Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive
Image Classification
Dawood Al Chanti and Alice Caplier
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP
, GIPSA-lab, 38000 Grenoble, France
BoVW, k-means++, Relative Conjunction Matrix, SIFT, Spatial Pyramids, TF.IDF.
Bag-of-Visual-Words (BoVW) approach has been widely used in the recent years for image classification
purposes. However, the limitations regarding optimal feature selection, clustering technique, the lack of spatial
organization of the data and the weighting of visual words are crucial. These factors affect the stability of the
model and reduce performance. We propose to develop an algorithm based on BoVW for facial expression
analysis which goes beyond those limitations. Thus the visual codebook is built by using k-Means++ method
to avoid poor clustering. To exploit reliable low level features, we search for the best feature detector that
avoids locating a large number of keypoints which do not contribute to the classification process. Then,
we propose to compute the relative conjunction matrix in order to preserve the spatial order of the data by
coding the relationships among visual words. In addition, a weighting scheme that reflects how important
a visual word is with respect to a given image is introduced. We speed up the learning process by using
histogram intersection kernel by Support Vector Machine to learn a discriminative classifier. The efficiency of
the proposed algorithm is compared with standard bag of visual words method and with bag of visual words
method with spatial pyramid. Extensive experiments on the CK+, the MMI and the JAFFE databases show
good average recognition rates. Likewise, the ability to recognize spontaneous and non-basic expressive states
is investigated using the DynEmo database.
Bag of Visual Words model (BoVW) with distinctive
local features generated around keypoints has be-
come the most popular method for image classifica-
tion tasks. It has been first introduced by (Sivic and
Zisserman, 2003) for object matching in videos. Si-
vic and Zisserman described the BoVW method as an
analogy with text retrieval and analysis. Wherein, a
document is represented by word frequencies without
regard to their order. The word frequencies are con-
sidered as the signature of the document and are then
used to perform classification.
Since 2003 till nowadays, it obtained state-of-the-
art performance on several applications in compu-
ter vision such as human action recognition (Peng
et al., 2016), scene classification (Zhu et al., 2016)
and face recognition (Hariri et al., 2017). To the best
of our knowledge, this approach has not been inves-
tigated for the task of facial expression recognition
since around 2013 (Ionescu et al., 2013). In this pa-
per, we aim at introducing some improvements over
Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes
the standard BoVW method to tackle facial expres-
sion recognition.
The standard steps for deriving the signature for
a facial expression image using BoVW are represen-
ted in figure 1 (a), (1): keypoints localization from
the image, (2): keypoints description using local des-
criptors, (3): vector quantization for the descriptors
by clustering them into k-clusters, using clustering
methods, resulting a visual words vocabulary which
forms the codebook, (4): establishing the signature
of each image by accumulating the visual words into
a histogram, (5): normalizing the histogram by divi-
ding the frequency of each visual word over the total
number of visual words, and (6): training a classifier
using the obtained image signatures for classification
BoVW model has been the most frequent and do-
minant used technique for visual content description.
However this approach has some drawbacks that af-
fect the performance. First, during the feature de-
tection process, a large number of keypoints are lo-
cated. This increases the computational process, in
addition to the fact that most of these keypoints arise
Chanti, D. and Caplier, A.
Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive Image Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006537601450152
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-290-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: (a): Standard BoVW representation for facial expressive image. (b): Three level spatial pyramid example.
in the background regions. The second problem is the
poor clustering, when the usual clustering method is
Lloyd’s algorithm referred as k-means algorithm, due
to the fact that several local features are encoded with
the same visual word. The third limitation is that as
standard BoVW represents an image as an unordered
collection of local descriptors, thus the spatial orga-
nization of the data is lost. The final drawback is the
weighting scheme, where standard BoVW considers
all visual words equally while there might be some
visual words that are of greater importance.
In the literature, many attempts have been con-
ducted to improve standard BoVW model. In (La-
zebnik et al., 2006), an extension of spatial pyramid
matching is proposed to exploit the spatial infor-
mation. This technique works by partitioning the
image into increasingly fine sub-regions and compu-
ting histograms of local features found inside each
sub-region. The technique shows significantly im-
proved performance on scene categorization tasks. In
(Zhang et al., 2011), descriptive visual words and des-
criptive visual phrases are proposed as visual corre-
spondences to text words and phrases, where visual
phrases refer to the frequently co-occurring visual
word pairs. In (Xie et al., 2013), the descriptive abi-
lity of visual vocabulary has been investigated by pro-
posing a weighting based method. In (Altintakan and
Yazici, 2015), k-means clustering method has been
replaced by self-organizing maps (SOM) in codebook
generation as an alternative method. Obviously, state-
of-the-art methods proposed to improve the standard
BoVW method are dealing with one limitation at a
time. In this paper, we perform several improvements,
almost at each step of the standard method.
Our main contributions are: first, we investigate
the use of BoVW for acted and spontaneous facial
expression recognition. More specifically, we search
for the best feature detector that suits our applica-
tion. We integrate the use of k-means++ method
(Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007) with BoVW method
instead of k-means algorithm in an attempt to obtain
a more distinctive codebook. We introduce relative
conjunction matrix in order to preserve the spatial
organization of the data. We introduce an efficient
weighting scheme based on term-frequency inverse-
document-frequency (TF-IDF), in order to scale up
the rare visual words while damping the effect of the
frequent visual words. Finally, for learning distinctive
classifiers, we use the histogram intersection kernel
since we experience much faster training than with the
RBF kernel used by Support Vector Machine (SVM).
Our choice for using BoVW method as a technique
to tackle facial expression classification is motivated
by the fact that differences between facial expressions
are contained in the changes of location, shape and
texture of facial clues (eyes, nose, eyebrows, etc.). We
also want to explore the generalization power of ge-
ometrical based methods in case of strong geometri-
cal deformations on faces (which is the case of acted
emotions) and in case of more subtle deformations
(which is the case of spontaneous facial expressions).
2.1 Feature Selection and Description
In image classification, low level visual features are
used to represent different geometrical properties. Se-
lecting these features plays a key factor in developing
effective classification. In order to recognize facial
expressions, low level visual features could be extrac-
ted from the facial deformations in the geometry of
the facial shape. For example, anger on a face can
be characterized by: eyebrows pulled down, upper
lids pulled up, lower lids pulled up, lips may be tig-
htened. Thereby, facial visual clues such as: eyes,
nose, mouth, cheeks, eyebrow, forehead, etc. (Re-
gion of Interest: RoI) provide observable changes
when an emotion occurs. Therefore, a feature detec-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tor that locates keypoints around those RoI would li-
mit the risk of generating a huge number of redundant
keypoints. Back to figure 1 (a), we can see that 2D-
Harris detector is focused on locating keypoints over
the RoI. Although DoG detector has also focused on
RoI, the keypoints are not as numerous as required.
And thought dense feature extraction is known to be
good for many classification problems (Furuya and
Ohbuchi, 2009), for facial expression recognition, the
located keypoints are huge and redundant.
Then, the extracted keypoints are described using
local descriptors, in our case SIFT descriptors be-
cause they are invariant to image transformations,
lighting variations and occlusions while being rich
enough to carry enough discriminative information.
2.2 k-means++ Clustering Algorithm
The next step is to perform vector quantization, in
order to quantize the space into a discrete number
of visual words. This step is important to map the
image from a set of high-dimensional descriptors to a
list of visual word numbers and though to provide a
distinctive codebook. The usual method is to use k-
means method. In most of the time, simple k-means
algorithm generates arbitrary bad clustering specially
when it is unbounded between n-data points and k-
integers (pre-defined number of clusters) (Arthur and
Vassilvitskii, 2007). The simplicity of the k-means al-
gorithm comes at the price of accuracy. To tackle this
problem, we propose the use of k-means++ algorithm
which is the result of augmenting k-means algorithm
with a randomized seeding technique. The augmen-
tation improves both the speed and the accuracy of k-
means. The main steps of k-means++ clustering are:
1. Choose an initial center uniformly at random from
the data points.
2. For each data point x, compute D(x), the distance
between x and the nearest center that has already
been chosen.
3. Choose one new data point at random as a new
center, using a weighted probability distribution
where a point x is chosen with probability propor-
tional to D(x)
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a total of k centers has
been selected.
5. Proceed as with standard k-means algorithm.
2.3 Relative Conjunction Matrix
The BoVW approach describes an image as a bag of
discrete visual words. The frequency distributions of
these words are used for image categorization. The
standard BoVW approach yields to a not complete re-
presentation of the data due to the fact that image fea-
tures are modeled as independent and orderless visual
words. Thus there is no explicit use of visual word
positions within the image. Traditional visual words
based methods suffer when faced with similar appea-
rances but distinct semantic concepts (Aldavert et al.,
2015). In this study, we assume that establishing spa-
tial dependencies might be useful for preserving the
spatial organization of data. Thus we develop a novel
facial image representation which uses the concept of
the relative conjunction matrix to take into account
links between the visual words.
A relative conjunction matrix of visual words de-
fines the spatial order by quantifying the relationships
of each visual word with other visual words. To es-
tablish the correlation between the visual words, the
neighborhood of each visual word feature is used.
Thereby, a facial image is described by a histogram
of pair-wise visual words. It provides a more discri-
minative representation since it contains the spatial ar-
rangement of the visual words.
We define a relative conjunction matrix to esta-
blish pairs of visual words by looking for all possible
pairs of visual words. This can be considered as a
representation of the contextual distribution of each
visual word with respect to other visual words of the
vocabulary. The relative conjunction matrix C has a
size N × N, where N is the vocabulary size. Each ele-
ment C
i, j
represents the pair of one independent fea-
ture to another. The obtained C has all possible pairs.
Each row vector of C stores how many times a par-
ticular visual word (for example W
) occurs with any
other visual words (for example W
, W
, W
, ..., W
For a particular facial expression, if any two visual
words have similar contextual distribution, that me-
ans they are capturing something similar. Thus, they
are related to each other. The diagonal and the upper
part of C are considered for quantification. For quan-
tifying this new representation, we adopt the method
used in (Scovanner et al., 2007), in which the cor-
relation between the distribution vectors of any two
visual words is computed. If the correlation is above
a certain threshold (experimentally we found that 0.6
is a good threshold), we join them together and their
corresponding frequency counts from their initial his-
togram into a new grouping histogram.
2.4 TF.IDF Weighting Scheme
Weighting of visual words is crucial for classifica-
tion performance but standard BoVW just normali-
zes the visual words by dividing them with the total
number of visual words in the image. In (Van Ge-
Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive Image Classification
mert et al., 2010), the authors investigate several ty-
pes of soft-assignment of visual words to image fe-
atures. They prove the fact that choosing the right
weight scheme can improve the recognition perfor-
mance. Each weight has to take into account the im-
portance of each visual word in the image. For fa-
cial expression recognition, we are interested in sca-
ling up the weights corresponding to visual words ex-
tracted from the nose, the eyebrows, and the mouth
etc. while damping the effect of frequent visual words
that describe the hair and some non-deformable re-
gions like the background. Therefore, it is possi-
ble to leverage the usage of term- frequency inverse-
document-frequency (TF.IDF) (Leskovec et al., 2014)
weighting scheme to scale up the rare visual words
while scaling down the frequent ones.
The standard weighting method used in traditional
BoVW approach is equivalent to the term frequency
referred as T F(vw), where vw is the visual word. It
measures how frequently a visual word occurs in an
image. It is normalized by dividing it with the total
number of visual words in the image. The utilization
of T F(vw) in classification is rather straightforward
and usually results in decreased accuracy due to the
fact that all visual words are considered equally im-
However, inverse-document-frequency referred as
IDF(vw) assigns different weights to features. It pro-
vides information about the general distribution of vi-
sual word vw amongst facial images of all classes.
The utilization of IDF(vw) is based on its ability to
distinguish between visual words with some semanti-
cal meanings and simple visual words. The IDF(vw)
measures how unique a vw is and how infrequently it
occurs across all training facial expression images.
IDF(vw) = log(
T : total number of training images.
: number of occurrences of vw in the whole trai-
ning database T .
However, if we assume that certain visual words
may appear a lot of times but have little importance,
then we need to weight down the most frequent vi-
sual words while scaling up the rare ones, by compu-
ting the term-frequency-inverse-document-frequency
referred as T F.IDF. Where:
T F.IDF(vw) = T F(vw) · log(
) (1)
assigns to visual word vw a weight
in image I, where I T , such that: high weight when
vw occurs frequently within a small number of ima-
ges, thus lending high discriminating power to those
images. Low weight when the vw occurs less fre-
quently in an image, or occurs in many images (for
example, vw background), thus offering a less pro-
nounced relevance signal.
The proposed Improved Bag-of-Visual-Word model
(ImpBoVW) for facial expression classification is
summarized as follows:
1. Locate and extract salient features (keypoints)
from facial images either based on a feature detec-
tor such as: Difference of Gaussian (DoG), 2D-
Harris detector, or by defining a grid with pre-
specified spatial step (for example 5 pixels) to ex-
tract local feature descriptors from.
2. Describe local features over the selected salient
keypoints, the SIFT descriptor is used.
3. Quantize the descriptors gathered from all the
keypoints by clustering them into k-clusters,
using k-Mean++. It quantizes the space into a
pre-specified number (vocabulary size) of visual
words. The cluster centers represent the visual
words. Resulting visual words vocabulary forms
the codebook.
4. Map a set of high dimensional descriptors into a
list of visual words by assigning the nearest visual
word to each of its features in the feature space.
This results the histogram of visual words. It sum-
marizes the entire facial image and it is considered
as the signature of the image.
5. Build feature grouping among the words. A co-
occurrence based criterion is used for learning dis-
criminative word groupings using Relative Con-
junction Matrix.
6. Introduce the proper T F.IDF weighting scheme
based on equation 1.
7. Train a SVM classifier over the diagonal and the
upper parts of the weighted conjunction matrix for
facial expressions recognition. Histogram Inter-
section kernel (equation 2) is used by SVM to le-
arn a discriminative classifier.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
method and for fair comparison, we have also im-
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
plemented the spatial pyramid BoVW model presen-
ted in (Lazebnik et al., 2006) in addition to the stan-
dard BoVW method. BoVW method with spatial py-
ramid has shown significantly improved performance
on scene categorization tasks (Zhu et al., 2016). Spa-
tial Pyramid BoVW (SP BoVW) representation is an
extension of an orderless BoVW image representa-
tion. It aims at subdividing the image into increa-
singly fine resolutions and at computing histograms
of local features. Thus, it aggregates statistics of lo-
cal features over fixed sub-regions. A match between
two keypoints occurs if they fall into the same cell of
the grid. Suppose X and Y are two sets of vectors
in a d-dimensional feature space. Let us construct a
sequence of grids at resolutions 0, ..., L, such that the
grid at level l has 2
cells along each dimension, for
a total of D = 2
cells. Let H
and H
denote the
histograms of X and Y at this resolution, such that
(i) and H
(i) are the number of points from X and
Y that fall into the ith cell of the grid. Then the num-
ber of matches at level l is given by the histogram
intersection function:
, H
) =
(i), H
(i)) (2)
The weight associated with level l is proportional to
the cell width at that level:
However, pyramid match kernel (PMK) aims at pena-
lizing matches found in larger cells since they involve
increasing dissimilar features, thus:
(X, Y ) = I(H
, H
Equation 3 is known as Mercer kernel that combines
both the histogram intersection and the pyramid ma-
tch kernel (Grauman and Darrell, 2007).
For spatial pyramid representation, the pyramid mat-
ching in 2D-image space is performed and k-means
clustering algorithm is used to quantize all feature
vectors into M discrete channels. Each channel gives
two dimensional vectors, X
and Y
corresponding to
the coordinates of the features of channel m found in
the respective images.
The final kernel (FK) represents the sum of the sepa-
rate channel kernels:
(X, Y ) =
, Y
) (4)
Figure 1 (b) represents the construction of a three le-
vel spatial pyramid. The image has different feature
types, indicated by different colors. At the top, the
facial image is sliced at two different levels of resolu-
tion. Then, for each resolution and each channel, the
features that fall in each spatial bin are counted. Fi-
nally, each spatial histogram is weighted according to
equation 3.
In this section, we present the experimental design
used to evaluate the proposed algorithm and compare
it to other approaches. First, we present the datasets
and protocols. Then, we describe the evaluation pro-
cedure and finally we present the results.
5.1 Data Exploration
For effective and fair comparison, four different data-
bases are used: three with Ekman’s caricatured facial
expressions (the JAFFE database (Lyons et al., 1998),
the extended Cohn Kanade database (CK+) (Kanade
et al., 2000) and the MMI facial expression databases
(Pantic et al., 2005)) and one with spontaneous ex-
pressions (the DynEmo database (Tcherkassof et al.,
The JAFFE Database: it is a well-known data-
base made of acted facial expressions. It contains 213
facial expression images with 10 different identities.
It includes: “happy”, “anger”, “sadness”, “surprise”,
“disgust”, “fear” and “neutral”. The head is in frontal
pose. The number of images corresponding to each
is roughly the same (around 21). Seven identities are
used during the training phase while three other iden-
tities are used during the test phase.
The CK+ Database: it is a widely used database
containing acted Ekman’s expressions. It is composed
of 123 different identities. In our study, we pick out
the last frame which represents the peak of emotion.
Each subject performed different sessions correspon-
ding to different emotions. In total we collected 306
images associated with its ground truth label.
The MMI Database: it is composed of more than
1500 samples of both static images and image sequen-
ces of faces in frontal and in profile views displaying
various facial expressions. It is performed by 19 diffe-
rent people both genders, ranging in age between 19
and 62, having a different ethnic background. Ima-
ges are given a single label that belongs to one of six
Ekman emotion. In this study, we collect 600 sta-
tic frontal images and we exploit the 900 sequences
to extract from each sequence other static expressive
images. From this database we create a collection of
1900 static images. This database is used to check
Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive Image Classification
the scalability of the proposed approach on a large
The DynEmo Database: it is a database con-
taining elicited facial expressions. It is made of six
spontaneous expressions which are: “irritation”, “cu-
riosity”, “happiness”, “worried”, “astonishment”, and
“fear”. The database contains a set of 125 recordings
of facial expressions of ordinary Caucasian people
(ages 25 to 65, 182 females and 176 males) filmed in
natural but standardized conditions. 480 expressive
images that correspond to 65 different identities are
extracted from the database. The head is not totally
in frontal pose. The number of images corresponding
to each of the six categories of expressions is roughly
the same (80 images per class). The dataset is chal-
lenging since it is closer to natural human behaviour
and each person has a different way to react to a given
Training Protocol: Identities that appear in the
training sets do not appear in the test sets.
Train set: 70% of randomly shuffled images per class
are picked out as training sets. Therefore, for the
JAFFE dataset we have 143 training images (20 ima-
ges per class), for the CK+ dataset we have 216 trai-
ning images (36 images per class), for the MMI da-
taset we have 1330 images (around 221 images per
class) and finally for the DynEmo we have 360 trai-
ning images (60 images per class).
Development Set: Leave-one-out cross validation is
considered over the training set to tune the algorithm
Test Set: 30% images per class are picked out as test
set, that is 70 test images from the JAFFE set (10 ima-
ges per class), 90 test images (15 images per class) for
the CK+ set, 570 test images (95 images per class) for
the MMI set and 120 test images from the DynEmo
set (20 images per class), randomly shuffled, to test
the performance of the proposed method.
5.2 Experimental Setup and Results
We focus the experimental evaluation of the propo-
sed method on the following four questions: What
is the best feature detector that locates salient and
reliable feature points for facial expression recogni-
tion? Does each of the proposed novelties improve
the performance of the SBoVW? What is the influence
of using k-means++? Is the proposed approach ef-
ficient for facial recognition and scalable for larger
The proposed model has many parameters that
influence its classification performance: the usage
of weighting scheme TF.IDF, the usage of Rela-
tive Conjunction Matrix (RCM), the combination of
T F.IDF weighting scheme along with RCM, the
usage of K-mean and K-mean++ as clustering met-
hods, the choice of the best feature detector and des-
criptor. Thereby, in order to answer the first three
questions, we report performance of facial expression
recognition with SBoVW representation along with
each novelty. The JAFFE (caricatured facial expressi-
ons) and the DynEmo (non-caricatured facial expres-
sions) databases are used for the method evaluation
and setting and to figure out the best feature detector
that suit facial expression recognition. The final ques-
tion is addressed using the CK+ and the MMI databa-
ses to establish the performance of ImpBoVW model
and to compare it with SBoVW and SP BoVW.
Multi-class classification is done using SVM trai-
ned using one-versus-all rule. The histogram inter-
section kernel presented in equation 2 is used. Com-
pared to RBF kernel, we experience faster compu-
tation while accuracy rate has a smaller variance.
One-hold-out cross-validation method is used over
the training set in order to tune the algorithm hyper-
parameters such as the regularization parameter C
( the optimal value is 10.0), the gamma parameter
which stands for Gaussian kernel to handle non-linear
classification if considered. We fix the vocabulary
size to 2000 visual words, since experimentally it
shows the best classification performance. For spa-
tial pyramid representation, we notice that at level-2
and level-3 same performance is achieved. Thus to re-
duce the complexity of feature computation, we only
consider two levels.
Figure 2 represent the performance of each no-
velty and its contribution to the final ImpBoVW over
the JAFFE database. ImpBoVW represents the best
final model which is a combination of SBoVW re-
presentation along with RCM and T F.IDF weighting
scheme (representd as a star in the figure 2 and 3).
Its quantization is based on K-mean++. Its features
are located using 2D-Harris detector and described
using SIFT descriptor. The final average recognition
rate obtained over the JAFFE database is 92%. If we
compare ImpBoVW model using DoG feature detec-
tor, we got 84% accuracy while 89,5% is achieved
using dense features. 2D-Harris is less computatio-
nally expensive than dense features due to the fact that
it produces less redunadat features. In addition, figure
2 shows that if each novelty stand alone along with
SBoVW, a noticed increase in the recognition rate is
achieved. More importantly, the figure shows that the
usage of K-means++ increases the classification rate
In order to fairly estimate the performance of Imp-
BoVW model and to get a fair judgment about the
choice and the best feature detector and clustering
VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Classification accuracy obtained for SBoVW as-
sociated with improved novelties over acted expressions
(JAFFE) combined with different feature detection met-
Figure 3: Classification accuracy obtained for SBoVW as-
sociated with improved novelties over spontaneous expres-
sions (DynEmo) combined with different feature detection
method, we evaluate the same steps over the DynEmo
database. DynEmo represents naturalistic static ima-
ges where subtle deformations occur. ImpBoVW mo-
del using 2D-Harris detector achieved 64% recogni-
tion rate (see figure 3), 55% using dense features and
49% using DoG features, all along with K-means++.
However, for the same setting using K-means, the
following results achieved respectively: 53% (2D-
Harris), 49% (dense) and 42% (DoG) respectively. Fi-
gures 2 and 3 prove the fact that: 2D-Harris is a good
detector for localizing salient features, K-means++
clustering method has a significant contribution over
the final recognition rate, the combination of SBoVW
along with RCM and TF.IDF improves the represen-
tational quality of the image signature.
Computational Time Performance: In order to
compare the time complexity of the proposed method
with k-means++ and the histogram intersection ker-
nel, we report in figure 5 the time taken in minutes for
the whole training phase of SBoVW+RCM+TF.IDF
with either Kmean or Kmean++ and with either RBF
kernel or Intersection kernel. Method number 4 repre-
Figure 4: Performance over four databases compared with
SBoVW and SP BoVW.
Figure 5: Computational time for generating the BoVW fe-
sent ImpBoVW. The contribution of k-Mean++ helps
speeding up the process of vector quantization. In ad-
dition, the histogram Intersection kernel has also con-
tributed in decreasing the complexity of the learning
part by SVM. Figure 5 show that our method achieved
a good compuational time compared to the original al-
In this paper, we introduced an improved BoVW ap-
proach for automatic emotion recognition. We exa-
mined several aspects of the SBoVW approach that
are linked directly to gain classification performance,
speed and scalability. It has been proved that Harris
detector is suitable for emotion recognition. It selects
adaptable and reliable salient keypoints. We improve
the codebook generation process through employing
k-means++ as a clustering method, wherein we gain
speed and accuracy. The importance of spatial orga-
nization of the data has been examined, and we opti-
mized the feature representation by introducing a re-
lative conjunction matrix to preserve the spatial or-
der. We properly weighted the visual words after pre-
serving the spatial order using TF.IDF based on their
Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive Image Classification
occurrences. Histogram intersection kernel has been
used to decrease the complexity of the algorithm. We
implemented SP BoVW for comparison purpose and
different feature detection methods are evaluated. We
noticed that the geometrical based method is robust
if strong geometrical deformations are present on the
face, which is the case with acted expressions. Howe-
ver for spontaneous expressions where the facial de-
formations are more subtle, it appears that geometri-
cal based methods alone are not so efficient to achieve
good performance due to the fact that each person has
a different way to react to a given emotion. For fu-
ture work, the idea would be to combine the proposed
approach with an appearance based facial expression
recognition method we developed in (Chanti and Cap-
lier, 2017), in order to take benefit of the advantages
of both approaches.
Aldavert, D., Rusi
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A study of bag-of-visual-words representations for
handwritten keyword spotting. International Jour-
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VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications