Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval
Hatem Aouadi, Mouna Torjmen Khemakhem and Maher Ben Jemaa
National School of Engineering of Sfax, University of Sfax, Route de la Soukra km 4 - 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Context-based Image Retrieval, Implicit Links, Link Analysis, LDA.
In context-based image retrieval, the textual information surrounding the image plays a main role in image
retrieval. Although text-based approaches outperform content-based retrieval approaches, they can fail when
query keywords are not matching the document content. Therefore, using only keywords in the retrieval
process is not sufficient to have good results. To improve the retrieval accuracy, researchers proposed to
enhance search accuracy by exploiting other contextual information such as hyperlinks that reflect a topical
similarity between documents. However, hyperlinks are usually sparse and do not guarantee document content
similarity (advertising and navigational hyperlinks). In addition, there are many missed links between similar
documents (only few semantic links are created manually). In this paper, we propose to automatically create
implicit links between images through computing the semantic similarity between the textual information
surrounding those images. We studied the effectiveness of the links generated automatically in the image
retrieval process. Results showed that combining different textual representations of the image is more suitable
for linking similar images.
The amount of images uploaded to the Web each day
is growing exponentially. Consequently, the task of
finding relevant images in response to a user request
becomes increasingly difficult. As a solution, content
based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques were pro-
posed. However, despite the progress in this field,
these techniques are still producing very poor results
due to the lack of semantics in the visual features
extracted from the image (Datta et al., 2008) (Zhou
et al., 2017). Alternatively, researchers are oriented to
the use of textual information surrounding the images
(Datta et al., 2008) (Alzu’bi et al., 2015). Thus, most
current image retrieval systems are text based. Howe-
ver, this technique also has its limitations. First, the
information may not describe the real content of the
image. In addition, even if the textual information is
relevant to the image, it may not contain the query ke-
ywords. Hence, different approaches has been propo-
sed to improve the effectiveness of text-based image
retrieval systems. We are interested in this paper to
the use of the linkage information for ranking search
In Web link analysis domain, the quality of a Web
page is generally measured according to the quality of
its neighbours. Thus, the environment of a Web page
provides an important indicator for its relevance. Ho-
wever, hyperlink may not reflect the content simila-
rity between the interconnected web pages since the
existence of spam links (arbitrary created links, navi-
gation links, advertising links , etc. ). As a solution,
we proposed to automatically create implicit links bet-
ween multimedia documents based on the textual con-
tent similarity.
Another problem was encountered when proces-
sing the documents that have more than one image:
the relevance scores are calculated at the document
level and do not reflect the individual relevance of the
images in this document. To overcome this problem,
we proposed to segment pages into regions according
to the image position. Implicit links are then crea-
ted between the image regions instead of whole docu-
The originality of our work in this paper can
be summarized by the automatic creation of impli-
cit links between regions of images in order to (1)
use only semantic links in the retrieval process, and
(2) cover all semantic similarities between documents
(hypertext links cover only some similar documents).
To create implicit links, we compute the topical simi-
larity between the extracted regions using LDA topic
model. Our proposition are evaluated using the Wiki-
pedia collection of ImageCLEF 2011.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pre-
sents some related works. We detailed our approach
Aouadi, H., Torjmen Khemakhem, M. and Ben Jemaa, M.
Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0006808400810091
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 81-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for implicit link construction in section 3. The ex-
perimental results are given in section 4. Finally, we
conclude this work in section 5.
The basic idea behind the use of links in information
retrieval is motivated by the intuition that these links
are not random and reflect a kind of resemblance be-
tween the pages. However, hyperlinks are not always
indicators of content similarity. The authors of a web
page can put arbitrary links to some pages that are
not related to the subject of their page. Thus, hy-
perlinks can be created for navigation and structuring
the site or for advertising purposes. These spam links
decrease the quality of retrieval accuracy when they
are used. Moreover, similar pages are not always lin-
ked to each other (generally the author of a web page
creates only few links to other pages). In addition,
many document collections have no links or have a
very weak link structure. These problems present a
major obstacle for all web search algorithms that use
links in the retrieval process. As a solutions, many
works proposed to automatically interlinking the do-
cuments by creating implicit links between them. We
present in the following the use of implicit links in
textual and multimedia retrieval.
2.1 Implicit Links in Textual
Information Retrieval
Implicit links have been used in different areas inclu-
ding the ranking of search results, document classifi-
cation and clustering.
Xue et al. (Xue et al., 2003) proposed to explore
the user log to make implicit links between docu-
ments and then applied a modified PageRank algo-
rithm for small web search. Despite the improved
performance of the research, this method can not be
applied to large collections because it is intended for a
small search on the Web. Another work proposed by
Kurland and Lee (Kurland and Lee, 2005)(Kurland
and Lee, 2006) used the language models to gene-
rate document cluster relationships. The application
of Hits (Kleinberg, 1998) and PageRank (Brin and
Page, 1998) algorithms in the constructed graph of re-
lationships improved search precision. Nevertheless,
these methods had not been compared with the use of
explicit links. Xu and Ma (Xu and Ma, 2006) pro-
posed to construct an implicit graph and combined it
with the hypertext graph to improve the search perfor-
mance. Experiments showed the effectiveness of the
proposed approach compared to the PageRank algo-
rithm applied in the hyperlink graph. This approach
is evaluated using a collection of forums that contains
several noisy hyperlinks.
For document clustering, Zhang at al. (Zhang
et al., 2008) defined an implicit link as co-authorship
link. They also used explicit links composed of ci-
tation links and hyperlinks, and pseudo links such
as content similarity links. The experimental results
showed that linkage is quite effective in improving
content-based document clustering.
In the document classification area, Shen et al.
(Shen et al., 2006) compared the use of explicit links
represented by the hyperlinks and implicit links ge-
nerated from the query logs. In their study, they de-
monstrated that implicit links can improve the classi-
fication performance compared to the explicit links.
Query logs are also used by Belmouhcine and Benk-
halifa (Belmouhcine and Benkhalifa, 2015) to create
implicit links between web pages for the purpose of
web page classification. Experimental results with
two subsets of the Open Directory Project (ODP) have
shown that this representation based on implicit links
provides better classification results.
In the biomedical domain, Lin (Lin, 2008) applies
Hits and PageRank algorithms on implicit links (con-
tent similarity links) analysis in the context of the Pu-
bMed search engine. He demonstrated that it is possi-
ble to exploit networks of content similarity links, ge-
nerated automatically, for document retrieval. Thus,
the combination of scores generated by link analysis
algorithms and the text-based retrieval baseline im-
proved the precision.
2.2 Implicit Links in Multimedia
Information Retrieval
In order to improve the accuracy of image retrieval,
several research projects have proposed to build im-
plicit links between images by mainly using visual
content. Thanks to these visual links, a visual graph
is constracted and then analyzed to calculate the re-
levance scores of the images. To analyse the con-
structed graph, random walk method (such as Pa-
geRank) has been widely adopted (Jing and Baluja,
2008a) (Jing and Baluja, 2008b) (Zhou et al., 2009)
(Zhang et al., 2016) (Wang et al., 2016).
Xie et al. (Xie et al., 2014) proposed to construct
an off-line visual graph by taking each image as a
query and make a link with the k top returned images.
HITS algorithm is then applied on the set of images
returned at query time. In the same way, Liu et al.
(Liu et al., 2017) followed the same offline step, and
at query time, they merge the different graphs obtai-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ned using different descriptors. Then, they applied a
local ranking algorithm on the resulted graph. Zhang
et al. (Zhang et al., 2012) proposed a query-specific
fusion approach based on graph , where multiple lists
of search results from different visual cues were mer-
ged and clustered by link analysis on a merged graph.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2012) have incorporated
several visual features in a graph-based learning al-
gorithm for images retrieval. The creation of implicit
links using the textual information is taken into ac-
count for the first time by Khasanova et al. (Khasa-
nova et al., 2016) who have built a multilayer graph
where each layer represents a modality (textual, vi-
sual, etc.). The constructed graph is undirected, where
each node is connected only with its k-nearest neig-
hbours (in terms of Euclidean distance). Then, they
applied a random walk on the multilayer graph by
making transitions between the different layers. The
proposed solution achieves good image retrieval per-
formance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
The authors firmly believe that flexible structures like
graphs offer promising solutions to capture the under-
lying geometry of multi-view data.
Other works have been done as part of MediaE-
val (Liu et al., 2007) (Hsu et al., 2007) (Eskevich
et al., 2013) (Chen et al., 2014) (Bhatt et al., 2014)
and TRECVID (Simon et al., 2015) evaluation cam-
paigns for video hyperlinking. Chen et al. (Chen
et al., 2014) concluded that textual features work bet-
ter in this task, whereas visual features by themselves
can not predict reliable hyperlinks. Nevertheless, they
suggest that the use of visual features to re-rank the
results of text-based retrieval can improve the perfor-
In conclusion, the majority of works use the visual
content of the images to create implicit links between
them. However, the unresolved problems associated
with this modality make this type of links ineffective
and unprofitable. For this reason, we propose in this
paper to use textual information to automatically cre-
ate links between images and to explore them in a re-
trieval process in order to improve the retrieval accu-
Links between similar documents are more efficient
than links between independent pages. However, in
the context of the Web, semantically similar pages are
not always linked to each other, hence the need to au-
tomatically create implicit links between them.
We propose in this paper to automatically create
links between similar images through the calculation
of the semantic similarity of the textual information
surrounding these images. The similarity can be cal-
culated using the vector representation of the texts.
However, the textual information in a multimedia do-
cument may contain some details that are not related
to the image. Thus, an image usually represents an
illustration for the overall subject of the document.
For example, a page talking about the animal lion
will contain probably images of lion. However, words
such as forest”, meat”, water”, etc. will be pre-
sent frequently. If we use the textual representation
to calculate the similarity with other images, we can
obtain images that are assumed to be similar but do
not represent the image of a lion. Hence, word level
document similarity can be easily spammed when the
same words are used in documents with different to-
pics. For this reason, we propose to model documents
in a more generalized form.
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Deerwester
et al., 1990) was initially proposed as a topic ba-
sed method for modelling words semantic. Basi-
cally, LSA finds a small representation of documents
and words by applying the truncated singular va-
lue decomposition (SVD) for the document-term ma-
trix. An improvement of this model has been propo-
sed with Probabilistic and Latent Semantic Analysis
(PLSA) (T. Hofmann, 1999) which uses a probabilis-
tic method instead of using matrices. Then, the PLSA
model has been generalized to Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA) model (Blei et al., 2003). For this rea-
son, we choose the LDA topic model to model docu-
ments. Indeed, this model allows to give an overview
for the documents in the form of topic distributions,
which allows to filter out secondary and noisy infor-
In the following, we describe briefly the LDA al-
gorithm, then we describe our method to segment a
document to regions according to the image position.
After that, a detailed description of our method to cre-
ate implicit links is done. And finally, we present the
application of link analysis algorithms on the created
3.1 LDA Technique
Blei et al. (Blei et al., 2003) have proposed LDA to-
pic model that can reduce the representation of docu-
ments as a mixture of latent topics. The model gene-
rates automatic topical summaries in terms of discrete
probability distributions on words for each topic, and
infers further discrete distributions by document on
LDA assumes that all documents are probabilisti-
Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval
cally generated from a shared set of K common to-
pics, where each topic is a multinomial distribution
over the vocabulary (noted by β). The generation of a
document is done according to the following genera-
tive process :
(1) For each topic
(a) draw a distribution over words ϕ Dir(β)
(2) For each document
(a) Chose θ
(b) For each word
(i) generate topic z Mult(θ)
(ii) generate term w Mult(ϕ).
We apply LDA to the textual information repre-
senting the images. The outputs of this model are
then used to create implicit links between the images.
More precisely, we use the topic distributions genera-
ted by LDA to compute the similarity between image
representations and therefore create implicit links be-
tween them.
3.2 Textual Representations of Images
In text-based image retrieval, the basic idea consists in
considering the document as an atomic unit and all its
textual information is treated in a similar way. There-
fore, for a given query, a relevance score is calculated
for the whole document and then assigned for all its
images. According to this process, all images in a
document will have the same relevance score even if
they have different relevance levels, or some of them
are not sufficiently relevant to the query. This major
weakness has led us to the idea of segmenting multi-
media documents into image regions. In this way, it
would be possible to differentiate images of the same
document by approximating the relevance degree of
each image separately.
The best textual description of the image is the
associated metadata (called in our work IMD: Image
Meta Data) because it is the most specific information
for the image. However, metadata usually contains
few terms or can be missed sometimes. For these rea-
sons, we propose to consider other additional sources
of information to describe the image. More precisely,
we propose to divide the content of the document into
two descriptions for each image. The first description
is the container region of the image obtained after seg-
mentation of the document. We call this description
”Specific Image Description” (SID). The second des-
cription of this image is the rest of the document (wit-
hout SID) called ”Generic Image Description” (GID).
If a document contains more than one image, the spe-
cific description of an image belongs to the generic
description of other images and vice versa. Figure 1
shows the different descriptions of an image (img1).
Volkswagen Beetle
The Super Beetle and final evolution
In 1971, while production of the “standard” Beetle
continued, a Type 1 variant called the ''Super Beetle'',
Beetle customization
The Beetle is popular with
customization throughout the
There are many popular Beetle styles, from a
'Cal Looker'
to a Rat rod. They
and badges. Rear light and front indicator lenses can also
be changed.
SID of
GID of
Figure 1: Example of specific (SID) and generic (GID) re-
presentations of an image.
In this example, the SID description of the image
img1 is the container paragraph and its GID descrip-
tion is all the textual content of the document except
that paragraph. The segmentation of the document
into paragraphs could be done easily for web docu-
ments thanks to the use of tags. In HTML documents
for example, the use of title tags (<H1>, <H2>, etc.)
makes it possible to segment the document into pa-
ragraphs. Wikipedia documents are also easy to be
segmented thanks to their specific tags: the == tag for
a first level paragraph (equivalent of the <H1> tag
in HTML), the === tag for a second level paragraph,
etc. We propose to define the specific description of
the image as the smallest paragraph granularity con-
taining that image.
To conclude, each image in the collection is re-
presented using three descriptions: (1) image meta-
data (IMD); (2) the paragraph containing the image as
specific description (SID) and (3) the document wit-
hout the paragraph containing the image as generic
description (GID).
3.3 Implicit Link Creation
In this section, we describe the proposed approach for
creating contextual links between images based on the
LDA topic model. Many steps are needed to create the
links between each pair of images. The link creation
process is applied separately for each image represen-
tation. Figure 2 presents an overview of the link crea-
tion process using generic image descriptions (GID).
We distinguish three steps which are detailed in
the following.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Image regions extraction
Documents collection
Image regions
LDA topic model
Learning phase
Image regions topic
Link generation
Similarity measure
Inference phase
Graph of image
Figure 2: Overview of LDA based link creation between
two images using GID.
3.3.1 Step 1: Topic Distribution Generation
For the SID (resp. IMD) representation, we con-
struct a SID (resp. IMD) collection containing the
SID (resp. IMD) of all images. Then, the LDA topic
model is applied to the textual content of both ima-
ges to create links using the whole SID (resp. IMD)
collection. More specifically, a learning phase is per-
formed in order to estimate the topic distributions for
each SID (resp. IMD) of both images.
For the GID representation, an additional infe-
rence phase is performed after the learning phase to
compute the topic distributions for each GID. In this
type of representation, we kept the original collection
and did not create a separately GID collection. In fact,
for GID representations, we propose to use the whole
documents in the learning phase instead of using only
GID descriptions. This decision aims at avoiding the
use of redundant information: two GID representa-
tions of two images belonging to the same document
will contain a lot of redundancy. To better explain this
problem, we consider the example in Figure 1. If we
create a GID collection, the GID representation of the
image img1 is composed of parag. 1, parag. 3, and
parag. 4, while the GID representation of the image
img2 is composed of parag. 1, parag. 2, and parag. 4.
We note here that parag. 1 and parag. 4 will be used
twice in the learning model and will therefore affect
the quality of the topic distributions.
After applying the LDA model on each descrip-
tion collection, two probability distributions are ge-
nerated: a document-topic distribution that represents
the proportions of topics in each image representa-
tion; and a term-topic distribution that represents the
weights of the terms in each topic. Figure 3 shows
an example of document-topic distribution for image
representations. The first table represents the topics
) with their corresponding terms. The second ta-
ble represents the topic distributions for each image
0,21 0,04 0,11 0,0 0,03 0,05
0,0 0,09 0,0 0,15 0,01 0,11
0,09 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,11 0,10
0,05 0,11 0,02 0,0 0,0 0,0
. . .
. . .
ocean space art phone
beach stars painting mobile
sea chandra museum cell
coast galaxy gallery camera
pacific smithsonian artist sony
water institution modern cellphone
. . .
Topic distriution of Rep
Figure 3: An example of document-topic distribution for
image representations.
The best topics for each image representation are
assigned the higher scores. For example, the best to-
pic in Rep
is T
(score = 0,11). To fix the number
of topics that will be considered for each representa-
tion, a simple way is to fix a static number (for exam-
ple, each representation will be assigned the top 10
topics). However, the total number of topics varies
from one representation to another (we only consider
topics with positive scores). Therefore, we propose to
set a percentage of the top topics to be used for each
image representation (for example, each representa-
tion will be presented by 10% of the most relevant
topics). Best percentage values are obtained by expe-
riments and detailed in table 1.
Once the topic distributions are calculated for the
representations (SID, IMD, or GID) of two images, a
link weight must be calculated using a similarity me-
asure between the topic distributions of both images.
3.3.2 Step 2: Similarity Measure Between Two
After performing the LDA process, each image repre-
sentation is defined by a topic distribution vector as
shown in Figure 3. In order to create and weight the
links between images, we propose to apply a simila-
rity measure on the two by two vectors. In the infor-
mation retrieval literature, the most commonly used
similarity measure between two vectors is the cosine
measure (Salton, 1989) (Li and Han, 2013) (Mikawa
et al., 2011). We therefore propose to use the cosine
measure in our work as follows:
Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval
) =
denotes the topic distribution vector
of the image representation Rep
which could be
In our work, we propose to improve the classi-
cal cosine measure by including the number of com-
mon topics between the two image representations.
The intuition of this proposition is that the more the
two representations of images have common topics,
the more similar they are. For example, if there are
two image representations with only one common to-
pic but with a high probability score, and two other
image representations with many common topics but
low probability scores, the cosine measure will favour
the first two images. From another point of view, the
number of common topics between two image repre-
sentations could be very high with low topic distribu-
tions. In this case, the link weight will be very high,
although there is no high semantic similarity between
the two topic distributions. To overcome this situa-
tion, we propose to compute the number of common
topics using only the most important topics for each
image representation. The percentage of the most sig-
nificant topics noted X% is fixed with the experiments
described later. The new equation becomes:
) = cos
) is the to-
pic distribution of the representation Rep
) and X %
(resp. X%
) is the
X% of the most relevant topics according to their pro-
bability scores for Rep
(resp. Rep
Finally, after calculating the similarity scores bet-
ween the images, a threshold is applied to reduce the
number of implicit links between images. This simi-
larity threshold is set to 0.1 by experiments.
3.3.3 Step 3: Link Direction Estimation
After constructing the implicit links between the
image regions, we can use the link analysis algorithms
of the literature to compute the relevance of the no-
des in the constructed graph given a query. However,
these algorithms that originally designed for web se-
arch assume that the links are directed, i.e. the link
has a starting node and a one-way ending node. In
our case the implicit links obtained by similarity cal-
culation are bidirectional. Indeed, when we say that
a node A is similar to a node B, the node B is also si-
milar to A with the same degree of similarity. In this
case, if we want to apply the HITS algorithm for ex-
ample, the hub and authority scores for a given node
will be the same because the number of incoming and
outgoing links of these nodes will be the same. Thus,
the HITS algorithm will not work properly.
To determine the direction of links, we rely on the
following intuition: when two representations have
some common topics, the region containing more in-
formation about these topics (high probability) is suit-
able to be the destination of the link. For this, we
propose to calculate a direction score according to the
percentage of information shared between the two re-
presentations. In other terms, we propose to deter-
mine how much the information of the representation
of the image 1 (Rep
) is presented in the represen-
tation of the image 2 (Rep
). The following for-
mula is used:
) =
with Rep
means that the link is
from Rep
to Rep
Note that we consider in Equation 3 only the com-
mon topics among the X% most important topics in
the Rep
and Rep
representations and not the
whole topic distributions, as explained in the previous
Based on the intuition that the link should start
from the general image representation to the more
specific image representation, the direction of the
implicit link between two similar representations
and Rep
can thus be defined as follows:
If Score
) =
), both do-
cuments have almost the same amount of
information about the shared content. In this
case, two links are created: one from Rep
and the other in the opposite direction;
If Score
) <
), the link
should be directed from Rep
to Rep
. In
fact, the representation Rep
contains more in-
formation about the shared content than Rep
This implies that Rep
is more general, and the
representation Rep
describes a specific part of
If Score
) >
), the link
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
should be directed from Rep
to Rep
Figure 4 shows an example of determining the link
Topic probability distributions
. . . T
. . . T
. . . T
. . . . T
0 . . . 0,4 . . . 0,3 . . . 0,1 . . . 0
0,2 . . . 0,1 . . . 0,1 . . . 0,3 . . . 0
0,4 0,3 0,1
0,1 0,1 0,3
Common Topics
) =
) =
Figure 4: Example of computing the link direction.
These two image representations share three
topics: T
, T
and T
. By computing the
direction scores between the two representati-
ons, we obtain Score
) >
). Consequently, the
link is directed from img
to img
3.4 Implicit Link Analysis
Once the implicit links are created between the ima-
ges for each type of image representation (IMD, SID,
GID), a link analysis algorithm such as HITS and Pa-
geRank or a social network analysis algorithm such as
Betweeness, Closeness and Degree; could be applied.
Concerning the link analysis algorithms, we propose
to use the HITS algorithm because it is query depen-
dent, i.e. it is done for each new query, which allows it
to be always close to the subject of this query. For the
social network analysis algorithms, we propose to use
the most used ones in the literature namely the Degree
and Betweenness (Brandes, 2001) centralities.
A score based on the links for each image repre-
sentation is thus calculated. Therefore, each image
will have three scores based on the links: the SID link
score, the GID link score, and the IMD link score.
Finally, to obtain a single score based on links, we
propose to combine the three links based scores as
) = α LinkScore(IMD
β LinkScore(SID
) + γLinkScore(IMD
where α, β and γ are parameters used to adjust the
importance of each representation in the computing
of the final link score for an image. Their sum equals
to 1.
We develop our experiments to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach. First of all, we pre-
sent the evaluation protocol and the parameter settings
for our work. Then we provide comparative results of
different link analysis algorithms.
4.1 Evaluation Protocol
We evaluate the effectiveness of implicit and expli-
cit links in image retrieval domain. For this end, we
use a Wikipedia collection provided by The Image-
CLEF (The CLEF Cross Language Image Retrieval
Track) 2011 for the Wikipedia retrieval task. The col-
lection consists of 125 827 documents in three lan-
guages, containing 237 434 images. A set of 50 que-
ries is also provided to perform the retrieval accuracy
evaluation. We are interested in this paper only in do-
cuments written in English where the number is 42
774. However, our approach can be applied to any
language and any type of document.
In order to evaluate properly our proposition, we
construct a new base of assessments composed only
of images belonging to the English documents. Due
to computing complexity and time-space costs, we
decide to run a textual search and then apply the link
analysis for only the first 1000 returned results. To
generate the initial textual results, we have used the
search library.
Early precision (P@10, P@20, ...) is important in
a Web search context, since users in general examine
relatively few results. Finally, the MAP measure is
used to evaluate the global systems effectiveness.
4.2 Parameter Settings
4.2.1 LDA Parameters
The mallet library
is used to generate the LDA topi-
cal representation of documents. LDA parameters are
fixed to the most common values used in the litera-
ture: α = 50/K where K is the number of topics, and
β = 0.01.
To set the best value of K, we propose to apply and
evaluate the LDA model in image retrieval instead of
the link creation for time and memory reasons. Thus,
the documents and the queries are presented by topics
and a matching function is used to retrieve the rele-
vant images. We carried out several experiments with
different K values between 100 and 2000. Figure 5
shows the variation of MAP according to K.
Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
nb topics
Figure 5: Determining the best number of topics. K.
We note that with small K values, we obtained bad
MAP values. This means that the collection covers
several topics and that it is not easy to classify docu-
ments into few topics. As shown in Figure 5, the best
K value is 1500. Thus, we set K = 1500 topics in link
building experiments.
4.2.2 Similarity Measure Evaluation
In this experiment, our purpose is to evaluate our pro-
posed measure for similarity scores between images
used to create links between them. More precisely,
we aim to fix the best ratio of top topics according to
the topic distribution of both images. Experiments of
building and analysing implicit links between images
are costly in terms of time and they need to fix several
settings. For thus, we propose to evaluate the effi-
ciency of the proposed measure in the image retrie-
val process. Indeed, we apply this similarity measure
to compute relevance scores of images given a query
using the Image CLEF Wikipedia collection 2011. In
this experiment, the multimedia specificity is not ta-
ken into account: the relevance score is computed for
the whole document, and then assigned for all its own
images. In the retrieval process, the following equa-
tion is used:
RSV (D,Q) = cos
Q )|
where X% is the X percent of the top topics repre-
senting the document or the query.
Table 1 presents some experiments of varying the
X parameter of equation 5 in addition to the baseline
run obtained by using only the original cosine mea-
sure (Cos run).
Comparing the cosine measure and our proposed
measure according to the MAP metric, we note that
better results are obtained when X is between 5% and
Table 1: Determining the best percentage of the top topics.
MAP P@5 P@10
Cos 0,138 0,156 0,174
X=1% 0,12 0,144 0,158
X=5% 0,157 0,188 0,204
X=10% 0,172 0,224 0,196
X=15% 0,159 0,204 0,204
X=20% 0,152 0,18 0,182
X=30% 0,151 0,188 0,158
X=40% 0,147 0,212 0,192
X=50% 0,142 0,212 0,172
X=60% 0,139 0,208 0,186
X=70% 0,133 0,176 0,162
X=80% 0,135 0,168 0,174
X=90% 0,126 0,156 0,156
X=100% 0,127 0,14 0,152
60% (MAP > 0.1387). Moreover, the best MAP and
P@5 values are obtained with X=10% and the best
P@10 is obtained when X=15%. This means that the
10% of the top topic representing documents and que-
ries are the most significant information. Thanks to
our measure, the retrieval accuracy is improved by
26.31% according to MAP measure, 43.58% accor-
ding to P@5 measure and 12.64% according to P@10
measure. These improvements prove that the use of
the top common topics between the query and the do-
cument is a good relevance indicator.
4.3 Experimental Comparison of
Different Link Analysis Algorithms
The aims of this experiment are twofold: (1) evalua-
tion of the separate and the combined use of the diffe-
rent image representations (SID, GID and IMD); (2)
comparison between three link analysis algorithms
applied in our work.
The combination between the three image repre-
sentations is based on a simple average of the three
scores without taking into account the optimal set-
tings. However, it is possible to run some experiments
to set the optimal combination values. The combina-
tion equation is:
) = 1/3 S
1/3 S
) + 1/3 S
Table 2 depicts overall results, where AverComb
is the run obtained by averaging the scores of the three
image representations.
By comparing the MAP values of the different
image representations without combination, we note
that the GID run gives the best results. This means
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: A comparison of different link analysis algorithms
according to different image representations.
Degree Centrality
P@5 0,088 0,092 0,128 0,148
P@10 0,104 0,072 0,108 0,136
MAP 0,058 0,064 0,1 0,094
P@5 0,104 0,052 0,08 0,108
P@10 0,096 0,052 0,106 0,104
MAP 0,056 0,059 0,074 0,081
Betweeness Centrality
P@5 0,056 0,088 0,08 0,104
P@10 0,048 0,066 0,08 0,084
MAP 0,028 0,046 0,061 0,062
that the generic information is the best source of evi-
dence to represent images in this work. This inter-
pretation could be explained by the specific/generic
vocabulary notion: if the query vocabulary is generic,
it is better to represent the image by generic informa-
tion, and if the query vocabulary is specific, it is bet-
ter to represent the image by specific information. We
note that a query is called specific if the results repre-
sent the same object (for example, ”London Bridge”)
and is generic if the results represent many objects
(for example, ”skyscraper building tall towers”).
To validate this interpretation, we have compu-
ted the number of specific and generic queries in the
ImageCLEF Wikipedia collection 2011 and we found
that 72% of queries are generic and 28% are speci-
fic. Thus, it is not surprising that generic descriptions
outperform specific descriptions.
Another interpretation could be drawn from the
results: combining the three image representations by
averaging their scores improves in general the results.
This confirms our assumption that the use of the three
sources of evidence is very useful. However, by ana-
lysing query by query, we have observed that GID re-
presentations give the best results for 40% of queries,
SID and IMD gives the best results for 30% of queries
for each one. So, it will be interesting to train a query
classifier in order to choose the best representation to
use for each query according to its class: generic or
specific. We recall that the combination settings are
not optimized. In our work, we decided to use a basic
linear combination which is the score average in order
to validate our approach without an optimal tuning of
parameters. Further experiments are needed to set the
best combination factors.
Finally, by comparing the use of the different link
analysis algorithms, we note that the Degree Centra-
lity gives the best performance. We could argue this
result by the following reasons: Betweenness algo-
rithm assumes that the graph should be undirected,
which is not the case in our work. Moreover, the HITS
algorithm idea is to select the K top ranked documents
according to the query and then extend this initial set
root by other documents. This basic idea is not re-
spected in our work as we use the 1000 top documents
ranked by a textual model without extension.
In this paper, we presented our contributions in con-
text based image retrieval by building implicit links
between images and exploring them in the image re-
trieval process. We first defined three types of textual
representations for each image: (1) Specific Image
Description (SID); (2) Generic Image Description
(GID) and (3) the Image MetaData (IMD). Thereafter,
we proposed a method to build LDA based links for
each representation. Consequently, we obtained three
types of links: SID links, GID links and IMD links.
When comparing the different representations sepa-
rately, the experiments chowed that GID based links
gives the best results. This may be due to the queries
types where most of them are generic. Nevertheless,
combining the different representations enhance the
In future work, we plan to compare our approach
of building implicit links with other works such as the
use of hyperlinks and some state of the art implicit
links. We also plan to investigate the combination of
explicit and implicit links in the image retrieval. On
one hand, explicit hyperlinks are more semantic than
implicit links if they are informational hyperlinks as
they are created manually. On the other hand, it is
not possible to link manually all similar information
in the collection. So it is interesting to build auto-
matically implicit links between images to take into
account all possible similarities. Moreover, it is inte-
resting to learn a classifier to tune automatically the
best combination parameters of the image representa-
tions according to the query type: generic or specific.
If the query vocabulary is generic, it is better to give
more importance to the generic description than the
specific one, and if the query vocabulary is specific, it
is better to give more importance to the specific des-
cription than the generic one.
Another issue to investigate is the multi-modality
image retrieval. The combination of content and con-
text based image retrieval has shown its effectiveness
in several works. Therefore, we plan to integrate vi-
sual features in the construction of implicit links. It is
possible for example to build visual based links and
Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval
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Building Contextual Implicit Links for Image Retrieval