Yixue Adaptive Learning System and Its Promise on Improving
Student Learning
Haoyang Li
, Wei Cui
, Zhaohui Xu
, Zhenyue Zhu
and Mingyu Feng
Shanghai YiXue Educational Technology Inc., 10 Jianguozhonglu #5110, Shanghai, China
Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, U.S.A.
Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025, U.S.A.
Keywords: Adaptive Learning System, Promise of Learning System, Evaluation.
Abstract: Adaptive learning systems offer personalized learning experience to students’ characteristics and abilities.
Studies have shown these systems can be effective learning tools. Many schools in the United States have
adopted adaptive learning systems. Yet development of such systems is still in the early stage in China, and
little empirical evidence exists on their efficacy. This paper describes an adaptive learning system, YiXue,
and presents two studies that were conducted in China to establish the promise of YiXue adaptive learning
platform and two comparison learning platforms used in an after-school English language arts course. The
results were promising: student learning efficiency was significantly higher with YiXue than with the
comparison platforms. Survey responses suggested that students in the treatment group felt more positive
about their learning experience.
Through machine learning algorithms and data
analytics techniques, adaptive learning systems offer
personalized learning experience to students’
characteristics and abilities. The intent is to determine
what a student really knows and to accurately,
logically move the student through a sequential path
to prescribed learning outcomes and skill mastery.
Many learning products with adaptive features have
been developed, such as Cognitive Tutor, i-Ready,
DreamBox Learning, Achieve3000, and ALEKS.
Such systems constantly collect and analyze students’
learning and behaviour data and update learner
profiles. As students spend more time in it, the system
knows their ability better, and can personalize the
course to best fit their talents (Triantallou,
Pomportsis, & Demetriadis, 2003; van Seters et al.,
In schools, adaptive systems help close
performance gaps, introduce variety into the
classroom, provide real-time data on individual
students’ needs, and free instructors’ time for
individualized intervention. Studies have shown these
systems can be effective learning tools (VanLehn,
2011) and can promote student engagement. An
analysis of learning data from 6,400 courses, 1,600 of
which were adaptive, revealed that the adaptive
courses were more effective in improving student
performance than the 4,800 non-adaptive courses
(Bomash & Kish, 2015).
Given these advantages, many schools in the
United States have adopted adaptive learning
systems. Yet development of such systems is still in
the early stage in China, and little empirical evidence
exists on their promise. This paper presents two
studies that were conducted in China to establish the
promise and evaluate the efficacy of an adaptive
learning platform YiXue when being used in an after-
school English language arts (ELA) course. The
results were promising: Student learning gain was
marginally significantly higher when YiXue system
was used and student learning efficiency was
significantly higher with YiXue than with the
comparison platforms. Survey responses suggested
that students in the treatment group felt more positive
about their learning experience than their peers in the
comparison group.
Li, H., Cui, W., Xu, Z., Zhu, Z. and Feng, M.
Yixue Adaptive Learning System and Its Promise on Improving Student Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006689800450052
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 45-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Online education has developed rapidly in China in
recent years. According to the China Internet
Network Information Center (2017), the number of
online education users in China had reached 138
million, accounting for 19% of total Internet users, by
December 2016. YiXue Inc. was one of the first
organizations to develop an adaptive learning system
in China. Its system provides instructions and
supports for K12 students and has the following
Fine-grained knowledge map in which
knowledge components were organized
hierarchically based on learning progression
Adaptive diagnostic pre-assessment;
Automated differentiated instruction;
Rich, high-quality learning repository of
various types of learning content;
Immediate feedback and explanations to
In-class support and intervention by
Supported by psychometric measurement models
and artificial intelligence, the system implements
mastery-based learning and tracks students’ mastery
of knowledge over time. In mastery learning, students
only advance to a new learning objective when they
demonstrate proficiency with the current one.
Mastery learning programs lead to higher student
achievement than more traditional forms of teaching
(Anderson, 2000; Gusky & Gates, 1986; Koedinger
& Aleven, 2007). A meta-analysis (Kulik, Kulik, &
Bangert-Drowns, 1990) of 103 studies of mastery
learning reported a mean effect size of 0.52 standard
deviation. When students are learning in YiXue, they
are first given a pre-assessment that diagnose which
knowledge components the students have mastered,
and which ones they haven’t, according to the
predefined hierarchical knowledge structure map.
Then the students will enter a learning-by-doing stage.
The knowledge that they demonstrate mastery on
during the pre-assessment are skipped during the
instructional phrase, while weak knowledge was
arranged in an optimal order for learning. The most
suitable content such as instructional videos, lecture
notes, worked examples, embedded practice
problems, and tests is delivered based on the student’s
ability which is estimated in real time by an item
response theory (IRT) model (van der Linden, 2016).
Fundamental to the YiXue design is provision of
feedback and reports to students and teachers.
Research has shown that frequent feedback increases
student learning (Hattie & Timperley, 2007; Kluger
& deNisi, 1996). After students enter solution to
problems, YiXue system provides immediate
feedback, and presents step-by-step explanations of
how the correct answer is obtained.
The system automatically collects student
responses to questions. At the end of each session, the
system presents students with reports on how they
performed. The system uses student response data in
real time to update estimates of student ability on
related knowledge components and adjusts
subsequent contents accordingly. In YiXue, data and
feedback are continuously available to teachers to use
in making appropriate instructional decisions, hence
enabling formative assessment, another practice with
a strong research basis (Black & Wiliam, 1998a,
1998b; Roediger & Karpicke, 2006; Speece, Molloy,
& Case, 2003; Heritage & Popham, 2013).
Further, YiXue implemented a differentiated
instruction model in which students who progress at
different rates receive different supports (Subban,
2006; Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006). Students who
progress quickly through the basic level of a topic are
given more challenging problems to accelerate their
preparation for advanced topics. A student who
experiences difficulties with a topic first gets a
computer-based tutorial, recommendations on review
of prerequisites, and finally help from teachers.
A YiXue classroom appears different from a
typical classroom because students are expected to
spend much of their time independently solving
problems on a computer, with frequent feedback,
instructional support, and remote tutoring, and using
features unique to the delivery of instruction on a
computer (e.g., animations, %correct) that are
designed to keep their level of engagement high
throughout the instructional period. In addition,
teachers have important and defined roles in the
Yixue classroom including the traditional role of
leading periodic classroom discussions on key subject
topics. However, teachers also receive easy-to-read
reports on classrooms’ and students’ individual
progress, and they are expected to use the data to
identify individual students who might be struggling
and what they are struggling, and provide them with
targeted support during class time. When teaching
with YiXue, teachers are expected to spend 1/6 of a
session to work with students face-to-face for
individualized instructions while the others continue
working with YiXue digital content. In this way,
YiXue supports a synergistic blending of the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Illustration of a math problem in YiXue and its associated explanations.
teacher’s and technology’s role in delivering
instruction and supports differentiated instruction
characteristics that are unlikely to be found in the
average “business-as-usual” classroom.
YiXue Inc. has developed instructional materials
for middle school mathematics, English, Physics,
Chinese, and Chemistry and is working on expanding
content coverage to the whole spectrum of K-12
education settings. In the year of 2017, Yixue has
been used by approximately 2,200 students in 17
cities in China, representing a broad range of student
populations with respect to socioeconomic status,
urbanicity, and performance levels.
Fig. 1 illustrated a math learning-by-doing
problem in YiXue system. At the center of the screen
is a math problem that the student needs to solve. The
top left corner of the screen shows the focal
knowledge that the current problem addresses. The
top right corner shows measures of practice and
progress of the student, including how long a student
has been learning within the system, percent correct
so far, and, of all the knowledge components that the
student is weak on, and what % of them that the
student has mastered through learning in Yixue. On
the right side of the screen, there are a few buttons
that when clicked, will bring up resources the student
may refer to if he/she has difficulty solving the
problem. The student may request to watch a short
video (usually 3-5 minutes) in which a teacher
explains the knowledge component and demonstrates
how to solve similar problems, or request for step-by-
step explanation of the problem. The bottom half of
Fig. 1 shows 3 messages. The first one provides a
high-level problem-solving plan overall, but doesn’t
Yixue Adaptive Learning System and Its Promise on Improving Student Learning
scaffold the problems or show single steps. The
purpose of presenting the plan at first is to prompt the
students to come up with their own solutions given
the overview. If the student still has trouble moving
on, he/she can click “next” to request for the
explanation 2, which shows the first step to solve the
problem, on top of explanation 1. Similarly,
explanation is only available upon request by the
student, and the student can go back making an
attempt at the problem at any moment. In the end, the
student can click “show me the answer” button to
request the system to show the correct answer. When
doing so, the student will be prompted that this
problem will be evaluated as incorrect if he/she
decides to continue.
It is worth mentioning that in order to increase
learning efficiency and prevent students from wasting
time over-attempting (aka. students take a guess-and-
check approach and repeatedly enter incorrect
answers), the system will automatically bring up the
explanations after 3 failed attempts. Note that even a
student provides the correct answer to the problem on
the first attempt, the system will still present the full
explanation, including explanation #1 to #3, plus all
forms of correct answers to prompt the student to
compare his/her solution to the one(s) provided by the
system to reinforce student’s understanding of the
We conducted two small-scale randomized controlled
studies to examine the efficacy of YiXue Learning
compared with two popular online learning systems,
New Oriental Online (www.koolearn.com) and
Magic Grid (www.mofangge.com) and to examine
the promise of the YiXue platform on improving
student learning. These systems were selected
because they have similar learning content, format,
and intensity as YiXue. They have been popular
options for ELA learning in China. In New Oriental
Online, an experienced teacher first explains the
concepts thoroughly in an online video, and then
students practice the in-class quiz problems online.
Students check their understanding through a subject
test. Magic Grid helps students improve their
knowledge of English through problem practicing,
redoing problems that they got wrong, and carefully
reviewing lecture notes. Neither systems implement
adaptation during the learning phase.
Sample and Random Assignment. In the first
experiment, 41 eighth-grade students (ranging from
13 to 15 years old) were recruited from one middle
school (School Y) in Shanghai. A pre-study survey
was used to collect students’ school grades in English
and other background information (such as gender,
family socioeconomic status, parent educational
level). We then used stratified block randomization
(Trochim, Donnelly, & Arora, 2016, p229) to
randomly assign the students to either control group
or treatment group. Students were first put in blocks
of four according to their prior achievement level, and
then two students in each block were randomly
assigned to the treatment group and the others to the
control group.
Research Procedure. On the first day of the study,
students in both groups took a paper-based pre-test on
the topic they would study, “Passive Tense,” which
had not been covered in school. Research staff trained
the students on using the technologies and navigating
through the systems before the learning sessions
began. Students in both groups studied the topic
online during two classes periods in one week for a
maximum of 100 minutes. The 21 students in the
treatment group used YiXue, and the 20 students in
the comparison group used New Oriental Online. The
experiment was conducted without teachers’ support,
and no other instructions outside the systems were
provided to the students. The learning schedule for
both groups was identical, including the break time
between online classes and the number of breaks. At
the end of the learning sessions, a paper-based post-
test was administrated to both groups. Students were
given 25 minutes to finish the pre- and post-tests. All
students finished the tests within in the given time,
and all 41 participating students completed all steps
(pre-test, learning, and post-test) of the experiment.
4.1 Experiment 2: YiXue and Magic
For the second experiment, we recruited a different
group of 87 eighth-grade students from School Y in
the same age range and with the same English skill
and background as those in Experiment 1. Students
were randomly assigned to conditions through a
similar randomization procedure as in Experiment 1,
with 44 students assigned to the control group and 43
to the treatment group. Experiment 2 followed the
same procedure as Experiment 1 and students studied
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
for a maximum of 100 minutes except that in this
experiment, the comparison group used Magic Grid,
instead of New Oriental Online, and the learning topic,
“Adjectives and Adverbs,” had been introduced to the
students during regular classes. Thus, the online
learning sessions were to review this knowledge.
Students learning with Magic Grid got exposed to at
least 80 problems and their associated solutions and
explanations. All but 2 students in the comparison
group studied for 100 minutes. Students in the YiXue
group learned at their own pace and the amount of
instructional video watched and the number of
practice problems finished varied, based on student’s
proficient level on knowledge points within the
designated learning topic. 11 students in the treatment
group spent less or equal to 75 minutes on YiXue
system while the other 32 students used up all 100
minutes. All students completed all steps, namely,
pre-test, learning, and post-test, of the experiment.
4.2 Data Sources
Pre- and Post-tests. The pre- and post-tests were
developed for the experiments. The problems in the
tests were constructed by an experienced English
teacher in the local school and covered the focal
learning subjects during the experiments. Two
independent, experienced subject matter experts
reviewed the pre- and post-tests to ensure that they
were comparable in their coverage, overall difficulty,
types of items, and alignment with the local middle
school English learning standards. The experts also
checked to make sure that the test items are not over-
aligned with YiXue learning content, or the content
being taught by the comparison systems. Each test
included 45 multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or
sentence transformation questions and the total score
on the test was 100.
Student Surveys. Two student surveys were
administered during each experiment. Students were
asked to complete an information survey about
themselves and their families’ educational
background on the first day of the study and to
respond to a post-study survey of their online learning
experience after the post-test was finished. In the
post-study survey, students were asked to reflect on
their online learning experience from three aspects:
learning efficiency, ease of use, and satisfaction with
the system. Each aspect included a few Likert scale
questions ranking from from completely disagree (1
point) to neutral (3 points) to completely agree (5
5.1 Learning Outcome
The first step we did was to check baseline
equivalence of the control and treatment groups in
their prior knowledge. t-test results showed that for
both experiments, as expected given the randomiza
tion featured in the research design, analyses found
no difference between the treatment and control
groups in their pre-test scores (p > .05).
However, in Experiment 1 the average post-test
score of the control group was lower than the average
pre-test score, and scores for a few outlier students
dropped significantly from pre-test to post-test. We
are still examining the possible reasons for this
unexpected drop. Thus, we report learning results
only from Experiment 2.
We used multiple linear regression in R (lm function)
to model the mean differences in post-test scores
between students in the treatment and comparison
groups, controlling for their pre-test scores. The result
showed that after controlling for their pre-test scores,
students who used YiXue scored 3.8 points higher on
average on the post-test, comparing to students who
used Magic Grid and the difference is marginally
significant (F(2, 84) = 104.6, p = .09, r
= 0.71).
We then calculated learning efficiency, which was
defined as the gain score divided by the total number
of minutes that a student spent on online learning
(Table 1). We noticed that for Experiment 2, student’s
pre- and post-test scores was highly correlated (r =
.84). Across all students in both conditions, pre-test
average score was 52 points, and post-test average
score was 61 points. We first calculated gain score for
each individual student by subtracting his/her pre-test
score from the post-test score, and then divided each
student’s gain score by the amount of time they spent
learning in the systems (YiXue or Magic Grid
depending on their conditions) to compute learning
efficiency for each student. Results from linear
regression modelling suggested that learning
efficiency was significantly higher in the YiXue
group (p = .01).
5.2 Survey Results
32 students in Experiment 1 and 76 students in
Experiment 2 responded to the post-study survey.
Both groups had positive feedback about their online
learning experience (scores higher than 3 points)
compared with traditional in-class learning. Students
felt that they were more active and had more
Yixue Adaptive Learning System and Its Promise on Improving Student Learning
Table 1: Learning Efficiency Results from Experiment 2.
Mean gain score from
pre-test to post-test
Mean time spent in
system (minutes)
Mean learning efficiency
(gain score per minute)
Magic Grid
Figure 2: Survey Results from Experiment 2.
Scores for YiXue were higher than for New
Oriental Online on 15 of the 17 survey questions,
especially regarding “ease of use” and “learning
efficiency.” Students in the treatment group felt that
learning, along with practice quizzes and
explanations of common mistakes, was very effective
because they were always aware of what knowledge
they had mastered and what they needed to strengthen.
The control group students felt that most of the time
they were only watching online videos repeatedly,
without practicing.
Moving from Experiment 1 to Experiment 2, we
removed 3 redundant questions in the post-survey as
students responses to the questions were not
differentiated from to their responses to other similar
questions. Thus, the survey was reduced to 14
questions. As shown in Figure 2, in the Experiment 2,
scores for YiXue Learning were higher than for
Magic Grid on all 14 questions and significantly
higher on questions on “learning efficiency and
“satisfaction with the system.” During the post-study
interview, students in the control group stated that
they felt bored because they kept “practicing
problems without knowing why” and that they “never
understood why they made mistakes when solving
In this paper, we introduce an adaptive learning
system, YiXue, and its features, and described two
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
small-scale randomized controlled experiments that
aimed at establishing the promise of the YiXue
system. Overall, the results of the experiments
suggest that the YiXue adaptive learning system has
promise for improving student learning outcomes
effectively and efficiently. The studies did have
limitations; the sample sizes were small, the duration
was short, the focus was on only selected ELA topics,
and we were not able to use an external standardized
outcome measure. Thus, further research is warranted
to examine the efficacy of the YiXue adaptive
learning system. We are in the process of examining
the features of the systems used in the studies and
student’s learning activities during the experiment to
better understand what might have led to the
difference in learning outcomes and how the learning
outcome differs across students of different incoming
knowledge, or students of different self-efficacy in
math (a question in the student survey). We are
analysing student learning log data to investigate the
relationship between learning process and the
learning outcome, as well as how YiXue can be
improved to better facilitate learning. For instance,
analysis is being conducted to see if higher learning
gains in YiXue is associated with longer learning time,
better performance within the system, or longer
engagement time with videos. We are also planning
on more randomized controlled experiments with
larger sample size, longer duration to further evaluate
the efficacy of YiXue in other subjects, including
mathematics and physics. In the meantime, the
development team at YiXue is focusing on enhancing
the system’s adaptivity and effectiveness through
profiling students (Bouchet et al., 2013), attending to
student engagement level (Baker & Ocumpaugh,
2015) and cognitive styles (Yang et al., 2013), and
more accurately tracking student’s progress on fine-
grained knowledge points using state-of-art
algorithms and data-intensive modelling approaches.
As stated above, many randomized trials and
other sound studies of adaptive learning systems have
been conducted in the United States, but very few
rigorous experimental studies have been done in
China. With many schools in China introducing
online learning systems, there is broad interest in how
to select and use such systems and whether they lead
to improvement. With these studies, we have the
opportunity to contribute to much-needed knowledge
about online learning and adaptive learning in K12
instruction, esp. in China. We expect the results of the
studies reported here to be meaningful to teachers,
educators, and parents.
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CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education