Possibilistic Morphological Disambiguation of Structured Hadiths
Arabic Texts using Semantic Knowledge
Raja Ayed
, Bilel Elayeb
and Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud
RIADI Research Laboratory, ENSI, Manouba University, 2010, Tunisia
Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, Gabes University, 6072, Tunisia
Emirates College of Technology, P.O. Box 41009, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Keywords: Possibility Theory, Arabic Morphological Disambiguation, Hadiths Structured Corpus, Classification
Abstract: We propose, in this paper, a possibilistic morphological approach to disambiguate hadiths Arabic texts
using semantic knowledge. The disambiguation is considered as a classification problem. The possibilistic
approach uses vocalized texts to train a possibilistic classifier in order to classify non-vocalized texts as they
are more ambiguous. Morphological attributes are used for training and test. Hadiths are structured in XML
format that provides semantic information. We enlarge the classification attributes’ set by adding semantic
attributes extracted from the hadiths structure. We prove that the possibilistic approach gives the best rates
using AlKhalil analyzer to prepare the training and the test sets. Our proposed possibilistic approach
enhances disambiguation rates of Arabic hadiths texts when it includes semantic knowledge.
Arabic belongs to the Semitic languages and is
considered as the major language of the Middle East.
It is written from right to left. It has many special
properties and a complex method of words
construction especially for the classical Arabic.
Morphological disambiguation approaches deal with
the complex morphology of Arabic language to
resolve ambiguity. Vocalized texts are considered
less ambiguous than non-vocalized ones. Hadiths
corpus presents an interesting data source of
classical and vocalized texts that can be used to
evaluate a morphological disambiguation approach.
As the disambiguation is considered as a
classification task, we propose the morphological
possibilistic approach that learns morphological
knowledge from vocalized texts and exploit this
knowledge to disambiguate non-vocalized ones. To
do so, we organize this paper as follows: we give, in
section 2 and section 3, an overview of the Arabic
morphological ambiguity and the morphological
disambiguation approaches. In section 4, we
illustrate the possibilistic disambiguation approach.
Section 5 describes the hadiths corpus and focuses
on the socio-semantic aspects of hadiths. In section
6, we describe our approach that takes advantage of
the hadiths structure and their semantic knowledge
to disambiguate morphological features using the
possibilistic disambiguation approach. Subsequently,
a set of experimentations results are presented in
section 7. Finally, we summarize in section 8 our
findings in the conclusion and propose future
The morphological analysis tries to identify possible
solutions, of a given word, of some morphological
features like POS, gender, aspect, case, etc. Some
morphological analysis tools give the stem (Hajic,
2000) or the lemma (Attia, 2008) of a word to
determine correctly its morphological features. They
give, also, a segmented solution specifying the
prefixes, affixes and suffixes. A word is considered
ambiguous if it has more than just one solution.
Disambiguation assigns, to the ambiguous word, the
most appropriate analysis given the context of the
word (Ayed et al., 2012). Disambiguation becomes a
challenging field of many NLP researches (Ayed et
al., 2012). This issue is closely related to the
Ayed, R., Elayeb, B. and Saoud, N.
Possibilistic Morphological Disambiguation of Structured Hadiths Arabic Texts using Semantic Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0006651105650572
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 565-572
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complexity of the morphology of Arabic language.
Ambiguity is mainly caused by the agglutination
and the lack of diacritics (short vowels). So, the
same word could have many interpretations (Habash
et al., 2009). For example, the word  is
agglutinated. It means in English “Will you
remember us?”. In this case, morphological analyzer
aims to remove the prefixes and suffixes to extract
the root of the word and give the right
morphological feature. Some prefixes and suffixes
can be homographic with each other (Attia, 2008).
Without diacritics, the word (qrAt) can mean
(qaraAtu; I read) or
(qaraAta; you
read). Some other meanings can be identified by
adding more short vowels, or diacritics. Prefixes and
suffixes can by coincidence, produce a form that is
homographic with another full form. For instance,
the vocalized word
(>ak°ramu) can be, at the
same time, (i) the proper noun “Akram” in some
grammatical cases and (ii) the adjective “more
Morphological ambiguities can reach even the
syntactic and the semantic levels of analysis. At the
syntactic level, the sentence may give different
grammatical functions if it contains one or more
ambiguous words (Bounhas et al., 2011). For
example, all the words composing the sentence "
" (*hb wHyd Alrjl) are ambiguous. 
can be
(*ahabu; gold) or
(*ahaba; he
goes).  can be the proper noun
(waHiydN; Wahid) or
(waHiydu; single).
can be
(Alrrajulu; the man) or
(Alrrijli; the leg). The combination of the solutions,
of each word, may give multiple meanings of this
sentence. This affects, even, the semantic level of
ambiguity. The sentence may be interpreted as, for
" (the gold of the man with
a single leg). These illustrations show that diacritics,
or shorts vowels, are essential in determining the
grammatical category, the morphological feature and
the significance of some words. Therefore, vocalized
texts are considered less ambiguous than non-
vocalized texts.
Researches, in Arabic NLP, are interested in
disambiguation of Arabic words by identifying their
morphological features depending on their context.
Several classification methods are used to
disambiguate 1morphological words features
(Habash et al., 2009; Roth et al., 2008). Hence, the
disambiguation is considered as a classification
problem where a morphological feature of an
ambiguous word is the class that we aim to identify.
The classification methods are based on learning
techniques to train classifier from the datasets where
their morphological features are known.
The existing approaches in disambiguation can
be divided into three categories that are: (i) linguistic
approaches, (ii) statistical approaches and (iii)
hybrid approaches.
Linguistic approaches are, also, called rule-based
approaches. They use rules written by linguists to
tag the different morphological features (Diab et al.,
2007). We talk about heuristics, contextual and non-
contextual rules (Elshafei et al., 2002).
Statistical approaches incorporate different
classification methods such as Support Vector
Machine (SVM) and Hidden Markov models
(HMM) to calculate probability of each value of a
grammatical category of a word (Vapnik, 1999).
SVM was used by the disambiguation tools MADA
(Habash et al., 2013) and MADAMIRA (Pasha et
al., 2014) that combines MADA and AMIRA
(Habash et al., 2009). To define the grammatical
category of a word, MADAMIRA converts the
Arabic text to the Buckwalter (2004) transliteration.
Then, it analyzes the text morphologically and gives
all the possible POS for each word. Finally, it
applies SVM and language models to choose the
right POS from all proposed POS values after the
morphological analysis.
The hybrid approaches combine the two last
approaches. We talk about linguistic and statistical
approaches to disambiguate the words in their
morphological level. The approach of Tlili-Guiassa
(2006) is based on the MBL approach (Memory
based learning). It analyzes grammatical and
inflectional affixes and grammatical rules. This
approach is used to classify a collection of Quranic
and educational texts. (Zribi et al., 2006) combine
rule-based approach with a trigram HMM tagger.
Texts with 6000 words are used to train the trigram
classifier and heuristic rules were applied to select
from the proposed results.
According to (Hoceini et al., 2011), the linguistic
approaches for disambiguation are more reliable
than the statistical approaches. The linguistic
approaches, which are based on a specific set of
rules, require only a linguist to define these rules.
While for the statistical approaches, the statistics
calculated for training are the same used for any test
domain. The training phase is necessary for both
statistical and hybrid approaches in order to learn the
required settings for disambiguation.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The hybrid approaches combine the linguistic
and statistical approaches so they take advantage of
each approach. As a result, they are considered as
the most effective and coherent in terms of analysis.
We present the possibilistic disambiguation
approach based on the possibility theory (Zadeh,
1978). This approach was proposed by Bounhas et
al. (2015). The possibilistic theory is unlike the
probability theory. It discerns between uncertainty
and imprecision which describe an incomplete
information (Ayed et al., 2012).
Imprecision is revealed when a reality state is
defined by variables with multi-values. Uncertainty
appears when we are unable to provide or to know a
statement to determine the real value of a proposal
(Dubois and Prade, 2010).
The main idea of the possibilistic approach is to
provide a possibilistic classifier (Haouari et al.,
2009) that obtains disambiguation knowledge from
vocalized texts and tests on non-vocalized texts.
Training and test phases involve instances that use
classification attributes and classes. Each instance is
associated to a word w. For the possibilistic
disambiguation approach, classes are the 14
morphological features (MF) presented by MADA
(Roth et al., 2008). They are, exclusively, POS,
conjunction, particle, determiner, pronoun, person,
voice, aspect, gender, number, case, preposition,
mode and adjective (Ayed et al., 2012). Each
morphological feature may have one or more
possible values. The training and the test attributes
designate the morphological features (MF) of the
two following and the two preceding words of w
(MF±i, i{1, 2}). For instance, we get the attributes
POS-2, POS-1, POS+1 and POS+2 which designate
the POS (Part-Of-Speech) of the two previous and
following words of w. POS may be the class of w.
Every instance, in the training set, is related to a
vocalized word. Table 1 gives an example of a
training set where the training attributes are (POS±i,
i=1) and the class is POS. Table 2 presents an
example of a testing set that corresponds to a non-
vocalized word whose POS is ambiguous and needs
to be determined. The attributes of the test set must
be the same of the training set.
In table 1 and table 2, both training and test sets
are imperfect since they contain uncertain and
imprecise instances. In fact, the second instance, of
the training set, is uncertain as it gives more than
one class’ value. The first instance, of the training
set, is imprecise since it contains attribute that
provide more than just one value; i.e. POS+1. The
test instance is also imprecise. Indeed, its POS+1
attribute has two possible values. The possibility
theory deals with the problem of imperfection of
training and test instances. Arabic vocalized words
are less ambiguous but, in some cases, they give
ambiguous values which justify the imperfection of
particular instances of the training sets.
Disambiguation consists in identifying the right
values, of the morphological features (POS,
conjunction, case, etc.), among values given by a
morphological analyzer.
Table 1: Example of instances from a training dataset.
POS (class)
Table 2: Example of an instance from a test dataset.
POS (class)
4.1 The Training Phase
To prepare training datasets, we analyze vocalized
texts and rearrange instances as shown in table 1.
Morphological analysis tools identify the different
features of a given word out of its context (Hajic,
2000). Possibilistic disambiguation approach uses
the updated version of BAMA 1.2.1 (Buckwalter,
2004), AraMorph that treats vocalized texts. For
each AraMorph identifies the prefixes, the suffixes
and the stem of each word and associates values of
the 14 morphological features (Habash et al., 2009;
Roth et al., 2008). Possibilistic disambiguation uses
a possibilistic classifier where the class MF is one of
the morphological features (MF {POS,
conjunction, particle, determiner, pronoun, person,
voice, aspect, gender, number, case, preposition,
mode and adjective}) and the attributes are the set of
(MF±i, i{1, 2}). We denote c
a value of a class MF
and a
a value of an attribute MF±i (that we note
). In the training phase, we compute the frequency
Possibilistic Morphological Disambiguation of Structured Hadiths Arabic Texts using Semantic Knowledge
measure of an attribute value (a
) for a class c
(Elayeb et al., 2009). We determine this measure for
each couple (attribute value, class) in the training
set. The frequency is computed as follows:
Where 
is the number of instances that
have the class
values for the attribute A
is the number of possible values of A
. The Max
operator is used to normalize the frequency (Elayeb
et al., 2009).
  
T is the training set, |T| is the number of instances in
the training set, I
is an instance from T. |A
| is the
number of the attribute A
values in I
and |C
| is the
class values of I
. The product |A
| decodes the
imperfection of an instance. In fact, if the instance I
is imprecise than one or more of its attributes have
more than one value. Consequently, |A
| is not equal
to 1 for the imprecise attribute A
and |C
| is not
equal to 1 for the uncertain class. Hence, if the
instance is perfect, than the product is equal to 1.
is equal to 1 if the value a
belongs to the
possible values of A
in the instance I
and c
is one of
the possible classes of I
. If not,
is equal to 0.
4.2 The Test Phase
To prepare test datasets, we analyze non-vocalized
texts and rearrange instances as shown in table 2.
Morphological disambiguation of a non-vocalized
word consists in determining the accurate values of
its morphological features. In other terms,
morphological disambiguation determines the class
value of the test instance.
We reduce the ambiguity of some Arabic words
by including linguistic rules defined in (Diab et al.,
2007). Linguistic rules decrease the number of the
test instances. We present each rule as a function of
the attributes used by the possibilistic classifier. For
instance, we experiment the rule “A preposition
cannot follow a preposition” by: if (POS-1=”PREP”)
then POS≠”PREP”. Hence, we remove the “PREP”
value from the possible POS values. For the
remaining ambiguous test instances, we use the
possibilistic morphological disambiguation approach
to select the morphological feature value.
The possibilistic morphological disambiguation
approach proposes measures to distinguish the
accurate class; i.e. necessity and possibility
(Bounhas et al., 2015). Each of these measures is
computed, over the training set, for each possible
value of the class, to determine among the accurate
value. A morphological feature’s value is accorded,
to a non-vocalized word, if it has the maximum
value of possibility and necessity.
The possibility and the necessity measures are
given, respectively, by the formulas (3) and (4).
We denote the test instance I
. m is the number of
test attributes. c
is a class value. A
is a test attribute
and |A
| is the number of the attribute A
values in the
instance I
. a
is a value of A
. The frequencies
are previously calculated over the
training set.  is equal to log
) where P is
the number of possible class values and nc
is the
number of the class values having a non-null
frequency with the attribute a
i. e. Freq (a
, c
is a factor that we add for imprecise attributes. In
fact, if an attribute has 4 possible values, we
compute the product of the frequencies of these 4
values and we multiply (for the possibility) or divide
(for the necessity) each of these frequencies by 1/4
. The selected class value of the test instance I
corresponds to the value c*. It is the value that has
the highest score among all class values:
 
The possibilistic approach is considered as a hybrid
approach as it combines possibilistic measures with
linguistic rules.
The hadiths Arabic corpus
represents Islamic texts,
said by the prophet Mohamed, which discusses
several real-life concerns. Hadiths are written in
classical Arabic with vocalized words. This corpus
was the topic of some research fields as knowledge
extraction, texts classification (Harrag et al., 2009;
Harrag et al., 2013) and information retrieval
(Bounhas et al., 2010; Bounhas et al., 2011). Ben
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Khiroun et al. (2014) attempt to create, from the
hadiths texts, a standard test collection for Arabic
information retrieval.
The corpus of hadiths is one from the rare
vocalized Arabic corpora. It contains about 2.5
million of words dispersed on more than 100 books
of hadiths. The most known and used books are
Sahih Muslim, Sahih Al Bukhari, Sunan Annasaii,
Sunan Ibn Majah, Sunan Abi Dawud, and Sunan
Ettermidhi (Al-Echikh, 1998). Besides, the corpus is
entirely structured into chapters and sub-chapters
which provide an appropriate source of contextual
data (Bounhas et al., 2011). Hadiths corpus can be
studied along several social and semantic axes which
make it a reliable resource for information retrieval
and knowledge extraction.
5.1 Social Aspect in Hadiths
Each hadith is composed of two parts (i)
the Sanad () or the chain of narrators through
which the hadith was transmitted and (ii) the Matn
() or the text told by the prophet. An example of
a hadith is given by figure 1.
Mussad told us from Yahia from Shu’bah from
Qatadah from Anas that the prophet said: None of you
will be a true believer until he loves for his brother that
which he loves for himself. "Al Bukhari recited it ".
Figure 1: An example of a vocalized hadith.
The Sanad is represented by 
and the Matn gives
the replied text
The narrators are separated by the word  (En ;
from). The verb  (qAl ; said) announces the
beginning of the text transmission. The expression
  (Al Bukhari recited it) means that the
hadith exists in "Sahih Al Bukhari". The sheikh
$yx) is an Islamic scholar. The sheikh Al Bukhari
learned the hadith text from his sheikh Musadd (
who heard it from his sheikh Yahya (
). The latter
learned the text from his sheikh Shu’bah (
) who
heard it from Qatadah (
) who was a disciple of
one of the prophet companions Anas (
). Anas
transmitted the hadith text from the prophet.
Social relationships can be extracted from the
Matn and the Sanad. We can identify the sheikh
relationship commonly through the word . Also,
family relationships can be identified, for instance,
by the words  (<bn; son of) or  (>bw; father
of). A narrator can also report what his brother said
using, for example, 
 (my brother told me)
or what his grandfather said using, for example,
 (my grandfather told me). The narrators in
the Sanad can be related through other social
attributes such as place of residence and
communities’ membership.
5.2 Semantic Aspect in Hadiths
The hadiths’ books are structured by theme, except
for some books that are arranged by narrators.
Descriptive data of several hadiths were added by
the scholars to facilitate the understanding of the
The hadiths are structured in XML format in
such a way that they are classified according to
specific themes. A hadith can cover a multitude of
themes and a huge amount of information in the
Matn as well as in the Sanad. From a hadith, we can
extract information from the knowledge conveyed
by the content or by the titles of the chapters and the
sub-chapters and even the comments provided by the
narrators and scholars of the hadith. The XML tags
add semantic information to the hadiths. In figure 2,
we present an example of a structured XML file
from Al Bukhari book. The <THEME> tag indicates
the theme. <S> designates the section where the
hadith appears. The <S> element is followed by all
its hadiths tags. <DOC> describes a hadith where
<R> indicates its Sanad and <TEXT> includes its
Matn. The hadith’s theme is that of its section.
<BOOK id="146">
<S l="1">
<R ID="4698" S="
" TP="F">
 
 
 
 
 
Figure 2: An example of a structured XML hadith.
Possibilistic Morphological Disambiguation of Structured Hadiths Arabic Texts using Semantic Knowledge
Many research works in information retrieval are
carried out on hadiths texts (Harrag et al., 2009; Jozi
et al., 2012). Morphological disambiguation is
crucial to get pertinent results of an information
retrieval system (Bessou and Touahria, 2014). It’s
used to disambiguate both documents and queries
which are written, commonly, in non-vocalized
We take advantage of the hadiths structure and
their provided semantic data to disambiguate a non-
vocalized hadith text using the possibilistic
approach. To do, we perform a morphological
analysis of the hadiths texts (an example is given in
figure 2) using a morphological analyzer to
determine the various values of the 14
morphological features. The analysis gives the
different possibilities without affecting the exact
value of a morphological attribute.
We add other classification attributes to provide
more sense to morphological data. Classification
attributes include:
A semantic attribute that designates the theme of
the analyzed word. In fact, if the word belongs to
a hadith text, than its theme is that of this hadith.
In other terms, a word that appears in a <DOC>
element gets the theme of the hadith presented by
this <DOC> element.
An attribute, that we denote “dimension”, which
indicates whether a word belongs to a Sanad or a
Matn. In fact, if a word appears in the <R>
element content, than it belongs to Sanad and if a
word appears in the <TEXT> element content,
than it belongs to Matn.
The morphological attributes (i.e. MF±i, i{1,
2}) used by the possibilistic morphological
disambiguation approach.
Training and test instances use the same
classification attributes. Table 3 shows an example
of an ambiguous non-vocalized word. To simplify
the example, we use only the POS-1 and POS+1
morphological attributes. The non-vocalized word
 (<bn) is ambiguous even if we add short vowels.
In fact, the vocalized word
(<ib°ni) can mean (i)
“son of” which is a noun and (ii) build which is a
verb. Thus, the possible POS values set is
{VERB_IMPERATIVE; NOUN}. The theme given
to this word is  (Al<ymAn; the faith). This
word is a part of Sanad. In a narrative context, the
word  cannot be an imperative verb. Based on the
necessity and the possibility measures computed
over the training set, the class NOUN gives the
maximum sum value.
Table 3: Example of a test instance using morphological
and semantic attributes.
We describe, in this section, the evaluation method
used to experiment the possibilistic disambiguation
approach. We present, also, disambiguation results
of hadiths using morphological and semantic
information. We study variation effect of the
analyzers on the disambiguation results.
7.1 The Evaluation Method
To assess the performance of the possibilistic
approach on the hadiths disambiguation, we use the
5-fold cross-validation. In other terms, 80% of the
corpus texts are used for training and 20% are used
for test. We obtain five possible combinations. The
training texts are vocalized. We omit vowels of the
test set. Hence, we obtain non-vocalized texts. We
compute the average success rates from all the 4+1
combinations. To get these rates, we analyze the
vocalized texts and we save their morphological
solutions. Then, we omit the short vowels of the
same texts. Finally, we apply the possibilistic
classifier to disambiguate these texts and we save
the results. If the two obtained results of a word are
similar, then this word is correctly classified.
7.2 Comparing Morphological
Analyzers for Possibilistic
We propose to vary several morphological analyzers
in order to determine the best one for the
possibilistic disambiguation approach. We
disambiguate about 10000 words from hadiths texts
using (i) Aramorph, (ii) BAMA analyzer of
MADAMIRA (Pasha et al., 2014) and (iii) AlKhalil
analyzer (Bousmaha et al., 2013). Table 4 illustrates
the results of the possibilistic disambiguation
approach using these analyzers. The results are
given for the POS morphological feature. The
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
disambiguation based on AlKhalil gives the highest
rate followed by the MADAMIRA analyzer.
Aramorph gives a respectable disambiguation rate
but it doesn’t overcome Alkhalil and MADAMIRA.
Hence, the morphological disambiguation approach
depends, closely, on the analyzer used to prepare
training and test instances.
Table 4: Disambiguation rates using different
morphological analyzers.
7.3 Evaluating the Possibilistic
Disambiguation Approach
Morphological disambiguation consists in
determining the accurate values of the
morphological features. We perform experiments on
the book Al Bukhari using AlKhalil analyzer to
provide classification instances. The disambiguation
rates of hadiths’ texts give 76.36%, 76.46% and
76.23% respectively using Decision Tree, SVM and
Naïve Bayesian classifiers (Bounhas et al., 2015).
Comparing to these rates, our approach using the
possibilistic classifier gives better results. In fact, the
possibilistic morphological disambiguation approach
provides an average rate of 86.37% for the 14
morphological features using only the morphological
attributes MA (i.e. MF±i, i{1, 2}) for
classification. The average increases by 0.29% if we
use both the morphological attributes and the
semantic attributes (SA) in classification (see section
6). We notice that improvement does not affect all
the morphological features. Indeed, only the
disambiguation rates of POS, aspect, adjective,
conjunction, gender, person, preposition and
pronoun increase. This is explained by the fact that
adding semantic attributes, for these features,
reduces the training set size. The possibility and the
necessity measures computing over the training
instances give high results of the correct classes. For
instance, for the POS class, some values of
morphological attributes, such as NOUN_PROP
(proper noun), appear most in narrators chains
(Sanad). Thus, an ambiguous word that contains
NOUN_PROP in its possible values of POS is
probably a proper noun rather than another value of
the POS class. Similarly, many Arabic proper nouns
can have the same meaning as an adjective. We note,
for example,  (>sEd; more happy) or 
(jmyl; beautiful). This fact may justify the
enhancement of the disambiguation rate of the
adjective feature using semantic attributes. Thus, the
addition of semantic attributes reduces the number
of possible values in a particular context. Semantic
attributes restrict and filter the training sets which
increase the possibility and necessity measures
giving support to the accurate class.
Table 5: Possibilistic morphological disambiguation rates
using morphological attributes and semantic attributes.
rates (MA)
rates (MA & SA)
99.17 %
81.53 %
63.52 %
91.07 %
97.02 %
96.55 %
93.10 %
98.88 %
66.06 %
88.27 %
79.11 %
59.81 %
86.37 %
We presented, in this paper, the possibilistic
morphological disambiguation approach that uses
morphological and semantic attributes to
disambiguate 14 morphological features of hadiths
texts. Disambiguation consists in choosing the
accurate morphological feature value from the
solutions proposed by a morphological analyzer. We
proved that the possibilistic approach gave the best
rates using AlKhalil analyzer. The possibilistic
disambiguation rates that use morphological and
semantic attributes are better than those that use only
morphological attributes. Experiments showed an
encouraging improvement of the possibilistic
approach to deal with classical Arabic texts. We
aim, as a future work, to improve the performance of
an information retrieval system by presenting a
queries and documents disambiguation phase. We
consider that our work is a first step toward building
an information retrieval system which treats both
vocalized and non-vocalized documents and focuses
on hadiths Arabic texts.
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