Blending Acceptance as Additional Evaluation Parameter into
Carbon Capture and Utilization Life-Cycle Analyses
K. Arning
, B. Zaunbrecher
, A. Sternberg
, A. Bardow
and M. Ziefle
Human Computer Interaction Center (HCIC), RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Chair of Technical Thermodynamics, RWTH Aachen University, Schinkelstr. 8, 52062 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Life-Cycle Analysis, Carbon Capture and Utilization, Acceptance, Perception, Awareness, Conjoint Analysis,
Abstract: Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) captures and uses CO
as a feedstock to produce carbon-based saleable
products. However, sustainable technology innovations are only attractive to investors and justify (public)
subsidies if they provide economical or ecological added value. Therefore, life-cycle analyses (LCA) are
applied to identify the environmentally most optimal option of a technology scenario. Since LCA do not
address the social dimension of sustainable innovations so far, a study is presented, where acceptance is
assessed as additional life-cycle evaluation parameter. A prestudy (qualitative interviews, n = 25 participants)
was run to identify acceptance-relevant parameters of CCU site deployment. In a conjoint study (n = 110),
which investigated the acceptance of CCU site deployment scenarios, the profitability, CO
-source, and type
of CO
-derived product were systematically varied as acceptance-relevant criteria. Findings show, that
profitability had the highest impact on CCU technology scenario preferences. Fuel was the most attractive
CCU product option and steel plants were the most preferred CO
-source. In sensitivity analyses specific
acceptable and nonacceptable CCU technology scenarios were identified. The assessment of acceptance for
CCU deployment scenario parameters allows to include acceptance as additional evaluation and weighting
parameter into life-cycle analyses of CCU technology scenarios.
Fighting climate change caused by greenhouse gas
emissions is one of the greatest worldwide challenges
today. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU)
represents a range of technologies, developed to
reduce CO
emissions and fossil resource use by
capturing, “recycling”, and using CO
as a feedstock
to produce carbon-based saleable products. Most
CCU technology applications still have low
technology readiness levels (Wilson et al., 2015), but
first CO
-derived products are now reaching the end-
consumer market. Apart from the technical feasibility
of CCU, the technology must provide added
ecological and economic value and most important
for its long-term success reach public acceptance.
So far, the public perception of CCU is an under-
researched field (Jones et al., 2017), which also
applies to the consideration of acceptance in the
design and evaluation of CCU technology
deployment scenarios.
1.1 Carbon Capture and Utilization
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) has gained
attention as climate change mitigation technology in
recent years, since it has the potential to limit or
reduce atmospheric releases of CO
and to replace
fossil resource use (Markewitz et al., 2012). CCU
refers to a broad range of eco-innovative and
sustainable technologies, which use CO
as a
feedstock for the production of diverse carbon-
derived products (Styring et al., 2015). Different
CCU production routes and resulting product types
have been developed: direct or physical utilization,
biological, and chemical utilization. In direct or
physical utilization, CO
is used as refrigerant, as
extinguishing agent or in cleaning processes. The
captured CO
can also be transformed via biological
processes into fuels or bio-oils. The chemical
utilization route of CO
allows the production of urea,
methanol, cyclic carbonates, salicylic acid, or polyol
(Markewitz et al., 2012). Here, CO
can be stored
partly permanent (e.g., in liquid fuels) or even for
Arning, K., Zaunbrecher, B., Sternberg, A., Bardow, A. and Ziefle, M.
Blending Acceptance as Additional Evaluation Parameter into Carbon Capture and Utilization Life-Cycle Analyses.
DOI: 10.5220/0006683000340043
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2018), pages 34-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-292-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
long-term time periods (e.g., in polymers or cement).
The production of plastic substances such as polyol,
polypropylene, and polyurethane based on carbonates
and polycarbonates allows access to the very high
demand and sales volumes in the plastics sector
(Coates and Moore, 2004). The chemical utilization
route of CCU is highly promising due to the high
availability of CO
, savings of fossil resources in the
production of plastic products, and a broad spectrum
of plastic product variants (Markewitz et al., 2012).
Thus, from a technical perspective, CCU has great
ecological and economic advantages: by emitting less
, CCU can contribute to climate change
mitigation targets and the use, costs, and dependency
on expensive and limited fossil resources can be
reduced. However, “green” and sustainable
technology innovations such as CCU are only
attractive to investors and justify (public) subsidies if
they provide economical or ecological added value.
In the past, techno-economic assessments were most
commonly employed to identify the most cost
effective option. Currently, life-cycle assessments
(LCA) are increasingly used to identify the
environmentally most (or least) benign option of a
technology scenario.
1.2 Life-Cycle Assessment of Carbon
Capture and Utilization
“Green” technology innovations such as Carbon
Capture and Utilization require methods and tools to
assess and compare the environmental impact of their
products or services to the society. One specific
evaluation framework is the Life-Cycle Assessment
(LCA) (Rebitzer et al., 2004), which estimates and
assesses the environmental impacts attributable to the
life-cycle of a product in the form of environmental
impact measures such as climate change,
stratospheric ozone depletion, tropospheric ozone
(smog) creation, toxicological stress on human
health, and ecosystems, etc. In LCA, energy and
materials used and wastes released to the environment
are identified and evaluated regarding opportunities
to affect environmental improvements (Rebitzer et
al., 2004).
In the context of CCU, several life-cycle
assessments were conducted, which either focused on
the comparison of specific CCU process routes with
conventional process routes (e.g., von der Assen et
al., 2013) or the comparison of different CCU
technology process steps (e.g., von der Assen et al.,
2014). A study on life-cycle assessment of CO
utilization for polyurethane concluded that even
though chemical CO
-utilization does not lead to a
significant reduction in the global emissions budget,
significant amounts of fossil resources (mostly oil)
and CO
emissions resulting from the production can
be saved compared to the manufacture of
conventional products (von der Assen and Bardow,
2014). Not restricted to the field of CCU, but also for
other eco-innovations, “hot spots” and their impact on
the profitability and competitiveness of the
technology compared to conventional routes were
analysed (Castellani et al., 2017).
Even though LCA are referred to as holistic
approaches due to their broad evaluation perspective
from “cradle to grave” of a product, sustainable
innovations do not only exert environmental, but also
social impacts. So far, LCA do not address the social
dimensions of sustainable innovations, even though
the perception and acceptance of a technology,
product or service by the public can finally decide
about the success or failure of a technical innovation
(Batel et al., 2013). Public acceptance refers to a
positive reception or behavioral response (support) to
a technology. In contrast, missing acceptance can
result in protesting actions against the technology
infrastructure or avoidance of purchasing and using
the technology and its products (e.g., Wallquist et al.,
The present paper, therefore, aims for an
investigation of social indicators such as perception
and acceptance of the CCU technology in a LCA-
framework. Before the research approach is detailed
in section 2, the following section 1.3 focuses on the
state-of-the-art regarding the public perception and
acceptance of CCU.
1.3 Public Perception and Acceptance
of Carbon Capture and Utilization
Due to the young age of the CCU technology and the
comparably small number of mature carbon-based
products on the market (e.g., mattresses (Covestro,
2016); or synthetic methane (Audi, n.d.)), empirical
research about the perception and acceptance of CCU
is just emerging in the last years. These studies
mainly focus on the socio-political level of
acceptance (i.e., the acceptance of technologies by
major the general public, policy makers, and other
key stakeholders) as well as on market acceptance
(i.e., the acceptance of carbon-derived products by
potential consumers) (Wüstenhagen et al., 2007).
Most empirical studies on the perception and
acceptance of CCU were based on qualitative
methods, trying to identify underlying motives and
determinants of CCU acceptance (e.g., Jones et al.,
2016; Jones, 2015; van Heek et al., 2017), but first
Blending Acceptance as Additional Evaluation Parameter into Carbon Capture and Utilization Life-Cycle Analyses
quantitative studies directed on a quantification of
CCU acceptance levels (Perdan et al., 2017),
modeling CCU perception and acceptance (Arning et
al., 2017) or the decision process (van Heek et al.,
2017b) can be found today. These studies show, that
the general awareness and information level about the
CCU technology and carbon-derived products is
rather low in the general public (Perdan et al., 2017).
Even though CCU is generally positively perceived
due to its environmental benefits, especially technical
lay-people with a low awareness of CCU associate
higher risks with this technology. Frequently stated
risks or concerns in the context of CCU refer to health
risks (e.g., fear of headaches or suffocation due to
-leakage from CCU products), environmental
risks (e.g., fear of pollution during the production
process or during product disposal), product quality
risks (e.g., lower durability) or sustainability risks (no
long-term solution, when CO
is released after
product disposal) (Arning et al., 2017).
Summing up, empirical acceptance research on
CCU technology and products shows, that the
acceptance of a green technology innovation by the
public should not be taken for granted. To develop
technology scenarios, which are not only
economically and ecologically feasible and effective,
but also acceptable from the public or consumer side,
the present paper is directed on an integration of two
methodological approaches: life-cycle analyses and
empirical acceptance research. For the first time to
best of our knowledge acceptance parameter input
is assessed in a life-cycle scenario and is regarded as
additional life-cycle evaluation parameter. By
blending acceptance into life-cycle assessments,
technical innovations have a higher chance to evolve
into social innovations that meet people’s
requirements and expectations and yield less risk of
failure due to public opposition.
Therefore, the present study pursued the following
research aims:
1. Identifying acceptance-relevant criteria for a
CCU life-cycle scenario directed on the
deployment of a CCU site
2. Measuring acceptance of CCU site
deployment criteria and different CCU
deployment scenarios
3. Complementing technical and environmental
evaluation parameters of existing life-cycle
assessment approaches by acceptance
In the following section, the methodological approach
of the study is detailed, i.e., the conjoint analysis
procedure, the prestudy, and the sample.
2.1 Conjoint Analysis
Conjoint analysis (CA) methods combine a
measurement model with a statistical estimation
algorithm (Rao, 2014). Compared to survey-based
acceptance studies, which are still the dominating
research method in information systems and
acceptance research, CA allow for a holistic and
ecologically more valid investigation of decision
scenarios (Alriksson and Öberg, 2008). Specific
product profiles or scenarios are evaluated by
respondents, which are composed of multiple
attributes and differ from each other in the attribute
levels. CA deliver information about which attribute
influences respondents’ choice the most and which
level of an attribute is preferred. Preference
judgments and resulting preference shares are
interpreted as indicator of acceptance (Arning et al.,
2014). In the present study, a choice-based-conjoint
(CBC) analysis approach was chosen, because it
closely mimics complex decision processes, where
more than one attribute affects the final decision
(Rao, 2014).
2.2 Selection of Attributes
A qualitative interview prestudy was conducted to
identify acceptance-relevant attributes and levels in
the context of CCU deployment to be used in the
conjoint analysis. Note, that the CCU life-cycle was
not operationalized from a technical perspective, but
from a social science perspective, taking only
acceptance-relevant factors of CCU deployment into
account. To identify these acceptance-relevant
factors, five focus-group discussions with n = 25
participants were conducted. Here, people with
differing technical expertise, environmental
awareness, age, and gender discussed perceived
benefits, barriers, and deployment requirements from
the publics’ perspective. All interviews were
recorded, transcribed, and analyzed by qualitative
content-analysis. The following attributes and levels
were extracted as being acceptance-relevant for CCU
technology deployment:
1. CO
-source with three levels a) chemical
plant, b) steel plant, and c) coal-fired plant.
The three point sources were chosen, because
even lay-participants were familiar with them
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
and first pilot- or demonstration sites are
already running in Germany.
2. Profitability of the CCU site with three levels
a) no public financing necessary, b) start-up
public financing for building the site, c) long-
term public financing necessary.
The aspect of profitability was emphasized by
experts, thereby differentiating between the
different production routes and types of CO
derived products (e.g., production of plastic
products versus production of fuel).
3. CO
-derived product with four levels a)
mattress, b) fertilizer, c) fuel, d) drugs.
Four different types of CO
-derived products
were chosen to represent the broad variety of
potential products, which can be produced
based on the CCU technology.
Because a combination of all corresponding levels
would have led to 36 (3 × 3 × 4) possible
combinations to evaluate, the number of stimuli was
reduced. Each respondent was presented with only 12
random tasks, i.e., some levels of attributes did not
appear together in one set. Therefore, a test of design
efficiency was applied to examine whether the design
was comparable to the hypothetical orthogonal design
(Sawtooth Software, 2013). Design efficiency was
confirmed with a median efficiency of 99% relative
to a hypothetical orthogonal design.
2.3 The Questionnaire
SSI Web Software was used for questionnaire design.
The questionnaire consisted of three parts: First,
participants received an introduction into basic terms,
functioning, and purpose of the CCU technology.
They were also introduced into the decision scenario.
To ensure that participants correctly understood all
attributes and levels, all of them were defined and
comprehensively described in the introduction.
Second, participants answered the 12 conjoint choice
tasks. They were asked to decide under which
conditions they would accept the roll-out of the CCU
technology. An example for a choice task is shown in
Figure 1. The third part of the questionnaire consisted
of general CCU acceptance items, assessing CCU as
“beneficial”, “useful”, “risky”, and “threatening”,
local CCU site deployment acceptance (all assessed
on 6-point Likert-scales (1 = “do not agree at all” to
6 = “fully agree”)) as well as demographic data (age,
gender, and education) and the general awareness and
knowledge level about the CCU technology in
specific (assessed on Likert-scales from 1 = “very
low” to 6 = “very high”).
Figure 1: Example of a choice task in the CBC study.
Respondents were asked to indicate the most preferred
CCU deployment scenario.
2.4 The Sample
Data of n = 110 participants was analyzed (only
complete data sets were included into the analysis),
with 53.6% male and 46.4% female respondents. The
mean age was M = 28.5 years (SD = 8.8), ranging
from 17-59 years. The sample was highly educated
with 60 respondents holding an university degree and
50 respondents holding a school leaving certificate.
The awareness and information level about the
CCU technology was very low in the sample. The
majority reported to have very low (69.1%) or low
(17.3%) knowledge about CCU, whereas only 4.5%
reported to have a good or very good (1.8%)
knowledge about the CCU technology.
2.5 Data Analysis
Data analysis of conjoint data was carried out by
using Sawtooth Software (SSI Web, HB, SMRT)
(Sawtooth Software, 2013). Part-worth utilities were
calculated based on Hierarchical Bayes (HB)
estimation and part-worth utilities importance scores
were derived. They provide a measure of how
important the attribute is relative to all other
attributes. Part-worth utilities are interval-scaled data,
which are scaled to an arbitrary additive constant
within each attribute, i.e., it is not possible to compare
utility values between different attributes. By using
zero-centred differential part-worth utilities, which
are scaled to sum to zero within each attribute, it is
possible to compare differences between attribute
levels. Sensitivity or scenario simulations where
carried out by using the Sawtooth market simulator.
Likert ratings in the questionnaire were analysed
descriptively (M, SD). Ratings > 3.5 were interpreted
as approving, ratings < 3.5 as rejecting evaluation.
mattress drugs fuel
No public
Blending Acceptance as Additional Evaluation Parameter into Carbon Capture and Utilization Life-Cycle Analyses
In this section, the findings regarding the acceptance
of CCU site deployment are presented as well as the
conjoint data analysis findings, i.e., relative
importance scores for the three attributes, part-worth
utility estimation findings for the respective attribute
levels, and the simulation of preferences for different
CCU site deployment scenarios.
3.1 CCU Deployment Acceptance
The general perception of the CCU technology was
positive (M = 4.3, SD = 0.8). A minority (10.8%) of
respondents evaluated the CCU technology as
nonacceptable, whereas 78% perceived CCU as
positive or highly positive (11.2%). Respondents
evaluated CCU as beneficial (M = 4.3, SD = 1.0),
useful (M = 4.4, SD = 0.9), not being risky (M = 2.9,
SD = 0.9) or threating (M = 2.5, SD = 0.9).
Asked for local acceptance of CCU site
deployment, 11% would react with protest, 56.4%
would tolerate the site, and 16.4% would approve the
deployment of a CCU site in their neighbourhood.
3.2 Relative Importance Scores
To evaluate the main impact factors on preferences
for CCU deployment scenarios, the share of
preference was calculated by applying Hierarchical
Bayes Analyses. The relative importance scores of
the attributes examined in the present study are
presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Importance scores for CCU deployment attributes
in the CBC study.
The attribute “profitability” had the highest
importance score (44.0%, SD = 18.0), followed by
-derived products” (34.6%, SD = 15.3) and
-source” (21.4%, SD = 14.8). The results
indicate that the profitability of CCU site was the
most dominant attribute to influence CCU
deployment scenario acceptance. The type of CO
derived product was also important, but to a lesser
extent. Interestingly, the CO
-source was the least
important attribute affecting CCU deployment
scenario acceptance.
3.3 Part-worth Utility Estimation
The average zero-centred differential part-worth
utilities for all attribute levels are shown in Figure 3.
The attribute “profitability” displayed the highest
range between part-worth utilities, which caused the
high importance scores (see 3.1).
Focusing on absolute utility values of the attribute
profitability”, the level “no public financing” was
highly preferred, as indicated by the highest utility
value (53.2, SD = 40.7). “Start-up public financing”
was also accepted (utility = 12.8, SD = 18.4), whereas
“long-term public financing” (-66.0, SD = 35.1)
received the lowest utility value and was rejected by
Looking at CO
-derived products, the most
preferred product type was “fuel” (utility = 19.2, SD
= 48.2), followed by “drugs” (utility = 9.5, SD =
48.8), which were also positively evaluated. Using
to produce fertilizer was evaluated neutrally
(utility = 0.0, SD = 36.0). The only product, which
received negative evaluations was the mattress
consisting of CO
foam (utility = -28.6, SD = 26.6).
Figure 3: Part-worth utilities (zero-centred diffs) for CCU
deployment attributes and levels in the CBC-study.
Regarding the CO
-source, the most preferred
point source was the “steel plant” (utility = 18.8, SD
= 0.7). The other two CO
-sources, the “chemical
plant” (utility = -2.9, SD = 23.6) and - to an even
higher extent the “coal-fired plant” (utility = -15.9,
SD = 34.1) were rejected in a CCU deployment
0 10 20 30 40 50
Importance scores
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
chemical plant
steel plant
coal-fired plant
no p. financing
start-up p. financing
long-term p. financing
Part-worth utilities
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
3.4 Preference Simulations for CCU
Deployment Scenarios
In a next step, sensitivity simulations were carried out
by using the Sawtooth market simulator. In the
simulations, we investigated preferences for specific
CCU deployment scenarios. Based on the preference
patterns we identified in section 3.3, we simulated
public preferences for a “best case” scenario and for
four different CCU deployment scenarios.
The “best case CCU deployment scenario” with a
steel plant as CO
-source, fuel as CO
product, and no required public financing was
accepted by 77.4% (SE = 2.8%) of respondents. A
lower profitability in the beginning, which requires a
start-up public financing led to only marginally
reduced acceptance rates (77.2%, SE = 2.8%). In case
of public long-term financing, the acceptance rates
declined to 55.8% (SE = 3.2%).
In addition to the “best case”-scenario, four
realistic and technically feasible scenarios were
Scenario 1 “Dream factory”: This scenario was
based on the Dream factory project of Bayer
(Bayer Material Science, n.d.), producing CO
derived mattresses with CO
from a coal-fired
power plant. It was characterized by a coal-fired
plant as CO
-source, a mattress as CO
product and was running profitable (i.e., no
public financing necessary).
Scenario 2 “Mattress factory / chemical
industry”: This scenario resembled scenario 1
regarding the product (a mattress) and the
profitability, only differing regarding the chosen
(but also feasible) CO
-source, which was a
chemical plant.
Scenario 3 “Fuel production”: The fuel
production scenario was composed of a coal-
fired plant as CO
-source manufacturing fuel as
-derived product. The fuel production site in
this scenario requires public subsidies due to
high energy costs in the production of hydrogen,
which is not cost-effective, so far.
Scenario 4 “Fertilizer production”: The fourth
scenario refers to the physical use of CO
produce fertilizers by chemical industry, which
provides the CO
-source in this scenario. No
decomposition of molecules is necessary for the
use of CO
in fertilizers. Thus, a profitable
operation of a CO
-derived fertilizer production
site is feasible.
Figure 4 displays the results of the preference
simulation of the four scenarios.
The best-rated scenario in our simulation was
scenario 4 (“Fertilizer production”). This scenario
was preferred by 47.7% of all respondents. Less
acceptable (19%) was scenario 1 (“Dream factory”),
which corresponds to a production site of foam
mattresses in Germany.
Figure 4: Preference simulation for CCU deployment
Scenario 2, which resembled Scenario 1, except
taking a chemical plant as CO
-point source was
preferred by 11.4%. The least preferred scenario was
scenario 3 (4.5%), which contained a fuel production
site subsidized with public funds and a coal-fired
plant as CO
-source. All four scenarios were rejected
by 17.5% of participants.
Summing up the findings of the conjoint analysis,
the profitability of the CCU site was the most
acceptance-relevant criterion. Regarding the
preferences for specific CCU technology and product
parameters, respondents mostly preferred fuel as
-derived product variant and steel plants as CO
point source. In the scenario analysis, the most
preferred scenario was the cost-effective production
of fertilizer, the least preferred scenario was the
subsidised production of fuel.
Social indicators such as public perception and
acceptance of technologies and products are not
considered as evaluation parameters in LCA so far,
even though they might exert considerable impact on
the successful adoption of a technology. The present
study was, therefore, a first attempt to address and
include the social dimension of sustainable eco-
innovations in life-cycle analyses. Based on a multi-
level empirical approach, acceptance-relevant criteria
of CCU site deployment were identified, assessed,
and weighted in a conjoint study.
19.0 11.4 4.6 47.7
Scenario 1:
Dream factory
Scenario 2:
Scenario 3:
Scenario 4:
Preference shares in %
Blending Acceptance as Additional Evaluation Parameter into Carbon Capture and Utilization Life-Cycle Analyses
4.1 Perception and Acceptance of CCU
Deployment Scenarios
In line with other empirical studies assessing CCU
acceptance (Arning et al., 2017; Jones et al., 2016;
Perdan et al., 2017), the CCU technology was
positively perceived by most respondents. Compared
to general acceptance, the local acceptance, i.e., the
acceptance of a CCU site in the surrounding
neighbourhood, was lower, but still backed by the
Apart from general evaluations of CCU
technology acceptance, the present study yielded
insights into the acceptance of design parameters of
CCU site deployment scenarios. The most important
criterion was the profitability of an industrial CCU
project. This is in line with findings, where economic
considerations were identified as most important
predictor of renewable energy acceptance in
Germany (Zoellner et al., 2008). Even with a strong
involvement of public funding, the approval for a
CCS site was 55%. If it was possible to operate a CCU
site profitably, the acceptance increased to 77%.
Another indicator for the strong influence of
profitability can be seen in the findings of the
sensitivity analysis (scenario 3): the most preferred
product (fuel) is not attractive enough to achieve high
acceptance levels a prerequisite for reaching public
acceptance is a cost-effective production. For CCU
deployment scenarios we can conclude, that an
economic process route is always preferred by the
public. Future technical CCU research should,
therefore, be directed on the development of
profitable deployment scenarios and business models.
However, depending on the scenario, start-up
financing is also accepted, whereas long-term
financing of the CCU technology is generally
The type of CO
-derived product also exerted
considerable impact on preferences. Apparently, the
public integrates the technology process outcomes,
i.e., the different types of CO
-derived products, into
the assessment of the technology and its
infrastructure. Looking at the different CCU product
types, the fuel option was the most preferred. When
using CO
for fuel production, many participants
perceived the protection of fossil resources as a key
advantage, given the high fuel demand worldwide
and the high value of maintaining individual
motorized mobility. On the other hand, the near-time
combustion of the CCU fuel and thus, the rapid
release of the previously bound CO
was perceived
critically. Since the fuel production based on the CCU
technology is a highly energy-intensive process,
future CCU fuel production scenarios should also
integrate the energy supply and implications for
power system and infrastructure design. Moreover,
future technical research should improve the
economic efficiency of this process route to achieve a
higher acceptance of the CCU technology.
Using the CCU technology to produce drugs
represents another positively perceived use case in the
context of CCU. However, in focus group discussions
respondents criticized the comparably small amount
of CO
being used (and saved) in drug production and
unknown health consequences of using CO
edible products. These perceptions can be explained
by inaccurate mental models of laypeople, where CO
is perceived as a toxic substance, causing negative
health effects (e.g., headaches, suffocation) (van
Heek et al., 2017a).
The production of fertilizer based on CO
neutrally perceived. Similar to the perceptions of
-derived drug coating, negative perceptions of the
-derived fertilizer were related to health concerns
due to the “toxic” nature of CO
We assume that the
perceived closeness of the product to the body is the
underlying explanatory variable: the closer the
(potentially harmful) innovative product is to the own
body, the more threatening it is perceived, leading to
more negative product evaluations.
Compared to the other product alternatives, the
mattress received the most negative preference
ratings. Even though the savings of fossil resources in
the production of the mattress were acknowledged as
environmental benefit, the unknown health
consequences of long exposure times to a CO
derived mattress acted as strong barrier. Interestingly,
the CCU mattress received more positive acceptance
ratings, when it was the only CCU product example
being evaluated (e.g., Arning et al., 2017; van Heek
et al., 2017b). We assume that the direct comparison
of CCU product alternatives and their preference
assessment in holistic scenarios caused these different
outcomes. Hence, for a valid estimation of CCU
technology and product acceptance a multi-method
approach and mutual validation or triangulation of
findings is strongly recommended.
The source of CO
was the least acceptance-
relevant design parameter in the CCU deployment
scenario. However, for a successful technical rollout
of CCU, CO
should be taken from chemical and/or
steel industry to avoid any decline in acceptance.
Since CO
cannot yet be separated from steel industry
emissions, the CO
capacities of the chemical
industry should be fully exploited. If, nevertheless,
is extracted from coal-fired power stations, a
profitable operation and an acceptable product is
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
necessary to reach public acceptance of CCU
4.2 Methodological Considerations and
Future Research
The present study successfully demonstrated the
assessment of public acceptance and preferences for
specific technology scenario criteria. Even though the
awareness and knowledge about (future) deployment
scenarios of the CCU technology was rather low,
respondents were able to express clear preferences
regarding the source of CO
, the manufactured CCU
product variants, and the profitability of running the
CCU site. The empirically based acceptance
evaluations can be used as additional evaluation
parameter in life-cycle assessments, where not only
the environmental impact of specific technology
routes is evaluated, but also their impact on public
acceptance. Since this study was a first attempt to
assess acceptance of specific CCU site deployment
scenarios, we did not fully portray the complete
technical life-cycle of CCU in our study. On the other
hand, qualitative studies about CCU product
acceptance suggest, that potential consumers
integrate dimensions into their acceptance
evaluations, which are not considered in life-cycle
analyses so far, such as the disposal of CCU products
(van Heek et al., 2017b). From a technical point of
view, the disposal of a product is not considered in
life-cycle analyses, since this process step does not
differ for conventionally manufactured or CCU-
based products. However, for the consumer the
disposal step (especially the way of disposal) is
highly acceptance-relevant and strongly influences
the overall perception of the CCU technology. Future
studies should, therefore, extend the acceptance
evaluation of the CCU life-cycle to gain a more
complete picture of acceptance and acceptance-
relevant “hot spots” in CCU scenarios. Moreover, we
work on the extension of this methodological
approach to other innovative and sustainable
technical scenarios (e.g., alternative fuels). Since
sustainable technical innovations do not only exert
environmental, but also economic impacts, market-
mediated effects should also be systematically
considered in future life-cycle approaches, such as
suggested in the Consequential LCA (CLCA)
(Kätelhön et al., 2016).
However, the low awareness level of CCU bears
the risk of assessing instable and nonvalid pseudo-
opinions about CCU. To reduce this risk, we put
special emphasis on the development of the
instruction in cooperation with technical experts and
iteratively improved their comprehensibility in pre-
Combining social science methodologies with
technical and economic assessment approaches
allows to include the complex concept of public
acceptance in sustainable technical scenario
development and respective life-cycle steps.
Moreover, the blending of acceptance into life-cycle
assessments allows the definition of an optimal
consumer product life-cycle scenario. This way,
sustainable technical innovations have a higher
chance of being acceptable and commercially
successful, when a conjunct development of
technology, sustainability, and acceptance is pursued.
This work has been funded by the European Institute
of Technology & Innovation (EIT) within the
EnCO2re flagship program Climate-KIC. André
Bardow thanks for support by the Cluster of
Excellence “Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass”,
which is funded under Contract EXC 236 by the
Excellence Initiative by the German federal and state
governments to promote science and research at
German universities.
Special thanks go to Lukas Halbach for research
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