Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian
Educational Researchers and Other Countries
Alif Melky Ramdani, Gilang Rayhan R. Hidayat, Ayudha Puspita, Sinta Indriani, Bunyamin Maftuh,
Ade Gafar Abdullah and Cep Ubad Abdullah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
{alifmelkyramdani, gilangrayhan, ayudhapuspita, sintaindriani, bunyaminmaftuh, ade_gaffar}
Keywords: Collaborative Research, Scientific Articles, Scopus.
Abstract: This article aims to describe the results of a study of researchers at public universities that focus on
education, in Indonesia, collaborating with researchers writing scientific articles abroad. Currently,
researchers around the world are required to conduct research publications in scientific journals. The most
recognized research publications globally are indexed international publications, amongst the most
recognized indexer is Scopus. By using a quantitative approach, through the survey process secondary to the
Scopus database, from 10 universities of education in Indonesia in the period 2012 to 2017. The study found
that the state university researcher who focuses on education resulted in the upward trend in the publication
of scientific articles. None of the universities are collaborating more than half the foreign researchers, and
there is no correlation between publication productivity with collaborative writing scientific articles
between researchers in education Indonesia with foreign researchers.
The development of science, technology and
information globally today cannot be separated from
the role of research in every field of science. College
is one of the institutions that have a duty to conduct
research. Productivity of research is produced by
universities with the most productive research
(Scopus, 2017). The results of the research will
provide any ideas, especially in the aspect of
knowledge, in the world of work practices. Research
is an innovation in the world of knowledge, while
practical work is the application of knowledge.
Thus, research and practice in the world of work will
depend on each other. However, the main
characteristics of both are different (Ginsburg and
Gorostiaga, 2001). From both, there is a gap (Lewis
et al., 2012), and this gap exists in various contens of
science (Belli, 2010; Han and Stenhouse 2015; Orr
and Bennett, 2012; Ponti, 2008; Wofford and Troilo,
The practitioners face the challenge of solving
practical problems that exist in the world of work.
However, researchers are dedicated to conduct
research and strengthen the professional knowledge,
they prefer to publish their findings in scientific
journals, the most important knowledge platform for
scientific communication (Chang, 2017).
Currently all researchers in the world are
required to publish the results of research in
scientific journals, including in Indonesia (Dikti,
2013). Publication of this research was conducted,
so that the progress of science can be developed
more rapidly (Martin and Irvine, 1983). Today, the
most globally recognized research publication is in
the form of internationally indexed scientific articles
(Balhara, 2012), among the most recognized of these
indexers is Scopus. Scopus is the largest scientific
database in the world today because of its source
from various publishers around the world. Scopus
indexed scientific articles into evidence of scientific
research products receive global recognition
(Elsevier, 2017).
Research is one of the activities that must be
done to support the development (Salamon, 1994).
The research process is an application of the
scientific approach in an assessment of the problem
in obtaining useful information for development
(Ary, 2010). Through research, valid data required
in development can be generated (Somekh, 1995).
As one of the countries in the world, Indonesia
would have the interests of national development,
but as part of the world, Indonesia should not ignore
Ramdani, A., Hidayat, G., Puspita, A., Indriani, S., Maftuh, B., Abdullah, A. and Abdullah, C.
Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian Educational Researchers and Other Countries.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 536-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the direction of global development. Collaborative
work between countries is a step that must be done
globally (Edward, 1999).
Collaboration between countries is not only done
on the field, but in all areas, because it is through
collaborative work will awaken harmonious
relations between states. According to Abdulsyani
(1994) collaboration is a form of social process, in
which there are activities of mutual help and
understanding each other's activities. Collaboration
means working together to achieve common goals
(Roucek and Warren, 1968). Collaboration can be
used as a step taken to suppress the opposition
between the interests of national-oriented with an
internationally oriented (Engel and Siczek, 2017).
One form of collaboration that can be done is
through research in education conducted by
researchers in Indonesia and abroad. Education is a
fundamental knowledge and the processes that
support the development, for which we were trying
to analyze the collaboration undertaken in the field
of education by Indonesia with foreign researchers.
In this study we try to identify the scientific
article writing collaboration between researchers in
education in Indonesia and abroad from 2012 to
2017 at the state university education. Following is
the formulation of the issues discussed in this study:
Productivity publications college education
field of education;
Publication of collaboration between
researchers of state universities in the field of
education in Indonesia with overseas
Relationship productivity publications college
education field, with the publication of their
collaboration with overseas researchers.
Collaborative study used to determine the
productivity and the number of authors and
calculating the level of collaboration in terms of
comparisons between institutions and between
disciplines (Surtikanti 2004). The collaboration of
Indonesian researchers with abroad is a strategy to
facilitate mutual openness to both (Ponti, 2013;
Vogel, 2010). Many advantages are gained by
collaborating, among others, the creation of
opportunities to share knowledge, expertise and
certain techniques in a science (Katz and Martin
1997). Collaboration will create a correlation
between Indonesian researchers with overseas
researchers to float the science and have advantages
between them such as the transfer of knowledge and
expertise, exchange ideas, increase productivity,
open intellectual friendship that all can support the
achievement of sustainable development goals
(SDG's) globally.
This research was conducted with quantitative
approach with data collection technique using
survey. This survey retrieved sample data of
cooperation publications between Indonesian
researchers and abroad from 2012 to 2017. The
survey was conducted secondary to the object of all
scientific articles indexed by the Scopus database
recorded on the web page
from 10 state universities in education, including
Indonesia University of Education, State University
of Malang, Semarang State University, Yogyakarta
State University, Makassar State University, Jakarta
State University, Surabaya State University, Padang
State University, Medan University and Gorontalo
State University. Data collection instruments use
analysis of how much a collaboration of researchers
from Indonesia and abroad in writing articles. This
analysis includes the productivity of scholarly
researcher's scientific articles, collaboration between
in-country researchers and the productivity and
collaboration relationships. Analysis of data
technique using descriptive statistics.
As seen in Figure 1, most of the public universities
that focus on education resulted in an increase in
publications in the period from 2012 to 2017. From
2012 to 2015, the pattern of improvement tends to
be stable from year to year; there is no significant
increase in figures. However, in 2016 a trend
towards a significant increase, and the increase
continued in the same pattern next year.
Of the ten college education fields sampled in
this study, the University of Education Indonesia is a
college with the highest scientific publications,
while the State University of Medan is the lowest
among the other nine. Productivity Indonesia
University of Education is correlative with the
average percentage increase in its publications
during 2012 to 2017, because together with the State
University of Makassar, Indonesia Education
University is a university with an average highest
percentage increase, namely 38 percent. In addition,
State University of Makassar is also listed as a
Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian Educational Researchers and Other Countries
college with the highest annual increase by 58
percent, to be exact in 2015.
Figure 1: Productivity Publications of State Universities
Education during the Year 2012-2017.
Table 1 shows the number of article
collaborations in ten state universities in education.
These results put the University of Education
Indonesia at the highest order with the collaboration
of 362 articles. Followed by the State University of
Malang in the second with a number that is less than
half of that owned by the University of Education
Indonesia, which is 102. Then the lowest is the State
University of Medan with 11 articles. If we look at
the existing collaboration trends in educational
research it is seen that none of the state universities
in the education sector collaborate more than half of
them with overseas researchers. This shows that
researchers in state universities in education are
more dominant in collaboration with domestic
researchers than collaboration with abroad.
Based on the quantitative data of publication
collaboration between Indonesian researchers in
State Universities of Education with foreign
researchers, we try to describe correlation with
previous data, whic is data productivity publications
college education with theirs.
Table 1. Publication Research Cooperation between
Indonesia with Foreign Affairs.
University Total of
article (a)
article (b)
University of
919 362 39%
State University of
410 102 25%
Semarang State
358 93 26%
State University of
252 51 20%
Yogyakarta State
231 47 20%
State University of
204 16 8%
State University of
206 54 26%
Padang State
125 52 42%
State University of
67 18 27%
State University of
57 11 19%
The results of the research on the productivity
relations of publications of State Universities of
Education, with the collaboration of writing
scientific articles between Indonesian education
researchers and abroad, show that there is no
correlation between both of them. Due to much lack
of scientific productivity, it does not affect
collaboration with abroad. Although Indonesia
University of Education is the most productive
university, but their publication data is not the
highest, while the highest college of its scientific
articles with abroad is Padang University.
Research collaboration has been regarded as the best
strategy to facilitate mutual understanding between
national interests and international interests, which
in turn bridges the gap in development practice. In
contrast to 2011 and earlier, in 2012 there has been
an increasing trend of publication of scientific
articles in the field of education in Indonesia,
especially since 2016, where there is a significant
increase. The increase of this publication has not
been accompanied by awareness to raise awareness
for collaborative writing of scientific articles with
researchers from other countries. Although this
study uses collaborative analysis to measure
collaborative productivity among Indonesian
researchers in education with overseas researchers,
the results of this study probably do not
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
comprehensively explain the research practice gaps
in both. Thus, further research is needed, especially
for more specific collaboration on some disciplines.
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Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian Educational Researchers and Other Countries