A Novel Tool to Predict the Impact of Adopting a Serious Game on a
Learning Process
Ibtissem Daoudi, Raoudha Chebil and Wided Lejouad Chaari
National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), Manouba University (UMA), Manouba, Tunisia
E-learning Process, Emotional State, Multi-agent-based Simulator, Serious Game.
In recent years, the rapid development in information and communication technologies has provided the lear-
ning field with a variety of new teaching methods to motivate students and improve their skills. Serious Game
(SG) is an example of these new forms of learning which constitutes an attractive way supposed to replace
the classical boring courses. However, the use of SGs in classroom teaching is still limited since the choice of
the adapted SG to a specific learning environment remains a challenging task that makes teachers unwilling to
adopt this concept.Face to this finding, our aim is to propose a multi-agent-based simulator to predict the ef-
fect of a SG adoption in a learning environment given several game and players characteristics. As results, the
simulator gives intensities of several emotional aspects characterizing learners reactions to the SG adoption.
Experimentation demonstrates that the results given by the proposed tool are close to real feedbacks. This
work is supposed to encourage the use of SGs by giving an expectation of its impact on e-learning processes.
Nowadays, technological progress concerns practi-
cally all the domains. In learning field, this pro-
gress has produced the concept of Serious Game (SG)
which offers more attractive and motivating learning
environments than classical teaching methods. SG
can be defined as ”the game designed for a seri-
ous purpose other than pure entertainment” (Julian,
2007). Currently, a lot of SGs have been developed
and are available for putting into use. In the literature,
several works have been proposed to evaluate SGs in
real situations of learning using self-report question-
naires. They studied different evaluation criteria such
as motivation (Lotfi, 2013), Flow (Freitas et al., 2014)
and learners knowledge and/or competencies (Oul-
haci, 2014) (Daniel et al., 2015) (Thomas et al., 2012)
(Muratet et al., 2016).
Despite the multitude of evaluation works in SGs
and their interest, the exploitation of this concept is
still limited in learning processes (Xu and Frezza,
2011). In fact, many teachers are reluctant to take
these games into their courses because they don’t
know if the adoption will be a success or a failure,
and there is no evaluation results for them to refe-
rence. Moreover, the integration of a SG in a real lear-
ning process is a difficult task (Martens and Mueller,
2016) and does not necessarily guarantee good outco-
mes. Indeed, when the chosen game is not adapted
to a specific learning environment, this can cause ne-
gative emotions among the learners such as boredom,
anxiety or abort. This fact will, in our opinion, af-
fect negatively the evolution of the learning process
as well as a huge waste in terms of time and money.
Hence, the choice of a SG must be carefully studied
before integrating it in a course by considering the
most important features of the learning environment
including the learner-player and the SG. As a solution
to this problem we propose, in this paper, a novel tool
for simulating the integration of a serious game in an
e-learning process. This tool allows teachers to pre-
dict the impact of a SG on their learning environments
before deciding to use it. The simulator receives as
input several characteristics of the game and the play-
ers, and thanks to specific functions, generates a re-
port to predict the results of the learning environment
and emotional states of learners.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 overviews some background information on
SG. Section 3 positions the reader in the context by
summarizing most of the existing work on SGs evalu-
ation and simulation. Section 4 details the proposed
model of a serious game-based environment. Accor-
ding to this, section 5 describes the implementation
and results of our simulator. To verify the reliability
Daoudi, I., Chebil, R. and Lejouad Chaari, W.
A Novel Tool to Predict the Impact of Adopting a Serious Game on a Learning Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0006685905850592
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 585-592
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of the proposed tool, section 6 compares the results
given by the simulator to real feedbacks obtained after
adopting the SG in a real learning process and gives a
discussion of the case study. Finally, section 7 sums
up the conclusion and outlines future works.
A survey on the term ”serious game” showed that
there is no current singleton definition of the concept
and provided a wide range of definitions. One of the
most recent definitions of this term can be found in
the PhD thesis by (Julian, 2007). He defined a seri-
ous game as: ”a computer application, which aims to
combine aspects of both serious as, but not limited to,
teaching, learning, communication, or further infor-
mation with entertainment from the spring game”.
Actually, SGs provide a more powerful means of kno-
wledge transfer which can be used in several domains
for different purposes such as education, ecology, mi-
litary, and health-care. In fact, there is two play modes
in SGs: multi-players and single-player. The multi-
players mode is a mode of play involving more than
one person at the same time in a shared game environ-
ment, whereas a single-player mode is a play mode
designed for involving only one person. Some of SGs
offer the two play modes and others are limited to
only one play mode. To be more concrete, Table 1
presents some examples of existing SGs.
Table 1: Examples of serious games.
Domain Game Purpose Multi-
Navadra Education Educative
message broad-
804 Military Marketing
message broad-
Training Yes
Eye sur-
Training No
Ecology Informative
message broad-
Flee the
Corporate Communication
message broad-
The state of the art of SGs is quite rich and the exis-
ting works can be classified into several categories ac-
cording to the problem type. Since we are interested
in simulating and evaluating serious game-based en-
vironments; we targeted works related to these topics.
Consequently, the considered works may be divided
into two main groups.
The first group consists of the Non-Player Cha-
racter (NPC) simulation in SGs. For example, (Ochs
et al., 2009) as well as (Karim, 2014) have developed
tools that model and simulate the non-player behavior
in SGs to improve the NPC credibility and to increase
consequently the feeling of immersion and pleasure
among players.
The second group focuses on learners’ assessment
and evaluation during a game session. To attain this
goal, many works proposed different criteria such as
motivation, Flow and learners knowledge and/or com-
petencies. For instance, (Lotfi, 2013) focused on as-
sessing motivation basing on the motivational model
ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satis-
faction) combined with electro-physiological recor-
dings since it represents a key factor of an efficient
learning. In addition, (Freitas et al., 2014) confirmed
the relevance of the use of Flow criterion to evaluate
the optimal learning experience with a SG. They con-
firmed also the effectiveness of using self-report que-
stionnaire as an evaluation method since it provided
results conform to real feedbacks. Furthermore, the
research works referenced by (Oulhaci, 2014) (Daniel
et al., 2015) (Thomas et al., 2012) and (Muratet et al.,
2016) focused on the learning aspect to evaluate the
knowledge and/or competencies acquisition during a
game session.
Let us remember that our aim is to simulate a
learning environment based on a SG by taking into
account the learner emotional state as well as diffe-
rent features representing the game. In the literature,
there is no works having exactly the same purpose.
On the one hand, (Ochs et al., 2009) as well as (Ka-
rim, 2014) allow us to learn about emotions which
constitute a crucial factor impacting the SG progress.
However, their objectives are different from ours. In
fact, we propose to develop a SG simulator allowing
teachers to predict the impact of adopting a SG on
a particular learning process by taking into account
the learner emotional state. On the other hand, the
evaluation works referenced by (Lotfi, 2013) (Frei-
tas et al., 2014) (Oulhaci, 2014) (Daniel et al., 2015)
(Thomas et al., 2012) and (Muratet et al., 2016) are
so important because they allow us to identify several
success criteria of a serious game-based learning ses-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sion. Whereas, they are all applicable after the SG use
and there is no work that allows to give a prediction
on learning effects using SGs.
This lack has motivated the current work aiming
to propose a tool for simulating the integration of a
serious game in an e-learning process. This tool al-
lows teachers to study the impact of a SG (in terms
of success degree) on their learning environments be-
fore deciding to use it. To be able to implement the
simulator, we started by proposing a model of SG en-
vironments which will be described in the following
Since our aim is to predict the success (or failure) of
using a serious game in a learning process, the propo-
sed model is based on meaningful success features of
the considered environment. In what follows, we start
by describing the selected features related to learners
as well as the serious game. After that, we present
the functions linking these features to each other, and
finally we detail the proposed model.
4.1 Success Factors and Success
Our contribution is inspired by studies focused on
criteria used to evaluate serious games (Lotfi, 2013)
(Freitas et al., 2014) (Daniel et al., 2015) (Calderon
and Ruiz, 2015). Thanks to the considered works, we
were able to extract two feature types consisting of:
”success indicators” and ”success factors”.
The considered success indicators are: interest de-
gree, immersion degree, motivation degree and Flow
degree. These indicators are supposed to indicate the
success degree of the game-based learning environ-
ment and are impacted by success factors. The con-
sidered success factors are: the game context realism,
the gameplay, the game relevance and confidence, the
game attention, the game challenge and the player
skills. In the proposed simulator, the success factors
will represent the input and the success indicators will
represent the output.
For more clarity, the definition of these criteria is
given in Table 2.
In the following part, we describe the different
functions linking success factors with success indica-
Table 2: Modeling Features Definition.
Feature name Definition
Success factors:
Game challenge The game difficulties and
Game context rea-
The usefulness of game con-
tent in real life.
Gameplay The ability of the game to be
Game attention The presentation style of
game content.
Game relevance
and confidence
The importance and the ease
of learning.
Player skills The player aptitudes, capa-
cities and abilities.
Success indicators:
Flow degree The feeling of being pleased
to play game.
Immersion degree The feeling of being invol-
ved in game.
Motivation degree The feeling of being motiva-
ted to play game.
Interest degree The feeling of giving con-
cern to game content.
4.2 Links between Success Factors and
Success Indicators
4.2.1 The Interest Degree
The game context realism expresses the ability of the
serious game to describe real situations and concrete
scenarios that can be applicable in real life. The fee-
ling of interest is strongly linked to the context rea-
lism. In fact, when the context realism level increases,
the interest becomes more and more intense. (Hidi
and Renninger, 2006) distinguishes three interest de-
grees: the triggered situational interest referring to
a psychological state resulting from an interest to a
game-based learning process; the maintained situa-
tional interest referring to a psychological state that
contributes to the maintenance of situational interest;
and the individual interest characterized by more
stored knowledge and more stored value for particular
content than for other activity.
The proposed function, as shown in Figure 1, is
inspired by five-point Likert scale which is one of the
most popular psychometric scale used to measure so-
meone’s attitudes or behaviors. The passage from one
state to another is conditioned by the realism of con-
text level value. For example, the passage from the
triggered situational interest to the maintained situa-
tional interest is assured if the assigned value to the
context realism is equal to 3. Similarly, we attain the
A Novel Tool to Predict the Impact of Adopting a Serious Game on a Learning Process
individual interest when the provided value is equal to
the maximum value 5.
Figure 1: Evolution of Interest Degree Depending on the
Context Realism Level.
4.2.2 The Immersion Degree
The immersion degree of the learner in the virtual
word of the game is strongly impacted by the ga-
meplay aspect. The gameplay aspect expresses the
ability of the game to be played and includes several
factors like sound elements, animations and graphi-
cal quality (St-Pierre, 2010). We propose three diffe-
rent immersion degrees: the interaction taking place
while reading the rules at the beginning of the game
session; the engagement happening when the player
is actively involved in the resolution of a particu-
lar problem; and the immersion detected when the
player is so involved in the game world that he beco-
mes unconscious of the time and himself.
As shown in Figure 2, we propose in the same way
a function containing a scale of five points to represent
the evolution of the immersion degree according to
the gameplay level.
Figure 2: Evolution of Immersion Degree Depending on the
Gameplay Level.
4.2.3 The Flow Degree
The most important concept used to explain sub-
jective experience while playing games is Flow the-
ory. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) defined the Flow as:
”rewarding, subjective, emotional state of optimal
pleasure that arises when an individual is absorbed
in either work or leisure activities that are perceived
as valuable” . This state depends on the actor skills
and the activity challenge. In fact, the Flow state
occurs when there is a perception of a balance bet-
ween the skill level and the challenge level as shown
in Figure 3. Boredom and anxiety are negative ex-
periences that demotivate the player: if the player is
bored, he has to increase the challenge he is facing. In
contrast, if the player feels anxiety, he must increase
his skills. Apathy is an emotion that occurs when the
values of skill level and challenge level are equal but
they are not maximal.
Figure 3: Relation between the Skill Level and the Chal-
lenge Level (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
4.2.4 The Motivation Degree
It is commonly accepted that ”motivation” plays a
huge role in learning, further suggesting that hu-
man beings learn best when having fun (Martens and
Mueller, 2016). Basing on the motivational model
ARCS (Keller, 2010), we note that the motivation le-
vel is strongly impacted by two game characteristics
including the attention level as well as the relevance
and confidence level. In fact, the attention level ex-
presses the fact to attract the player attention on the
presentation style of a game content. The relevance
and confidence level expresses the perception of the
importance and the ease of learning. Indeed, when the
player believes that the level of relevance and confi-
dence is high and that the attention level is low, a dis-
couragement feeling will be occurred. Contrarily, a
relevance and confidence perceived as lower than the
attention level will be a source of indifference as il-
lustrated in Figure 4. The feeling of motivation is
occurred when there is a perception of a balance bet-
ween the attention level and the relevance and confi-
dence level.
The previously discussed aspects are summarized
in Table 3: for each success indicator, the correspon-
ding degrees as well as the success factors impacting
it are shown.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Relation between the Attention Level and the Re-
levance and Confidence Level.
Table 3: Modeling features in serious games.
Success factors Success
Game context re-
(Hidi and
Triggered situ-
ational interest,
maintained situ-
ational interest,
individual inte-
Gameplay Immersion
Game attention Motivation
ment, motiva-
Game relevance
and confidence
Game challenge Flow
Boredom, anx-
iety, apathy,
Player skills
4.3 The Proposed Success-Oriented
In a multi-players SG environment, players control,
via their keyboard and their mouse, their Player Cha-
racter (PC) within the game graphical interface. The
PC evolves in the game environment including enti-
ties and objects populating it and interacts with ot-
her PC and Non-Player Character (NPC is a charac-
ter controlled by the game artificial intelligence). The
player reactions to the changes produced in a game
environment depend on his skills level, skills of ot-
her players as well as the characteristics of the game
consisting of: the challenge level, the gameplay le-
vel, the relevance and confidence level, the attention
level and the context realism level. The PC or the
NPC can be represented by a software agent who is
able to perceive other players characteristics and to
make decisions basing on his information in order to
adapt his characteristics to the considered game envi-
ronment (Daoudi et al., 2017).
Basing on this brief description, we propose the
success-oriented model of serious game-based envi-
ronments shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: The Proposed Success-Oriented Model.
In this section, we focus on the simulation work. For
this aim, we start by describing the simulator imple-
mentation, after that we present the simulation pro-
cess, and finally we speak about simulation results.
5.1 Simulator Implementation
A learning environment based on a SG is constitu-
ted by human and non-human players who have the
capacities of perception and action. For this reason,
our simulator is represented by a multi-agent system
which is a set of agents interacting with each other,
situated in a common environment and able to control
their own behavior according to their own goals. In
this work, our simulator is limited to represent a SG
environment consisting in different reactive agents in-
teracting with a game since they just have reflexes
A Novel Tool to Predict the Impact of Adopting a Serious Game on a Learning Process
without maintaining any internal state. Since the pro-
posed model is based on the representation of human
and non-human players, the resulting simulator can be
used to simulate both multi-players and single-player
SGs. In fact, our system implemented, thanks to JAVA
Agent DEvelopment Framework, four types of agents
with different roles. In the following points, we des-
cribe the role of each agent.
Player Agent: this agent represents the learner-
player who is characterized by a skill level. His
role consists in perceiving the others agents cha-
racteristics to update his skill level and act on the
game environment.
PC Observer Agent: this agent calculates the
average skills of all player agents. He informs
them periodically about this value in order to up-
date the challenge value perceived by each agent
NPC Observer Agent: the role of this agent is to
inform all the player agents about the non-player
agents skill levels.
Non-player Agent: this agent represents the NPC
of the game who is characterized by a ranking.
This ranking is identified according to the diffi-
culty degree of the game selected by the teacher
using the simulator interface. This ranking is sent
to the NPC observer agent to inform it about the
skill level of the considered NPC.
5.2 Simulation Process
In order to clarify the followed approach, we describe,
in this part, the simulation process. As illustrated in
Figure 7, the main steps of the simulation process are:
the data collection, the simulation execution and the
results display. In the following, we detail each step
of this process:
1. Data Collection: this first step consists in col-
lecting data about the game environment through
a questionnaire. This questionnaire is intended to
teachers who wish to simulate a serious game be-
fore integrating it in a particular learning process.
The teacher must quantify the game characteris-
tics consisting of: the challenge level, the rele-
vance and confidence level, the gameplay level,
the context realism level and the attention level.
2. Simulation Execution: Statistics on the questi-
onnaire responses provide numerical values repre-
senting the intensities of the previously cited fea-
tures. These values are considered as the simu-
lator inputs; their availability allows to start the
simulation process. There are also other features
which are collected through a graphical interface
like the percentages of players having a skill level
x (x between 1 and 5) and the game difficulty to
determine the NPC skill level as shown in Figure
6. From the input values and according to the pro-
posed model, PC and NPC are created to simulate
the game. Thanks to specific functions connecting
several game environment features, the values of
these features are periodically updated.
Figure 6: The Simulator Interface.
3. Results Display: this step consists in displaying
the generated results in a graphical form.
Figure 7: The Simulation Process.
5.3 Simulation Results
In order to present and to explain the form of the si-
mulator results, we rely on the graphical interfaces
obtained after the simulation of the SG ”CodeCom-
bat” which will be described in the following section.
The simulator gives two forms of results: the first dis-
plays the individual emotions felt by each player as
shown in Figure 8 and the second shows a global view
of the felt emotions as illustrated in Figure 9.
Figure 8 depicts the emotion intensities as percen-
tages: it shows that the player identified by ”PC2”
feels 25% of boredom, 100% of engagement, 25% of
indifference and 100% of triggered situational inte-
rest. These emotions represent respectively the Flow
degree, the immersion degree, the motivation degree
and the interest degree.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: Emotions Felt by the Player ”PC2”.
Figure 9: Percentages of Global Emotions.
Figure 9 summarizes the global emotional ra-
tes. In fact, the simulation of the SG ”CodeCombat”
shows that it is foreseeable to have: 60% of play-
ers feeling boredom, 30% expressing apathy and 10%
feeling anxiety. About the interest degree, it is en-
visaged that 50% of learners feel triggered situational
interest, 40% feel maintained situational interest and
10% express individual interest. Besides, the report
indicates that it is expected to have: 60% of players
feeling motivation, 30% expressing indifference and
10% feeling discouragement. Moreover, the study
shows, as a predictable result, that 10% of learners
feel interaction, 80% feel engagement and 10% ex-
press immersion.
The generated results aim to help teachers to pre-
dict the impact of adopting the game ”CodeCombat”
in a particular learning process by analyzing the re-
sulting learners emotions. These values are interes-
ting to the extent that they are consistent with the re-
ality. In the next section, we discuss our findings by
comparing the simulator results to real results.
In order to verify the reliability of the proposed si-
mulator, this section aims to compare the emotional
predictions to real feedbacks. The experimentation is
carried out in the context of a programming course
in an engineering school. It is based on the SG ”Co-
deCombat” which is a multi-players game designed
for learning programming languages. Given the pur-
pose of this experimentation work, it is composed by
two parallel steps: a simulation of the considered le-
arning process based on the proposed tool and a real
performing of a programming learning session based
on ”CodeCombat”. Once the two steps are achieved,
their results are compared. After the learning session,
we proposed a specially designed questionnaire to all
the participants in order to report the emotions felt by
each player and to verify their conformity to the si-
mulator results. To perform the simulation step, the
responsible teacher of the previously described lear-
ning session replied to the questionnaire described in
Section 5. He also gave the game features and laun-
ched the simulation using the simulator interface. Fi-
gure 10 summarizes the results obtained from the ex-
perimentation and the simulation process.
Figure 10: Comparative Chart of Simulator Results and
Real Results.
As shown in Figure 10, the simulator gave results
close to the reality, which is considered as a positive
outcome. After the learning session, we noted that
the use of a SG to learn how to code was, for the ma-
jority of learners, a good experience (57.2% felt mo-
tivation): the student discovered a modern learning
tool more motivating than the classical boring cour-
ses. However, the players feedbacks showed that the
game created boredom and there is no student who at-
tained the flow state (0%). This finding is explained
by the fact that the game challenge level is not appro-
priate to the skill level of learners. We noted also that
the rate of individual interest is low (7.1%) which me-
ans that the game content does not attract players cu-
riosity to learn new coding techniques. So, the game
A Novel Tool to Predict the Impact of Adopting a Serious Game on a Learning Process
must propose more concrete scenarios. Concerning
the immersion degree, we found that 7.1% of learners
felt immersed which proves that the gameplay aspect
is not well designed and should be more attractive in
terms of graphical interfaces.
In this paper, we presented the results of investiga-
tions on an important challenge consisting in serious
games adoption in learning processes. The paper aims
to develop a tool to simulate the use of a SG before
integrating it in a particular learning process. For this
purpose, we proposed a success-oriented model ba-
sed on emotional states of learners and different fe-
atures of the SG. Then, we developed a multi-agent-
based simulator which would be able to predict the
impact of operating a SG on classroom teaching. On
the other hand, the research got the result that came
from the real operation by studying the playing ex-
periences of the SG ”CodeCombat”. After that, we
conducted a comparison of the simulator results with
experimental results in terms of global emotional ra-
tes. Our findings show that the simulator gives results
close to real feedbacks. The proposed tool is intended
to teachers wishing to integrate a SG in their classical
courses. It allows them to study the adequacy of the
SG to the skill level of their students. So, this novel
tool is able to encourage the passage from traditional
to modern learning methods by giving an expectation
of the effect of using SGs in a learning process.
As an immediate future work, we aim to extend
the proposed simulator by considering other success
indicators and factors. Furthermore, one of our future
aims is to validate the simulator in different game con-
texts with other student populations.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems