Cost-Risk Optimization Applied in the Context of Regulation
Ibtissem Chouba
and Jean-Sébastien Sottet
Université de Lorraine, France
LIST, 5 avenue des Hauts Fourneaux, L- Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Keywords: Regulation, Optimization, Mixed Integer Linear Program.
Abstract: Most engineering, maintenance and operating decisions involve some aspect of Cost/risk trade-off. In this
context we will talk about the cost- risk optimization applied to information systems in the context of
application of regulations. In this paper, a conceptual model of risk based regulation, based on the existing
business and risk architecture models will be presented. Then, a conceptual cost-risk model associated with
the implementation of risk mitigating controls will be adopted and integrated into the optimization
approach. Following this cost model, a mixed-integer linear program will be described. The bi-objective
optimization of the risk-cost will then be solved with IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer to define an optimized
solution. The result of the calculation of the optimization will serve as a help to the decision-making of the
Regulation has multiple objectives (stability of the
system, access to the market, consumer protection),
and is complemented by legal obligations (European
regulations and directives) and recommendations of
good practices (industrial and international
standards). However, responding to regulation is
increasingly burdensome for companies, both in
terms of financial cost, but also complexity. This
cost, in terms of infrastructure, personnel, etc. can be
weighed against the level of risk of non-compliance.
Risk-based regulation consists in expressing the
regulation in terms of risks to be mitigated. The
identification of risks (and related threats) as well as
the tolerance level is defined by the authorities (i.e.,
the regulators). One constraint is that such risk-
based regulation should be made at the overall
enterprise level, thus based on enterprise models
(Lankhorst, Marc M., 2004).
In this context, we rely on a model-driven
approach (Barbero, M., et al., 2008; Salay, R., et al.,
2009) which relates together multiple models of
different nature (enterprise models, risks and threats
models, etc.). We then combine, through
transformations, this multi-model approach with
optimization. As a result, we focus on the cost-risk
optimization that the company faces when imposing
a new regulation, modifying an existing regulation.
We design an optimization approach that will help
enterprises’ decision makers to select the appropriate
costs regarding risk tolerance and enterprise
investment capabilities. The example used in this
article is based on Information Technologies
Security (ITS) risks.
This paper is organized as follow: first we
introduce the related work on cost-risk optimization.
In Section 3 we introduce our model-based approach
used for risk management including enterprise
assets, and the threat setting. Section 4 shows our
conceptual contribution for cost-risk modelling.
Section 5 proposes our technical solutions and
practical modelling of the risk-based optimization
problem. Section 6 depicts a comparison between
the technical solutions implemented. We finally
conclude this article in Section 7.
Optimization is a large field with a lot of domain
application. We here focus on a bi-criteria
optimisation: risk-cost. One of the peculiarities
of our work is to propose a holistic and local view
on the enterprise assets (supported by enterprise
model) to help decision maker Risk-cost
optimization is proposed in different domains, with
different approaches (Rocchetta, R., et al., 2015;
Chouba, I. and Sottet, J-S.
Cost-Risk Optimization Applied in the Context of Regulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006659105360543
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 536-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Goettelmann, E., et al., 2013; Poolsappasit, N., et al.,
In (Rocchetta, R., et al., 2015), and in the system
engineering field, the authors discuss the problem of
cost-risk optimization in the context of risk
assessment of distributed energy systems consider-
ing extreme weather conditions. In this context, a
framework for probabilistic risk assessment and a
framework for cost-risk optimization using the
evolutionary algorithm NSGAII (Deb, K., et al.,
2002) were developed.
In the field of industry, many mathematical and
heuristic models have been developed with the aim
of optimizing the supply chain using the Just In
Time (JIT) approach but without taking into
consideration the potential risks that may occur
during its implementation and cause significant
disruption to all members of the supply chain.
In (El Dabee, F., et al., 2014), the genetic algorithm
is developed to find the optimal solution of the
mathematical model proposed in (Medical
laboratories AT, 2012), thus reducing the cost-risk
of the final product in the JIT production system.
In (Goettelmann, E., et al., 2013) it is to optimize
the quality of service (and its cost) to the security
risk, helping to choose the right cloud service
broker. They used a heuristic approach, based on the
Tabu-search algorithm (Glover, F., 1997). Here the
approach includes a pre-partitioning of the data.
In (Poolsappasit, N., et al., 2012), inspired by
"attack-tree" (Dewri, R., 2007), the authors propose
a version based on Bayesian networks to model the
probabilities of risk (these are used to reduce
optimizing the risk-cost in a system whose resources
are limited). Probabilities come from different
sources. In addition, they propose the use of a
genetic algorithm in order to propose different
solutions for mono optimizations (e.g., reduce only
the cost) and multi-objectives.
In (Špačková, O., and Straub, D., 2015), the cost-
benefit analysis method was studied in the
framework of cost-risk optimization under budgetary
constraints. This study has been developed within
the framework of natural hazard management, but it
can be applied to various risk management domains.
This method was used to identify risk mitigation
strategies by ensuring equivalence between control
costs and the reduced value of risks.
In the MDE community a very few work
addressed the combination of metamodels and
optimization. For instance, in (Dougherty, B., et al.,
2012), they use optimisation cloud computing
consumption and resources using model-driven
configurations including constraints and relying
on a constraint solver. Early works, focusing on
code generation addressed optimization of the
generated code but not use optimization and models
in a decision process.
Risk assessment is one of the mandatory tasks a
service provider (i.e., a regulated enterprise) has to
do in order to show its compliance with given
regulations. The regulation institutes are responsible
of the stability are to assess the compliance reports
of the enterprises. Regulation institutes are asking
regulated enterprises to establish of a homogeneous
risk assessment following regulation rules.
Then, as the risk assessment covers all the
enterprise assets that are of different nature: people,
IT infrastructure, products, services, data, etc. We
use Enterprise Architecture Model (Lankhorst, Marc
M., 2004; M. Op’t Land, et al., 2008) (EAM) for
modelling the enterprise assets. EAM provides the
necessary abstraction to avoid setting too much
modelling element whilst keeping the essence of
enterprise business, technical assets and processes.
In addition, risk assessment is provided by different
information source concerning threats (e.g., threat
database, standard threats in a given domain,
vulnerability, etc.), controls (i.e, threat mitigation),
actual incidents, etc. The regulation institutes are
also dealing with models and they need an holistic
view on the level of compliance aggregating and
consequently comparing the models coming from
the regulated enterprise”.
In this context, we need to support the various
models used in enterprise risk-assessment and relate
them together (e.g., vulnerability represents a
relation between a threat an EAM element).
Technically, we based our approach on a model
environment we developed (Sottet, J. S. and Biri, N.
(2016). This modelling environment allows for more
flexibility when dealing with uncertainty in
modelling notably when linking modelling elements.
3.1 Enterprise Architecture Model
EAM (Lankhorst, Marc M., 2004; M. Op’t Land, et
al., 2008) have been developed to support
enterprises governance tasks. They help mastering
the complexity of organisation, changes in
organisations, facing crisis, etc. They are used in
Cost-Risk Optimization Applied in the Context of Regulation
many situations (A. Anaby-Tavor, 2010): internal
communication, strategy and vision development,
enterprise transformation, knowledge management,
costing, etc.
We use Archimate, the open-group standard to
build an EAM. This model is then imported into our
environment to be used as a base reference model
for the risk assessment.
3.2 Reference Models for Risk
Risk assessment incorporates risk analysis and risk
management, i.e., it combines systematic processes
for risk identification and determination of their
consequences, and how to deal with these risks.
We build a relation between EAM assets and risk
assets in order to propose a reference view on
enterprise risk assessment: we map threats and
vulnerabilities that impact enterprise assets.
As a first step, a reference EAM is established by
regulation body and depicts the typical elements
(processes, data, document, personnel, etc.) that an
enterprise in a given sector could conform to.
The map between reference architecture and
threats could also be given by regulation bodies.
They identify which assets is influence by which
threat. Figure 1 shows our conceptual view of
reference enterprise risk assessment elements. We
have put in addition the objectives impacted by the
threat (i.e., threat consequences) as well as the
control that mitigate the threats. The level of
acceptability of a threat regarding an asset is also
given by regulation institute.
Figure 1: Conceptual metamodel for Risk Assessment.
3.3 Risk Assessment Process
The risk assessment process is mainly a model-based
activity: injecting models from different sources in
our modelling environment. As a result, the
reference architecture model is provided from the
Archi environment. A specific injector has been
developed for translating Archi models in XMI in
our environment that eludes all unnecessary
elements for establishing a reference model. The
controls and threats models come from different
source (threats are defined by some standard body or
provided by recurring incident bases). In this first
experiment we imported controls and threat from
existing tool e.g., (Nicolas Mayer and Jocelyn
Aubert, 2014).
We have defined our own process for enterprise
risk assessment. First the reference models (threats,
controls and architecture) are given by the regulation
institute. It stipulates the organisation of risk
assessment that a regulated enterprise has to
perform. In a second type, the enterprise can
personalize the reference model (provide more
detailed information).
The main difference regarding traditional
approach (Dubois, É., et al., 2010) is that risk
assessment is done by providing control on actual
threats that impact assets. The relation between
threats and enterprise assets is to be given (i.e., we
know that a potential intrusion could affect all
enterprise’s application servers visible on internet).
Figure 2: Risk assessment process.
In order to maintain organization’s standard of
excellence, it requires solutions to continuously
manage operations while striking the right balance
between cost optimization, and risk control. For that
reason we define the following cost-risk model.
This conceptual cost-risk model was established
with the purpose to apply an optimization approach
that represents the risk assessment step (step 4 in
Figure 2). This step is about setting the controls to
mitigate risks.
In Figure 3, we propose a more detailed
metamodel of risk assessment for the risk-cost
optimization purpose. Compared with the conceptual
metamodel of risk assessment in figure 1, the
concept of Risk cost, Decision, Maximum cost,
residual risk, inherent risk, assets have been added.
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Our Cost-Risk metamodel offers objects
composed of risk scenarios by asset or group of
assets. This modelling facilitates the management of
the most common risks and allows gaining in
objectivity as well as in efficiency.
Figure 3: Cost-risk metamodel.
In this conceptual cost-risk model, the inherent
risk and the residual risk must be taken into account.
The inherent risk is measured by assuming that there
is no control or mitigation strategy in place. The
residual risk reflects the level of risk following the
application of controls and the mitigation of the
inherent risks.
Each asset is to be associated with a risk. And
depending on the referential, each risk per asset is
scored, and a total is computed that represents the
global risk of each type of asset. The score of each
risk represent the probability that the risk occur.
Control implemented on assets as a mitigation
effect the risk and thus reduces its probability to
impact the asset. For that, each control has a reduced
value of risk. The risks are mitigated by one or
multiple security controls. In order to mitigate risk,
the total cost of controls to be applied, which is
constrained by a maximal available budget, is
balanced against the acceptable level of the residual
risk (Maximum risk) for each asset.
To summarize, all the components of this
conceptual cost-risk model aim to identify the risk
mitigation strategies that lead to an optimal trade-off
between the costs of the mitigation measures and the
achieved risk reduction. This metamodel will be
(partially) used to structure the information to be
passed from initial reference EAM and risk model to
the optimization algorithm.
As the number of threats and vulnerabilities
continues to grow, a strategy of mitigating all risk
equally becomes unsustainable especially when the
problem to be solved is complex. First because the
risks themselves are not independent (one risk may
cause others), and the setting up of controls can
itself create new risks. Second, because we must
take into consideration the problem of minimizing
the cost of controls. However, system administrators
are often faced with a more challenging problem
since they have to work within a fixed budget that
may be less than the minimum cost of controls. The
problem is how to select a subset of controls
measures so as to be within the budget and yet
minimize the residual risk of the system. In this
section, we develop an optimisation approach with a
Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) to solve this
problem by formulating a mathematical model
derived from the costrisk model presented
previously and then we solve it with Cplex optimizer
(ILOG, I., 2012). Cplex is a linear programing
solving environment. It is notably based on variant
of the Simplex algorithm (Dantzig, G., et al., 1955).
Mathematical Model: Bi-objectives
Here we present the formulated mathematical model
used to detail made decisions at the tactical level
concerning risk based regulation. This model will
decide about the needed mitigation controls that
allow to reduce the current risk value to an
acceptable level for each asset, and by respecting the
budget for risk reduction measures that is limited.
In this section we will define our problem
parameters as following:
Definition of Indices:
A: Set of assets a A
N: Set of Mitigation Controls i N
M: Set of Risk j M
Optimization Data Description:
 : The cost of control i to correct the risk j that
impact the asset a
: The probability that a risk j impact the asset a
: The percentage reduction of risk j by the
control i
Cost max  : The maximal available budget Cost
max to correct the risk j that impact the asset a
Cost-Risk Optimization Applied in the Context of Regulation
Risk max : The maximum acceptable risk value for
each asset a
Optimization Constraints Definition
The sum of the costs (Σ C
) of the mitigation
Controls i to be applied to correct each risk j must be
less than the maximum budget allocated for each
risk impacting the asset a.
  
A, j M, i N
The residual risk should respect the maximum
acceptable risk value for each asset a
  
  
  
 
The value of risk, control cost and the percentage
reduction of risk j by the control i should be greater
than zero.
 , ,  (3)
Decision Variables
 = 1 If the control i mitigates the risk j that
impact the asset a.
0 Else
Objective Function
The objective is twofold: minimize ∑ Caji the cost
of mitigation controls i of the risks j that impact the
asset a and minimize the residual risk value of each
risk j .
a A , j M, i N
   M,  N
Subject to
  
a A, j M, i N
  
  
    
 , , 
In this section we will illustrate on a case study the
approach presented above. This case-study is about
regulation of risk in a national health-care system.
We present the problem of the cost-risk optimization
of risk assessment and its mathematical formulation.
This optimization approach is included in a broader
process involving the several (meta)models
presented before
The objective is to study the balance between
security risk and cost, and to determine what checks
to apply to minimize the value of these two criteria.
A resolution of the linear program and an analysis of
these results will be evaluated in order to find the
optimal solution.
Note that, as our approach could be generalized
to type of controls and other kind of threats. Beyond,
the present case we can also imagine applied it to
any metamodel against the optimization problem.
6.1 Regulation Overview
We here focus on the biomedical analysis laboratory
part of the medical domain. We have established an
EAM with the participation of key representative
partners and with the help of standards (Medical
laboratories AT, 2012). The figure 4 summarizes a
part of the result of this preliminary work.
We consider a set of 6 assets, in which optimal
risk mitigation strategies are identified. The identify-
cation of possible strategies and the assessment of the
risks and costs associated with these strategies are
shown in figure 5. The utilized input data are
hypothetical, but they are based on real case studies
and they thus reflect an achievable ratio between risk
reduction and costs. For all strategies, the net present
value of risk and cost are evaluated. These values are
presented in figure 5. We aim to select the best
strategies that minimize the sum of the net present
value of residual risk and costs for each asset.
The Figure 4 and Figure 5 show respectively the
relation between Threats and EAM and Control and
Figure 4: Spreadsheet for setting the mappings between
EA metamodel and Risk.
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 5: Spreadsheet for mappings control on risks.
6.2 Risk Optimization Process
Figure 6: Overall process and involved models.
The first step is the risk optimization process
consists in establishing a graph model that identifies
the relation between each asset and the different
risks. The relation consists in describing which
assets a risk potentially impacts. This model is
conforms to Archimate metamodel (Lankhorst, Marc
M., 2004) to which we added the concept of risk. In
the second step, this model is transformed to a
model (a table considered as a data model for
CPLEX) which represents the mappings between the
assets and risks. Also, another data model is
established in step 3 to represent the risk
mitigations/controls, control cost, the probability
that a risk impact an asset, and the reduction value of
each control. These values are in this paper manually
entered by experts but we can automatize some of
those from other data sources (e.g., incident data
feed). This two models represented in step 2 and 3
are conform to the metamodel described in figure 3.
After that, in step 4, the problematic of cost-risk
optimization is described in a mixed integer linear
program (described in Section 5) which will be
resolved with the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer
(step5). CPLEX displays the best controls to be
applied that allow us to minimize both control costs
and the residual risk value. This result can be
transformed to a graph model that represents the
associations amongst risks, assets and the optimum
controls (step7).
6.3 Results
The results of the optimization approach for
each asset are summarized in following figures.
It shows for each asset the total residual risk
  
Figure 7 shows the percentage of risks for each
asset. We note that the asset ''Real Time Prescription''
is the most risky as well as ''Biomedical Analysis'',
while ''Identity Access Management'' is the least risky
with 9% of total risk.
Figure 7: Risk per Asset.
The following figures describe the residual risk
after risk mitigation. Here, we explain only the
‘BioMedical Analysis’ result but the same analysis
applies for the rest.
Figure 8: Total residual risk for BioMedical Analysis.
The figure 8 shows a bar chart where the vertical
axis of the ordinates bears the risk values.
It has 3 bars that describe three levels of risk:
The first stick 'blue' describes the nominal security
level (very good). The second stick 'orange'
describes the value or safety of current risk (before
implementation of controls). The third stick 'grey'
Cost-Risk Optimization Applied in the Context of Regulation
describes the level of security achieved after the
implementation of controls (the residual risk).
It is noted that after the first controls, the overall
level of risk exceeds the nominal risk level.
Figure 9: Interpretation risk by risk of Biomedical
In the figure 9, we see the risk-by-risk result. It
appears that certain risks can be dealt with correctly
This increase in the overall level of risk comes
from ‘Social Engineering attacks’ risk which still
exceeds its maximum level for this asset. Moreover,
it only decreased by 5%. Whilst the ‘Acts of Human
Error or failure’ risk even exceeds its maximum
value, it is at a more or less acceptable level.
‘Operational issues’ risk is mitigated. It is decreased
to an acceptable level.
6.4 Decision Making
There is no optimal solution to achieve the overall
level of safety. This result just managed to improve
the risk treatment but not to the degree imposed by
the risk constraints.
In view of the financial constraints imposed, one
can not in any case arrive at the nominal risk, so
either the decision maker accepts the risk as it is. It
is necessary to alert the Risk Manager about budget
constraints and help him to handle the not managed
In this article we presented a model-driven approach
for enterprise-risk management. It is coupled with
optimization approach developed through a mixed
integer linear program and solved with the optimizer
CPLEX. It aims to resolve the problem of selection
of optimal risk mitigations controls: it finds the
optimal controls that allow minimizing at the same
time the residual risk and the cost of controls. It was
shown that sometimes the assets cannot be
optimized as a whole. We can just manage to
improve the risk treatment but not to the degree
imposed by the risk constraints and this is due to the
financial constraints imposed.
We also show how this optimization phase could
be integrated in a more global model-driven
approach, all along a given process.
Our future work is to take into account the risk
propagation in the graph model obtained at the end
of the process and eventually combine it with the
optimization process. In that case, a different
optimization algorithm, beyond CPLEX, should be
implemented. Finally we aim at being more generic
against the optimization process and the given
metamodels. We aim at providing a facility to
describe the elements to optimize on a given
metamodel, coupling model-driven approach and
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