Clinical Ontology Mapping
Toward Automatic Care Plan Recommendation
Khai Nguyen
, Kaisei Reio
and Ryutaro Ichise
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Metaps Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Clinical Ontology, Ontology Mapping, Care Plan Recommendation, MDS, ICF.
In this paper, we share a sketch of an automatic care plan recommendation system in Japan. After that, we
describe our proposed method and experience in the first step: clinical ontology mapping. We discuss the
difficulties, method, preliminary results of a case study, which is to find corresponding mappings between two
ontologies, the Minimum Data Set 3.0 (MDS)
and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health (ICF)
Personalized health care is being developed as a fo-
cus of modern healthcare systems. The motivation
of such development is the superiority of providing
caring solutions meeting the specific needs of an in-
dividual. For years in Japan, personalized care plans
have been helping numerous people, mainly disease
suffering patients, elders, and the disabled. These
plans include the short-term and long-term support
for persons having difficulty in daily activities. One
of existing problems is that the care plan personaliza-
tion is a complicated process due to the wide range
of involved factors, from personal screening results
to inter-personal relationships, together with environ-
ments, technological resources, etc. Therefore, it
costs a lot of effort and time to make a care plan man-
1.1 Automatic Care Plan
For above reasons, developing automatic methods to
support the care plan making is an important study.
With an automatic system, it takes less time for the
analyzer to design/determine a care plan. Currently,
in the creation of care plan, an assessment sheet is
given as one of required input. This sheet includes
health screening results (e.g., body functions, dis-
ease diagnoses, medical history), personal situations
(e.g., age, working status, financial capability), rela-
tionships (e.g., family, friends), environment factors
(e.g., living condition, local policies), etc. A care
plan analyzer will check the assessment sheet to iden-
tify the capabilities, difficulties, and needs of the per-
son. Together with considerations of available sup-
portive resources (e.g., technology, device, therapist,
nursing), a care plan is suggested. We focus on au-
tomatic care plan recommendation from assessment
sheets and supportive resources. Although the current
research object is considered in the context of Japan,
our long-term goal is a system widely applicable to
different societies.
On the development of care plan recommenda-
tion system, we focus on methods whose model and
result are interpretable. This is a conventional ap-
proach for most tasks whose interpretability of results
is an essential requirement. One challenge of care
plan recommendation is that the assessment sheets
are not written in a well-structured format (e.g., semi-
structured and free description). They are written us-
ing a collection of vocabularies derived from the Min-
imum Data Set (MDS). Although MDS is also orga-
nized as an ontology, its structure is shallow. There-
fore, it is difficult to extract the information from
those materials and thus, difficult to build a care plan
recommendation system. The recent achievements
in machine learning have demonstrated the capability
of knowledge generalization from shallow-structured
and unstructured data (LeCun et al., 2015; Deng et al.,
2014). Applying this approach to our problem might
Nguyen K., Reio K. and Ichise R.
Clinical Ontology Mapping - Toward Automatic Care Plan Recommendation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006753107220726
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (HEALTHINF 2018), pages 722-726
ISBN: 978-989-758-281-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be feasible. However, interpretability is a current
drawback of many advanced machine learning meth-
To achieve the interpretability, we attempt to di-
vide our study into two phases. In the first phase, we
transform assessment sheets into a better-structured
format. In the second phase, over the transformed
data, we built an interpretable care plan recommender,
such as a reasoner. Among various structured repre-
sentations, ontology-based format is the best candi-
date due to its capability of knowledge representation
and availability of many clinical ontologies. For ex-
ample, most of up-to-date available ontologies are ac-
cessible via BioPortal
and UMLS meta-thesaurus
Before transformation of assessment sheets, the map-
pings of currently in-use ontology and the target
higher quality ontologies are necessary. Therefore,
ontology mapping is designed as the first most step.
The remaining part of this paper describes the details
and related issues of clinical ontology mapping.
1.2 Clinical Ontology Mapping
Ontology mapping is a well-studied problem as there
are many independently created ontologies, unified
ontology has become a need. Various ontology map-
ping systems have been proposed and have obtained
certain achievements (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2013).
However, it is not trivial to apply an existing ontol-
ogy mapping system to domain specified ontologies,
such as clinical ontologies. General ontologies are
conceptualized but clinical ontologies are not. That
is, an item (i.e., class) in a general ontology is usually
represented by a concept (e.g., ‘animal’ and ‘bird’).
Meanwhile, an item in a clinical ontology is different
because it is used to represent a clinical term, which
may not be a single concept. For example, an item
could be a functioning (e.g.,‘maintaining a sitting po-
sition’) or even a question (e.g., ‘does the president
walk?’). Therefore, the mapping of clinical ontolo-
gies demands some specific techniques.
Years of effort in automatic clinical ontology map-
ping have resulted in a modest number of studies and
leave many challenges. Previous studies focused on
the recommendation of mappings rather than a fully
automatic system. One reason for the missing of a
fully automatic solution is the requirement of high-
quality mappings in the domain. That is also why
existing mappings between clinical ontologies have
been done manually or semi-automatically.
(Fung and Bodenreider, 2005) attempted to use
synonyms, mapping relations of UMLS concepts
to map SNOMED-CT
and ICD9CM
. 86% of
SNOMED-CT terms were mapped with 42% re-
call and 20% precision, compared to the gold stan-
dard. (Lomax and McCray, 2004) tried to map Gene
to UMLS concepts using an automatic
method together with manual curation. Such auto-
matic method could suggest the mappings for 25% of
Gene Ontology terms.
A common issue of previous studies is that they
used simple lexical string matchings or synonym vo-
cabularies. Such approaches do not capture semantic
similarity of terms with complex differences. More-
over, they failed to suggest mappings for items which
do not lexically match with any term in the target on-
tology or not exist in the vocabularies. We try to de-
velop a mapping method capable of generating high-
quality mapping candidates for any input.
1.3 Candidate Ontologies
As earlier mentioned, we currently use vocabular-
ies derived from MDS for assessment sheets. How-
ever, the structural information of MDS is limited.
Therefore, we aim to map MDS ontology to other
better-structured ontology. In addition to structure,
the coverage and recognition of target ontologies
are important criteria for selection. Among avail-
able ontologies, there are two promising candidates:
International Classification of Functioning, Disabil-
ity and Health (ICF) and SNOMED Clinical Terms
One advantage of ICF is that it contains terminol-
ogy of components similar to items in current assess-
ment sheets. Those components are body function,
body structure, environment, and activity capability.
Furthermore, ICF is recognized by 191 member states
of the World Health Organization. Therefore, by us-
ing ICF, it is easier to apply our solution in other coun-
tries in future. In the meantime, SNOMED-CT is con-
sidered as the most comprehensive terminology up to
date. SNOMED-CT contains more than 320,000 con-
cepts and has better coverage in specific areas com-
pared to ICF (Tu et al., 2015). This ontology is being
used in more than 50 countries.
There are already some mappings between
SNOMED-CT and MDS(Tuttle et al., 2007),
. However, the mappings
between MDS and ICF derived from those data is
limited to 9 pairs. Therefore, currently, it is necessary
to find more mappings between MDS and ICF.
Although it is feasible to manually map the
medium-sized ontologies such like MDS and ICF, a
support tool is helpful in future mapping tasks. For
example, when checking and implementing undiscov-
ered mappings between MDS and SNOMED-CT or
other ontologies, or dealing with systems using other
terminologies. The detail of our mapping method is
described in the next section.
2.1 MDS 3.0 Ontology
MDS is an ontology designed for nursing home
screening. It is structured into 25 sections, of which
three (Calc, Control, Filter) are for information re-
lated to the screening system. The 22 remaining ones
are assessment sections. Each section differs from
others by its unique screening purpose. For example,
section ‘C’ is about ‘cognitive patterns’, section ‘D’
is about ‘mood’. Each section contains a flat list of
assessment items. That is, the structural information
is limited to only sibling and section-item relations.
In total, there are 1038 assessment items. Each
item comes with string title, and only a few contain
a short description. A string title could be a con-
cept (e.g., disease names), a sentence (e.g., activity
descriptions), or even a screening question (i.e., pre-
defined interview questions). There are six types of
item: text (e.g., social security number), date (e.g.,
birthdate), ICD code (International Classification of
), number (e.g., height), checklist (yes/no),
and code (e.g., code ‘1’ refers to male, code ‘2’ refers
to female).
2.2 ICF Ontology
Different from MDS, ICF ontology is much better
structured. From bottom to the top level is a path start-
ing with component, going through a chapter, block,
categories, and ending at a category. That is, each cat-
egory may contain sub-categories and such relation is
recursively defined. In a total of 1530 items, there
are four components (i.e., body functions, body struc-
tures, activities and participation, and environmental
factors) and 30 chapters, 37 blocks, and 1442 cate-
gories. Every item comes with a string title and a
short description. A string title could be a concept
(e.g., ‘mobility’ and ‘light sensitivity’) or a phrase
(e.g., ‘Lifting and carrying objects’).
When mapping to ICF, only 846 MDS items of code
and checklist type are used for mapping because ICF
does not contain items of other types. However, all of
1530 ICF items are used because every of them can
be matched.
2.3 Mapping Method
Given a MDS item x, we first estimate the similar-
ity sim(x, y) between x and every ICF item y. After
that, we find the matching score score(x, y) and apply
a ranking technique based on those scores to iden-
tify most promising mapping candidates. For map-
ping all of 846 MDS items, the basic idea to perform
the above procedure for each item. In other words, all
pairwise mappings are examined. Because the num-
ber of mappings is about 1.3 million, considerably
medium, it is possible to check all those mappings
without applying advanced candidate generation tech-
niques. The details of similarity, matching score, and
ranking is described in the following subsections.
2.3.1 Similarity
The similarity of two items is estimated by comparing
their string titles. Previous clinical ontology mapping
systems faced the difficulty of similarity estimation
for non-lexically related strings. Currently, it is pos-
sible to solve this issues thanks to the achievement of
word embedding (Mikolov et al., 2013), which was
empirically evaluated as effective methods for many
NLP tasks, including string matching. By using word
embedding, each string token is represented by a nu-
merical vector and instead of comparing the word sur-
faces or using synonym dictionaries, the string match-
ing is done by to comparing the vectors.
There is some effort for clinical word embed-
ding (Choi et al., 2016; Pyysalo et al., 2013) .
Among them, (Pyysalo et al., 2013) provide the vec-
tors trained from millions abstract and articles of
and PMC
. We also use this resource for
extracting the word vectors.
Given an item z, we first extract all tokens in the
title of item z (with stopword removal) and query their
word vectors. Then, we calculate the average vector
v(z) to represent the title of z. Using the average vec-
tor, we estimate the similarity of two item x and y
using the following equation.
sim(x, y) =
exp[EuclideanDistance(v(x), v(y))]
Table 1: Example of relevant mappings.
MDS item ICF item
B0100: Comatose b1101: Continuity of consciousness
C0700: Staff asmt mental status: short-term memory OK b1440: Short-term memory
G0300C: Balance: turning around while walking d450-d469: Walking and moving
H0400: Bowel continence b5253: Faecal continence
K0300: Weight loss b530: Weight maintenance functions
2.3.2 Matching score
Based on the estimated similarities and structural in-
formation of ICF, we define the matching score as fol-
score(x, y) = max[sim(x, y), max
score(x, z)]
where C(y) are children items of y. In ICF, an item
could contain children and such relation is recursively
defined. Therefore, the meaning of above equation is
that the matching score of item x and y is not only
defined by their similarity or the similarity of x and
children of y. It is defined by the similarity of x and
all descendants of y. This definition comes from the
assumption that if x matches to y, it will match to all
ancestors of y. As a result, the matching score of a
parent item is not less than any of its children.
2.3.3 Ranking
It is simple to just return the list of ranked ICF items
based on their matching scores. The problem with
this approach is that the top-ranked items can be very
similar to each other. In the context of mapping sug-
gestion, in which experts have to check the results
manually, it is important to present the mappings se-
lectively. Instead of only prioritizing mappings of
highest scores, we minimize the similarity between
top-ranked items. To this end, we implement a well-
known re-ranking method in Information retrieval, the
Maximal marginal relevance (MMR) (Carbonell and
Goldstein, 1998). MMR provides a mechanism to
control the balance of the relevance and the diversity
of the retrieval results. In the context of our problem,
MMR is defined as follows.
de f
= argmax
[λscore(x, y)
(1 λ)max
(strc(y, z))] (3)
where S is the selected items from ICF, strc is the sim-
ilarity between ICF items, and λ [0, 1] is a control
factor (i.e., if λ = 1 only matching score is consid-
ered). By repeating the mechanism of equation (3),
we collect K mapping candidates for each item x.
The strc(y, z) measures the structural similarity
between ICF items and is as follows.
strc(y, z) =
2 × depth( f cs(y, z))
depth(y) + depth(z)
where depth(t) is the length of path to t from root
item and f cs(y, z) is the fist common successor of y
and z. Here we reuse the idea of (Wu and Palmer,
1994) due to its capability of capturing structural rel-
2.4 Result
We implemented our mapping module in Java and
tested on a desktop with Core i7 7700K CPU. We
set λ to 0.9 after preliminarily checking different val-
ues, on an observation of five MDS items. We set
K = 5 for MMR ranking as it is reasonable for man-
ual checking. The time to complete the mapping pro-
cess for 846 MDS items to ICF is quite fast, at 127
We randomly pick up ve MDS sections for
checking, resulting in 548 mappings of 97 items.
Among them, 43 mappings (9%) of 33 items (34%)
are relevant. Table 1 lists random examples of rele-
vant mappings from each selected section. Accord-
ing to that table, our method can detect the semantic
equality between items of different terms.
There are still many aspects need investigations to im-
prove the effectiveness. The first issue in our observa-
tion is the discrimination between matched and non-
matched mappings. Using current matching score
is insufficient to differentiate such cases. In many
cases, the matching score of some relevant mappings
is lower than those of the non-relevances. We intend
to use multiple features to describe the similarity of
items. For example, in addition to sim over full ti-
tles, we can include the similarity of the same part-of-
speech, weighting scheme (e.g., TF-IDF, Google dis-
tance), or advanced measures on word vector (Kenter
and De Rijke, 2015). By using multiple features, we
expect a possibility of the discrimination between rel-
evant and non-relevant cases.
Making good use of existing mappings in the clin-
ical domain (e.g., SNOMED-CT and other ontolo-
gies) is also important. The benefit from existing
mappings includes detailed evaluations and character-
ization of mappings. In other words, it is feasible to
generalize the mapping knowledge from a gold stan-
dard and apply the knowledge on different mapping
It is possible to compare all items of MDS and
ICF exhaustedly. However, for larger ontologies such
as SNOMED-CT, such approach will be obstructed
by computational issues. An investigation on candi-
date generation for clinical ontology mapping is also
a need. It is also worthy to find a mapping method
leveraging structural information when two ontolo-
gies are both well-structured.
As clinical ontology mapping requires curation
by domain experts, utilizing checking results by live-
feedback mechanisms is useful. A semi-supervised
mapping method will help to improve the mapping
Lastly, multiple ontologies are preferable because
it increase the coverage of assessment sheets. How-
ever, such advantage comes with challenges, includ-
ing ontology merging and deduplication. Further-
more, even when using more ontologies, it is not guar-
anteed a 100% coverage because assessment sheets
are customized for a local society. Such problem hap-
pen when we work on other health care systems as
well. Therefore, it is important to study how to define
new items with sufficient logical relations.
We described an ongoing research project in care
plan recommendation system in Japan and its prelim-
inary step, which is the mapping of clinical ontolo-
gies. We proposed a straightforward yet reasonable
method for mapping MDS and ICF ontologies. Al-
though there are still many challenges to overcome
as discussed, we envision an optimistic form of the
direction. We hope our study could contribute to im-
proving the quality of healthcare in different societies.
This research is funded by Welmo inc.
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