Exploring Quantified Self Attitudes
Christel De Maeyer
and Panos Markopoulos
Department Graphical Digital Media, Artevelde University College, Mariakerke, Belgium
Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords: Quantified Self, Self-tracking, User Design Typology.
Abstract: In recent years there is a growing optimism that health interventions may become more effective through
the use of self-tracking. Related efforts are hampered by the short-lived compliance to self-tracking
schemes. This paper examines the attitudes and motivations of self-trackers that could guide the design of
self-tracking applications. Based on a questionnaire survey and follow up interviews a set of three personas
of self trackers is proposed, in addition, design requirements are proposed for improving adherence to self-
tracking technologies.
Wearable self-tracking technologies are often put
forward as a way to help ensure healthy living and to
enhance active participation of patients in
healthcare. However, sustained use of self-tracking
technologies as part of health intervention programs
remains a major challenge (Fritz, 2014), (Karapanos,
2015). A commercial study shows that ‘more than
half of U.S. consumers who have owned a modern
activity tracker no longer use it, and third of U.S.
consumers who have owned one, stopped using the
device within six months of acquiring it’ (Endeavour
Partners, 2014). Karapanos, argues that in the case
of physical activity trackers the disengagement can
signify two outcomes: failure to integrate exercising
into daily life or a swift adoption of exercising as an
intrinsically motivated practice’ (Karapanos, 2015).
On the other hand, there is a whole population of
users who track themselves for years and where the
activity is ingrained in their daily life (Fritz, 2014).
They are actively engaged in the usage and the
whole experience, evolving from beginners towards
avid personal informatics users who have integrated
self-tracking into the fabric of their daily lives
(Darmour, 2013). Long term self-trackers seem to
value the on-going support and motivation these
technologies trigger for having a durable change in
their lives (Fritz, 2014). It appears that a better
understanding of long-term self trackers could be
valuable in designing technologies to support self-
tracking practices.
Most human computer interaction research on
the topic of how people use wearable technologies
follows the pattern of field testing a certain system
and investigating how people interact and behave
with this technology. Few studies, have examined
such use ‘in the wild’ and engagement with such
applications remains a challenge (Karapanos, 2015),
(Vandenberghe, 2015), (Shih, 2015). For example,
Karapanos et al, built a mobile application ‘Habito’
and had 256 participants use the application
voluntary. As they remark: However out of the 86
users who installed a physical activity tracker that
we deployed on Google Play, only 21 percent of
them used it for more than two weeks (Gouveia,
2015), (Karapanos, 2015).
In order to get more in depth information about
the process of the evolution of personal informatics
users and what triggers them to create a long term
relationship with their device and its services, we
conducted a survey among long term self-trackers
and, secondly, held in depth interviews. Based on
these studies we propose Personal Informatics User
Design Personas that gives new perspectives and
insights for future design and development of self-
tracking technologies aimed at supporting behavior
There is already a large body of research concerning
the use and none use or abandonment of self-
tracking activity (Gulotta, 2016) (Epstein, 2016),
Maeyer, C. and Markopoulos, P.
Exploring Quantified Self Attitudes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006530802530260
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 253-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-281-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Schwanda, 2011). The motivations as to why
people are tracking themselves and the impact it has
on human behavior (Lazar, 2015).
2.1 Motivation and Feedback
As Shwanda argues, feedback loops are an important
element in getting motivated or not. As some users
experience it as a successful motivator, mainly when
the system gave positive feedback, but also when the
feedback was a bit harsh. Additionally, they liked
the nudging of the system. While others find it hard
to interpret the information and furthermore also
hurtful when there is negative feedback (Schwanda,
2011). The feedback we receive from those
technologies are very blunt and don’t show any
empathy at all, as Ruckenstein states “In light of
feedback loops, people are approached as computer-
like information processors, or auto-correlating
servomechanisms, a living part of a dataistic
apparatus that allows the reflection and regulation
of specific movements and behavior (Ruckenstein,
2015, p. 10).
From a health perspective, a study from (Gimpel,
2013) shed light on the motivation of patients who
track their own health. This study proposes a
framework of five motivational factors.
Factor 1: Self-entertainment: motivation because
of the pleasure it brings to the self-tracker, this
motivation lies into the aspect that the user has fun
and enjoyment in using these digital devices.
Factor 2: Self-association: the prospect of being
associated within a community, ‘community
citizenship’. This is less about one’s self, but more
how one relates to a community or understanding
her or his individualization within a certain
environment, self-individualizing aspects within the
community. The idea that a self-tracker needs a
counterpart to understand him or herself mainly by
Factor 3: Self-design: motivation by the
possibilities of self-optimization. Self-trackers are
interested in controlling and optimizing their life,
whether they track mood, physical activity or other
tracking aspects of their daily life.
Factor 4: Self-discipline: motivation due to self-
gratification. The self-tracker is more motivated by
the prospect of achieving certain goals, getting
rewarded, or not being penalized and avoiding
negative consequences.
Factor 5: Self-healing: motivation by the
possibilities of self-healing. The self-tracker doesn’t
have a lot of trust in the current health system, has a
sort of rebellion attitude towards health systems.
They want to have a certain independence from
traditional health care systems (Gimpel, 2013).
These perspectives are an important aid in
clustering our results and in defining the personas
we sketch in this paper.
Furthermore, to trigger behavior change one also
needs to look at the potential of ‘Network
Interventions’ (Valente, 2010), using network data
to ‘influence’ or ‘accelerate’ behavior change.
Valentine reviews six classes of methods that can be
used on order to influence and accelerate behavior
change: opinion leaders, groups, leaders matched to
groups, snowball methods, rewiring networks, and
crossing network data with attributes. The method of
groups and leaders matched to groups, are methods
that rose during our in-depth interviews. In addition,
in a study by Schmueli, et al, shows that “trust has
significant more impact on social persuasion than
closeness of ties in determining the amount of
behavior change” within ‘network interventions
(Shmueli, 2014, p. 14).
2.2 Stages within the Usage of Personal
In order to get a longitudinal perspective in the use
of personal informatics, (Li, 2010) proposed a stage-
based framework that illustrates the five stages a
user goes through when using Personal Informatics
systems (preparation, collection, integration,
reflection, and action) and identified the barriers that
they might experience during these stages.
In the preparation phase, the user is thinking
about which devices to use, what they are going to
track, which data they are going to collect. The
barriers in this stage are: giving the devices the right
information on the collecting data, do they have to
switch to other tools and what are they doing with
the previous data that has been collected so far.
The collection phase is the phase where people
are observing different personal information they
gathered, they get insights on their usage of the
collected data, might notice a certain behavior, their
interactions with others. The barriers here are that
people forget about collecting data and do not
review all the information that is available. The data
is not always accurate or objective.
The integration phase, is the phase where the
users integrate their different collected data. The
data might come form different sources, and some
put it all in excel to get a more holistic view of their
collected data. The barriers of this phase, is mainly
the interoperability between all these different tools
of self-tracking. The reflection phase is the phase
where users reflect on their data, today most systems
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
give immediate information on the device itself and
the second information source, which usually more
detailed is gathered on a website. With the first
information source (short look), usually creates
immediate awareness with the user on their
behavior. The barriers in this phase, not all users can
give meaning to their data, due because of lack of
time, not the ability to have a holistic view of the
collected data or technical limitations. Finally,
during the action phase users will use the personal
information to change behavior, to set goals or
adjust goals set during the previous process.
(Epstein D. , 2015) proposed a model for lived
informatics for personal informatics, comprising of
three stages, initially starting with the decision to
track and decide on the selection of tools to track.
Choosing or deciding to track oneself could be for
many reasons and include: to improve one’s health,
to improve one’s lifestyle or to find a new life
experience/activity (Choe, 2014). Deciding on the
selection of tools involves comparing devices or
mobile apps such as Runkeeper (running mobile
application) or Human (a physical and calorie
tracker) or decide to wear a wristband such as Fitbit
or Jawbone to name a few options.
Stage two relates to the ‘tracking and acting’
process which is ‘an ongoing process of collecting,
integrating and reflecting’ (Epstein, 2015), (Choe,
2014) notes three activities; ‘collecting, integrating
and reflecting’ which are distinct and dependent
upon data. Self-trackers learn about their behavior
during the process of collecting and monitoring the
data, “the main importance however, is to get
meaningful insights and reflect on data to make
positive change” (Choe, 2014, p. 10).
Stage three relates to the ‘lapsing stage’, which is
associated to individuals/users who choose to stop
self-tracking for a set amount of time or completely.
Based upon recent research the dropout rate is quite
high for several reasons, including: technology
failure, lack of interest, curiosity is gone, or the cost
of tracking in terms of time (Endeavour Partners,
2014), (Fritz, 2014), (Karapanos, 2015), (Shih,
2015) (Epstein, 2016).
Finally, there is ‘the resuming phase’, these can
be short breaks, where a self-tracker has gone on
holiday and forgotten to take their wearable device
or they choose to have a longer break. In the latter,
the self-tracker might start again by reflecting first
on the older data, and then decides later to start
tracking again and collecting more data depending
on the tracking activity (Epstein, 2015).
Both Li and Epstein looked at the usage of
Personal Informatics from a user perspective and the
different phases a user goes using these
technologies. Epstein added and refined the stage
model by adding ‘lapsing’ and ‘resuming’ to the
tracking. Considering the challenge of people not
managing to sustain self-tracking for long, we argue
that resuming has a specific importance for long-
term self-tracking. It helps the user to recollect
previous information of the system that has been
gathered before, to evaluate, to look for confirmation
that they achieved in certain goals they have set.
The user can pick up where they left off, set
different goals, sometimes higher goals, or
sometimes in a different way, in a different routine.
They can compare the past achievements with the
new information when picking up a certain activity
again and working towards their personal best result.
In addition, there is also the notion of the need of
tracking, long-term user, use the past gathered
information to motivate themselves again to start a
new. The need to track themselves to be able to
follow and evaluate their progress in a specific
program or activity they have setup.
Next we will look at the personal informatics
from a sociological lens where researchers have
proposed typologies to define Personal Informatics
2.3 Types of Self-trackers
Taking a sociological perspective Lupton argues that
The practices, meanings, discourses and
technologies associated with self-tracking are
inherently and inevitably the product of a broader
social, cultural and political process’, (Lupton,
2016). Lupton underlines the sociological dimension
of self-tracking, distinguishing five types: Private,
Communal, Pushed, Imposed and Exploited. Here
we focus mainly on the private and communal
modes of self-tracking, as the users we interviewed
and surveyed are using the devices or tools by
choice. In a private mode, self-tracking is mainly a
private activity by one’s own choice, where at the
communal mode, one shares tracking results within
a community or others like family, friends and so
forth. The remaining modes are not by choice and
are a main concern in the whole movement of self-
tracking: pushed, imposed or exploited self-tracking.
It is known that the data we gather can also be used
by others, as a surveillance tool or for commercial
reasons (Lupton, 2014). Furthermore, pushed and
imposed modes, are increasingly a concern as
Personal Informatics enters the workplace, and the
insurance space, where it is used as an incentive to
stay healthy or to personalize insurances. These last
three modes are therefore important user design
aspects from a design ethics (Cummings, 2006)
perspective. In all of these modes, a Value Sensitive
Design (Cummings, 2006) should focus on
Exploring Quantified Self Attitudes
supporting human values such as well-being, welfare
and human rights, trust, autonomy, data ownership,
privacy, freedom from bias, accountability, for these
tracking technologies.
Selke, categorizes self-tracking technologies in
four basic categories according to usage: First,
monitoring health, monitoring biometric real time
data on one’s body and in doing so creating a
healthy lifestyle. Secondly, human tracking,
concentrates on location tracking, mainly about the
whereabouts of a person. Thirdly, human digital
memory, outsourced memory, a comprehensive
archive that document’s one’s life in detail. Fourth,
surveillance and counter-surveillance, the
relationship between the two, monitoring
surveillance. For example, in the workplace this
surveillance is becoming a common activity, as well
as counter-surveillance where people broadcast their
lives as an alibi and give complete transparency on
there whereabouts (Selke, 2016).
In other recent work ( (Seshagiri, 2016) suggests
four personas that were matching user profiles in
their research on personal fitness and health in India.
These four personas are based on the needs and
expectations of the user considering their lifestyle
and fitness goals in their lives. The four personas are
divided in age groups, the competitive beginner age
group 20-30, they spent a lot of their time on social
media and look for competitive environments. The
majority of these personas are driven by social
approval and physical appearance. They rely on their
social circles to get motivated to start a fitness
activity. The passive practicioner is in the age group
35-45, and usually settled with family and kids and
start to have minor health problems that drive them
to be more active and engage in fitness programs.
The challenge seeker, are long-time fitness
practicioners, age group is 30-40. Fitness is part of
their daily lives. They change their goals on regular
basis after achieving previous goals. They find
measuring devices less usefull overtime. The active
reviver, is the persona that wants to start fitnessing
again after a long break. Usually they find new
motivation with friends and family to start again on
their fitness activity. They want feedback from the
apps or devices they used based on their previous
usage and results gathered by these apps.
The four personas suggested by (Seshagiri,
2016), were defined from a lifestyle perspective, we
try to bring something new in looking more at the
personalities or attitudes users have in order to come
to our three personas. Additionally, they are defined
based on age groups. As in our proposal age groups
are not a peculiar thing we looked at, although it was
one of the filter questions in our survey, it was not
an argument to define the personas.
A survey was carried out among users of wearable
self-tracking technology during a period of 4
months, from January through April 2016. The
distribution of the survey was done through social
media, namely Facebook, LinkedIn and e-mail, with
a snowball approach (N=95). We used (Qualtrics) as
an online survey tool. The survey was not posted in
the Quantified Self community because these avid
enthusiasts are probably not representative of the
broader cross section of self-trackers, arguably
forming a distinct sub-culture. As previous described
as a specific group by (Choe, 2014) within the
Quantified Self movement today personal
informatics is used by people with a specific profile,
such as, software engineers, startup founders, data
analyzers, measuring mainly physical activity, food,
weight, sleep and mood and would very likely be
more motivated to participate than the average self-
tracker, potentially skewing results.
Additionally, we held in depth interviews (N=10)
with respondents who had been tracking themselves
for an average (mean) of 4,8 years with a standard
deviation of 4,29, with wearable devices, smart
watches or mobile apps on smartphones as these
were the most used and preferred tracking methods
within the survey outcome. We used the laddering
method (Reynolds, 1988) to structure the interviews
as this method would give insight on tracking
method Attributes (A), Consequences (C) in using a
certain technology and personal value (V)
respondents experience in appropriating Personal
Informatics technology. The interviews were
transcribed and we used the model above to map the
patterns that occurred in the in depth interviews,
which we will discuss in the next section.
4.1 Pre-survey
The survey was distributed over a period of 4
months with a snowball sampling approach, which
resulted in 95 responses (which was less than our
expectation). 15 respondents reported to have
stopped tracking in last 12 months and were then
excluded from the survey, those respondents could
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
not finish the survey, they only could add the reason
why they stopped tracking themselves. The
remaining sample of 70 participants (49 men, 31
women) who participated in the survey was
relatively skewed with regards to the education
level, 80,2 % having a PhD or Masters degree, 16,3
% enrolled in higher education and only 2,5 %
having a high school degree only. The sample is
rather skewed towards younger ages: 55 % is
between 20-30 years old, 30-40 age group represents
26,3 %, the older age group 40-50 and 50-60
represents 8,8 % and 1,3 % is >60.
Out of the 70 respondents, 15 have stopped as
mentioned in the previous paragraph, in the last 12
months for a variety of reasons (see table 4):
They track when things are going well
Practical issues such as losing the tracker or
forgetting to charge it
The effort and time required
Not wanting to share in social media
Obtrusiveness of the technology
We were particularly interested in the reasons
why self-trackers track themselves, what they track
and which tools or devices are they using to track
themselves ‘Out of curiosity’ is the major reason
why this group of respondents starts tracking
themselves 36,2%. The second reason is leisure
30,5% and third is health reasons 21%. The most
popular tracking activities are exercise and steps
55,9%, followed by sleep 14,5% and heart rate
13,8%. Mobile apps on smartphones are the major
tool for tracking themselves 42,3%. Followed by
wearable tech such as Fitbit, BodyMedia, Jawbone
and so forth 32% and the smart watches 16,5%
Approved medical devices and spreadsheets are a
minority use 9,3 % for tracking oneself.
Respondents (91,5 %) claimed that the wearable
devices created awareness. In addition, the
respondents (89,8 %) agreed that the data generated
by the wearable devices gives awareness.
Furthermore, it was stated that the wearable devices
are helping in creating habits (81,3%). Results also
showed that the wearable devices helped in
maintaining habits (77,9%).
We run a Pearson correlation test to test whether
there is more engagement at a certain age in creating
and maintaining habits. Our results show a
significant positive relationship between age and
creating habits [r(52)=.29; p<.0.038] and
maintaining habits [r(52)=.627; p=.000].
Within our survey we want to get different
insights on how users feel while using these
technologies. As we seen in related work, emotions
and motivation are connected and users feel
sometimes controlled, guilty and can become
stressed about using self-tracking. Feelings of being
controlled can be seen both in a positive or negative
light (Epstein, 2016), (Schwanda, 2011). When
using these digital devices to monitor one’s health,
users feel more in control of their own health and
see a lot of benefits in using these digital devices in
achieving their goals and getting useful insights on
their behavior. Other users experience self-tracking
as extra pressure, leading to more anxiety, failure
and even self-hatred (Lupton, 2012).
50,9% feels controlled, 13,8% feels stressed,
50,6% feels motivated by the device. There is a
significant negative linear relation between the
feeling (motivation and stress) that is induced by the
device. The more motivation the less stress. [1(52) =
r =- 0,33, p = < 0,016].
Most respondents don’t share their data on social
media 64,4%; 13,6% share their data with friends
and family, 10,2% share on social media while 6,8%
share in specific interest groups related do their
tracking activity. This finding is inline with (Fritz,
2014), (Epstein D. J., 2015) regarding the sharing
data and social effects, where respondents mostly
share in specific communities related to their
tracking activity. One could connect this to the
theory of ‘Network Interventions’ (Valente, 2010),
where Valente
The results of which tools and what the preferred
tracking topics are with self-tracking users, are in
line with the findings of Choe, et al even though
they surveyed and analyzed a different target group,
the quantified self meet-ups. A new finding within
our survey is that users are not eager to share their
data on social media, but more likely in the special
interest groups and communities within the service
they use. In the results we also see a decline of
usage after 6 months, also this is inline with findings
from Fritz et al (Fritz, 2014), (Gouveia, 2015)
(Karapanos, 2015)
4.2 In-depth Interview
In-depth interviews were conducted with
respondents who filled in the survey to clarify the
above statements and survey results, which we will
discuss in the next section. We divided the in depth
interviews in three levels. First we asked about the
attributes of the products they use. Second, we
followed up regarding the consequences of using a
specific technology and the tracking activity in
general and, third, the values the technology brings
Exploring Quantified Self Attitudes
for the users. The results are summarized along these
Mobile apps on smartphones are experienced as
a major convenience for self-tracking. E.g., about
wearable devices they commented Always on me, I
never forget it, is just tracking things’.
Regarding the use of the products we notice the
distinction between active and passive tracking.
Respondents mentioned that the less they have to log
(passive tracking) the more they like it, just wearing
the device that tracks things as opposed to logging
food or mood tracking, where respondents have to
actually put information in to the application, find
that this is too much work and energy to sustain for
longer periods.
Users stated that using apps on smartphones and
wearable technology are a convenient way to
measure themselves. They tend to track themselves
in periods. Some track themselves continuously by
just wearing the device. This is less so if they use
apps on smartphones, smartphones are not always on
the body and tend to be forgotten occasionally.
Most respondents set goals for themselves. We
can make two distinctions within the goal setting,
the daily goals and the goals that run over a certain
amount of time, depending on the tracking activity.
The daily goals could have the possibility to
integrate in a daily life schedule, contributing
towards a fundamental behavior change, progressing
from extrinsic to internalized motivation and
transformation (Deci, 2000). Examples are sleeping
for at least 8 hours, having a 30-minute activity a
day, walking at least 10000 steps in a day and so
forth. These goals are usually set by the system
rather than by the user. On the other hand, longer
term goals are associated with higher aims, like
running a Marathon for example. Once such a goal
is achieved people stop tracking for a while, but will
reinitiate the activity when they have another life-
goal of that kind. In this process the track-record of
past achievements is an important asset for the user.
Other users track their weight. Goals related to this
take are longer term and require a more
encompassing behavior change to which the user
needs to adapt to.
The respondents who work on physical activity
or exercise love the competition element that some
apps support by connecting with friends and
stimulating each other to go an extra mile.
Especially Strava (Strava, sd) seem to be doing great
work in that perspective: Users can share maps,
routes, and so forth. Such tracking services share
their results within the service but not on social
media, thus creating the feeling of belonging to a
The respondents create some kind of a
dependency upon the tools they use. They spoke of
‘first’ and ‘second’ information that is gathered by
the device or application. First information is
immediately visible on the device or application and
the second information is the dashboard online
where they have a more holistic and view spanning
over time, by week, by month, by six months of their
gathered data. The latter is not viewed often; the
frequency is tied to the activity tracked. Most
respondents would like to see more aggregation of
their data, they experience a data silo effect between
the different services and tools they use and miss
context around their data gathered by different
applications and wearable.
4.2.1 Values
The respondents mentioned that their general goal is
to create a better lifestyle “being healthy aware”
and to be mindful of their lifestyle. Using these
technologies helps them create habits (“we don’t
think about it anymore”) and routines that are
consciously planned and thought about. In most
cases tracking gives confirmation and makes things
‘official’ip4: “if I didn't measure it I didn’t do it”. In
addition, they give the user a track record an
evolution of a certain aspect of their life which
motivates them to continue or resume if necessary:
ip4: “My track record of the past is important to
start again I know I can do this! For some a
technology dependency is formed, an outsourced
memory that helps to look back:ip3: “I bike more, I
feel much better, things are going easier, I have less
pain in my back which makes me feel better”. In
general, they see it as a digital buddy, ingrained in
their daily life: ip4 I feel smarter I think this is an
important word. I don’t think about it anymore it is
just there, part of my life”. A few respondents
mentioned feelings of being confronted with the
data. If things are not going well, they tend to ignore
it ip3 If I would look at the past, I might get
worried, it might not be a good thing”. Or another
participant, ip7: “If things are going well it is ok, but
if I let go, I don’t want to see it. I don’t want a
negative confrontation”.
Using the laddering method, we were able to
cluster self-trackers based on the consequences and
values identified as above. As mentioned before to
build the clusters of self-trackers personas, we
looked at their social behavior, sharing the data, and
why they are sharing data and how and where. How
HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics
they build their self-tracking attitudes, being more
interested in competition for example, setting
different goals to achieve, while in the third cluster
we looked at how they implement the technology in
their daily life, as a sort of digital mirror, trying out
different technologies, and more acting as lead-users
(Von Hippel, 1986).
4.3 Social Self-tracker
Even though personal informatics users in our
research didn’t like to share their data on social
media, they do like to share it within the community
of the application or the device and its platform that
they use. They don’t really have a community
feeling, but do have a group feeling. Social trackers
stimulate each other to do certain activities and to go
for mutual goals. Long-term trackers help early
trackers and stimulate them by liking or commenting
on their status within the group: ip8: I advise the
use of applications to friends or colleagues and
endorse them in a positive way, because I know how
difficult it is”. The communal mode’ of Lupton’s
Self-tracking mode is referring to this accent of self-
tracking, however it is not mentioning the stimuli
users get from being within a group having a
common interest, trying to achieve common goals.
(Lupton, 2016). While studies of (Valente, 2010)and
(Shmueli, 2014) show the potenital of groups,
leaders of groups to influence or accelerate behavior
change. From the health perspective and motivation
factors, the self-associated’ self-tracker is part of
the social self-tracker. ‘The idea that a self-tracker
needs a counterpart to understand him or herself
mainly by comparison.’(Gimpel, 2013)
4.4 Achiever Self-tracker
The achiever’s main goal is to achieve in the goals
they set for themselves. They enjoy keeping a track-
record to stimulate themselves to start new goals and
to pursue in achieve them. They might track
different aspects of their body to get more context,
however not so much in detail then the next
proposed persona, the immersive type or avid self-
tracker. They are focused on their tracking activity
and also explore different solutions and they might
use them simultaneously. They have a big desire to
compete with others, so they also have interest in
sharing within the application they use. By tracking
themselves they get confirmation The achiever self-
tracker, has elements of the self-discipline self-
tracker, the user is looking for self-gratification,
getting rewarded for achieving goals, and avoiding
negative results (Gimpel, 2013). Additionally, there
are similarities toward the Competitive and
Challenge seeker personas proposed by (Seshagiri,
4.5 Avid Self-tracker
The avid self-trackers tries to create a digital mirror
of themselves, they are completely engaged and
immersed with self-tracking. It has become part of
their daily life - a norm in their life. They are
building a ‘Human Digital Memory’ (Selke, 2016)
there is an embodiment of the technology. They love
the data and they love analyzing it: ip1:‘It is
important to keep the data stream’. They use custom
tools to get complete overviews or they build their
own overviews ip1:‘every year I start a new file in
Excel, it is like gathering photos’. These self-
trackers are also recognizable in the self-design
factor motivation: ‘interested in controlling their life,
optimize their life, whether they track mood,
physical activity or other tracking activities’
(Gimpel, 2013). Their main goal is to stay aware
about their behavior and keeping up a healthy
lifestyle on constant basis.
We presented a survey and a follow up interview
study that examined the triggers, motivation and
ability that long-term trackers experience whilst
practicing self-tracking. The survey suggests that
mobile apps and wearable devices are the most used
tracking methods. The top three tracking topics are
physical exercise, steps and sleep.
Self-trackers use such tools to create and
maintain habits. Self-tracking users don’t like to
share their data on social media, preferring closed
communities related to the tracking service. Some
people track periodically (in bursts) rather than
continuously as we have seen in the consequences.
They use their self-tracking track record to get up to
speed again. The main goal of these self-trackers is
to stay aware about their lifestyle and health. In
general, respondents aim for a better state of well-
being, a better lifestyle. For some the data collected
gives meaning to their life.
We proposed a user typology for self-trackers.
Characterized by different usage patterns and values,
in addition, we based our user typology on existing
typologies form other domains, from a sociological,
health, lifestyle and usage perspective. Within these
typologies, there is overlap and we find similarities
Exploring Quantified Self Attitudes
in their characteristics. Different types of self-
trackers need to be approached differently by
designers, supporting a different flow in the usage
and feedback loops. For example, within Strava or
Runkeeper users have more detailed data analytics
over time and can receive personal coaching when
they choose for a premium model (paid subscription
fee). These extra features, detailed data analytics,
customized feedback loops, creating group feelings,
peer pressure approach by peer endorsing methods
might create more engagement with the user and is
subject for further research.
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HEALTHINF 2018 - 11th International Conference on Health Informatics