Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and
Co-simulation in Urban Districts
Lorenzo Bottaccioli, Edoardo Patti, Enrico Macii and Andrea Acquaviva
Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Multi-Energy-Systems, Simulation Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Distributed Software Infrastructure,
Smart Grid, Distributed Systems, Distribution Network.
In recent years, many governments are promoting a widespread deployment of Renewable Energy Sources
(RES) together with an optimization of energy consumption. The main purpose consists on decarbonizing the
energy production and reducing the CO
footprints. However, RES imply uncertain energy production. To
foster this transition, we need novel tools to model and simulate Multi-Energy-Systems combining together
different technologies and analysing heterogeneous information, often in (near-) real-time. In this paper, first
we present the main challenges identified after a literature review and the motivation that drove this research
in developing MESsi. Then, we propose MESsi, a novel distributed infrastructure for modelling and co-
simulating Multi-Energy-Systems. This infrastructure is a framework suitable for general purpose energy
simulations in cities. Finally, we introduce possible simulation scenarios that have different spatio-temporal
resolutions. Space resolution ranges from the single dwelling up to districts and cities. Whilst, time resolution
ranges from microseconds, to simulate the operational status of distribution networks, up to years, for planning
and refurbishment activities.
Nowadays, one of the main challenges in our socie-
ties consists on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as
highlighted during the international conference on cli-
mate changes (United Nations, FCCC, 2015). Many
countries are investing on developing and deploying
Renewable Energy Source (RES) to reduce the depen-
dence on fossil fuels for energy generation. Moreover,
novel ICT (Information Communication Technology)
solutions can increase the demand flexibility by ma-
naging the uncertain production of RES and by opti-
mizing the energy consumption in cities.
In this paper, we propose a distributed infra-
structure, called MESsi, for modelling and simula-
ting Multi-Energy-Systems (MES) by exploiting no-
vel ICT solutions, such as cyber-physical-systems,
Internet-of-Things (IoT), cloud computing and cog-
nitive computing. As pointed out by (Mancarella,
2014), an in-depth simulation and analysis of MES
is required to increase the flexibility of energy sys-
tems by integrating different resources for both elec-
tric and thermal energy. Furthermore, ICT and MES
offer valid options to foster novel services for smart
This work was partially supported by the EU project FLEXMETER.
energy management. For example they can foster
events of Demand Response (DR) and Demand Side
Management (DSM) by integrating buildings equip-
ped with heat pumps, CHP (Combined Heat Power)
or HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
systems (Molitor et al., 2014). The scope of this pa-
per consists on presenting the methodology and the
conceptual overview of MESsi, which is under deve-
lopment and only some modules have been validated.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents motivations and challenges that
drove our research on developing such infrastructure.
Section 3 reviews relevant state of the art solutions
for modelling and simulating Multi-Energy-Systems.
Section 4 introduces the MESsi platform and possible
simulation scenarios. Finally, Section 5 discusses our
concluding remarks.
This research aims at developing a distributed
infrastructure to model and co-simulate Multi-
Energy-Systems (a.k.a. MESsi) in urban context.
Bottaccioli, L., Patti, E., Macii, E. and Acquaviva, A.
Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and Co-simulation in Urban Districts.
DOI: 10.5220/0006764502620269
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2018), pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-292-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
MESsi combines together different technologies and
heterogeneous information to model the energy flows
and to simulate the impact of novel control strategies
in cities and distribution networks. It also can exploit
information coming in (near-) real-time from Inter-
net connected devices installed across the city. Furt-
hermore, MESsi provides features to simulate how
such novel policies affect the energy marketplace and
to analyse the effects and/or limitations of regula-
tory frameworks. On these premises, MESsi is an
infrastructure for simulations as a service that can
be used by different stakeholders to build and ana-
lyse new energy scenarios for short- and long-term
planning activities and for testing and managing the
operational status of Multi-Energy-Systems. Exam-
ples of scenarios that combine together thermal and
electricity trends (load and/or generation) to simulate
the energetic behaviour of buildings, districts and ci-
ties are: i) Installation of Renewable Energy Sources,
ii) Grid reconfiguration, iii) Demand Response and
iv) Demand Side Management. To achieve this pur-
pose, MESsi needs to combine novel or already ex-
isting modelling and simulation tools together with
real-time simulator (e.g. OPAL-RT or RTDS). At
the same time, it needs to correlate heterogeneous
information, such as: i) measurements retrieved in
(near-) real-time from IoT devices deployed across
the city (e.g. information on multi-vector energy
trends, weather, indoor temperature in buildings, sta-
tus of the distribution grids); ii) Building Information
Models (BIM), grid models and Geographical Infor-
mation Systems (GIS); iii) topology of energy distri-
bution networks; iv) urban cartographies and informa-
tion on population censuses.
To realize the MESsi infrastructure, we identi-
fied the following key challenges from a literature re-
view (Mancarella, 2014; Molitor et al., 2014; Alle-
grini et al., 2015; Keirstead et al., 2012; Van Beuze-
kom et al., 2015) that needs to be addressed:
i) Simulation of buildings dynamics: MESsi has to
provide features for analysing both thermal and elec-
trical dynamics in buildings. For example, model-
ling and simulating thermal dynamic includes also
the analysis of indoor temperature variations related
to power consumption. In this view, information on
thermal inertia and/or heat storages can be given as
input to control policies for shaving demand peaks in
district heating networks (Brundu et al., 2017; Verda
et al., 2016) or for DR and DSM if heating and cool-
ing systems are supplied by electric generators or
ii) Simulation of novel energy management policies:
Novel control policies needs to be evaluated in a re-
alistic environment before being applied in a real-
world context. Thus, the effects in terms of energy
efficiency, energy optimization, distribution network
reliability and economic value can be evaluated in-
iii) Simulation of distribution networks: MESsi must
be able to simulate the energy distribution network
to provide energy management policies with informa-
tion on the status of the network itself. For example,
from these simulations possible congestions, failures
and unbalances can be evaluated in a realistic scena-
rio. For this purpose, simulators like OPAL-RT and
RTDS need to be integrated in the infrastructure to
perform real-time simulations of the distribution net-
work with microseconds time-steps.
iv) Evaluation of RES impacts on the marketplace:
The impact of Renewable Energy Sources needs to be
evaluated to better design and apply novel control po-
licies and actions that affect the energy marketplace,
such as signal pricing and load balancing. Moreover,
these results can be analysed to better understand the
the limitation of current regulatory frameworks.
v) Simulations with different spatio-temporal resoluti-
ons: MESsi has to provide features to simulate energy
phenomena with different time and space resolutions.
Time resolution ranges from the microseconds, for
analysing the operational status of distribution sys-
tems, up to years, for planning and refurbishment acti-
vities. Whilst, space resolution ranges from the single
dwelling up to districts and cities.
vi) (Near-) real-time integration of real-world
information: Real-world information sent in
(near-) real-time by heterogeneous Internet con-
nected devices are needed to develop more accurate
event-based models for analysing the operational
status of the grid, for developing ad testing more
efficient control policies and for planning and
refurbishment activities (Bottaccioli et al., 2017a).
vii) Modularity and extendibility in integrating data,
models and simulators: Modularity and extendibility
are two main features for Multi-Energy-Systems. In
particular, MESsi needs to be designed to integrate in
a plug-and-play fashion heterogeneous data-sources,
models and simulators. This makes the overall in-
frastructure suitable for simulating different energy
scenarios, becoming a general purpose framework for
energy simulations in cities. Modularity and extendi-
bility are also two main requirements to allow future
extensions with low cost and small architectural im-
viii) Scalability of the infrastructure: Horizontal and
vertical scalability of the infrastructure is another key
requirement of MESsi. Indeed, it needs to scale up
quickly and easily because simulating a city or a dis-
trict implies the interaction of thousand of concurrent
Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and Co-simulation in Urban Districts
entities. This becomes critical if real-time simulations
of power distribution network must be performed.
In the last years, the study of Multi-Energy-Systems is
becoming crucial to de-carbonize energy production
and also to foster a widespread deployment of RES.
To achieve it, we need tools for an in-depth analysis
and simulation of MES for both electrical and thermal
energy (Mancarella, 2014). In (Molitor et al., 2014;
Allegrini et al., 2015; Keirstead et al., 2012; Van Beu-
zekom et al., 2015), authors present a complete over-
view of literature tools and models for MES analy-
sis. In this section, we report relevant state of the art
solutions on modelling and simulation platforms for
Multi-Energy-Systems, identifying challenges and li-
mitations as well.
DER-CAM (Firestone, 2004) is a useful tool for
planning and operational analysis of power distribu-
tion networks. It aims at providing guidelines for fu-
ture investment. The input can be given with a resolu-
tion up to 5 minutes. HOMER (Lambert et al., 2006)
helps on studying different micro-grid configurations
based on hourly input data. EnergyPLAN (Lund,
2011) is another solution useful for both operatio-
nal and planning activities. It receive input data up
to hourly values. However, none of these solutions
provides features for detailed power flow analysis or
thermal simulations in buildings. Moreover, they are
not flexible in integrating new scenarios in the simu-
lation process and they do not exploit data coming in
(near-) real-time from real devices installed across the
GRIDSpice (Anderson et al., 2014) is a dis-
tributed platform that co-simulate power flows and
data communication in smart-grid scenarios. It in-
tegrates third-party software like MATPOWER and
GridLAB-D to simulate power generation, demand
and distribution. It exploit a cloud-based architec-
ture to parallelize the computation of large scale mo-
dels. Also in this case, GRIDSpice neglects ther-
mal simulations in buildings and does not exploit
(near-) real-time information from real devices.
DIMOSIM (Riederer et al., 2015) is a platform
to perform MES simulations in urban districts. It
enables thermal simulations in buildings but it lacks
of electrical flows simulations in power grids. MO-
utte et al., 2011) is a distributed platform
for co-simulation of electrical flows in smart grid sce-
narios. It provides an integration of their Matlab mo-
dels with PowerFactory, a third-party software, to ex-
ploit Photovoltaic (PV) and Load generation profiles.
IDEAS (Baetens et al., 2015) is an open source plat-
form based on Modelica modelling language. It co-
simulate Demand Side Management strategies where
thermal request of buildings affects power distribu-
tion networks. MESCOS (Molitor et al., 2014) is a
co-simulation platform for district energy systems. It
simulates Demand Response and Demand Side Ma-
nagement policies by integrating both electrical and
thermal loads. The main limitations of these solu-
tions are summarized as follows: i) they do not in-
tegrate (near-) real-time information from real devi-
ces; ii) they do not exploit a real-time simulator (e.g.
OPAL-RT and RTDS); iii) the integration with other
simulation tools is not easy. In addition to that, MO-
SAIK lacks in simulating thermal behaviours in buil-
In (Abrishambaf et al., 2017), authors present a
distributed platform for real-time co-simulation of
Demand Response events in microgrids. The platform
integrates the OPAL-RT simulator and exploits infor-
mation coming in real-time from real devices. Howe-
ver, the platform does not simulate thermal behavi-
ours in buildings.
HUES (Bollinger and Evins, 2015) platform aims
at facilitating the integration of different models for
MES analysis. It implements a repository layer that
includes all the platform modules whose functiona-
lities are described in a semantic wiki. However,
HUES neglects on an interconnection among the plat-
form’s modules and lacks on integrating data coming
in (near-) real-time from devices installed across the
In our previous work (Bottaccioli et al., 2017b),
we presented a real-time architecture for co-
simulation of novel control policies in smart grid with
RES. In its core, it leverages upon an OPAL-RT si-
mulator and exploits real-time information from real
devices. However, this solution neglects in simulating
thermal behaviours in buildings.
With respect to literature solutions, we propose
MESsi, a distributed infrastructure for modelling and
simulating Multi-Energy-Systems. It aims at overco-
ming the highlighted limitations and addressing the
main challenges identified in Section 2 to evaluate
general purpose simulation scenarios. In particular,
MESsi performs simulations for both thermal and
electrical distribution networks with different spatio-
temporal resolutions. It exploits the OPAL-RT real-
time simulator that allows in-depth simulations with
microseconds time-steps. It provides features to per-
form detailed power flow analysis, thermal simulati-
ons in buildings and evaluation of RES impacts on the
marketplace. Furthermore, MESsi integrates data co-
ming in (near-) real-time from real devices installed
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
across the city. Finally, it eases the interconnection
among MESsi components and third-party models
and simulators in a plug-and-play fashion.
In this section, we present MESsi, a distributed infra-
structure for real-time modelling and co-simulation of
Multi-Energy-Systems in cities (see Figure 1). This
infrastructure exploits the microservice design pat-
tern (Fowler and Lewis, 2014; Newman, 2015) to in-
crease both scalability and extendibility of the system,
and to ease its maintenance. Indeed, the microservice
approach defines software architecture as a set of loo-
sely coupled and collaborating services. Thus, our so-
lution is flexible in modelling and co-simulating dif-
ferent energy flows in a single solution made of diffe-
rent interoperable components or modules that can be
deployed in a plug-and-play fashion.
The proposed infrastructure consists of five lay-
ers. From left to right in Figure 1, both Environ-
mental and Physical Layers includes the heteroge-
neous data-sources needed by the different compo-
nents in the system. The Cyber Layer enables the
communication among the different modules in the
five layers by exploiting either the request/response or
publish/subscribe (Eugster et al., 2003) communica-
tion paradigms. The Modelling and Simulation Layer
consists of different components that simulate energy
phenomena and multi-energy-flows. Finally, the Si-
mulation Scenarios Layer provide end-users with a
set of tools and API (Application Programming Inter-
faces) to build and run their MES simulation scena-
rios. At this layers, end-users can easily access to all
the information made available by the modules in the
previous layers.
4.1 Data Sources
The proposed solution integrates heterogeneous data-
sources needed by the simulation components. In par-
ticular we group them in two layers, Environmental
Layer and Physical Layer (see Figure 1).
The Environmental layer integrates all the infor-
mation needed to describe a city. Among the others
this layer includes:
i) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) integrate
georeferenced information about the different entities
(e.g. devices, buildings and pipelines) in cities. It
also includes cartographies cadastral maps and Digi-
tal Elevation Models.
ii) Building Information Models (BIM) are parametric
3-Dimensional models, where each model describes a
building, both structurally and semantically.
iii) System Information Models (SIM) describe size
and structure of energy distribution networks. SIM is
built by exploiting parametric and topological data.
iv) Weather Data are retrieved by third party servi-
ces, such as (Weather Underground, 2017). This in-
formation is georeferenced and collected by personal
weather stations deployed in cities.
v) Census data are information about different cha-
racteristics and behaviours of citizens, such as popu-
lation distribution, dwelling size and appliances dis-
On the other hand, the Physical layer integrates
data coming from physical systems and Internet con-
nected devices in (near-) real-time. Among the others
this layer includes:
i) Measurements of energy production from Distribu-
ted Generation.
ii) Status of Distribution Grid that are needed to simu-
late energy flows and evaluate the integration of RES.
Thus, information sampled by devices monitoring the
energy distribution network.
iii) Information sent by IoT devices, such as Ambient
sensors, multi-vector Smart Meters (i.e. electricity,
gas, heating and water) and Actuators.
4.2 Data Communication
The Cyber layer is in charge of enabling data ex-
change among the different components in our in-
frastructure. It exploits both the synchronous and
asynchronous communication paradigms adopting
both request/response and publish/subscribe (Eug-
ster et al., 2003) approaches, respectively. Re-
quest/response allows a fast bidirectional commu-
nication to send/access information to/from diffe-
rent components in our infrastructure (either har-
dware or software), using, for instance, REST Web
Services (Fielding and Taylor, 2002). Whilst, pu-
blish/subscribe is complementary to request/response
and allows (near-) real-time data transmission. Pu-
blish/subscribe removes the interdependencies bet-
ween producer and consumer of information. This al-
lows developers in creating distributed software com-
ponents that are independent from data-sources and
can react in (near-) real-time to certain events. Thus,
publish/subscribe enables a data-driven and event-
based communication that also increases the scalabi-
lity of the system as pointed out in (Patti et al., 2016).
In the proposed solution, we adopted MQTT proto-
Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and Co-simulation in Urban Districts
Figure 1: Schema of the proposed MESsi infrastructure.
col (MQTT, 2017), which is an implementation of
As shown in Figure 1, the Cyber layer consists
of three main modules the Communication Adapter,
the Data Integration Platform and Smart Metering In-
frastructure. The Communication Adapter enables
the interoperability across the heterogeneous devi-
ces in the Physical Layer. Whilst, the Data Inte-
gration Platform integrates third party software and
platforms in the Environmental Layer. Both act as a
bridge between the components of infrastructure and
the underlying technologies, either hardware or soft-
ware. In this view, each technology needs a spe-
cific Communication Adapter or a Data Integration
Platform to provide common and unified interfaces to
access low-level functionalities through REST Web
Services and/or MQTT. Thus, both Communication
Adapter and Data Integration Platform are key com-
ponent to access each low-level technology transpa-
rently. Finally, MESsi provides features to integrate
also third party Smart Metering Infrastructure, such
as (Pau et al., 2017), that makes available histori-
cal data collected from real distribution networks and
post-processed information output of its services.
4.3 Modelling and Simulation
The Modelling and Simulation Layer, in Figure 1,
consists of different software components to simu-
late environmental conditions (green boxes), electri-
cal energy (light blue boxes) and thermal energy (yel-
low boxes).
The Solar Radiation Decomposition is a software
module that decompose Global Horizontal radiation
(GHI) into Direct Normal Incident radiation (DNI)
and Diffuse Horizontal Incident radiation (DHI) by
applying mathematical models such as (Ruiz-Arias
et al., 2010). The inputs are meteorological informa-
tion retrieved by Weather Data module in the Envi-
ronmental Layer. Often, weather stations sample only
GHI. Thus, this module is crucial because DNI and
DHI are needed to evaluate the solar heating gains and
to simulate incident solar radiation on tilted surfaces
(e.g. buildings’ rooftops).
The Rooftop Solar Radiation (Bottaccioli et al.,
2017c) module exploits GIS cartographies, real Weat-
her Data and results from Solar Radiation Decompo-
sition module to simulate incident solar radiation on
rooftops. Simulations are done in real-sky conditions
with a resolution of 15 minutes. It is able to detect
roof encumbrance (e.g. chimneys and dormers) and
to estimate their shadowing effects.
The Photovoltaic Energy module exploits the met-
hodology described in (Bottaccioli et al., 2017c). It
exploits both Rooftop Solar Radiation and Weather
Data modules to estimate the incident solar radiation
and the effects of the air temperature on the efficiency
of PV arrays. By exploiting GIS cartographies, it
also identifies the suitable areas for PV deployment
on rooftops and simulates the energy production with
a resolution of 15 minutes.
The Smart Energy Management module offers an
environment fully integrated in MESsi to simulates
novel control policies for energy optimization suita-
ble for battery management, Demand Response and
Demand Side Management.
The Agent-Based Model for Market Impacts mo-
dule simulates the impact of RES (e.g. PV arrays) and
novel control policies on the electrical marketplace.
It aims at evaluating the role of emerging energy ag-
gregators to better understand the feasibility of such
actions in residential sectors from both regulatory and
economical viewpoints.
The Smart Grid Simulator module integrates a
Real-Time Simulators (e.g. Opal-RT or RTDS) as
depicted in (Bottaccioli et al., 2017b). It simulates
power distribution networks with different time re-
solutions ranging from microseconds to hours. Ex-
SMARTGREENS 2018 - 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
ploiting the Communication adapters in the Cyber
layer, it is able: i) to access information from IoT
devices deployed across the real distribution network
in (near-) real-time and ii) to exchange data with the
Smart Energy Management, the Photovoltaic Energy
and Household Electricity Behaviour modules. The
Smart Grid Simulator module enables a more accu-
rate analysis of distribution network when different
control strategies are applied. Moreover, this module
can be used together with the Agent-Based Model for
Market Impacts module to simulate congestions and
unbalances, and to evaluate the electrical implication
of Demand Response events on distribution networks.
The Household Electricity Behaviour module re-
produces realistic electrical consumptions in residen-
tial houses. It builds a virtual model of households
occupancy and their activity patterns by exploiting
a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. The input
needed by this module are the information given by
Census Data (i.e. statistical information on the distri-
bution of population and appliances). In particular, it
uses results of the last national census that provides
statistical information on households occupancy and
citizens activities over the day. Once the virtual mo-
del is built, it translates these information into elec-
trical usages for each appliance in each single virtual
home. This module can build scenarios involving a
single house up to a full city. During the execution
of the simulation, the results are continuously made
available to the other modules of MESsi through the
Cyber Layer.
The District Heating Simulator provides an envi-
ronment fully integrated in MESsi to simulates no-
vel control policies for Heating Distribution Networks
(HDN) accounting also for their impacts on building
comfort (Brundu et al., 2017; Verda et al., 2016). Ad-
ditionally, this module provides tools to analyse and
predict the thermal behaviour of buildings connected
to HDN exploiting the KPIs and the methodology des-
cribed in (Acquaviva et al., 2015).
The Thermal Building Simulator follows the met-
hodology described in (Bottaccioli et al., 2017a). It
provides tools to simulate and analyse the thermal be-
haviour of buildings. It combines information about
BIM and GIS together with real Weather data and
environmental information coming from IoT Devices
deployed in the corresponding real buildings. This
module allows: i) (near-) real-time visualisation of
energy consumptions in buildings; ii) simulation of
indoor temperature trends and iii) evaluations of buil-
ding performances through energy models.
The Solar Thermal Collector module simulates
the behaviours of solar thermal panels in heating wa-
ter. It needs as input Weather Data and the results
from the Rooftop Solar Radiation.
4.4 Simulation Scenarios
The Simulation Scenarios Layer, the last in our infra-
structure (see Figure 1), provides end-users with a set
of tools and API to build and run different energy sce-
narios. This layer allows end-users to easily access
to information made available by the other module
in MESsi. Among the others this layer includes si-
mulation scenarios described in this section for which
MESsi as been designed.
Simulations can be performed to evaluate the ope-
rational states of distribution networks. For example,
events of DR and DSM in a urban MES can be analy-
sed taking into account RES (e.g. PV arrays) and buil-
dings equipped with electrical HVAC. These scena-
rios involve different MESsi modules: i) Smart Grid
Simulator to simulate the power network: ii) Photo-
voltaic Energy to estimate generation profile of PV
systems; iii) Thermal Building Simulator to ana-
lyse the indoor temperature trends and to avoid dis-
comfort in case HVAC is switched off. Furthermore,
the Smart Metering Infrastructure can be used to re-
trieve historical data and to schedule DR and DSM
events that also involve common appliances (i.e. wa-
shing machine, dishwasher and boilers). Otherwise, if
real data are not available, Household Electricity Be-
haviour generates realistic load profiles for different
dwellings. These simulations span different spatio-
temporal resolutions at the same time. Simulations of
indoor temperature trends involve the single dwelling
or building with 15 minutes time resolution. Whilst,
grid behaviour simulations involve the whole district
or city with microsecond or second time resolution.
Thermal peak shaving is another scenario to eva-
luate the operational states of HDN. In this case, an
high request of hot water from buildings connected
to HDN causes a power peak at the thermal power
plant. This issue is normally managed with heat stora-
ges or with additional gas heaters that are used only
during this peak period. To avoid it, control policies
can be tested to shift in time the request of each single
building (Verda et al., 2016). This scenario involves
the Thermal Building Simulator to evaluate the indoor
temperature trends in each building and the District
Heating Simulator to evaluate the peak shaving. Both
modules needs 15 minutes time resolution.
As mentioned in the previous sections, MESsi can
be used also for strategic planning activities. For
example, it can simulate scenarios that involves the
Energy Aggregators, a new rising actors in the elec-
trical marketplace. In this case, Energy Aggregators
exploit the proposed infrastructure to analyse the cus-
Distributed Infrastructure for Multi-Energy-Systems Modelling and Co-simulation in Urban Districts
tomers participation and the effects of regulatory fra-
meworks in DR/DSM events. Consequently, Energy
Aggregators can evaluate their impact on the market-
place. This scenario is a long-term planning activity.
Thus, simulations needs monthly or yearly time reso-
lution. This scenario exploits the following modules:
i) Agent-Based Model for Market Impacts, ii) Hou-
sehold Electricity Behaviour , iii) Smart Metering In-
frastructure, iv) Photovoltaic Energy, v) Smart Grid
Simulator and vi) Thermal Building Simulator.
City managers can use MESsi to evaluate the so-
lar potential and its impact on the distribution net-
work considering also load profiles and network con-
strains. This scenario involves the following modules:
i) Photovoltaic Energy to estimate the generation pro-
file for each PV system installed in building rooftops;
ii) Smart Metering Infrastructure to retrieve real load
profiles or Household Electricity Behaviour to gene-
rate realistic energy consumption patterns, iii) Solar
Thermal Collector to simulate the behaviours of so-
lar thermal panels in heating water for domestic use
or for heat pumps. If the simulation scenario inclu-
des building heating systems supplied by solar ther-
mal panels, the Thermal Building Simulator is needed
to evaluate the impact on indoors temperature beha-
viours. The scenarios needs monthly or yearly time
MESsi can also be used for testing or validating
already existing algorithms, such as Non-Intrusive
Load Monitoring (NILM). NILM is a signal proces-
sing technique, which discerns the energy consump-
tion of the appliances from the aggregated data acqui-
red from a single point of measurement, i.e. the Smart
Meter (Zoha et al., 2012). In this case, the input nee-
ded by the NILM algorithm are historical households
load profiles retrieved from Smart Metering Infra-
structure. As an alternative, the NILM service can ex-
ploit the Household Electricity Behaviour module to
create realistic electrical consumption patterns. Time
resolution for this scenario ranges from microseconds
to 1 second.
It is worth noting that, thanks to the microservice
design pattern, MESsi is opened to build and run new
simulation scenarios to meet latest requirements from
the end-users.
In this paper, we presented MESsi, which is a no-
vel distributed infrastructure for modelling and co-
simulating Multi-Energy-Systems in cities. First, we
discussed the motivations and challenges we addres-
sed to design such infrastructure. Then, we intro-
duced our proposed framework that is suitable for
general purpose energy simulations with different
spatio-temporal resolutions. MESsi combines dif-
ferent technologies and correlates heterogeneous in-
formation, also sent in (near-) real-time, to simu-
late multi-energy-flows and to evaluate the impact
of novel policies in cities and distribution networks.
Finally, we discussed possible simulation scenarios
i) for analysing the operational status of energy dis-
tribution systems, ii) for planning and refurbishment
activities, and iii) for testing or validating already ex-
isting algorithms.
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