Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium
Organizations in Brazil
Angela Lima Peres
and Alex Sandro Gomes
Universidade de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: User Experience Design, Maturity Models, SME.
Abstract: This paper investigates aspects of evolution of user experience design practices in small and medium
Brazilian organizations and the relation to dimensions of User Experience Maturity Models. A qualitative
approach was carried out. Eight user experience managers or analysts were asked about the evolution
process of incorporate User Experience practices and strategies adopted to deal with the limitations of small
and medium software organizations. A semi-structured interview script was developed specifically for this
study. Data collection was carried out through interviews with the Skype® tool, and qualitative analysis was
performed with the aid of MAXQDA® software. Through content analysis, the study presents and discusses
the strategies adopted by eight User Experience designers and the relation to dimensions of User Experience
Maturity Models. The difficulties faced by small and medium organizations are discussed, and some
alternatives that are adapted to small budgets and human resources are presented.
Maturity Models provide an evolutionary path which
continuously defines, maintains, and optimizes
design processes and products (SEI, 2010). They
consist of the best practices adopted and validated
by the market and the academy (SEI, 2010).
Maturity models have been proposed for user
experience design (UX) (Earthy, 1998; Earthy,
Jones, Bevan, 2001; Jokela, 2010; Nielsen, 2006;
Nielsen, 2006b; Gonçalves, Oliveira, Kolski, 2017;
Lacerda, Wangenheim, 2017).
Important global example was created by the
organization known as the Human Factors Institute
(Schaffer, 2004; Schaffer, Lahiri, 2014).
However, small and medium companies (SME)
have difficulties in implementing maturity models,
related to budget, human resources availability, and
training, to mention some aspects (Dyba, 2003;
Mishra and Mishra, 2009; Pino, Garcia, Piattini,
Thus, the following questions have become
relevant: how has been made the evolution of user
experience maturity of small and medium
companies? How the current practice relates to the
dimensions proposed in the UX Maturity models?
Few studies have addressed these issues, and as
such, the present paper could be useful to small and
medium organizations (SME) that wish to improve
their user experience processes.
This article studies the strategies to evolve
maturity of practices related to user experience
design in small and medium organizations at Brazil
and associates with the dimensions proposed in the
maturity models for user experience design.
The article is structured as follows: section two
details the methods used in the research; third
section details the strategies adopted by
organizations and the relation with the UX Maturity
Models; final section presents the conclusions.
Qualitative methods have been used increasingly in
the area of software engineering since human
aspects are very significant, especially in the study,
implementation, and evaluation of process studies in
the development of software. Authors report that the
adoption of this paradigm can offer richer
information and results when it comes to variables
such as motivation, perception, justifications, and
Lima Peres, A. and Sandro Gomes, A.
Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium Organizations in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0006801905590568
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 559-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analysis of the choices made (Kitchenham et al.,
They have been adopted in research in which the
deepening of the understanding of phenomena in
their natural context is an important factor in the
analysis of the results (Merriam, 2009).
2.1 Profile of Respondents
Table 1 contains a consolidated view of the profile
of the eight respondents. Aspects regarding the
training, interviewees' experience, roles and quality
certification in the software development process are
reported in the table.
Table 1: Profile of respondents.
ID Education
Role Certification
P1 Graduation Np
ISO 9001
P2 Doctorate
ISO 9001
P3 Specialization Np
P4 Master
< 2 years
P5 Master Np
P6 Master
P7 Specialization
P8 Specialization
2.2 Data Collection
The main collection instrument chosen consisted of
an interview whose script is in appendix. The choice
of sample was intentional, composed by eight
professionals with consistent experience at UX in
small and medium-sized organizations.
Interviews are relevant instruments of collection
and analysis in qualitative research since they allow
to deepen the aspects that are the object of
investigation (Kitchenham et al., 2007; Merriam,
During the previous stage of selection of the
respondents' sample, seventy-two managers and
analysts participated and answered a questionnaire
where it was possible to understand the profile of the
The invitations were sent to email lists of human-
computer interaction groups, designers and
professors, researchers, speakers and managers in
the area of information technology. The
questionnaire was opened in the period from
November 24, 2015 to January 10, 2016. Twenty-
four answered the survey completely.
The questionnaires were elaborated and made
available on the web, through the Surveymonkey®
tool that allows to prepare, publish and collect the
answers obtained. The tool also allows the
monitoring of the answers and assists in the
consolidation and statistical analysis, when
The choice of sample was intentional. After the
analysis of the profile of the respondents of the 1st
stage, eight respondents were chosen by the
researcher and through the indication of their peers.
Only active representatives from the agile and
design communities were selected.
The non-random sample is indicated in
qualitative research since respondents or
interviewees are selected to deepen the phenomenon
being investigated (Merriam, 2009). Li, Smidts
(2003) and Garcia (2010) reinforce the importance
of selecting specialists in the field to study strategies
for improvement in software development processes
where there is a great diversity of scenarios and
variables to be analysed.
The interviews were performed using the
Skype® tool with the help of the complementary
recording tool, Callnote® (CALLNOTE), to
facilitate transcription and analysis. A pilot to
evaluate the collection instrument was conducted
with a professional with more than six years of
experience in UX in which the understanding of the
purpose of the research, of each question and the
time required for the answers were analysed and
The interviews were recorded with the prior
consent of the interviewee.
The semi-structured interview script was used so
that the researcher could create opportunities for
discoveries during the interview process and as a
checklist of possible gaps to be explored.
Further information on the analysis step will be
described in the following sections.
2.3 Data Analysis
The recordings were transcribed using the
MAXQDA® tool. They were, however, transcribed
without the aid of other complementary software, to
enhance the researcher's understanding of the
material collected.
MAXQDA® software was used for analysis.
This allows the information collected through the
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
questionnaires, annotations and recorded audios to
be stored, coded, allowing the analysis to be
deepened (MAXQDA).
The results and analysis contemplate research
questions about the adoption of the dimensions
suggested in the literature, in the organizations and
projects in which they operate. The justifications for
adopting or not adopting the importance of these
dimensions were also investigated, given the
respondents, benefits, and limitations when referring
to small and medium-sized organizations.
For the qualitative analysis, we used the analysis
of themes identifying patterns in the answers that
allowed to deepen the diagnosis of the scenarios of
adoption of the practices. For this, the following
phases adapted from Boyatzis (1998) were
Transcript of comments and open replies to
create familiarity with the data and deepen the
understanding of the content;
Generation of codes that could segment the
main findings of the research;
Refinement of these initial codes by grouping
them into new key categories when necessary;
Organization of each category for relevant
information, analysing possible correlations;
Analysis of the findings, try to discover
associations with the literature and generating
hypotheses to be investigated;
Additional investigations with the respondents
in the hypotheses raised.
The data grouped into the categories were organized
in MaxQDA® software, observing the several
correlations being studied. The names of the
categories were identified based on the researcher's
questions about the findings that had been identified
in the literature and on questions that arose when
analysing interviewees' responses from the previous
collection stage through the questionnaires and the
interviews stage (Merriam, 2009).
The results and discussions will be presented in
the following section.
The dimensions proposed by the maturity model for
user experience design recommended by the Human
Factors Institute includes: the formalization of the
development process with the integration of user
experience design practices in the development
cycle; the training of the professionals involved; the
establishment of patterns of corporate design; the
establishment, collection and monitoring of metrics
to assess the usability of the software; the creation of
a database of successful cases for training purposes,
thereby showing the value of user experience design
in the organization; effective joint actions at the
highest decision-making levels in order to obtain
resources dedicated to the practices of user
experience (Schaffer, 2004; Schaffer, Lahiri, 2014).
These dimensions are also presented in other
maturity models such as Nielsen (2006) and Nielsen
This study investigates the alignment of these
dimensions with the process of evolution of UX
integration on development cycle of small and
medium organizations of respondents.
This study analyses the adoption of practices and
observes similarities, differences, limitations and
potential opportunities for improvement about the
literature study.
The main categories were identified based on the
dimensions that had been identified in the UX
Maturity Models studied in literature. The other
categories and subcategories arose when analysing
interviewees' responses through the interviews stage
(Merriam, 2009).
The analyses carried out according to the main
categories generated with the aid of MAXQDA®
software will be presented below.
3.1 Support to UX Practices
Schaffer and Lahiri (2014) indicate that institutions
should adopt the practice of defining sponsoring
executives (called UX champions) that support
institutionalization initiatives in user experience
design practices.
These managers can provide more investment in
people, evangelizations, training, acquisition of
tools, an organization of physical space, equipment
and in the incentive to UX practices.
However, participants in this research report that
in their organizations, the importance of UX is still
not recognized by top management.
This fact impacts on restrictions to the full
exercise of UX practices in many projects in which
they are involved. Or they often do not allow them
to get involved in some other projects being
undertaken by information technology teams.
P1, P3, P7, and P8 mention that even when
working in medium to large sized companies, where
top management recognizes UX as an essential
practice, this awareness does not translate into
investments. This impact that the team can be
involved in the various projects of the company at
Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium Organizations in Brazil
the same time.
All interviewees report that in their
organizations, the number of UX professionals is
minimal compared to what they see as ideal.
Often, only one professional is dedicated to more
than just one project at a time, and they have to
choose between the various initiatives, even though
others would need research, ideation, prototyping
and testing, and that it will not be possible to do it
due to lack of resources.
In a more prominent case, it was reported that the
company even had only one UX pro for 300
P1, P3, P7, P8 report that the number of highly
reduced UX professionals makes essential tasks
difficult, for example: to include the UX team from
the initial proposal phases, to perform UX searches
and user tests on several of the projects
Reduced time allows only interaction design
tasks to be performed, or even just small adjustments
to the interface of perceived aspects that are most
critical to usability, but without research, without
tests that prove that the modifications will be
P24 mentions that he experienced different
phases in his organization, where the board's profile
regarding the importance of UX was decisive for
increasing or reducing investments in teams, spaces,
and physical resources.
P1, P2, P3, P7 mention that it is rare for top
management to know the activities or techniques of
UX, but even if they do not know how to implement,
the value of practices is imperative for investments
to be made.
When asked how then is it done to motivate UX
practice, when top management is not aware of the
value of these methods, respondents reported that
there are some ways to gain the maturity gain in UX
practice gradually.
These include:
Involvement of middle management, who by
acting closer to the team, can bridge the gap with top
management and can influence other team
components such as developers, testers, and even
customers and end users to collaborate with
This middle management may sometimes be the
role of project manager or product owner of the
application, and in this case, the above can happen
even more efficiently, since these roles are decisive
in the planning of the practices to be carried out and
prioritized in the projects;
When the team empowers and begins to show valid
results, developing a solution that can be a feature or
a product, where greater satisfaction, efficiency, and
effectiveness in the user interaction experience with
the product is observed, this can influence other
members of the team. This fact also may even reach
top management, which tends, when perceiving the
impact on user satisfaction, to multiply these
practices in other projects or initiatives that involve
When there is a leader in the UX team, a
respected professional in the job market, known for
his performance in other projects and who has a
good interface with top management, can influence
the team to carry out these practices;
However, P3 mentions that there is no guarantee
that the institutionalization of practices will be done.
Even if the aspects mentioned in the previous items
are proven, processes are difficult to establish in a
top-down and immediate way, it is I need a time for
maturation, an understanding by every team of the
practices and contexts in which they apply.
Especially if we think of the diversity that is the
ecosystem of applications, tools, and techniques
available in information technology.
P1, P2, and P3 point out that UX practices are
more frequent when executing projects for
companies where the user experience, in the view of
the client contracting the project, is recognized as a
product differential.
They complement, however, that in most of the
projects carried out, the organizations attest to
having no budget or time for inclusion of UX teams
and practices.
3.2 Infrastructure
The dedication of resources to the design of
experience has also been pointed out in the literature
as one of the critical success factors for
institutionalization, that is, the practice of practices
consistently (Schaffer, 2004; Schaffer, Lahiri, 2014).
Recent research on the UX professional profile
reinforces that in Brazil there is an increase in the
number of UX professionals dedicated to
development projects (Vieira, 2011).
However, as evidenced in the interviews and
discussed in the previous topic, this hardware,
software and peopleware resources are not yet
planned with medium- and long-term goals in the
organizations studied.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Training
Schaffer and Lahiri (2014) describe that the practice
of training can take several perspectives.
Not only technical aspects but also awareness of
the importance of usability, essential in the initial
stages of institutionalization. It is vital in initiatives
to gain maturity, regardless of the state in which the
organization is.
Salah (2012) also includes training in the
development process, such as training in agile
methodologies and specific frameworks.
The learning of coaching, leadership and
collaboration techniques recommended by Appelo
(2011) can also influence team performance in
facilitating communication between the different
profiles that need to interact with the project.
Technical aspects are also very relevant and can
range from mobile device design standards,
technical standards of accessibility, prototyping
tools, tools and even testing and research techniques,
such as ethnography (Schaffer, 2004; Schaffer,
Lahiri, 2014).
As with improvement initiatives in other areas of
expertise, the empowerment aspect cannot be
Some of the respondents' comments report
problems that could be minimized by continued
training practices.
About the lack of knowledge in UX practices by
P5 confirms the above understanding that it is
also necessary to carry out training that allows not
only to know the methods and techniques of UX but
also to enable profiles that have very different
academic backgrounds, converse and reconcile
different challenges:
“The dialogue with the various involved in a
project often proves a challenge, given the diverse
backgrounds” [P5].
P4 reinforces that strategies for institutionalizing
UX practices cannot succeed without continuous
P7 discusses that when he started at the company
where he works, one of his first concerns was to
establish a team of UX composed of people who
were interested in the subject, even if they had no
formal roles related to this issue.
Once the group was established and, through
regular discussions, a better organization of their
practices, they began to prioritize workshops and
lectures that could disseminate this knowledge and
give visibility to the team so that UX practices could
be multiplied.
P1 reports that in its organization, it is responsible
for a weekly training program that aims to discuss
and disseminate success stories of projects carried
out internally, as well as discuss innovations such as
Design Thinking.
However, in this aspect too, it has difficulty
because of the lack of time that is allocated to the
professionals who prepare these lectures or
workshops. You do not always get the dates
3.4 Consulting
Nielsen (2006, 2006b), Schaffer, Lahiri (2014)
understand that consulting practice is essential for
the company that intends to institutionalize UX with
more effective results and more controlled costs.
The consultant can help, for example,
evangelization initiatives, establish an organization's
process, diagnose the current situation, select and
train professionals qualified to practices that will be
important for a specific organization. They also help
with procurement of tools, to help conflict
resolutions between departments by understanding
the priorities of deploying practices or solutions of a
product in different ways.
However, this cost cannot always be paid by
companies of a minimal size that also do not have
the human resources that can be dedicated to such
strategies (Dyba, 2003; Mishra and Mishra, 2009;
Pino, Garcia, Piattini, 2008).
P6, in his speech, affirms the importance of a
consultant to manage conflicts of priorities between
sectors. Also, it understands that the consultant
should be responsible for the dissemination of UX,
should focus primarily on maintaining the synergy
between the teams and the importance of each one's
role in the project.
As in the topic where high management
involvement is discussed, respondents say that it is
rare to bring UX consultancies to help
institutionalize practices.
They report that when interested in
understanding how to make improvements of the
UX process in their organizations, they have
resorted to the establishment of communities of
practices where a relevant example are the chapters
of the IXDA in the several Brazilian States.
3.5 Product and Process Metrics
Product and process metrics, related to UX, are not
defined and managed in respondent organizations,
with some exceptions that will be discussed below.
Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium Organizations in Brazil
Three key business scenarios were identified during
the survey:
One refers to those user experience designers
working in organizations whose primary
business is the marketing of a product or
product suite developed by the organization
and that their work consists in providing
corrective maintenance or improvements to
the product (s);
In another category are organizations that
develop products for third parties and that the
portfolio of products that can be designed, as
well as the users who will use these products,
can be very diversified domains, to mention
some: education, health, games;
Finally, one last category researches
innovative products for different customers
and often the delivery consists of the results of
the research that will give input to the product
development carried out by the customer who
bought this consultancy or by a third party.
These three scenarios have different needs and
constraints when it comes to measuring the user
For the first scenario, where the software product
belongs to the company, measuring the experience
can be very beneficial to discover features that
should be deactivated or prioritized in a new release,
even in these scenarios the adoption of metrics is
limited to the respondents.
The reasons that justify non-measurement are
correlated with the factors we have already
mentioned in previous topics, lack of investments in
human resources and UX tools that allow this
practice to be carried out to the satisfaction.
P3 justifies that only with the more consistent
practice of UX practices can we efficiently measure
UX, which still does not occur in its organization.
P1 reports that they have sometimes even come
up with the definition of indicators that compare the
benefits of adopting UX versus non-adoption in their
organization's projects, but this initiative has not
been implemented.
P4, another respondent from the same
organization, defined an indicator of user
participation in the various stages of design from
design to testing, to measure the degree to which the
team practiced user-centred design. However, this
indicator began to measure the degree of
involvement of the client and not the end user.
One of the respondents who is a businesswoman
of a small organization, but who emerged as a start-
up, reports that she has this practice, and that has
evolved in the way measurements are performed in
her corporation:
“Today we measure the engagement of each
feature. We are going through a process of
restructuring the teams; each team will be
responsible for different features of the software;
each team will have its KPIs. Today we review
engagement [of users] weekly and monthly. But
we are changing our process, and we will start to
monitor the KPIs of each feature as well.
However, the reality for many respondents is similar
to what P11 states:
“We do not have customer satisfaction indicators
specific to UX; the customer satisfaction indicator
refers to the projects as a whole”.
In the other two business scenarios where the
product does not belong to the organization that
develops it, the difficulties are more significant since
it is not market practice, at least at present, that the
project can be extended so that the post-project
fulfilment of interaction requirements.
P2 also mentions the difficulties of pricing this
type of activity.
3.6 Design Knowledge Base
Style guides, templates, patterns, and a design
knowledge base can promote reuse, consistency,
facilitate development, and improve usability.
The knowledge base on the company's design
solutions has as main objective to promote
organizational knowledge through the recording of
success stories, lessons learned and rational design
decision making.
In the literature of frameworks and strategies that
bring proposals for the design of the integrated
experience to agile methodologies, this aspect is not
frequently cited (DaSilva et al., 2011).
However, maturity models, both related to
software development and experience design,
highlight the importance of this practice in
advancing organizational maturity (SEI, 2010;
Schaffer and Lahiri, 2014).
The reuse has impacts on the improvement of the
software development process, reducing costs and
execution time of new projects (Garcia, 2010).
In addition, the structuring of a knowledge base
allows new members to be inserted in the team with
greater productivity and good design practices can
be shared (Schaffer and Lahiri, 2014).
It is a practice, according to the interviewees,
carried out in an incipient way in the organizations
where they work.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
P1, P4, P5, P7, P8 attest that the creation of
interview templates, personas, test scripts is
performed by them, but that is not an
institutionalized practice in the organization that
acts. While realizing the importance, the overload of
the designer's tasks prevents him from engaging in
this practice.
The construction of style guides is also done only
when it is possible. Some attest that their use,
however, may be required when customers who hire
them have their own style guides.
P8 believes that, in cases where the developer
owns the product, the brand identity is built. Also,
they also have difficulty, due to lack of investment
of the organization, to devote themselves to the
construction of, for example, standard components
of design to be reused. But, it has interview
templates or user tests that can be used by other
members of your team and would like more time to
devote to this practice.
Success stories are shared through dedicated
training, as P1 had already reported.
P7 cites the use of frameworks such as JIRA®
that help documents containing the entire design
rationale be shared among the team that is involved
in the project and can be consulted after that as
All emphasize that this practice is not
institutionalized, they perform when it is possible,
and this often means they do not realize on most
3.7 Roles and Responsibilities
This section analyses the multiple roles and
responsibilities assumed by each member of the
team in small and medium-sized organizations.
In one of the research organizations, the
developers themselves were also designers on many
projects. For, as attested by one of the interviewees,
only one designer was responsible for all the
demand, and there was no way to get involved in the
various projects in progress.
Thus, the specialist profile is very rare in the
companies interviewed, with each member of the
team needing to learn the roles of others to
contribute more to the project.
One aspect that emerged during the interview
phase was the definition of the roles of requirements
analyst, business analyst, and UX researcher. These
are often confused, merged, or defined in different
ways, depending on the organization, the type of
project, and the way UX is perceived by top
management, customers, and others involved in the
P1, for example, reports that in his company a
few months ago the role of UX researcher has
emerged and that, in this way, the inclusion of UX
activities has begun in the initial phases of the
proposal, facilitating that the practices are planned,
and UX teams are better sized. According to him,
this position was formally defined, replacing the
requirements analyst who had a training and skills
more focused on functional and technical aspects.
This process began when we began to realize the
strategic importance of UX in the projects they carry
out in their organization.
But many point out that the user-centred view is
not yet an institutionalized practice, often depending
on the client requesting the project and that
therefore, this role of the experience designer as a
strategic one to define the product to be constructed,
is not very clear in several organizations.
This study investigates the alignment of the UX
Maturity Models dimensions with the process of
evolution of UX practices of Brazilian small and
medium organizations. We analyse the adoption of
practices and observes similarities, differences,
limitations and potential opportunities for
improvement in the literature study. The analysis
was carried out according to the main categories
generated with the aid of MAXQDA® software.
We could verify, through the field study with
eight professionals working in the design of the user
experience, the adoption and importance of practices
that can promote the maturity gain in UX in small
and medium Brazilian companies of information
The similarities and divergences between the
practices adopted and the proposals presented in the
literature were observed.
The results indicate that small and medium-sized
organizations still face many difficulties related to
the institutionalization of UX practices.
Reduced UX teams prevent designers from being
present in various development initiatives in their
organization. Limited resources also prevent the full
exercise of UX practices.
Essential tasks such as including the UX team
from the early stages of the proposal, performing
UX searches, and testing with users are complicated,
except in isolated initiatives.
Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium Organizations in Brazil
Top management is often unaware of the value of
UX practices, which makes it harder to invest in
human resources, physical space as a test lab, and
acquisition of tools.
Interviewees report that the improvements in the
inclusion of practices usually happen when the
project leader or a practitioner experienced in the
methods can, from opportunities that arise in some
projects, show the team the results obtained
regarding satisfaction of the user.
Respondents also say that processes are difficult
to establish in a top-down and immediate way, it
takes time for maturation, understanding by every
team of the practices and contexts in which they
apply. Especially if we think of the diversity that is
the ecosystem of applications, tools, and techniques
in information technology.
As for training, in many ways, they have also
been carried out ad-hoc.
UX-related metrics are not defined and managed
in respondent organizations, with few exceptions.
Some have testified that the creation of interview
templates, personas, test scripts is carried out by
them, but that is still a not frequent practice. While
realizing the importance, the overload of the
designer's tasks prevents him from engaging in this
However, they do not consider it simple to adopt
strategies for gaining maturity in user experience
design practices. Among the reasons for complexity,
they highlight essential factors recommended in the
literature, such as the importance of the support of
the high executive levels, awareness of the
importance of UX practices, and their strategic value
in making business-related decisions.
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Redeem previous experiences with UX / Experience
design/interaction design projects in small or
medium-sized companies and analyse the following
It is understood, in this proposal, that the
involvement of the top management propitiates the
valuation of the methods of UX including planning
of hardware resources, software and human
resources, aid in the resolution of conflicts between
departments in the prioritization of requirements,
capacity planning, among other structural practices.
1. How do you evaluate the design of high
management involvement practices in the proposed
strategy? How is this accomplished in the projects
you participated? Were there any obstacles or
difficulties in the projects related to this issue? How
were they solved? In your experience, does this
practice facilitate an improvement in the quality of
the process of including UX practices or would you
adopt other practices to solve the problems
mentioned above? If he would adopt other practices,
what would they be?
It is understood in this proposal that for
improvement in the quality of UX practices, the
planning of resources of hardware, software and
human resources becomes necessary in the phases
before the projects for acquisitions, during the
projects to understand new unforeseen demands, in
the finalization of the projects to evaluate the
improvement points.
2. How do you assess the design of planning
practices regarding equipment infrastructure,
physical spaces, human resources, tools needed by
the project team in the proposed strategy? How is
this accomplished in the projects you participated
in? Were there any obstacles or difficulties in the
projects related to this issue? How were they solved?
In your experience, does this practice facilitate an
improvement in the quality of the process of
including UX practices or would you adopt other
practices to solve the problems mentioned above? If
he would adopt other practices, what would they be?
It is understood in this proposal that for
improvement in the quality of UX practices, the
planning of the team's qualifications is necessary for
the phases before the projects for the execution of
preparatory training, during the projects to manage
the necessary training, at the end of the projects for
evaluation of improvement points.
As for the training practices, these, according to the
literature study, can include several aspects such as:
awareness of the importance of usability, technical
aspects such as mastery of techniques, tools, use of
appropriate artefacts for each context, patterns
related to mobile devices, accessibility,
methodologies, behavioural aspects including
leadership, conflict management and change.
They can be carried out "on-the-job" or through
techniques such as the paired design that allow the
learner to follow the work of a more experienced
professional or "learning shots" - to cultivate within
the project a constant and collaborative learning
culture among members.
3. How do you evaluate the design of practical skills
in the proposed strategy? How is this accomplished
in the projects you participated in? Were there any
obstacles or difficulties in the project related to this
issue? How were they solved? In your experience,
does this practice facilitate an improvement in the
quality of the process of including UX practices or
would you adopt other practices to solve the
problems mentioned above? If he would adopt other
practices, what would they be?
Aspects of User Experience Maturity Evolution of Small and Medium Organizations in Brazil
In this proposal, it is understood that to improve the
quality of UX practices, the construction of a
knowledge base with standards, style guides, success
stories, personas or other artefacts becomes
necessary for reuse, to facilitate the insertion of new
members, to build the organization's knowledge
base. In the phases before the projects, the objectives
can be understood about these aspects, during the
projects to carry out the maintenance of this base or
use it, in the finalization of the projects to evaluate
the improvement points.
4. How do you evaluate the concept of the practices
of reflection, planning, and construction of bases of
artefacts and knowledge (style guides, templates,
patterns, personas, cases of success) in the proposed
strategy? These are aimed at reuse in future projects,
facilitate the insertion of new members, gains of
knowledge in the organization. How is this
accomplished in the projects you participated in?
Were there any obstacles or difficulties in the
projects related to this issue? How were they solved?
In your experience, does this practice facilitate an
improvement in the quality of the process of
including UX practices or would you adopt other
practices to solve the problems mentioned above? If
he would adopt other practices, what would they be?
It is understood in this proposal that for
improvement in the quality of UX practices, it is
necessary to define and monitor UX indicators.
In the initial phases, the goals can be understood
about these aspects, during the projects for
compliance management, in the finalization of
projects for dissemination and evaluation of learning
and improvement points.
Indicators may be associated with: increased
productivity when using the product; reduction in
costs associated with training and / or support;
increase in sales or revenues; reduction of time and
costs when developing the product; reduction of
maintenance costs; increasing the attractiveness and
retention of customers, and improving user
satisfaction when interacting with the product.
In addition to metrics associated with the completion
of each improvement cycle or project undertaken, it
is recommended to adopt strategies to accompany
the customer periodically in order to obtain
continuous information about their experience with
the product.
This monitoring can be done through survey
questionnaires, call centre, analytics, search logs, A /
B tests and usability testing.
5. How do you evaluate the design of planning,
measurement and presentation practices related to
UX in the proposed strategy? How is this
accomplished in the projects you participated in?
Were there any obstacles or difficulties in the
projects related to this issue? How were they solved?
In your experience, does this practice facilitate an
improvement in the quality of the process of
including UX practices or would you adopt other
practices to solve the problems mentioned above? If
he would adopt other practices, what would they be?
6. How do you evaluate the design of consulting
engagement practices in the proposed strategy? Was
it necessary in the projects you participated in? In
your experience, does this practice facilitate an
improvement in the quality of the process of
including UX practices or adopt other practices? If
he would adopt other practices, what would they be?
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems