Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems
Henrik Waagsnes and Nils Ulltveit-Moe
Department of ICT, University of Agder, Jon Lilletunsvei 9, 4879 Grimstad, Norway
IDS, Test Framework, SCADA, IEC 60870-5-104, SIEM.
This paper presents a SCADA intrusion detection system test framework that simulates SCADA traffic and
detects malicious network activity. The framework combines several existing components such as Kali Linux,
Conpot, QTester104 and OpenMUC in a virtual machine based framework to provide realistic SCADA traffic.
It is agnostic to Intrusion Detection System (IDS) type, and is demonstrated in a case study comparing two
popular signature-based IDS engines: Suricata and Snort. The IDS engines include rule-sets for the IEC
60870-5-104 and other SCADA protocols. Detected events from IDS sensors are sent to a distributed Elastic
cluster which visualises them using Kibana dashboards. The experiments show that there is some difference in
behaviour between Suricata and Snort’s ability to detect malicious traffic using the same SCADA ruleset, but
these issues are relatively easy to mitigate. The IDS test framework also measures the latency from detection
and until the IDS alerts are presented in the incident management system, which shows that Suricata has
slightly better performance than Snort.
This paper describes the design and implementation
of a testbed for assessing IDS performance in SCADA
networks. It combines off-the-shelf components such
as the Elastic stack, Kali Linux, and published IDS
rule sets to generate simulated traffic and analyse re-
sults. The paper’s experimental section evaluates two
popular open–source IDS engines against SCADA-
related traffic produced by several public tools. Over-
all, this provides a useful end-to-end solution for
testing IDS tools against SCADA–oriented attacks,
which are an increasingly prevalent security issue
nowadays. The long-term objective is to extend it as
a control system platform for performing realistic ex-
ercises in a simulated operations centre as shown in
Figure 1. The aim is to improve the situational aware-
ness for security analysts and other stakeholders (per-
sonnel managing power lines etc) during emergency
situations. This would allow performing realistic ex-
ercises on cyber-attack events that naturally will occur
infrequently, thereby increasing the readiness towards
such attacks. It will especially allow performing exer-
cises that simulate advanced persistent threat scenar-
ios caused by government agencies or other organisa-
tions with significant funding that aim at performing
targeted attacks on critical infrastructure as demon-
strated for example by the Ukrainian BlackEnergy at-
Figure 1: CIEM Test lab for evaluating situational aware-
SCADA systems used in the energy sector encom-
passes the following: collecting of information via
Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), transferring it back
to the central site, carrying out necessary analysis and
control, and then displaying that information in a Hu-
man Machine Interface (HMI). A SCADA communi-
cation protocol is a standard for data representation
and data transfer over a communication channel on a
master/slave basis. IEC60870-5-104 and DNP3 are
Cyber-Attack Against Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure
Waagsnes, H. and Ulltveit-Moe, N.
Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006588202750285
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 275-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
two of the most frequently used SCADA communica-
tion protocols in the electrical energy industry. IEC
60870-5 is widely used in Europe, while DNP3 is
widely used in North America.
The main contributions of this paper are threefold:
first, it presents a novel intrusion detection system test
framework for SCADA networks based on a set of
virtual machines that can be used to simulate differ-
ent attack scenarios. This framework builds upon and
integrates several other SCADA tools in a novel way,
and also allows for simulating the HMI of a power
plant. Secondly, this framework is demonstrated in a
comparative study between the signature-based IDS
and Suricata
to verify whether an IEC60870-
5-104 SCADA ruleset for Snort indeed is compatible
with Suricata or not. Third, it performs a comparative
study of the efficiency of Snort and Suricata when in-
tegrated in the Elastic stack
(formerly known as the
Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) stack).
This paper is organised as follows: The next sec-
tion gives an introduction to SCADA protocols. Sec-
tion 3 discusses related works. Section 4 describes
the proposed framework architecture and developed
dashboards. Section 5 discusses experiments and re-
sults in context of validation and testing of the imple-
mented framework. Section 6 contains a discussion
of the proposed framework, evaluation of results, and
other thoughts about the conducted research. Section
7 contains a conclusion of the presented framework
and achieved results, and finally section 8 contains a
discussion around possible future work and sugges-
tions for improvements.
IEC 60870-5-104 is a standard SCADA communica-
tion protocol for telecontrol in electrical energy sys-
tems. The protocol describes data representation and
data transfer over communication channels on a mas-
ter/slave basis. The SCADA Master polls data from
the connected SCADA slaves (RTUs). A RTU is used
in the electrical power sector to control circuit break-
ers, transformer stations etc. The SCADA Master can
display the information in a Human-Mahine Interface
(HMI). Figure 2 shows a simplified SCADA archiec-
Figure 2: Example SCADA system.
Start 68H
APDU Length
Control Field Octet 1
Control Field Octet 2
Control Field Octet 3
ASDU defined in IEC 101
and IEC 104
Control Field Octet 4
Data Unit
Data Unit
Cause of Transmission (CoT)
Common Adress
Information Object Address
Information Object
Time Tag
Figure 3: IEC 60870-5-104 frame format.
2.1 IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 60870 is a collection of open standards created by
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
for the transmission of SCADA telemetry control
and data (International Electrotechnical Commission,
2006). IEC 60870 normally refers to IEC 60870-5-
101 when discussed in context of SCADA in the elec-
trical energy sector. This is a standard for power sys-
tem monitoring, control and associated communica-
tions. When it was launched in 1995, the protocol
was designed for serial communication. IEC 60870-
5-104 is an extension of IEC 60870-5-101 that was
released in 2004, which allows the serial frames to
be transmitted over TCP/IP. The Application Protocol
Data Unit (APDU) shown in figure 3 consists of two
parts: the Application Protocol Control Information
(APCI) and Application Service Data Unit (ASDU).
The APCI is comprised of the first 6 octets in the
APDU, and contains a start character, 68H, a length
field (containing the length of the APDU) and a con-
trol field. The APCI control field can be of the follow-
ing types: Information, Supervisory or Unnumbered.
The last two bits indicate the type; 10 for supervisory,
11 for unnumbered and 00 for information.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The ASDU contains the data unit identifier and the
data payload of one or more information objects. The
Type Identification (TI) field defines the data types by
referring to the 8-bit code types. The TI groups that
are currently defined by IEC. TI number 9 for exam-
ple refers to the reference code M_ME_NA_1 indi-
cating “Measured value, Normalised value”.
2.2 Security Issues
The security in SCADA systems and the communi-
cation protocols used to exchange data is important,
to prevent cyber-attacks on critical infrastructures that
they control. The root cause of cyber security vulner-
abilities in industrial control systems have been found
to be (Graham et al., 2016):
Poorly secured legacy systems;
Lack of trained cyber security specialists;
Delayed patching of software vulnerabilities;
Lack of cyber-security situational awareness;
Lack of communication security;
Remote access for system engineers and vendors.
Many SCADA systems lack security incident event
detection and monitoring (SIEM) functionality to in-
crease the cyber-security awareness and detect cyber-
attacks on these systems. Without network moni-
toring, it is impossible to detect suspicious activity
and identify potential threats. Another problem is
that some systems are rarely or never updated. This
means the SCADA systems might contain vulnerabil-
ities in firmware or software that can be exploited by
attackers. Some vendors even allow SCADA devices
to communicate remotely over unencrypted commu-
nication links. Authentication solutions are often
configured with poor passwords or even with de-
fault passwords, and SCADA protocols typically lack
authentication and cryptographic message integrity
checks. The reason for this being that the Remote
Terminal Unit (RTU) devices originally did not have
the processing capability to do such operations. Many
SCADA protocols are therefore designed to be open,
robust (from a control perspective), reliable and easy
to operate, and not necessarily designed to provide se-
cure communication.
The IEC 60870-5-104 protocol which is used to
control RTUs in the electrical energy sector has the
following security properties:
Lack of Confidentiality: All IEC 60870-5-104
messages are transmitted in clear-text across the
Lack of Integrity: There are no cryptographic in-
tegrity checks built into the protocol.
Lack of Authentication: There is no authentica-
tion of communicating entities in the protocol.
This paper proposes an IDS test framework based
on virtual machines for SCADA systems. It uses a
combination of the Elastic stack as a big-data based
SIEM solution, the SCADA HoneyNet ConPot and
Kali Linux as the attacker. The solution is experimen-
tally verified in a comparative analysis of the perfor-
mance of Snort and Suricata for SCADA rules focus-
ing on the IEC 60870-5-104 telecontrol protocol for
the electrical energy sector. The solution and com-
parative analysis is, to the best of our knowledge, not
formely described in the scientific literature.
There are some examples of previous SCADA test
beds, for example the US Idaho National Lab SCADA
test bed (Wei et al., 2010). University of Arizona set
up a test bed called TASCA for analysing the security
of SCADA control systems (Davis et al., 2006). The
latter uses PowerWorld as a grid simulator to simu-
late the effect of cyber-attacks on the power grid. Our
framework currently supports grid simulation based
on the Open Substation HMI (OSHMI)
, and plans
more elaborate grid simulation support in the future.
Queen’s University Belfast has published a pa-
per based on research in the PRECYSE FP7 project
that presents a SCADA-specific cyber-security test-
bed used for investigating man-in-the-middle at-
tacks (Yang et al., 2012). They built a framework
with three Windows-based hosts to simulate real-time
SCADA master/slave communication that displays
the output on a HMI. The framework also includes
a Linux host to simulate an attacker. Due to confi-
dentiality and security concerns, the specific software
used in this framework is withheld by the publish-
ers (Yang et al., 2012). This solution does not use a
virtualised infrastructure, which makes it less flexible
for dynamically setting up and changing test scenar-
ios. It furthermore only covers the IDS host, which
runs a proprietary IDS (ITACA), and does not contain
a SIEM solution that can be used for the comparative
analysis as well as for doing research on situational
awareness. Our solution is more flexible by running
as a virtualised infrastructure which uses different vir-
tual machines for different test components.
The same researchers published a paper, present-
ing a set of Snort IDS rules for IEC 60870-5-104
SCADA networks (Y. Yang et al., 2013). They used
a Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) method, which in-
Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems
cludes signature-based and model-based approaches.
Our experiments use a set of Snort IDS signatures for
SCADA systems from various sources, amongst oth-
ers the model-based IDS ruleset for the IEC 60870-5-
104 protocol from (Y. Yang et al., 2013), as well as
the Modbus and DNP3 IDS rules that come with the
Snort VRT ruleset. These signatures can not only de-
tect several known malicious attacks and suspicious
threats, but also identify the sources of the attacks
which can aid security analysts in potentially prevent-
ing future intrusions from these sources. The Modbus
and DNP3 rules are not described in this paper, since
the results do not add significant value compared to
the findings in the IEC 60870-5-104 rule set.
We reuse this IDS rule set to perform a compara-
tive analysis of how well Suricata and Snort perform
on these rules, something that is not done in the origi-
nal paper. This also acts as a proof of concept experi-
ment for verifying the whole SCADA IDS test frame-
An ENIP (Ethernet/IP) SCADA rule set for Suri-
cata was developed in (Wong et al., 2017). This
research confirms that Suricata is a good choice
for SCADA IDS monitoring on resource constrained
hardware, but does not perform a comparative analy-
sis of other SCADA protocols, including IEC 60870-
A quantitative analysis of Snort and Suricata is
performed in (White et al., 2013). They used large
amounts of pcap data and custom scripts to compare
the two IDS engines on flexible and scalable hard-
ware. To conduct a quantitative analysis they cap-
tured a variety of metrics, including packets per sec-
ond, memory usage and CPU utilization. The IDS
rulesets Emerging Threats (ET) Open/ET-Free, ET-
Pro and Snort VRT were used in their experiments.
They conclude that Suricata outperforms Snort, even
on a single core. Suricata also has an average lower
memory and CPU utilization than Snort. This paper
does not do a comparative analysis of SCADA spe-
cific rulesets to detect compatibility issues as well as
a latency comparison between the IDSs in the Elastic
There are also some other examples of com-
parative analyses of Snort and Suricata, for exam-
ple (White et al., 2013; Pihelgas, 2012; Brumen and
Legvart, 2016), but none of these consider SCADA
Our framework simulates IEC60870-5-104 com-
munication, and can be configured to simulate Mod-
bus TCP and DNP3 as well. In contrast to other quan-
titative analyses of IDS engine performance, we have
compared the detection capabilities of Snort and Suri-
cata in context of SCADA rule-sets.
The SCADA IDS Test Framework provides a con-
trolled environment for penetration testing, real-time
simulation, intrusion detection and visualisation of at-
tacks targeting SCADA networks. It can simulate
real-time IEC 60870-5-104 traffic between SCADA
devices and attacks can be performed by utilizing the
attacker machine in the framework. The framework
also includes a simulated Siemens S7-200 PLC to per-
form attacks against the Modbus protocol. Two sep-
arate intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are individu-
ally looking for malicious SCADA traffic in the con-
trolled environment. An alert is triggered each time
one of the IDS implementations detect malicious traf-
fic. The alert is then forwarded to a centralised se-
curity information and event management (SIEM) so-
lution, responsible for collecting, analysing, indexing
and visualising IDS events.
4.1 Framework Architecture
The framework’s architecture is categorised into four
elements, as illustrated in figure 4:
Security information and event management
Intrusion detection systems (IDS)
SCADA target side
Attacker side
The attacker side is a Kali Linux machine
with over
600 penetration testing tools. The SCADA target
side consist of three machines running the client and
server side of the IEC 60870-5-104 communication,
and one machine simulating a Siemens S7-200 PLC.
The Attacker and SCADA machines are connected to
the same local network. The network traffic travers-
ing the lab network is mirrored and analysed by two
separate IDS implementations: Suricata and Snort.
The SCADA rules for IEC 60870-5-104 and the Dig-
ital Bond Quickdraw SCADA rules for Modbus and
DNP3 are used in both IDS solutions.
Suricata is configured to log alerts in a structured
Extensible Event (EVE) JSON format. This output
format is not available in Snort. For the basis of
comparison between alerts triggered by Suricata and
Snort, it is advantageous if the output log format is
the same. To achieve this, Snort has been configured
to log alerts in Unified2 format. The Python library
py-idstools is then used to convert the Unified2 for-
mat to EVE JSON (Ish, 2017).
Kali Linux:
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The Elastic stack
(formerly known as ELK stack)
is used as a SIEM solution in this framework (Lah-
madi and Beck, 2015). It includes the following ser-
Logstash is a service that collects, parses and
transforms logs. It is configured to listen for log data
on TCP port 5044 in the management network. File-
beat is log file transfer service that is installed on both
IDS implementations and configured to forward new
entries (IDS alerts) in the log file to Logstash on port
5044. Logstash then analyses the incoming data and
adds/removes specific fields and tags (e.g. GeoIP in-
formation) as will be discussed later. The refined data
is then sent to the search engine (Elasticsearch based
on Apache Lucene) and stored in a cluster of nodes.
Kibana is used as a data analysis framework to ex-
plore the Elasticsearch data. It provides the possibil-
ity to investigate historical and real-time events by uti-
lizing a search engine and use custom dashboards to
visualise the data.
is a commercial SIEM solution imple-
mented on top of the open source Elastic stack. This
framework is available with a basic license which
only includes a monitoring feature. It provides real-
time monitoring of the performance of the Elastic-
search cluster and the Kibana work load. Figure 4
gives an overview of the framework architecture.
To provide automatic start up at reboot, scheduled
log rotation and synchronous time settings, the sys-
tem was automated using system daemons, scripts for
automation as well as network segmentation with a
separate management and simulation network to re-
duce the risk that attackers are aware of the security
4.2 Dashboards
Kibana uses a dashboard based approach for data
visualisation and analysis. An advantage with this
framework, is that it allows security analysts to eas-
ily reconfigure the user interface according to their
operative needs. For our test lab, this means that dif-
ferent scenarios and visualisations can be tested out
to evaluate the usability, accessibility and situational
awareness of the operators.
In total six dashboards were developed for differ-
ent purposes. The first dashboard is a visualisation of
the traffic flow data generated by Suricata. Two sepa-
rate dashboards were created to analyse the alert data
from Suricata and Snort, respectively. A dashboard
was also developed to compare alert data generated
from the two IDS implementations. An experimental
Elastic stack:
dashboard was created to visualise relationships be-
tween data. The last dashboard was created to anal-
yse the additional latency added by Logstash process-
ing. The time frame for each dashboard can easily be
changed by adjusting a parameter at the top right. The
time frame can be anything from the past 15 minutes
to the past 5 years.
Network Traffic Monitoring
The network traffic dashboard shown in figure 5 anal-
yses the network traffic in real-time. The left side uses
the geographical data added by Logstash. The dash-
board displays pie chart visualisations of the top 10
countries and cities generation traffic, and plots the
geographical location into a map. The right side anal-
yses the actual traffic and visualises the destination IP
addresses, source IP addresses, source port, destina-
tion port, underlying protocols and TCP states.
IDS Alert Monitoring
The IDS alert dashboard provides a histogram that
counts the unique events at any given time. The dash-
board also provides a measurement count of alerts
with various severity levels. If the count reaches a
custom set limit, the measurement changes color from
green to yellow or red. The geographical location of
any source address triggering an alert, is plotted in a
map. Pie charts are used to visualise relevant data,
and a table is used to count the unique signatures trig-
IDS Comparison
The IDS comparison dashboard in figure 6 is used
to compare Suricata’s and Snort’s ability to detect at-
tacks. Snort is monitored on the right side and Suri-
cata on the left side. The dashboard contains measure-
ment visualisations to count unique signatures and the
total number of alerts triggered by Suricata and Snort,
respectively. The size of the IDS name text in the mid-
dle is automatically adjusted by number of alerts trig-
gered. At the end of the dashboard is a table that lists
every triggered alert and counts every occurrence.
Data Relation Dashboard
The experimental dashboard implemented in this
framework, is a network graph that can be used to vi-
sualise the relations between the data.
Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems
Security information and event management (Security information and event management (
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs)Intrusion detection systems (IDSs)
ELK Stack
Kali Linux
Lab network
Suricata IDS Snort IDS
Beats (filebeat)
Beats (filebeat)
Suricata IDS
Snort IDS
eve.jsonSuricata.yamlRules Unified2 logsnort.confRules
Management network
IEC Server
(IEC 60870-5-104
QTester104 (IEC 60870-5-104
protocol tester)
With Basic License
Conpot version
Telnet server
PuTTY (Telnet Client)
OpenMUC j60870
Figure 4: System Architecture.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Processing Latency Dashboard
The last dashboard implemented in this framework,
is used to visualise the additional latency added by
Logstash processing. The IDS adds a timestamp field
to the eve.json file when it detects malicious traffic.
Logstash also adds a timestamp field when the data is
processed and shipped to Elasticsearch. These times-
tamp fields can be used to find the latency by calculat-
ing the deviation between them. This is done by us-
ing a Kibana functionality called scripted fields which
performs calculations on the fly by analysing the in-
coming Elasticsearch data. The implemented dash-
board compares latency for Suricata and Snort alerts.
It plots the average latency in a line chart every sec-
ond and calculates max, min, average, median and
standard deviation (upper/lower) on the fly. The dash-
board also visualises the latency in a pie chart.
Figure 5: Network traffic monitoring dashboard.
Figure 6: IDS comparison dashboard.
This section discusses experiments and results in the
context of validation and testing of the implemented
framework. Five experiments were performed to mea-
sure the latency of the framework and verify that:
Normal traffic does not trigger any false positives;
Signature-based rules do not trigger on traffic
from an unauthorised client;
Protocol-violation rules trigger on IEC 60870-5-
104 protocol violations;
Traffic pattern based rules do not trigger on illegal
traffic patterns.
5.1 IEC 60870-5-104 client/server
The main goal of carrying out these experiments, is
to trigger alerts specified in the implemented IEC
60870-5-104 rule-set (Y. Yang et al., 2013). This is
done by generating realistic IEC 60870-5-104 back-
ground traffic in the lab network and in addition per-
form attacks and Illegal actions. The alerts triggered
by Suricata and Snort are compared by log analysis
and real-time visualisation. The signatures included
in the rule set can be categorised into three categories;
signature-based rules, protocol based rules and traffic-
pattern-based rules.
5.1.1 Normal Communication:
To simulate normal traffic patterns between autho-
rised IEC 60870-5-104 clients and servers, exper-
iments were conducted using the IEC Server soft-
ware on a virtual machine with IP address,
listening on port number 2404 (Jaentsch, 2013).
QTester104 is used as an IEC client on a virtual ma-
chine with IP address (Olsen, 2017). Wire-
is used to inspect and validate the IEC 60870-
5-104 traffic traversing the lab network. Since Suri-
cata is configured to log all data traffic, Kibana can be
used to analyse normal traffic as well. No alerts (false
positives) were triggered either by Suricata or Snort
during this experiment, as expected.
5.1.2 Signature-based Rules:
Several experiments were conducted to simulate ille-
gal SCADA operations to trigger the signature-based
rules, by using tools like QTester104, IEC Server,
OpenMUC j60870 and packet sender. Initially, Suri-
cata did not detect and trigger alerts for two of the
signatures as shown in figure 7. The compatibility is-
sue was that the regular expression matching in Suri-
cata with the /R (relative) option requires a preceeding
match in the same buffer, but there is no buffer keep-
ing track of previous matches. This was the case for
two of the signatures in this rule set, sid: 6666601 and
sid: 6666602. This issue was mitigated by removing
the “R” from the regular expression.
Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems
SCADA protocol IEC 60870-5-104
IDS Engine Suricata Snort
Signature ID
X (modification) X
Non-IEC/104 Communication on an IEC/104 Port
6666602 X (modification) X
Spontaneous Messages Storm
6666603 X X
Unauthorized Read Command to an IEC/104 Server
Unauthorized Interrogation Command to an IEC/104
Unauthorized Counter Interrogation Command to an
IEC/104 Server
Remote Control or Remote Adjustment Command
from Unauthorized 104 Client
Set Point Command from an Unauthorized IEC/104
Reset Process Command from Unauthorized Client
Broadcast Request from Unauthorized Client
Potential Butter Overflow
Figure 7: Signature-based rules.
5.1.3 Protocol Violation and Traffic-pattern
based Rules:
To trigger the protocol violation rules, an experiment
was conducted using using the Ettercap plugin de-
veloped by PMaynard for performing a man-in-the-
middle attack (Maynard, 2017). The attack moni-
tors the IEC 60870-5-104 communication between a
client and a server, and injects illegal protocol packets
into the network.
Both Suricata and Snort detected all malicious
traffic injected in the experiment, and triggered alerts
based on the protocol-based rules (SIDs 6666611 -
6666621). All the traffic-pattern based rules (SIDs
6666622 - 6666624) were also triggered for both IDSs
using generated traffic.
5.2 Latency
The two different IDS implementations in the test
framework detect malicious traffic, and use Filebeat
to transmit the log entries to Logstash. Logstash anal-
yses, modifies and transfers the data to a Elasticsearch
cluster. The latency considered here is the time it
takes from malicious traffic is detected by an IDS un-
til the event is indexed and stored in the cluster. This
experiment uses a custom latency dashboard imple-
mented in the framework to analyse the additional la-
tency added by Logstash and conversion-tools. Nor-
mal amounts of IEC 60870-5-104 traffic are sent be-
tween client and server, using the QTester104 and IEC
Server tools (Olsen, 2017)(Jaentsch, 2013).
The first experiment lasted ten minutes and trig-
gered approximately 200 alerts for both Suricata and
Snort during normal conditions. The boxplot in figure
8 is an ensemble of ten latency measurements to get a
representative picture of the variance of the test data.
The figure shows a comparison of Suricata and Snort
under normal conditions. The thin line describes the
highest and lowest latency measured for both IDS so-
lutions. Outlier values are excluded from the figure.
The box represents the upper and lower quartile of
the latency and the yellow line in the middle repre-
sent the median. From the figure it appears that Snort
generally has higher latency a Suricata. The median
value was approximately 2.5 seconds for Suricata and
5.1 seconds for Snort. The upper and lower quartile
of Snort latency is higher with a larger variance than
Suricata. Both solutions have a bit skewed distribu-
tion compared to a normal distribution.
Figure 8: Boxplot comparison of latency in Suricata and
Snort under normal traffic.
The main advantage of using the Open Source Elastic
stack rather than a fully commercial alternative such
as Splunk for the IDS test framework, is that Elas-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
tic has an affordable licencing policy, and does not
severely restrict the number of dashboards such as
Splunk does in its evaluation mode. These restric-
tions essentially made Elastic a better alternative for
our project. Comparing Splunk and Elastic as SIEM
solutions under similar conditions would be an inter-
esting extension in a larger follow-up study.
Another possibility would be to use Graylog2
which has similar features as Elastic, is Open Source,
and also is based on Elasticsearch for log data min-
ing. Graylog2 excels at postmortem debugging, secu-
rity and activity analysis. Our main reason for choos-
ing Elastic over Graylog2, is that it has more flexible
graphing and dashboard handling. Such functional-
ity would be useful for extending the framework as a
more general situational awareness platform support-
ing both security monitoring and crisis management
in the future. Kibana is user friendly by allowing data
scientists to fairly easily add more functionality to the
system in the form of new dashboards. It is also pos-
sible to add support for more advanced time series
analytics by integrating Grafana
. A limitation with
Kibana is that it lacks advanced user management. It
is however possible to set up simple access control us-
ing HTTP basic authentication. More advanced solu-
tions will require purchasing X-Pack which provides
encryption, authentication and authorisation.
The solution proposed here is based on virtual
machines. This plug-in architecture for IDS engines
makes the framework easily extensible for other IDS
technologies. Other similar architectures have been
suggested based on Docker containers, which are
more lightweight than virtual machines and allows
for enabling independence between cloud applica-
tions and infrastructure
. Our solution will needs to
use at least some virtual machines to be able to test
real operating system instances. Docker could be con-
sidered as an option in the future.
Elasticsearch can be used for building complex
search requests, but the main challenge in future re-
search will be not only conveying the IDS alerts but
also performing more complex data analysis, alert
correlation and data mining to identify the relevant in-
formation for security operators and other stakehold-
ers and reduce the amount of false alarms. Clustering,
behaviour analysis and machine learning techniques
used in anomaly detection would be natural exten-
sions of this research to improve the overall attack
detection capabilities of the system in the future.
Possible missions for the target framework in-
cludes testing the performance in terms of accuracy
and speed of detection, validating new IDS solutions
or validating different rule sets on IDSs. Another pos-
sibility is to extend the framework as a comprehensive
hybrid SIEM/IDS solution that uses several different
tools such as log analysis, network and host-based in-
trusion detection systems.
Future challenges that can be investigated using
this framework includes research on how to model
new protocols and how to simulate really big data
scenarios where a large cluster of sensors as well as
Elastic shards need to collaborate on the data min-
ing. Autoconfiguration of the framework is another
challenge which can use techniques such as Network
Function Virtualisation and Software Defined Net-
working. Alert normalisation is to some extent han-
dled by Logstash. Future research and standardisa-
tion is however required to define a common ontology
that ensures semantic interoperability between differ-
ent types of alerts (Krauß and Thomalla, 2016). The
platform will also act as a research vehicle for visual-
ising and analysing results as to prove specified sim-
ulation scenarios as well as for improving situational
awareness during such scenarios.
The framework is extensible and scalable. The
IDS side can be extended with additional IDS solu-
tions by adding new virtual machines to the frame-
work that support a given IDS technology. The
Logstash configuration can also be adapted to cate-
gorise different kinds of IDS solutions. Logstash is
horizontally scalable meaning that the performance
can be scaled up by adding more hardware nodes.
It can furthermore form groups of nodes running the
same information pipeline. Adaptive buffering ca-
pabilities in the Elastic stack provides smooth data
streaming even with variable throughput loads. If
Logstash becomes a bottleneck, then more nodes
(cloud instances/virtual machines) can be added.
Elasticsearch is also horizontally scalable by al-
lowing the performance to be scaled up using more
hardware nodes. The nodes in a cluster form a full
mesh topology, which means that each node main-
tains a connection to each of the other nodes. The
cluster has a single master node which is chosen au-
tomatically by the cluster and which can be replaced
if the current master node fails. An index is a log-
ical namespace which points to primary and replica
shards, which are instances managed automatically
by Elasticsearch
. Each document is stored in a sin-
gle primary shard. When a document is being in-
dexed, it is indexed first on the primary shard, then
on all replicas of the primary shard. A replica is a
copy of the primary shard, used to increase failover
and performance. The number of primary and replica
Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems
shards can be manually configured to optimise imple-
The case study used the implemented framework
to carry out several experiments. The experiments
demonstrate which attacks and types of communica-
tion that trigger different signatures in the rules for
IEC 60870-5-104. The experiments were performed
manually, which is an expensive and more error-prone
approach than automatic testing. Automating the test
setup using OpenMUC with automated testsuites for
example based on JUnit is therefore a natural next
step in improving the test framework.
The experiments aim at demonstrating IEC
60870-5-104 traffic that triggers alerts using IDS
rulesets for this protocol. Normal traffic did not
trigger any of the signatures specified in the IEC
60870-5-104 rule-set. Several methods and tools
were used to trigger the signature-based rules. The
protocol-based rules and trafficpattern-based rules
were demonstrated using a man-in-the-middle packet
injection and demonstration unauthorised traffic. This
case study detected some compatibility issues be-
tween the two IDSs that relatively easily could be mit-
The experiments also demonstrated a SYN flood
denial-of-service attack and analysis of the addi-
tional latency applied by the Logstash processing and
conversion-tools. During some of the experiments,
Suricata triggered a larger amount of alerts than Snort.
This is because the default alert threshold settings are
different for Suricata and Snort, respectively. The
purpose of these is to avoid that the security oper-
ations centre becomes swamped by too many alerts
if the same rule triggers too many times. These val-
ues can be manually changed by editing the threshold
configuration file for both solutions.
The platform should in the future be extended to
use the OpenMUC j60870 library to simulate all the
IEC 60870- 5-104 communication. This library al-
lows simulating all IEC message types on both the
client and server side. Both QTester104 and IEC
server have their limitations because they not are com-
plete implementations of the IEC 60870-5-104 proto-
This paper proposes a SCADA Intrusion Detection
System Test Framework that can be used to conduct
research on security in SCADA communication and
validate existing IDS signatures before implementing
them in a production network. The framework con-
sists of four parts; attacker side, SCADA target side,
IDS side and SIEM side. It simulates real-time IEC
60870-5-104 communication between a client and a
server. Both Suricata and Snort IDS are included in
this framework to analyse the network traffic and de-
tect malicious activity. The solutions are compared
in a comparison dashboard that was created for the
There is generally little difference between Suri-
cata and Snort’s ability to detect malicious traffic.
Suricata is mostly compatible with signatures writ-
ten in Snort’s lightweight rules description language.
We discovered some compatibility issues that can be
mitigated by modifying the ruleset slightly. All IEC
60870-5-104 signatures were triggered for both IDSs
after these modifications.
The perceived latency is generally higher for Snort
events than for Suricata events. The reason for this is
probably the additional processing time applied by the
unified2 to eve.json conversion.
As future work, we aim at expanding the SCADA In-
trusion Detection System Test Framework. The natu-
ral next step would be to implement other rule-sets,
create custom signatures, use anomaly based intru-
sion detection features and experience with other IDS
packages, like Bro or commercial IDS solutions.
The HMI software that is implemented in the
framework is currently only used for simulation pur-
poses. A possible extension of this implementation,
could be to interconnect the HMI software with the
IEC 60870-5-104 client. It would then be possible
to see and simulate the effect of an attack in the
HMI. Another possible extension is to implement host
based IDS solutions (HIDS) in the framework to anal-
yse machine level activity, detect abnormal login pat-
terns and file changes. New entries in the HIDS and
SCADA logs could be shipped to Logstash and be
stored in the cluster. This extension would provide the
network administrators with more information that
can be used to detect malicious activity in the SCADA
Another idea is to integrate Apache Hadoop and
connect it to the cluster using the ES-Hadoop con-
nector. This would connect the massive data storage
and deep processing power of Hadoop with the real-
time search and analytics of Elasticsearch. It would
also be interesting to use the machine learning fea-
ture included in X-pack to predict attacks based on
past events. Another possibility is to implement the
IEC 62351 security enhancement of IEC 60870-5-104
protocol in the framework. Finally, future research in-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
cludes to perform usability testing and experiments to
determine the level of situational awareness for oper-
ators using the framework.
This research has been supported by NC Spectrum
AS and CIEM, the Centre for Integrated Emergency
Management at University of Agder, Norway. Thanks
to the anonymous reviewers for good suggestions on
how to improve the paper.
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Intrusion Detection System Test Framework for SCADA Systems