Saliency based Adjective Noun Pair Detection System
Marco Stricker
, Syed Saqib Bukhari
, Damian Borth
and Andreas Dengel
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Trippstadter Straße 122, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 47, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Saliency Detection, Human Gaze, Adjective Noun Pairs, Neural Networks.
This paper investigates if it is possible to increase the accuracy of Convolutional Neural Networks trained
on Adjective Noun Concepts with the help of saliency models. Although image classification reaches high
accuracy rates, the same level of accuracy is not reached for Adjective Noun Pairs, due to multiple problems.
Several benefits can be gained through understanding Adjective Noun Pairs, like automatically tagging large
image databases and understanding the sentiment of these images. This knowledge can be used for e.g. a
better advertisement system. In order to improve such a sentiment classification system a previous work
focused on searching saliency methods that can reproduce the human gaze on Adjective Noun Pairs and found
out that “Graph-Based Visual Saliency” belonged to the best for this problem. Utilizing these results we
used the “Graph-Based Visual Saliency” method on a big dataset of Adjective Noun Pairs and incorporated
these saliency data in the training phase of the Convolutional Neural Network. We tried out three different
approaches to incorporate this information in three different cases of Adjective Noun Pair combinations. These
cases either share a common adjective or a common noun or are completely different. Our results showed only
slight improvements which were not significantly better besides for one technique in one case.
Image classification is an important subject in com-
puter science and can be applied for many different
subjects, e.g. people or object recognition. In to-
day’s time with buzzwords like Big Data where mas-
sive amounts of data is created and saved within a
short period of time a manual description of such im-
ages is not possible. Therefore an automatic way is
needed, so that the images in these databases can be
tagged and searching through them or generally work-
ing with them is possible. Currently methods work re-
ally well on general image classification, as it can be
seen in the ImageNet challenge (Russakovsky et al.,
2015), but they don’t achieve the same level of per-
formance on specifying these images with adjectives,
such as “cute dog” for example, as it can be seen
in (Chen et al., 2014b) or (Chen et al., 2014a), who
tried to build a classifier for this problem. (Jou et al.,
2015) also tried to solve this by using a multilingual
approach and achieved better results, which are still
not on the same level as the general image classifica-
tion. Thus the classification of such Adjective Noun
Pairs a.k.a ANPs still needs to be improved. One of
the difficulties such methods need to face are objec-
tivity vs. subjectivity, e.g. a “damaged building” is
objectively damaged by a hole in a wall while decid-
ing if a baby is cute is a subjective opinion depen-
dent on the user. The other difficulty are localizable
vs. holistic features. The feature hole in a damaged
building is localized in a fixed sub-part of the image.
On the other hand to estimate if a landscape is stormy
the whole image needs to be taken into account. Sam-
ple images of this conflict can be found in Figure 1.
Another problem in ANP classification is the tagging
of images. First, there may be multiple ANPs in one
image, e.g. an ANP of “stormy landscape” probably
also includes the ANP “dark clouds”, which makes it
more difficult to create a ground truth dataset. This is
furthermore increased by the second problem of syn-
onyms, e.g. the ANP image of a “cute dog” can also
be used for “adorable dog”. Nevertheless (Borth et al.,
2013) created an ANP dataset which we will be using
in this paper. A short description of this ANP dataset
can be found in section 2.
In a previous work (Al-Naser et al., 2015) the authors
investigated these problems with an Eye-Tracking
experiment. In detail they asked if the participant
agreed with a certain ANP e.g. “beautiful landscape”
and recorded their eye-gaze data. An example of
how such eye gaze data look like can be seen in
Figure 1. Under the sample images the heat maps are
Stricker, M., Bukhari, S., Borth, D. and Dengel, A.
Saliency based Adjective Noun Pair Detection System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006578303870394
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 387-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
visualizing the most focused regions for the cases of
agreement between user and ANP, disagreement and a
combination of both. Each ground truth is the combi-
nation of all participants who were of the same opin-
ion regarding this ANP. But only 8 out of 3000 ANPs
(Borth et al., 2013) were used with just 11 human
participants. A manual creation of such a database
with all ANPs is not feasible. Following this problem
(Stricker et al., 2017) investigated if there are saliency
models capable of recreating the human gaze. They
found out, that there are models which are better than
other in handling this task. Figure 2 shows an image
with its corresponding saliency map to visualize how
such a saliency map may look like.
There are also similar works which are trying differ-
ent approaches to detect the sentiment of an image or
text. Some examples include (Cao et al., 2016), (You
et al., 2016) or (Vadicamo et al., 2017)
This paper focuses on utilizing these results by us-
ing the saliency methods on the aforementioned larger
dataset of ANPs (without eye-gaze data), which is de-
scribed in section 2, as a preprocessing step. The im-
ages are then filtered and unsalient regions are dis-
carded under the assumption that these new images
will improve the accuracy of our saliency based ANP
detection system. We trained a deep learning CNN
with these data, which is described in section 3 while
the explanation on how we incorporated the saliency
data is done in section 4. Following this the results
are presented and discussed in section 5. Lastly this
paper ends with a conclusion on our findings in sec-
tion 6.
In this paper a subset of the Visual Sentiment Ontol-
ogy (Borth et al., 2013) was used. We are now briefly
describing the creation of this dataset.
First of all Plutchnik’s Wheel of Emotions (Plutchik,
1980) was used as an emotional model. It consists
of eight basic emotions and each of them is further
separated into three more. This leads to a total of
24 emotions which are named in table 1. These 24
emotions were used to look for images on Flickr in-
cluding their tags. With this procedure 310k images
and 3M tags were retrieved. The tags were analyzed
by removing stop-words and performing stemming.
Furthermore a ranking of the top 100 tags was cre-
ated by using tag frequency analysis. This resulted
in 1146 distinct tags. As a last preprocessing step
a sentiment value is calculated for each tag so that
all tags have a value from -1 to +1 where negative
numbers represent a negative association and positive
(a) Stormy Landscape
(Holistic, Objective)
(b) Damaged Building (Lo-
calized, Objective)
(c) Beautiful Landscape
(Holistic, Subjective)
(d) Cute Baby (Localized,
Figure 1: This figure shows the four ANP samples: “stormy
landscape”, “damaged building”, “beautiful landscape” and
“cute baby”. Below these images are the three forms of
ground truth. The order is from left to right: disagreement,
agreement and combination. Not all ground truth images
are showing eye gaze data. This is because for that image no
participant disagreed or agreed with the ANP and therefore
no gaze data was recorded in combination with this answer.
Furthermore these four images are showing the problems of
objective vs. subjective ANPs and holistic vs. localizable
Figure 2: An image of an “amazing car” with its corre-
sponding saliency map calculated by “Graph-Based Visual
numbers represent a positive association. After this
preprocessing the ANPs can be constructed by com-
bining adjectives with nouns, in order to give neutral
nouns a sentiment value. The resulting ANPs are now
analyzed to find ANPs which are an already existing
concept, like “hot” + “dog”. These images were re-
moved. Furthermore if the values of the noun and the
adjective contradict each other the noun will get the
value of the adjective. This was done in order to solve
cases like “abused” + “child”. Otherwise the senti-
ment value of the ANP is just the sum of both. Lastly
rare constructs are removed.
Two problems the dataset is facing are false pos-
itive and false negative. False positive means that
an image is labeled with an ANP but doesn’t show.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: The 24 emotions divided into eight basic emotions
as described by Plutchnik’s Wheel of Emotions.
Ecstasy Joy Serenity
Admiration Trust Acceptance
Terror Fear Apprehension
Amazement Surprise Distraction
Grief Sadness Pensiveness
Loathing Disgust Boredom
Rage Anger Annoyance
Vigilance Anticipation Interest
it, e.g. an image which clearly shows a flower, but
is labeled as “abandoned area”. This problem was
analyzed with the Amazon Mechanical Turk which
showed that 97% of the labels are correct. False nega-
tive represents the problem that an image is not tagged
with a label although it clearly shows it. Unfortu-
nately this problem is still an open issue and could
only be minimized.
As earlier stated we used a subset of the aforemen-
tioned Visual Sentiment Ontology. To show if our ap-
proach can really improve the performance for ANP
specific tasks we created three subsets as shown in ta-
ble 2. The first one “Normal” consists of ten classes
where no adjective or noun appears more than once.
“Same Adjective” consists of ten classes with the
same adjective, namely “amazing”. Similarly “Same
Noun” consists of ten classes sharing the same noun
“car”. The goal of these three test cases is to show if
our modified network will perform better at learning
certain adjectives or different kinds of nouns.
To train the deep learning classifier on the dataset we
used Tensorflow as a framework. Within it we trained
a simple convolutional neural network. Since the goal
of this paper is not to develop a state of the art clas-
sifier for ANPs but to investigate the effects of in-
cluding saliency data, a simple network suffices for
this proof of concept. We want to check if saliency
data is capable of increasing the accuracy. Therefore
we have taken a simple convolutional neural network
as described by Tensorflow’s introduction to convolu-
tional neural networks (Tensorflow, 2017).
We are now going to briefly describe the architecture.
The proposed network was made in order to solve
the CIFAR-10 classification problem (Krizhevsky and
Hinton, 2009). This means that the network is capable
of classifying 32x32 pixels into ten categories. These
categories are: airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer,
dog, frog, horse, ship and truck. Furthermore the ac-
curacy of this network is about 86%.
This is also our reason for choosing this network. It
achieves a good performance on a similar problem,
which is categorizing images into ten classes. Nev-
ertheless our classes are more complex because now
the network doesn’t need to learn ten simple concepts
(nouns) which are clearly different from each other
but also needs to learn an adjective description. Fur-
thermore our classes with which we test the network
are not always distinct from each other. This can
be best seen in our test case for similar nouns where
the network needs to learn to distinguish between an
“amazing car” and an “awesome car”. Even humans
would not be able to reliably perform this task due
to many difficult problems. These problems are, that
such adjective are sometimes subjective, e.g. what
person A thinks might be beautiful might be ugly for
person B. Furthermore many ANPs are similar to each
other like the earlier example of “amazing” and “awe-
some” where both can be used to describe the same
object. Unfortunately this dataset doesn’t support that
a single image is described by multiple ANPs. This
also includes the problem that an image shows a fit-
ting ANP but we don’t have it included in our list of
ANPs. This leads to the conclusion that our accuracy
will be far worse than the accuracy on the CIFAR-10
The proposed network as it can be seen in figure 3 (a),
consists of three major steps, which will be described
in detail later. First the input images are read and pre-
processed. Secondly a classification will be done on
the images. Lastly the training is done to compute all
3.1 Training Preparation
The images are simply read from a binary file. After
that the proposed network crops the images to 24x24
pixels. But we skip this step, because our testset per-
formed better with images size being 32x32 pixels.
All other steps were not modified. Therefore our sec-
ond step was to whiten the images so that the model
is insensitive to dynamic range.
3.2 Classification
The layers of the CNN for classification are build as
shown by figure 3 (a).
The layers take over different tasks. ConvX rep-
resents a convolution layer which uses a rectified lin-
ear activation function. PoolX takes over the pooling
task by using maximum values. NormX performs a
normalization. LocalX are fully connected layers. Fi-
Saliency based Adjective Noun Pair Detection System
Table 2: A list of all ten classes for each subset. The number after the class marks how many images belong to each of the
Normal Same Adjective Same Noun
Abandoned Area (799) Amazing Baby (644) Abandoned Car (844)
Active Child (958) Amazing Cars (959) Amazing Car (959)
Adorable Cat (741) Amazing Dog (787) Antique Car (985)
Aerial View (955) Amazing Flowers (840) Awesome Car (876)
Amateur Sport (603) Amazing Food (918) Beautiful Car (825)
Amazing Cars (959) Amazing Girls (834) Big Car (967)
Ancient Building (822) Amazing Nature (835) Classic Car (963)
Antique Airplane (738) Amazing People (923) Cool Car (989)
Arctic Ice (842) Amazing Sky (899) Exotic Car (935)
Artificial Leg (454) Amazing Wedding (882) Large Car (961)
(a) The first CNN
(b) The second CNN
Figure 3: The two CNN architectures we have used. The second one has more convolutional layers.
nally softmax is a linear transformation.
We also trained a second network, as shown in figure
3 (b) which has three more convolutional layers and a
third fully connected layer.
3.3 Training
The model was trained using gradient descent. We
trained this model on the different datasets as de-
scribed in section 2. We used 80% of the images
for training and 20% for testing. During training we
reached 350 Epochs and stopped after running 5000
batches with a size of 128. Furthermore our training
set contained the three different approaches of incor-
porating saliency data and one set without saliency
data in order to get accuracy values against which we
can compare later.
The CNN from section 3 is for the most cases the
same and we tried different approaches how to incor-
porate the saliency data. All the different approaches
share the same preprocessing which will be now de-
First of all we used all the images and applied the
saliency method “Graph-Based Visual Saliency” a.k.a
GBVS (Harel et al., 2006) on them. We decided to use
GBVS as a saliency method because it performed as
one of the best saliency methods overall for detect-
ing important regions on ANPs according to (Stricker
et al., 2017).
The approach of GBVS is inspired by biology. It
forms activation maps on certain feature channels and
normalizes them to highlight conspicuity. Further-
more all images were resized to 32x32 pixels. This
leads to two sets of images. The first one contains all
original images at size 32x32 pixels while the second
one contains all saliency maps at size of 32x32 pixels.
We have in total investigated three ways of incorporat-
ing these saliency maps into the image in order to help
the network to concentrate on the important regions.
The first method is a simple masking method and the
second one is exploiting tensorflows option to train
on four dimensional images with an alpha value addi-
tionally to the standard RGB channel. This approach
does have two possibilities of incorporating saliency
data. Lastly we also used a way of cutting out the im-
portant parts of the image to train on a smaller image
which only contains the relevant data.
4.1 Simple Salient Masking Filtering
The simple masking method compares the original
image with the saliency map pixel per pixel. It creates
the new image with the condition, that if the value of
the saliency map is greater than 127, which is half of
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the maximum of 255, the corresponding pixel’s RGB
data in the original image will be taken to the new im-
age without modification. Otherwise the RGB value
in the new image will be (0, 0, 0). This means that
if the saliency map’s value on position x1, y1 is e.g.
223, then the RGB value of the original image at po-
sition x1, y1 will be written at the new image’s posi-
tion x1, y1. But if the value at position x2, y2 in the
saliency map is 100, then the value of new image at
position x2, y2 will be zero on all three colour chan-
nels. We didn’t experiment with values different from
127, because another approach showed better results
and was therefore more interesting to investigate.
4.2 Exploiting the Salient Alpha
Channel Filters
Tensorflow offers the option to define how many di-
mensions each image has on which the network will
train. Currently it only supports the dimensions one
to four. One means a simple image where each pixel
has the value of zero to 255 e.g. something like a
greyscale map, like our saliency map. Two would be
the same including the alpha channel. Three is the
standard way of RGB and four is RGB with an alpha
We create the image on which the network will train
by taking the original image and copying all RGB val-
ues one to one. Setting the alpha value is done in two
different ways, where both are using the saliency map
to calculate the alpha value:
The first possibility is to simply take the saliency
map. Each value in the saliency map is a single
number ranging from zero to 255. This fits the
value range of the alpha channel. Therefore we
simply copy the value from the saliency map and
set it as the alpha value.
For the second possibility we utilize the findings
from (Stricker et al., 2017). One of the impor-
tant contributions was observing that the perfor-
mance of saliency methods like GBVS signifi-
cantly increased after binarizing the saliency map
with a threshold determined by Otsu’s method
(Otsu, 1975). Thus we binarized the saliency map
and set the alpha value to 255 if the correspond-
ing saliency map pixel had the value one. If the
saliency map pixel value is zero we also set the
corresponding pixel’s alpha value to zero.
4.3 Salient Region Patch Extraction
Lastly we investigated the effects of cutting out the
important regions of an image and patching them to-
gether to create a new smaller image on which the
network learns.
In detail we searched for the n most important regions
of the image. In our case we set n to four. In a naive
approach those n regions can be found easily. We
have our saliency map from which we can derive the
salient regions. Therefore in a simple way we could
have just taken the pixels where we found the n high-
est values. But this does have one major problem.
How can we assure that we have taken points that
actually represent different regions of the image and
not just the pixels on position (x,y), (x+1,y), (x,y+1)
and (x+1,y+1). It is highly probable that if pixel (x,y)
has the highest value, then the surrounding pixels will
have a very high value themselves. We need to avoid
the case where we choose pixels right beside each
other to achieve our goal of covering a big part of
the image. Therefore we cannot take the first n pixels
with the highest value or choose them randomly. Fig-
ure 4 illustrates this problem.
This problem can be solved by the following proce-
dure. We define a set A which contains all pixels
where each pixel has maximum value. We will ex-
plain later how we build the set in detail. After that
we take a look at all possible subsets of A with length
n. This means that each subset is a possible solution to
our problem. For all subsets we calculate the distance
between all points. As a distance measure we used the
euclidean distance. Then we sum up the length of all
distances. The solution to our problem is the subset
where this sum is maximal, because this will give us
the points whose distance is maximal to each other. In
a more formal way we choose the subset which max-
imizes the following sum:
, p
) (1)
Figure 4 also showcases this solution.
Another problem is how to calculate the set A. The
problem lies in how to define a maximal value, which
is the condition for the points inside set A. If we take
a look at figure 5 we can see again the same image as
before, where there are again three red circles which
illustrate the three salient regions. This time they are
filled with three colours. Red, orange and yellow. If
the circle is filled with red, this means that all pix-
els inside it have the value of 253 to 255 according
to the saliency map. An orange filling represents the
values 250 to 252. Lastly the yellow points represent
a value between 247 and 249. It is obvious that set
A needs to include pixels from all three circles. The
value range is close enough (247 to 253 are only 6
points difference) to be considered maximal. Nev-
ertheless such a case is possible were such a salient
region may have an upper bound which is lower than
Saliency based Adjective Noun Pair Detection System
Figure 4: This image shows a car where multiple areas have
been marked as salient (marked by the red circle). To cover
the whole image we want to choose a part of the image from
the three shown salient regions, meaning we want to include
the tire, lights and window, instead of choosing to cut out
the tire multiple times. This image also illustrates the solu-
tion to this problem . We take a look at all subsets and con-
nect all points inside a subset with each other. This results
in multiple triangles, e.g. the green and the blue one. All
points of the blue triangle are inside the same salient region
and therefore the sum of the lines is rather small. Instead
the green triangle who has points in all salient regions has
a higher sum of the lines. Thus deciding to take the points
defined by the green triangle is the better choice.
the maximum value in the whole image. Therefore we
cannot take the absolute best value in the whole image
and look only for pixels with the same one. Then we
would only take the red pixels and couldn’t achieve
the big coverage of the image.
Our solution to this problem was to take a sorted list
of all the saliency values with descending order. Then
we took the nth element and looked at its value v.
Now we need to define a lower bound depending of
v where all pixels with a higher value than v are con-
sidered to be a maximal for set A. We chose the lower
bound to be 10% smaller than v. Therefore our set A
is defined by:
A = {p|p (t 0.9)p P} (2)
With t being the nth highest value over all pixels and
P containing all pixels.
It is not advised to choose a high percentage for
this, because we are looking at all possible subsets
of length n of A the number of subsets we need to
check drastically increases which results in a signifi-
cant longer computation time.
After this preprocessing we have a set of n pixels.
We set the pixel to be the center of a 8x8 pixels big
sub-part of the image. Because we are doing this for
four pixels we will get four 8x8 pixels sub-parts of the
image. These four sub-parts are cut out and then com-
bined to create the new image on which the network
will train.
Figure 5: This image showcases the problem of how to de-
fine the set A. Red pixels inside the red circle have a value
of 253 to 255. Orange pixels inside the red circle have a
value of 250 to 252. Yellow pixels inside the red circle have
a value of 247 to 240. It is obvious that the set A needs to
consider all red, orange and yellow pixels as a pixel with
maximal value and not only the red ones.
We are now going to present the results we have gath-
ered with our methods. Table 3 shows all values for
the first network. The columns represent the differ-
ent datasets which were used. These are “Normal”,
“Same Adjective” and “Same Noun”. “Normal” con-
sists of ten classes where each classes adjective and
noun is different from each other. Contrary to this
“Same Adjective” consists of ten classes all contain-
ing the same adjective but different nouns. Similar to
this “Same Noun” consists of ten classes all contain-
ing the same noun but different adjectives.
The rows are showing which technique was used to
train the CNN. “Standard” means using the CNN as
described in section 3 on unfiltered images, while the
other rows represent the methods used for filtering the
images, as described in section 4.
Following these results, we again tried this
method with using the deeper network as shown in
section 3. The results can be seen in table 4.
Taking the not enhanced images, as seen in the re-
sults table of the standard row, as a baseline, we can
see that the techniques of simple masking and patches
have failed to increase the accuracy and performed
worse in both CNNs.
The patches method probably failed due to the rea-
son that the saliency map did not create multiple dis-
connected areas on the images, as it can be seen in
figure 4 but instead created a connected area, where
high salient regions are close to each other. Further-
more those high salient regions mostly lie close to
each other, therefore the method to patch the image
often took similar parts of the image and threw away
important information. An example of how such a
saliency map looks like can be seen in figure 2. Fur-
thermore figure 6 shows some example images and
their corresponding images as created by the patches
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Accuracy’s on the different datasets “Normal”, “Same Adjective” and “Same Noun” using the standard CNN and the
different methods of incorporating the saliency datas.
Saliency Data Incorporation Normal Same Adjective Same Noun
Standard 0.404 0.241 0.173
Simple Masking 0.239 0.220 0.137
Alpha Value (Binarized) 0.132 0.343 0.181
Alpha Value (Not Binarized) 0.333 0.32 0.163
Patches 0.226 0.197 0.109
Table 4: Accuracy’s on the different datasets “Normal”, “Same Adjective” and “Same Noun” using a CNN with more layers
and the different methods of incorporating the saliency datas.
Saliency Data Incorporation Normal Same Adjective Same Noun
Standard 0.411 0.327 0.171
Simple Masking 0.255 0.208 0.140
Alpha Value (Binarized) 0.413 0.338 0.21
Alpha Value (Not Binarized) 0.421 0.338 0.178
Patches 0.252 0.196 0.13
method. These images are highlighting this problem.
The simple masking method may have failed due
to the same reason. Because pixels are either taken or
completely disregarded some important information
has been lost.
On the other hand the methods exploiting the alpha
value have shown some improvements for the stan-
dard CNN, with the exception of the “Normal” case.
There we can see a big drop in accuracy of 30%. For
the case of “Same Noun” we can see a tiny improve-
ments in the binarized alpha method while the results
for the not binarized method showed slightly wors-
ened. On the other hand both methods increased the
accuracy in the “Same Adjective” case by 8% - 10%.
Therefore for this network, the use of saliency
guided data, incorporated by the binarized alpha value
method has shown success in the case of using it for
data where the ANPs are not distinct from each other,
e.g. they share either adjectives or nouns. If they
don’t share adjectives or nouns, the approach doesn’t
improve the accuracy.
In the case of the deeper CNN, we can see some dif-
ferences compared to the standard one. First of all
the big accuracy loss in the “Normal” case does not
happen and it even slightly increased, for both alpha
value methods, compared to the not saliency guided
method. Nevertheless the deeper architecture of the
network has also improved the accuracy of the not
saliency guided method in the “Same Adjective” case.
While both alpha value methods are still better, the
improvements are now only small by 1%. Contrary
to this, the new architecture did not increase the accu-
racy for the not saliency guided method in the “Same
Noun” case but it did improve the accuracy’s for the
saliency guided methods. Therefore now both alpha
value methods are better by a small value. The not bi-
narized one is better by only 0.7% while the binarized
one showed improvements of 3.9%.
Therefore in the deeper CNN, both alpha value meth-
ods showed slight improvements in all cases. The bi-
narized one was better in the “Same Noun” case com-
pared to the not binarized one while the not binarized
one was better in the “Normal” case.
We think that the alpha value methods are better than
the other saliency guided methods, because the other
methods strictly remove information, while the alpha
methods only guide the CNN as to where important
regions may be but does not remove the information
of the other regions and instead only reduces their im-
Lastly we also performed a significance test on the
accuracy’s of the deeper network, to check if the ac-
curacy’s are also significantly better. We compared
the results in each of the cases “Normal”, “Same Ad-
jective” and “Same Noun”. In each of the cases we
checked if the accuracy of “Alpha Value (Binarized)”
and Alpha Value (Not Binarized)” are significantly
better than the accuracy of the “Standard” way.
We conducted a t-test with our findings. Our results
show that only the accuracy’s of Alpha Value (Bi-
narized)” in the case of “Same Noun” is significantly
better than the standard model. The two-tailed P value
equals 0.0024 in this case.
In this paper we investigated the impact of saliency
data on CNNs trained to recognize a small set of
ANPs. This set of ANPs was divided into three
Saliency based Adjective Noun Pair Detection System
Figure 6: This figure shows eight example images from the ANP “amazing baby” in the upper row. The lower row shows
their corresponding images as they are created by the patches method. (The patched image belongs to the image above it).
This highlights the problem of the method to create those patched images. Namely that it is not capable of selecting distinct
areas but instead very similar ones are used.
categories, “Normal”, “Same Adjective” and “Same
Noun”. We found out that our deeper network showed
some slight improvements by incorporating saliency
data using the alpha value in all three categories.
But these improvements were not statistically signif-
icant besides for the case of “Same Noun” with the
technique of Alpha Value (Binarized)”. But we ex-
pect better improvements with a bigger dataset, where
each class contains more images. A huge dataset
which satisfies all the needs, e.g. the support of mul-
tiple ANPs and synonyms, for this problem. Creating
such a dataset is a difficult and interesting problem
for future work. Furthermore our results are showing
big differences between the different the two CNNs,
which we used. Therefore the impact of different net-
work architectures can also be investigated in future
work to maximize the precision of the approach.
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ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence