Automated Refactoring of Software using Version History and a
Code Element Recentness Measure
Michael Mohan and Des Greer
Department of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast,
Northern Ireland, U.K.
Keywords: Search based Software Engineering, Maintenance, Refactoring, Software History, Multi-Objective
Optimization, Genetic Algorithms.
Abstract: This paper proposes a multi-objective genetic algorithm to automate software refactoring and validates the
approach using a tool, MultiRefactor, and a set of open source Java programs. The tool uses a metric function
to measure quality in a software system and tests a second objective to measure the recentness of the code
elements being refactored. Previous versions of the software project are analyzed and a recentness measure is
then calculated with respect to previous versions of code. The multi-objective setup refactors the input
program to improve its quality using the quality objective, while also focusing on the recentness of the code
elements inspected. An experiment has been constructed to measure the multi-objective approach against an
alternative mono-objective approach that does not use an objective to measure element recentness. The two
approaches are validated using six different open source Java programs. The multi-objective approach is
found to give significantly better recentness scores across all inputs in a similar time, while also generating
improvements in the quality score.
Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) has been
used to automate various aspects of the software
development cycle. Used successfully, SBSE can
help to improve decision making throughout the
development process and assist in enhancing
resources and reducing cost and time, making the
process more streamlined and efficient. Search-Based
Software Maintenance (SBSM) is usually directed at
minimizing the effort of maintaining a software
product. An increasing proportion of SBSM research
is making use of multi-objective optimization
techniques. Many multi-objective search algorithms
are built using genetic algorithms (GAs), due to their
ability to generate multiple possible solutions. Instead
of focusing on only one property, the multi-objective
algorithm is concerned with a number of different
objectives. This is handled through a fitness
calculation and sorting of the solutions after they have
been modified or added to. The main approach used
to organize solutions in a multi-objective approach is
Pareto. Pareto dominance organizes the possible
solutions into different nondomination levels and
further discerns between them by finding the
objective distances between them in Euclidean space.
In this paper, a multi-objective approach is created
to improve software that combines a quality objective
with one that incorporates the use of numerous
previous versions of the software code. The element
recentness objective uses previous versions of the
target software to help discern between old and new
areas of code. It will investigate the refactored areas of
code to give a value representing how recently these
code elements have been added, using the previous
versions of the software supplied. To test the
effectiveness of the element recentness objective, an
experiment has been constructed to test a GA that uses
it against one that does not. It may be argued that it is
more relevant to refactor the older elements of the
code (for instance, if the code has been around longer,
it has had a better chance to build up technical debt
and become incompatible with its surroundings).
However, it is important to note that the purpose of
this experiment is not to support either stance. The
more important aspects of the code may be different
depending on the circumstances and the developer’s
opinion. The choice has been made in this paper to
focus on more recent elements instead of older
elements in order to test the effectiveness of the
objective itself in doing what it aims, and the objective
Mohan, M. and Greer, D.
Automated Refactoring of Software using Version History and a Code Element Recentness Measure.
DOI: 10.5220/0006815304550462
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 455-462
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be tweaked to focus one way or the other
depending on the developers needs. In order to judge
the outcome of the experiment, the following research
questions have been derived:
RQ1: Does a multi-objective solution using an
element recentness objective and a quality objective
give an improvement in quality?
RQ2: Does a multi-objective solution using an
element recentness objective and a quality objective
refactor more recent code elements than a solution
that does not use the element recentness objective.
In order to address the research questions, the
experiment will run a set of tasks to compare a default
mono-objective set up to refactor a solution towards
quality with a multi-objective approach that uses a
quality objective and the newly proposed element
recentness objective. The following hypotheses have
been constructed to measure success in the
H1: The multi-objective solution gives an
improvement in the quality objective value.
: The multi-objective solution does not give
an improvement in the quality objective value.
H2: The multi-objective solution gives
significantly higher element recentness objective
values than the corresponding mono-objective
: There is no significant difference between
the recentness objective value for the multi-objective
and mono-objective approaches.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 discusses related work and gives
an overview of the previous studies in SBSM that
have incorporated the use of software history. Section
3 describes the MultiRefactor tool used to conduct the
experiment along with the searches, refactorings and
metrics available in it. Section 4 explains the set up of
the experiment used to test the element recentness
objective. Section 5 analyses the results of the
experiment, looking at the objective values and the
times taken to run the tasks. Section 6 concludes the
paper and discusses the significance of the findings.
A few other studies relating to SBSM have used
version history of the target software to aid in
refactoring. Pérez et al. (Pérez et al. 2013) proposed
an approach that involved reusing complex
refactorings that had previously been used. They
aimed to mine the change history of the software
project to find the refactorings used to fix design
smells. The position paper introduced a plan to gather
and compile the reusable refactorings in a structured
way, in order to reapply them in the future. For this,
they aimed to extend the ChEOPSJ system (Soetens
and Demeyer 2012) and build a refactoring and
design smell detector on top of it. They aimed to
extend this system to find design smells that have
been resolved, trace them back to the refactorings
performed and reconstruct the refactoring order.
Ouni et al. (Ouni, Kessentini and Sahraoui 2013;
Ouni et al. 2016) implemented an objective as part of
a multi-objective solution to encourage refactorings
that are similar to those already applied to similar
code fragments in the past, by investigating previous
versions of the code. They used the Ref-Finder tool
(Kim et al. 2010) to find refactorings between
versions of code. They also (Ouni, Kessentini,
Sahraoui and Hamdi 2013) analyzed “co-change”, an
attribute that identifies how often two objects in a
project are refactored together at the same time, as
well as the number of refactorings applied in the past
to the code elements. They updated their objective
function to provide a value relating to a set of
elements as an average of these three measures using
refactoring history. An extended study from 2015
(Ouni et al. 2015) investigated the use of past
refactorings from other projects to calculate the
objective value when the change history for the
applicable project is not available. Similarly,
Tsantalis and Chatzigeorgiou (Tsantalis and
Chatzigeorgiou 2011) have also used previous
versions of software code to aid in the removal of
design smells in the current code. They used the
previous versions of the code to rank refactoring
suggestions according to the number, proximity and
extent of changes related with the corresponding code
The MultiRefactor approach
uses the RECODER
to modify source code in Java programs.
RECODER extracts a model of the code that can be
used to analyze and modify the code before the
changes are applied. MultiRefactor makes available
various different approaches to automated software
maintenance in Java programs. It takes Java source
code as input and will output the modified source
code to a specified folder. The input must be fully
compilable and must be accompanied by any
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
necessary library files as compressed jar files. The
numerous searches available in the tool have various
input configurations that can affect the execution of
the search. The refactorings and metrics used can also
be specified. As such, the tool can be configured in a
number of different ways to specify the particular task
that you want to run. If desired, multiple tasks can be
set to run one after the other.
A previous study (Mohan et al. 2016) used the A-
CMA (Koc et al. 2012) tool to experiment with
different metric functions but that work was not
extended to produce source code as an output
(likewise, TrueRefactor (Griffith et al. 2011) only
modifies UML and Ouni, Kessentini, Sahraoui and
Boukadoum’s (Ouni, Kessentini, Sahraoui and
Boukadoum 2013) approach only generates proposed
lists of refactorings). MultiRefactor (Mohan and
Greer 2017) was developed in order to be a fully-
automated search-based refactoring tool that
produces compilable, usable source code. As well as
the Java code artifacts, the tool will produce an output
file that gives information on the execution of the task
including data about the parameters of the search
executed, the metric values at the beginning and end
of the search, and details about each refactoring
applied. The metric configurations can be modified to
include different weights and the direction of
improvement of the metrics can be changed
depending on the desired outcome.
MultiRefactor contains seven different search
options for automated maintenance, with three
distinct metaheuristic search techniques available.
For each search type there is a selection of
configurable properties to determine how the search
will run. The refactorings used in the tool are mostly
based on Fowlers list (Fowler 1999), consisting of 26
field-level, method-level and class-level refactorings,
and are listed below.
Field Level Refactorings: Increase/Decrease
Field Visibility, Make Field Final/Non Final, Make
Field Static/Non Static, Move Field Down/Up,
Remove Field.
Method Level Refactorings: Increase/Decrease
Method Visibility, Make Method Final/Non Final,
Make Method Static/Non Static, Remove Method.
Class Level Refactorings: Make Class Final/Non
Final, Make Class Abstract/Concrete, Extract
Subclass/Collapse Hierarchy, Remove
The refactorings used will be checked for
semantic coherence as a part of the search, and will
be applied automatically, ensuring the process is fully
automated. A number of the metrics available in the
tool are adapted from the list of the metrics in the
QMOOD (Bansiya and Davis 2002) and CK/MOOSE
(Chidamber and Kemerer 1994) metrics suites. The
23 metrics currently available in the tool are listed
QMOOD Based: Class Design Size, Number Of
Hierarchies, Average Number Of Ancestors, Data
Access Metric, Direct Class Coupling, Cohesion
Among Methods, Aggregation, Functional
Abstraction, Number Of Polymorphic Methods,
Class Interface Size, Number Of Methods.
CK Based: Weighted Methods Per Class,
Number Of Children.
Others: Abstractness, Abstract Ratio, Static
Ratio, Final Ratio, Constant Ratio, Inner Class Ratio,
Referenced Methods Ratio, Visibility Ratio, Lines Of
Code, Number Of Files.
In order to implement the element recentness
objective, extra information about the refactorings is
stored in the refactoring sequence object used to
represent a refactoring solution. For each solution, a
hash table is used to store a list of affected elements
in the solution and to attach to each a value that
represents the number of times that particular element
is refactored in the solution. During each refactoring,
an element, considered to be most relevant to that
refactoring, is chosen and the element name is stored.
After the refactoring has executed, the hash table is
inspected. If the element name already exists as a key
in the hash table, the value corresponding to that key
is incremented to represent another refactoring being
applied to that element in the solution. Otherwise, the
element name is added to the table and the
corresponding value is set to 1. After the solution has
been created, the hash table will have a list of all the
elements affected and the number of times for each.
This information is used to construct the element
recentness score for the related solution.
To improve the performance of the tool, the
recentness scores are stored for each element as the
search progresses in another hash table. This allows
the tool to avoid the need to calculate the element
recentness scores for each applicable element in the
current solution at the beginning of the search task.
Instead, the scores are calculated as the objective is
calculated, for each element it comes across. If the
element hasn’t previously been encountered in the
search, its element recentness value will be calculated
and stored in the hash table. Otherwise, the value will
be found by looking for it in the table. This eliminates
the need to calculate redundant element recentness
values for elements that are not refactored in the
search and spreads the calculations throughout the
search in place of finding all the values in the
Automated Refactoring of Software using Version History and a Code Element Recentness Measure
In order to calculate the element recentness objective,
the program will be supplied with the directories of all
the previous versions of the code to use, in successive
order. To calculate the element recentness value for a
refactoring solution, each element that has been
involved in the refactorings (be it a class, method or
field) will be inspected individually. For each previous
version of the code, the element will be searched for
using its name. If it is not present, the search will
terminate, and the element will be given a value
related to how far back it can be found. An element
that can be found all the way back through every
previous version of code will be given a value of zero.
An element that is only found in the current version of
the code will be given the maximum element
recentness value, which will be equal to the number of
versions of code present. For each version the element
is present in after the current version, the element
recentness value will be decremented by one. Once
this value is calculated for one element in the
refactoring solution, the objective will move onto the
next element until a value is derived for all of them.
The overall element recentness value for a refactoring
solution will be an accumulation of all the individual
element values.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the
element recentness objective, a set of tasks were set
up that used the priority objective to be compared
against a set of tasks that didn’t. The control group is
made up of a mono-objective approach that uses a
function to represent quality in the software. The
corresponding tasks use the multi-objective algorithm
and have two objectives. The first objective is the
same function for software quality used for the mono-
objective tasks. The second objective is the element
recentness objective. The metrics used to construct
the quality function and the configuration parameters
used in the GAs are taken from previous
experimentation on software quality. Each metric
available in the tool was tested separately in a GA to
deduce which were more successful, and the most
successful were chosen for the quality function. The
metrics used in the quality function are given in Table
1. No weighting is applied for any of the metrics. The
configuration parameters used for the mono-objective
and multi-objective tasks were derived through trial
and error and are outlined in Table 2. The hardware
used to run the experiment is outlined in Table 3.
For the tasks, six different open source programs
are used as inputs to ensure a variety of different
domains are tested. The programs range in size from
relatively small to medium sized.
These programs were chosen as they have all been used
in previous SBSM studies and so comparison of results is
possible. The source code and necessary libraries for all of
the programs are available to download in the GitHub
repository for the MultiRefactor tool.
Table 1: Metrics used in the software quality objective.
Data Access Metric
Direct Class Coupling
Cohesion Among Methods
Functional Abstraction
Number Of Polymorphic Methods
Class Interface Size
Number Of Methods
Weighted Methods Per Class
Abstract Ratio
Static Ratio
Final Ratio
Constant Ratio
Inner Class Ratio
Referenced Methods Ratio
Visibility Ratio
Lines Of Code
Table 2: GA configuration settings.
Configuration Parameter
Crossover Probability
Mutation Probability
Refactoring Range
Population Size
Each one is run five times for the mono-objective
approach and five times for the multi-objective
approach, resulting in 60 tasks overall.
Table 3: Hardware details for the experiment.
Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
The inputs used in the experiment as well as the
number of classes and lines of code they contain are
given in Table 4. Table 5 gives the previous versions
of code used for each input, in order from the earliest
version to the latest version used (up to the current
version being read in for maintenance). For each input,
five different versions of code were used overall. Not
all sets of previous versions contain all the releases
between the first and last version
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 4: Java programs used in the experiment.
Beaver 0.9.11
Apache XML-RPC 3.1.1
GanttProject 1.11.1
JHotDraw 6.0b1
XOM 1.2.1
Table 5: Previous versions of Java programs used in
In order to find the element recentness score for
the mono-objective approach to compare against the
multi-objective approach, the mono-objective GA has
been modified to output the element recentness score
after the task finishes. At the end of the search, after
the results have been output and the refactored
population has been written to Java code files, the
recentness score for the top solution in the final
population is calculated. Then, before the search
terminates, this score is output at the end of the results
file for that solution. This way the scores don’t need
to be calculated manually and the element recentness
scores for the mono-objective solutions can be
compared against their multi-objective counterparts.
For the quality function the metric changes are
calculated using a normalization function. This
function causes any greater influence of an individual
metric in the objective to be minimized, as the impact
of a change in the metric is influenced by how far it
is from its initial value. The function finds the amount
that a particular metric has changed in relation to its
initial value at the beginning of the task. These values
can then be accumulated depending on the direction
of improvement of the metric (i.e. whether an
increase or a decrease denotes an improvement in that
metric) and the weights given to provide an overall
value for the metric function or objective. A negative
change in the metric will be reflected by a decrease in
the overall function/objective value. In the case that
an increase in the metric denotes a negative change,
the overall value will still decrease, ensuring that a
larger value represents a better metric value
regardless of the direction of improvement. The
directions of improvement used for the metrics in the
experiment are given in Table 1. In the case that the
initial value of a metric is 0, the initial value used is
changed to 0.01 in order to avoid issues with dividing
by 0. This way, the normalization function can still be
used on the metric and its value still starts off low.
Equation 1 defines the normalization function, where
represents the selected metric,
is the current
metric value and
is the initial metric value.
is the
applied weighting for the metric (where 1 represents
no weighting) and
is a binary constant (-1 or 1) that
represents the direction of improvement of the metric.
represents the number of metrics used in the
function. For the element recentness objective, this
normalization function is not needed. The objective
score depends on the relative age of the code elements
refactored in a solution and will reflect that.
- 1
The tool has been updated in order to use a
heuristic to choose a suitable solution out of the final
population with the multi-objective algorithm to
inspect. The heuristic used is similar to the method
used by Deb and Jain (Deb and Jain 2013) to construct
a linear hyper-plane in the NSGA-III algorithm.
Firstly, the solutions in the population from the top
rank are isolated and written to a separate sub folder.
It is from this subset that the best solution will be
chosen from when the task is finished. Among these
solutions, the tool inspects the individual objective
values, and for each, the best objective value across
the solutions is stored. This set of objective values is
the ideal point
where 
represents the maximum value for an
objective, and an objective i = 1, 2, ..., M. This is the
best possible state that a solution in the top rank could
have. After this is calculated, each objective score is
compared with its corresponding ideal score. The
distance of the objective score from its ideal value is
found, i.e.
 
, where 
the score for a single objective. For each solution, the
largest objective distance (i.e. the distance for the
objective that is furthest from its ideal point) is stored,
i.e. 
 
. At this
point each solution in the top rank has a value,
, to represent the furthest distance among its
objectives from the ideal point. The smallest among
these values, 
(where N represents
the number of solutions in the top rank), signifies the
Automated Refactoring of Software using Version History and a Code Element Recentness Measure
solution that is closest to that ideal point, taking all of
the objectives into consideration. This solution is then
considered to be the most suitable solution and is
marked as such when the population is written to file.
On top of this, the results file for the corresponding
solution is also updated to mark it as the most
suitable. This is how solutions are chosen among the
final population for the multi-objective tasks to
compare against the top mono-objective solution.
For the element recentness objective, the
recentness value of each element refactoring is
calculated and then added together to get an overall
score. Accumulating the score instead of getting an
average recentness value avoids the solution applying
a minimal number of refactorings in order to keep a
low average and thus possibly yielding inferior
quality improvements. Accumulating the individual
values will encourage the solution to refactor as many
recent elements as possible, and it will prioritize these
elements, but it will also allow for older elements to
be used if they improve the quality of the solution.
Equation 2 gives the formula used to calculate the
element recentness score in a refactoring solution
using the hash table structure.
represents the current
element, A
represents the number of times the
element has been refactored in the solution and R
represents the recentness value for the element.
represents the number of elements refactored in the
refactoring solution.
Fig. 1 gives the average quality gain values for each
input program used in the experiment with the mono-
objective and multi-objective approaches. In all of the
inputs, the mono-objective approach gives a better
quality improvement than the multi- objective
approach. For the multi-objective approach all the
runs of each input were able to give an improvement
for the quality objective as well as look at the element
recentness objective. For the mono-objective
approach, the smallest improvement was given with
GanttProject, and for the multi-objective approach, it
was Apache XML-RPC. For both approaches, XOM
was the input with the largest improvement. The
mono-objective Beaver results were noticeable for
having the most disparate range in comparison to the
Figure 1: Mean quality gain values for each input.
Fig. 2 shows the average element recentness
scores for each input with the mono-objective and
multi-objective approaches. For all of the inputs, the
multi-objective approach was able to yield better
scores coupled with the recentness objective. The
values were compared for significance using a one-
tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test (for unpaired data sets)
with a 95% confidence level (α = 5%). The element
recentness scores for the multi-objective approach
were found to be significantly higher than the mono-
objective approach. The scores tended to vary with
both the mono-objective and multi-objective
approaches. The exception to this in the XOM input
which had a more refined set of results for both
approaches. Also, for this input, in comparison to the
others, the multi-objective approach didn’t give as
much of an improvement in the element recentness
score in relation to its mono-objective counterpart.
For the mono-objective GanttProject scores, one of
the tasks gave an anomalous result of 784 (the other
values were between 212 and 400) that was greater
even than the average multi-objective score for the
input, at 764.8.
Fig. 3 gives the average execution times for each
input with the mono-objective and multi-objective
searches. The times for the mono-objective and multi-
objective tasks mostly mirrored each other. For most
input programs, the mono-objective approach was
faster on average, with the exception being Beaver
which takes slightly longer. The Wilcoxon rank-sum
test (two-tailed) was used again and the values were
found to not be significantly different. The times
seemed to increase in relation to the number of classes
in the project, although the mono-objective
GanttProject time was slightly smaller than
JHotDraw, an input with fewer classes. The multi-
objective GanttProject times stand out as taking the
longest, with the longest task taking almost 71
minutes to run. The average time for the multi-
objective GanttProject tasks was just under 64
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
minutes, whereas the average time for the next largest
input, JHotDraw, was only 41 minutes. Whereas the
inputs had similar times for the mono-objective and
multi-objective approaches, for GanttProject the
multi-objective tasks took quite a bit longer (over 28
minutes longer on average).
Figure 2: Mean element recentness scores for each input.
Figure 3: Mean times taken for each input.
In order to test the aims of the experiment and derive
conclusions from the results a set of research
questions were constructed. Each research question
and their corresponding set of hypotheses looked at
one of two aspects of the experiment. RQ1 was
concerned with the effectiveness of the quality
objective in the multi-objective setup. To address it,
the quality improvement results were inspected to
ensure that each run of the search yielded an
improvement in quality. In all 30 of the different runs
of the multi-objective approach, there was an
improvement in the quality objective score, therefore
rejecting the null hypothesis. RQ2 looked at the
effectiveness of the element recentness objective in
comparison with a setup that did not use a function to
measure element recentness. To address this, a non-
parametric statistical test was used to decide whether
the mono-objective and multi-objective data sets
were significantly different. The recentness scores
were compared for the multi-objective approach
against the basic approach and the multi-objective
element recentness scores were found to be
significantly higher than the mono-objective scores,
rejecting the null hypothesis H2
. Thus, the research
questions addressed in this paper help to support the
validity of the element recentness objective in helping
to focus refactorings on recent elements in a software
program with the MultiRefactor tool, while in
conjunction with another objective.
The research for this paper contributes to a PhD
project funded by the EPSRC grant EP/M506400/1.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering