How to Find the Poor Families Potency as a Atrategy to Solve Poverty
Problem at Multi-Ethnic Communities?
Yunindyawati Yunindyawati
Sociology Department, Faculty of Sociology and Politics, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: Poverty, Multi-Ethnic Communities, Reducing Poverty Solving Strategy, Internal and External Factors, Poor
Families Potency.
Abstract: This paper investigates any factors of the causes poverty at the multi-ethnic communities in South Sumatera
Indonesia based on the qualitative research data. Results suggest that the poverty roots are two main factors.
The first are internal factors, such as lazy attitude, easily satisfied, mental fatalistic free- and-easy and low of
knowledge. The second are external factors, among others; have debts, fewer jobs opportunities, too many
children and have no production asset. Even though many roots of poverty, actually they have any potential
capability to reduction of poverty. The potential is 1). Human potential such as having formal education,
having many children and having good personality. 2). Social potential, among others: having religious
groups, having mutual cooperation (gotong royong), and having common security group. 3) Political potential
concerning; participation in political organization as well as policies against poverty 4). Physical and financial
potential for example the availability of facilities and business institutions (PNPM agencies and the farm
credits) 5). Nature potential by having land assets although in limited quantities.
Poverty is a problem in the many countries, especially
in the developing countries. Ozughalu (2014) said
that poverty and vulnerability to poverty were major
challenges facing developing countries and have
attracted the attention of development economists and
policy analysts in recent years. Many efforts to reduce
poverty, but poverty remains challenges.
Poverty understanding and poverty research can
be said to have gone through roughly three phases:
Tale-telling, studies with a client focus as well as
development research, and knowledge building about
poverty reduction (Oyen, 2004)
Based on research showed that Agricultural
growth is the most important factor in reducing
inequality and poverty, and growth acceleration for
developing countries (Imai, 2016). Indonesia
Indonesia as a country faced to this problem, so
many program enhance to solve poverty for example:
and others. These programs were conducted as a
manifestation of Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945).
One of the poorest areas is Lempuing district,
Ogan Komering Ilir regency of South Sumatra. This
region was inhibited by a multi ethnic population:
Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese as well as indigenous
people who live in this region for generations. The
majority of the work of the inhabitants are farmers
and agricultural laborers. Almost people descendants
experience poverty. Main factors cause of poverty
were difficulty of accessing knowledge and
information, and drop out of primary school.
Based on the realities, it is necessary to study the
characteristics and conditions of poor families, the
root causes of poverty, the potency of the poor family
and to address the problem of poverty in the region.
Through this research, exploration of poor family
potency and description of the characteristics and the
real condition of poor families will be known. This
research not only to explore root causes of poverty but
also to explore the potency of poor families so that the
potency can be optimized in order to make
themselves get out of poverty.
Qualitative research methods are used in this
research. Using in-depth interview and observation as
data collection; data were then analyzed by
Yunindyawati, Y.
How to Find the Poor Families Potency as a Atrategy to Solve Poverty Problem at Multi-Ethnic Communities?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 371-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conducting a qualitative-analytic approach involving
reduction, presentation and interpretation of data.
Using these methods, the description of the
condition of poor families, the root causes of poverty,
the potential of poor families could be explored and
to find a variety of ways of life that can be used as a
strategy of poor families can survive and get out of
poverty, so that poverty alleviation program based on
family and potential of local communities can be
3.1 The Characteristics of Poor Family
Characteristics of poor families are seen from various
aspects, among others, based on; Ethnicity, age of
informant, number of children, amount of income,
amount of expenditure, job, last education, skills over
main job, social group/ organization, assistance from
government or other party, and their views on
poverty. Variations of data are obtained on such
aspects as people living in Lempuing sub-district,
among others Javanese, Komering, Bali and Batak.
The assets owned are relatively limited although there
are differences between families with each other.
Similarly, the amount of income and expenditure also
varies but is still in the poor category.
The root of poverty in poor families is caused by
several factors, among others: internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors concerning: lazy to
work, quickly satisfied, resigned to God's destiny,
wasteful, easy to give up and lack of knowledge.
While the external factors that influence are: bound
of debt, narrow jobs, many children, skills that are not
optimal, does not have production assets.
3.2 Potency of Poor Family and Social
Capital of Rural Community
Based on the characteristics of poor families, the
potency of poor families can be identified. Potency of
poor families include human potential, social
potential, political potential, physical potential,
financial potential, and natural potential.
Poor families have the human potentials such as:
formal education, have children and have personality.
Based on the data, every poor family has formal
education. This shown that they are not illiterate.
Poverty will be worse if supported by illiteracy.
Fortunately, poor families in Lempuing have formal
Human potential of poor family can be identified
by having children. The children are the future asset
to a family. Although the large number of children
can also be a constraint or a problem in the fulfillment
of their life needs. But it depends on how poor family
view to their children in their lives.
Based on information from religious leaders,
poverty occurs because the number of children who
are not supported by a good understanding and
management so that children become the burden of
poverty. In addition, the personality of poor family
members can be an asset as well as obstacles in
overcoming poverty. Become an asset when each
family member has a strong motivation, tenacious,
not quickly despair, and have the ideals to get out of
the poverty. But it could be otherwise poverty still
exists because of the unfavorable personality such as;
Wasteful, hedonic, hopeless and so forth.
Political potentials include participation in
political organizations, and policies on poverty (cash
transfers, raskin and village funding allocations for
the poor). In Lempuing sub-district, the allocation of
village funds for the poor has been posted. This is
known from the village informant's informant, that
the problem of poverty has received attention in the
form of cash transfers, raskin and village funds.
Physical and financial potential, in the form of
availability of facilities and business institutions
(PNPM loan and farming credit). Physical potential
that provides opportunities for poverty alleviation in
the form of the existence of institutions such as co-
operative village units, savings and loan cooperatives,
and non-formal institutions such as customary
institutions. In almost every village these customary
institutions still survive, in the midst of the
globalization of development. This shows that local
wisdom is retained in social life in multi-ethnic rural
Social potentials are; Study groups, gotong
royong, farmer groups, night patrols. The study group
is not only interpreted as a means of worship but also
means of socialization among the people for the
benefit of community life. In addition, the mutual
assistance that has been lost in some areas, still live
in the poor lempuing especially. Through mutual
cooperation work that was originally required
financial costs to be lighter and also can strengthen
the intimacy and quirks. Similarly, farmers' groups
and night watchmen. In addition to discussing the
difficulties experienced to solve rural problems, this
can be a resilience mechanism for rural communities.
The natural potential of land assets though in
limited quantities. Poor families have natural assets in
the form of land ownership ranging from 0.25 ha-2
ha. This land ownership becomes a potential for
family subsistence. In addition to the natural potential
is supported by the added value of trade skills, and
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
other businesses. Poor families have skills that can
support their potential; Construction workers, brick
making, service, HP, sewing, cooking.
The concept of social capital refers to the
conceptualization of Fukuyama, there are three
things: norms, social networks, and mutual trust. A
society is wired by billions of exchanges that take
place at any time between citizens or individuals, it
can be argued that exchange serves as an important
integral factor of social unity, which works through
and builds social networks (thus resulting in a social
order of society.) The social order of a society will be
said in an orderly fashion, when the social networking
is formed based on mutual trust between the citizens
and formed in the arrangement (norms) that are
mutually agreed as guiding action and orientation of
collective behavior of the citizens (Dharmawan,
The social capital of the community Lempuing
and in particular Poor families include values, norms,
network / networking, trusts, values and norms
underlying social activities that can be the basis of
community capital The values of togetherness,
mutual cooperation, religious values become the
capital of attachment among the people Social
network They formed organizing farming groups,
village unit cooperatives, which can be used as a
means to access information and financial for their
business. Their beliefs wake up among tribes,
although the elements of primordial then surfaced.
3.3 Poverty Alleviation Model Poor
The formulation of the poor family poverty
alleviation model in Lempuing sub-district
essentially emphasizes on optimizing the potential of
poor families through internal and external
strengthening. Internal strengthening is done
synergistically between individual, religious leaders
and introduction / government intervention through
empowerment and extension program.
External strengthening provides the widest
possible opportunity for the role and participation of
poor families in improving their economic and social
capacities. With this effort, the roots of poor families'
poverty will be eroded and can pull out of their
poverty chains. Of course, to be strong internally and
externally cannot be separated from state /
government intervention.
Therefore, public policies that favor the poor
family either directly or indirectly are needed. it
needed because the root causes of poverty of poor
families in Lempuing there are cultural and structural.
It is necessary to create opportunities, opportunities,
access and participation of poor families.
The root causes of poverty in the form of
psychological aspects and cultural values that
because poverty need to be reduced by involving the
role of stakeholders from government elements,
religious leaders and the general public. In this way,
poverty alleviation can be done synergistically and
hope can be holistic to erode the root of poverty for
the community context Lempuing. These can be
understood because the uniqueness of poor families
in multi ethnic areas brings the consequences of
differences in values, strong primordial and village
harmony demands more attention to poor families.
Surely this can benefit poor families to get out of
poverty to self-reliant families.
The formulation of the poor family poverty
alleviation model in Lempuing sub-district
emphasizes on the optimization of the potential of
poor families through internal and external
strengthening. Internal strengthening is done
synergistically between individual, religious leaders
and introduction / government intervention through
empowerment and extension program. External
strengthening provides the widest possible
opportunity for the role and participation of poor
families in improving their economic and social
capacities. With this effort, the roots of poor families'
poverty will be eroded and can pull out of their
poverty chains.
It needs the involvement of all parties in efforts to
alleviate poverty, both government, community
leaders, communities and poor families themselves.
Poor families have cultural and structural poverty
roots and therefore poverty alleviation must also refer
to both the root of the problem.
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Refleksi Sosiologi Pedesaan di Indonesia, Pasca sarjana
IPB. Bogor, Bahan Ajar.
Imai, S. K., 2016. Agricultural Growth, Poverty and
Inequality in Developing Countries. Development June
2015, Volume 58, Issue 23, pp 230236.
Oyen, E., 2004. Poverty Production: A Different Approach
to Poverty Understanding. Advances in Sociological
Knowledge. pp 299-315.
How to Find the Poor Families Potency as a Atrategy to Solve Poverty Problem at Multi-Ethnic Communities?
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ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education