Fostering Collaboration on Decision Processes
Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori
and Juliana de Melo Bezerra
SENAI, Curitiba, Brazil
Computer Science Department, ITA, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
Keywords: Framework, Collaboration, Decision Process, Industry Case.
Abstract: Due to intrinsic complexity and uncertainty, decision problems require involvement of stakeholders with
distinct backgrounds and points of view. Collaboration among stakeholders is then essential to identify the
problem and find solutions. We propose a framework with guidelines to aid decision-makers, together with
a facilitator, to structure and solve a problem collaboratively in a virtual environment. The framework points
out how collaboration takes place during the whole decision process, including phases to structure the
problem, to apply the multi-criteria decision analyses, and to explore the sensitivity analyses in order to
reach the final result. We conducted an empirical evaluation, where decision makers reported benefits of the
framework to engage stakeholders, to congregate ideas, and to reduce the duration of the decision process.
Decision making is a very important topic discussed
in operation research, including areas as
transportation, scheduling, routing, supplier
selection, and alternatives ranking. If the problem
involves finding the best solution or optimizing the
actual process, it is needed to identify the problem
itself, generate correct criteria, and formulate a
model to achieve the desired results (Rönnqvist,
2010). Decision-making processes are complex by
their nature, since they usually involve uncertainty,
multiple criteria, conflict of interests and distinct
stakeholders (Saaty, 2008). By stakeholders, we
mean people involved and affected by the problem,
such as community, employees, company owners,
clients, suppliers, governmental groups, and even
A decision-making process starts with a problem
that stakeholders need to solve. It is needed to
structure the problem in order to know the main
objective and the ways to accomplish such objective
(Montibeller et al., 2006). The first phase of a
decision-making process involves the application of
Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs) to
systematically map and structure a situation to face.
The second phase refers to the Multi-Criteria
Decision Analysis (MCDA). MCDA aims to
evaluate options taking into account distinct
decision-makers with in general conflicting
perceptions and goals (Goodwin and Wright, 2014).
In a group decision-making process, it is needed
the collaboration of distinct stakeholders. Sometimes
decision makers are people geographically dispersed
or with restricted agenda, which makes difficult to
gather them collocated. So, it is needed to conduct
the decision process in a remote way. Most of the
time, a neutral facilitator moderates the actions of
decision makers to organize ideas. The facilitator
then needs to aggregate information and give
continuous feedback to decision makers. This
practice takes time to be conducted, and sometimes
it unintentionally loses or hides information that can
be valuable to the group (Forman and Peniwati,
1998; Kamel and Davison, 1998; Ho, 2008; Angiz et
al., 2011). In this way, it is of interest a way to aid
online collaboration among decision makers and
facilitators when performing decision processes.
In this work, we propose a framework to support
online collaboration in executing decision processes.
Decision makers can identify criteria and
alternatives through PSMs, and to solve the problem
using a MCDA. The main benefit of our proposal is
the possibility of online collaboration during the
entire decision process, without the need of being
united in the same place or time. Other advantage is
the real time visualization of information provided
by decision makers, which allows them to engage
and reach the identification of criteria and
Mondadori, J. and Bezerra, J.
Fostering Collaboration on Decision Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006662105690576
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 569-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
alternatives with better quality. There is also the
possibility of collaboration considering the
sensitivity analysis. It allows decision makers to
view other scenarios and not only the result of the
MCDA method, which is important to select the
final decision.
We present a flux with the main activities of a
decision process; we identify which activities are
prone to collaboration and explain how online
collaboration can be performed. We also present a
prototype developed according to the guidelines
established in our proposal. In order to evaluate the
framework, we make an empirical application,
where a group uses the prototype to identify the
main activities to increase energy efficiency in the
food and beverage industries.
Section 2 presents our background. Section 3
describes the proposed framework to support online
collaboration in decision problems. Section 4
describes an empirical study to evaluate the
framework, by using a prototype. Finally, conc-
lusions and future work are presented in Section 5.
In this section, we discuss about problem structuring
methods, multi-criteria decision analysis, and
sensitivity analysis. We explain the concept of
online collaboration and detail how it is used to
support decision-making. We also present related
Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs) are usually
applied in fuzzy situations where it is hard to
identify reasons and goals intended to be achieved.
PSMs help decision makers to think in a systemic
way, not only on alternative focused thinking. PSMs
are mostly categorized as soft operational research
methods, involving dialog and scenario
identification. Some examples are Value Focused
Thinking - VFT (Keeney, 1992) and Value Focused
Brainstorming - VFB (Keeney, 2012), Soft System
Methodology - SSM (Neves et al., 2009), Strategic
Choice Approach SCA, and Strategic Options
Development and Analysis - SODA (Mingers and
Rosenhead, 2004). These methods are based on
qualitative and diagrammatic modeling, in a way
that they allow the exploration of distinctive views
and the incentive of active participation by
stakeholders. The goal of these methods is not only
optimization; instead the goal is to explore the
problem scope, to identify the uncertainties and to
get commitment of the stakeholders. In this paper,
we choose Value Focused Thinking (VFT) and
Value Focused Brainstorming (VFB) as the PSMs.
The reason is that such methods emphasize the
stakeholders’ values. Such values are related to the
way of acting and thinking, socially and ethically.
Regarding the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
(MCDA), there are several techniques to support it.
These techniques do not always give the optimum
solution, but they help to evaluate alternatives to
reach the given objective. Some examples are
SMART (Goodwin and Wright, 2014), Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 2008), MAUT,
TOPSIS, DEA and Goal Programming (Ishizaka and
Nemery, 2013). In this paper, we choose AHP as the
MCDA technique. AHP has been used in different
purposes, including optimization, planning
improvements in industrial plants, and selection of
best alternative among several ones with different
characteristics. AHP is widely used because it is
practical and well accepted by various industrial
sectors. As result, AHP provides an ordered list of
alternatives based on the used criteria (Vaidya, O.,
and Kumar, 2006; Steuer, 2003). In order to provide
better accuracy in possible different scenarios, it is
also important to make a sensitivity analysis, to
visualize other possibilities of criteria weighting
(Jalao et al., 2014). The final decision of the
decision process is usually made considering the
MCDA output, but decision makers must take the
last decision.
Online collaboration can be useful to mitigate
group interaction problems such as those related to
time, cost, distance and space. Gathering people
together can be complicated due to incompatible
agendas or logistic costs. The geographical distance
between people and the space needed to allocate
people together are also limiting problems to
interaction. Regarding online collaboration in
decision-making processes, Fiedler et al. (2014)
developed a tool called SeSAM e-democracy. It is
an online platform for modern parliamentary work to
solve problems. It allows online public and private
meetings, supporting discussions and documents’
According to Siskos and Spyridakos (1999),
systems that support decision-making processes
consist basically of three components: a database, a
core model and a communication system. The
database manages data provided by decision makers,
storing and processing information. The core model
includes the structure and algorithm of the method
used to aid multi-criteria decision. The
communication system is designed to support
communication between the decision makers. Users
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
communicate and cooperate to insert information in
database, so the software can calculate the final
results. It exemplifies the collaboration among
decision makers in decision-making processes.
Collaboration in decision-making processes also
happens due to the existence of facilitation.
Santanen et al. (2004) explain that the facilitator,
during a decision process, can help in cases of
divergence (when group disagree on ideas),
convergence (by identifying opportunities to
improve ideas), organization (by understanding the
relationships among concepts), evaluation (by
understanding priorities toward goal achievement),
and consensus building (by identifying opportunities
to have less disagreement on courses of action).
Some approaches aim to support MCDA, for
instance Super Decisions (2016), WBMCDM (Al-
Azab and Ayu, 2010), 123AHP (2016), EasyMind
(2016), Criterium Decision Plus (2016), Expert
Choice (2016), MakeItRational AHP (2016),
Decision Lens (2016), RightChoice DSS (2016), and
Questfox (2016).
Super Decisions is a desktop-software that
allows decision makers to solve problems using
ANP (Analytic Network Process) and AHP methods
in a collocated way. It provides sensitivity analysis
at the end of the calculations, however does not
allow making a group aggregation and structuring
the problem. The WBMCDM (Web Based Multi-
Criteria Decision Making) system is an open source
solution for solving AHP. It is a simple web
interface that allows only one decision maker to
insert criteria and alternative limited by 5 and 3,
respectively. The WBMCDM is very similar to
123AHP, which in turn is but limited since it does
not allow group interactions or problem structuring.
EasyMind is a web base system that can work
offline on web browser. The system does not allow
group aggregation neither problem structuring. It has
a non-collaborative sensitivity analysis. Criterium
Decision Plus is a desktop-software to solve AHP
and SMART, but it does not allow group evaluation.
Expert Choice, MakeItRational, Decision Lens,
RightChoice DSS and Questfox are desktop or web
based platforms to aid multi-criteria decision-
making using AHP. However, they do not allow
problem structuring in their interface, and their
sensitivity analysis does not support collaboration.
Limitations are found in current approaches
mainly due to problems regarding collaboration. The
approaches regarding MCDA do not deal with
Problem Structuring phase in group decisions, so
that there is no available way to discuss criteria and
alternatives, which in turn restricts collaboration
among decision makers. As decision-making
processes in groups need to calculate the aggregation
of individual judgments (AIJ), it is important that the
system calculate using the correct method of
aggregation. Some approaches are limited by not
providing collaboration during AIJ, since they focus
only in aggregating preferences. Usually sensitivity
analysis is made by a system that calculates
priorities aiming to show other points of view. In
this phase, it is also desirable collaboration in order
to improve understanding of MCDA results by
decision makers. Our proposal aims to fill the
identified gaps for the purpose of fostering
collaboration in decision problems.
In this section, we propose a framework to help the
collaborative execution of a decision process in an
online environment. The framework is composed by
activities. We explain each activity and detail where
collaboration occurs. The proposed framework is
presented as a workflow in Figure 1.
The framework has two main phases. The first
phase is problem structuring, when decision makers,
aided by the facilitator, acting as a group, use VFT
and VFB methods to identify the main decision goal,
the main objective, the distinct criteria to be
considered in decision, and the possible decision
alternatives. The second phase is the multi-criteria
decision analysis, where APH is used as the MCDA
technique. After the two main phases, the decision-
making process continues with sensitivity analysis.
Finally, decision makers discuss the final decision
considering the output of AHP calculation. In the
framework, the white boxes with solid contour are
activities that need someone (decision makers or
facilitator) to be performed. The white boxes with
dashed lines are activities that can be made
automatically without intervention of facilitator and
decision makers. The gray shapes represent the
activities where collaboration occurs. All activities
are described in the sections below.
3.1 Understand the ProblemActivity
The first step to solve multi-criteria problem is to
understand the problem itself. The idea here is to
have a brainstorming among decision makers, but
moderated by the facilitator. To start the activity, the
Fostering Collaboration on Decision Processes
Figure 1: Decision process flow with collaboration.
facilitator creates the users and respective passwords
to access the framework. The facilitator also defines
how long the activity is active and verifies such
deadline continuously.
In our framework, we use Value Focused
Brainstorming (VFB) as a method to understand the
problem. The values may vary from one decision
case to another. For example, in a problem involving
energy efficiency, the conscious use of electricity
can be a value. Considering an employee
management problem, the ethical actions of a person
can be values. Each organization has its values
associated with its mission (the purpose of the
organization) and vision (how the organization
wants to be seen in the future). The values are the
main principles that guide individual actions. It is
important that the decision makers and the facilitator
focus on the real problem, guided by the main
objective, with the values of the organization and
society, ethical alternatives and valuable criteria to
achieve the identified main goal. More details about
VFB can be found in Keeney (2012).
The collaboration occurs in a way that each
decision maker can give his opinion on an identified
value added by others. Giving grades, increasing
information or simply explaining other point of view
for the given information. Each information
provided by a decision maker is available for other
decision makers, who can evaluate (for instance,
with grades from 1 to 5, where larger grades indicate
more relevance) and make further comments.
According to the facilitator experience, in the
subject considered in the decision process, it is also
recommended to allow the facilitator to collaborate
as a decision maker. When the defined time is over,
the facilitator closes the activity to structure the
hierarchy on the next activity.
3.2 “Structure the Problem” Activity
After VFB application, the facilitator must organize
the submitted ideas using the VFT hierarchy.
Usually it can be made by clustering information in
order to obtain multiple criteria. The criteria are the
mean objectives that must be accomplished to
achieve the main goal. The main goal is the
fundamental objective in a VFT approach. The
alternatives are the possibilities to attend criteria to
achieve main goal. More details about VFT can be
found in Keeney (1992).
The structured problem can be viewed as
hierarchies of objective, criteria and alternatives.
The organized structure information, displayed in a
hierarchy chart, makes the decision makers to
understand the criteria and alternatives involved in
the decision process. The decision makers can then
collaboratively validate this structure, giving their
points of view on different organization of decision
3.3 “Define Criteria and Alternatives”
Once the VFT hierarchy is completed, the facilitator
can insert in the framework the criteria and
alternatives to provide a way to decision makers
evaluate them. It is a layout transformation of
information, the mean objectives are now seen as
criteria, and the possible alternatives to achieve each
mean objective are the multi-criteria alternatives.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.4 “Evaluate Criteria and
Alternatives” Activity
Since criteria and alternatives are identified, they are
submitted to decision makers’ evaluation. Each
decision maker individually evaluates criteria and
later alternatives in a pairwise way, which means
that he/she compares two items at time. It is
important that the decision makers think about the
best solution for all involved stakeholders,
sometimes making tradeoffs of their own opinion. It
is made using the fundamental scale provided by the
AHP method, from 1 (equal importance) to 9
(extremely more important).
The collaboration between facilitator and
decision makers tends to avoid a future
inconsistency after information consolidation. It is
done by the verification of completed evaluations,
requested by the facilitator to decision makers. The
idea is to mitigate incoherencies by sharing ideas,
opinions and tradeoffs. The facilitator also verifies if
the evaluation is completed.
3.5 “Consolidate Evaluations” Activity
Once all decision makers provide their information
comparing criteria and alternatives, the evaluations
must be consolidated in order to create an
aggregated pairwise comparison matrix. This matrix
uses the AIJ method, as all decision makers desire to
solve the structured problem thinking on the best
solution for all instead of choosing its priorities.
Judgments are unified by calculating geometric
mean of decision makers’ evaluation of criteria and
alternatives, considered by each criterion.
3.6 “Calculate Result Decision” and
“Consistency Verification”
The AHP method can calculate the consolidated
matrix in order to provide the priorities vectors of
criteria, alternatives and global priorities. Other
important information, provided by AHP, is the
consistency of the matrix. The consistency is a rated
value to check if the information makes sense
through given evaluation. Details of calculations
related to APH method can be found in Saaty
The facilitator compares the output of
consistency calculation. If the consistency
verification fails, the criteria and alternatives must
pass through other pairwise comparison by those
decision makers that evaluations caused
inconsistency. It is described on the “Solve
Inconsistency” activity. If the succeeds, the decision
result and global priorities are presented to decision
3.7 “Solve Inconsistency” Activity
If the consistency check gives a negative result, the
inconsistency must be solved. The facilitator
requests decision makers to review their evaluations
pointing out the problem, opening the inconsistent
evaluation made by decision makers stored in
Sometimes the problem occurs after aggregation
of judgments, representing conflicting ideas between
decision makers. The facilitator must identify where
it happened in order to avoid other problem after the
evaluation of criteria. It may be made through his
experience with the specific methodology, in order
to bring the information to the consistent values and
not to change the evaluation drastically.
3.8 “Present Decision Result” and
“Sensitivity Analysis” Activity
The sensitivity analysis receives the ordered
(ranked) result of AHP. A graphic presents
intersection points of turnover of an alternative
priority to another. It can be seen different scenarios
for other situations of weighting criteria and possibly
a completely different selection of alternatives.
Details of calculations related to sensitivity analysis
can be found in Jalao et al. (2014).
The main idea is that the facilitator can provide a
textual interpretation of the data, and open for
discussion, since the result of AHP only points the
best solution for evaluated criteria and alternatives.
It can be hard to extract important data for those not
familiar with the output of the sensitivity analysis, so
providing information such as “alternative 1
turnovers 2 above 40% of criteria ‘x’ weight” is very
3.9 “Make Final Decision” Activity
With the sensitivity analysis and ordered alternatives
by AHP, decision makers can work on solutions in a
collaborative way. Sometimes the decision group
can be controlled by other factors such political
force and investment policies. Therefore, decision
makers must be able to choose or even select a
reduced group of alternatives to solve the problem.
In addition, the MCDA method only helps to
organize and rank alternatives based on previous
Fostering Collaboration on Decision Processes
evaluations. It aids the analysis of multi-criteria
problems, but the decision group makes the final
decision. They may also freely discuss positive and
negative point of ranked alternatives.
In this section, an empirical application is provided
to evaluate the proposed framework by using a
prototype. We choose energy efficiency problem in
our study, since it is a relevant issue for the industry
in all fields of production, for instance supply chain,
manufacture and agro industrial sectors. Nowadays,
research has been conducted to find alternative
sources of energy to power the scattered grids all
around the globe, in a way to increase energy
4.1 Prototype
In order to support groups for using the framework
in multi-criteria decision processes, a prototype was
developed. It is a web application on ASP.NET
MVC 4. The ASP.NET is a framework developed
for creating web pages. It helps web designers to
create connections between database storage system
and the visualization part of a web page, using MVC
(Model, View, and Controller) model.
A database storage system called SQL
(Structured Query Language) Server is used to store
user data and information provided by problem
structuring and pairwise comparison. The algorithm
for calculations is written in C# language. The
visualization part uses JavaScript, CSS (Cascading
Style Sheet), HTML and ASP.NET Razor.
4.2 Design of the Empirical Application
We worked together with an institution in our
country, which has energy efficiency solution as an
important service in its portfolio. The institution also
has strong interfaces with food and beverage
industries in the region where it operates. The
objective of the empirical application was to identify
common characteristics in local industries and
prioritize services to be offered, considering a fast
impact on energy efficiency issues.
We had six participants in the empirical
application. One participant was a consultant from
the institution and he act as facilitator. Five others
participants were decision makers. From two distinct
food and beverage industries, we had two production
managers and two maintenance managers. The other
participant was a consultant of energy topics. The
decision makers worked together using the
developed prototype.
The effectiveness of the framework was
evaluated through a set of questions before and after
the usage of prototype. The decision makers
answered questions about their experience,
considering the easiness to understand a problem,
the time taken in a decision-making process, the
easiness of engaging people; and the easiness of
expressing themselves. They used the five-point
Likert scale: 1 (poor), 2 (fair), 3 (average), 4 (good),
and 5 (excellent).
4.3 Results
On the problem structuring activity, decision makers
provided information and evaluated it in order to
generate criteria and alternatives. The values that
guided decision makers on information were
proposed by the facilitator: Productivity; Process
efficiency increase; Competitiveness; Environment
preservation; Workers security; and Compliance
with regulation. The resultant hierarchy structure for
this particular problem drive the identification of
criteria and alternatives described below.
During the multi-criteria decision analysis
activity, the decision makers then identified five
criteria: Energy management (how the industry uses
the energy to manufacture consumer goods),
Knowledge (the expertise on energy efficiency),
Energy quality (the quality of electrical energy
provided by the electrical energy company),
Equipment (how efficient equipments are in a
production line), and Processes (how efficient a
process is when consuming energy). Regarding the
alternatives, decision makers chose services that can
be offered to industries, including: Optimization and
Layout, Diagnostic, Automation and Refrigeration,
Maintenance and Retrofit, Regulation Attendance,
and Education. Considering the AHP results and the
sensitivity analysis, decision makers agreed that
Education services are the most needed by their
industries, followed by Optimization and Layout
Changes services.
Table 1 shows the results of evaluations made by
decision makers before and after using the
Regarding the easiness of criteria identification,
the evaluation shows an increase of grades. It shows
that, using the framework, decision makers could
identify the multiple criteria involved through a
discussion oriented by value-focused brainstorming.
Comparing the evaluation of time taken in a
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table1: Framework evaluation driven from empirical
Easiness of criteria
Short time taken in
Easiness of expressing
themselves inside
Easiness of alternative
Easiness of engaging
team in decision-
Potential to use the
framework on daily
*NA means not applicable
decision-making process, the framework allowed
decision makers to work collaboratively in a shorter
time. The easiness of expressing themselves inside
the decision group also increased, since decision
makers could give their opinion and make their own
evaluations during the decision process. The
easiness of alternative identification also increased
using the online framework. A positive impact on
decision-making process was related to the easiness
of engaging decision makers in the process, since
they were able to work in despite of time or location
difficulties. Moreover, decision makers evaluated
positively the possibility to use the framework in
other decision processes that they participate.
Decision makers also cited the main advantages of
using the framework, as seen: fast information input,
possibility to evaluate each point of decision,
possibility to generate innumerous alternatives,
individual evaluation of criteria and alternatives,
structured visualization of decision process,
remotely engagement of the team, and reduction of
time taken for the decision-making process.
Working with multi-criteria decision problems is
complex since many uncertainties are involved. We
proposed a framework to foster collaboration in
multi-criteria decision processes, and so to help
reaching better and complete decisions take into
account distinct perspectives of stakeholders.
The proposed framework considers a
collaborative problem structuring method to make
all the criteria and alternatives clear and available
for discussion. Decision makers then collaborate to
identify criteria and alternatives to the decision
process. Decision makers complete pairwise
comparisons, mediated by the facilitator, as part as
the multi-criteria decision analysis. If any
inconsistency in result occurs, it is provided a way to
facilitator and decision makers re-evaluate the
pairwise comparisons. Considering the sensitivity
analysis of the problem, facilitator interprets the
information for decision makers. Therefore, decision
makers discuss the result encouraged by online
collaboration, making the final choice of a problem.
The framework is useful to identify involved
criteria and alternatives in decision-making process;
it aids to solve multi-criteria problems of ranking
several alternatives when multiple criteria cause
uncertainty; it helps to visualize different scenarios
when the problem is sensitive to criteria weight
changes; and it allows discussion among decision
makers to make the final decision. Problems that
have such characteristics are related to ranking of
alternatives, selection of suppliers, identification of
best delivery route, selection of industrial machinery
and many operational research problems.
The developed prototype assures the viability of
the framework. It provides a collaborative interface
where decision makers, together with facilitator,
may structure a problem, analyze the multi-criteria,
interpret the sensitivity analysis and make final
decision. All the phases are implemented through
the guidelines available on the online framework.
To evaluate the prototype and therefore the
framework, an empirical application in energy
efficiency was conducted. Decision makers
evaluated their experience with decision processes
before and after using the framework. They indicate
improvements on these processes when using the
framework. All aspects were considered better when
using the framework, as seen: easiness of criteria
identification, short time taken in decision-making,
easiness of expressing themselves inside group,
easiness of alternative identification, and easiness of
engaging team in decision-making.
As future work, we aim to conduct empirical
applications in teams with more decision makers.
We intend to evaluate the priority of services on
other industry sectors, not only focusing in food and
beverage industries. It is also possible to incorporate
other methods during both the problem structuring
phase and the multi-criteria decision analysis.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems