Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud
Andreas Tsagkaropoulos
, Nikos Papageorgiou
, Dimitris Apostolou
Yiannis Verginadis
and Gregoris Mentzas
Information Management Unit (IMU), Institute of Communications and Computer Systems,
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: Cloud Adaptivity, Fog Computing.
Abstract: Mainstream cloud technologies are challenged by real-time, big data processing requirements or emerging
applications. This paper surveys recent research efforts on advancing cloud computing virtual
infrastructures and real-time big data technologies in order to provide dynamically scalable and distributed
architectures over federated clouds. We examine new methods for developing cloud systems operating in a
real-time, big data environment that can sense the context of the application environment and can adapt the
infrastructure accordingly. We describe research topics linked to the challenge of adaptivity such as
situation awareness, context detection, service-level objectives, and the capability to predict extraordinary
situations requiring remedying action. We also describe research directions for realising adaptivity in cloud
computing and we present a conceptual framework that represents research directions and shows inter-
Cloud computing and, in particular, the
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model has become
the natural habitat for big data driven applications,
thanks to its unlimited scaling abilities. Big data
applications challenge cloud computing infrastru-
ctures which have not been designed to cope with
the velocity and sheer quantity of generated data.
The challenge is even greater when cloud
infrastructures are called to deal with the immense
amount of data that the billions of distributed IoT
sensors can genera-te. Thus, the cloud computing
paradigm is being expanded to reach the extreme
edge of the network, effectively developing so-
called fog infrastructures.
Mainstream technologies, such as Hadoop, are
challenged by real-time processing requirements,
due to their static nature (Burns 2013). While more
recent and dynamic technologies, such as Storm
(Apache Storm 2018), have proven to be efficient
computational platforms for real-time data stream
analytics, they fail to exploit the relatively new
decentralized architecture known as federated clouds
and fog infrastructures. A federated cloud is a hybrid
cloud that merges the resources available in multiple
clouds. Federated clouds consist of resource which
can be private clouds (e.g. in-premises OpenStack
installation), public IaaSes (e.g. Amazon Web
Services, Microsoft Azure) or decentralized clouds
(e.g. fog and edge clouds). Cloud resource
configuration can be performed using open
standards and APIs such as OCCI (OCCI, 2018),
CIMI (CIMI, 2013), TOSCA (OASIS, 2017) or
proprietary but widely used APIs like Amazon Web
Services (Amazon, 2018).
Recent research efforts have focused on
advancing cloud computing virtual infrastructures
and real-time big data technologies in order to
provide dynamically scalable and distributed
architectures on federated clouds. Various works
have proposed new methods for developing cloud
systems operating in a real-time, big data
environment that can sense the context of the
application environment and can adapt the
infrastructure accordingly.
Adaptivity in big data-driven cloud
infrastructures manifests primarily in two layers
(Figure 1): The real-time application adaptivity l
ayer refers to changes that can be performed in real
time by application-specific code on end devices.
Tsagkaropoulos, A., Papageorgiou, N., Apostolou, D., Verginadis, Y. and Mentzas, G.
Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud Adaptivity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006761901900200
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 190-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Adaptivity in big data-driven cloud infrastructures.
The topology adaptivity layer refers to changes that
can be performed to the processing topology and the
virtual resources available.
The challenge of adaptivity is linked to a number
of research topics that we survey in this paper:
situation awareness, context detection and the
capability to predict situations that pose the need for
adaptation. Our research objective is to investigate
the related state of the art, and facilitate the work of
researchers and practitioners through the
presentation of a conceptual framework. The
proposed framework aims to identify the tools and
methods needed for optimizing (i) the resource
usage for various applications based on specific
policies and (ii) the quality of service demands of
specific application ecosystems.
The remaining of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the state
of the art in cloud adaptivity. Section 3 identifies
challenges for cloud computing technologies and
related research directions. Section 4 presents a
meta-management framework for cloud adaptation
for guiding relevant research & development needed
to realise big-data driven cloud adaptivity. Section 5
concludes the paper.
Cloud adaptation refers to the process of dynamic
selecting and configuring the cloud resources (such
as CPU, memory, storage or networking) that are
necessary to provide a service with the desired
quality attributes. (Jennings and Stadler, 2015) point
out that in cloud-computing there exist different
types of actors which have different objectives
pertaining cloud adaptation needs. Cloud providers
provide services (e.g. cloud infrastructure) to cloud
users (e.g. DevOps). Cloud users provide services to
end users (e.g. a web-based application). In IaaS or
PaaS context, cloud providers agree on certain SLAs
and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) with cloud
users. There are many categories of SLAs (Kyriazis,
2013). According to the authors, more relevant to
resource management are the SLOs that are
quantifiable (like those that are related to
performance and availability). SLOs sometimes,
depending on the definition of the SLA, may be
satisfied up to a certain possible degree, when other
constraints must be satisfied simultaneously.
Cloud providers may pursue additional
objectives that are important for their business such
as energy use minimization and fault tolerance, in
some cases in a prioritized manner depending on the
context (e.g. prioritize low energy use when the total
workload is not high). Cloud users have SLAs with
their customers. In order to satisfy them they agree
SLAs with cloud providers but they may have
additional objectives (such as minimizing the risk of
violating SLAs with end users by using multiple
cloud providers).
(Jennings and Stadler, 2015) in a recent survey
of over 250 publications about resource management
relevant to cloud based infrastructures recognize
four types of adaptation: “Infrastructure Scaling”,
“Virtual Machine Migration”, “Virtualization” and
Edge Layer
Εvent processing
Context analysis
Data flow
Real-time analysis
processing cloudlet
Real time application
proactive adaptivity
Cloud Layer
Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud Adaptivity
“Equipment Power State Adjustment”. Challenges
that the authors identify include: (i) the way to
achieve predictable performance when adaptations
are performed, knowing that the cloud resources are
shared between different applications; and (ii) the
way to globally manage different types of resources
(compute, storage, networking, etc.) in an
orchestrated way in order to achieve “Global
Manageability of Cloud Resources”. (Ranjan et
al.,2015) summarize the different types of attributes
(cores, speed, capacity, etc.) that can be configured
and orchestrated in cloud infrastructure resources
(CPU, BLOB storage, network, etc.) according to its
type (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS) and the operations that can
be applied to each attribute (start, stop, restart, etc.).
This work not only describes the cloud resources as
the ontology in (Youseff et al.,2008) but it attempts
to identify the way a cloud-based infrastructure can
be programmed in order to achieve its goals.
2.1 Adaptation Implementation
Concerning the actual implementation of adaptation
actions, proposed approaches broadly fall under two
categories: Proactive adaptation policies - which
anticipate unusual situations and take actions in
order to ensure the correct functioning of the service
and reactive adaptation policies, which use data
from the current situation in order to trigger the
necessary adaptation actions.
The review paper of (Lorido-Botran et al.,2014)
identifies and compares five categories of
approaches for decision making in auto-scaling:
Threshold-based rules, Reinforcement Learning
(RL), Queuing theory (QT), Control theory (CT) and
Time series analysis (TS). (Gandhi et al., 2012)
identify five similar auto-scaling approach
categories: Prediction models, Control theoretic
techniques, Queueing-based models, Black-box and
Grey-box approaches. Black box models use
machine learning or statistical methods for decision
making in order to overcome the problem of
modelling the cloud application using expert
knowledge. Grey-box models are hybrid approaches
that use models in combination with machine
learning (Gandhi et al., 2012). (Qu et al., 2016)
support in their review paper that, according to the
bibliography, resource estimation in horizontal or
vertical auto-scaling can be performed using Rules,
Fuzzy-Inference, Application-Profiling, Analytical
Modelling, Machine Learning or hybrid methods.
Analytical modelling according to the authors
includes Queuing Theory and Markov Chains.
Machine learning includes Reinforcement Learning
and Regression. Regression is applied in auto-
scaling techniques that use Time-series Analysis or
Control Theory.
Rule-based approaches are used in commercial
auto-scaling systems such as (Amazon AWS Auto-
Scaling service,2018) or (RightScale, 2018). An
advantage of this approach is that a DevOps user can
relatively easily create and understand them. In
(Lorido-Botran et al.,2014) the authors maintain that
while rule-based approaches are usually reactive,
they can be combined with queueing theory, or time-
series analysis, in order to respond proactively to
Another approach for adaptation relies on
Queuing theory, which discusses queues (waiting
lines) using mathematics. The modelling using
queues is relevant to cloud applications, because the
requests to a service can be assumed to follow a
queue. The result of the modelling is the necessary
resources to process a workload with a specific size.
However, as queuing models require a fixed
architecture in order to be solved, they need to be
solved every time that an adaptation occurs which is
computationally expensive.
A different approach uses Control Theory to
maintain an output variable (e.g. CPU usage)
constant, while modifying the resources of the cloud
infrastructure respectively (e.g. number of
VM’s/characteristics of a VM). According to the
review paper by (Lorido-Botran et al.,2014), these
approaches are fine-tuned either for vertical scaling
or horizontal scaling, but not for both.
An alternative method to handle the problem or
resource adaptation relies on machine learning, and
more specifically on Reinforcement Learning (RL).
Using this method, an agent interacts with the
system and proposes the best adaptation action (from
the pool of defined actions) based on its experience
in similar situations. Then, the outcome of the
adaptation is measured using a cost/reward function,
and the agent improves its understanding.
Unfortunately, models following the RL method
suffer from bad performance during on-line training
for a long time, require considerable processing
power, and – being highly specialized – perform
sub-optimally when the context is changed(Lorido-
Botran et al.,2014) .
Table 1 summarises the characteristics of the
aforementioned cloud infrastructure adaptation
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Summary of Cloud Infrastructure Αdaptation Approaches.
Policy Type (proactive vs
Vertical and
Proactive Yes Bad Yes Hard High
Proactive No Bad None Hard High
Control Theory Reactive No Good Only one
Hard Average
Time Series
Proactive Yes Very
None Average Average
Reactive (Can be combined
with queuing theory
methods or prediction
methods to gain proactivity)
No Good Yes Average Low
2.2 Application-specific Αdaptivity
This section presents recent approaches that deal
with the challenge of adapting applications than run
on cloud infrastructures (see also Table 2).
(Cavalcante et al., 2013) developed an autonomous
adaptation process for cloud-based applications by
replacing a service by an alternative one that fulfils
the application needs and describe the adaptation
process within the Cloud Integrator, a service-
oriented middleware platform for composing,
executing, and managing services provided by
different cloud platforms. (Inzinger et al. 2013),
(Inzinger et al, 2014), proposed a provider-managed,
model-based adaptation approach for cloud
computing applications, allowing customers to
specify application behaviour goals or rules, thus
actively engaging the application refactoring
process. There are also recent agent-based efforts
that try to fuse adaptivity in cloud resources usage.
For example, (Comi et al.,2015) present an approach
based on agent cloning, i.e. a mechanism of agent
reproduction allowing providers to substitute an
“unsatisfactory” agent acting in a “cloud context”
with a clone of an existing agent having suitable
knowledge and good reputation in the multi-cloud
Another stream of work focuses on application
migration approaches. (Gholami et al., 2016)
published a detailed survey of cloud migration
approaches. The authors revealed that little work
exists that provides a means to design situation-
specific approaches with respect to the
characteristics of a migration project. (Inese et al.,
2015) described methods used for enterprise
application decomposition in cloud migration
projects. Their work distinguishes between four
decomposition phases: fact extraction, pre-
processing, clustering/component classification and
post-processing. Methods for fact extraction include
static, dynamic and semantic code analysis as well
as dynamic SQL analysis. Pre-processing includes
similarity evaluation, trace compression, rules,
classification, code cleansing and concept
assignment. Clustering and component identification
is typically done with clustering methods as well as
rules. Finally, post-processing refers to evaluation
methods using rules, refinement as well as
optimisation and layer identification.
A methodological approach for cloud migration
has been developed by (Jamshidi et al., 2016) based
on (i) a catalogue of fine-grained service-based
cloud architecture migration patterns that target
multi-clouds, (ii) a Situational migration process
framework to guide pattern selection and
composition, and (iii) a variability model to structure
system migration into a coherent framework. The
proposed migration patterns are based on empirical
evidence from several migration projects, best
practice for cloud architectures and a systematic
literature review of existing research. The
methodology allows an organization to (i) select
Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud Adaptivity
appropriate migration patterns, (ii) compose them to
define a migration plan, and (iii) extend them based
on the identification of new patterns in new contexts.
A cloud migration strategy recommender method
is proposed by (Bonab and Busherian), 2015). The
main rationale behind this method is to provide easy
and fast recovery from failed components or
replacing the required functionality of the legacy
software with the reliable cloud services. In this
paper a semi-automated reverse engineering method
based on the clustering algorithms is proposed to
recommend the best migration-to-cloud strategy.
The recommendation is based on four defined
metrics: the extent of effort required for
reengineering, maintenance costs, achieved
availability and the number of cloud services that are
(Kwon and Tilevich, 2014) proposed an
application refactoring approach based on a
recommender tool that computes the coupling
metrics for all the classes in a legacy application and
then displays the classes that are least tightly
coupled. Accessing the functionality represented by
these classes from a remote cloud-based service
should impose only a limited performance penalty
on the refactored application. The approach
leverages two recommendation mechanisms:
profiling and clustering-based recommenders. The
profiling-based recommender engages a static
program analysis and runtime monitoring to collect
program information. By combining the class
coupling metrics collected through both static
analysis and runtime monitoring, the
recommendation algorithm then suggests a subset of
an application that can be transformed to cloud-
based services. The profiling-based recommender
sorts application classes based on their execution
duration and frequencies, so that the programmer
can know what classes are computation-intensive
and how frequently they are accessed. (ii) The
clustering-based recommender clusters classes with
similar functionality, thus identifying class clusters
whose functionality can be naturally exposed as a
cloud-based service. Because the clustering-based
recommender groups classes based on their
functionality, the programmer can avoid duplicating
a functionality in the cloud by selecting candidates
for cloud-based service from different clusters.
(Hilton et al., 2014) developed Cloudifyer, a
touchdevelop IDE plugin which refactors
touchdevelop scripts in place. First, Cloudifyer
retrieves the source of the target app as an Abstract
Syntax Tree (AST) stored in JSON format from the
touchdevelop script bazaar. It then transforms the
AST as needed. Once all the transformations are
performed, Cloudifyer completes the refactoring by
saving the new AST for the target app. (Vasconcelos
et al.,2015) presented a novel approach to support
organizations in automatically adapting existing
software applications to the cloud. The approach is
based on the loosely-coupled implementation of
non-intrusive code transformations, called cloud
detours, which enable the automatic replacement of
local services used by an application with similar or
functionally-related services available in the cloud.
Table 2: Summary of Application-level Αdaptivity Approaches.
Authors Approach Adaptation type Active multi-cloud
Cavalcante et al. Replacement of a service with a new
instance fulfilling application needs
Inzinger et al. Adaptation based on application behavior
goals or rules
Satisfaction of goals
Comi et al. Substitution of unsatisfactory agents with
suitable clones of better-performing
existing agents
Inese et al. Methods for application decomposition in
cloud migration projects
Cloud migration Yes
Jamshidi et al. Methodological approach for cloud
Cloud migration Yes
Bonab et al. Easy and fast recovery from failed
components/ replacement of legacy
components with reliable cloud services
Cloud migration Yes
Kwon and Tilevich Application refactoring based on class-
coupling metric
Processing offloading
to the Cloud
Hilton et al. Refactoring of touchdevelop scripts in
Processing offloading
to the Cloud
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The majority of existing works in cloud adaptation
focus on cloud resource selection and configuration
based on the computing needs of applications but do
not take into consideration trade-offs between cost,
speed, efficiency and reliability of adaptations.
Future research can investigate new ways to manage
the relations between Big Data processing, cloud
and edge resources adaptation needs and adaptation
strategies. Novel data analytics approaches are
needed for understanding from the past data
different modes of the cloud infrastructure
workloads and predicting which can be the next one
based on the current context of big data applications.
Factors that influence the workload can be studied
and new behavioural models can be built from past
data. These models should be truly data driven and
built in an unsupervised manner (no a priori labelled
data should be used).
Approaches for analysing past data should in a
way ‘explain’ what the usual behaviour of the
system is in a high-dimensional space, which can
dynamically change as incoming data will change.
Methods should ensure that the models will be
continuously updated to the new situations,
resolving the problem of the model drift. Moreover,
models should be used in real-time in order to check
what the current parameters of the system indicate
regarding the workload, i.e. can the current situation
be classified as “usual” (with the standard set of
actions), or it is unusual and requires an additional
Moreover, new methods are needed for
extracting and modelling context features of big data
applications that pertain cloud resource
requirements. To this end, works may need to extend
decision methods (Patiniotakis et al.,2013a),
(Patiniotakis et al.,2013b) with the necessary
enhancements and extensions in order to deal with
the scalability issues involved in the Big Data
processing application domain. This will enable
adapting resources allocation and deploying parts of
the data-intensive applications across the processing
topology. For example, a new processing resource
can be recommended based on a predefined but
dynamically changeable pool of resource
alternatives that should be configurable according to
the context of the case. Moreover, the processing
load of a specific resource can be offloaded to
another one that maybe closer to the edge of the
network for efficiency reasons.
To support adaptation triggering, instead of
using static threshold-based alerts for an entire class
of cloud resources as most monitoring systems
typically use, there is a need to develop new
triggering methods based on monitoring multiple
data streams, understanding each individually as
well as their relationship to each other, resulting in a
highly sensitive system that can provide early
recommendations for adaptations to optimise
This section describes our proposal for a meta-
management framework for big data-driven cloud
adaptation. This refers to a conceptual layer on top
of the existing cloud infrastructure management
layers aiming to provide support for dynamic
adaptation of the cloud infrastructure based on
dynamically changing, big data application
computing needs. The optimal selection of cloud
resources is the primary objective of the meta-
management framework, which should support
decisions making for the number and kind of
resources, the location of the resources and the level
of virtualization. The so-called decision enablers are
described next.
4.1 Adaptivity Decision
4.1.1 Scale Up - Scale Down
The first function of the proposed framework is to
scale the cloud application service up and down,
depending on the workload, using a suitable
deployment platform (virtual machines or
containers). This scaling can be implemented
horizontally or vertically (Michael et al., 2007).
Horizontal scaling is defined as the ability of a cloud
service to spawn more (limit existing) VM instances
running the same application. Vertical scaling is
defined as the process of increasing (decreasing) the
specifications of the VM or container hosting the
application at runtime. If an application can use both
types of scaling, then we say that it can use hybrid
(Dutta et al.,2012) claim that vertical scaling can
offer lower cost adaptations, most appropriate when
the range of the intensiveness of the application
workload is relatively small. Besides, horizontal
Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud Adaptivity
scaling can allow for much higher throughput albeit
possibly at higher cost. (Fang et al., 2012) describe
vertical scaling as a methodology most appropriate
for regular adaptations to workload, whereas
horizontal scaling is more appropriate in cases of
sharp workload changes.
However, not all applications support vertical
scaling and horizontal scaling. For example,
applications relying on the JVM should restart
before being able to modify the heap allotted to a
java program. Also, applications not using external
load-balancing frameworks will not benefit from the
additional instances spawned. The above mentioned
special characteristics of each mode of adaptation
indicate that research is required by application
developers in order to formulate the correct criteria
to trigger adaptations. A relevant survey, which
examines many scaling techniques used by
dedicated software (auto-scaling) has been compiled
by (Qu et al., 2016)
4.1.2 Migrate & Re-position
The second function of the framework is live service
migration. Live migration is the transfer of a service
to another processing resource, without user-
noticeable service interruption. Not only does it
enable maintenance operations to be conducted
without the interruption of the service, but it also
permits the reconfiguration of the service under
unexpected workloads, and can be used as a
preparation step for efficient vertical scaling. Several
published studies examine live migration as a means
to consolidate resources or handle increasing
workloads (Bryant et al., 2011), (Hermenier et al.,
2009), (Nguyen et al, 2013). It must be noted
however that live migration degrades the
performance of all virtualized entities running on
both the physical machine offloading the
VM/container, and the physical machine onloading
the VM/container (Koto et al, 2012).
4.1.3 Application-specific Adaptation
A third function of the framework is related to
supporting the class of adaptation actions that
consider the internal structure of the application.The
framework should expose to the DevOp the
capability to dynamically modify hardware
resources with application-level logic. For example,
in a grid computing cluster, the DevOp can specify
that when a “multicore processing” job arrives, all
processing nodes should request at least 8 cpu cores.
This flexibility provides one more means for the
DevOp to ensure proper quality of service.
4.2 Enabling Capabilities
To support technically decision making with respect
to cloud adaptivity, the framework puts forwards
certain enabling capabilities. In a real-world setting,
each capability described below reflects a software
component that can range in implementation from a
simple process in a virtual machine to a distributed
multi-cloud processing architecture. The enabling
capabilities are depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Adaptation meta-management framework.
4.2.1 Workload Prediction
The meta-management framework should have the
capability, given an appropriate model and method,
recent monitoring information and workload
evolution over time, to predict the workload that
may be experienced by the cloud infrastructure in
the near future. In addition, it should be able to
predict possible failures because of the overuse of
certain processing nodes, thus enhancing the
reliability of the processing topology and
minimizing any chances for down time incidents.
While it is possible to predict the workloads of
long-running tasks based on the seasonality in their
historical workloads, it is difficult to do so for tasks
which do not have such recurring workload patterns.
Novel workload prediction approaches should be
developed that take the statistical properties of a
pool of tasks to help predict the workload patterns of
new tasks. Efficient machine learning methods can
process high-dimensional data and can be applied
directly to memory, disk bandwidth, and network
bandwidth demand predictions. Both machine
learning and statistical methods can leverage readily
existing tools, such as (TensorFlow, 2018), (Keras,
2018) or (R, 2018).
Real-time data
Context Analyzer
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Workload prediction methods should be capable
Receiving, pre-processing and storing the
data relevant for workload prediction (for
example: CPU usage, RAM usage, network
and disk i/o, etc.).
Understanding and modelling the types of
the workloads based on the provided data
(infrastructure, applications).
Predicting the workload of the underlying
cloud infrastructure.
Enabling refinement process (self-
4.2.2 Situation Detection
Situation Detection capabilities should detect
situations that might lead to resources adaptation or
data-intensive application reconfiguration or
redeployment. Situation Detection should receive as
inputs the context of edge devices & cloud
resources, the current workload (e.g. current
throughput, volume) as well as workload predictions
(e.g. predicted throughput, volume) and should
generate as outputs the detected situation and its
associated context conditions. Novel situation
detection methods are needed that go beyond the
state of the art by enabling smart situations detection
based on event subscriptions, workload predictions
capable of coping with the dynamicity of Big Data.
Scalable, high-performance complex event
processing engines (e.g (Siddhi, 2018)) can be used
to implement the functionalities described above.
Situation Detection methods should be capable
• Detecting situations during the usage of
the Cloud Application that might indicate
the necessity for adaptation under certain
context conditions. For example, if a server
node is indicated to have high CPU usage
levels, then a situation requiring immediate
action is reflected (because the service
might start dropping requests). In the case
described above, the detected situation is
that a server machine is under severe load.
• Triggering adaptation of the processing
• Guiding the deployment of application
4.2.3 Context Analysis
Efficient analysis of the status of cloud resources
including edge devices should correlate between
cloud and edge related attributes, types of jobs
running and “observed” QoS variations which
constitute the context about the current status of
cloud and edge devices. For example, context may
refer to the task execution time on an edge device or
an estimate of the remaining battery lifetime for
edge device where it is applicable. The main element
necessary for context analysis is monitoring data,
such as real-time QoS variations, cloud resource
metrics and edge device state parameters – for
example battery, location and network . This data
will be transmitted by a special agent, present on all
cloud resources and edge devices. Finally this data
should be processed (e.g using machine learning and
/or other statistical techniques) in order to identify
the context of each resource/device and generate
meaningful correlations between the monitored
variables. Tools such as (Apache Kafka, 2018) can
be used to manipulate high-volume streams of
monitoring data.
Context Analysis should:
Collect monitoring data from cloud
resources and edge devices and infer
Relate current context to the processing
capacity of a device, e.g. expected
execution time, battery level.
4.2.4 Adaptation Recommenders
We distinguish between two broad types of
recommendations the framework should deliver:
Recommendations for adaptations of the
applications running on the cloud infrastructure and
recommendations for cloud resource adaptations.
The first type of recommenders should produce,
for example, the appropriate partitioning of cloud
applications into smaller parts that can be efficiently
deployed over cloud / edge resources. They should
also associate applications and application parts with
placement constraints and optimization preferences.
For example, they could advise that application part
1 must run on a VM with RAM > 4 GB, application
part 2 may run on any edge device, or that all parts
should be placed under the same availability zone.
Input may be the available VM flavours & edge
devices as well as the qualitative, quantitative
preferences of the DevOp or application developer
in order to formulate the optimization function.
Outputs may be a recommended partitioning of the
application along with a recommended deployment
serialized in a TOSCA-based specification (without
specific VM and edge instances). The
recommendations should take into consideration
Challenges and Research Directions in Big Data-driven Cloud Adaptivity
constraints such as security constraints or other
quantitative or qualitative constraints, e.g. cost,
response time, data sanitization support etc.
The recommendations will be forwarded to the
second type of recommenders, which will then use
them to reactively (or proactively in case the
situation detected involves workload predictions)
find an optimal cloud resource reconfiguration. The
proposed reconfiguration will include the changes
on the used cloud resources, the used edge devices,
and the placement of applications or application
Inputs may be the current processing topology
and placement, the detected situations along with the
respective context of the used and the available edge
devices. Output can be the adaptation
recommendation to reconfigure the processing
topology, e.g., to introduce new processing nodes,
replicate nodes for failover purposes, remove
redundant or underused processing nodes.
Recommendations will entail how to alter the
processing topology on cloud resources, e.g., to
reconfigure additional VMs that host existing
processing nodes, spawn VMs to new physical
machines to deal with failover, start new containers
or deploy on additional hosts in a cluster. The
recommendation may be the product of any suitable
decision technique. In the example provided before,
a possible adaptation recommendation could be the
instantiation of a new server instance, and a load-
balancing service to alleviate the high CPU load.
Finally, recommendations will include shifting
processing effort to/from resources at the extreme
edge of the network, if necessary.
In this paper, we investigated challenges, research
efforts and research directions related to the
adaptation of next-generation cloud infrastructures
to support the advanced processing needs of big data
applications. We introduced the related challenges:
situation awareness, context detection, adaptivity
and the capability to predict situations adaptation.
To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no
approach that goes beyond cloud resource selection
and allocation towards recommending cloud and
edge resource adaptations based on the dynamically
changing processing needs, taking under
consideration trade-offs between cost, speed,
efficiency and reliability of adaptations. Our work
provides directions to researchers for investigating
new ways to manage the relations between Big Data
processing, cloud and edge resources adaptation
needs and adaptation strategies.
The proposed framework aims to provide a
blueprint for extending the state of the art through a
novel data analytics approaches for understanding
from the past data different modes of the workloads
and predicting which can be the next one based on
the current situation. Moreover, the framework
emphasises the need for situation-awareness
capabilities, which can be supported using event
processing technologies.
With respect to adaptation recommendations, we
plan to research and develop two recommenders that
will issue recommendations with respect to adapting
resources allocation in real-time and deploying parts
of the data-intensive applications across the
processing topology. For example, a new processing
node can be recommended based on a predefined but
dynamically changeable pool of alternatives that
should be configurable according to the context of
the case. Moreover, the processing load of a specific
node can be recommended to be offloaded to
another one that maybe closer to the edge of the
network for efficiency reasons. For developing these
recommenders, we propose methods for run-time
evaluation of adaptation actions based on situations
detected from the big-data processing and the
current usage context. To support predictive
behaviour, instead of using the same threshold-based
alerts for an entire class of cloud resources as most
monitoring systems use, we propose the
development of systems that will be monitoring
multiple data streams, understanding each
individually as well as their relationship to each
other, resulting in a highly sensitive system that can
provide early recommendations for adaptations to
optimise performance.
This work is partly funded by the European
Commission project H2020 PrestoCloud - Proactive
Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for
Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing (732339).
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