Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud's Psychoanalysis
On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program
Ratna Juami, Aceng Kosasih and Kama Abdul Hakam
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: ethics, learning, psychoanalysis, value education, psychology.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the condition of the student’s value who are concerned, they do not feel guilty
when lying. In some cases it is known not only teachers who are lied to, but their own parents either. This
study aims to see the process of the construction of honest value through the German language intensive class
program on stakeholder relations activities. By using qualitative approach and descriptive-analytic method.
The research focus was conducted at SMA PGII I Bandung as one of Partner School “Zukunft: der Partner
Schule” in Bandung. The results showed that the conditioning method was able to construct honest values to
the students. This fact is traced through the investigation of Freud's psychoanalytic perspective which shows
the psychovalue process based on ethics dialectics. The construction of the honest values of learners has
implications for the formation of the moral values of a community that in the study of values education is part
of the kind of Universal value that is recognized by civilized nations.
An online news (, 24/02/16)
mentioned as many as 17 students’ netted raids in
Yogyakarta order with the education and police
department. 17 students were caught truant at school
hours. The phenomenon of truant students from
school activities is not only happening in Yogyakarta,
in several big cities found also uniformed students
who roam the public at school hours for example in
Bandung. The case implies that behavior is not
commendable. To parents the students has permits to
go to school, in fact they are not going to school. One
of the research shows that ethical significance is a
concrete endeavor of the world of education, one
encouraged to be able to make decisions purely based
on their imperative morals. Next according to Gülcan,
a teacher can teach the norm easily but it does not
mean the students will obey the rules unless the
teacher teaches the ethics. One of the tasks of the
world of education is how to encouragement the
students to behave in accordance with moral
standards (:commendable) (Gülcan 2014)
In ethics studies such behavior reflects
dishonesty. Student dishonesty shows the weakness
of ethics. A description write three definitions of
Values based on each of the different disciplines
(Kosasih, 2010):
1) A psychologist expressing value is a belief that
makes a person act on the basis of his choice.
Values occur in psychological areas that create
beliefs, such as desires, motives, attitudes,
wants, and needs. Therefore, the right-wrong,
good-bad, beautiful-unflattering decision in this
region is the result of a series of psychological
processes and then directs the individual to the
actions and actions that correspond to his chosen
values (Allport, 1964; Kosasih, 2010)
2) A value according a sociologist is a normative
standard affecting humans in making choices
among alternative means of action. This
definition has a major emphasis on the norm as
an external factor affecting human behavior.
Therefore, one of the most important parts in the
process of value judgment is the involvement of
normative values prevailing in society
(Kupperman, 1983; Kosasih, 2010)
3) According to Kluckhohn values as conceptions
(implied or written, which distinguish individual
or group characteristics) from what is desired,
affecting the choice of way, intermediate and
purposeful purposes end of action. This
Juami, R., Kosasih, A. and Hakam, K.
Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud’s Psychoanalysis Paradigm - On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 520-525
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
definition of value according to Bremeld has
many implications (Brameld, 1957; Kosasih,
Rational value and cathartic process
(attraction or impulse according to
Values always work potentially, but
always meaningless when diversalization
When it pertains to culture, values are
expressed in a unique way by individuals
or groups
Because certain will can be valuable or not,
it is necessary to believe that values are
essentially equited rather than desirable
The choice between alternative values is
made in the context of the availability of
objectives between means and ends,
That value exists, it is a fact of human
nature, culture, and at the same time it is
the norms that have been realized.
The Context of Values in each discipline have
different emphases. But in essence, the existence of
pure individual Value is based on its autonomous idea
of something dependent on its psychological domain.
Values in social practice are obedience attitudes to the
norms prevailing in society, whereas how the
individual interpret his actions to the idea of
autonomy depends on the individual itself. Therefore
Value can produce various implications, both to
himself and his society. There are three Types of
Values seen from the fundamental sides: first, the
universal value that has been recognized by the
civilized nations, second is the absolute values
recognized according to religious beliefs, and third is
the objective values recognized by certain judgment
groups of people (Hakam and Nurdin 2016,).
While ethics distinguishes specifically the
separation of ethics and morals, "...Moral teachings
can be compared with the manual how we should treat
our motorcycles well, while ethics gives us a sense of
the structure and technology own motorcycle ".
Ethics become an influential fundament in the life of
society. In the moral argument that is analogous as a
guide, and ethics as a structure as well as the system
can be obtained an interconnected picture between
ethics and morals (Suseno, 1987). So it can be
concluded if ethics enters in a universal study in the
context of morality or society. In other words moral
is a manifestation of ethics in concrete. One of the
research shows the ethics leads a person to a
humanistic behavior that is the end point of the
quality of life goals (Kamweri, 2016).
Basic moral principles lead to strong moral
personality attitudes. Ethics defines seven moral
personality attitudes: (1) Honesty, Terms of honesty
are openness and fair, (2) Authentic Values, Humans
who live and show themselves in accordance with
their authenticity with personality (3) Willingness to
Be Responsible, Rooted in an attitude of honesty, by
realizing what is true or good, he is honestly aware
and willing to take responsibility, (4) Moral Self-
Reliance, Inner Power to take morale and to act
accordingly, (5) Moral courage, showing itself in a
determination to maintain an attitude that has been
believed to be a duty if it is not approved or actively
opposed by the environment, (6) Humility, not only
means that we are aware of the limitations of our
good, that our ability to provide moral judgment is
limited, (7) Realistic and Critical, This attitude is a
logical consequence of all an attitude of strong moral
personality. Moral responsibility demands that we
continually improve just what is there to be more in
line with human dignity. This realistic attitude is
accompanied by a critical attitude because it is
required to continue to see the various contexts of life
(Suseno, 1987).
Construction of ethics values in students can be
practiced through the world of education. Value
education is often also called moral education
because the domain of the study comes from moral
values or virtues. "Values education is education that
considers objects from a moral point of view and non-
moral point of view, which includes aesthetics that is
to judge objects from the point of view of beauty and
personal taste, and the ethics of judging rightly or
wrongly in interpersonal relationship " (Hakam,
Today's value education is what is meant by
character education, because both have the same
orientation of attitude or behavior change to be better.
In the value education study there are several methods
that can be integrated into the lesson.
Conditioning education method According to
Learning Theory, the system increases the probability
of response or behavioral substitutes. Children can be
taught behaviors that are considered morally or
morally right by their parents (such as, honest,
helpful, polite, caring) and earned praise when doing
so (Ward, 1971; Downey et al, 1982). In a book
entitled Values Internalization Method written, the
result (: the change that occurs) becomes the key to
the success of the Skinnerian conditioning method
(Hakam and Nurdin, 2016). Furthermore, it is
described that conditioning is not an automation
process but depends on information about the
tendency of unconditioned responds when a condition
is presented, in other words the urgency of
Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud’s Psychoanalysis Paradigm - On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program
information is very influential in shaping behavior
(Schunk, 2012; Kama and Nurdin, 2016) .
The process of investigating the construction of
values on learners is examined in the perspective of
Freud's psychoanalytic approach. According to Freud
consciousness depends on the unconsciousness of
human behavior. Freud considered the area of
morality to be the ultimate impulse of a rationality
endpoint. Freud thought that moral acquisition is a
process of developing the child's personality in
tandem with the superego. Substitutes or the
mechanisms of moral demands of adults around them
are internalized by the child. Imperative moral (moral
based on the commandments) functions to control the
impulse id (the subconscious). The superego has two
functions: acting as a conscience and as an ideality
ego. The child's conscience is formed by identifying
and internalizing the moral standards of his parents.
When punished by his parents the child is frustrated;
the aggression against the loved ones is sublimated
into the fear of losing the people he loves; the child
unconsciously alters his temper within. Conscience
works when the parent (: the people he loves) is not
present (Freud, 1933; Downey et al, 1982). The
superego also manifests as a picture of ego-ideality
that gives a positive standard; conscience is used as
the standard parameter instrument that becomes the
rule of society (Freud, 1914; Downey et al., 1982).
Gracia analyzes that ethical manifestations are one of
obedience; it has become a paradigm of ethical
teaching in the history of human civilization. It was
continued by Gracia that Freud's psychoanalytic
technique is one model of inquiry that emphasizes
neutrality as a central principle in the therapeutic
process, in other words analysts help patients to
"clarify" themselves. This in the ethical study shows
a moral imperative mechanism in Kant's moral
philosophy. According to Gracia the method was
applied by Louis Raths in the theory of values
clarification (Gracia, 2016).
The phenomenon of moral values of high school
students in several big cities shows the low ethics of
students reflected in the immoral cases that occur.
This research will describe the implementation of
value education through the Deutsch Intensive Class
Program in the process of reconstructing moral
values. Concrete practice through the learning
process is the focus of ethical construction with the
aim of constructing moral values on students based
on individual ethical dialectics. Whereas in some
previous studies the research exploration focused on
ethical constructions in the world of education in
general, the effectiveness of the value internalization
model, as well as the ethical construction in the
context of social causality.
This research uses qualitative approach with
descriptive-analytic method. Data acquisition is done
in three ways: interview, observation and
documentation study, then validated in triangulation
stage to get consistent picture as result of whole
methodological process. Interviews with German
teachers were conducted at the end of the learning
session, while interviews were conducted when the
entire observation process was completed with the
aim of avoiding the influence of assumptions on
students, to obtain statements based purely on student
judgment. Observations were conducted for six
months, the first two months of pre-study while the
next four months actively participated in various
activities during the intensive German classroom
program progress. Documentation studies are
conducted in accordance with the process of
observation conducted to continue to be traced textual
facts about the various activities of intensive German
language courses.
The research was conducted at SMA PGII I
Bandung as one of Partner School Zukunft's: der
Partner Schule in Bandung. Research subjects are
teachers as a stimulus center and learners (class X) as
a response center.
Through the process of Interview of Deutsch teacher
in intensive class (Popy Suprijati) obtained
information that the teacher wants to construct honest
value to the students. She considers honest
construction of value essential for the provision of the
young generation. The construction process is carried
out in the Deutsch language intensive class program.
Using the conditioning method; teachers require
student to provide parental consent forms and signed
by their parents. This is done as the first conditioning
strategy for students as well as parents. Further
conditioning through the delivery of information by
teachers continuously repeats the revelation that the
participation of students in intensive classes
distinguishes them from other students. The term
superior students is used as a distinguishing doctrine
from other students. Teacher explains it gives pride to
parents especially if they give achievement. Based on
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
these arguments students are encouraged to inform
progress the intensive class. Through the technique of
conditioning the teacher claiming the construction of
honest value appears in the students. Marked in the
absence of false information about the data and
signatures of parents submitted.
Teacher claims are validated to three students
through the interview stage. Obtained facts as
follows: The first participant revealed that often
discuss with her parents about the participation in the
intense class. In an explanation revealed when the
team managed to qualify for the Olympics,
participants saw her mother more enthusiasm than
herself that made more excited for her. Seeing her
mother's attitudes, the participant thinks she should
try not to let her mother down. The second participant
revealed that his father gave a lot of encouragement,
he also wanted to boast parents by getting a
scholarship to Deutschland, a career, winning the
Deutsch Language Olympics. Disclosed that his
father always asks developments in the intensive
class. The third participant revealed that, she told her
mother about her activities, her mother always asked
about the progress in the intensive class. Participants
feel happy to see the attention of his mother.
According to the three students the intensity of the
discussion took place on a regular basis.
The results of the study were assessed in value
education sciences. It can be concluded that the
construction of honest values belongs to a kind of
universal value. According to Hakam and Nurdin
(2016) seen from fundamental side, the types of
values are divided into three classifications: first, the
universal value that has been recognized by civilized
nations, the two absolute values recognized according
to religious beliefs, and the three objective values
which is recognized by certain groups of people. In
the context of the Deutsch language Intensive Class
program, the teachers construct universal values as
one of the values whose essence is recognized by
various nations. The premise is based on the social
liberation argument advanced by Suseno (1987) that
social freedom is seen as the negation of existential
freedom. When the meaning of individual freedom
'for what' contradicts reality, then freedom is
automatically reduced. Furthermore, according to
Suseno (1987) there are three social freedoms:
physical freedom is limited by coercion in the
understanding that others may resort to coercion in
the physical realm (1), spiritual freedom can not be
restricted directly because the spiritual is not open
directly present in the physical world but through
coercion from outside the spiritual freedom can be
reduced through pressure (2), command and
prohibition, this is illustrated as the following
premise: "if I get a ban, my abilities are still intact,
then what is missing is my right to do."(3). the
description confirms the boundaries of the individual
while strengthening social dominance at the level of
individual concrete existence. Social freedom implies
the construction of value as a manifestation of
"dominance" that affects the existential realm. Social
interpreted as a universality whose conception of
"freedom" is approved by all parties. The truthfulness
included into the universal value is based on seven
strong moral personality attitudes that can lead
individuals to the value of universality. According to
Suseno (1987) the seven values are: honesty,
authentic values, responsible, moral independence,
moral courage, humility, realistic and critical.
Construction of value through the Deutsch
language intensive class program involves the
participation of parents in Stakeholder Relations
activities. As stipulated in Law No. 2 of 1989
concerning the National Education System in Chapter
IV, article 10, paragraph 4, "Family education is part
of the educational out-of-school education run in
families and which provides religious beliefs, cultural
values, moral values and skills. "Conditioning
procedures involving parental involvement are
conducted by teachers on the grounds to help students
avoid unexpected behaviors that interfere with the
school process; In order to create the desired behavior
through the conditioning pattern or framework
adopted by Eyesenck (Ward, 1971; Downey et al,
1982) is to evoke feelings associated with "pain"; fear
/ anxiety, and with the hope associated with his future,
the child can restrain himself. Praxis theory that
Eyesenck disclosed practiced teachers by
conditioning the immediate environment and
student's daily life to play a role in the construction of
value that encourages students to be honest. The
teacher's appeal to students responded positively, as
evidenced by the ongoing process of personal
discussion between students and parents about the
activities in the intensive class, while textual evidence
in the form of a signed letter of approval to prove the
correlation of honesty at the level of deed
The results of validation of teacher claims to
students is done through the stage of in-depth
interviews of students who then studied through the
perspective of psychoanalysis Freud which included
into the study of science value education. According
to Freud (1933, Downey et al, 1982) consciousness
depends on the unconsciousness of human behavior.
Freud considered the area of morality to be the
ultimate impulse of a rationality endpoint. For Freud
the acquisition of morality is a process of the
Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud’s Psychoanalysis Paradigm - On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program
development of the child's personality in tandem with
the superego. Substitutes or the mechanisms of moral
demands of adults around them are internalized by the
child. Imperative moral (moral based on the
commandments) functions to control the impulse id
(the subconscious). The superego has two functions:
acting as a conscience and as an ego ideal. The child's
conscience is formed by identifying and internalizing
the moral standards of his parents. When punished by
his parents the child is frustrated; the aggression
against the loved ones is sublimated into the fear of
losing the people he loves; the child unconsciously
alters his temper within. Conscience works when the
parent (: the people he loves) is not present. The
superego also manifests as a picture of ego-ideality
that gives a positive standard; through his conscience
measured standards that became the rule of society
(Freud, 1914; Downey et al., 1982). The superego
facts positioned as the conscience which is the basic
capital of one's ethics through the analysis of Diego
Gracia (2016) suggests that the manifestation of
ethics is one of obedience; it has become a paradigm
of ethical teaching in the history of human
civilization. It was followed by Gracia (2016) that
Freud's psychoanalytic technique was one of the
models of inquiry that emphasized neutrality as a
central principle in the therapeutic process (: healing);
analysts help patients "clarify" themselves.
According to Gracia (2016) the method was applied
by Louis Raths in the theory of values clarification
The correlation of psychoanalysis in the process
of value inquiry in the science of values education is
manifested in the theory of values clarification
developed by Raths. The therapeutic method
developed in Freud's psychoanalytical technique is to
asking yourself or ask through the conscience "how
good is that?" Then the ethical paradigm has come to
the individual. The following stages of validation
review of teacher claims to students conducted
through a process of in-depth interview through
Freud's psychoanalytic perspective.
The result of data triangulation shows the
confirmation of the students' honest values lies in: the
implementation of the procedure recommended by
the teacher. Starting from physical proof of
submission of signed consent letter along with contact
telephone number (1), discussion between student
and parent confirms the next honest value (2). This
can be explained when teachers encourage students to
inform progress in intensive classes, appealed to
responded by doing what teachers expect. The
identification of Fair Values according to Suseno
(1987) means all between the heart and the deeds that
reflect a righteous attitude. Honesty also avoids the
hypocrisy, honest nature of open and fair; open nature
is interpreted as not being selfish, while fair
interpreted as a natural attitude is to behave by
referring to the moral standards expected and used by
others against it. The review of the interview results
shows the theoretical and practical correlations of the
essence of honest values that appear in students;
Straight attitudes are shown to have implications on
the construction of a student's moral standard, i.e. the
student wants to give the best to the person closest to
him. This fact is corroborated in a study that Lestari
(2013) written, shows the results of hypothesis testing
as follows: (1) there are equal honest values,
harmony, and respect between parents and children,
(2) the quality of parent-child relationships and
monitoring mediate transmission the value of parents
to children, the transmission of honest values is most
difficult because only the quality of the mother-child
relationship acts as a mediator. The results strengthen
the emotional bond position as an important factor in
the honest value construction process. The same facts
can be found in the results of this study.
Triangulation stage of interview result to three
students got the same fact about the existence of
dialectic of ethics which describes student
psychovalue mechanism. The study is traced through
a Freud psychoanalytic perspective which can be
explained as follows: unconsciousness manifested in
student motivation form. Motivation encourages
student awareness that comes into being on the
decision to take part in a Deutsch language intensive
class program.
The conditioning stage is the obligation to fill the
letter of parent support to the activity in the intensive
class is interpreted by the students as imperative
mechanism of the hypothesis, namely conditional
order; a command that only applies when one wants
what is the condition (Suseno, 1987) in the
explanation of Freud's psychoanalysis (Freud, 1933;
Downey et al. 1982) mentions the moral imperative
serves to control the impulse Id (: unconsciousness )
in the context of an Deutsch language intensive class
program, students expect something through their
participation. So the first conditioning stage is that
adult moral guidance around students encourages
them to do what the teacher tells them to do. The
synthesis process in Freud's psychoanalytic study is
called the ego (: consciousness). Parental
involvement in subsequent conditioning stages
creates an ethical mechanism in students. The process
of discussion that occurs between students and
parents as the implementation of the teacher's appeal
to inform progress in the intensive class explains the
dialectics of ethics in students. The study was
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
obtained through the expression that they must give
the best to the privileged people in their lives. And it
is constructed not in the paradigm of imperative
hypothesis but categorical imperative i.e.
unconditional command; by seeing his parents happy
students realize that they do not want to disappoint.
The psychoanalytic perspective sees such
mechanisms as asserting the formation of the
superego that describes two functions as Freud refers
to as the conscience and ego ideals.
Monitoring mechanism becomes the key to construct
honest values to students. Student awareness when
deciding to take an intensive class program implies
subsequent awareness as the risk of choice, the
conditioning of the teacher puts the student in a state
that begins by inevitably following the teacher's rule
until it comes to individual moral initiation. The
emotional bond is very influential in the process of
reconstruction of honest values, emotional relations
or subjective assumptions have been first "embellish"
the child's motivation to be honest before it comes to
the objective concept of the meaning of honesty. The
objective concept in this case is that someone must be
honest with whomever they meet
The ethics dialectics in the construction of honest
values based on the study through the
psychoanalytical perspective Freud shows the
psychovalue structure that begins with a discussion
done personally taking into account the emotional
variables between individuals that have implications
on the consideration of individual parameters
themselves. So through the parameters that
individuals apply is what Freud calls "clarification"
until it can decide what the ethics choice is. The
choice of ethics affects moral choice, which is meant
in this case is that if the existence of ethics is in an
individual's territory then the existence of morality is
in the area of social relations; the individual thinks (at
the cognitive level) of the ethical choice implications
of the (: social) realm. The results of this study prove
Freud's premise written as follows: Freud considers
the realm of morality to be the prime impulse of a
rationality endpoint (Freud, 1933; Downey et al,
Downey., Kelly 1978. Moral Education, Theory and
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Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud’s Psychoanalysis Paradigm - On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program