The Implementation of LINE Webtoon Application in Promoting the
EFL Teachers’ Creativity
The Teachers’ and Students’ Perception
Ai Setialis, Diah Wulansari Hudaya and Vegayanto Abdurrakhman Alfikri Ansas
English Education Department, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{setialis, diahwulanhudaya, vegansas21}
Keywords: Creativity, digital comics, line Webtoon, teachers and students’ perceptions.
Abstract: The rapid development of smartphone technology and the teachers’ lack of capability in getting attention from
students in learning process may lead to passive and boring English practices in the classroom. Therefore, this
study was aimed at investigating LINE Webtoon as possible teaching media that facilitate teachers to teach
English in a fun way and investigating the teachers and students’ perceptions toward the use of LINE Webtoon
in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. This study employed mixed-method design involving
interview and closed-item questionnaire as the instruments to gain the data which were administered to three
English teachers and 35 secondary school students as respondents. The findings revealed that the use of LINE
Webtoon contributes to the teachers’ creativity in providing authentic media and material and also creating
fun learning activities. The findings also indicated that the use of LINE Webtoon creates good and active
classroom atmosphere and the students’ responses are mostly positive where they become more motivated
and interested in learning English as they have fun accessing it. However, teachers are expected to be more
selective in choosing comics in terms of its content and word choices and also to be more creative in handling
low achievement students in the classroom.
A phenomenon that students’ smartphone is one of
the factors that causes the students to become passive
in the classrooms is that their smartphones are more
interesting than their teachers. Another factor may be
the students’ boredom in learning because they lose
their willingness and interest towards lesson, which
puts a major barrier in front of effective language
learning (Aralik, 2013). Also, lack of motivation still
constitutes a serious problem both for teachers and
students in language classrooms. One of the ways
teachers can do to make their teaching more
interesting is to provide the good teaching media
using LINE Webtoon; the sophisticated digital
comics which can be accessed easily through
smartphones. Recent years have observed a shift in
how comics are being socially accepted where there
is a growing appreciation towards comics which now
are capable to address almost any subject, fiction and
non-fiction, and all range of audiences’ age (Gibson,
This research aims to find the use of LINE
Webtoon to promote EFL teachers’ creativity in
providing materials in the classroom and the students’
perceptions.This study will give a contribution and
insight for teachers and language practitioners to
improve English teaching and learning. Line
Webtoon provides an extremely good stepping stone
for those who are not entirely familiar with
technologies since Line Webtoon can be easily
accessed by both teachers and students through their
Comic is a medium that combines words and
pictures. Alaba (2007) stated that comic is a form of
cartoons in which a cast of characters present an
educational story in a sequence of closely related
drawings designed to entertain and educate the
reader. The development of technology influences the
development of comics as well. Nowadays, there are
many media that can help us find comics easily in
many digital forms. According to Azman,,
(2014), digital comics and interactive comic begin to
appear when access to computer technology is
globally supported.
Setialis, A., Hudaya, D. and Ansas, V.
The Implementation of LINE Webtoon Application in Promoting the EFL Teachers’ Creativity - The Teachers’ and Students’ Perception.
DOI: 10.5220/0007161100090013
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 9-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
There are several reasons why it is important to
include comics in teaching and learning language.
Teaching with comics is essential because it
encourages teachers to use authentic materials, as
suggested by Drolet (2012). It can also improve
learners’ literacy and knowledge about cultures.
Moreover, reading comics will improve learner’
vocabularies. Krashen (2008) summarized that comic
books contain a high number of unusual and
academic vocabulary words that comic book readers
tend to be better overall readers. Using comics in the
classroom will also help learners to improve their
reading skill. According to Haines (2012), the key to
getting these learners to read is to engage their
imagination and interest. Comics are perfect vehicles
because it involves the visual activities that can
facilitate learners to read better. Furthermore, when
learners read better, they will be better in writing as
well. Drolet (2010) argues that the use of comics can
become good prompts for writing topics. Finally,
teaching with comic is fun and motivating because it
gives intrinsic motivation to learners (Grabe, 2004).
In response to the issue, this study attempts to find the
use of LINE Webtoon to promote EFL teachers’
creativity in providing materials in the classroom and
the students’ perceptions of learning using Line
This study used mixed-methods design to find out the
use of LINE Webtoon to promote EFL teachers’
creativity in providing materials in the classroom and
to investigate students’ perception on the use of LINE
Webtoon in EFL classroom.The respondents
involved in this study are three English teachers and
35 students of secondary schools, and chosen
purposively since Line Webtoon was used in the
classrooms.Since this research uses mixed methods
design, therefore, there are two methods of collecting
the data. The first method for collecting the data was
semi structured interview which consists of five
questions. The first two questions cover the teachers’
opinion about teaching using Line Webtoon in their
classrooms, the third question is about the obstacles
that the teachers encounter during the teaching
process, the fourth question is about the advantages
of teaching using Line Webtoon, and the last question
is about the teachers’ suggestion about the application
of Line Webtoon.
The second method of collecting data was closed-
item questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of ten
items which cover the students’ perception about the
quality of Line Webtoon application as an
edutainment tool and the effects of Line Webtoon on
the students’ English skills including grammar and
3.1 How LINE Webtoon can Promote
EFL Teachers’ Creativity in
Providing Materials in the
After analyzing the qualitative data, it has been found
five themes in the findings. The first theme covers the
strengths and weaknesses of LINE webtoon in EFL
classroom. All respondents said that the use of LINE
webtoon was good and refreshing. It gives them the
easy way to get students more engaged during the
Teaching English with comics will also
encourage students to be more engaged in the
classroom. Comics contain attractive features
to motivate them to learn English. (R1).
However, LINE webtoon was only effective for
high achievement students. Those who are lower
achiever cannot engage well with this media in the
classroom. Also, there were some vocabularies which
were quite difficult for students.
Unfortunately, with my students’ ability, only
those who are categorized as high achievers
who can use this media well, considering that
students have very limited vocabulary and
what is presented in webtoon is categorized
middle-hard for students. In addition, there
are many informal languages that are
unfamiliar for students. (R2).
The second theme is about the strategy and
procedures used by teachers in using LINE webtoon.
They have their own strategy in using LINE webtoon.
They used creative writing, cooperative learning, and
retelling the story.
Because I teach writing class, I ask the
students to see the pictures on the comics and
they need to make or write their own dialogues
based on the pictures in the story. They seem
to be interested in doing this activity. And this
activity can also help them to foster their
creative writing. (R3).
The third theme discusses the problems that
occurred during implementing LINE webtoon in the
classroom. The problems may arise from the students,
time allotment, and the internet access.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
The problems I found when implementing
webtoon in the classroom is when we decided
the genres or stories that will be used in the
classroom. At the first, the students wanted to
choose the stories by themselves and it’s quite
annoying because the class became so noisy.
The second problem is when I let them to use
their phone in the classroom, to open the
webtoon, of course, several students choose to
open the other applications, such as
instagram, bbm, whatsapp, instead of
webtoon. The third problem is in the low-
achiever students and those who do not like
reading comics. (R1).
The fourth theme covers the role of LINE
webtoon as a refreshing way to foster teachers’
creativity and make the learning process more fun.
The advantages that I get are I get new media
which is refreshing in learning process, it is
easier to deliver the material, especially
recount and narrative text which includes
various skills, and it can make the classroom
become more active. (R2).
The last theme is about suggestions to use LINE
webtoon in a more effective way. The respondents
suggest that it will be better if the class is divided into
groups so that students will focus on only one
I think the best way to use this webtoon is by
dividing the class into groups so that the
learning activity can run well. The students
will focus because they only use 1 smartphone
and this can make them avoid opening the
other applications. (R3)
3.2 The Students’ Perceptions on the
Use of LINE Webtoon in EFL
The students’ perceptions on the use of Line Webtoon
in EFL classroom can be seen in the following table.
There were 35 secondary school students who
responded to the questionnaire.
Table 1: The students’ perception on the use of Line
Webtoon in EFL classroom.
Num Statement
English using
comics is very
fun for me.
- 2.86 20 77.14
Webtoon is an
- 2.86 37.14 60
digital comic to
learn English.
Webtoonis a
practical digital
comic and can
be easily
accessed using
smartphone or
60 - 28.57 11.43
Webtoon is a
digital comic
which contains
stories to learn
- 2.86 45.71 51.43
LINE Webtoon
improves my
motivation in
- 2.86 28.57 68.57
improves my
- 2.86 42.86 54.29
improves my
skill in reading
English text.
- 5.71 48.57 45.71
improves my
skill in writing
English text.
- 11.43 51.43 37.14
improves my
- 17.14 31.43 51.43
improves my
about English
- 8.57 31.43 60
Note: SD (Strongly Disagree), D (Disagree), A (Agree), SA
(Strongly Agree)
From Table 1, it can be seen that most of the
students were positive toward the use of Line
Webtoon in their classrooms although there are items
that students disagreed but in small percentage.The
third item shows an interesting finding in this study;
60% of the students strongly disagreed that Line
Webtoon is a practical digital comic and can be easily
accessed using smartphone or computer. The possible
reason for the students’ disagreement is that they
didn’t have internet connection, computer, or even
smartphone. However, the findings above indicate
The Implementation of LINE Webtoon Application in Promoting the EFL Teachers’ Creativity - The Teachers’ and Students’ Perception
that the use of Line Webtoon had positive effects on
students, from students’ motivation to their English
3.3 Discussion
The findings from the qualitative and quantitative
data indicate some points. First, as the teachers
mentioned that the use of Line Webtoon was good
and refreshing and makes the classroom become more
alive and the students become more active.
Next, the teachers also become more creative in
providing authentic media and material, as well as
activities that may help students in improving their
skills and make the learning activities become more
fun. As suggested by Richards (2002), authentic
materials support a more creative approach to
teaching that enable teachers to develop their
potential as teachers, developing activities and tasks
that better suit their teaching styles and students’
learning styles. Moreover, most of the students’
perceptions also indicated that Line Webtoon can
improve their vocabulary, writing and reading skills,
and grammar competence.
The problems that were mentioned by the teachers
may lead to the students’ disagreement in some points
of their perception, like poor internet access that
causedstudents’ difficulty in accessing Line
Webtoon, choosing suitable stories for the students
based on their levels, the limited time, low achiever
students and students who do not like reading comics.
Therefore, teachers should be able to overcome these
problems so they can use it in more effective way.
Fortunately, the teachers’ suggestion during the
interview session might be able to solve the problem
that occurred during its implementation. For example,
by dividing into groups and using cooperative
learning strategies can make students more focus and
the time will be more effective. It also can help low
achiever to interact with their friends, help them to
understand more about the story, vocabulary, even the
grammar; and they may feel that learning using Line
Webtoon can improve their skills. As supported by
Cimermanova (2015) that the use comics indicated
possible positive effects in students’ vocabulary
development. Ahamed (2016) also suggested that in
long run, webcomic would also add to the collection
of familiar words in students’ memory.This is also
related to Yunus, el al. (2007) who found that digital
comics have a lot of advantages that encourage
students to write in English.
Another suggestion is selective in choosing
stories that is appropriate for the students. This
suggestion can also save time since the teacher is the
one who is responsible for it. Thus, he/ she can choose
the story in advance, as well as designing the
activities that will be conducted in the classroom.
However, the teachers did not mention the suggestion
of the problem about poor internet connection. This
also should become teachers’ consideration that
without internet connection, students will not be able
to access it. Thus, before assigning the students tasks
related to Line Webtoon, teachers should make sure
that all students have internet access to read the
Finally, the use of Line Webtoon in EFL
classroom may contribute to the 21
education. With the development of ICT, it enables
the teachers and students to be familiar with ICT. In
comparison to the previous research by Azman, et. al.
(2014) which focuses on computer-based digital
comics, this study provides new insight about
smartphone-based digital comic.
Besides that, the use of authentic materials by
using Line Webtoon can provide the students with the
use of English in real situation. It has been found by
Drolet (2012), that the learners’ literacy and
knowledge about culture can be improved through
comics as authentic materials.
English teachers should be creative in providing the
material for students since we know that technology
has developed sharply these days. Through the use of
LINE webtoon, as a refreshing way to teach and learn
English, the English teaching and learning process
can be more alive and encourage students to be more
active in the class. It can be seen that students have
the positive perceptions towards this media and they
agree that LINE webtoon can help them improve their
English ability, such as, improving reading and
writing skill, expanding their vocabulary, improving
grammar knowledge, and increasing their motivation
to learn English. LINE webtoon can also foster
teachers’ creativity since it provides new chance to
modify the teaching materials and various genres.
This media can be a good start for teachers to
integrate technology in the way they teach English. In
addition, LINE webtoon can also be a good stepping
stone for teachers who are not so familiar with
Since the use of LINE webtoon in EFL classroom
still has several weaknesses, it is better for teachers to
be more selective in choosing the comics which
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
contain the appropriate words choice and contents.
Also, teachers should be more creative in handling the
low achievement students to be more engaged in the
classroom so that they can follow the teaching and
learning process well.
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The Implementation of LINE Webtoon Application in Promoting the EFL Teachers’ Creativity - The Teachers’ and Students’ Perception