Permissive and Deviation
Lusi Handayani, Achmad Hufad and Wilodati Wilodati
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: People, Deviation, Permissive.
Abstract: The deviation occurs in a society is because of the people disobey the value and norm. Whereas, the value
and norm are a control from a society to organize the people’s behavior. The permissive people who tend to
blindfold on deviation impacting on the growth of deviation and disturb social security. This study uses a
qualitative approach with a data collection by observing, interviewing, and study documentation. The result
of this study shows that allowing permissive can decrease the function of value and norm, then how is the
solution to prevent permissive behavior of people on deviation?
The social phenomenon that occurs nowadays is
variety. Either the reaction or people’s behavior are
dynamic and complex. The things produce a
behavior that sometimes is against with the norm
and value in a society. Whereas, the norm and value
are a guidance for one to avoid deviation and a
reference for one to live a life properly. In Indonesia,
when one is having a mental issue in finding out an
identity sometimes one becomes a deviant and it
normally happens to teenagers (Ummah et al.,
2011). The reality reveals that this issue still occurs
to the young generation frequently and in the
handling process.
The motive of deviation is caused by several
factors whether internal or external factor. The
internal factor occurs because ones are not able to
apply the norm and value which leads to a
justification for them to perform deviation. Besides
that, the social condition of an individual would be
contaminated when they are going through a broken
home family until there is an incompatibility of the
life pattern that based on Islamic value (Aziz, 2015).
The external factor that leads ones to perform
deviation is the economic condition. The unhealthy
economy and difficult to get a job invent a trigger
that will generate an issue that impacts on other
aspects such as robbery, corruption, and justifying
all ways to achieve something. Besides the
economic motive, the cultural factor and mass media
or social media take a part of creating a motive to
The bad influence from the neighborhood
persuades people’s behavior. One is easily
influenced by people’s behavior nearby so that the
response on the neighborhood makes one ignore the
good thing in accomplishing a goal (Jonaidi, 2013).
Furthermore, when one is surrounded by the
majority silence on the rule and appearing
permissive which backs deviation. When the people
become permissive then it will be a barrier in
handling deviation. Because, the permissive reflects
ignorance, lacks social consciousness, and permit
something to happen whether it is good or bad for
the people (Solihin and Iwan, 2002).
The appearing of permissive happens to the
people of Titisan village, Sukalarang District,
Sukabumi Regency where the location is one of the
largest industrial areas which is a shoe factory
established there, PT Glostar Indonesia (PT GSI).
The existence of the factory appeals the people
especially the job seekers so that near the location,
growing the numerous rent houses for the workers.
However, with the worker's presence particularly the
outsiders generate various deviations. It occurs
because the local community lacks control on the
factory workers. The relationship between the
factory workers and the local community are based
on the economy factor. In addition, the people tend
to be apathetic in the neighborhood.
Handayani, L., Hufad, A. and Wilodati, W.
Permissive and Deviation.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 202-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This study uses a qualitative approach so that it can
be obtained depth information to figure out about
deviation and permissive people, the method which
is right for the study is a case study. The location of
this research is in PT Glostar Indonesia (GSI),
Titisan village, Sukalarang District, Sukabumi
Regency. The number of the factory workers are
from outside area produces various backgrounds so
that the lives of the local community cannot prevent
social change.
The subject of this study is the people of Titisan
village, nearby PT GSI and the factory workers of
PT GSI. The data collection is performed by
observing, interviewing, and documentation study.
Besides that, the data analysis of a qualitative
research consists of data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification.
A deviation is a form of such behavior that opposites
with the value and norm in a society. A behavior is
categorized as a deviation when there is an
incompatibility between custom and norm in the
society (Narwoko, 2010). Even, crime and deviation
could be a serious issue so that appearing a thrill,
therefore, it requires several programs in preventing,
social controlling, and rehabilitating (Kunz and
Kunz, 2001). Mantiri (2011) mentioned that
deviation is “a behavior that is expressed by one or a
group of people, consciously or unconsciously,
unfitting the norms which have been approved by
the society”. It means that the factory workers of PT
GSI have shown the reflection of inappropriate
action where their negative actions are against with
the people’s custom of Titisan village.
There is an uncommon behavior and against with
the people’s custom then the people call it as
deviant. The negative action could be performed by
doing the illegal activity such as using a fake
identity to buy alcohol and entering a club
(Anderson et al., 2009). Even, consuming drugs and
alcohol can be used as an attempt to have happiness
and escalate self-confidence (Williams and Parker,
2001). The action of breaking the rule or social
norms could be happening because of the pressure of
subconscious during consuming alcohol and taking
drugs. But, it cannot be denied that deviation occurs
because of lacking social control from the
conventional group (Anderson et al., 2009).
According to Dombusch (2001) “In this control
perspective, acts socially defined as deviant are
more likely to occur when an individual’s bond to
conventional society is weakened or broken”. Based
on the opinion, in the theory of control, deviation
happens when the individual’s bond with the
conventional group such as family, school, and peer
group is weak. A social institution, family,
education, and religion are very important in
applying the norm and value to produce
consciousness in the individual. So that, when one
internalizes the norm and value, then one will be
protected from deviation (Tas et al., 2004).
Therefore, it can be summed up that every action
that is performed by an individual in the society and
opposite with the norm then could be said as a
deviant. One could be a deviant when deviating. The
factory workers behavior of PT GSI in Titisan
village is directing to deviation because of their
abnormal action oppose with the people’s custom. It
occurs because there is no social control
implemented by the conventional institutions such as
family, society, religion, and education.
Permissive is an attitude which permits every action
even though it could be a deviation or opposing with
the value and norm in the people’s lives. Hurlock
(2010) argues that permissive is a behavior pattern
that is social acceptable and no punishment”.
Permissiveness is a permission, allowing, a behavior
in the authority side which permits a freedom or an
expression space for an obeyed subject to the
authority in choosing (Chaplin, 2008). The growth
of permissive people could occur because of a sense
of trust of humanity among the people or because of
the broken sense of trust. However, allowing a
permissive behavior is irresponsibility (Gold, 1973).
It can be proven with the people of Titisan village
becomes apathetic on the factory workers who
deviates, whereas, their deviation has broken the
value and norm in a society.
Regarding Radkiewicz (2015) “They are rather
inclined to develop permissive attitudes that allow
them to reduce moral disagreement and to shed
personal responsibility”. This argumentation
declares that one tends to develop permissiveness to
reduce moral conflict and release self-responsibility,
which means that the permissive one is willing to
release their responsibility on others or ignore of
what the people do. So do the people who live in the
industrial area PT Glostar Indonesia, their ignorance
on the deviation that the factory workers have done.
Permissive and Deviation
According to Globetti (1977) “There were view
differences between permissive and non-permissive,
in terms of several demographic factors, male was
more likely to hold a tolerant view of abusive
alcohol use than were females”. Based on the
statement, that there is a difference between man and
woman. A man tends to be permissive high enough
compared to the woman, it is because of the sense of
caring that the woman has is higher than the man.
Narwoko (2010) reveals that “deviation occurs,
so does the conformity, both of them is part of the
people’s lives”. For those open minded people or
permissive people (lacking social control).
Therefore, relating to this issue, the factory worker’s
PT Glostar Indonesia who deviates have been
responded with a permissive reaction by the people
who live nearby. It is because of reluctance, so that
the people become permissive without a reason or
only follow others or probably, the people have the
sense of ignorance in the neighborhood.
The weakness of social control that is delivered by
the people generates the factory worker’s PT GSI
deviates in Titisan village. The deviation that
happens is variety such as, free sex, mistress (lover),
lesbian, and alcohol consumption, one of the
informants in this study exposes that one of the
reasons why choosing to be a mistress is making
more money besides receiving a payment from
working in the factory. Even though, this behavior is
a negative deviation. As Setiadi and Kolip (2011)
state that “deviation based on its characteristic
consists of negative and positive deviation”. Besides
that, the negative action could be performed by
doing the illegal activity such as using a fake
identity to buy alcohol and entering a club
(Anderson et al., 2009). Even, sometimes the owner
of the rent house found a bottle of alcohol in the
garbage. From this evidence exposes that the factory
workers seem brave to drink alcohol. The rent
houses area is full of noises from the music and the
men who enjoy their drinks. With a job stress, the
deviation is a common thing for them but, the local
community feels disturbed by this kind of behavior.
Consuming drugs and alcohol can be used as an
attempt to have happiness and escalate self-
confidence (Williams and Parker, 2001).
On the other hand, creating a behavior limitation
of deviation based on the subjectivity of a group
people is easy but, how to make the fit limitation
about deviation objectiveness universally is difficult
(Setiadi dan Kolip, 2011). However, the people of
Titisan village admit that LGBT, drugs, free sex, and
other negative behaviors that the factory workers do
are such a deviation because opposing with the value
and norm in the society.
Regarding Dombusch (2001) “In this control
perspective, acts socially defined as deviant are
more likely to occur when an individual’s bond to
conventional society is weakened or broken”. Based
on the opinion, in the theory of control, deviation
happens when the individual’s bond with the
conventional group such as family, school, and peer
group is weak. Lacking self-control from every
individual will impact on the weakness of a bond in
the conventional group, lacking social activity with
the conventional group, until denial on the values
which should bond the individual (Longshore et al.,
2004). So that, there is a desire to deviate. Lacking
proximity between the factory workers and the local
community and ignore the norms in Titisan village
until deviation grows into numerous. The action of
breaking the rule or social norms could be
happening because of the pressure of subconscious
during consuming alcohol and taking drugs. But, it
cannot be denied that deviation occurs because of
lacking social control from the conventional group
(Anderson et al., 2009).
There a few people dare to warn the factory
workers who deviate. But, the majority people tend
to mind their business. The people convert into
hypocrisy, even with this such a freedom, rules no
longer work, until the behavior like LGBT is no
longer a violation (Hordern, 1971). Hurlock (2010)
argues that permissive is a behavior pattern that is
socially acceptable and no punishment”. The
permissiveness, in this case, is open, allowing, and
permitting without determining limitations. Whether
it is a bad or good, according to the statement,
exposes that the people of Titisan village are
permissive on the deviation that the factory workers
have produced.
Detecting the people’s response who choose to
ignore because there is an awkwardness to alert the
factory workers during deviating in the rent house
due to they have paid the rent. So that there is a little
worry about them will leave the rent house and
reduce the people’s income. Besides that, some
people try not to bother and mind their own
business. Because, if there is no urgency, they select
to be silent and try not to advise them as long as the
factory workers do not bother each other. In one
hand, their arrival increases the economic condition
of the people of Titisan village by opening the small
shop and establishing rent house. The
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
permissiveness is something unwanted, even though
for several people is an advantage (Vrangalova et
al., 2014). However, allowing a permissive behavior
is irresponsibility (Gold, 1973). Relating to this
issue, the factory worker’s behavior of PT GSI who
deviates seems to be responded by permissiveness
by the people who live nearby. It is because of
reluctance, so that the people become permissive
without a reason or only follow others or probably,
the people have the sense of ignorance in the
neighborhood. But, as the time goes by, the
permissive tolerant only produces confusion for the
young generation. So that when it continually
occurs, it will be difficult to differentiate what is
right or wrong (Gold, 1973).
Besides influencing the value and norm,
permissive behavior that the people of Titisan
village show will persuade lacking social control.
Even, the control will lose its function until the
factory workers violate the rules and consider
deviation as a normal thing. It is worse for the
villagers. Hanifah (2013) states that “social control
is aimed for ones to obey the social norms so that it
will generate harmonization in social life”.
Therefore, when the social control is down then a
deviation will hardly be prevented. In addition, when
the people blind in viewing a deviation as violating
the rules. Because the function of social control is
expected to control people’s behavior for conformity
with the norms of the society.
The solution to avoid the permissiveness on the
factory workers who deviate is by using persuasive
approach. This approach is attempted to urge people
to have a discussion between the local community
and the factory workers and also a socialization that
is implemented by the experts to socialize about the
danger of permissiveness. Besides that, it requires
some social activities who involve the factory
workers with a purpose executing a positive activity
to avoid the negative things. These kinds of
activities help and keep out the young generation
from the juvenile delinquency and protect them from
the risk behavior such as consuming alcohol,
drunken and smoking (Booth, 2008). Umberson
(2010) argues that “The key mechanism of social
control is thought to be a sense of self-control that
young people develop through socialization”. This
assumption mentions that there is a socialization on
the young man to build self-control as a mechanism
of social control. By socialization, one or a group of
people can be controlled so that they can play their
role as the man is wished to be. In Titisan village,
the villagers invite the experts to socialize about the
danger of permissiveness. Because through this
socialization is expected to increase a sense of
caring of the people of Titisan village.
Generally, the people who become a benchmark
of the socialization process is those who have high
status and play a significant role in the
neighborhood. As Abdulsyani (on Elviadi, 2013)
reveals that “social control is a behavior limitation
process that aims to persuade, role model, guide or
enforce every member of a society”. Therefore, the
people’s socialization process can be a standard for
persuading, role model or guiding. Then, the agent
and public figure in Titisan village have very
important role in carrying out this social control.
Because what they perform could be a parameter for
the factory workers to behave.
One could be said as a deviant when one performs
something against with the people’s custom. The
result of this research exposes that the factory
worker’s behavior directs to deviation because they
do what the local community does not do. It is
because of lack control from the conventional
institution such as family, society, religion, and
The people’s response to the factory worker’s
behavior that deviates is that ignorance and apathetic
although they feel disturbed. It is because of the
local community is having some considerations
particularly for those who make money from the
arrival of the factory workers. It shows that the
factory worker’s presence allows a positive impact
on the economic condition of the people of Titisan
village. Even though, their arrival breaks the norm
and value in Titisan village.
The impact of permissive people on the deviation
from the workers of PT GSI will persuade the
people’s norm and value, behavior, reaction, and
social control. The worse is that the people’s
security would be bothered and the deviation will
grow when the people cannot maintain their social
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education