The Asset of Language Education Values in the Context of Script
Rahman Rahman
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Darmajati, Script, Educational Value.
Abstract: Many previous studies examined Mahabhara script which was viewed from archaeological aspect, regional
perspective, cosmological, ideological and theological perspectives. The research of Wartini (2011) on
Sangyang Tatwa Ajnyana is viewed from text, publication, edition, and translation. Still research of
Wartini (2010) about Tutur Bwana script viewed from transliteration, edition, and text translation aspects.
Meanwhile, there are still many scripts which had not researched in another aspect, among other is
Darmajati script. It needs to be studied and published scientifically in the context of nation’s character
development. The negative influence from ignoring this tend to detriment the values wealth in language
education. This research aims to obtain the finding about the description of language education values
contained in Darmajati script. The method used in this research is qualitative method with hermeneutic
communication approach. The technique of this research use sentence card. The data source of this research
is transcript of Darmajati script. As for data processing use content analysis. Based on data processing in
this research, the finding is obtained that there are language education values in Darmajati script. This
finding become the asset of language education values which can be used for nation’s character
development. The conclusion is that language education value contained in Darmajati script has important
role in forming the character, in building trust institution, and in describing the situation of life after death.
Educational values are not only learned in school
lessons. But, educational values can be learned
through various kinds of reading particularly
literature. Literature is the embodiment of mind in
the written form. Literature can be said as
imaginative creation of human beings. Literary
work including imaginative work of a writer which
describe social and cultural life and norms in society
(Setyorini, 2016).
Literary work can be functioned as catharsis
media. Aristoteles who is a philosopher and literary
scholar said that one function of literary is as
catharsis media or soul cleanser for the writers and
his readers. For the readers, after reading a literary
work, the feeling and mind are opened, because they
had got entertainment and knowledge (spectacle and
guidance). Similarly, for the writers, after producing
literary work, their soul is cleansed and opened,
because they had successful in expressing all things
which burden their feeling and mind. Literary as
catharsis media in literary learning can be utilized
receptively and expressively in character education.
Literary work contains educational values or
something which will be conveyed by the writers to
their readers. Value is something valuable and
searched for by humans. According to Ismawati
(2013), value is something important and basic for
human life, concerning everything good and bad as
abstraction, view or intention from various
experiences and tight selection of behaviour.
Purwaningtyastuti (2014) explained that various
kinds of educational value, namely religious, moral
and ethics, social, aesthetic and custom/culture
values. Literary work contains usefulness value
which can be learned and practiced by readers. The
main function of literary is to refine moral, to
increase imagination, and to enhance expression
creatively and constructively (Suryaman, 2011).
But in reality, public are reluctant to read
literary work. It makes them less able to utilize the
main function of literary work and lofty values
brought in literary work (Fahmi et al., 2014). Based
on ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Quotient) review,
Rahman, R.
The Asset of Language Education Values in the Context of Script Exploitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007175908260828
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 826-828
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
seven moral crises occurred in Indonesian society
among others are crisis in honesty, responsibility,
discipline, togetherness, not thinking ahead, and
justice (Zuhdi, 2009). This condition show that
Indonesian nation is still lack of character. It seems
that lofty values which should be practiced not seen
in Indonesia country which is well-known for its
eastern custom (Fahmi et al., 2014). Therefore, it
need a study to help public interpreting the
usefulness of literary work.
The research on Mahabrata script had been
conducted viewed from archaeological aspect,
regional perspective, cosmological, ideological and
theological perspectives. Wartini et al. (2011)
researched about Sangyang Tatwa Ajnyana in the
terms of text, edition, and translation. Wartini et al.
(2010) also researched Tutur Bwana script in the
terms of transliteration, edition, and text translation.
Meanwhile, there are still many scripts which had
not researched yet in another aspect, among other
Darmajati script in exploitation of language
education value. Therefore, the researcher conducts
this research with aim to describe educational values
contained in the transcript of Darmajati script.
This research uses qualitative research method with
hermeneutic communication approach. Hermeneutic
communication approach is a research conducted by
researcher to study a text. The text which become
data source in research can be book, newspaper,
customary rule, novel, and another form which can
be read and studied (Gall et al., 2003). Hermeneutic
communication approach is used to help readers
interpreting a text in various sources which perhaps
difficult to be understood (Gallagher, 1992). For
example, researcher study the poetry created by
Kahlil Gibran or novel written by William
Shakespeare. Researcher study the aspects which
are supposed not being understood by public.
However. The thing which should be noticed in
hermeneutic communication approach can be
subjective because the researcher interprets a text
based on personal viewpoint. Therefore, to avoid
subjective interpretation, the researcher need to hold
discussion with another (Brinkmann, 2009).
Data source in this study is Darmajati script.
Data collection technique in this study is by using
sentence card. Data analysis in study is in the form
of content analysis. Content analysis aims to relate
interpretation result with a concept so it can avoid
data bias (Yildirim and Şimşek, 2011). Before doing
content analysis, the researcher determines theme
and code then the result of study is grouped based on
theme to draw conclusion (Turan and Ulutas, 2016).
The results of analysis of Ajen Atikan (Educational
Value) is as follows:
10 Human continuously make sin
Even though it is though as paradise, but it is
still sin.
Pernyataan di luhur ngandung ajen atikan, yen
teu meunang senang ladang teu hade.
The excerpt above is included in educational
value because doing something for pleasure by
wrong way is a sin even thought this act give
pleasure in the world.
25 Don’t be hesitated to confess
Pernyataan di luhur ngandung ajen atikan, yen
ngebrehkeun kajujuran ulah asa-asa
The excerpt above is included in educational
value because it need not to be ashamed to
confess or tell the truth about ourselves
75 Don’t be afraid that brotherhood ties will be
Pernyataan di luhur ngandung ajen atikan, yen
silaturahim teh penting, malah lamun
megatkeun silaturahim dosa hukumna.
260 Embarrass another fellow,
Now reprised by losing his way
Pernyataan di luhur ngandung ajen atikan, yen
kajahatan bakal meunang siksa.
The speech in the text of Darmajati script is a
story about a man named Purnawijaya who is given
advice by Maha Pandita who is called as Batara and
Dewa Utama. His advice is so soft so Purnawijaya
is admitted as his own son and he use soft speech.
His advice contains the principles of life
guidance for humans. Life guidance aims to make
humans save and happy in living their life in the
world and in the heaven later. Life guidance is
defined here as command and forbidden things
based on Hindu and Buddha religion tenets.
However. It contains more forbidden things than
command. Purnawijaya is asked to confess the
suffering he feel. His suffering is caused by his
wrong life path which cause him lost his way.
One should avoid forbidden things and do
commanded things. Some kind of forbidden things
which are expressed in his advice among others are
don’t be envious to another people, don’t make
prejudice become habit, don’t stole, don’t cheat,
The Asset of Language Education Values in the Context of Script Exploitation
don’t get drunk, don’t inhale opium, don’t humiliate
another person’s, don’t threat and jab someone,
don’t indebt without repaying, don’t persecute
religious people, don’t be afraid of taboo, don’t do
trickery, don’t live in luxury life, don’t break the
promise, don’t embarrass another people, don’t
break relationship ties.
The worship commands consist of (1) repentant
from doing sins, and (2) doing offering to Sang
Hyang. If someone during his life in the world
always follow his lust, do many forbidden things,
and do much sins without repentant, then he will
face suffering and painful life as the reprisal of his
The terrible torture in hell is described, but if
someone avoid forbidden things he will enter
paradise which full of bliss and happiness after his
end the life in the world. The greatness and bliss of
life in paradise is described. Next, the description of
paradise is told among other the emptiness like
pearl, glittering like golden, bright like jewel, the
water become fragrance oil, the smell of flower is
very fragrant, crafted with dragon motive, various
kinds of fruit, the young women’s house is in the
middle of garden. As for description of the torture
in hell is told among others how painful when the
body is sliced, burned, fed to dogs, hanged above the
flame of fire, the body is hanged upside down, the
flame of fire as big as mountain is used to burn the
soil, the head is ruptured, the brain is sucked, and
some part of stomach is burst. In this case, there is
more description of the torture in hell than the
description of the life in paradise which is full of
Based on result of study which had been
explained, the researcher conclude that educational
value emerged from the transcript of Darmajati
script in the form of religious education value. That
religious education value is in the form of
prohibition and command which should be practiced
by human beings in their life. That educational value
is not conveyed directly but using beautiful sentence
structure. The transcript of Darmajati script is the
script of Hindu-Buddhist believers but the tenets
contained in that script can be applied by all
religions. This shows that religious values contained
in the script is universal religious value (Vestøl,
2011). In accord with it, Vestøl (2013) explain that
literary work should tell about the values which
indeed taught by all religions because religion is
human life’s support. Literary work which contain
universal value will give similar interpretation or not
Literary work contains values or something the
writer should convey to their readers. Value is
something valuable and searched by humans. Value
is something important and basic in human life,
concerning everything good and bad as abstraction,
view or intention from various experiences and tight
selection of behaviour. The transcript of Darmajati
script is one form of literary work in the form of
prose. The language education value contained in
Darmajati script has important role in forming
character, building trust institution, and describing
situation of life after death.
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education