Student Needs on Indonesian Language’s Teaching Materials as
General Compulsory Subject in Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
Welsi Damayanti, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin and Vismaia S. Damaianti
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
welsi_damayanti, syihabuddin,
Keywords: Student Needs Analysis, Teaching Materials, General Courses, Science Clusters.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the students’ needs on Indonesian language as a general compulsory
subject in social science and natural science clusters. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive
analysis method. The data in this study collected through questionnaire which distributed to students of social
science and natural sciences clusters. The data validity tested by using correlation technique through
correlation coefficient product moment, and data reliability tested using the Cronbach alpha formula. The
results of this study showed that the continuum line indicated by the number of respondents score was 47502,
which belongs to “necessary” category in social science cluster. Similarly, the results from natural science
cluster showed the score of 37433, which also belongs to the “necessary” category. These results means that
both according to social science clusters’ students and natural science clusters’ students, Indonesian language
considered as necessary as a compulsory subject.
The General Compulsory Course at University is a
strategic in transmitting knowledge of attitude and
behavior of Indonesian students through the learning
process. Based on the main goal of General
Compulsory Course as a development course for
student that is a young adolescent level who are still
looking for their identity. General Compulsory
Course aims to educate graduates who characterize
the Indonesian Nation. The basis of the General
Compulsory Course study is real work and fosters
learning motivation in line with the General
Education concept. In the Law No. 12 of 2012 on
Higher Education level states that, learning in
universities must include the subjects of Religion,
Pancasila, Civic Education and Indonesian Language.
Indonesian language should be an advocate in the
education of Indonesia to support the establishment
of the character of the Nation.
Students must be equipped with teaching
materials to face global challenges. The ability of
"general education" to be a parameter in forming an
adaptive, flexible, creative, innovative attitude
integrated with professional competence, and aware
of changes in science and technology on a global
scale (Kemenristekdikti, 2016). General education
focuses on the development of individuals as a whole
that includes understanding the purpose of human
life, emotional ingenuity, and maturing
understanding of something in harmony with science.
The purpose of general education, namely; (a) To
develop a person's behavior in personal and
community life, (b) to actively participate as an
educated citizen in society, state, and nation, (c) to
recognize the need for interdependence as a citizen of
the world and to be responsible, (d) to understand
phenomena nature and familiarize the scientific
thinking of oneself or society, and (e) keep the
emotions in harmony (Harris, 2011).
General education is education that prepares the
younger generation to enter life satisfactorily, in order
to live worthily in time. In addition, as well as
knowledge in the boundaries of the generality and
convey to the students about the values that apply in
the society. It states that the purpose of general
education according to Dressel and Lorimer
(translated by Hakam, 2013) prepares men and
women to have a satisfying life, family and happy
social relationships, by introducing cultural heritage,
by integrating subjects into disciplines, and
developing skills, ability, and attitude. General
Damayanti, W., Syihabuddin, S. and Damaianti, V.
Student Needs on Indonesian Language’s Teaching Materials as General Compulsory Subject in Social Sciences and Natural Sciences Clusters.
DOI: 10.5220/0007174007260730
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 726-730
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Compulsory Course Indonesian Language must be
contracted by all Indonesia University of Education
The concept of General Education is a learning
process by educating through critical thinking that
triggers high order thinking and fosters lifelong
learning motivation. General Education must be
developed in each person (Abdullah, 2004). General
Education is the process of fostering the essential
meanings because the essence of human beings is a
creature that has the ability to learn and appreciate the
essential meaning. General education fostered a
person as a whole, skilled at speaking, using symbols
and cues that are factually well informed. In
education, teachers are involved as facilitators and
partners that provide learning-based services
according to the needs of the learning partners.
Knowledge and language skills are necessary to
face the real world and engage in critical reflection
within the community (Edgar, 2016). The results
indicate that in the years of 1990s, proportion of
students placed in general education classes largely
increased from 27.3% to 44.7%. This evidence
suggests that the U.S. achieved improved learning
and educated students through general education
classes (Williamson et al., 2006). The use of writing
techniques as a form of writing for learning helps
students learn the content of social science and gives
them the practice of communicating like a true
scientist. (Kuhn and McDermott, 2017).
Teaching materials become important guidelines
and components in learning. Teaching materials as
well as a substance of competence that is taught to
students. Subyantoro (2014) Language learning is
organized to achieve learning objectives that have
been identified based on existing needs. The use of
appropriate teaching materials to support the learning
program to be better. With teaching materials,
learning programs can be implemented more
regularly because lecturers as an education
implementers will obtain clear material guidelines
(Thamrin, 2014).
There are several advantages when a lecturer
develops teaching materials. First, the learning
materials obtained in accordance with student
learning needs. Secondly, it is easy to use teaching
materials because they no longer depend on textbooks
that are sometimes difficult to obtain. Third, the
material obtained a more varied because it was
developed by using various references. Fourth,
obtained additional repertoire of knowledge and
experience in writing teaching materials. Fifth, the
development of effective learning communication
with learners because they feel more confident to the
lecturer. Sixth, the fulfilment of some demands of
professionalism of lecturers (Depdiknas, 2006).
In addition to the benefits for lecturers, there are a
number of benefits obtained for students with the
teaching materials developed by the lecturer.
Learners will get ease in learning each competence
that must be mastered. Learners get the opportunity to
learn independently (Thamrin, 2014).
Qualitative research methods as described by as a
research procedure that produces descriptive data in
the form of written or oral words of the people and
behavior that can be observed. In addition, descriptive
methods are a way of describing and analyzing the
phenomena, events, social activities, beliefs,
perceptions, thoughts of individuals and groups. By
using descriptive qualitative research, it can consider
the importance of steps to understand the extent to
which people's lives to change. This research is
proposed to analyze the needs of students on teaching
materials General Compulsory Course.
Indonesian language based on the science
clusters. Clusters of social and natural sciences
became the focus of this research. In collecting,
revealing various problems and goals to be achieved
then, this research is done by analytical descriptive
study approach. Descriptive qualitative research is a
symptom of objects that are holistic (comprehensive,
inseparable). Object in question is the whole of the
observation to the students through a questionnaire
that includes aspects of places, actors, activities that
interact synergistically. Qualitative research collects
data with the aid of instruments with the help of
behavior checklists involved in complex skills
(Creswell, 2010). The data in this research is
documentation of Semesteral (6-months) Lesson Plan
which is used as a lattice to compile questionnaires
and questionnaires distributed to students.
This data is tested validity by using correlation
technique through correlation coefficient product
moment. Then performed reliability testing using
Cronbach alpha formula. The analysis in this research
is used to describe the score of X variable and Y
variable and its position, by the procedure of
determining the number of criterium score and
comparing the total score of the questionnaire with
the number of criterium score, to find the total score
of the questionnaire result. Next make a continuum
line and determine the location of the scores of
research results. The continuum line aims to
determine the percentage of the scores of the research
Student Needs on Indonesian Language’s Teaching Materials as General Compulsory Subject in Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
score (rating scale) in the continuum line
(S/maximum score x 100%). Participants in the study
were students of class of 2016 a total of 394 students
of social clumps and 308 students of natural sciences.
The role of general education lecturers is more
responsible for developing and implementing valid
and useful learning than in the past. Language
education is one of the general education learning in
college. Brice, Miller and Brice (2006) say that how
teachers/lecturers use language in the classroom has
an effect on how students interact, and the effect of
student learning. Language learning uses language
discourse known as pragmatics (Hymes, 1972;
Prutting and Kirchner, 1987; Tyler, 2005) defined as
the rules of language use in a social context. This is
related to the importance of language for students of
social science classes. Lecturers in general education
face the challenge of providing the best service for
students with different regional languages (Brice, et.
al., 2008). Learning in general education must be a
facilitator to accommodate students' needs on
Lecturers in undergraduate candidates are
required to provide many opportunities for students to
read, write, and use language to represent their
understanding of the social science performance
expectations. (Kuhn and McDermott, 2017). In
general education classes, language can be used to
engage students in working with the concept of social
science. Approach for the STEM Infused Science
Teaching (ASSIST) allows to negotiate their
understanding of the social science concepts for
learning using an argument-based inquiry (ABI)
approach supported by scientific research in scholarly
heuristics for students (Akkus et al., 2007;
Cavagnetto et al., 2010; Hand 2008).
In addition, mathematics can simplify long
descriptions in the form of symbols so that more
quickly understood (Suaedi, 2016) .Natural
phenomena can be expressed by the senses and have
characteristics with a regularity pattern of an event,
such as a cloudy sky and usually followed by rain, the
heated metal will be elongated. Based on this theory,
reason serves only as a manager of the concept of
sensory ideas by composing the concept or dividing it
up. This explanation is a category of natural science.
Knowledge includes also humanities and
mathematics. The humanities are composed of art,
religion, language, and history. History is sometimes
incorporated into the science of social science and is
a prolonged controversy whether history is science or
humanities. Historical data and the results of people's
explanation is Social Sciences is a science that studies
the behavior and human activities in life together.
Social science is one that has the role of three faces of
social science, as a critical discourse, an academic
enterprise, and applied science. Each branch of social
science that became the main ingredient of social
science has essential values and essential concepts in
human life (Supardi, 2009).
In studying and understanding social phenomena
and human life as a whole, using three main
dimensions namely the dimensions of space, time and
value/norm. The main concepts can be enriched with
other concepts of equal or lower level (Ismaun, 2001).
History Science contains the concept of change,
events, causation, nationalism, colonialism,
independence, revolution, civilization, time, and so
on. Psychology contains the concepts of motivation,
self-concept, attitude, perception, frustration,
suggestion, 50 crowding, awareness, fantasies,
thoughts, instincts, dreams, and personality. In
political science the concept of power, sovereignty,
social control, state, government, legitimacy,
opposition, political system, democracy, human
rights, etc. (Ismaun 2001).
General Compulsory Course Indonesian teaching
materials in Indonesia University of Education refers
to the lesson plan compiled by the General
Compulsory Course lecturers’ team at the General
Compulsory Course communications forum
throughout Indonesia in 2016 in Pekanbaru Riau.
This lesson plan has been compiled based on the
applicable curriculum in Indonesia. This lesson plan
is used as a grid to arrange instruments. Instruments
are arranged using Likert scale. Likert scale is a scale
that can be used to measure attitudes, opinions, and
perceptions of a person or a group of people about a
phenomenon. The score of positive statements starts
from 1 for strongly disagree (SD), 2 for disagree (D),
3 for not sure (NS), 4 for agree (A), and 5 for strongly
agree (SA). The negative statements score starts from
1 for strongly agree (SA), 2 for agree (A), 3 for Not
sure (NS), 4 for disagree (D), and 5 for strongly
disagree (SD). Some remove the "Not sure" option in
the instrument to make it easier to see the
questionnaire that the respondent input. Likert scale
is used to measure the approval and disagreement of
a person against a program plan, program
implementation or success rate of a program. This
study uses a positive statement that is Very
Unnecessary (VU), Unnecessary (U), Less Necessary
(LN), Necessary (N), and Very Necessary (VN).
The prepped Instruments have been tested for the
validity and reliability in advance. The validity and
reliability test of the instrument was done on 126
Faculty of Social Sciences Education and 126 Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education,
Indonesia University of Education students who have
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
contracted Indonesian general lecture as a sample.
Based on the calculation of validity test that has been
done on 30 items statement, obtained that all
statement items declared valid. Based on the Item-
Total Statistics table obtained on each item. All
values of in the table> 0.1472 = , this means that all
items are valid. The value =0.1472 is obtained from
table r where and á = 0.05. Obtained shows bigger
than with the value of 0,1472. Thus the statement
items on the instrument are declared valid. The value
of Cronbach's Alpha obtained from the Reliability
Statistics table is 0.936> 0.1472 = , where = 0.1472
is obtained from table r with dk = n-2 = 126-2 = 124
and á = 0.05. For reliability value obtained r value of
0.936 which means this Instrument has a very good
reliability value and can be used in this study. This
can be seen in the table 1.
Questionnaires were given to students of social
science classes in batch of 2016. Number of
respondents are 394 students. The questionnaires
were distributed to students of natural sciences, batch
of 2016. The number of respondents was 308
students. Recapitulation score of respondents’ results
of social science student cluster 394 respondents and
natural science students as much as 308 respondents
about the material and learning General Compulsory
Course Indonesian language can be seen in the table
2. The results of the recapitulation of respondents'
scores on General Compulsory Course material and
learning in Indonesian language can be viewed as a
whole based on the continuum area showing the ideal
region. The steps as calculated to know continuum
area. Based of continuum line area showing the ideal
region of social science be seen in the figure 1. Based
of continuum line area showing the ideal region of
natural science be seen in the figure 2.
Table 1: Reliability statistic.
Figure 1: Continuum Line Social Science.
Figure 2: Continuum Line Natural Science.
Table 2: Recapitulation of Respondents Result Score (Social Science/SS and Natural Science/NS).
No Indicators Statements
Score (SS)
Score (SS)
Score (NS)
Score (NS)
1 The Essence of Language 6 10295 1715.833 7909 1318
Variety of languages, and their
2 3265 1632.5 2447 1224
3 Diction or word choice 1 1667 1667 1331 1331
Improved Indonesian Spelling
(Ejaan yang disempurnakan)
6 10433 1738.833 8216 1369
5 Effective Sentences 2 3222 1611 2678 1339
6 Paragraph (alinea) 3 3406 1135.333 2500 833.3
7 Scientific articles 2 3574 1787 2779 1390
8 Journal 3 3400 1133.333 2794 931.3
9 Research report 1 1628 1628 1429 1429
10 Scientific Journal 1 1423 1423 1403 1403
11 Reasoning 2 3430 1715 2566 1283
12 Scientific Presentation 1 1759 1759 1381 1381
Total 30 47502 37433
Cronbach's Alpha Based on
Standardized Items
N of
0.936 0.935 30
Student Needs on Indonesian Language’s Teaching Materials as General Compulsory Subject in Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
The results of questionnaire analysis that has been
given to students of social science and natural
sciences are declared valid according to validity and
reliability test. Questionnaires are distributed to get
the expected outcomes that students want that are
drawn on the continuum line. Based on the continuum
line, student expectations of social science classes on
the development of teaching materials and learning
MKWU Indonesian language is necessary. This is
indicated by the number of total respondents’ score of
47502 which is included in the category of necessary.
Continuum lines, the expectations of natural science
students on the development of teaching materials
and learning MKWU Indonesian language is
necessary. This is indicated by the number of
respondents score of 37433 included in the category
of necessary.
The researcher would like to thank Prof. Dr. H.
Syihabuddin, M.Pd. and Dr. Vismaia S. Damaianti,
M.Pd. which has provided motivation and support
until this article is completed.
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