Yet Another Automated OLAP Workload Analyzer:
Principles, and Experiences
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
, Rim Moussa
and Enzo Mumolo
DIA Department, University of Trieste, Italy
LaTICE and University of Carthage, Tunisia
Data Warehouse Tuning, OLAP Intelligence, Data Warehouse Workloads, OLAP Workloads.
In order to tune a data warehouse workload, we need automated recommenders on when and how (i) to
partition data and (ii) to deploy summary structures such as derived attributes, aggregate tables, and (iii) to
build OLAP indexes. In this paper, we share our experience of implementation of an OLAP workload analyzer,
which exhaustively enumerates all materialized views, indexes and fragmentation schemas candidates. As a
case of study, we consider TPC-DS benchmark -the de-facto industry standard benchmark for measuring the
performance of decision support solutions including.
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are designed to em-
power the user with the ability to make effective de-
cisions regarding both the current and future activi-
ties of an organization. One of the most prominent
technologies for knowledge discovery in DSS envi-
ronments are On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
technologies. OLAP relies heavily upon a data model
known as the multidimensional database and the Data
cube. The latter has been playing an essential role
in the implementation of OLAP (Gray et al., 1997;
Vassiliadis, 1998a). However, challenges related to
Performance Tuning are to be addressed. OLAP wor-
kload Performance Tuning is usually based on (i) in-
dexes, (ii) summary data, i.e. derived attributes and
aggregate tables, and (iii) data fragmentation.
The paper outline is the following, in Section II,
we overview Performance Tuning Strategies, from de-
velopper perspective. In Section III, we present our
workload analyzer and our first experience with TPC-
DS Benchmark. Finally we conclude the paper.
The term On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is
introduced in 1993 by E. Codd (Codd et al., 1993).
This model constitutes a decision support system fra-
mework which affords the ability to calculate, conso-
lidate, view, and analyze data according to multiple
dimensions. OLAP relies heavily upon a data mo-
del known as the multidimensional databases (MDB)
(Kimball and Ross, 2013; Kimball et al., 1998; Mo-
lina, 2013; Imhoff et al., 2003; Inmon, 2005; DeWitt
et al., 2005; Surajit and Umeshwar, 1997; Codd et al.,
1993; Agarwal et al., 1996; Gyssens and Lakshma-
nan, 1997; Agrawal et al., 1997; Gray et al., 1997;
Vassiliadis, 1998a). An MDB schema contains a lo-
gical model consisting of OLAP cubes. Each OLAP
Cube is described by a fact table (facts), a set of di-
mensions and a set of measures. Multiple MDB de-
sign methods were proposed in the litterature and are
described in (Vassiliadis, 1998b; Cabibbo and Tor-
lone, 1998; Niemi et al., 2001; Hung et al., 2004;
Nair et al., 2007; Malinowski and Zim
anyi, 2008;
Romero and Abell
o, 2009; Thanisch et al., 2011).
In (Cuzzocrea and Moussa, 2013; Cuzzocrea et al.,
2013a), we detail a framework for MDB schemas de-
sign, successfully applied to turn TPC-H benchmark
into a multi-dimensional benchmark TPC-H*d. In or-
der to tune a data warehouse workload, we need auto-
mated recommenders on when and on how (i) to par-
tition data and (ii) to deploy summary structures (e.g.
derived attributes, aggregate tables, sketches synop-
sis, histograms synopsis), and (iii) to build OLAP in-
Cuzzocrea, A., Moussa, R. and Mumolo, E.
Yet Another Automated OLAP Workload Analyzer: Principles, and Experiences.
DOI: 10.5220/0006812202930298
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 293-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Many research work investigated distributed rela-
tional data warehouses and an adjunct mid-tier for pa-
rallel cube calculus, namely OLAP* (Cuzzocrea et al.,
2013b). Other are investigating new systems SQL-on-
Hadoop Systems (e.g. Apache Hive, Apache Spark
SQL, Apache Drill, Cloudera Impala, IBM BigInsig-
hts). Partitioning schemes are very important, good
data fragmentation schemes allows parallel IO and
parallel processing. Automated distributed database
design was investigated in many research papers and
by DBMS vendor leaders AutoPart (Papadomanolakis
and Ailamaki, 2004),DB2 Design Advisor(Zilio et al.,
2004), Database Tuning Advisor for MS SQL Server
(Agrawal et al., 2004a; Agrawal et al., 2004b), and
DDB-Expert (Moussa, 2011).
Indexes and Materialized Views are physical
structures which aim at accelerating performance,
like similarly OLAP query approximation approaches
(e.g., (Cuzzocrea et al., 2009; Cuzzocrea and Ma-
trangolo, 2004)). Many research papers cover auto-
mated selection of materialized views and indexes for
OLAP workloads AutoAdmin (Agrawal et al., 2006),
Alerter Approach (Hose et al., 2008), Semi-Automatic
Index Tuning (Schnaitter and Polyzotis, 2012), Au-
toMDB (Cuzzocrea and Moussa, 2013; Cuzzocrea
et al., 2013a). Related work report experiences with
TPC-H benchmark (Transaction Processing Council,
2013b). The latter is obsolete now. Its successor TPC-
DS (Transaction Processing Council, 2013a) is the de-
facto industry standard benchmark for measuring the
performance of decision support solutions. In this pa-
per, we turn TPC-DS into a multidimensional bench-
mark and we analyze TPC-DS benchmark.
There are few decision-support benchmarks out of the
TPC benchmarks. Next, we overview most known
DSS benchmarks, APB-1 (OLAP Council, ) has been
released in 1998 by the OLAP council. APB-1 wa-
rehouse dimensional schema is structured around five
fixed size dimensions and its workload is composed
of 10 queries. APB-1 is proved limited (Erik, 1998)
to evaluate the specificities of various activities. It
proposes a single performance metric termed AQM
(Analytical Queries per Minute). The metric AQM
denotes the number of analytical queries processed
per minute including data loading and computation
The most prominent benchmarks for evaluating
decision support systems are the various benchmarks
issued by the Transaction Processing Council (TPC).
Since two decades, TPC-H benchmark is the most
used benchmark in the research community. The
TPC-H benchmark (Transaction Processing Coun-
cil, 2013b) exploits a classical product-order-supplier
model. It consists of a suite of business oriented ad-
hoc queries and concurrent data modifications. The
workload is composed of twenty-two parameterized
decision-support SQL queries with a high degree of
complexity and two refresh functions: RF-1 new sa-
les (new inserts) and RF-2 old sales (deletes). The
TPC-DS benchmark is launched for next generation
of decision support system benchmarking to replace
the TPC-H benchmark. It is described in next Section.
3.1 TPC-DS Benchmark
TPC-DS (Transaction Processing Council, 2013a)
was designed to examine large volumes of data, exe-
cute complex queries of various operational require-
ments and complexities (e.g., ad-hoc, reporting, itera-
tive OLAP, data mining) within large number of user
sessions. The benchmark stresses hardware system
performance in the areas of CPU utilization, memory
utilization, I/O subsystem utilization, and the ability
of the operating system and database software to per-
form TPC-DS workload. The TPC-DS schema mo-
dels seven data marts the sales and sales returns pro-
cess for an organization that employs three primary
sales channels: store, catalogs, and the Internet, as
well as the Inventory. All data is periodically syn-
chronized with source OLTP databases through data-
base maintenance functions. The schema includes 7
fact tables and 17 dimension tables.
Fact tables: store sales, store returns, ca-
talog sales, catalog returns, web sales,
web returns, inventory.
Dimension tables: store, call center, cata-
page, web site, web page, warehouse, custo-
mer, customer address, customer demographics,
date dim, household demographics, item, in-
come band, promotion, reason, ship mode,
time dim.
TPC-DS workload contains 99 SQL queries, cove-
ring SQL99, SQL-2003 (Eisenberg et al., 2004) (i.e.,
window functions) and OLAP capabilities. TPC-DS
benchmark reports two main metrics (i) the Query-
per-Hour Performance Metric (Qph@Size and (ii)
The Price-Performance Metric ($/Qph) which reflects
the ratio of costs to performance.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Data View of TPC-DS Cube 91 -a sub-view of Catalog Returns Datamart.
3.2 Turning TPC-DS Benchmark into a
Multi-dimensional Benchmark
In order to turn the TPC-DS benchmark into a mulm-
tidimensional benchmark, an initial schema is for-
med. The initial schema consists of all the cubes
required to efficiently answer the TPC-DS queries.
Each query is mapped to a minimal number of OLAP
cubes. We design each OLAP cube with the relevant
fact table, dimensions and measures. This leads to
the definition of multiple cubes. Hereafter, we detail
the process leading to the definition of each cube. We
used the framework for automating multidimensional
database schema design detailed in (Cuzzocrea and
Moussa, 2013; Cuzzocrea et al., 2013a).
OLAP hypercube Cube 91 shown in Figure 1 is
defined as a transform of Q91 (illustrated in Figure
2) into an OLAP hypercube. In the example, Cube
91 is an OLAP cube for Q91 of TPC-DS Benchmark
(Transaction Processing Council, 2013a). Cube 91
has six dimensions (i) ’Call Center’, (ii) ’Returned
Date’, (iii) ’Returning Customer Marital Status’, (iv)
’Returning Customer Education Status’, (v) ’Retur-
ning Customer GMT Offset’ and (vi) ’Buy Potential’
and one numeric measure ’Sum of all Returns’ Net
Losses’, and performs over ’Catalog Returns facts’.
Tuning a database is a process that includes selection
of indexes, materialized views, derived attributes, and
fragmentation schemas.There are a number of tools
that have been designed to take the responsibility
from the database designer to advise the designer on
good choices: SAP, Oracle, Vertica, PoWA of post-
gres, Teradata.
4.1 TPC-DS Numbers
We parse cubes (XML files), detect common dimensi-
ons and measures as well as different dimensions and
measures for each pair of cubes.
4.2 Candidates Enumeration
The tuning advisor generates candidate indexes, ma-
terialized views, derived attributes, fragmentation
schemas and assesses the weight of each recommen-
dation based one or combination of these recom-
mendations. We implemented a greedy approach to
choosing indexes, materialized views, derived attri-
butes and fragmentation schemas. Indeed, we enume-
rate automatically all candidate indexes, materialized
views, derived attributes and fragmentation schemas.
Candidate Indexes: For each cube, we consider
indexes on foreign keys for the fact table, or join
Yet Another Automated OLAP Workload Analyzer: Principles, and Experiences
Define YEAR = random(1998,2002, uniform);
Define MONTH = random(11,12,uniform);
Define BUY_POTENTIAL = text({"1001-5000",1},
Define GMT = text({"-6",1},{"-7",1});
SELECT cc_call_center_id Call_Center,
cc_name Call_Center_Name,
cc_manager Manager,
SUM(cr_net_loss) Returns_Loss
FROM call_center,
WHERE cr_call_center_sk = cc_call_center_sk
AND cr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk
AND cr_returning_customer_sk = c_customer_sk
AND cd_demo_sk = c_current_cdemo_sk
AND hd_demo_sk = c_current_hdemo_sk
AND ca_address_sk = c_current_addr_sk
AND d_year = [YEAR]
AND d_moy = [MONTH]
AND ( (cd_marital_status = ’M’ AND
cd_education_status = ’Unknown’)
OR (cd_marital_status = ’W’ AND
cd_education_status = ’Advanced Degree’))
AND hd_buy_potential like ’[BUY_POTENTIAL]%’
AND ca_gmt_offset = [GMT]
GROUP BY cc_call_center_id, cc_name, cc_manager,
cd_marital_status, cd_education_status
ORDER BY SUM(cr_net_loss) DESC;
Figure 2: SQL Statement of TPC-DS Query Q91.
indexes, simple and composite indexes attributes
of dimension tables. For each dimension table
with n attributes invoked for the calculus of cube,
the number of indexes is
+ ... +
. Indexes types depend on cardinality of the
dimension. Indeed, bitmaps are proposed for low
cardinality dimensions and B-Tree based indexes
are proposed for high cardinality dimensions. In
practice, this choice is one of the principal fac-
tors that influence whether a database design gi-
ves acceptable performance. Two important fac-
tors to consider are: (i) The existence of an index
on an attribute may speed up greatly the execution
of those queries in which a value, or range of va-
lues, is specified for that attribute, and may speed
up joins involving that attribute as well; (ii) On
the other hand, every index built for one or more
attributes of some relation makes insertions, dele-
tions, and updates to that relation more complex
and time-consuming.
Candidate Materialized Views: For each a n di-
mensional cube, Based on the ALL values, the
data cube is divided into 2
cuboids. A materi-
alized view is proposed for each cuboid. For in-
stance, for Cube91, the first cuboid -the core cu-
boid, is a six dimensional cube (hexeract). The
cuboids are five-dimensional cuboids.
The next
are four-dimensional cuboids. The
last cuboid has a single value and is a zero-
dimensional point.
Candidate Derived Attributes: For each cube, we
check high cardinality snowflake dimensions (i.e.,
dimensions which cardinaly is scale factor), and
propose derived attributes within star dimensions
(i.e., connecting through hierarchical relations-
hips snowflake dimensions to the fact table). De-
rived attributes sketch all required measures.
Candidate Fragmentation Schemas: We refer
to OLAP* framework for generating candidate
schema candidates.
In this paper, we derived from TPC-DS benchmark a
multi-dimensional database and reported a thorough
analysis of TPC-DS benchmark, as well as the recom-
mendations derived from the workload analysis. Each
recommendation is characterized by a building cost
estimation, a maintenance cost, a storage cost, and a
weight in the workload. In Future work, we will in-
vestigate relationships among recommendations, i.e.,
namely consolidation and conflict relationships, in or-
der to prune candidates combinations, and assess ex-
perimentally cubes calculus performances.
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