Phishing Through Time: A Ten Year Story based on Abstracts
Ana Ferreira and Pedro Vieira-Marques
CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Phishing Trends, Systematic Literature Review.
For a researcher interested in phishing, it would be useful to access an overview of phishing evolution through
time, where a set of methods, tools, solutions, user studies, type of attacks, countermeasures and so on, could
be acquired from a single story. This story is essential for the security community to improve on existing
research as well as build new effective countermeasures to face phishing attacks. However, no systematic
review exists in the literature providing a wide overview of all phishing topics. Available reviews usually
focus on one or two at a time. In fact, since there is widely available and varied literature on phishing, making
a comprehensive review can take a long time and be cumbersome. This paper describes a method to perform a
review on abstracts of 605 scientific papers selected from major online research databases, between 2006 and
2016. The study uses a qualitative categorization software to, for the first time, achieve a story of phishing
trends in its existing research strands for that period. According to obtained results, no single solution for the
phishing threat could yet be found and most research is turning now into more integrated socio-technical and
human related solutions.
The more we use technology as the main way of com-
municating, the more phishing is bound to grow as
well as become more sophisticated and adaptive, and
this can happen independently of the users’ technolo-
gical literacy (Hong, 2012) (Boodaei, 2011). To look
more appealing and trustworthy, phishing makes use
of a plethora of persuasive elements (Harrison et al.,
2015) carefully framed to make the message sound
personal and mimicking normal/real daily communi-
cations and interactions. Examples of these are phis-
hing emails that contain links: new research suggests
that whoever is used to social networks is less cauti-
ous and more likely to click on active links (Dutton,
A recent study confirms that phishing is far more
successful and more professionally exploited than
commonly thought (Bursztein et al., 2014) so we
need better means to understand the phishing process
and characteristics so that effective countermeasures
are taken to improve employees’ ability in the deci-
sion making process (Ma, 2013). A deeper under-
standing of victim’s profiles, types of attacks, phis-
hing tools, methods and user studies to identify what
makes phishing attacks so successful is essential for
the security community to be able to focus resour-
ces to build more adequate and effective countermea-
sures (Hong, 2012).
Such comprehensive scientific knowledge can be
obtained with literature reviews which summarize
current knowledge into a particular field and inter-
pret that knowledge and the information-organizing
spectrum upon which researchers depend in order to
stay informed (Schultz, 2011). However, the aut-
hors could not find such review in the literature regar-
ding phishing. This can be explained by the fact that
there is widely available published research on the to-
pic and its various subjects and such exhaustive rese-
arch would imply a lot of time and resources and be-
come this way a very cumbersome task. Existing re-
views focus on more specific phishing subtopics such
as: countermeasures and their effectiveness (Purkait,
2012) or current state of phishing approaches (Zeydan
et al., 2014).
With this in mind, this paper describes a method
to perform a review on abstracts only, of 605 scien-
tific papers selected based on queries performed to
the major online research databases, between 2006
and 2016. The study uses a qualitative categorization
software, introduced in the Methods section, to help
deriving from the abstracts the categories and subca-
tegories that will structure and aggregate the various
themes mentioned in the articles. This review provi-
des, for the first time, a story of phishing trends for the
past ten years, in all its existing research strands. The
Ferreira, A. and Vieira-Marques, P.
Phishing Through Time: A Ten Year Story based on Abstracts.
DOI: 10.5220/0006552602250232
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 225-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
result of this review can provide useful recommenda-
tions and support regarding future phishing trends as
well as research requirements and directions.
Next section describes the methods used to collect
and analyse the articles and respective abstracts inclu-
ded in the review while section 3 presents the results
obtained. Section 4 details a discussion on phishing
trends research overtime and the last section conclu-
des the paper.
2.1 Query Search
The terms used in order to search for the articles
regarding phishing attacks were: phishing and so-
cial engineering in IEEE, ACM, Thomsom Reuters
and Scopus databases; and phishing review, in IEEE,
Thomsom Reuters and Scopus databases.
We used more general terms because we aimed
to perform a comprehensive review on the theme an
get a bigger sample with a wide range of subjects.
Papers were selected according to titles and abstracts,
written in english, ranging from 2006 to 2016, which
mentioned the topic in study.
2.2 Cases and Variables
Selected papers were imported to Mendeley manage-
ment database so that they could be exported with the
same structure to a txt file, which included the fol-
lowing tags: TY - type of publication; T1 - title of
publication; A1 - authors; Y1 - year of publication;
JF - Name of the place of publication; SN - ISSN or
ISBN; DO - DOI reference; and N2 - abstract.
This structured data was then imported to QDA
Miner Lite - a free qualitative data analysis soft-
ware (Provalis, 2017) - and each article was transfor-
med into a CASE with several variables such as: PU-
DOI, TITLE and FILE. A FILE contains all the con-
tent of the variables and all cases were grouped by
year (Figure 1).
During this process, repeated articles, with the
same title and abstract or those that did not refer to
the topic at hand, were eliminated.
2.3 Coding Abstracts
For each abstract of each case, codes (categories)
were created while data were analysed, using the
technique of line-by-line coding (Eaves, 2001), adop-
Figure 1: Example of variables of a case.
ted from Grounded Theory research. With this techni-
que, we can highlight key term phrases that describe
or focus on the subject we are studying. In the case
of this review we can highlight the objective of the
article, e.g., if it is a study, a review, a discussion or
the implementation of a new technology. Other hints
such as the knowledge acquired during research that
were referred by the authors regarding the main theme
were also highlighted. Line-by-line coding helps to
identify gaps, define actions and explicate both acti-
ons and meanings, which therefore lead to developing
categories. In QDA software, selected text is high-
lighted and a different color can be associated to it.
Every code appears on the right hand side in the posi-
tion where the text appears (Figure 2).
During the review, categories and subcategories
were generated and developed into meaningful clus-
ters. At the end of the review, since there was a high
volume of codification and categories, a specific fo-
cus was made on re-reading and restructuring all the
obtained categories, while repeated and/or misplaced
ones were eliminated and/or re-categorized.
2.4 Analysis
Data for analysis were exported to excel files that con-
tained categories/subcategories, which papers these
related and how many times they appeared. After this,
we analysed both frequencies and trends of those ca-
tegories/subcategories overtime and summarized the
results. Figure 3 shows how the number of codes and
related cases are stored within QDA.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Example of line-by-line coding in QDA software.
Figure 3: Illustration of the number of coding lines per ca-
3.1 Sample Characterization
The analyzed sample included 605 abstracts with a
yearly distribution presented in Figure 4. They mostly
Figure 4: Sample distribution by year and type of publica-
tion, e.g., an article on a journal, a conference or a book.
correspond to conference and journal papers.
Papers of selected abstracts are published in a
wide variety of venues with different themes. The ve-
nues with more than five of those papers published are
presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Sample distribution by year and type of publica-
tion, e.g., an article on a journal, a conference or a book.
3.2 Frequency Analisys
The 10 main categories (and associated subcategories
when these exist) that were generated from the ab-
stract analysis are illustrated in Figure 6. The com-
plete list is the following:
Types of phishing: email; webpage; vishing; mo-
bile environment; IVR - Interactive Voice Re-
sponse; emails and websites; social network me-
dia; instant messaging; QRishing (phishing using
QR codes) and smishing (phishing using SMS
Sophisticated phishing
Technical solutions: authentication-based;
cryptography-based; Baesyan, data mining,
heuristics, machine learning, decision trees, clas-
sifiers and clustering; white-black and other lists;
Phishing Through Time: A Ten Year Story based on Abstracts
visual characteristics; fuzzy logic; honeypots;
IDS - Intrusion Detection Systems; plug-in;
feature extraction; mobile context; biorelated and
insufficient technical measures;
Human-related solutions: games for training;
education-training and awareness and existing so-
lutions not enough;
Why phishing works: appear authentic and fami-
liar; complex and multi-dimensional; lack of awa-
reness and education; lack of effective protection
Legislation, regulation and ethics
Reviews and discussions: phishing characteris-
tics; antiphishing measures; users and phishing
and trends;
Studies and prototypes: user studies; tech stu-
dies to validate tool accuracy; complementary
tools and bank environment;
Phishing attacks: new attacks; review and dis-
cuss phishing attacks; show unsecure technolo-
gies and banks.
There are also other subcategories that are atta-
ched to the main ones without a subsequent catego-
risation. The totals for each category are presented
For the category Types of phishing, most phis-
hing research focuses on webpages (Figure 7).
For the other nine main categories, Figure 8 shows
that most papers present technical solutions and with
some sort of study or prototype to evaluate and test
those solutions for efficacy and accuracy. There is
also a big part of human-related solutions as well as
reviews and discussions.
Regarding now the most common subcategories,
Figure 9 describes them within their main categories
together with their frequencies.
In the following paragraphs, uncategorised cate-
gories are those categories that were not aggregated
into a specific subcategory but are still part of the
main category. An example can be seen in Figure 3
where the highlighted category belongs to the main
category Why phishing works but is not aggregated
into any other cluster.
Figure 9 shows that for the category Technical
solutions most new developments are made using
methods like Bayesian, data mining, heuristics, ma-
chine learning, decision trees, classifiers and cluste-
ring, followed by authentication-based, complemen-
ted with the reference that technical measures are still
not enough to solve the problem. There are also
Figure 6: Main categories generated from the review of the
Figure 7: Number of abstracts focusing on the various types
of phishing, 2006-2016.
129 uncategorised categories within this main cate-
In Human-related solutions the most common
subcategory refers to Education, training and awa-
reness and Gaming training, while there are also 42
uncategorised categories.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 8: Total number of coded lines within the analysed
abstracts for the main categories and most common subca-
For Why phishing works, the most common
subcategories relate to complex and multidimensional
characteristics of phishing attacks and also the lack
of effective protection techniques. There are also 25
uncategorised categories.
The main category Reviews and discussion has
the most common subcategories antiphishing measu-
res, phishing characteristics and users and phishing,
while 91 categories remain uncategorised.
For Studies and prototypes, tech studies to vali-
date tool accuracy and user studies are the most com-
mon, with 91 uncategorised categories.
Finally, for Phishing attacks, the most common
subctegories are review and discuss phishing attacks
and show unsecure technologies.
Now regarding the uncategorised categories, the
most common ones are Increased sophistication,
Black lists a not good enough, presented technolo-
gical solutions are Better than existing ones and that
Trust is shattered by phishing.
3.3 Ten-year Trends
In order to evidence how categorized items evolve
through time, papers were grouped by year and cate-
gory. A bubble graph was produced representing the
trends along the ten-year review. The circle size was
defined using the number of categorizations per year.
Due to space constraints and visual limitations, Fi-
gures 10 to 12 only show trends for the most com-
mon categories/subcategories, which were introduced
in Figure 9. Succintly, those figures illustrate that
research on webpages, mobile technology, social net-
works (Figure 10), and technological and user studies
(Figure 11) have been recently increasing while an-
tiphishing reviews/studies (Figure 11) as well as Bay-
Figure 9: Total number of abstracts and coded lines for the
main categories.
esian, classification and similar methods (Figure 12)
have been decreasing.
Furthermore, education, training and awareness as
well as the use of games for training research have
been going hand in hand with a slight increase in the
last year while the reference to insufficient technical
measures have been made within the first three years
of analysis then was hardly mentioned in the research
but reappeared with a high increase in the last year
(2016) (Figure 12).
A more detailed discussion and analysis will be
presented in the next section.
This study aims to provide a ten-year story regarding
phishing research based on abstract analysis only. We
decided to use a qualitative approach based on groun-
ded theory and line-by-line coding so not to limit data
and their categorization from the start but to wait for
these to come up from the analysed sample itself, wit-
hout much restrictions but for the order/clustering the
researcher gives to the codes.
The used software, QDA, is a free version that al-
lows to insert descriptive data regarding each case,
and text or documents associated to that case. For our
purpose, this version of software was easy to install
Phishing Through Time: A Ten Year Story based on Abstracts
Figure 10: Types of phishing, ten-year trends.
Figure 11: Reviews and studies, ten-year trends.
and use allowing a quick way to code and structure
categories that were being generated. It is also easy
to summarize frequencies as well as relate cases with
coding results.
Regarding the used sample, we could only verify
its heterogeneity once the review was completed. It
was possible to achieve a variety of categories and
subcategories that show how research themes in phis-
hing have been handled. The sample was well dis-
tributed regarding both journal and conference publi-
cations and is even possible to see that the early ten-
dency of more publications in conferences is getting
more balanced in the last few years by half of the pa-
pers being published in journals and the other half in
conferences. In total, papers on phishing have almost
tripled over the past ten years. This can be explained
by the fact that this problem is far from being solved
and a high number of different positions and approa-
ches have been tried since. Also, in some categories
such as technical solutions and technical studies, the
difference in the place where this type of articles are
published is accentuated as the publications in con-
ferences are double and sometimes almost three ti-
mes of the ones in journals. Generically, most com-
mon venue is the APWG eCrime Researchers Summit
while for user studies and solutions the most common
is the journal Computers in Human Behaviour and for
technical solutions and studies the most common ve-
nues are security related ACM conferences and the
Computers and Security journal. Moreover there is
a high number and variety of themes and publication
venues, both journals and conferences, which shows
that this subject can interest a very heterogeneous au-
Focusing now on the main themes that were ex-
tracted from the analysis, it is to be noticed that most
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 12: Technical and human-related solutions, ten-year trends.
research is applied to phishing via webpages since
this is the most common mean of fraud that target ho-
mebanking or email account users. Although there is
much fraud via email, most of the times, the way to
get credentials and personal data is via the filling of a
web form in sites that mimic legitimate pages. It also
makes sense that one of the current growing research
strands relate to mobile environment and the threats
that are associated with it. Its specific characteris-
tics and security flaws can exacerbate in some way the
already existing phishing issues in ”older” technolo-
gies. The same is true for social network media as
seen in Figure 11.
One main category that stands out is the one re-
garding technical solutions. This category is the
most common with almost four times entries than the
human-related solutions although with very little en-
tries before 2009. Despite this, the other categories
remain in much smaller number apart from the stu-
dies and prototypes which is explained by the fact that
most technical and human solutions articles present
some form of evaluation and testing. Similarly, user
studies are around half of the technical studies. Ho-
wever, trends show that user studies have doubled last
year (Figure 12). A reason may be that although there
exist many attempts to implement the perfect techni-
cal solution(s) to solve the problem of phishing, it
seems that the research community is trying to turn
a page and focus on understanding better this socio-
technical complex security problem. Better under-
standing users’ interactions with technology and spe-
cially with phishing attacks can possibly lead to more
effective countermeasures.
To back these data up is the fact that focusing
on antiphishing measures discussion, authentication-
based solutions as well as technical solutions that fo-
cus on Bayesian, data mining, heuristics, machine le-
arning, decision trees, classifiers and clustering (the
second most common subcategory in the whole sam-
ple) have considerably decreased in recent years (Fi-
gures 11 and 12). Furthermore, in Figure 12, there
is another category - insufficient technical measures
- that stands out. Trends show that there have been
some statements related to it in the first half of the
analysed period but it has reappeared with high visi-
bility only in 2016.
Although user studies and the awareness that
technology based only solutions are not enough to
solve phishing attacks, there is a very small increase
in 2016 regarding education, training and awareness
solutions. There is a tendency for the development of
game-based training solutions which may be because,
once more, mobile environment is growing fast and
the possibility of game-based applications that can
tackle social-engineering are at least to be tried and
Limitations. For this study, the Lite version of
QDA software did not allow for extensive analysis fe-
atures so we had to use excel to accelerate the process.
Also, an import functionality was not available which
much delayed the analysis phase since every abstract
(CASE) and related data had to be entered manually.
Still, the frequency analysis that was needed at this
point was achieved with other available tools. Due to
Phishing Through Time: A Ten Year Story based on Abstracts
space constraints it was not possible to further detail
and analyse obtained results.
Another limitation of this work was the fact that
only one reviewer was available to perform all the co-
ding. With all the disadvantages this can have, there
is also some advantages since this was a qualitative
coding analysis, it is most likely that the same person
will categorise similar data in the same way. Also to
notice that results are biased or limited by the content
of the abstracts, which, sometimes, may not clearly
state what is really presented within the full article.
However, analyse other parts of the paper such as the
introduction or the conclusion would make the pro-
cess even more time consuming and complex.
Finally, although the used method was still cum-
bersome and time consuming, if there is the possi-
bility of using a complete set of qualitative analysis
software, automatic importing data and detailed ana-
lysis features, the process will be much faster which
then can leave more time for coding as well as cate-
gory generation and structuring.
This paper gives an overview of phishing research
trends over a ten year period based on the review of
abstracts only. According to obtained results and sub-
sequent analysis, the authors believe that it is clear
that no single solution can be found for the phis-
hing threat. Future research needs to focus on socio-
technical and integrated solutions that can reflect a
comprehensive understanding of both human compu-
ter interactions and users’ unique characteristics as
well as the application and proper testing of advanced,
resilient and human adaptable security technology so-
Future work includes performing more detailed
analysis using a more complete qualitative software
that can provide more views on the results and possi-
ble relations that have escaped on the first analysis.
This research is supported by NanoSTIMA - Macro-
to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multi-
modal Health Monitoring and Analytics (NORTE-01-
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ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy