono 2013).
Implementation Differences of Cooperative Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique with Numbered Heads Together (NHT)
Technique to Study Result of Students on Sociology
This observation involves students and researcher
directly to analyze the difference between
cooperative model learning TSTS technique and
NHT technique to study result on Sociology. The
researcher conducts direct observation to XI Social
class student about their study process before and
after usage of cooperative learning TSTS technique
and NHT technique, also with study result on
Sociology before and after the test.
Interview is conducted to collect the data
consultatively. This interview is conducted with the
sociology teachers to know the condition of the
students on the lesson and the material dissemination.
So, when the research conducted it will fit with the
research step. Documentation is conducted to get the
name list and results list of XI Social Class to make it
as a base for experiment class and control class
3.1 Research Result
3.1.1 General Description of Student Results
with Two Different Approaches
According to the pre-test and post-test results on
social mobility topic with using cooperative model
learning TSTS technique and cooperative learning
NHT technique, there are the description of the means
of study result of the students.
Table 1: Study result means with two different approaches.
Pre Test
Post Test
On the table 1 it can be shown that the pre-test
mean for every class based on the difference test is
not significantly different. This means that before the
approach is implemented, these classes have an
ability on same level so it is good to conduct the
student results difference test. In the post-test, there is
quite high difference between experiment class
(86,229) and control class (82,395).
Also with the n-gain results from the pre-test and
post-test means where control class 2 have the lowest
n-gain (study result increase) that is 0,51, lowest than
experiment class n-gain (0,62). This description
shows that cooperative learning model TSTS
technique give the better results even increase the
study result more compared with NHT technique.
3.1.2 Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis test that will be conducted on this
research is hypothesis test about the difference of
study result with two different approaches, which are
cooperative learning TSTS technique, cooperative
learning NHT technique. Analysis method that
conducted is two sample t-test. Testing model which
is conducted is to test which approach that will impact
study result more, which the indicators are the
comparison of post-test score of those three
approaches. From the testing model that has been
quoted before, there will hypothesis test (t-test), that
H0: There is no difference study result between
classes that use cooperative learning model TSTS
technique with NHT technique on sociology subject.
H1: There is difference study result between
classes that use cooperative learning model TSTS
technique with NHT technique on sociology subject.
Because the hypothesis test using t-test, so the
collected data must fulfil the requirement such as
normality test and homogeneity test, for each
compared data. If there is one inside the data group
don’t pass the normality assumption, t-test can’t be
used (Kruskal-Wallis Test as alternative) and does not
need to test the homogeneity. But, if the data group is
normal but not homogenous the t-test can’t be
conducted (t’-test as alternative).
3.1.3 Difference Test between Post-test
Experiment Class and Control Class
Results about difference test of experiment class and
control class can be shown from following table.
Table 2: T-test post-test experiment class and control
t table
It can be seen from Table 2 that t-score from
experiment class and control class post-test means is
3,339 > t-table on significance level 95% and degree
of freedom dk = 48 2 = 46, is 2,013.
This shown that post-test score experiment class
and control class significantly different or on the
other word, cooperative learning model TSTS
technique give results more better and significant than
cooperative learning model NHT technique. It can be
seen from post-test means of experiment class, which
is 86,229 more bigger than post-test control class
score, which is 82,396.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Difference of Study Result of Students
on Sociology between Experiment
Class and Control Class
According to results of hypothesis test of study result
on experiment class using TSTS technique
significantly different with control class which used
NHT technique. These two classes have been
improved since TSTS technique and NHT technique
implemented. But if experiment class and control
class is compared, experiment class which used
cooperative learning TSTS technique get more better
results than control class 2 which used cooperative
learning NHT technique.
The difference of the results that collected from
those two class has several reasons, which are:
1) Each class characteristics are different. In
learning process, not at all students have high
learning motivation, but that problem can be
solved if the teachers can give the motivation
that encourage the student interest. So, the
student can be more active when studying occur
2) Cognitive ability of the students is variative.
Student cognitive ability from each class is
variative, there are low, middle, and high, so, it
is difficult to make cognitive ability on same
Otherwise, in learning process the teacher should
controls and pay attention to the active student and
less active student. For the less active student, is the
task for teacher to motivate them, so they can be more
active when learning process still occur so the
learning process can be good and effective. In this
research, it is proved that cooperative learning model
TSTS technique give more better results that
cooperative model learning NHT technique. Study
result is a result from interaction between study action
and teaching action which is influenced by two
factors, which are: Individual factor and social factor.
Individual factors that have a large influence on
learning outcome are interest and motivation. With
TSTS technique, students have big interest in
studying, because studying become the activities that
has more comfortable and fun. Motivation also has a
big impact to the results achievement because
motivation moves, directs the action, and choose
study purpose which feels more useful for student
From this research, it can be concluded that
experiment class which used cooperative learning
model TSTS technique give more better results than
control class which used cooperative learning NHT
technique with significant difference, seen from
means of study result of students. So, the cooperative
learning model TSTS technique is the effective
learning model in improving student results on
sociology with social mobility as main topic.
Differences of study result between experiment
classes with control class, which is significantly
different seen from study result means by students
from class which using cooperative learning model
TSTS technique compared with students from class
which using cooperative learning model NHT
technique. This shows TSTS technique give more
better study result than NHT technique on sociology
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Implementation Differences of Cooperative Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique with Numbered Heads Together (NHT)
Technique to Study Result of Students on Sociology