Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for
Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science
Acquisition of Motivation through Self-Reports and Wearable Technology
Mathias Bauer, Cassandra Bräuer, Jacqueline Schuldt and Heidi Krömker
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Department Media Production, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Str. 1, Ilmenau, Germany
Keywords: Adaptive E-Learning, Motivation, Self-Regulated Learning, Sensory Data, Technology Enhanced Learning
and Teaching, Wearable Technology.
Abstract: Surveys show besides the number of students also the drop-out rates are increasing, especially in early phases
of studying natural or engineering sciences. The research project SensoMot - Sensor Measures of Motivation
for Adaptive Learning” tries to counter this development by means of improving the quality of teaching in
the department of micro technology with the help of an adaptive e-learning system. For that purpose, the
mediated learning content should be better adapted to the individual prior knowledge, competencies and
motivational profiles of the learners. Furthermore, the continuous sensory data acquisition of physiological
parameters of the learner shall be accomplished by current wearable technology. The paper presents first
results in the form of conceptual determinations concerning self-reports and physiological measures,
instructional design and adaptation techniques and further includes the early involvement of the subsequent
users in the development process through an iterative, formative evaluation of prototypical solutions.
Motivated learning is the prerequisite for a deep
processing of learning content and a long retention
performance (Schneider et al., 2017), as well as the
basis for joy of learning and persistent interest
(Schiefele, 2009). Conversely, disturbances of
motivation can lead to superficial learning processes
or even to learning blocks. The SensoMot project
investigates the detection of critical motivational
incidents by two different approaches: first, through
self-reporting methods and second, through sensory
data acquisition with wearables, in the sense of fitness
trackers or smartwatches. These motivational
incidents will be used to adapt learning content at
runtime and thus enhances motivation. Such
increased learning motivation could lead to better
learning outcomes in technology-based learning and
teaching scenarios (Hartnett, 2016; Schneider et al.,
2017). The intention of the paper is to mark a first step
towards the examination whether learning motivation
can be positively affected by means of adaptive e-
learning. Therefore, first insights regarding the
potential of sensor measures combined with self-
report data for adaptive e-learning will be provided.
Accordingly, the theoretical framework is outlined
first and the potentials of wearable technology in
contexts of educational science are pictured second.
Chapter four introduces the study setting for
formative evaluation of the prototypical solutions.
Chapter five concludes with a summary.
This research focuses on observing motivation in self-
regulated e-learning sessions. Therefore, the
following chapter will bridge the domains of learning
motivation and adaptive educational systems relying
on established frameworks and concepts.
2.1 Motivation in Self-Regulated
Learning Contexts
According to Rheinberg motivation is defined as the
“activating orientation of the current day-to-day
living towards a positively assessed target state”
(Rheinberg and Vollmeyer, 2012). Consequently,
motivation should be able to explain the direction,
persistence and intensity of behavior.
Bauer, M., Bräuer, C., Schuldt, J. and Krömker, H.
Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science.
DOI: 10.5220/0006787104180425
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 418-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The research focus is on motivation in learning
contexts, especially on self-regulated learning in e-
learning. Intentional learning activities under one´s
own guidance, without direct tutor-instructions or -
control are called “self-regulated learning”
(Rheinberg et al., 2000). Therefore, the cognitive-
motivational process-model of self-regulated learning
was used as a framework for describing the effects of
the interrelation between person and situation factors
on the learning outcomes. As indicated in figure 1 the
framework starts with the antecedents of the current
learning motivation that result indirectly in learning
outcomes for a specific learning task and learning
episode via mediating variables during learning (see
Rheinberg et al., 2000).
Besides demographic variables and prerequisite
domain-knowledge, several motivational person
factors are included like self-efficacy beliefs
(Bandura, 1977), domain-specific interests (Krapp et
al., 1992) and two forms of incentives in the form of
intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientation
(Rheinberg and Vollmeyer, 2012).
Situational factors address the instructional
design of e-learning environments that should foster
the current learning motivation. An established model
for the derivation of design recommendations is
Keller´s ARCS-model (Keller, 2010). The four major
components attention (A), relevance (R), confidence
(C) and satisfaction (S) provide the conceptual
framework for the use of motivationally fostering
actions (Keller, 2007; Niegemann et al., 2008). The
mediating variables focus on the learner´s emotional
functional state due to conceptual similarities
between motivation and emotion. Considering
Rheinberg´s definition of motivation it is obvious that
positive activation, as part of a circumplex model of
affect (Schallberger, 2005), is also a core component
of motivation (Rheinberg, 2010).
The operationalized framework depicts learning
motivation as a process variable. Direct effects of
learning motivation on learning outcomes are not
automatically to be expected, but mediated through
variables like functional state. Especially complex
tasks demand a preferably direct acquisition of
motivation and its indicators, because learning
outcomes in this case are dependent on many factors.
Such "live" acquisition of motivational data can be
achieved through self-reports in the form of
experience sampling approaches or via physiological
parameters (Engeser, 2005).
2.2 Acquisition of Critical Motivational
Motivation is a broad construct that influences the
behaviour of a person for long periods of time.
Psychology relies on two methods for surveying
constructs such as that. The most widespread method
is self-reporting in the form of questionnaires.
Figure 1: Operationalized framework for learning motivation and its effects on self-regulated learning (in accordance to
Rheinberg et al., 2000).
Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science
As a result of advances in technology and
neurosciences the acquisition of physiological data
and its interpretation for psychological phenomenon
is getting more popular.
As mentioned before the SensoMot project is
utilizing both methods to identify motivational
incidents in learning processes. This paper focusses
on the self-reporting methods, but a brief overview of
the acquisition of physiological data shall be given.
2.2.1 Sensory Data Acquisition of
Physiological Parameters
The measurement of physiological data used to
involve medical equipment and an experimental
setting in a laboratory. Due to the enhances in mobile
technology, unobtrusive sensors in the form of
wearables, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers,
became available (Park et al., 2014).
One group within the SensoMot project is
currently investigating their potential to replace
expensive equipment and allow the study of
physiological data in non-laboratory settings. The aim
of their research is to first, identify appropriate
physiological indicators for motivation and second, to
determine suitable devices for their measurement.
Available physiological indicators range from
electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography
(ECG), pulse, blood pressure, electrodermal activity,
electromyography (EMG) to sugar and oxygen levels
in the blood. A comprehensive overview of these
indicators, their measurement as well as the
advantages and disadvantages, can be found in
(Sullivan, 2017; Hou et al., 2015; Trepte and
Reinecke, 2013). This kind of data in conjunction
with the tracking of useage data would allow the
localisation of critical motivational incidents in time
as well as in space. Due to the continous survey of the
physiological data, it would be possible to identify a
specific point in time when a change in motivation
happened. Combined with logs of the current position
in a learning segment, it would be possible to
determine which content is responsible for this
change. First studies with wearables in the project did
not produce stable and reliable results.
Furthermore, current studies hint at an insufficient
quality of the physiological data acquired by
wearables (see in comparison Arriba-Pérez et al.,
2016). A recent similar project proposal reports about
the problems and issues on the use of commercial
wrist wearables in education and about supporting
technologies for smart education in the context of
new smart universities (Arriba-Pérez et al., 2017).
2.2.2 Self-Reporting Methods
Self-reporting data can enhance the findings achieved
with the physiological data. As mentioned before the
data acquired with wearables can provide insights
into when and in which context motivation changes.
But it does not explain why these changes happen.
Self-reports can fill this gap. They can offer an
understanding of the reasons why critical
motivational incidents arise.
Gathering physiological data also contributes to
an advanced implementation of self-report data. Due
to the continuous measurement of physiological data,
patterns in motivational changes become apparent.
This helps to identify appropriate time intervals in
which questionnaires should be administered.
Since this methodology is the main focus of the
current paper, a detailed explanation of suitable self-
report instruments can be found in chapter four
2.3 Adaptive Educational Systems
There are two ways in which a system can adapt to
the user. First, users can change settings that
influence presentation and content themselves. In this
case the system is adaptable. The other way for a
system to react to user needs is by forming a user
model, which predicts demands. According to these
predictions the system follows a set of rules to change
its appearance and content. This is meant by
adaptivity. (Mödritscher, 2007)
The user model can contain different information
about the person interacting with the system. It is
continuously updated and serves as a basis for all
adaptation. Once the system registers a change in the
user model, it will react and try to adapt itself
according to the changes.
Kobsa et al. (2001) categorize the information in
a user model as user characteristics, usage data and
environment data. Environment data is gaining
relevance due to the variety of devices on which
systems can operate today. Not only does the screen
size impact a system, but also the environment in
which it is being used. Furthermore, systems can
collect different information about when, how long or
how often a user is interacting with them. This usage
data can provide insights into problematic
interactions. (Kobsa et al., 2001)
The heart of a user model consists of the user
characteristics which describe the user’s needs and
preferences. These information change according to
the type of adaptive system and its goals.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Rachbauer mentions the following five groups for
educational systems (see Table 1).
Table 1: Information that could be included in a user model
(Rachbauer, 2009).
individual characteristics
cognitive capabilities
learning, intelligence,
concentration, memory
domain specific
knowledge, general
learning goals
learning styles
physical characteristics
Adaptation can be achieved by different methods
and techniques. Methods are more abstract than
techniques. While techniques include an adaptation
algorithm, methods represent a general concept.
(Koch, 2000)
Brusilovsky distinguishes two methods for
adaptation. Adaptive presentation describes all
changes to the content and the presentation of a
system. This includes the usage of images, videos or
animations as well as text. On the other hand,
adaptive link support guides the user through a
system by changing links. (Brusilovsky, 1998) Each
of these methods encompasses multiple techniques.
An overview of all techniques can be found in
(Brusilovsky, 1998) and (Knutov et al., 2009).
For this paper the link annotation technique is
especially relevant. This technique highlights
appropriate links to relevant content for the user. This
highlighting could be implemented as different
colours, small icons or additional tooltips.
To exclude usability of wearables as an influencing
variable on the learning process, a first formative
usability evaluation of current consumer-wearables
was conducted in 2016 at the Ilmenau University of
Technology. In this study 30 students tested four
fitness-trackers and one smartwatch. The user study
evaluated the devices in terms of usability and user
experience by means of self-reports, focus groups and
requirements definition (Schneider et al., 2017).
The usability tests were based on a functional
analysis for identifying benchmark tasks that served
for the creation of representative user tasks with focus
on performance, ease of use as well as usability
metrics like efficiency and effectiveness (Hartson and
Pyla, 2012). The usability of all devices was rated
very positive. Especially the smartwatch exceeds the
fitness tracker in terms of user experience, because of
the wider scope of functionality and the more
appealing user interface. As other studies have
shown, present wristband-wearables currently seem
to be a convenient extension to a user´s smartphone
(Min et al., 2015). Most wearable users seem to be
early adopters (Lyons, 2015). Trends like quantified
self in combination with revealing a true added value
could have the potential to increase user acceptance.
Engineering studies are characterized by extensive
basic knowledge, which is acquired in the first
semesters, and then in the following semesters should
be linked with domain-specific knowledge.
Therefore, three chairs of the Ilmenau University of
Technology worked together with associations and
companies to develop an e-learning platform for
micro-nano-integration. The goal was to make the
difficult to grasp area of micro- and nanotechnology
available for education and training. The resulting
NanoTecLearn platform was intended to specifically
support companies in qualifying employees in the
field of micro-nano-integration (Krömker et al., 2017,
This knowledge platform serves as a case study
for the SensoMot project. It is intended to shift the
application area towards university learning. Within
this scope the platform will be transformed into an
adaptive version that adjusts its instruction based on
the current learning motivation (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: SensoMot process chain: Sensor data is
condensed by means of pattern recognition to indicate
motivational states, which are used for the adaption of
learning content (Schneider et al., 2017, p.269).
Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science
NanoTecLearn provides a very good foundation
for an adaptive system since it offers learners
different approaches according to their knowledge
background and learning preferences.
Learners with a stronger inclination towards
physics and mathematics can use interactive formulas
to get a deeper understanding of a topic. Users with a
higher interest in chemical and biological examples
can view and interact with samples (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Formula, Sample and Text in NanoTecLearn.
NanoTecLearn was also evaluated in terms of
usability. Especially the design of the platform was
received very positively. Therefore, negative effect
on motivation by design error can be eliminated.
4.1 Studies for Identifying Critical
Motivation-IncidentsDuring an
E-Learning Session
Before updating the conventional NanoTecLearn
platform to an adaptive educational system, the
motivational disposition of the learner population, the
motivational status quo of the instructional design and
motivationally critical instants of time during an e-
learning session should be examined. Several studies
will be conducted. The main study will be oriented
towards Rheinberg´s framework (see section 2.1) and
will focus on task specific aspects of current
motivation like interest or challenge that are capable
of predicting the learning outcome in self-regulated
comprehension-learning settings (Rheinberg et al.,
2001). According to the framework these aspects are
said to affect learning outcome indirectly through the
mediating variable emotional functional state
(Rheinberg et al., 2000).
The learner´s current emotional condition will be
measured at central transitions during the e-learning
session as micro-analytic experience sampling-like
procedure (Csikszentmihalyi and Larson, 1987).
Emotions are measured according to Schallberger´s
dimensional model (Schallberger, 2005).
Also, qualitative interviews will be conducted
after the e-learning session to further investigate
motivationally critical phases and possible reasons
for their appearance. The data will form an important
foundation for the design and implementation of the
adaptive version of NanoTecLearn. The study will
also evaluate the current e-learning regarding the
ARCS-components. Additionally, a guideline
inspection considering ARCS-strategies will be
performed in cooperation with e-learning experts.
In a parallel online study the learner population
will be examined concerning their overall study
interest, aspects of learning strategies (Schiefele and
Wild, 1994) and the prevalent dominance of intrinsic
or extrinsic motivation.
The identification of critical motivation-incidents
shall assure a high-quality adaptation in terms of
providing an added value regarding tutorial support
of the e-learning platform that meets the users´ needs.
Being a key factor in education, fostering learners´
motivation can be an important first step in the
personalisation of learning systems (Baumstark and
Graf, 2014).
4.2 Prototypical Design of the Adaptive
NanoTecLearn Platform
The e-learning system described in this paper will use
adaptive link annotation according to changes in the
motivation of the learner. As a starting point, a
prototype was created that represents a segment of the
NanoTecLearn platform.
The prototype was implemented with a
prototyping tool for websites and mobile apps (see
Since there is currently no functional adaptation
algorithm that can detect motivational changes in
sensor data, the prototype uses self-reports via
buttons as indicators for motivation. The user will
need to choose, whether her interest and self-efficacy
are increasing or decreasing (see Figure 4 and 5). The
buttons are linked to parts of the booklet that should
either improve or maintain the current level in interest
and competence.
At this point several questions need to be
approached. The current prototype will react if one
and only one of the factors interest or competence
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Schematic structure of the NanoTecLearn-
Figure 5: Example for the integrated self-report-mechanism
within the NanoTecLearn-Prototype.
Ideally the system should also adapt if both
change in the same direction. This could be achieved
by adding scores for interest and competence.
Depending on the final score, different links are
being highlighted. This process would lead to
problems, if interest and competence change in
different directions and each change would require a
different content section to compensate for that
Another challenge to be discussed is when and
how many links are going to be highlighted. Some
chapters on the NanoTecLearn platform are long and
might take a learner several minutes to read. If a
change in the user model occurs and the system reacts
immediately, the learner might leave a section
without completely reading it. This way important
information could be missed. Therefore, the system
should only act once a section has been finished.
This requires signals that indicate a user is no
longer working on a section. Average reading time
and the current display might be such signals.
Once the user has finished a section she will
consider which section to work on next. This is when
link annotations will help to find relevant information
according to the user’s current motivation. In the
NanoTecLearn platform this is achieved by
presenting different approaches to knowledge. Either
the user reads a text explaining a theory or she could
interact with samples or formulas. Highlighting all
relevant information will be confusing, so a selection
will be necessary. The optimal solution would be to
just highlight a single link.
Due to the navigational structure of the
NanoTecLearn platform consisting of two layers, it
might be acceptable to allow one annotation per layer.
One of the layers represents different learning
segments and the other one different chapters within
a segment. This allows the system to direct the learner
towards more information on one topic or towards a
completely different topic. Additionally, one can
change between different approaches (formulas or
samples) as mentioned before.
Learning motivation is an essential condition for
successful learning in e-learning environments. Both,
learner characteristics and the design of the learning
situation, determine whether learners are engaged and
focused on a learning activity.
If a lack of motivation or motivational blocks are
detected early on, learning processes can be modified
and learning content can be adapted to the needs of
the learner.
This paper outlines briefly the sensory recording
of motivation indicators by means of wearables for
the adaptive control of learning contents of an e-
learning platform on the one hand and the need of
self-reporting methods on the other hand. Wearables
are used to collect physiological data of the learners,
which allow conclusions about psychological
parameters such as stress or motivation. The future
algorithm of the educational software will perform
various adaptations based on this data collection. For
example, the form of learning or the presentation of
the learning content can be adapted. Corresponding
learning scenarios are prototypically developed and
evaluated for university teaching using the example
of "nanotechnology" as well as for vocational
distance learning in technical education in
"mechanical engineering".
Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science
The usability and user experience of current
available wearables have proven to be good in user
tests. The acceptance and potential of the technology
is focussing in the opinion of the users particularly on
the fitness and lifestyle aspect of the devices. The
examination of the suitability and acceptance in the
learning context is still pending and will depend on
the meaningful embedding of the technology in the
learning process. The benefit of physiological
measurements is the production of unbiased,
quantitative outcomes. Currently, however, there is
no conventional market sensor available, that fully
meets the requirements of the project. Although the
wearables market is growing rapidly, those with open
interfaces tend to decline.
For this reason, another approach through self-
reporting methods is necessary to fully understand the
reasons why critical motivational incidents arise in e-
learning. This approach was particularly addressed in
this paper in order to be able to offer highly accurate
adaptation in the future and to estimate whether
adaptation can yield to better learning outcome.
In following steps of the project there should be a
shift within the acquisition of motivational data from
self-reports towards unobtrusive physiological
measures via suitable wearable sensors requiring a
functioning mechanism of machine learning-based
pattern recognition. Due to the analysis of studies
performed by another project partner in the SensoMot
project, it will be possible to identify suitable
physiological indicators for motivation. This will
then allow the selection of a wearable that allows the
measurement of this indicator. Moreover, improving
the NanoTecLearn platform regarding critical
motivational incidents and their reasons as well as
designing the adaptation and evaluating its effects on
learning motivation is of central scope.
In the long run, the overall objective is to increase
learning success through a higher learning motivation
in adaptive e-learning environments and to lower
dropout rates in engineering science.
Part of the authors’ work has been supported by the
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research
(BMBF) within the joint project SensoMot under
grant no. 16SV7516, within the program Tangible
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Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science