A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended
Learning Outcomes
Ashraf Amria
, Ahmed Ewais
and Rami Hodrob
Deanship of Admission, Registration & Examinations, Al- Quds Open University, Jenin, Palestine
Department of Computer Science, Arab American University, Jenin, Palestine
Web & Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Laboratory, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Keywords: Bloom’s Taxonomy, Learning Outcomes, Automatic Exam Generator, Assessment.
Abstract: Assessment plays important role in learning process in higher education institutions. However, poorly
designed exams can fail to achieve the intended learning outcomes of a specific course, which can also have
a bad impact on the programs and educational institutes. One of the possible solutions is to standardize the
exams based on educational taxonomies. However, this is not an easy process for educators. With the recent
technologies, the assessment approaches have been improved by automatically generating exams based on
educational taxonomies. This paper presents a framework that allow educators to map questions to intended
learning outcomes based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Furthermore, it elaborates on the principles and requirements
for generating exams automatically. It also report on a prototype implementation of an authoring tool for
generating exams to evaluate the achievements of intended learning outcomes.
One of the means to measure the impact and the
output of learning process in schools is the use of
assessment techniques. In general, assessment plays
an important role in supporting the learning process
of the students. This support is achieved by evaluating
the students’ results and answers using some
automatic tools. This will provide stakeholders good
vision and overview of the learning process.
Recently, the era of education is complemented by
effective utilization of technology For instance,
developing learning materials using different
applications, and using Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality is used in many different
domains. Furthermore, distance learning and e-
learning are also good examples of the use of recent
technology. In many domains, learners can get
certificates from higher education institution using
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) without
being limited to the place and time. Providing
certificates can be based on evaluating student’s
achievements after following the online course.
Therefore, electronic exams have been used in a wide
range of domains to measure the effectiveness of
learning process. For this purpose, researchers
proposed different approaches for generating exams
to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning process
(Manuel Azevedo et al., 2017).
One way to guarantee a correct measurement of
the intended learning outcome (ILO) of a specific
course module in higher education institutions is to
provide proper questions that effectively measure the
intended learning outcome in the conducted exams,
exercises, quizzes, etc. An approach for realizing
such an effective assessment tools is to relate learning
outcomes with both learning topics and questions
related to each learning topic. For instance, in
(Blumberg, 2009) an approach for maximizing the
learning process by aligning learning objectives,
learning materials, activities, and course assessment
with Blooms’ taxonomy is proposed. The alignment
is done using action verbs of the different levels of
cognitive process. Other researchers (Tofade et al.,
2013) proposed some best practices for using
questions in course modules. Among the proposed
practices of using educational taxonomies is that of
the use of Bloom’s taxonomy to define different
levels of questions.
In general, an educational taxonomy is used to
describe the learning outcomes using the courses
syllabi. Furthermore, educational taxonomies can be
used to provide an overview about the different level
of understanding about specific learning concepts and
topics. Another important aspect for the use of
Amria, A., Ewais, A. and Hodrob, R.
A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006795104740480
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 474-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
educational taxonomies in the learning process is to
identify the level of exams’ questions depending on
cognitive levels. For instance, course exams should
include questions that asses different level of learning
Based on educational and pedagogical theories,
researchers proposed different taxonomies to help
educators in developing learning resources, assess-
ments, and learning outcomes. Among the proposed
taxonomies is the Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom, 1956)
and its revised version (Krathwohl, 2002). It is mainly
based on six levels of the cognitive learning process:
Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate,
and Create. Furthermore, a list of different action verbs
has been identified to describe the intended learning
outcomes of a course. The revised version of the
Bloom’s taxonomy is mainly mapping cognitive
dimensions with the knowledge dimensions. Another
taxonomy is the so-called SOLO taxonomy (Biggs &
Collis, 1982) which has the levels: Prestructural,
Unistructural, Multistructural, Relational, and
Extended Abstract, and which are not only restricted to
cognitive aspects but also deal with knowledge and
skills. More educational taxonomies that are used in the
assessment and evaluation are reviewed in (Fuller et
al., 2007; Ala-Mutka, 2005).
In general, there are three types of exam
generation approaches (Cen et al., 2010). The first
type is related to offering a question repository that
can be explored by educators to select the questions
for a specific exam. This type is almost similar to the
manual creation of the exam. However, the educators
can inspect the stored questions in the database by
means of a user interface. The second type is related
to generating the exam based on random selection of
the questions. The third type is related to generating
the exams by means of AI algorithms for realizing
predefined rules to provide the exam.
Normally, identifying simple or difficult
questions is mainly depending on the educators’
intuition and experience. Furthermore, similar
questions or repetition of questions can happen in
manual created exams. Another possible drawback is
related to careless division of the total mark of the
exam over the composed questions. Finally, manual
preparation of exams with the alignment of questions
and learning outcomes requires a high mental
demand. Given the previous drawbacks, there is a
possibility of having poorly designed assessments
which can lead to unsatisfactory competing rate of the
intended learning outcomes of the course. For the
previous obstacles, we propose a systematic approach
to diminish such drawbacks. The proposed approach
is used for generating automatically course exams,
quizzes, exercises, and homework using Bloom’s
taxonomy. Furthermore, the proposed approach
divides the total mark of the exam over the selected
questions in the exam based on predefined criteria.
This paper is structured as follow. The next
section presents a number of existing tools that are
proposed to generate exams automatically. Then, the
proposed approach to generate examination
automatically is discussed. Furthermore, a list of
requirements and the conceptual framework are also
presented. Next, the implementation and the
developed prototype are discussed. Finally, the paper
is concluded and future directions are presented.
This section reviews related work dealing with
generating exams out of question bank automatically.
There are different attempts conducted to
consider the Bloom’s taxonomy for generating exams
automatically. For instance, the work presented in
(Kale & Kiwelekar, 2013) considers four constraints
to generate the exams. The constraints are proper
coverage of units from course’s syllabus, coverage of
difficulty levels of the questions, coverage of cognitive
levels of Bloom's taxonomy and the distribution of the
marks across questions. Such constraints are
considered for developed algorithm to generate the
final paper exam. Another interesting work for
classifying questions according to Bloom’s taxonomy
is presented in (Omar et al., 2012). The proposed work
is a rule-based approach. However, the generation
process of exams is not considered in this work.
Other approaches are related to the use of Natural
Language Processing (NLP) to classify questions and
assign weight for each question. For instance, authors
in (Jayakodi et al., 2016) shows promising results in
using NLP techniques to weight questions according
to Bloom’s taxonomy cognitive levels. Other
researchers (Mohandas et al., 2015) propose the use
of Fuzzy logic algorithm for the selection process of
the questions depending on difficulty level.
Different tools were developed to validate the
proposed approaches in the context of automatic
exam generation. For instance, (Cen et al., 2010)
presented a tool using J2EE tools to support educators
by identifying the subject, questions types, and
difficulty level. Accordingly, the proposed prototype
will generate the exam in MS document format. The
proposed work does not map questions to the course
syllabus and Bloom’s taxonomy. Other researchers
(Gangar et al., 2017) proposes a tool which
categorizes questions as knowledge-based, memory-
A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes
based, logic-based, or application-based. The work
uses a randomization algorithm for selecting
questions from the question bank database.
Furthermore, exams can be generated only for unit
exams or final semester exams.
More comprehensive review of proposed
approaches and tools for generating exams
automatically are presented in (Joshi et al., 2016;
Tofade et al., 2013; Taqi & Ali, 2016).
Considering the different obstacles and challenges
related to the assessments in a course module, the
proposed approach provides a platform for selecting
questions depending on ILOs and distributing marks
based on specific criteria. The proposed approach for
generating the exam is mainly based on Bloom’s
taxonomy. This enables the system to standardize the
assessment of any course to a great extent. This is
achieved by assigning the learning topic (contents),
which can be a section of a chapter in a specific
textbook, a video, or audio to corresponding ILO.
Furthermore, also the questions related to each
learning topic are assigned to the corresponding ILO.
In the proposed approach, the educator is
responsible for defining a question and map it to a
predefined ILO explicitly. The advantage of this
approach is that it gives control to the educator. On
the other hand, this can be a disadvantage in the way
that it can take quite some time for the educator to do
the mapping process between the learning topics,
questions and the ILOs. However, supporting
educators with an appropriate and usable tool can
overcome this issue. Also, the manual approach can
be complemented with classification algorithms to
map topics and questions to related ILO automatically
(Jayakodi et al., 2016).
The next sections presents the requirements for
generating exams based on ILOs. Then, a conceptual
framework (models and principles) is presented.
Finally, the algorithm for generating the exams and
distributing grades is explained.
3.1 Requirements
Based on the reviewed literature (Mohandas et al.,
2015; Tofade et al., 2013; Alade & Omoruyi, 2014;
Joshi et al., 2016; Omar et al., 2012), a number of
requirements are derived to be considered in
developing of an automatic exam generator. The
requirements are as follow:
Question Variety: this requirement is mainly
considered to provide different types of questions
mapped to an ILO. This is achievable by providing
different types of questions, both subjective and
objective questions, e.g., essay questions, multiple
choice, true/false, match column, multimedia
questions, fill in blank, etc. that are related to a
specific learning concept or topic.
Randomization: this requirement is used to guaran-
tee that the generated exam does not have repeated or
biased questions. It can be realized by means of
random algorithms (Marzukhi & Sulaiman, 2014).
Educational Taxonomy Mapping: this requirement
is considered to map a learning outcome to both a
question and a learning topic. This will enable the
educators to know the covered ILOs in each exam.
Theretofore, the revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy
is considered in this research work.
Marks Distribution: there is a need to consider a
fair distribution of the exam total mark over the
composed questions. One way to achieve this is to use
educators’ experience to give score for each question
manually. Other approach uses algorithms that
consider the ratio of required time to solve the
question (defined by the educator) and the specified
time for the exam in general (defined by the
educators). This is a simple approach for marks
distribution for different questions in the exam.
ILO Validation: this requirement is mainly used
for validating the defined ILOs according to Bloom’s
taxonomy. This is done by considering some
keywords from a specific level (Remember,
Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create). In
other words, matching algorithms can be used to find
the keyword from ILO and match it with a
corresponding cognitive level from Bloom’s
taxonomy. For instance, a defined ILO can be
explain the concept of object oriented
programming”. This ILO is related to the second
level of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy (Krathwohl,
2002), which is the understanding level. As a result,
the validation algorithm starts searching for the action
verbs inside the statement of the defined ILO
(“explain” in the given example) and map it to the
corresponding level of the Bloom’ taxonomy.
Other requirements such as the security issues,
usability aspects like ease to use, and ease to
understand, are also considered in this work partly.
However, there is still a need for evaluating the
proposed prototype.
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.2 Conceptual Framework
In general, to be able to generate an exam by
considering a number of parameters such as a number
of selected topics, selected ILOs, exam time, etc.,
there is a need to maintain all required information in
different models. In this approach, generating an
exam depends on Course Model, User Profile, ILO
Model, Question bank, Generated Exam repository
and the Generator Engine (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Conceptual Model for Generating Exams
he Course Model is used to describe the different
topics that will be covered in the course. Each topic is
mapped to the related ILO (from the ILO Model). A
topic can be related to only one ILO. However, an
ILO can be related to different topics in the same
course with a specific percentage.
The User Profile is used to maintain the
educator’s information such as his user name and
password, taught courses, and created questions.
The ILO Model, as mentioned earlier, allows to
associate questions to the different predefined ILOs
of the course and this is an important step to assess
learning process depending on familiar standards
such as Bloom’s taxonomy. Therefore, a repository of
ILOs is required to hold the information about each
ILO such as Bloom’s taxonomy level, related course
name, related learning topic, covered percentage of
the ILO in the learning topic, and related questions.
The Question Bank is required to map each
question to learning topic. It is important to mention
that each ILO should be mapped to at least one
question since ILO can be evaluated by different
questions types. This mapping is important to help the
educators in knowing the covered percentage of
specific ILO in the exam. Furthermore, this will
enable educators to keep track of covered ILOs in the
course at a specific moment.
It is important to mention that the generated exam
can be an electronic or paper-based exam. Electronic
exams can be used for e-learning applications such as
MOOCs where the questions can have multimedia
contents such as animation, 3D models, simulation
model, video, audio, etc. Therefore, the generated file
is an XML format attached with different multimedia
resources. On the other hand, paper exams can be
generated in two formats MS-Word document or PDF
files for use in classical courses.
The Generated Exam Repository: a repository of
generated questions is used to store historical
information of used questions in different exams,
semesters, years, etc. Such information can be used
by the educators to explore the previous generated
In general, generated exams types, which are
considered in the generation process, are quizzes,
exercises, first exam, second exam, midterm exam,
and final exam. Such assessments are used in
different universities for different programs such as
Engineering, Science, Business, Medical, etc.
The kernel of the framework is the Generator
Engine which is responsible of realizing the creation
of the different exams based on IF-ACTION rules.
The IF-part of the hard coded rules contains three
parameters: learning topic, Bloom’s taxonomy level,
and required time for solving the question. The
ACTION-part of the rule uses a random algorithm for
selecting a question out of the filtered questions based
on the IF-part of the rule. Moreover, the generator
engine is responsible for calculating the marks of
each question in the exam depending on timing
criteria. More details about the process of filtering,
selecting, grading questions are presented in the next
3.3 Exam Generating Algorithm
To determine a question in an exam, the list of
learning topics, which will be evaluated, need to be
defined. This will narrow the possible questions that
will be used for the generation process of the exam.
The second level of categorization is related to the
ILO that will be examined in the selected exam. This
will narrow the sample of the possible questions from
the previous step. Accordingly, the algorithm will
start the selection of the question in a specific
sequence from the selected topics till the final topics
that are included in the exam. However, selecting a
question related to specific topic and ILO is done as a
random selection of the questions.
The mark for a selected question is dependent on
the exam itself such as first, second, midterm, final,
A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes
quiz, exercise, etc. For instance, a question can have
10 marks in a first exam which has relatively long
time to be finished, but it can also have 5 marks in a
quiz which has only a short time to be completed.
Depending on a number of studies, there is a
correlation between the time spent to complete the
exam and the final grade that the student get at the end
of the exam (Beaulieu & Frost, 1994; Landrum &
Carlson, 2009; Kale & Kiwelekar, 2013). Similarly,
our approach is considering the time specified by the
educator to complete a specific question as an
indicator for the score of the question. In other words,
Question Mark = (ETQ / ETE) X (EM) where ETQ is
the estimated time for the question, the ETE is the
estimated time for the exam in total and EM is the
exam grade in total.
Equation 1: Calculate the mark of the question.
Following the previous steps in the algorithm, our
proposed algorithm satisfy the idea of generating a
balanced and sequenced questions approach (Tofade
et al., 2013; Susanti et al., 2015) as it sorts the selected
questions depending on Bloom’s taxonomy.
Therefore, the questions that are mapped to a lower
level of the cognitive level in Bloom’s taxonomy such
as remembering, understanding, and applying are
placed in the first part of the exam. On the other hand,
questions that are mapped to advanced level of the
cognitive level from Bloom’s taxonomy such as
analyze, evaluate, and create can appear later in the
exam. According to psychologists, this will create a
safe environment as first the students are asked a
couple of simple questions and then the students are
involved in the more analytical questions.
To validate our proposed solution for automatic
generation of exams, we have developed a web-based
prototype using PHP
and MySQL
running on
Apache Tomcat
. To be able to handle the question
bank, a server stores questions and related data such
as ILOs and corresponding learning topics in the
As a first step, the educator needs to enter the
details about the course so that he can enter the course
name, topics to be covered in the course, ILOs and
their corresponding cognitive level in Blooms’
taxonomy. Validation of the ILO and the
corresponding ILO is done at runtime. As a result a
notification message will be displayed to the educator
if there is misleading information.
After that, question entry is the next step. Each
question is added manually using the developed
prototype. As depicted in Figure 2, a question can be
added to the database by specifying the course name,
related ILO, corresponding dimension of Bloom’s
Taxonomy, an expected time for solving the question
in minutes, and the question type. After specifying the
question type, the educator will be shown a GUI to
enter the question, the options, URL for multimedia
contents (for electronic exams) and the correct
answer. As mentioned earlier, there are a number of
question types such as True/False, Essay, etc.
Accordingly, the GUI will depend on the option that
the educator select for the type of the exam.
Figure 2: Exam Details Screen.
Other type of questions is related to providing
images along with a textual question and the correct
answer. Obviously, generated exams with multimedia
contents such as animation, 3D models, etc. can be
used only in electronic exams rather than paper-based
After entering the required information about the
question, the educator will create an exam by
specifying the following data: name (such as First,
Second, etc.), max grade, time to complete the exam,
the semester and the exact date and time for
conducting the exam. After filling in the required
information about the exam, the educator will be
directed to a new screen which asks him to enter the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
content of the exam such as the sections and ILOs to
be included in the exam. See Figure 3.
Finally, the educator can move to the generation
screen which will display a list of selected questions
based on the proposed algorithm. The educator needs
to specify the type of the generated exam such as
XML (for electronic exams), PDF, or Document.
Figure 3: Adding a question to the database screen.
There are a number of limitations in the current
proposed prototype. One of the limitations is that the
educators are not able to modify or update any
generated exam. This functionality can be important
to allow the educator to change a specific question or
select manually other alternative questions for a
specific ILO. Another limitation is related to the few
number of the questions stored so far in the database.
Traditional preparation of exams is considered as a
tedious process, difficult to track all topics according
to the syllabus, requiring a high mental demand to
avoid question repetition and to avoid questions that
are too easy or too tough. The proposed prototype
addresses the above-mentioned obstacles in an
effective way by generating exams automatically
based on Bloom’s taxonomy. The proposed work
facilitates generating exams automatically depending
on the intended learning outcomes of a course
As this paper presents the general goal of our
research, there are a couple of research extensions to
be considered in the future. To improve the alignment
of assessment with learning outcomes, the next step
is to classify different questions, that can be retrieved
from a Learning Management System (LMS),
automatically using some sort of classification
algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Naïve Bayes (NB), and k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN)
or combine these algorithms (Al-smadi et al., 2016;
Abduljabbar & Omar, 2015).
Usability of any automatic exam generator system
could be a problem as the graphical user interface and
different considered aspects such as ILO, learning
topic, exams time, etc. could become relatively
complex. We are planning to conduct an experiment
on improved version of the prototype to validate the
issue of usability and acceptability of the system. The
evaluation will be mainly based on ISONORM
9241/110-S Evaluation Questionnaire (ISONORM),
Subjective Impression Questionnaire (SIQ),
Qualitative Feedback (QF), and Workload Perception
(WP) to validate different aspects such as easy to use,
easy to understand, mental demand, etc.
Another important improvement, that will be
conducted, is to support educators with a
visualization tool for viewing easily the covered ILO
in all generated exams for a specific course. This will
be helpful in monitoring and tracking the covered
ILOs so that missing ILOs can be included in the
future exams of the course.
Considering standards for assessments such as
IEEE Learning Object Metadata, IMS Question and
Test Interoperability, etc. will be investigated in next
stage of this research work to enhance the work from
two points of view. First, it will facilitate the
automatic mapping process between Bloom’s
Taxonomy and questions. Such standards can be used
to import questions from existing question bank that
are part of many Learning Management Systems
(LMS) such as Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, etc.
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