Designing Interactions with Furniture
Towards Multi-sensorial Interaction Design Processes for Interactive Furniture
Pedro Campos
, Nils Ehrenberg
and Miguel Campos
Madeira-ITI, University of Madeira, Campus da Penteada, Funchal, Portugal
WowSystems LLC, R. Mary Jane Wilson, 21 G, Funchal, Portugal
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Interactive Furniture, User Experience, Human Factors, Ergonom-
ics, Embedded Systems, Interaction Design.
Abstract: In this paper, we argue for novel user experience design methods, in the context of reimagining ergonomics
of interactive furniture. There is a need for improving both creativity and productivity at the workplace, and
there is ample room for scientific advancements brought by embedded systems, sensors and actuators which
can now be part of future pieces of furniture. Creative industries’ workers are becoming more prominent as
countries move towards intellectual-based economies. Consequently, the workplace needs to be reconfigured
so that creativity and productivity can be better promoted at these spaces. This position paper presents several
directions that can shed light on how we can better design interactive furniture for the workplace. In particular,
we argue for a multisensorial approach as a promising way of achieving the above-mentioned goals.
Creative industries and their workers are becoming
more and more prominent, as countries move towards
intellectual-based economies. Consequently, the
workplace needs to be reconfigured so that creativity
and productivity can be better promoted at these
spaces. This position paper introduces the design and
prototyping of a new seat for relaxation and for
productivity, which fuses the digital and the analog in
a futuristic piece of furniture, targeted at workspaces,
in particular creative co-working spaces. This inter-
active seat, with embedded sensors and actuators,
aims at reimagining the role of interactive technolo-
gies in the workspace of the future, especially by
challenging disruptions in shared workspaces. Our
project aims to explore the balance between social in-
terruptions and social benefits of the creative work-
space. Creative industries’ workers are becoming
more prominent as countries move towards intellec-
tual-based economies. Consequently, the nature and
essence of the workplace needs to be reconfigured so
that creativity and productivity can be better pro-
moted at these spaces. We introduce initial interview
studies, a co-creation workshop - both of which in-
formed the design - and early renders and 3D prints
of our prototype.
We also present the rational for how the design has
been developed and our initial findings from the pro-
totyping efforts. There is a significant need for im-
proving both creativity and productivity at the work-
place, and there is ample room for scientific advance-
ments brought by embedded systems, sensors and ac-
tuators which can now be part of future pieces of fur-
niture. We will start by describing the most important
human factors in this context of design (Section 2,
Human Factors in the Workplace); afterwards, we de-
scribe our design approach (Section 3), including the
collaborative prototyping sessions and resulting arte-
facts; finally, we conclude with our position regard-
ing the need towards multisensorial approaches for
designing interactive furniture and some ways this
can be achieved.
There are positive correlations between creativity-
supporting work environments and product innova-
tion (Dul and Ceylan, 2014). Organizations therefore
seek to engineer their workspaces in order to better
support creativity through ergonomics, e.g. by includ-
ing physical elements that can systematically improve
Campos, P., Ehrenberg, N. and Campos, M.
Designing Interactions with Furniture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006759505270532
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 527-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the employee creativity levels (Dul and Ceylan,
2011). Productivity can be defined as the effective-
ness of converting effort into useful outputs. In gen-
eral, organizations seek to improve their productivity
because it is a critical determinant of cost efficiency
and better outcomes. Our approach is based on
reimagining office furniture and designing it in such
a way it becomes a place to relax, to regain focus and
to conduct creative work. We are currently conduct-
ing three pilot user studies at co-working spaces in
three different locations: Malmo and Lisbon. In par-
allel, we have been prototyping in 3D (3D-image ren-
ders as well as a 3D-printed physical prototype) a new
seat/workstation for improving creativity at work. In
this position paper, we argue that any design approach
for interactive furniture should be grounded in in-
formed studies and user observations. We divide our
analysis between the physical factors at the work en-
vironment, and the disruptions that happen during
quotidian work.
2.1 Physical Work Environment
We first focus on the physical workspace aspects af-
fecting creativity, proposing the creation of an open
pod-like workstation unit that can help creativity by
simulating a creativity-supporting work environment.
Typical physical environment improvements, that af-
fect employee’s creativity in a positive way, as sug-
gested by various researchers, include: a non-
crowded workspace, the presence of plants, the use of
inspiring colors on the walls, a new carpet in the of-
fice, more pictures and posters on the walls, windows
with an outside view, privacy, dim lightning, etc. (Ai-
ello et al., 1977; Dul et al., 2011).
Aiello et al. (1977) did research on the effects of
workspace crowding over employee’s creativity, and
they concluded that crowding could have negative ef-
fects, regardless of the crowded subjects’ interper-
sonal distance preference, which showed a lower
level of creativity than their non-crowded counter-
parts. Also, Stokols and his team (2002) observed that
high levels of environmental distraction, such as
noise or prolonged exposure to crowded environ-
ments, were associated with less perceived support
for creativity at work, and they furthermore suggested
that private or non-overcrowded workspaces could
have a counter effect, i.e. it could boost employee's
There has been great progress in terms of gaining
a better understanding of the interplay between the
work environment and the creativity, or productivity,
of office workers. In organizations, employee’s crea-
tivity can be translated into innovative products, serv-
-ices, processes, systems, work methods, etc. (Dul et
al., 2011).
Workplace creativity is usually seen as a result of
a creative personality or individual skillsets (Hennes-
sey and Amabile, 2010), dependent on intrinsic moti-
vations, such as personal interest, satisfaction, or the
challenge of the work itself. However, there are also
studies that suggest that other factors, such as socio-
organizational (e.g., job design, team work, rewards,
time pressure, and leadership) are also factors in mo-
tivating creative work (Campos and Nunes, 2005;
Campos et al., 2013; Dul et al., 2011), even in con-
texts such as kindergarten (Campos and Pessanha,
2011). Many factors contribute to these productivity
levels, which are quite subjective. Sometimes itis the
room temperature, other times it is the surrounding
noise. Even visuals play their role (e.g. if the work
desk is messy and cluttered).
2.2 Disruptions at Work
In this context, it does not come as a surprise that
some researchers have also addressed work interrup-
tions and how technological artifacts could be made
in order to reduce those interruptions, e.g. Züger
(2017) who propose FlowLight, a device that com-
bines a physical traffic-light-like LED featuring an
automatic interruptibility measure based on computer
interaction data. As mentioned before, one known so-
cio-organizational factor is crowding and interrup-
tions: crowded environments negatively impact crea-
tivity and studies suggest that private workspaces
could significantly improve employee creativity. In
our approach, it seems interesting to study and gather
scientific data about the interplay between interrup-
tions and the overall workspace. In particular, how
can we explore the balance between social interrup-
tions and the social benefits of the space. These and
other research questions are important for creative in-
dustries’ workspaces.
Our project takes a multi-disciplinary approach in-
volving architecture, design, and engineering in order
to explore how to create a better tool for the work-
spaces. Our initial prototypes explore the goal of user
focusing and the ability for temporary separation
through the use of a pod-like chair (See Figure 1). The
aim is a design that allows the user to remain in the
office, and approachable if necessary while also com-
municating that they are working on something that
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The initial prototypes and sketches for illustrating
our multisensorial approach to designing interactive furni-
requires focus. Sensors and smart technology can de-
tect and respond to the person who is seated, what
they are working on (which software they are using,
posture, or focus).
Figure 1 also details our design approach in terms
of function, technology and form. While the function
concerns are relatively straightforward (connected
workspace, relaxing, personal), the form concerns we
are addressing with the seat prototype include achiev-
ing a contemporary, versatile, modular piece of tech-
nological furniture that can also bring a timeless, ele-
gant comfort to the workplace. In terms of technol-
ogy, a reclining seat will provide body positions val-
ues that can provide ergonomic feedback to the user.
Directional sound provides relaxing soundtracks ac-
cording to the user’s preference, the same applies to
the LED interior “mood” lighting.
3.1 Pilot Study
Our design approach has the explicit goal of creating
interactive furniture to provide a place for relaxation,
focus and creativity, something extremely difficult in
today’s fast-paced offices. To gain an initial under-
standing of these factors, we conducted a pilot study
with participants from a local co-working space, who
we invited to take part in an interview, as well as to
submita diary over disruptions in their work over
two weeks’ time. We distinguish between interrup-
tions and disruptions because of the negative conno-
tation which is typically inherent to interruptions a
disruption can actually be positive for the user,
whereas it is never a positive thing to be interrupted.
Each of the interviews took 30 minutes and were con-
ducted with two interviewers, one leading the inter-
view and one recording, taking notes, speaking the lo-
cal language and translating as needed. There were
eight participants in the interviews, with four partici-
pating in the diary study. The study aimed to explore
what they perceived as both positive and negative fac-
tors with working in a co-working space.As all par-
ticipants were currently working in a co-working
space, it should be expected that they feel that the pos-
itive aspects outweigh the negative. In the interview,
they were asked about what they perceived as inter-
rupting their work, but also how they interact with
others in the space. In the diary that followed the in-
terview, we can consider comparing how their im-
pressions match up with reality.
The participants focused on two areas, the physi-
cal and the social space. The majority of the frustra-
tions expressed was in regards to the physical space,
too warm, noisy, uncomfortable, or otherwise not
suited for certain tasks, such as calls or meetings,
while the spaces dedicated for meetings were not
deemed sufficient.
In the discussion of the social space, where the
majority of participants expressed that the coworkers
were a major positive factor, they also expressed that
it was the largest distraction, though not always a neg-
ative one.
Joining others for a coffee when struggling with a
difficult or tedious task helped maintain focus, alt-
hough some would have offices that allowed them to
close the door when needed. The pilot study suggests
that there is a conflict between the public and private
in interactions, where the social aspects is at the same
time a source of inspiration and motivation, but also
3.2 Prototyping and Co-creation
In a second phase, we started our prototyping, work-
ing together with a team of interior designers, archi-
tects, HCI researchers, software and hardware engi-
neers (See Figure 2).
We held a 1-day co-creation workshop which em-
ployed brainstorming and product ideation tech-
niques with 16 participants, six of them part of the
project team, the remaining were creative industries
professionals who had no previous contact or any in-
formation aboutthe project.
Figure 2 shows the overall aspect of this co-creation
workshop, as well as some of the low-tech prototyp-
ing tools and materials which were used. In this
workshop, we brought together design professionals,
researchers, and developers with the explicit goal of
creating concepts together.
We asked them to explore their view on smart fur-
niture through sketching, and low fidelity prototyp-
ing. The participants each set out to individually cre-
ate multiple concepts that were then explored in
groups where they combined their ideas, and proto-
typed them using low-fidelity materials such as paper,
foam-core and pencils.
Designing Interactions with Furniture
Figure 2: Participatory prototyping session.
The final concepts which were produced by the dif-
ferent groups of participants involved:
a Work-life chair, a semi-open pod which can be
adjusted for relaxation, lighting, as well as placed
into groups for collaboration.
an all-in-one chair that focuses on the physical
com- fort, such as sitting still for too long, or on
resting when needed.
a “sleeper bed” that senses both the environment
and the position of the sleeper, but also com-
municates with its surrounding environment.
The common theme expressed by the participants
is relaxation or stress, this suggests that a future de-
sign could reflect the need to be able to relax, rather
than stressing productivity or focus.
Both the work-life chair and the sleeper bed are in-
tended as parts of a larger environment, rather than as
a stand-alone piece.
Our position is that this new class of furniture has the
overall goal of promoting user focusing and the abil-
ity for temporary separation through the use of a pod-
like chair (see Figure 3 for 3D renders). The aim is a
design that allows the user to remain in the office, and
approachable if necessary while also communicating
that they are working on something that requires fo-
cus. Sensors and smart technology can detect and re-
spond to the person seated, what they are working on
(which software they are using, posture, or focus).
Although this is ongoing research, it is already possi-
ble to draw some conclusions. It becomes noticeable
that there are many external factors that can influence
one’s work productivity. That includes noise and tem-
perature, although the amount of these inputs and its
influence can vary from user to user.
Also, human-computer interaction can be used
to create better workspaces, either by embedding sen-
sors and actuators in a seat or any other tangible ele-
ment (e.g. desk).
The human-computer interaction will play its
role solely if the technology is embedded in a visual
subtle way; that is, in such a way that it contributes
positively for the productivity only by giving visual
or audio stimulus without distracting the user or add-
ing a lot of complexity to adjust such ambience. It is
also interesting to note that visuals play an important
role not only in how people work, but also the predis-
position that they would have towards using a solu-
tion such as the one we have envisioned.
When exploring solutions for the challenges of
creative workspaces, we have taken a multi-sensorial
approach, in order to explore how different senses,
such as hearing or sight can affect productivity. Our
design approach is ground in terms of function, tech-
nology and form.
While the function concerns are relatively
straightforward (connected workspace, relaxing, per-
sonal), the form concerns we are addressing include
achieving a contemporary, versatile, modular piece of
technological furniture that can also bring a timeless,
elegant comfort to the workplace. In terms of technol-
ogy, a reclining seat will provide body positions val-
ues that can provide ergonomic feedback to the user.
Directional sound provides relaxing soundtracks ac-
cording to the user’s preference, the same applies to
the LED interior “mood” lighting.
By sensing the position of the user, we can im-
prove the ergonomics of the chair using adjustable
seating, it can also remind the user to take a break
through gently adjusting the internal lighting. It helps
the user manage interruptions by letting others know
externally through outside LED-lighting that a person
is working. The aim is to provide simple, effortless
For the final prototype, we are using pressure-sen-
sitive conductive sheets (Velostat) sewed to woven
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: 3D-printed prototype.
Figure 4: some of the 3D renders of the envisioned interac-
tive seat.
conductive fabric with a thin conductive thread to
build two squares (matrix) for the seat and its back.
These allow to track the user's posture and presence.
Afterwards, we added an electret microphone am-
plifier and an air-quality sensor. Both will be used to
check if external factors such as noise and oxygen
levels polluted would interfere with the productivity
of users.
A temperature and humidity sensor was added so
that the system can check the outside air temperature
and trigger a ventilation to adjust the inside tempera-
ture. In terms of actuators, we added programmable
RGB-LED strips to the sides and back of the chair as
well as a directional sound beacon just above. Over-
all, the final prototype will register when a user is sit-
ting down, the ergonomic posture (if posture is cor-
rect, the pressure will be distributed along the pres-
sure-sensitive pads), the noise, outside air tempera-
ture and air quality (this data would then be cross-
checked by the team in terms of minutes against the
times when a user would be writing or typing, to see
if those had any influence).
Finally, the ambience sound and the LED colour-
ing will be adjusted to test what users would prefer
for their two main activities (relax and work). Figure
3 exhibits a 3D print of the prototype, including a
cross section that includes a ‘cap’. This can be used
to allow different configurations of the seat, e.g. re-
laxing configuration, ‘Conference-call’ configura-
tion, etc.
This approach brings up several research ques-
tions which will be assessed once the prototype be-
comes a fully usable product: Firstly, it introduces
tangible and embedded systems as an approach to re-
solve the challenge of the physical challenges found
at creative workplaces. Secondly, it sheds light on
how we can explore the balance between social inter-
ruptions and social benefits of the space. Interactive
furniture could play a decisive role in the near future
(e.g. a smart meeting table could invite other people
to join an interesting discussion). Thirdly, it raises
some privacy issues: what happens when the office
place has a seat like this, where ergonomics data from
users is being constantly gathered?
In any workspace, there is a dichotomy between
the company and the private. How much time and ef-
fort does the employee owe the company, what loy-
alty? Personal calls during work hours are often
frowned upon, but if the call is important the borders
soften. If the employer supplies a phone, the em-
ployee may receive work email and calls even after
hours. While there is no obligation to answer, it is
common for employees to respond if they feel it's ur-
gent, or if not, the mere existence causes mental
Therefore, there are many aspects that can be ex-
plored; for example, which spaces may be used by an-
yone? Where is it appropriate to chat and to have cof-
fee? To what extent should one share advice or
thoughts with someone from another company?
When creating technology for Smart Workspaces,
the intent of various stakeholders shape the needs and
requirements for new technology. Small changes in
existing designs, sometimes drastically change the
nature of the product. Thus, within collaborative
workspaces, there's a need to find the right balance
between the need for privacy and support for social
Designing Interactions with Furniture
interaction. As such, collaborative work environ-
ments require spaces, furnishings and technologies
that facilitate, not only for collaborative work, but
also to focus work that fosters solo creativity and
We are very certain that there are still a lot of is-
sues to explore in this matter, but it seems clear that
by combining technology with furniture design and
interior design we can actually contribute for improv-
ing the worker’s productivity and mental well-being.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems