Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data
with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
Tung Duy Dinh
, Hieu Dinh Nguyen
and Minh-Triet Tran
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science – VNU-HCM, Vietnam
Software Engineering Department, University of Science – VNU-HCM, Vietnam
Social Relation Trait, Visual LifeLog Data, Facial Multi-Attribute Framework.
Social relation defines the status of interactions among individuals or groups. Although people’s happiness
is significantly affected by the quality of social relationships, there are few studies focusing on this aspect.
This motivates us to propose a method to discover potential social relation traits, the interpersonal feelings
between two people, from visual lifelog data to improve the status of our relationships. We propose Facial
Multi-Attribute Framework (FMAF), a flexible network that can embed different sets of multiple pre-trained
Facial Single-Attribute Networks to capture various facial features such as head pose, expression, age, and
gender for social trait evaluation. We adopt the architecture of Inception-Resnet-V2 to each single attribute
component to utilize the flexibility of Inception model and avoid the degradation problem with the residual
module. We use a Siamese network with two FMAFs to evaluate social relation traits for two main persons in
an image. Our experiment on the social relation trait dataset by Zhangpeng Zhang shows that our method
achieves the accuracy of 77.30%, which is 4.10% higher than the state-of-the-art result (73.20%). We also
develop a prototype system integrated into Facebook to analyse and visualize the chronological changes in
social traits between a user with friends in daily lives via uploaded photos and video clips.
Within our daily activities, there is a large amount
of information that can be collected for analysis to
provide valuable findings to assist individuals(Gurrin,
2016), and to help us to better understand ourselves,
our lives, and interpersonal relationships(Gurrin et al.,
2014). For example, visual instance search (Salvador
et al., 2016) can be used to find lost items or to ver-
ify certain events in daily recorded video from body
worn cameras or smart glasses. Lifelog also provides
materials for reminiscence of memorable moments,
emotions, or locations (Nguyen et al., 2016) for so-
cial applications and interaction(Zhou et al., 2013).
Lifelog data can be recorded by different modal-
ities, at different levels of details, and for various
purposes(Gurrin et al., 2014). Visual data, such as
photos and video clips, is one of the most important
lifelog data sources with high availability. Photos can
be taken and shared to social channels by an individ-
ual or his or her friends; video clips can be recorded
from smartphones, body worn or surveillance cam-
eras. Thus, in this paper, we analyse visual lifelog
data to provide meaningful insightful person discov-
ery: Social relation traits (Zhang et al., 2015).
Everyday, we interact with many people, build-
ing various social relationships, e.g. friends, business
partners, lovers, etc. It is important to study the qual-
ity of those social relationships which have great in-
fluence on people’s happiness and success.
This motivates our work to evaluate the social relation
traits, the interpersonal feelings between two main
people in a photo or a video clip captured from daily
When considering two people hugging each other,
our goal is not to predict their relationships, such as
lovers or friends, but to determine the traits of their
social relation, such as attached, assured, warm, trust-
ing. Since there are many photo albums on various
online image repositories such as Facebook, Flickr,
Google Photos, our work can be used to help people
with a better understanding of social traits from those
abundant and scattered online visual data.
Although there exist many methods to analyse
each independent facial attribute, such as head pose,
facial expression, age, or gender, there are only few
focusing on the combination of multiple facial at-
tributes. In this paper, our key idea is that social
Dinh, T., Nguyen, D-H. and Tran, M-T.
Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0006749206650674
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2018), pages 665-674
ISBN: 978-989-758-276-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
relation traits of two people can be evaluated from
an appropriate set of single facial attributes of these
two people. However, the suitable set of single fa-
cial attributes should be selected adaptive to different
contexts, geographical regions, and cultures. For ex-
ample, age prediction should be specialized for Asian
people and Westerners. Therefore, we propose Fa-
cial Multi-Attribute Framework (FMAF), a general
network model in which we can plug-in multiple pre-
trained Facial Single-Attribute Networks.
Our proposed method is the generalization of the
network proposed by Z. Zhang et. al. (Zhang et al.,
2015) for social relation trait evaluation. We inherit
the Siamese structure of the latter but replace its fixed
internal structure using conventional DCNs with two
FMAFs to utilize a dynamic set of pre-trained facial
single attribute components in each FMAF. We use
Inception-Resnet-V2 structure to train various single
attribute components, such as age prediction, pose es-
timation, gender classification, or expression recog-
nition. Specialized single facial attribute components
can be created for specific purposes, such as age clas-
sification for Asian or Westerner people, or expres-
sion evaluation in different cultures.
By defining FMAF as a framework to integrate
with different sets of facial single attribute compo-
nents, we can analyse the heterogeneous contribution
of each attribute in social trait evaluation in various
cultures, contexts, and applications. Furthermore, due
to the flexibility nature of this model, the contribution
as well as the performance of each attribute could be
further analyzed and utilized in future studies upon
this broad subject. Moreover, additional attributes can
be easily integrated into FMAF as an augmentation to
boost the overall performance of the system.
We train four Facial Single-Attribute Networks to
extract features for four facial attributes: head pose,
facial expression, age, and gender from three datasets
AFLW(Koestinger et al., 2011), Kaggle(Kaggle,
2017), and IMDB-WIKI(Rothe et al., 2016). Then we
evaluate FMAF with different combinations of these
four attributes on the social relation trait dataset by
Zhangpeng Zhang et al. at ICCV 2015(Zhang et al.,
2015). Our result on this dataset reaches 77.30%,
which improves 4.10% from the published results in
Zhangpeng Zhang et al. at ICCV 2015.
Using FAMF and our repository of pre-trained Fa-
cial Single Attribute Networks, we implement a pro-
totype system integrated into Facebook to analyse
the social relation traits of people in still images and
video clips. We also create a diagram to visualize the
progress of chronological changes in social relation
traits of a user with others.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses backgrounds and related
works. Then, our proposed method is presented in
Section 3, including Facial Multi-Attribute Frame-
work in Section 3.1 and Social Relation Trait Predic-
tion Network in Section 3.2. Section 4 discusses re-
sults and data analysis as well as interpretation. We
also briefly introduce the application for social rela-
tion trait analysis in Facebook in Section 5. Conclu-
sion and future work are presented in Section 6.
2.1 Lifelog Data and Applications
Lifelogging allows people to digitally record a to-
tality of an individual’s experiences (Dodge and
Kitchin, 2007). Lifelog data can be passively col-
lected during people’s daily activities by various kinds
of devices, including both wearable and environmen-
tal sensors(Gurrin et al., 2014). A lifelog may simple
be a collection of photos or video clips shared by a
user or his/her friends to a social network, or can be
a huge data collected by inertial sensors from activity
trackers or daily heart rates from smart watches.
Visual data is one of the most imporant types of
lifelog data. It includes both photos and video clips
recorded by individuals, stored personally or shared
to online social channels. From a large collection
of photos or video clips, taken by regular or body
worn cameras, we can retrieve relevant shots/frames
containing a certain item of interest using visual in-
stance search (Salvador et al., 2016) or semantic
query(Nguyen et al., 2017). Visual lifelog from so-
cial networks can be used for reminiscence in social
applications, such as NowAndThen, a system that uti-
lizes visual content similarity to assist reminiscence
in sharing photos on social networks (Nguyen et al.,
2016). In this paper, we continue the trend to exploit
visual data in lifelogs for reflection on interpersonal
relationship discovery.
2.2 Social Relation Traits
Many studies on social relation from visual data
have been proposed, such as social group discov-
ery(Ding and Yilmaz, 2010), social interacting class
detection (Fathi et al., 2012), social role inference
(Lan et al., 2012), and social relation traits evalua-
tion(Zhang et al., 2015).
It is sophisticated to define social relation traits.
In this paper, we consider social relation traits as the
INDEED 2018 - Special Session on INsights DiscovEry from LifElog Data
Figure 1: The 1982 Interpersonal Circle (Kiesler, 1983) and some examples from dataset in (Zhang et al., 2015).
interpersonal feelings between two people in a par-
ticular context. Similar to (Zhang et al., 2015), we
also adopt the definition of social relation traits from
the interpersonal circle proposed by Kiesler (Kiesler,
1983), where interpersonal relations are divided into
16 parts as shown in Figure 1.
Since each part has its complement, we can
group these 16 parts into 8 binary relation traits: (1)
Dominant-Submissive, (2) Competitive-Deferent, (3)
Trusting-Mistrusting, (4) Warm-Cold, (5) Friendly-
Hostile, (6) Attached-Detached, (7) Demonstrative-
Inhibited, and (8) Assured-Unassured. For simplicity,
we use the name of the first trait in each group to rep-
resent that group. As illustrated in Figure 1 (right),
these trait groups are non-exclusive so some of them
can co-occur in an image.
The idea to employ multi facial attributes of a pair
of persons in a photo to evaluate their social relation
traits is first proposed by Z. Zhang (Zhang et al.,
2015). Their work differs from previous studies as it
is not based on single person but utilize attributes of
both persons in a photo. Besides, while most of ear-
lier works mainly exploit facial expressions(Valstar
et al., 2011; Bettadapura, 2012; Lopes et al., 2016),
Z. Zhang take advantages of multiple facial at-
tributes, including expression, age, and gender.
Inspired by the work of Z.Zhang et.a., we also use
multi-attributes from two main persons in a photo to
evaluate their social relation traits. However, we make
a generalization of their method by allowing a flexi-
ble set of single facial attributes to be plugged into
the network. Thus, different facial attribute sets can
be used to adapt to new contexts, cultures, and appli-
cations. Besides, we do not use spatial information
(Zhang et al., 2015) but exploit only facial attributes
for social relation trait evaluation.
2.3 Face Recognition and Attribute
There are many learning models that can be used to
recognize faces and extract facial attributes. Some
architecture uses end-to-end learning for the task us-
ing a convolutional neural network (CNN) like VGG
(Parkhi et al., 2015) while the other learns a mapping
from face images to a compact Euclidean space where
distances directly correspond to a measure of face
similarity (Schroff et al., 2015). CenterLose, which
is a novel auxiliary supervision signal, is also consid-
ered to raise the performance of image classification
and face recognition (Wen et al., 2016)
In this work, we utilize the structure of Inception-
Resnet-V2 because it can overcome the problems of
fixed size of filers and fixed number of layers as in
DCN or VGGFace (Parkhi et al., 2015)
Figure 2 illustrates the process overview of our sys-
tem based on Siamese network architecture. This net-
work inherits the idea of Z.Zhang (Zhang et al.,
2015) to use a Siamese network to extract facial fea-
tures for two main persons, then predict their social
relation traits. However, we replace the fixed net-
work (DCN) with our proposed flexible Facial Multi-
Attribute Framework to evaluate different sets of fa-
cial single attributes. Furthermore, as we aim to eval-
uate the effectiveness of FMAFs in social relation trait
prediction, we do not use spatial information of the
two faces as in (Zhang et al., 2015).
Our social relation trait prediction model, follow-
ing Siamese network, consists of two parts:
Two identical Facial Multi-Attribute Frameworks:
to extract multi facial features from the two main
persons in an image. The construction of a Facial
Multi-Attribute Framework (FMAF) is presented
in Section3.1. FMAF can be used as a container of
multiple Facial Single-Attribute Networks, each
of which extracts a specific facial feature from an
input face. The output vector of FMAF is the con-
catenation of output feature vectors from its Facial
Single-Attribute components.
Social Relation Trait Prediction: to predict social
relation traits from two facial multi-attribute fea-
Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
Figure 2: Propose Method.
tures of the two persons extracted from the input
image (Section 3.2) . In our method, as we aim to
evaluate the performance of facial attribute only,
we do not use spatial information of faces as in
(Zhang et al., 2015).
3.1 Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
Social relation traits can be determined from analyz-
ing various facial attributes in visual contents. How-
ever, extracting and evaluating distinct properties im-
mensely depends on specific situations. This mo-
tivates the authors to propose a generic approach
for dynamically extracting numerous attributes to an-
alyze their effectiveness (Section 3.1.2) instead of
reusing conventional fixed deep networks for individ-
ual property evaluation from previous studies. Fur-
thermore, each attribute extraction instance operates
independently and can be easily embedded to a con-
tainer network so that we can evaluate the accuracy
of all facial attributes in the whole network to form a
network bank with single forwarding operation (Sec-
tion 3.1.1). For implementation, this particular ap-
proach utilizes the architecture of Inception-Resnet-
V2 since its capability of overcoming problems re-
garding fixed size of filers as well as fixed number of
layers (Szegedy et al., 2016) (section 3.1.3).
3.1.1 Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
The purpose of this network is to get facial attribute
information. As mentioned above, we decompose
the facial attributes into several types, e.g. pose,
expression, etc., so that we can train the network
for each of these types as a lightweight component
independently. Hence, the architecture of our Fa-
cial Multi-Attribute Framework is built from multiple
sub-networks called Facial Single-Attribute Network
(see Section section 3.1.2).
Figure 3 illustrates how the model is deployed.
The number of sub-networks is the number of at-
tribute types we focus on. Each sub-network has the
same structure based on Inception-Resnet-v2 archi-
tecture and runs independently with each other. An
Figure 3: Facial Multi-Attribute Framework.
image is passed through all sub-networks, and each
sub-network extracts the corresponding feature vec-
tor of its facial attribute information. For instance,
pose attribute network extracts the pose information,
while expression attribute network returns the expres-
sion information of the face. After that, we concate-
nate all the output vectors together. Let k be the num-
ber of attribute types we use in the network, the length
of the output vector is 1536 × k. This is all informa-
tion about the face which we use as material in Sec-
tion 3.2.
3.1.2 Facial Single-Attribute Network
The authors use Inception-Resnet-v2 architecture as a
base main network to extract the facial single attribute
information. The more specific about Inception-
Resnet-v2 is introduced in section 3.1.3. Our study
uses the “Dropout” layer whose output vector has the
length of 1536. This vector is also the output vec-
tor of the Facial Single-Attribute Network. Figure 4
illustrates 2 different processes: (1) training and (2)
feature extraction.
In the training process, the model is fed with a
299 × 299 color image which is defined in RGB for-
mat. The network is trained from scratch, which
means that every layer in the model is re-calculated
following the number of classes that the attribute type
is classified. For example, the Pose Attribute has three
classes (left, front, right) while the Expression has
seven classes (angry, disgust, fear, happy, sad, sur-
prise and neutral). We train the system in several steps
INDEED 2018 - Special Session on INsights DiscovEry from LifElog Data
Figure 4: Facial Single-Attribute Network.
with multiple images. The number of steps we use
when training is dependent on the facial attribute type
(pose, expression, etc.). When the result seems ac-
ceptable, we extract the model weights so that they
could be applied to the “using” process.
In the “using” process, the input size is still 299 ×
299. We bind the weights in training process to the
model to get the information. A face passing through
sub-network will transfer into a sub-vector of values
corresponding to its facial attribute type. The output
vector, as we have mentioned above, is extracted with
the length of 1536.
Furthermore, since there are approximately 20 at-
tributes to be considered, teaching the machine to
learning all of them simultaneously is not very effi-
cient due to the complexity of the computation, the
authors propose distributing this task into smaller
ones. In other words, being able to create portable
smaller version of the network by decomposing the
overall work is quite beneficial for various lightweight
component addition in the future. Furthermore, the
ability of adapting to various specialized datasets due
to the compact nature is another reason why this ap-
proach is chosen. Furthermore, only a few datasets
containing enough properties or sufficient annotation,
for example the AFLW dataset focuses on gender and
pose while Kaggle only contains facial expressions,
therefore it can be easily concluded that decomposing
the tasks for specific purposes is much more efficient
than generating the general result.
In addition, it is also feasible to evaluate the con-
tribution to the overall accuracy of each group of at-
tributes. Moreover, the contribution of each proper-
ties mainly depends on the type of the input data,
therefore, the sensibility between a group of attributes
and a specific category of data can be determined so
that depending on the result, we could efficiently add
the suitable type of input when classifying a desired
3.1.3 Inception-ResNet-v2
There are many CNNs have been developed with a
purpose that to increase the accuracy of the image
recognition performance. In particularly, the authors
focus on relatively low computational cost while still
keep the good performance in accuracy. We have ex-
periment many architecture to consider which one is
satisfied our expectation. Thus, we choose Inception-
ResNet-v2 architecture, whose main idea is to replace
the filter concatenation stage of Inception architecture
with residual connections, due to its outstanding per-
Figure 5: Schema for Inception-ResNet-v2 network.
Figure 5 just illustrates the components in
Inception-ResNet-v2 network in the simple way. The
main idea relating to the concept of shortcut connec-
tions which is skipping single or multiple layers. Par-
ticularly, the outcomes of the identity mapping com-
putation are added to the outputs of the stacked lay-
ers. Stem is the input part of Inception-ResNet-v2
network. Inception-resnet is the residual inception
block the replace the pure inception block in Incep-
tion network. There three types of block called A,
B, and C whose number of repetition in the network
is 5, 10, and 5, respectively. Reduction is reduction
module with various number of filters.
3.2 Social Relation Trait Prediction
With the architecture proposed in Section 3.1.1, we
can modify and choose the set of pre-trained attributes
with the same generic approach. This method in-
cludes single forward operation which saves both time
Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
and effort significantly. Furthermore, the results from
our experiments show that the accuracy of only fa-
cial expression (75.90%) has proven to be superior
than that of the full model with spatial cue (73.20%)
proposed by Zhangpeng Zhang et al. (Szegedy et al.,
From the image of two faces, the authors crop out
two faces. Then, each face is fed through the Facial
Multi-Attributes Network. For each face, the Facial
Multi-Attributes Network returns the corresponding
vector, ~v
, consisting the information of the face.
Next, the two vectors conducted from two faces are
concatenated together to become new vector ~v with
the length of 2 × |~v
|. The concatenated vector is an
input of a simple linear regression model to predict
corresponding relation traits of the image.
The linear regression model has a formula:
~g =~v ×W +
ε (1)
The weight matrix, W , projects the concatenated
feature vectors to a space of shared representation,
which is utilized to predict a set of relation traits,
~g = {g
{0, 1}. The weight matrix is initial-
ized with zeros. During the training process, additive
error random variable is distributed following a stan-
dard logistic distribution,
ε Logistic(0,1).
4.1 Dataset
This section presents our method of training our own
pre-trained model that can be used to recognize dif-
ferent facial attributes. Particularly, in order to extract
head poses, facial expressions, gender, and age, the
authors utilize data from three public datasets, includ-
ing AFLW, Kaggle and WIKI.
4.1.1 Pose Attribute Extraction
AFLW is an abbreviation of Annotated Facial Land-
marks in the Wild (Koestinger et al., 2011), which
provides a large-scale collection of annotated face im-
ages gathered from Flickr, exhibiting a large variety
in appearance such as pose, and ethnicity. AFLW
also supply general imaging and environmental con-
The total size of dataset is 25,000 faces with dif-
ferent images size. However, this paper only focuses
on human head poses. Because the dataset does not
have any training or testing set so the authors take
out 10% of images as testing set and the remaining
as training set.
Figure 6: AFLW Dataset Sample (Koestinger et al., 2011).
4.1.2 Face Expression Extraction
This dataset originates from a Kaggle contest: “Chal-
lenges in Representation Learning: Facial Expression
Recognition Challenge” (Kaggle, 2017). For conve-
nience, the authors call it “Kaggle” in the whole pa-
per. The dataset is designed for a facial expression
classification problem whose purpose is strongly rele-
vant that of our paper. In addition, the faces have been
automatically registered so that the faces are evenly
spread in each image.
Figure 7: Kaggle Dataset Sample.
The data consists of pixel gray-scale images of
faces. Each image is labeled with a single expres-
sion that is belonged to seven categories: (1) angry,
(2) disgust, (3) fear, (4) happy, (5) sad, (6) surprise,
and (7) neutral. The training set consists of 28,709
examples while the size of the testing set is 7178. An
example of the Kaggle dataset is shown in Figure 7
4.1.3 Gender & Age Extraction
This dataset originates from “Deep Expectation of
Apparent Age From a single image” research (Rothe
et al., 2016). The data set is built for predicting age
from human face which play an important role in our
research. The authors use only WIKI dataset which
consists of 62328 images. An instance of this dataset
is shown in Figure 8.
We classify the dataset into ten categories which
is number from “under 10” (U10) to “under 100”
(U100) group. Since the dataset does not have any
training or testing set, we take out 10% of images as
testing set and the remaining is training set.
INDEED 2018 - Special Session on INsights DiscovEry from LifElog Data
Figure 8: WIKI Dataset Sample.
4.1.4 Social Relation Trait Classification
Social Relation Dataset is a database designed for
detecting social relations from a pair of faces. The
dataset contains 8306 images of two faces chosen
from web and movies. Each image is labeled with
faces’ bounding boxes and their pairwise relation.
Five performing arts students label the relations in-
dependently so each label has five annotations.
In addition, due to that definition, each image
can be labeled with multiple relation traits. Since
some relation meanings are not clearly separated from
each other, most images in dataset are collected from
movies which annotators can base on the context to
label more correctly. The truth value of relation is set
to true if more than three annotations are consistent.
Otherwise, its truth value is set to false. The dataset
is divided into training and testing partitions of 7459
and 847 images, respectively.
4.2 Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
4.2.1 Fine-tuning Pre-trained Model
The authors obtain the pre-trained Inception-Resnet-
V2 model from TensorFlow homepage. The down-
loaded file is a model checkpoint that has been trained
internally at Google. As we have mentioned above,
Inception-Resnet-V2 model requires an input image
size of 299 × 299.
When fine-tuning a model, we need to be care-
ful about restoring checkpoint weights. In particular,
when we fine-tuning a model on a new task with a
different number of output labels, we are not able to
restore the final Logits (Dropout) layer. When fine-
tuning on a classification task using a different num-
ber of classes from the trained model, the new model
will have a final “Logits” layer whose dimensions dif-
fer from the original pre-trained model from Google.
4.2.2 Pre-training Full Model
As the authors introduce in section 3, Inception-
Resnet-V2 model consists of multiple layers, which
requires a considerable effort and rather long time to
exploit all the advantages for achieving the best pos-
sible results. Furthermore, in order to train the whole
network efficiently, we have to configure some impor-
tant parameters that effect on our results: (1) batch
size, (2) learning rate, and (3) learning rate decay
type. Before going deeper, we need to understand
the meanings of these parameters. Batch size is the
number of samples in each batch (or called “train-
ing step”). Learning rate is a value determines how
quickly the weights are adjusted. Learning rate decay
type is to specify how the learning rate is decayed.
For example, learning rate decay type is set to “expo-
nential” means that the learning rate is updated based
on exponential function. The default value for batch
size, learning rate, and learning rate decay type is 16,
0.01, and “exponential”, respectively.
In order to evaluate the best value for each param-
eter, the authors suggest the following scenario. The
parameter we want to test is called “key” parameter.
In this case, only the “key” parameter is changed, the
other parameter is assigned to default value and each
test is trained for 1000 steps.
First, we start with the batch size parameter. When
using the default value, our testing machine is not able
to build up a model because of the limited VRAM.
Thus, we have to reduce batch size value from 16 to 8
for the machine to work properly. Table 1 shows the
detail information of batch size test. Since batch size
16 is beyond our reach, we conduct an evaluation of
two additional batch size 4 and 8. It is observed that
even though the number of samples are halved from
8 to 4, the time required does not have the similar
behavior, which the amount of total time needed for
batch size 8 is approximately 1.76 times the amount
of time for batch size 4. Because of the limitation of
batch size, in two remaining test, the value of batch
size is set to 8.
200 400 600 800 1000
Accuracy (%)
0.01 0.001 0.0001
Figure 9: Test Result on Learning Rate Parameter with
AFLW Dataset.
Next, the learning rate in Inception-Resnet-V2
model is set to 0.01 as default value. With this value,
the accuracy does not increase smoothly. After testing
with multiple values, the authors decide to take the
number is 0.0001. Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the
batch accuracy for each 200 steps to visualize how the
Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
Table 1: Test Result on Batch Size.
Batch size
Pose Expression Age
Accuracy Time Accuracy Time Accuracy Time
16 (default) disable disable disable disable disable disable
8 36.60 828 17.35 819 35.51 823
4 30.27 469 15.33 471 29.67 472
200 400 600 800 1000
Accuracy (%)
0.01 0.001 0.0001
Figure 10: Test Result on Learning Rate Parameter with
Kaggle Dataset.
learning rate changes. Observed from the test results
on both datasets, higher learning rate tends to become
unstable. In other words, the trend when learning
rate is set to 0.01, represented by the blue lines, does
not pose a stable increment. Same conclusion can be
made on the learning rate of 0.001, represented by the
red lines. The unpredictability of the two mentioned
learning rates discourages the authors from training
the model with such rate as the network goes deeper.
On the contrary, when learning rate is set to 0.0001,
the increasing trend is quite steady with the best out-
come in both datasets. In addition, stable outcome is
quite beneficial for concatenation step.
The learning rate decay type has 3 different types:
(1) fixed the learning rate does not change over time,
(2) exponent the learning rate change follow expo-
nent function, and (3) polynomial the learning rate
change follow polynomial function. Exponent func-
tion is the best solution to control the change of learn-
ing rate, so that the result is converged.
Therefore, our parameter values in the paper are:
Batch size: 8
Learning rate: 0.0001
Learning rate decay type: Exponent
4.3 Social Relation Trait Experiment
The model uses different test scenarios to evaluate the
effectiveness of each attribute type. We conduct four
different test cases: (1) model using only Pose At-
tribute , (2) model using only Expression Attribute,
(3) model using only Age Attribute, and (4) model
using all the aforementioned attributes.
Table 2 presents the accuracies achieved by our
network as well the comparison between our results
and those approximated from the chart of DCN model
published by the Zhanpeng Zhang et al. in ICCV
2015(Zhang et al., 2015) on the same testing datasets.
It can be observed that our pre-trained models for
each attribute outperform their model in most of the
relation traits as well as in average cases.
On average results, pre-training with head pose is
the least accurate approach since the amount of in-
formation extracted from such attribute is quite lim-
ited and insufficient as most of the time people facing
each other or looking at the same direction are usu-
ally friends or closely related. On the other hand, pre-
trained model with facial expression or age or gender
is more efficient as social relations are proven to be
largely revealed by facial expressions along with age
and gender.
While the accuracies achieved with pose, expres-
sion, and gender attributes independently only dif-
ferentiate by a small percentage, the contribution of
each property or a group of them towards a particu-
lar relation trait is clearly shown. In other words, age
and expression attributes are most accurate when pre-
dicting “competitive”, “warm”, and “assured” while
gender and age attributes possess the highest contri-
bution when classifying “dominant”, “trusting”, and
Furthermore, our results also show superiority
regarding predicting sophisticated attributes such as
“dominant” and “assured” compared with those of the
previous study as recognizing such relation traits has
been proven to be quite problematic, especially the
classification of “dominant” with the improvement
in terms of accuracy of approximately 20% (from
60.00% to 79.82%).
The overall accuracy of 77.30% shows the effi-
ciency of our facial multi-attributes network. In ad-
dition, our model also suggests the feasibility of im-
proving the performance even more with the addition
of supplementary attribute.
INDEED 2018 - Special Session on INsights DiscovEry from LifElog Data
Table 2: Social Relation Trait Accuracy.
Proposed Method 74.70 72.58 73.59 72.60 78.60 66.18 65.96 79.02 72.90
Z. Zhang et al. 57.50 72.50 67.50 70.00 72.50 67.50 62.50 65.00 67.30
Proposed Method 76.81 75.51 76.42 75.68 82.52 68.68 68.38 82.83 75.90
Z. Zhang et al. 60.00 75.00 72.50 75.00 75.00 72.50 67.50 67.50 70.60
Proposed Method 78.92 76.54 77.74 76.38 83.70 68.90 68.65 84.07 76.90
Z. Zhang et al. 57.50 72.50 70.00 70.00 72.50 67.50 65.00 60.00 66.80
Proposed Method 77.97 75.38 76.58 75.19 82.62 67.87 67.67 83.14 75.80
Z. Zhang et al. 60.00 72.50 67.50 70.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 62.50 66.10
Proposed Method 79.82 76.83 77.96 76.27 84.83 68.60 68.52 85.70 77.30
Z. Zhang et al. 60.00 77.50 72.50 75.00 77.50 72.50 70.00 72.50 72.50
Figure 11: Social Relation Trait predicted sample images in
Zhang’s dataset.
Figure 11 represents the qualitative results of some
images in the Zhang’s dataset (Zhang et al., 2015).
On the right side of the figure, 3 polar graphs repre-
sent the corresponding prediction for each image. In
the first image, the context is that one man scream to
the other so we can easily recognize the ”dominant”
trait is most representative. The value in the graph
show the same result as we expect. There is a couple
in the second image where most of positive traits
can be seen clearly. The prediction also shares the
Figure 12: Social Relation Trait predicted image from Face-
same idea with through these positive traits are nearly
1. The context in last image is close to the middle
one, but the man knitting his brown make the image
less positive comparing to the one above.
Figure 12 illustrates the result of some random
sample photos that we collected on Facebook. The
first and last image are used to check-in places on
Facebook where both of them seems neutral. Hence,
the graphs are more rounded. In the second image,
two people are in an open talk with relax smile. Thus,
Social Relation Trait Discovery from Visual LifeLog Data with Facial Multi-Attribute Framework
the values of dominant and competitive are nealy 0.
The third image, however, are taken in one compe-
tition so the expression of two students is quite seri-
ous. As a result, the value of competitive is the highest
comparing to the others.
In this study, the authors show that applying our fa-
cial multi-attribute network can overcome the diffi-
culties of predicting social relation traits from visual
contents. Previous work, which mainly focuses on the
conventional deep neural networks, only capable of
producing generic results of all the relevant attributes
without any evaluation upon the contribution of each
attributes or groups of them to the overall perfor-
mance. Our model has proven its availability towards
different adjustments and feasible application to other
lightweight systems that aim to specific purposes or
specialized datasets. We will explore some feasible
applications including background music recommen-
dation for video based and photo collection clustering
and visualization based on social traits.
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