Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM
Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
Jacqueline Schuldt, Stefan Sachse, Susanne Friedemann and Kati Breitbarth
Human-centered Media Technologies Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology,
Ehrenbergstraße 31, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany
Digital Game-Based Learning, Game Design, Moral Dilemma Situations, Open Educational Resources,
Storyboarding, Storyboard Interpretation Technology, Usability Engineering, User Experience Design.
Digital games, particularly serious games, are seen as an important element for providing stimulation and
simulation in educational settings. The Storyboard Interpretation Technology (SIT) is a feature to support
the development of games, especially for educational contexts. The Experimento Game is a prototype based
on concepts of SIT. This prototype aims at supporting the development of a students critical reflection in
STEM contexts, taking into account that students must be encouraged to understand the deeper meaning of a
problem. In order to determine the suitability of the digital game, a user experience evaluation with a game test
was carried out for the target group of students at the age of 11 to 13 years. In this paper we firstly outline the
motivation of developing a gaming module called Experimento Game, secondly the theoretical background,
and thirdly the progress of development. Finally we discuss the results of the user experience evaluation by
means of a survey study and the collection of game data using Data Mining.
Digital games can be understood as moral objects, as
well as mediators of ethical values (Wimmer, 2014).
Game narratives, rulesets, high scores or achieve-
ments suggest righteousness and virtue. Following
this approach, moral dilemmas embedded in digital
games could potentially sensitize gamers in respect
to real-world moral dilemmas and therefore stimulate
critical thinking and ethical reflection (Sicart, 2013;
Krebs, 2013).
In general a Dilemma is defined a situation with
serveral decision-making possibilities. Every possi-
bility is neither wrong nor right. Which choice you
ultimately make has a lot to do with morality but also
with emotional distance (Avram et al., 2014).
How people make decisions in such difficult situ-
ations for themselves and others depends mainly on
three factors: the consequences of their own actions,
both intended and unintended (Avram, 2014). It also
depends on whether you have to intervene actively, or
only to allow you to do what is happening anyway
(Greene et al., 2009). And it depends on which so-
cially defined perceptions there are about which one
is morally bound - and what is taboo (Haidt, 2001). A
weak moral dilemma is a dilemma in which the moral
failure, in contrast to the lack of clarity and urgency
of the decision, plays no great role (Sellmaier, 2008).
The article outlines the peculiarities of moral
dilemmas in STEM contexts in Digital Game-Based
Learning (DGBL) scenarios. The so-called Story-
board Interpretation Technology (SIT), which is ap-
plied in the current game design of Experimento
Game, is the underlying technological approach pub-
lished for the first time in (Fujima et al., 2013) and
(Arnold et al., 2013a).
The Experimento Game is part of Experimento,
the international educational program of the Siemens
Stiftung (Siemens Stiftung, 2017b). The program Ex-
perimento is based on the principle of research-based
learning and offers teacher trainings and curriculum-
oriented hands-on experiments from the fields of en-
ergy, environment, and health. With Experimento, the
Siemens Stiftung also aims to strengthen the teach-
ing and formation of values during science and tech-
nology lessons. All Experimento teaching materials
and additional media are available as Open Educa-
tional Resources (OER) on the media portal of the
Siemens Stiftung. The online portal helps teachers to
find age-appropriate media to introduce their students
to global challenges such as renewable energies, the
greenhouse effect, or the production of clean water.
Schuldt, J., Sachse, S., Friedemann, S. and Breitbarth, K.
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts.
DOI: 10.5220/0006670700780088
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 78-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To strengthen the foundation of values during ex-
perimentation, the Siemens Stiftung takes a new path:
the development of a gaming module, which is based
on the principle of learning through discovery. That
implies that children and young people actively shape
their individual learning processes while playing, dis-
covering and understanding scientific and technolog-
ical interrelationships through moral dilemma situa-
tions implemented in a digital game.
Figure 1: Title screen of the Experimento Game.
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are becoming
increasingly popular in Germany as well as other
countries. The Paris Declaration issued by UNESCO
in 2012 defines these resources as freely accessible
material that may be altered and adapted as needed
(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, 2012). These are educational materials
which are accessible under so-called open licenses.
As a result, OERs open the way for children in the
world’s more destitute regions to have access to edu-
cational resources. Special potential is offered by the
cooperative development and enhancement of these
resources as well as in the simple modification and
distribution thereof.
OERs can be modified and customized in a
legally compliant manner, thereby fulfilling impor-
tant requirements for locally differentiated, but inclu-
sive instruction in increasingly heterogeneous school
classes. For students, the active use of educational
resources promotes self-determined learning, in ad-
dition to an understanding of the internet and media.
In broad terms, OERs support a creative working re-
lationship between teachers and students, and facili-
tate new collaborative forms of teaching and learning.
(Siemens Stiftung, 2017b)
2.1 STEM and Values: How Values Can
Be Taught in Schools
There is big potential in combining STEM educa-
tion (science, technology, engineering and mathemat-
ics) and values together, not only for individuals but
at the same time for further developing society at
large. Currently there are just a few teaching meth-
ods, which promote technical knowledge and at the
same time strengthen students ability to form values.
Experimento Game, a digital game, tackles this ap-
2.1.1 Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL)
Definitions of Digital Game-Based Learning ordinar-
ily emphasize that it is a type of game play with de-
fined learning outcomes (Plass et al., 2016).
Digital Games are a complex genre of learning en-
vironments that cannot be understood by taking only
one perspective of learning. Numerous of the con-
cepts, such as motivation, include aspects relating
to different theoretical foundations: cognitive, affec-
tive, motivational, and sociocultural; which are im-
portant in the context of game design and game re-
search (Plass et al., 2016).
Plass et al. (2016) argue that all these perspectives
have to be taken into account, with specific emphases
depending upon the intention and design of the learn-
ing game, to achieve their potential for playful learn-
2.1.2 Experimento Game: A New Path of
Experimento, the international educational program
of the Siemens Stiftung, has been developed by edu-
cationalists for use in preschools, elementary schools,
and secondary schools. It offers teachers and educa-
tors a practical and curriculum-oriented selection of
topics in the areas of energy, health, and environment.
Some 130 experiments developed for age groups 4-
7 (Experimento|4+), 8-12 (Experimento|8+) and 10-
18 (Experimento|10+) ensure that children and young
people gain knowledge they can use throughout the
educational chain. They can explore, reflect upon
and understand scientific and technological subjects
independently and further develop their knowledge of
global challenges in a way that is appropriate to their
age group. (Siemens Stiftung, 2017a)
The Siemens Stiftung is going to expand their
offer with the gaming module called Experimento
Game, developed by Fraunhofer IDMT.
The Experimento Game is an adventure game,
with a classic point-and-click core game mechanic.
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
Like other adventure games, the protagonist has to
solve puzzles to progress in the game. Within Ex-
perimento Game, the player deals with two different
moral dilemma situations, which are implemented as
a trigger for two major topics:
(I) Will I share my last mouthful of water with
a stranger? This moral dilemma triggers the
topic of how to produce drinking water/ meth-
ods of purifying water.
(II) Will I stop my grandmother from burning her
garbage on the road? This moral dilemma is
triggering the topic of waste separation.
The moral dilemmas are situations where players
weigh the consequences of their choices carefully, be-
cause there are at least two or more values battling
against each other and there is no optimal answer or
choice (Schuldt, 2017).
2.1.3 Driving Value-based STEM Education
How can ethical values be successfully promoted in
STEM subjects?
Moral concepts and moral stances are not only
special characteristics that set us apart, but also ed-
ucational capabilities. The importance of successful
value promotion is therefore extremely significant in
terms of individual development. The most important
thing here is, that values should be conveyed and im-
parted during childrens early formative years as part
of real life and in relation to everyday life as much as
possible (von Siemens, 2017).
This is where STEM education comes in: Any-
one dealing with science and technology issues will
not be able to avoid reflecting on them, making as-
sessments and taking decisions. Therefore, there is
no need for new subjects to be introduced: The di-
dactic approaches simply need to be shaped accord-
ingly. New approaches are therefore required, such as
DGBL, combined with value-based issues.
Digital games are able to engage learners on an af-
fective, behavioral, cognitive, and sociocultural level
in ways few other learning environments are able to
(Plass et al., 2016). Digital games have the poten-
tial to unleash motivation and interest for science and
technology themes.
Since digitization also affects the education sys-
tem, teaching methods should be adapted appropri-
ately. Learning and especially DGBL in the sense
of acquisition of knowledge and its application re-
quires interactivity, contextualization and goal ori-
entation (Schuldt et al., 2017). Motivation, player
engagement, adaptivity, graceful failure and feed-
back systems are also influencing factors in DGBL-
environments (Plass et al., 2016).
2.2 Storyboarding
When Digital Game-Based Learning goals and tasks
are ambitious, related systems are easily becoming
complex. Storyboarding is a methodology of the sys-
tematic reliable design of Digital Game-Based Learn-
ing applications.
The authors rely on the basics as introduced by
(Jantke and Knauf, 2005) and confine themselves to
those notions and notations needed for the purpose of
characterizing serious games. Recent work on story-
boarding digital games such as (Arnold et al., 2013c;
Jantke and Knauf, 2012; Schuldt, 2017), e.g., is worth
some comparison. Storyboards are described as finite,
hierarchically and structured graphs.
”The composite nodes are named episodes,
whereas the atomic nodes are named scenes.
Composite nodes may be subject to substi-
tution by other graphs. In contrast, atomic
nodes have some semantics in the underlying
domain.” (Arnold et al., 2013b)
2.2.1 Storyboarding as a Methodology of Game
The authors interpret digital storyboarding as a
methodology that is suitable for anticipating user ex-
perience of media interaction including game play
and learning.
”Storyboarding means the organization of ex-
perience.” (Jantke and Knauf, 2005)
Therefore, storyboarding can be understood as a
methodology of didactic design. The authors refer
to more detailed explanations by (Krebs and Jantke,
2014). Storyboarding enables authors to incorpo-
rate psychological and/or pedagogical positions into
a technologically enhanced educational framework
such as a gaming module like Experimento Game.
2.2.2 Storyboarding for Experimento Game
Games of the adventure genre are mostly story-
driven, meaning that a good story is a fundamental
part of this type of game (Fernandez-Vara and Oster-
weil, 2010). Therefore, the two moral dilemma situ-
ations in Experimento Game (see 2.1.2 Experimento
Game: A New Path of Experimento) are embedded
into a whole story. In addition to a tutorial level, there
are two more levels covering different topics:
Level 1: How to produce drinking water? The
method of purifying water.
Level 2: How to protect the environment? Sepa-
rating materials for recycling purposes.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The flexibility of storyboards allows to connect
seamless gameplay, dilemma situations and learning
As mentioned previously, the Experimento Game is
an adventure game with sorting puzzles. In order to
progress in the game, the players make decisions and
solve puzzles. The core game mechanics are similar
to those of classic point-and-click games. The Players
only need a mouse (or finger for the tablet version) as
an input device. The Experimento Game is a short 2D
Game and has been developed with UNITY 3D.
3.1 Storyboard Interpretation
Technology for Experimento Game
The Experimento Game uses the Storyboard Interpre-
tation Technology (SIT) by Fraunhofer IDMT. The
essence of this approach is to make digital story-
boards immediately executable. SIT includes a toolkit
that supports the creation of storyboards and ensures
the integration into software products. The defini-
tion of a digital structure for dynamic stories and
rules for interpreting these stories are an additional
part of SIT. The technology has already been used
in previous projects by Fraunhofer IDMT for creat-
ing highly complex story-driven applications (Arnold
et al., 2013c; Arnold et al., 2013b).
3.1.1 Features of SIT
Depending on the requirements of the Experimento
Game, it was necessary to advance SIT. However, sto-
ryboards are now stored in JSON data and no longer
in an online RDF database in comparison to (Arnold
et al., 2013c). New tools support the story authors
to create a tabular storyboard. Like the traditional
storyboards, the digital tabular storyboard contains
drawings and descriptive texts, as well as control in-
formation for the game. More information about the
technology of the Storyboard Editor was published in
(Schuldt, 2017). A parser converts the tabular story-
board into a JSON file that can be interpreted by the
storyboard engine module (see Figure 2).
Now, the storyboard engine contains an interpreter
and a processor. The interpreter understands the struc-
ture of the storyboard files and reads the control in-
formation from the storyboard. The interpreter sends
this information to the processor. The processor is
Figure 2: System design of the Experimento Game.
connected to the game interfaces and processes the
control commands in the game immediately.
The storyboard engine reads the nodes from the
storyboard, executes control commands and reacts to
the players feedback. Depending on game events the
storyboard engine manages the progress in the game.
Therefore the storyboard engine has all relevant data
like the node structure of the storyboard (see Figure 3)
or the conditions for the transitions. It is not intended
to read any of the inscriptions in the storyboard graph
below, but to get an impression of some storyboard as
a whole.
Figure 3: Shows the storyboard of the tutorial level. Dots
represents nodes, arrows represents possible transitions.
The color of the dots indicates the corresponding subcat-
egory of a node.
3.1.2 Application Area of SIT
The use of SIT not only allows game developers
to write a story, but also to create adaptive game-
play content. For instance, the story in Experimento
Game adapts, depending on the player’s decision in
the dilemma situations. Finally, the use of SIT im-
proves and accelerates the development process. The
following positive experiences have been made with
the use of SIT:
Storyboard authors don’t need a long training pe-
riod for the Storyboard-Tool. They are familiar
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
with the traditional tabular storyboard user inter-
SIT reduces the workload during development.
Storyboard authors and developers can work sep-
arately from each other.
Changes to the storyboard can be implemented
An assitstance system uses automatic input
checks to prevent incorrect storyboards.
The use of SIT has also demonstrated the limits
of the current technology. Although the limitations
have not affected the gaming design process of the
Experimento Game, future research should solve the
current drawbacks:
SIT cannot be used for open-world storyboards.
The mechanics of arcade games are hard to turn
into a storyboard.
3.2 Development
At the beginning of the project there were some tech-
nical challenges, like the cross-platform capability of
the game and the support of low performance devices,
according to the usual school equipment. In addition
to these challenges, the game should be suitable for
various technical infrastructures. A further challenge
was to create a satisfying game for the target group.
Throughout the entire development cycle, we used us-
ability engineering to improve the game’s user expe-
3.2.1 Technical Challenges
To support lower performance devices certain design
decisions have been made and special techniques have
been used. For instance, there are only 2D objects
without a polygon-geometry in the game. All sprites
are assigned to one of eleven render layers. Two lay-
ers are for the graphical user interface elements and
nine layers for the 2D objects in the game.
To reduce rendering effort, the game automati-
cally disables objects that are located outside of the
camera view. To get a quick access to objects in the
same location the game uses a location map with a
Furthermore a state-engine was built to separate
the different states in the game and to split the com-
plexity of the code with 10 states (Initialization,
Menu, (Un-)Load, Play, etc.). The game will be
released in different regions such as Africa, South
America and Germany, so all texts in the game are
interchangeable. Separate language files make it eas-
ier to add new languages or update existing texts. The
design has simple 2D graphics and is an abstraction of
the real world, to be appealing to a variety of cultures.
The environment is not similar to any certain region.
Depending on the technical infrastructure there is
an online- and an offline-version of the game avail-
3.2.2 Game Mechanics
To ensure that players are familiar with the con-
trol mechanics of a point-and-click game, there is a
tutorial-level as introduction implemented.
There are two puzzles in the game, both uses the
same mechanics and game rules. During a time of
approx. 60 seconds, the players have to sort objects.
During this time objects appear and move from left to
right like on a conveyor belt. In the first mini game
the player has to drag components of a water filter
and drop them in the correct order into an empty filter
(see Figure 4). If the assignment is correct, the score
Figure 4: Screen-shot from first Mini-Game.
In order to increase the replayability of the game,
there is a hidden score. The players get points for var-
ious actions during the game. At the end of the game
a result screen shows what points have been awarded.
The players achieve points for:
playing time is less than 12 minutes,
pick up of waste while playing,
score of the first mini game (build water filter),
score of the second mini game (recycling).
Going beyond the concept of usability, user experi-
ence is a holistic approach that embraces the complete
effects of a users experience before, while and after
using an interface (Deutsches Institut f
ur Normung,
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2011). It also includes aesthetic or emotional factors
such as joy or fun while using a product.
In order to summative examine the games user ex-
perience (UX) according to the target group of 11- to
13 year old students a survey-based study including a
playtest of the final prototype has been carried out in
early July 2017.
A suitable usability and UX concept was already
conceived right in the beginning and has been ad-
justed systematically in the projects course to opti-
mize the game in an iterative design process (Schuldt,
2017). In preparation of the study, a pretest was con-
ducted in June 2017 to test the prototype on the one
hand and to test the research setting and the instru-
ments (see 4.2 Methodological Study Design) on the
other hand. It confirmed a playtime of around 15
minutes and an adequate understanding of the ques-
tionnaire as well as a working log file analysis. Sub-
sequently, minor changes were made in the games
source code and the questionnaire according to usabil-
ity issues.
4.1 Objectives and Research Interests
The UX of Experimento Game formed the primary re-
search subject of this study. One goal of the study was
to evaluate the game’s suitability for school students
and the context of lessons and the specific curricu-
lum. Besides, there was a strong interest to examine
the impact of the game using dilemma situations as a
method to foster reflection about norms and values in
The study design was set up to give an answer to
the following research questions:
(I) UX: How is the overall user experience of Ex-
perimento Game within the target group of
highschool students at the age of 11 to 13?
(II) Dilemma: How does the target group of high-
school students at the age of 11 to 13 cope with
decision making in the moral dilemma situa-
(III) Learning: How is the games impact on the
students awareness of the environment issues
mentioned in the story?
(IV) Context of use: How suitable is the game for
the use in class?
4.2 Methodological Study Design
The challenge was to set up a study design being close
to the future context of use of the game in classes with
young students. The whole setting should fit into a
school lesson and should be easily to understand and
to be answered in short time. Therefore, the following
instruments were employed:
standardized questionnaire including the topics:
personal data, user experience, emotions while
playing, decision making, learning with the game;
user experience questionnaire (UEQ) in simpli-
fied language as part of the main questionnaire:
set of 26 pairs of opposite items belonging to the
scales attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, de-
pendability, stimulation, and novelty. (Hinderks
et al., 2012; Hinderks et al., 2014; Hinderks et al.,
log files: e.g. total playing time, usage of sound,
choice of character, decisions made in dilemma
situations, scores in mini games and other chal-
Within the scope of the study, the game was tested
and evaluated by the target group of 11 to 13 year-old
high school students in Germany using a setting inte-
grated in a school lesson. There was first an introduc-
tion by the accompanying scientist and the teacher.
Afterwards the students were asked to play the game
on their own while log files were collected and the
scientist kept the minutes in an observation protocol.
Finally, the students filled in a questionnaire to evalu-
ate the game and their experiences made.
The sample of students taken was not representa-
tive, but self-selective as existing school classes were
asked to take part in the study. The questionnaires
were imported and analysed by using the survey soft-
ware SPHINX to generate descriptive data. The UEQ
Data Analysis Tool by Dr. Martin Schrepp see (Hin-
derks et al., 2017) was applied to analyse the items
belonging to the user experience questionnaire. The
data mining was realized by implementing a data ac-
quisition tool and a final analysis in Microsoft Excel.
The survey was conducted in German language
and then translated for this paper.
4.3 Study Results
The examination was conducted at a secondary school
in Lower Saxony, Germany in June 2017. Altogether
n=49 participants tested the game and filled in the
questionnaire. Furthermore, data were collected via
data mining and an additional observation protocol.
In addition, n=2 teachers filled in the questionnaire
concerning the teacher’s view. The students taking
part attended classes in 5th and 6th grade and were
aged from 9 to 14 years; there were 51 % male and
46,1 % female (n=25 male, n=23 female, 1= un-
known). Most of them were experienced in playing
digital games at least sometimes, but - if at all - very
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
exceptionally had the chance to get in touch with it as
a method in lessons. (see Figure 5)
Figure 5: Previous experience with computer games.
4.3.1 Results UX
On the whole, there is a positive overall impression
of the game as the majority of the test persons (62.5
%) claimed they liked Experimento Game and only
few persons (6.3 %) disagreed. (see Figure 6) In ad-
dition, similar results showed up concerning the stu-
dents emotions while playing: Most of the test per-
sons were in a good mood, felt motivated as well as
happy when playing the game. (see Figure 7)
Figure 6: Assessment of the game by the students.
Figure 7: Emotions while playing.
Regarding the scales of the UEQ, the game was
altogether rated positively by the test persons. (see
Figure 8) For explanation: According to (Hinderks
et al., 2017) the values between -0.8 and 0.8 repre-
sent a neutral evaluation of the corresponding scale,
and values greater than 0,8 represent a positive eval-
uation. Due to the calculation of means over a range
of different persons with different opinions and an-
swer tendencies values above +2 are rather unlikely
to achieve.
The dimension attractiveness means the over-
all impression of the evaluated system. The re-
sults given in the UEQ concerning Experimento
Figure 8: UX results according to the UEQ-Scales.
Game correspond to the positive students answers
in (Figure 6) and show satisfying trends (see Fig-
ure 7).
Dimension quality of use:
The scale perspicuity measures if a system is
easy to understand and to learn. The test per-
sons obviously did not have any severe prob-
lems to use the game.
The scale efficiency measures, if the users can
work quick and efficient with a system. It
showed satisfying results in the context of a
digital game.
The scale dependability measures how safe
and predictable the interactions are. The results
confirm that the adolescent testers were gener-
ally able to cope with the game. Some prob-
lems were mentioned in the free-text fields of
the main questionnaire and mostly referred to
the high speed of the mini games or some minor
usability issues that were adjusted afterwards.
Dimension design quality:
The scale stimulation measures how interest-
ing, stimulating and motivating the system is.
Some helpful comments for further improve-
ments of the game were given by the test per-
sons concerning implementing more characters
to choose/ to create, and raising the tension of
the game through leaving out predictable parts.
The scale novelty refers to the extent of innova-
tion and creativeness of the design which is in
the case of ”Experimento Game” mainly posi-
tively rated.
Accordingly, the majority of the students taking
part in the study accepted the game as part of their
lesson and could imagine to play more games like
Experimento Game in class (82,9 %). For the most
part they felt that comfortable with the game that they
would also recommend it to friends. (see Figure 9).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: Suitability for learning.
4.3.2 Results Dilemma
Generally, the students identified themselves in the
dilemma situations and told phrases like ’To me all
the waste lying around was ugly.’, ’Those poor birds’,
’Why is grandma that dumb? Thats simply not
done!’. In both dilemma situations decision making
felt rather easy to most of the test person (see Figure
10). Roundabout one fifth of them had difficulties to
get aware of the consequences of their decision mak-
ing as well as to take a decision. (see Figure 11)
Figure 10: Feelings about decision making.
Figure 11: Awareness of consequences.
The dilemma situations already led to first discus-
sions in class within the test session. Thus, they serve
the purpose of fostering moral argumentations about
contents relevant to the students curriculum. The test
persons decision behavior in the dilemma situations
did not yet appear completely balanced (see Figure
12), but there still is a need for a greater sample to
see a clear tendency. Altogether, the students defi-
nitely experienced the use of dilemmata as one excit-
ing method to get involved in new topics.
Figure 12: Distribution of responses in dilemma situations.
4.3.3 Results Learning
The results concerning UX (also including some free-
text comments as well as observations in class) clearly
show acceptance among the target group of the game.
More than half of the test persons agreed to have
learned something new while playing the game. (see
Figure 13) An even bigger share (> 74 %) claimed
that the game drew their attention to the importance
of the environments topics treated in the story. A sim-
ilar amount of test persons would like to play Experi-
mento Game in class.
The topics chosen are relevant for the curriculum.
And, what’s more, the environment-related dilemma
situations of this module can be used in classic STEM
subjects, but are also suitable for further subjects like
ethics. Although the game can only treat limited top-
ics, its interactive features foster tackling with envi-
ronmental issues and serve as one method get students
Figure 13: Assessment of learning with Experimento
4.3.4 Results Context of Use
The logfile data concerning playing time (around 15
minutes) and scores (mini games, collecting trash,
and time score) confirmed the suitability of the game
for its usage in lessons as well as an adequate chal-
lenge for highschool students. (see Figure 14).
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
Figure 14: Logfile data - Times and scores.
The game was used with as well as without sound
while testing. (see Figure 15) It is working in both
Figure 15: Used sound settings.
It is justified to implement a choice of character as
all of them were chosen as avatar. Dante and Mokobe
were the most popular among the test persons. (see
Figure 16)
Figure 16: Logfile data - Choice of character.
The logfile data as well as students feedback (see
Figure 17) shows that the recycling mini-game was
more difficult than the water filter mini-game.
Figure 17: Feelings about playing mini games.
There was also a teacher-version of the question-
naire asking for their opinion about the game and it’s
suitability for classes. Due to the small teacher’s sam-
ple, we will not give a detailed description of the re-
The overall user experience of Experimento Game
within the target group of highschool students was
rated positively, especially the dimensions attractive-
ness and perspicuity. Only the dimension stimulation
was rated neutral. For some students the decisions
were not too difficult in the moral dilemmas, but not
all of them were aware of the consequences of their
decision. The study showed that the games impact
on the students awareness of the environment issues
mentioned in the story is quite high and therefore a
good method for learning in STEM contexts. Teach-
ers and students appreciated the Experimento Game
approach and rate the game suitable for the use in
The study underlies several limitations concerning
the target group and the specifications of the survey.
There were strong limitations concerning time capac-
ities (school lesson) as well as suitabiliey of the re-
search method for rather young high school students
(length, comprehension, focusing the overall impres-
sion of the game). According to the content of the
survey, it would also be desirerable to distinguish the
emotions while playing between overall playing ex-
perience and decision making in future research. The
emotions in the survey refer to the overall playing ex-
perience, but not to how specific parts of the dilemma
story was experienced by the users (cf. 4.3.2 Results
The underlying user-centered design approach al-
lowed for a continuous adjustment of the game during
development. In the final UX-Study we got positive
feedback from students and teachers equally.
The questionnaire was adapted to the target group
and improved through a Pretest-Setting.
Games as educational media are time-consuming
and quite expensive to produce and then unfortunately
not always accepted. They can and should not stand
alone, therefore we supported teacher with an extra
handout with suggestions of how to embed the game
in their lessons.
Extensions within the Experimento-Program are
possible, although there are challenges in spreading
OER, due to the publishers, thus making no profit
with these offers.
SIT enables easy language variants and different
areas of application (for instance, in our case the story
must fit for different cultures).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Experimento Game is designed to motivate students
intrinsically and activate environmental awareness
and sustainability. The game enables decisions in a
”sheltered” gaming environment and stimulates dis-
cussions for reflection of different behavior.
Experimento Game fits into today’s everyday
habits of children and adolescents; the majority con-
sumes regularly games on different platforms (Feier-
abend et al., 2016). Currently, digital games are used
rarely by teachers in the classroom; the infrastructure
in schools is given in many places, that this would in
principle be possible (Kantar TNS, 2016).
The novelty of the project is to use SIT to develop
tasks and teaching materials that bring STEM topics
to life and enable a fun way of learning. Many cur-
ricula still focus on conducting exams. Students learn
more easily and more sustainably if they actively use
new knowledge instead of memorizing it.
The Experimento Game was very well received in
the study by the subjects. It has not only caused many
positive reactions among the participants, but has also
enabled them to experience their own personal experi-
ences. It has proved to be a suitable game to introduce
environmental education in the classroom and to stim-
ulate reflection on the behavior of different actors.
The teachers confirmed both the acceptance of the
pupils as well as their own. They thought the material
provided was helpful and they would like to use the
game in future lessons.
Experimento Game can contribute to education as
a suitable offer to students to modernize and enrich
learning, and thus the goal of a meaningful digital ed-
ucation in schools.
In the future, it is recommended to transfer the
game to other cultures and languages as well as to
elaborate further modules that address new content
and controversy. The numerous comments from the
testers should be used to make future developments
even more interesting and to respond more intensively
to the previous experiences of the potential users. A
mobile version of the game, such as a tablet version,
is the next step in development.
The Storyboard Interpretation Technology was
used to implement a story. This Technology made it
possible to write stories easier, faster and more effec-
tive. In the future, SIT should be tested to see whether
it can also be used in other learning areas, such as in-
teractive virtual laboratories.
Serious Games must have a pedagogic-didactic
quality and should focus on the application of knowl-
edge. The matter in question and the content design
must be measured by the fact that they have an actual
added value about real experimentation, discussion,
Further research questions are interesting to inves-
tigate: (a) Do the emotions of the students have an in-
fluence on the playing experience with Experimento
Game? (b) Is SIT as an authoring tool suitable for
universal use?
The authors gratefully acknowledge the fruitful col-
laboration with their customer, Siemens Stiftung. As
a non-profit corporate foundation, Siemens Stiftung
promotes sustainable social development, which is
crucially dependent on access to basic services, high-
quality education, and an understanding of culture.
To this effect, the Foundations project work supports
people in taking the initiative to responsibly address
current challenges. Together with partners, Siemens
Stiftung develops and implements solutions and pro-
grams to support this effort, with technological and
social innovation playing a central role. The ac-
tions of Siemens Stiftung are impact-oriented and
conducted in a transparent manner. www.siemens-
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