A Qualitative Method to Analyze Collaborative Patterns of Virtual
Consuelo García
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, (UNIR University), Avda. de la Paz, 137. 26002, Logroño (La Rioja), Spain
Keywords: Collaboration, Qualitative Method, Virtual Groups, Knowledge Construction.
Abstract: This study aims to describe a qualitative method to analyze different patterns of organization that students
show during their interaction in a virtual group. Literature review has shown that collaborative patterns have
a relationship with knowledge construction. This method involves the analysis of the messages exchanged
within the virtual group and the application of five indicators that help to identify these patterns: equality of
contributions, distribution of responsibilities, reciprocity, revision of the final report and degree of
consensus. Our results show that the procedure is useful for analyzing and identifying how virtual groups
are organized. Likewise, as previous studies, three main collaborative patterns were detected: aggregation,
integration and addition. Practical implications of these results point out the relevance of guiding the groups
not only throughout the task but also in relation to the organizational decisions.
For several years, information and communication
technologies have caused a remarkable
transformation in traditional university institutions,
prompting many organizations to increasingly use
instructional designs based on the interconnection of
students, given the ease of collaboration from
different time zones and in distributed locations
(Putnam, 2001). As a consequence, the use of
collaborative learning activities in virtual learning
environments has grown, since group tasks provide a
natural space for processes of a certain cognitive
demand such as conflict resolution, argumentation or
inquiry in community.
When students have to work out a complex task,
such as solving a case or developing a group project,
they need to organize the task development as a
team. Students exchange messages concerning the
task (conceptual contents) and others related to the
procedures necessary to develop it (non-conceptual
participations). Students need to agree on processes,
times, milestones and dates, as well as how to do the
work, such as breaking it down into parts or working
it out together. Several studies have shown that an
important part of communication among group
members in a virtual group focuses on planning,
coordinating and supervising the joint work (Arvaja,
Salovaara, Häkkinen & Järvelä, 2007; Hara, Bonk &
Angeli, 2000; Van der Meijden &Veerman, 2005;
Veldhuis-Diermanse, 2002). Even more Liu and
Tsai (2006) showed on their study of small virtual
groups collaborating on a programming task, that the
greater frequency of interactions among members
corresponded to questions and suggestions on how
to coordinate the work effectively and not on the
content of the task itself. For this reason, several
researchers (Kanselaar, Erkens, Prangsma, &
Jaspers, 2002) consider that the analysis of students’
participation in a virtual group that develops a
common product should be carried out at two levels:
in relation to the content of the task and in relation to
the socio-organizational level or collaborative
Besides, Thomas and McGregor (2005)
conducted a study among university students on a
project-based learning activity in a virtual learning
environment. They found that the groups of students
who participated in a rich dialogue, with a high
degree of exchange of ideas, soon began with the
task, were consistent with the frequency in which
they sent their messages and were good organizers
and coordinators of the task within the virtual
environment. On the other hand, the students who
were late collaborators and showed an erratic and
inconsistent behaviour in the publication of their
messages were as well not effective in organizing
García, C.
A Qualitative Method to Analyze Collaborative Patterns of Virtual Groups.
DOI: 10.5220/0006705402750279
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 275-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and carrying out their task.
Collaborative patterns of virtual groups are one
of the elements of their interaction and influence
their group outcomes. It is therefore important to
propose methods that allow practitioners to identify
how each group organizes and to provide guidelines
meanwhile. This study contributes to provide
educators with elements to identify the way in which
virtual groups organize and share knowledge.
Considering that previous research show that
knowledge construction requires active commitment
and high participation by its members, early
detection of the type of collaborative pattern that a
group uses can help educators reorient students in
their shared learning process.
Previous researches have identified different patterns
of group collaboration. Basically the distinction is
made between a lower or higher degree of co-
participation shown by group members. In one end
there is the individualistic way, which implies that
students work on their own and after they share their
ideas in the group. And in the opposite end there is
the collaborative mode, which would reflect a joint
elaboration of the task.
A first proposal comes from the analysis carried
out by Paulus (2005). He made a distinction between
cooperative or collaborative organizational
structures in virtual groups. In cooperation, the task
is distributed and carried out independently and then
combined and added to the efforts in a final product,
while in collaboration, the members undertake a
mutual commitment to clarify concepts and build the
final product through a process of dialogue and
negotiation (Rose, 2002). Paulus (2005)
distinguished between conceptual and non-
conceptual functional moves (logistic, social and
technical) to establish differences between
cooperation and collaboration.
In other research carried out by Engel and
Onrubia (2010), they found three types of
organizational structures of virtual groups to develop
a collaborative report: (1) “jigsaw coordination”, a
cut-and-paste type, in which each member of the
group contributed with a different part and the final
document was a juxtaposition of these parts and a
person was responsible for the final outcomes; (2)
“star coordination”, in which students decided that
everyone completed the entire activity individually,
and then produced the joint product, and finally (3)
“chain coordination”, where one group member
presented a document that constituted an initial task
proposal and the other members of the group
contributed successively to this document, proposing
and justifying modifications or discussing whether
they were in agreement with what had been
previously written. The proposal of these three
patterns was based on the analysis of interactions
specifically associated with the organization of the
task by the students: “The organizational segments
basically involve the decision made by students on
how to carry out the task that occupies them at all
times. The focus of these segments is, therefore, the
planning and management of the joint work, and in
particular the coordination of the actions of the
different members of the group” (Engel & Onrubia,
2010, p. 520)
Some of these collaborative patterns presented
significant relationships to the phases of
collaborative knowledge construction of
Gunawardena et al., (1997), although they observed
that not only a certain type of pattern allowed to
reach a certain phase of knowledge construction, but
that these could be achieved by groups of students
with different collaborative patterns.
Finally, Ng (2008) analyzed the postings of the
members of virtual groups that carried out a
collaborative task, in this case of a semi-structured
nature. This author found three types of
collaborative organizational patterns: (1) based on
the active collaboration of all team members, like
everybody reading each other’s postings, with one
member facilitating the interaction; (2) centred on
the leader of the group, in which one of the members
contributed the main content and the rest accepted it
and made suggestions, and (3) lack-of-coherence
collaboration, showing contributions separately from
each member of the group.
Based on this theoretical framework, the present
study seeks to facilitate a qualitative method to
provide insight into different collaborative patterns
that virtual groups develop to achieve their common
3.1 Context
The research was carried out within the framework
of a professional master's degree from the Graduate
University Institute. This is a Higher Education
centre in Spain that delivers online graduate
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
education in Social Sciences, Media and Education.
The study was done in the Masters degree on
Technologies applied to Education, aimed at
teachers and education professionals.
The main aim of the study was to apply a
qualitative method in order to identify collaborative
patterns that virtual groups develop to achieve their
common goal and compare our results with those of
previous researchers.
3.2 Participants
Forty students participated in the study. They had
previous experience as teachers (between 3 to 15
years). Twenty-seven participants were female and
thirteen were male, located in different parts of
Spain and Latin America. Average age was 40. The
study was done during course two about integrating
ICT strategies in schools. They were allocated
randomly at the beginning of the course in groups of
four people. They worked collaboratively to develop
a report on how to integrate ICT in schools
following a structure facilitated by their instructor.
They could access contents developed by experts
in html in the virtual learning environment and
access Internet whenever they needed it. Participants
exchanged messages and files during four weeks by
means of a restricted forum. At the end of the four
weeks, their report was evaluated and got a mark.
3.3 Data Collection
Messages and files exchanged by the groups that
participated in the study were collected at the end of
the educational period from the various
asynchronous forums. A total of 1,161 messages
were collected from 10 groups.
The complete message was used as unit of
analysis. Rienties’ et al., (2009) method was applied
to the analysis of messages. The message was
considered a unit unless coders considered that a
message consisted of several elements. So, the
message was then divided when two or more coders
thought that a message consisted of multiple
3.4 Data Analysis
The messages were analyzed considering categories
that respond to the patterns mentioned in the
literature review (table 1): equal contribution to the
task, distribution of responsibilities, reciprocity,
review of final report, degree of consensus (Engel,
2008). Besides, three qualitative values for each one
of the categories were applied: high, average and
Table 1: Categories of analysis.
Equal contribution
to the task
Degree of contributions of
participants to the whole task, to
a single part or to different
pieces of the report; being low
if the task was done separately
and high if it was done together.
Distribution of
Degree of responsibility of
members concerning the final
outcome, being low if a member
was responsible for a part and
only one, and high, if they all
were responsible for all parts of
the report.
Reciprocity Degree of acceptance of peer
proposals. The lower end
implies little acceptance and
therefore little subsequent
modification of the content and
the high end implies acceptance
and positive valuation, and
therefore, integration of the
contributions of all members of
the group.
Review of the final
It refers to the degree (high or
low) in which the members of
the group examine, evaluate and
contribute to the final result of
the written report.
Consensus It would be high if almost all
the members of the group
expressed their agreements and
possible disagreements and
have reached a consensus, and
low if they have provide any
opinion or have not reached a
common opinion.
Thus, groups with lower levels in almost all
categories would have used a collaborative
summative pattern, groups with the highest levels an
integrative collaborative pattern, and groups with
intermediate levels a collaborative aggregation
Then, we selected the students' participations,
previously categorized as related to organization,
and we gathered them in the same text file. We
analyzed the messages concerning the distribution of
work and the assignment of responsibilities.
Secondly, we analyzed messages about the
development of the work, the degree of reciprocity
of the contributions of the members of the group, the
A Qualitative Method to Analyze Collaborative Patterns of Virtual Groups
critical acceptance of the proposals by all
participants, the degree of review of the final work
and the degree of consensus on the final document to
be delivered. We gave a value to each group in each
The procedure for encoding the data was as
follows. First the qualitative scale was translated
into a quantitative value: 5 points corresponding to a
high rating, 3 to an average value and 1 to a low
The units of analysis of each group were then
separated according to each of the 5 categories:
equal contribution to the task, distribution of
responsibilities, reciprocity, review of final report,
degree of consensus
Each group was given a score in each category.
Groups that obtained a total score between 5 and
11 points were given the category of summative
collaborative pattern, those who obtained a total
score of between 12 and 18 points, the category of
aggregation collaborative structure and, finally, the
groups that obtained a total score of more than 19
points, the category of integration collaborative
The evaluation carried out provided the following
results (table 2): two groups (6 and 10) adopted an
addition pattern, another five (1, 2, 7, 8 and 9) an
aggregation pattern and finally three groups (3, 4
and 5) an integration pattern.
As seen in table 2, this qualitative method helps
to identify clearly three collaborative patterns. These
patterns move along a continuum that ranges from a
more or less homogeneous division of labour with
minimal overall supervision (summative or addition
pattern), to a democratic contribution model
(integration pattern), through an intermediate model
where, starting from of a leader's work, the
contributions of others are added (aggregation).
Table 2: Collaborative patterns.
Addition Students decide to distribute the
task among all the members and
develop the document by joining
different pieces prepared
independently by each student.
The final document is basically a
sum of differentiated parts with
few revisions and virtually no
final feedback or questions
between them.
Aggregation Students approve an initial text
(usually provided by one of
them), which is added with partial
contributions of group members,
and they finally make a review of
the final document between them,
with little feedback.
Integration Students decide to contribute
practically to all the sections of
the report and work together in
the text with interaction, review
and feedback in an integrated
manner. Practically all the
members provide feedback and
the final text collects the revisions
of all.
In order to validate the results of the analysis
carried out on the students' participations, an inter-
judge concordance analysis was applied.
For this, we counted on two external evaluators
with experience in higher education and online
teaching-learning processes. Judges were provided
with 26% of the total messages (discussions of
groups 1, 4 and 10) and a template for their
categorization. The intraclass correlation coefficient
(ICC) was used for the analysis. The ICC between
the two evaluators and the researcher was 0.627 in
relation to the collaborative pattern of the groups.
The result of the inter-judges analysis is high,
which implies that the application of the five
mentioned categories of analysis can be used as a
qualitative method to analyse collaborative patterns
of virtual groups.
The students use different ways to organize and
elaborate the task in the group: three groups chose to
do the task contributing in an equal way and
working together in the text (integration pattern),
two elaborated the product adding parts made
independently by each member (addition pattern),
and five chose to elaborate the task using a first
document prepared by one of them and aggregating
or progressively modifying the main text with partial
contributions (aggregation structure).
The use of five different categories of analysis to
assess what type of collaborative pattern each group
followed, allowed us to clearly identify the
functioning of the groups. Given that the
collaborative patterns are related to the degree of
interaction, and the shared construction of
knowledge, it seems very relevant to be able to
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
identify how the groups decide to organize their
work and elaborate their texts in a virtual learning
The collaborative organizational patterns found
in our study follow those organizational
coordination strategies in virtual groups found by
Engel and Onrubia (2010) in their research on
collaborative writing strategies and knowledge
construction phases in CSCL environments:
“jigsaw”, “star” and “chain” coordination patterns.
Our results on how the groups were organized to
carry out the written report through the
asynchronous forum, are also similar to those found
by Ng (2008) about virtual groups that performed
semi-structured tasks: a structure based on the active
collaboration of all, which is similar to our
“Integration Pattern” Another structure based on
collaboration focused on a group leader, as our
“Aggregation Pattern”, and a third structure with a
disjointed collaboration, like our “Addition Pattern”.
It is evident that our study has certain limitations.
On the one hand, the size of the sample prevents us
from applying significant statistical analysis. On the
other hand, it would be convenient to analyze the
relationship between these collaborative patterns and
learning results at an individual and group level. It
would be interesting to relate patterns with the
learning outcomes after a collaborative task in a
virtual group: an analysis of relationships between
collaborative patterns and learning outcomes, in the
sense of knowing if a type of collaborative pattern
facilitates a better learning outcomes at the
individual level or at the final group outcome.
Finally, technology plays a mediating role, so the
study should also be done with other applications or
collaborative tools, whether asynchronous or
synchronous. However, it seems relevant to have a
qualitative analysis tool to deepen these issues, since
currently this type of educational activity has
become popular with the growth of virtual learning
programs and the use of collaborative environments
and applications.
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A Qualitative Method to Analyze Collaborative Patterns of Virtual Groups