On The Possibilities of Neuro-electrostimulation for Increasing
Learning Parameters
Vladimir Kublanov and Anna Petrenko
Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Neuroscience of Learning, Neuro-electrostimulation, Neuroplasticity, Learning Ability, Attention, Working
Abstract: The paper describes the results of using the neuro-electrostimulation device for improving the attention and
working memory characteristics, which are one of the main parameters of cognition in the learning process.
It was shown that the quality of the test for assessment of working memory and attention in the
experimental group with the use of neuro-electrostimulation was higher than in the control group. Also it
was found that the application of neuro-electrostimulation could be used as a corrective technique for
subjects with low initial values of test parameters, which allows increasing the test results for assessing
working memory and attention.
In many ways teaching and learning affect many
behavioural and social factors, including human
potential improvement, cognitive ability, motivation,
social interaction, communication, and self-
evaluation. Perfect education helps to develop a
person's cogitation and communicate: in a
democratic society these social skills are necessary
(Whybrow, 2015).
Learning is a complex cognitive activity that is
carried out with the interaction of various brain
structures. Timeliness of education and the
usefulness of functional systems are the
psychophysiological basis of higher mental
functions, mental forms of activity and the success
of learning (Sirotyuk, 2011).
According to one of the key principles of
neurobiology, our brains are plastic and are
constantly changing as a result of training. In the
process of learning, a person's cognitive reserve and
adaptive reactions to stress, traumatic events and
illnesses are formed. Thus, the problems that arise in
training reflect the inefficient use of resources that
the brain possesses (Royal Society, 2011).
Learning in a broad sense is understood as a set
of individual opportunities for mastering educational
information, including memorizing of educational
material, performing orientation actions in the task,
solving it, and self-monitoring.
Learning, first of all, is connected with the
cognitive capabilities of man: the peculiarities of
sensory and perceptual processes, memory,
attention, thinking and speech (Karpenko, 2008).
At the moment it is not possible to predict or
evaluate the learning ability of a particular
In the process of cognition, the brain is directed
to the organization of obtained information. This
process involves acquiring information (perception),
selecting (attention), representing (understanding)
and retaining (memory) information, and using it to
guide behaviour (reasoning and coordination of
motor outputs). Interventions to improve cognitive
function may be directed at any one of these core
faculties (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009).
Improvements in the diagnosis of learning
through technical progress and various methods of
neuroimaging using cognitive tests are expected in
the next decade (Royal Society, 2011). One of the
steps in solving of this problem is to study the
learning process and ways to increase the potential
of students in order to increase the effectiveness of
the learning process (Tolmie, 2013).
There are various ways in which the person's
cognitive abilities can be increased. One of these
methods is the use of drugs that improve the neuro-
metabolic processes. However, their use is limited
Kublanov V. and Petrenko A.
On The Possibilities of Neuro-electrostimulation for Increasing Learning Parameters.
DOI: 10.5220/0006592503380344
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
due to the development of serious side effects and
To solve this problem, one can consider neuro-
electrostimulation of the peripheral nervous system.
Neurostimulation methods allow to use an
endogenous neural circuit for improving the quality
of learning by accelerating the tuning of neural
networks responsible for cognitive functions
(DARPA, 2016).
The fundamental training mechanism consists in
the formation of complex, distributed neural
networks that unite functionally different parts of the
brain (Karpenko, 2008).
The possibilities of using the device
‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’ for improving the attention
and working memory characteristics, which are one
of the main parameters of cognition in the learning
process, are considered in the present work.
The study was approved by the local ethics
committee at the Ural State Medical University in
accordance with the protocol number 8 on October
16, 2015. Practically healthy subjects participated in
the studies.
2.1 Method for the Estimation of
Cognitive Capabilities
Evaluation of cognitive capabilities (memory and
attention functions) was carried out using the dual 2-
back technique, which was used as a simulation of
the learning process and stress testing for subjects.
The dual 2-back method is a modern and highly
effective way of training memory and attention. It is
also a task of continuous performance (Pelegrina et
al, 2015). The task requires on-line monitoring,
updating, and manipulation of remembered
information and is therefore assumed to place great
demands on a number of key processes within
working memory.
As the learning process involves visual and
auditory channels of information perception, the
fundamental structural basis for an effective learning
process is to achieve a harmonious combination of
auditory and visual perception channels.
Thus, visual and auditory sequences were chosen
as loading stimuli. During the performance of this
test, subjects must learn to activate their attention
and combine the two channels of perception.
The subject works with a sequence of visual and
auditory stimuli presented one in each time interval.
The subject must give an answer if the current
stimulus coincides with the element represented by 2
intervals back.
The quality of the test was assessed according to
the following parameters: score of position stimuli,
score of audio stimuli, total score, average response
The evaluation of the test accuracy for each
sequence of stimuli is determined by the percentage
of correct responses to the total number of responses
of the subject. The total score is calculated by the
ratio of the sum of the correct responses for the
position and audio stimuli to the total number of
responses during the test run.
2.2 Neuro-electrostimulation Method
The ‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’ device, which generates
spatially distributed field of current pulses, is
selected as the neuro-electrostimulation method
(Kublanov, 2008). The device provides multi-
channel percutaneous non-invasive impact on the
pathways of nerve formations and neck ganglia of
the sympathetic nervous system by the method of
dynamic correction of the activity of the sympathetic
nervous system (DCASNS) (Danilov et al, 2015).
The ‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’ device is permitted for
use in medical institutions of the Russian Federation
and has a state certificate of the Federal Service on
Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development
FSR 2007/00757 от 27.09.2007. Application of
the device does not cause side effects (Kublanov et
al, 2010).
The general view of the ‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’
device is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The general view of the ‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’
As it is shown on Figure 1, two multi-element
electrodes in the device have a 13 partial electrodes
by which field of current pulses is formed. The
partial electrodes may act as anodes or cathodes
depending on the field direction of the current
pulses. Parameters field of the current pulses can
change in the following range: the amplitude of the
partial current pulses from 0 to 100 mA, the pulse
duration of the partial current from 10 to 100
microseconds, the frequency of the partial current
pulses from 1 to 200 Hz.
For the current study parameters field of the
current pulses were as follows: the amplitude of the
partial current pulses is 4mA, the pulse duration of
the partial current is 50 microseconds, the frequency
of the partial current pulses is 80 Hz.
It is well known, that the processes in the central
nervous system are the basis of all human mental
activity. It is worth to note here the role of the
cerebral circulation: mental performance (attention,
memory and perception, logical thinking) is reduced
at the deterioration of blood supply to the brain
(Kadykov, 2015). This feature determines the search
for solutions to manage the blood supply of the
brain. Therefore, those physiological mechanisms of
the sympathetic nervous system are fundamental
which allows to control the tone of the blood vessels
of different caliber.
The stimulation of neck nodes of the sympathetic
trunk affects both the vascular tone of arteries of the
brain, and autonomic spinal nucleus (
1951). Thus, our hypothesis consists in the following
the statement that neuro-electrostimulation system is
able to fully modulate the autonomic processes and
affect motor control and cognitive function
(Kublanov et al, 2015).
2.3 Sequence of Research Stages
In the first stage of the study, 54 subjects aged 20 to
25 years took part, randomly divided into the
experimental (32 persons) and control (22) groups.
Prior to the study, subjects underwent a
preliminary examination of the test to evaluate the
baseline values for the test parameters.
Subjects of the experimental group performed
the stress test simultaneously with the corrective
action of the neuro-electrostimulation device.
Subjects of the control group performed a stress
test without corrective action.
The sequence diagram of the first stage of the
study is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Sequence diagram.
№ step Name of step
Background 5
Stress testing (dual 2-back
Rest 5
Repeated stress testing (dual
2-back task)
Background 5
At the second stage of the study, new 33 subjects
aged 20 to 25 were selected at low baseline values
for the test parameters.
Then neuro-electrostimulation procedures during
5 days were carried out to the chosen subjects.
During procedures subjects have performed the
stress testing.
During the first and fifth procedures, an
additional EEG registration was performed. The
registration and analysis of the EEG were carried out
according to the generally accepted standard scheme
10-20 monopolarly relative to the reference
electrode on the earlobes. The registration was
carried out using the 8-channel
electroencephalograph-recorder «Encephalan -
EEGR-19/26» (Russia) for six frequency ranges:
1 (0.5-2 Hz), delta2 (2-4 Hz) theta (4, 0-8.0 Hz),
alpha (8-13 Hz), beta1 (13.0-24.0 Hz), and beta2
(24.0-35.0 Hz).
An example of registration of EEG signals is
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Realization of recorded EEG signals during
experimental studies of the second stage.
“STATISTICA 10.0” software applications were
used for statistical analysis of the obtained data in
the course of study.
3.1 Results of the First Stage
To analyze the obtained data, the relative changes in
the attention and working memory parameters were
The variance analysis (ANOVA) of relative
changes of test parameters was carried out to assess
difference between experimental and control groups.
The main purpose of the ANOVA is to study the
importance of differences between the mean values
by comparing variance.
The results of the variance analysis of relative
changes in variables for position and audio stimuli
with the marked ranges of standard deviation in the
main and control groups are presented in the Table 2
and Figures 3-5.
In the course of the variance analysis significant
changes were obtained by the mean response time,
score for each sequence and total score. The values
obtained are reliable at the level of p≤0,05. Table 2
shows the average values of relative changes in
variables with standard deviation in each group.
Table 2: Relative variations of the test parameters in
experimental and control groups.
Variable Experimental
Control group
Total score, % 37,4±3,6 31,3±4,4
Score of audio
stimuli, %
40,0±4,9 21,8±5,9
mean response
time of audio
stimuli, %
5,0±1,9 4,4±2,3
Score of position
stimuli, %
41,4±5,5 45,0±6,7
mean response
time of position
stimuli, %
2,7±2,5 -4,1±3,0
Figure 3: Relative variations of mean response time in
experimental and control groups.
Plot on the Fig.3 shows that mean response time
of audio and position stimuli in control group
decreases by (4,4±2,3)% and (4,1±3,0)%
respectively, but in experimental group mean
response time of audio stimuli decreases by
(5,0±1,9)%, mean response time of position stimuli
increases by (2,7±2,5)%.
Figure 4: Relative variations of scores in experimental and
control groups.
Plot on the Fig.4 shows that score of audio and
position stimuli in control group increases by
±5,9) % and (45,1±6,7) % respectively, but in
experimental group score of audio and position
stimuli increases by (40±4,9) % and (41,4±5,5) %
Figure 5: Relative variations of total score in experimental
and control groups.
Plot on the Fig.5 shows that total score in control
and experimental groups increases by (31,3 ±4,4) %
and (37,4 ±3,6) % respectively.
3.2 Results of the Second Stage
Test parameters were assessed before the start of the
study, at the first procedure, at the fifth procedure
and 2 months later. The results are presented in the
Table 3 and Figures 6-8.
Table 3: Test parameters.
Before I procedure
After 2
time of
1,35±0,03 1,33±0,03 1,08±0,03 1,1±0,03
time of
1,38±0,03 1,36±0,03 1,16±0,03 1,19±0,03
Score of
41,45±2,23 57,1±2,2 78,43±2,2
Score of
42,59±2,09 58,19±2,06 76,5±2,06
Total, %
42,31±1,89 57,72±1,87
Figure 6: Results of repeated measures ANOVA of mean
response time.
Figure 7: Results of repeated measures ANOVA of scores.
Figure 8: Results of repeated measures ANOVA of total
Plot on the Fig. 6-8 shows how test parameters
change during the research stages.
3.3 Results of the Coherent Analysis of
the EEG
At the second stage of the study, a coherent analysis
of the EEG data obtained during the first and fifth
procedures was carried out. Coherent EEG analysis
is used to assess the regularity of plastic
restructuring of cortical structures (Melnikova et al,
2011). Coherence greater than 0.7 points out a high
degree of relationship between processes. In the
course of the analysis, coherence values were
obtained at each step, according to the sequence
diagram. Then, the number of intrahemispheric and
interhemispheric connections with coherence values
above 0.8 was calculated and the statistical analysis
was performed using ANOVA.
An example of the distribution of the coherence
values at the second step of the study (dual 2-back
task) during the first and fifth procedures is shown in
Figures 9, 10.
Figure 9: An example of the distribution of coherence
values (0.8-1.0) during the first procedure in the second
step of the study (dual 2-back task performing).
Figure 10: An example of the distribution of coherence
values (0.8-1.0) during the fifth procedure in the second
step of the study (dual 2-back task performing).
As a result of the variance analysis, significant
differences between the first and fifth procedures (p
<0.05) were obtained in the number of
intrahemispheric connections in delta
2 wave during
dual 2-back task performing according to 2 and 4 steps
of the the sequence diagram, as well as in the
number of interhemispheric connections in alpha
wave during rest, corresponding to 1,3 and 5 steps of
the the sequence diagram. The results are shown in
Figures 11, 12.
Figure 11: The number of intrahemispheric connections in
delta 2 wave during dual 2-back task performing for the
first and fifth procedure.
Figure 12: The number of interhemispheric connections
for alpha during rest for the first and fifth procedure.
During the first stage of the study, the significant
differences in the test parameters in the experimental
and control groups were shown. The quality of the
test in the experimental group with the use of neuro-
electrostimulation was higher than in the control
group. Thus, the use of neuro-electrostimulation
allows to increase the test results for assessing
working memory and attention.
During the second stage, a corrective procedure
was performed on subjects with low test scores (42.3
± 1.9)%. After the first procedure, the test results
averaged (57.7 ± 1.9%), and after the fifth (77.4 ±
1.9)%. After 2 months, the results were preserved
and amounted to (75.4 ± 1.9)%. These results
indicate an increase in the level of working memory,
which allows one to constantly remember, update
and analyze the information received.
As a result of the analysis of the frequency-
spatial distribution of functional connections during
the first and fifth neuro-electrostimulation
procedure, it was found that for the low-frequency
delta band number of the right hemisphere
connections increased, the number of left
hemisphere connections decreased at the N-back
task performing during the fifth procedure in
comparison with first.
Probably, the functional state of the cerebral
cortex in cognitive loading is associated with
neurophysiological mechanisms that cause the
intensification of interrelated slow wave activity.
The stages of functional rest are distinguished by
an increase in the number of interhemispheric
coherent connections for the alpha range during the
fifth procedure in comparison with the first.
To justify the results obtained with the help of
coherent EEG analysis in the subsequent stages of
the study, an advanced study of the mechanisms of
the brain functioning is proposed.
In the course of the study results showed that the use
of the ‘SYMPATHOCOR-01’ device for neuro-
electrostimulation of the peripheral nervous system
allows improving of working memory and attention
parameters, estimated by the correctness of the dual
2-back test and response time.
The results of the research can be applied in the
development of programs to improve the
effectiveness of teaching and the development of
techniques for the correction of cognitive abilities in
humans. The use of neuro-electrostimulation of the
peripheral nervous system could reduce the amount
of time and resources expended on the training
process for mastering or improving the acquired
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
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