Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning
Otto Petrovic
Institute for Information Science and Information Systems,
Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria
Keywords: Alterations by Digital Media, Informal Learning, Learning Objectives, Learning Theory, Epistemology,
Participatory Action Research, Autovideography.
Abstract: The main part of human learning happens en passant and mostly outside of an educational institution - called
informal learning. Even pupils and students spend more time in front of digital media screens than in formal
settings inside schools. Thus, their learning is strongly impacted by the use of digital media in everyday life.
Current research, educational practice, and design of learning systems have their focus mostly on courseware
and distance education for formal settings. The current study captures real-life learning episodes in the
domains of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning using autovideography. Additional episodes are
captured by the author applying participatory action research (PAR) in extensive field studies in different
cultures. The episodes are analyzed, using different learning theories to develop a category system of
alteration mechanism for informal learning using the approach of grounded theory. The main alteration
mechanism identified is the extension of linear learning content to a multi-dimensional, perception sphere that
is characterized by high interactivity and contingency. To utilize this alteration mechanism, one possible
conclusion is that educators should neither stick to pure transfer of knowledge nor retreat to a facilitator, the
latter of which is empty of content.
The main part of human learning happens en passant
as a by-product of something else, mostly outside of
an educational institution, and is naturally embedded
in human life. It is non-intentional with no a priori
objectives. We call this kind of learning informal
learning. The 21
century is characterized by the
advent of digital media and its ubiquitous use by
humans as well as by machines to interact among
each other. Young people spend, even during their
life span with the highest share of formal education,
more time in front of digital media screens than in
formal settings inside schools. Better understanding
of digital media’s alteration mechanism should help
to improve practice of informal learning by learners,
methods of teaching, and envisioning and design of
new learning environments. The aim of the study is
not to tell educators how to better teach in the age of
digital, but to have a better understanding of digital
medias alteration mechanism to become capable
combining different mechanisms to support learners
in the best possible way. Therefore, the focus of the
present study is to understand the alteration
mechanism of digital media which are used by people
in their everyday life and not on dedicated courseware
like MOOCs or systems for distance education. To
broaden the perspective, which is currently focused
on transfer knowledge from the teacher to the learner,
deeper insights into basic characteristics of different
learning theories and epistemologies are necessary.
To gain a better understanding for digital media’s
alteration mechanism on informal learning, we firstly
capture real-life learning episodes via pictures,
videos, and text annotations in the domains of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning. Next,
we analyze the learning episodes through the
‘glasses’ of the two main learning theories of the 20
and 21
century, objectivism and constructivism, to
identify basic alteration mechanisms. Finally, based
on the analysis we develop a category system for
those mechanisms.
Petrovic, O.
Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006772303210330
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 321-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Definition
Learning can be defined as acquiring new or modify
existing knowledge, skills, competencies, and
perceptions which lead to alterations in thinking,
feeling, and behavior. Depending on the chosen
definition of learning and its measurement only
around 25 % of it happens in formal or non-formal
settings. Formal learning is systematic organized
learning within a formal learning system like
universities or schools with learning specified
objectives and degrees awarded by the system. Non-
formal learning is similar but conducted outside of the
formal learning system, e.g. in organizations for
further education, vocational training settings, or
youth organizations.
The predominant part of learning happens in
informal settings. In these settings learning is not the
main aim, it happens en passant as a by-product of
something else, e.g. playing a game on the computer,
competing in a bike race, or cheating during an exam.
Very often the contexts for informal learning are day-
to-day situations but it can also be a formal learning
setting where informal learning is not intended.
Normally, informal learning doesn’t lead to a formal
degree, whereby the formal acknowledgment of
outcomes of informal learning is a widely-discussed
topic. Informal learning can happen in different
contexts: Family, school, work, leisure time, or social
communities (Council of Europe, 2000; Ainsworth
and Eaton, 2010; Harring, Witte and Burger, 2016).
In summary, informal learning is characterized
Absence of structure
Absence of a priori set objectives,
Occurrence in day-to-day situations outside
of educational institutions
Absence of a reward in the form of a formal
Ongoing, pervasive, and natural connection
with life
2.2 Domains of Learning
As shown below in the section on methodology used
in this study, real-life learning episodes are captured
in the form of videos, pictures, and annotations by
learners. The first step of analysis is assigning them
to certain learning domains. For the purposes of this
study, considered learning domains are based on the
well-established and widely discussed taxonomy of
learning objectives by Benjamin Bloom and his
colleagues (Bloom, Englehart, Furst, Hill and
Krathwohl, 1956; Krathwohl, 2002) However, as
informal learning has per definition no a priori
defined learning objectives, we focus more on
outcomes than on objectives and use the notation of
The focus of learning in the cognitive domain is
on the ability to recall facts, methods and processes.
Bloom and his colleagues identified six categories of
cognitive learning outcomes with different levels of
difficulty, in that the first must be mastered before the
next. Learning in the affective domain (Krathwohl,
Bloom and Masia, 1973) focusses on perceptions,
attitudes, emotions, values, and norms. Learning in
the psychomotor domain concerns physical
coordination and movement in relationship with
cognitive and affective processes. Examples are
handwriting, doing sports, operating a complex
machine like a car, or playing a computer game.
2.3 Informal Learning from an
Objectivist Point of View
To find different alteration mechanism of digital
media for informal learning we study their impact in
real world learning episodes. As those episodes, like
every real-world phenomenon, are very complex, we
must reduce complexity by using a certain point of
view, which is a dedicated ‘lens’ in form of a theory
of learning. Many of those theories were generated
during the last decades and centuries. They should
explain how people learn and act as a ‘lens’ for
observations in the field. For the purposes of this
study we will look at informal learning through the
lens of objectivism and constructivism and their
related subcategories. For an in-depth analysis of
these theories as well as their relationships to
epistemology see (Harasim, 2017).
The objectivist point of view posits knowledge as
existing objectively beyond our minds, as finite truth.
It is based on the dualism of one’s own mind and the
world around it. The focus of behaviorist learning
theories how particular behavior is changed by
certain learnings. Cognitivism tries to overcome those
limitations of behaviorism by understanding the
‘black box’ of the human mind. The focus of
cognitivist learning theories is to understand mental
processes to promote learning effectively.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.4 Informal Learning from a
Constructivist Point of View
Constructivism refers both to a learning theory (how
humans learn) and to an epistemology (the nature of
knowledge). It postulates that humans construct their
own knowledge of the world by experiencing and
interacting. Thus, knowledge is dynamic and
changing, constructed and negotiated in social
context, rather than something absolute and finite.
The role of the teacher no longer is to transfer his
knowledge to the brains of students effectively but to
help them build their own knowledge by creating
supporting environments. Glasersfeld (1995)
emphasizes, that memorization and rote learning are
not useless. But to solve problems that are not exactly
presented during instruction the student requires
conceptual understanding and the ability to rearrange
memorized facts as well as abstract building blocks
and to relate them to other already learned processes
to fit the challenges of a novel problem situation.
Collaborativist learning theory is based on
constructivism and emerged with the advent of
networked computers. The basic assumption is that
computer networking creates new opportunities to
share multiple perspectives, to foster reflective
thinking skills, and to build multidimensional and
multidisciplinary understanding instead of the
emphasis on one ‘correct’ answer, by interacting with
others using online environments.
An example is the significant increase in the use
of self-monitoring devices which create content in
form of vital and performance data and share it with
millions of peers on fitness platforms like Strava
( and Garmin Connect
( Increased awareness of
exercise and nutrition as well as self-responsibility for
one’s own fitness and health are resulting learnings
(Petrovic 2017b). Figure 1 shows the analyzing
process of such a learning episode within the current
Figure 1: Analysis of road biking in South Korea
considering different learning domains.
3.1 Definition
For the scope of the present study, media should be
defined as means or channels of communication
between humans, machines and humans, or among
machines, creating a dedicated perception sphere for
the participants of the communication process. We do
not see media just as mean to transport a certain part
of reality, but to communicate certain views on reality
perceived by the creator of the communication
content. Because of this, media are not a substitution
for reality, but a means to communicate individually
perceived reality. The content of this communication
process builds a sphere for the participants of the
process to interpret the content individually (Pietraß,
2016). Primary media functions
The focus of the present study are digital media’s
alteration mechanisms for informal learning. Thus,
the center of analysis are not empirical findings on
changes in different learning settings caused by
digital media or recommendation for using digital
media in the context of informal learning, but
enabling factors for such changes facilitated by
digital media. The difference between those two
perspectives is the actual use of digital media by
humans or machines. This allows firstly, to better
understand the reasons for observed changes in
learning and their relationship to digital media and
secondly, to envision and design new learning
environments. The starting point of the intended
category system of alteration mechanisms are
primary media functions which are properties of
media to support handling of the communication
content (Keil-Slawik and Selke, 1998; Selke, 2008).
Create and delete allows to produce and delete
communication content e.g. symbols like letters,
pictures, videos, drawings, or models. An example of
using this primary function at the level of secondary
function is the ability to make pictures and videos
with omnipresent smartphones. Normally, the creator
of a content assumes its permanency until someone
delete it. Thus, deletion is a related function of media.
Examples of digital medias alteration in deletion are
Snapchat with its value proposition of deletion after
some seconds or contrary, the violent discussion on
the ‘right to be forgotten’ in the universe of digital
Arrange and link facilitates the organization of
communication content. By arranging, the content is
grouped together in spatial proximity within a certain
perception sphere. Examples are digital documents
Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning
stored in the same folder or organic results of Google
search. Thus, arranging is not a characteristic of the
content itself as the spatial proximity is generated by
human intervention or software algorithm without
changing the content entity. Linking implies a
reference within the communication content to some
other to show relationships. Therefore, it is a property
of the communication content. Examples of using that
primary function are hypertext links or
recommendations on e-commerce sites. Arrange and
link are the core functions for creating a perception
sphere, contrary to a single linear information entity.
Thus, arrange and link is one of digital media’s most
powerful alteration mechanism for informal learning.
Transmit and access comprises the exchange of
information content between humans, humans and
machines, or directly between machines without
human intervention as discussed in the context of
internet of things (Petrovic, 2017c). A core
characteristic of transmit is the existence of a certain
addressee of the communication content. Therefore,
transmit leads to push communication in one-to-one,
one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many
settings. Examples for using that alteration
mechanism on the level of secondary media functions
are sending emails or making video calls. Contrary to
transmit, access doesn’t require any intervention of
communication content’s creator after creation.
Others access the content in the perception sphere in
a pull mode based on their access rights. Examples
are the access of web sites or the use of social media
3.2 Types of Digital Media
After the widespread use of the personal computers
and the launch of the Internet in 1989 followed by the
rise of social media around 2004, settings like
computer based training and intelligent tutoring
systems, followed by MOOCs (massive open online
learning), PLEs (personalized learning environments)
and ALS (adaptive learning systems), and online
communities of practice became part of learning
processes (Harasim, 2017, Kindle-Position 4178). As
all those systems are designed and used explicitly to
support formal learning, they are not in the focus of
the present study, as it deals with informal learning
and its core characteristic of not-intentionality. In the
present study, the focus lies on digital media used by
learners in their everyday life, e.g. popular social
media sites, online games, or browsing the World
Wide Web. Figure 2 shows the use of popular forms
of digital media and compares it with traditional
media. There are different potential criteria to build a
typology of digital media, for an extensive review see
(Salaverría, 2017).
The focus of Figure 2 is on media whose content
is generated by humans, like online press. Currently,
software agents, often called bots, strongly gain in
importance for all primary media functions
mentioned above. They can be embedded in other
software, act invisibly to human users, and create,
arrange, and transfer communication content
automatically without human intervention. Further
types of communication content generated by
machines are performance and vital data in the field
of self-monitoring captured by sensors (Petrovic,
2017b) or results of search engines and recommender
systems. All these examples support the notion that
digital media is used for communication between
machines and humans..
Figure 2: Daily media consumption in hours, n=153.501,
age 16-64, 36 countries around the world (source:
globalwebindex 2017). Other online activities like
browsing and e-commerce not included.
4.1 Research Question
The main aim of the present study is to better
understand the alteration mechanism of digital media
for informal learning. This broadened understanding
can help improve practice of informal learning by
learners as methods of teaching, and to envision and
design new learning environments. Therefore, the
research question is: What are digital media’s
alteration mechanism for informal learning? It’s not
the aim to find representative results for a certain
population or to evaluate a certain technical system.
Thus, the methodology applied is selected by its
added value to gain insights into digital media’s
alteration mechanism on learning and not its
Social Netw.
Online TV
Online Press
Online Radio
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
representativeness for a certain population, as is often
the goal of quantitative methods.
4.2 Methodology
The methodology used for capturing learning
episodes in the field by learners themselves in form
of video, pictures, and annotations is based on
autovideography and photovoice (Goo Kuratani and
Lai, 2011; Woodgate, Zurba and Tennent, 2017;
Wang and Burris, 1997). Additional learning
episodes are captured by the author using
participatory action research (PAR) in extensive field
studies, also applying videography. To analyze those
data qualitative content analysis and grounded theory
(Charmaz, 2014) is applied. Subsequently to ten years
of preceding studies with several hundreds of
participants as shown in (Petrovic, 2017a) 50 learners
in two master courses grouped into 10 teams were
asked to capture real-life informal learning episodes
with their own smartphones in form of pictures,
videos, and text annotations and to send them to a
blog for immediate sharing with other participants of
the study. Previously, the main characteristics of
informal learning and different learning domains
were presented and discussed and the learners
received the task to study basic literature on both
topics. Also, the aims, the methodology, and the
procedure of the study were presented and discussed.
After capturing and analyzing the learning episodes
they were presented to the research team. Both, the
Figure 3: Methodology used to gain insights into digital
media’s alteration mechanism.
captured material in form of pictures, videos, and
annotations as well as the analysis by the learners
themselves represented the input data for the research
team. Additionally, the research team also captured
some learning episodes to fill gaps in data for certain
learning domains as mentioned by learners such as ‘I
have liked to capture …’ (see Figure 1 for an
The whole analyzing process of the learning
episodes was performed with the software
MAXQDA. The first step of the research analysis was
to assign the learning episodes or certain parts of them
to one or more learning domains. For this, the
learning episodes were analyzed according to the
main characteristics of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor learning. If single parts of the learning
episode were related to different learning domains,
those parts were marked and assigned within
MAXQDA separately. The second step was to
analyze the learning episodes once with the ‘glasses’
of objectivist and in a second run with those of a
constructivist point of view together with their related
learning theories. The focus of that analysis was to
identify alteration mechanism of digital media in the
three different learning domains. As a starting point,
the identified alteration mechanisms were
categorized based on a tentative category system
deduced from theoretical concepts. According to the
methodological approach of qualitative content
analysis and grounded theory the category system
was further developed iteratively during the process
of analysis. Same or similar alteration mechanism
where grouped together and groups of mechanism
were assigned to main groups. During this process,
the research team looked out for coherent
mechanisms, plausible relations between them, and
aimed to reach an exhaustive category system. The
main guideline during the whole analysis was the
additional value of categories concerning the research
4.3 Findings
Table 1 shows digital media’s core alteration
mechanism for informal learning as found after
several iterative cycles between analyzing and
categorizing captured learning episodes on the one
hand, and theoretical views from learning theory and
epistemology on different learning domains on the
other hand. This categorization is neither exhaustive
nor mutually exclusive. In traditional media like
printed newspaper the three domains of create and
delete, arrange and link, and transmit and access to
a great extent form a linear step-by-step sequence of
Intro in digital media, informal learning,
learning domains, methodology used
Individual capturing learning episodes in form of
videos, pictures, annotations
In teams: selecting most informative episodes,
analysis, and presentation
Learning episodes and learners analysis
as input data
Writing initial category system based on theoretical concepts
Refined category system
Analyzing and coding learning episodes
Assigning and grouping memos
and codes
Raising codes to tentative
Data capturing
Data analysis
Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning
activities, ranging from writing an article by an editor
to reading the newspaper by the reader. In a
perception sphere including digital media this is not
the case. An activity in one domain immediately
triggers mechanism in another one, whereas this
alteration initiates further mechanism.
Simultaneously, one communication activity is
mostly impacted by different related alteration
mechanisms at the same time. The resulting
interdependent communication contents form the
perception sphere. Communication content is not
only created by humans or machines explicitly in
form of dedicated entities, but also by arranging and
linking them and the dynamics of its structure. A
certain browsing behavior creates a new perspective
on communication content and thus, it leads to altered
content within the perception sphere. Relations
between content in form of spatial proximity like
search results or semantical proximity due to linking
create new content and become important parts of the
perception sphere. Also, the behavior in accessing
creates new content, e.g. due to traced user behavior
and deduced recommendations such as most read’ or
‘other users also looked at …’.
The alteration mechanisms in Table 1 are enabling
factors for higher degree of freedom in shaping
content nodes and relationships within a perception
sphere where informal learning happens. They
shouldn’t be seen as totally new capabilities or as
inevitable improvement or deterioration of informal
learning due to the advent of digital media.
Table 1: Digital media’s alteration mechanisms for
informal learning.
Domain of alteration
Alteration mechanism
Create and delete
1. Medialization
2. Omnipresent means of
3. Real time reach
4. Copy-ability without loss and
marginal costs
5. Traceability
6. No doubtlessness of deletion
Arrange and link
1. Divisibility
2. Multi-perspectivity
3. Associativity
Transmit and access
1. Efficient transmission
2. Immediacy
3. Searchability
4. Interactivity and Contingency
5. Ubiquity
4.3.1 Create and Delete
Medialization means the representation of a certain
communication content via a digital media instead of
by the physical environment. A learning episode
found in the psychomotor domain was playing tennis
with Nintendo’s Wii in front of a screen instead of on
a physical tennis court. This medialization leads to a
medial difference (Pietraß, 2016) between the
physical environment and the learning environment
including digital media. Therefore, the learning
environment doesn’t represent the physical
environment but becomes a new perception sphere
with its own information content, linkage, forms of
access (swinging the virtual tennis racket), and social
rules. For the learner, it is ‘reality’ like playing on the
court, but a different one. From a constructivist point
of view, both realities are created by the learner
himself. Nintendo’s game designers have that in mind
and don’t try to imitate the physical game perfectly
but exploit digital media’s alteration mechanism. A
further lucid learning episode found was remote
control a flying drone. The medial difference to a
human which cannot fly is so big that together with
the alteration mechanism of multi-perspectivity
sustained affective learning is stimulated, particularly
considering values and norms. Informal learning
happens more and more in environments which are
created by humans and machines instead by evolution
respectively God’s design.
Traditional media requires rare and expensive
means of production like presses, broadcasting
stations, and complex logistic systems. Means of
production of digital media are omnipresent in form
Figure 4: Tracing a bike ride opens informal learning
opportunities on local history, culture and geographic.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of smartphones, personal computers, computerized
things of daily life, and the Internet. The ubiquitous
use of digital media leads to continuous informal
learning, largely independently from intentions,
structures, and activities of the formal education
system and its teachers. That means, that learning
happens more and more independent from traditional
authorities like parents, teachers, or publishers.
Digital media’s omnipresence together with its
efficient transmission of communication content
leads to an increase in real time reach. For example,
immediately after writing a blog post it can be read
by thousands and millions of other people as well as
by machine based agents. This works similarly for
real time sharing of performance and vital data on
fitness platforms as shown in Figure 1. No layouting,
printing, physical distribution, and scanning to make
the content readable by machines is necessary.
Therefore, informal learning can utilize more content
with promptness as core value. At the same time, also
the critical analysis and embedding in one’s own
point of view, often seen as the opposite of
promptness, can lead to informal learning processes
based on digital media. Both promptness and in-depth
analysis happen in the learning episode shown in
Figure 1. Informal learning gains more degrees of
freedom by combining different alteration
mechanisms and doesn’t solely suffer changes
induced by digital media.
While creating communication content, it can be
copied without loss in quality, with no or extremely
low marginal cost, and without much time needed.
This Copy-ability leads to a significant increase in
content in form of text, pictures, video, and linkages
between them, and consequently leads to a strongly
extended perception sphere for informal learning.
Growing demands concerning learning in the
affective domain is a consequence for learning,
particularly in the field of receiving including
awareness and willingness to hear and give attention
to a certain issue. This alteration mechanism could be
a fruitful connecting point between informal learning
and formal settings with teachers not only by
teaching media literacy but mainly by building a
scaffold to learn informally in the fields of awareness
and willingness during daily life behavior.
Traceability is mostly seen as an alteration
mechanism for the domain of transmission and
access. But it also strongly alters the creation of
content. Every activity with digital media is traced,
whether someone wants that or not otherwise digital
media wouldn’t work technically. Google’s organic
search results as important communication content
are strongly based on the search behavior of humans
and machines. Tracing user behavior enables
recommendations on e-commerce sites as
personalized news feeds. Whereas the tracing is
always done by machines, its object can be the
behavior of humans, for example clicking patterns, or
of machines, such as web crawlers which generate
around a third of the Internet traffic. The results of
tracing can be analyzed and used by humans or
automatically by machines like the personalized
arrangement of content by Facebook, which
permanently creates new content. The consequence of
that alteration mechanism for informal learning is
more communications content on the one hand and an
increased richness of it on the other hand. As shown
in Figure 4, tracing vital and performance data from
one’s own bike ride or from live tracking shared by
peers on platforms like Strava, Garmin Connect, or
Komoot opens possibilities for informal learning on
geographic characteristics of the environment,
recommended sightseeing opportunities, or historical
and cultural insights into cities along the route. This
alteration mechanism can bridge psychomotor
activities with informal learning within the cognitive
and affective domain.
The alteration mechanisms of copy-ability,
efficient transmission, and real time reach lead to no
doubtlessness of deletion. Immediately after its
creation, the communication content can be
disseminated widely within the whole Internet and
other networks with or without human intervention.
Due to the impossibility of knowing the number of
indistinguishable copies of certain content and their
current storage location, it’s hard to imagine that
somebody can guarantee the full removal of certain
communication content. That is the root of the
discussion on ‘the right to be forgotten’, started by
Mayer-Schönberger (2011) and that was taken up by
the European Commission. This alteration
mechanism expands possibilities for informal
learning as it extends the perception sphere with
content, which otherwise would be deleted or
disappeared. On the other hand, it can also inhibit
learner’s willingness to share opinions and personal
data, and thus, also opportunities for one’s own and
other’s informal learning shrink.
4.3.2 Arrange and Link
Divisibility offers the possibility to split
communication content into any number of packages
for re-arranging and separate sharing. A widespread
example is play lists for audio and video files. This
alteration mechanism can be directly led back to
technical implications of digitalization, specifically
Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning
discretization of signals. It facilitates micro learning,
using small packages of learning content ‘on-
demand’, e.g. while using a certain software product.
These packages are context sensitive and
personalized taking into account the learner’s actual
need in real time often resulting from a quick
Google search. Consequently, en passant micro
learning in the sense of informal learning increasingly
replaces formal learning in traditional seminars on
using certain software.
Multi-perspectivity allows the arrangement of
communication content, or certain parts of it, in
spatial proximity to other content. Because of this
changed context, the content gain added value which
can be used for informal learning. An example is
displaying blog posts arranged by author, date, certain
predefined topics, or tags. In a broader sense, also
individual browsing after querying a search engine
creates a unique perspective on existing content. It’s
unlikely that another user searching for the same item
in the same content will apply the same browsing
sequence. Thus, every user generates its own
perspective depending on its clicking and browsing
behavior. That multi-perspectivity results in
alterations in the cognitive learning domain, for
example by finding different applications of a certain
mathematical formula. Therefore, the learner can gain
a deeper understanding and can bring his knowledge
from the low level of recalling the formula to
applying it for different problems.
Associativity is best known by hyperlinks
embedded in communication content and by
recommender systems. Because of this embedding,
the content itself changes and gains a new quality.
This alteration mechanism is closely related to multi-
perspectivity and both are core building blocks of
digital media’s alteration mechanism for informal
learning. It not only leads to alterations in the
cognitive learning domain as shown in the example
above, but also in the affective learning domain.
Associativity helps the learner to explore
communication content triggered by a sudden
perception, desire, emotion, or just by chance. Thus,
he can gain awareness for a new issue, explore it
immediately, and induce different valuing of a certain
domain. For example, someone hears streamed music
from a certain musician on a Tablet or PC, learns that
the artist changed his name several years ago,
searches in Google to find out why, and ends up
reading about a different religion largely unknown to
him so far. At the same time, this is an example for
wander off the point caused by associativity and how
hard it can be to stay attentive and concentrated on
what you are doing at the moment. Thus, we speak in
this study of ‘alterations’ and not ‘improvements’ for
informal learning.
The alteration mechanism of arrange and link
facilitates the shift from a mostly linear, self-
contained content like a book or a movie to a
multidimensional and open perception sphere.
Therefore, associativity is probably the most
important alteration mechanism for informal
From the perspective of social systems theory,
that perception sphere is an autopoietic system,
characterized by a high level of contingency
(Luhmann, 1996). Its participants are not only
humans but also machines controlled by algorithm,
equipped with self-learning capabilities based on
artificial intelligence. In those algorithms
functionalities are embedded that are similar to
learning in the affective domain, making changes in
giving attention to a certain issue, for example by an
adapted search strategy. Examples for alterations in
responding are automatic generated Likes or blog
posts, and highly personalized intelligent agents for
changing habitual behavior. Currently, those
algorithms try to catch up to human intelligence
which is ‘strong particularly because of three
capabilities: defining its own problem to be solved,
specifying and adapting the problem-solving
algorithm by itself, and modifying hardware during
the process of problem solving, like changes in
synapses of the human brain. When machines and its
embedded algorithm achieve that goal and its
algorithm are no longer programmed by humans but
by machines themselves, the point of Singularity is
reached (Kurzweil, 2005).
4.3.3 Transmit and Access
Efficient transmission as an alteration mechanism is
widely discussed and facilitates the transmission of
more communication content, without loss of quality,
and with no or very low time delay and marginal costs
for half of mankind. It’s also discussed
comprehensively from a theoretical point of view,
like in economic theories including transaction cost
and principal agent theory. It has its origin directly in
the technical capabilities of digitalization and is the
basis for other alteration mechanism. Therefore, its
alterations for informal learning are discussed in
connection with other mechanisms.
Immediacy is the counterpart to the alteration
mechanism of real time reach as discussed above in
the section on the domain ‘create and delete’. The
time lag between the creation of a certain
communication content and learner’s awareness for it
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
shrinks or disappears entirely. More and more content
with high promptness become available. Because of
disintermediation of intermediaries like journalists,
publishers, or teachers also authenticity of
communication content can increase. For a fruitful
use of that authenticity in relation with a strongly
increased quantity of communication content,
competencies out of the affective domain like
awareness, giving attention, responding, valuing, and
organizing must be further developed. This need can
become a valuable trigger for informal learning
Searchability is mainly based on the alteration
mechanism of medialization, traceability, and
efficient transmission. It facilitates search for a
certain content, relations to other content, for meta
information like author, date and place of creation, or
certain tags. The search can be triggered by humans
or by machines; also the results can be used by both.
Because of the alteration mechanism of efficient
transmission, the search can be done with no or very
little time needed and marginal costs within huge
quantities of communication content. From a
constructivist point of view, search results are not a
characteristic of the underlying communication
content but they are the content. Only the results of
transmit and access can be perceived by humans and
by machines. Therefore, search and access tools are
not neutral means for better use of the perception
sphere; instead they are very significant content
creators within it.
Interactivity is characterized by the relation of
certain communication content to several previous
ones (Rafaeli, 1988). Also, interactivity is enabled
and used by human and machine based participants of
the perception sphere and creates new
communication content within it in relation with the
alteration mechanism of associativity. Contingency
means, that the outcome of a certain interaction is
open in principal (Luhmann, 1996). Thus, it is the
content for learning also. Interactivity and
contingency together with arrange and link create the
most significant alterations for informal learning and
lead to a strong decrease of learning control by
traditional authorities like educators, parents, or
publishers. Simultaneously, for the learner, it creates
numerous new opportunities to construct own
knowledge as core characteristic of learning from a
constructivist point of view.
Ubiquity means, that communication content is
available anytime and everywhere. The perception
sphere for informal learning is no longer limited to
communicating participants like human teachers,
textbooks, natural environment or smartphones and
gaming consoles. It includes more and more everyday
objects like a pair of glasses, watches, refrigerators,
LED Lamps or sensors for vital and performance data
as discussed above in the context of Internet of
Things. As informal learning often happens en
passant during everyday life, ubiquity highlights the
importance, especially for teachers, to look beyond
digital media dedicated developed for learning, like
courseware or distance education.
Digital media extend learners’ perception sphere
strongly, and therefore the opportunities for informal
learning. The discussed alteration mechanisms lead to
everyday life environments with high interactivity
and contingency in contrast to linear, predefined
content mostly used in formal learning settings.
Today, educators have their focus mostly on digital
media supporting their teaching, like courseware or
distance education, turning a blind eye to the main
part of students’ learning the informal part. To fully
utilize digital media’s alteration mechanism,
educators should neither stick to pure transfer of
knowledge nor retreat to a facilitator role, the latter of
which is empty of content. Utilizing digital media’s
alteration mechanism, he can head for being a
renowned source of knowledge and to focus the
interaction process, introduce appropriate concepts of
the discipline, and help to reach intellectual
convergence. Without this convergence, because of
fully individualized learning styles and contents,
social cohesion will shrink as people can no longer
communicate among each other due to the lack of
mental connectability.
Future research will cover a deeper analysis of
captured learning episodes to further refine and
evaluate the category system of alterations. Also,
capturing learning episodes in additional cultural
areas is planned to better understand differences in
alterations for learning despite a globalized world.
Finally, the alteration mechanism will be deepened on
selected learning domains and digital media, for
example on the affective domain and self-monitoring.
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