A Security Framework in Model-driven Software Production
Lenin Javier Serrano Gil
Centro de I+D en M
etodos de Producci
on de Software (PROS), Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Model Driven Security, Security Requirements, Software Production Process, Information Systems.
Too often the representation of software functionalities is made without facing security requirements rig-
orously. In this context, it is well-known that a set of security’s features are to be considered to identify and
protect the assets, as well as reduce threats over the business model. This work presents a conceptual-modeling
based method to include security concerns in a software production process from the earliest steps, facilitating
support and intended to extend model-driven approaches by including security in all the different phases of
development and design of information systems.
The use of shared systems and infrastructures facil-
itates the information technology process more than
ever. However, it increases the probability of an agent
takes advantage of the system’s vulnerabilities. This
risk is present from the conception of the system soft-
ware until its end and can result in a detrimental im-
pact on model business (The International Organiza-
tion for Standardization, 2013a).
In general, the materialization of a threat could
arise as the steal of information, the capture of per-
sonal data of users, the theft of intellectual property,
the disclosure of a company’s trade secrets or dam-
age to the critical infrastructure of a country, as advo-
cated by Symantec in (Symantec, 2017). To further
illustrate, this report describes the loss of millions of
dollars. In short, it depicts an index of 9 attackers
detected in the second half of 2016 within their Hon-
eypots per hour, and to zero-day vulnerability attacks
against new products with 4,958 incidents in 2014,
followed by 4,066 in 2015 and 3,986 in 2016. Addi-
tionally, Symantec has reported an average of 76 per-
cent of websites detected with vulnerabilities in the
past three years, and 7 billion identities exposed by
the attacks in less than a decade. These data indi-
cate the continued activity of criminals, the existence
of systems with many security problems and the de-
ployment of vulnerable applications. Although the
number of attacks seems to decrease the occurrence
of these threats implies errors in the design phase or
into the development cycle itself, probably because
the security requirements have not been completed,
ignored or unknown (Lodderstedt, 2003).
In this context, the objective of this Ph.D. the-
sis is to develop a set of procedures to include secu-
rity concerns in the software production process under
the hood of Model-Driven Development (MDD). This
proposal follows the unified perspective of security
and the good practices, as conceptual modeling base.
To support it, we include the resilience (withstand or
recover from an attack) and the traceability (tracking)
over the Object-Oriented Method (OO-Method) (Pas-
tor and Molina, 2007), which is a well known MDD
The order of the document is as follows: Section 2
presents the related work among MDD, model-driven
security and the development of knowledge into se-
curity standards. Section 3 explains the methodologi-
cal framework of our proposal. Section 4 depicts the
research methodology. Section 5 presents the conclu-
sions and suggestions for future work.
The MDD framework for software development uses
a set of models to make transformations and to gen-
erate code in a specific technology (Felderer et al.,
2016). The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) is a
case of MDD that follows the software life cycle. The
MDA integrates standards and specifications defined
Serrano Gil, L.
A Security Framework in Model-driven Software Production Environments.
In Doctoral Consortium (ENASE 2018), pages 11-16
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by the Object Management Group (OMG) (OMG,
There are commercial initiatives such as Inte-
granova Model Execution System (MES) (Integra-
nova Software Solutions, 2016), which uses the OO-
Method. This method is an MDD method that
has raised the MDA successfully. The OO-Method
uses formal specifications in the OASIS (Pastor and
Molina, 2007) language (open and active specifica-
tion of information systems) to transform conceptual
models to the source code in the organizational do-
main. Although OO-Method gives us a specialized
and continuous approach to the development of soft-
ware (Pastor and Molina, 2007), it not considered se-
curity issues yet. In this sense, Model-Driven Secu-
rity approach can improve OO-Method.
The Model-Driven Security (MDS) is an MDD
approach that focuses on the development of secure
information systems. In turn, there are multiple ef-
forts based on UML profiles for MDS, designed to
handle different aspects of security, such as authen-
tication, integrity, confidentiality, availability, and in
various contexts, such as web applications or con-
trol agents in software infrastructures. These include
the following SecureDWS, Secret, UMLSec, Se-
cureUML, SecureMDD, SecureSOA, AOMSec, Se-
cureWeb and Access Control (Nguyen et al., 2015).
Other security MDA frameworks have also been de-
veloped such as SEMDA (Guan et al., 2014), which
uses re-engineering, decomposition, abstraction and
reverse engineering techniques to obtain models that
improve the security of legacy systems. The interest-
ing thing about SEMDA is the use of an ontology as a
starting point to adopt standards and best practices in
existing systems.
The family of international security standards for
information management is those established by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC). It provides a recognized support to the global
community as the start and the guide to protect the
assets of the organization. Although these stan-
dards have a wide scope in the management of an
organization the documents grouped in the set la-
beled “27000”are those relevant to this work. Thus,
the ISO/IEC 27000 has the definitions of security
concepts that promote the certification actions most
used in companies(The International Organization for
Standardization, 2016).
For instance, the word Asset”defined by ISO/IEC
frames the meaning to describe things (physical or
virtual products such as information, software, hard-
ware, services, people or intangibles, and reputation)
that have significant value to the organization and are
the target of Threat Agents. On the other hand, the
term “Stakeholder”surrounds the notion of someone
(individual, company or organization) that owns the
valuable assets (Neubauer et al., 2008).
These concepts give origin to the tuple (As-
set, Stakeholder) and the relationship between them.
They establish the security requirements the software
application must comply. Thus, they are also the plat-
form for the following standards or guides.
Therefore, ISO/IEC provides valuable informa-
tion to support an ontological analysis well founded,
since its content lies in a global agreement. It al-
lows the semantics development for a possible for-
mulation of Conceptual Models more accurate (Pastor
and Molina, 2007). They are also part of the ISO/IEC
27001 group of documents that guides the implemen-
tation of an Information Security Management Sys-
tem (ISMS) (The International Organization for Stan-
dardization, 2013a).
The ISO/IEC 27002 promotes a way to estab-
lish safety requirements (The International Organiza-
tion for Standardization, 2013b), as well as ISO/IEC
27003 that establishes the parameters for the ISMS
implementation (The International Organization for
Standardization, 2017). Moreover, ISO/IEC 27003 is
supported by a risk analysis. The ISO/IEC 27005 de-
scribes this kind of risk analysis that pushes the evalu-
ation and monitoring of risk management (The Inter-
national Organization for Standardization, 2011a).
Likewise, the ISO/IEC 27034 (1-7) is available
as a guide for the development of secure software
following the ISMS. It manages risks and miti-
gates threats in the Systems Development Life Cy-
cle (SDLC). The system different execution scenar-
ios have its security guaranteed by prescribing a set
of processes and controls in the SDLC (The Interna-
tional Organization for Standardization, 2011b). Be-
sides, ISO/IEC 27034 agree with the MDD archetype,
because it allows the efforts concentration in the early
stages of software development. Even from the gesta-
tion of information systems, this standard ensures the
efficiency. It makes valuable the use of conceptual
models to obtain an efficient and standardized gener-
ation of software (Pastor and Molina, 2007).
Furthermore, we add to our proposal other per-
spectives works, and norms coexist. Among them
are: the Information Security Management Maturity
Model (ISM3) (Canal, 2006), the Standard of Good
Practice for Information Security (Protection et al.,
2016), the NIST SP 800-14 Principles and Practices
for Securing Information Technology Systems (Beck-
ers, 2015), technical standards as Open Web Appli-
cation Security Project (OWASP) (Commons, 2013),
the good practice frameworks as The Control Objec-
DCENASE 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tives for Information and related Technology (CO-
BIT) (Beckers, 2015), the integration for risk manage-
ment as NIST SP 800-30 Risk Management Guide for
Information Technology Systems and Methodology
of Analysis and Management of Risks of Information
Systems (MAGERIT) (Amutio G
omez, 2012). With-
out leaving aside, the guidelines and procedures of
governmental organizations as the technical manuals
and bulletins from National Cryptographic Center of
Spain (Gobierno de Espa
na, 2017).
Finally, the Open Code Security Testing Method-
ology Manual (OSSTMM) developed by the Insti-
tute of Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM)
– regulates the software validation with respect to the
security. OSSTMM presents a simple implementation
plan using the scientific method to find a security state
value that is closer to reality. The security state value
is used for validation of a generated information sys-
tem because the tests are oriented for compliance with
regulation (Herzog, 2016).
In this research, we introduce a methodology for in-
clude the security concerns in a software produc-
tion process that compile and synthesize the elements
mentioned above. It aims to enrich the OO-Method
with a new perspective and artifacts of security for
software generation.
Thus, we proposed two tiers, as shown in Fig-
ure 1.The Epistemological Tier, which is the knowl-
edge of what is (Poli and Obrst, 2010), and the Con-
ceptual Tier, which represents the structural descrip-
tion (Molina et al., 2001).
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005), “the epistemol-
ogy is the study of knowledge and justified belief”.
Thus, the epistemological tier represents knowledge
base of security that supports our work.
Based on this premise, the “Security Standard
(SeS)”represents international agreements, academic
and industrial efforts that are valid in the commu-
nity, e.g., ISO / IEC 27000, NIST SP 800-14, regu-
lations, laws, and any works in the security context.
This set of elements defines, concepts, controls, pro-
cedures, actions, principles, methods, terms, and lan-
guages, those bring together different approaches, vi-
sions, and strategies that are studied to find a com-
mon base. From there, we derived the knowledge in
two perspectives to which we can link the terms Infor-
matics Security and Information Security. That is, the
entity Technology to represent all the group of gen-
eralized technical knowledge, and the entity Informa-
tion to generalized and clustering of the constraints,
regulations, standards or laws.
Figure 1: Methodological Framework.
The intention to generalize in two entities is due
to the need to express that the technological adjust-
ments are the Good Practices added to the techni-
cal elements, in specifications or patterns that depend
on the security agreements. The “Security Pattern
(SeP)”expressed the above in our model and a depen-
dency relationship with the “Security Commitment
(SeC)”as well an aggregation relationship of “Good
Practice (GP)”with both. In other words, the techni-
cal standards of security are dependent on Security
agreements and in them are represents order or pool-
ing. Also in this layer can be observed the relation of
dependence between the GP and the SeS, in the opin-
ion of this relationship, good practices are actions ver-
ified empirically by the community considering the
guidelines or standards.
On the other hand, the “Conceptual Tier
(CT)”have a specification of two layers, the “Onto-
logical Layer (OnL)”, and the “Model-driven Layer
(MdL)”. In detail, the design of OnL describes and
characterize in a domain ontology the security infor-
A Security Framework in Model-driven Software Production Environments
mation defined at the top level as its entities, relations,
and properties. This ontology we were called the “Se-
curity Domain Ontology (SeDOn)”and is a general-
ization of a foundational ontology (Frasincar et al.,
2012). In this way can be categorized, organized and
codified the concepts of security to be formalized in
a language of patterns called “Security Ontology Pat-
tern Language (SeOnPL)”. SeOnPL is the base for
the composition of the conceptual models that allow
enriching the abstraction capacities and the integra-
tion of the security requirements in MDD to produce
secure applications.
Next, the MdL is guided by the MDA approach
and allows the implementation of software that can
generate source code with a minimum-security provi-
sion, since the higher layers manage the security re-
quirements, as shown in the model by inclusion of
entity “Security Profile Model (SePM)”.
As proposed, the SeMP is the entity that con-
nects formalized security knowledge with an auto-
mated method to generate software guided by con-
ceptual models that use security-rich artifacts, and
they are each is associated with a risk, vulnerabil-
ity and penetration analysis. Consequently, it allows
the inclusion of measures and controls according to
the objectives of the organization within a common
conceptual scenario from the idea of the business to
the specificity of its platform through model-to-model
and model-to-text transformations. In the end, the
generated code is evaluated in a system instance us-
ing vulnerability identification techniques, scanning
techniques, and ethical hacking to certify and obtain
software components with high levels of security.
Therefore, in the table 1 we can see related elements
in the proposed perspective with the current security
Table 1: Security Knowledge.
Epistemological Tier Subject
Security Knowledge ISO/IEC 27000, 27001, 27002
27003, 27032, 27034
NIST SP 800-14, ISM3
Conceptual Tier Subject
Ontological Layer UFO, OWL
Model-driven Layer SecureDWS, Secret,
UMLSec, SecureUML, SecureMDD,
SecureSOA, AOMSec, SecureWeb
and Access Control
Transformation Layer OASIS, OWASP
Security Rating Layer Security metrics ISM3
Risk Analysis Layer MAGERIT, NIST SP 800-30
Vulnerabilities Analysis Layer OWASP, OSSTMM
Security Testing Layer OWASP, OSSTMM
We use a research methodology based on the engi-
neering cycle proposed by the Methodology of De-
sign Sciences (Wieringa, 2014) since this method es-
tablishes an analysis for the development of informa-
tion systems. We started with the premise of handling
artifacts to help the answer research questions in two
major engineering cycles.
The first cycle, for the study of the good practices,
principles, foundations and available security meth-
ods promoted by the academic world and the orga-
nizations, and so acquire the necessary basis for the
creation of the epistemological tier (logical descrip-
With the second cycle, for the development of the
conceptual tier (structural description) based on the
specification of a reference ontology with which can
make model profiles for use in the OO-Method pro-
cess to generate software less insecure. Next, the re-
search questions:
What are the guidelines, conventions, rules, good
practices and primitives that should be used to en-
sure security in information systems?
Which technical resources are available or should
be developed to ensure information systems?
Which elements can guide the integration require-
ments of security systems development in MDD
production environments?
What should be the software developer do to de-
sign conceptual models that include security re-
quirements? How validate that conceptual models
are correct to security requirements?
Is there an MDD tool for the production of secure
software with traceability?
To follow this questions we are proposing:
Identify epistemologically of current resources
of experience generated in the standards and the
Good Practices for the conception of a security
Classify the available technical resources to pro-
tect the integrity, availability, authenticity, confi-
dentiality, and traceability in the information sys-
tems to create a catalog of security standards;
Formalize the security domain concepts in an
ontology-based reference agreement and the spec-
ified security technical catalog to obtain a com-
mon perspective of the security requirements in
the generation of applications;
Represent the ontological security features in a
standards language to develop profiles that allow
the modeling of security requirements.
DCENASE 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Establish a methodology of risk analysis and se-
curity metrics to evaluate the security level of the
generated models.
Therefore, it is also necessary to develop a test
case in a computer tool that manages the framework
for the design and generation of code with which
we will can validate the security primitives based on
the proposed approach. For this, we have chosen to
improve the Object Oriented Methodology, since the
OO-Method has experience and has been validated to
deal with software development, but in it not consider
security concerns, establishing a need and an oppor-
tunity for improvement.
Next, the table 2 shows the resulting set of artifacts
which could be derived from the present investigation.
Table 2: Related Artifacts.
Epistemological Tier Artifacts
Security Knowledge SePs and SeC
Conceptual Tier Artifacts
Ontological Layer SeDOn and SeOnPL
Model-driven Layer SeMPs
Transformation Layer CIM2PIM, PIM2PSM
and PSM2code
Security Rating Layer Rating metric
Risk Analysis Layer Risk analysis metric
Vulnerabilities Analysis Layer Vulnerabilities analysis metric
Security Testing Layer Testing method
We depicted our proposal, which is a method to cover
the perspective of security requirements in software
development. We intend to use UFO to develop a ref-
erence ontology to represents a well-founded concep-
tualization of all these related concepts.
We also present the SeOPL on which the Security
Security Model Profiles must be developed. These
profiles and the SeOPL allow the building of applica-
tions with acceptable levels of security. And finally,
we intend to evolve OO-Method with this new fea-
tures as a proof-of-concept.
The author thanks, Professor Oscar Pastor L
for its significant support, academic guidance, and
motivation. Also the continuous assistance by the
Centro de I+D en M
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on de Soft-
ware (PROS) group of the Universitat Polit
ecnica de
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ıa de Sis-
temas e Inform
atica, Universidad Pontificia Bolivari-
ana - Seccional Bucaramanga,
Km 7 via Bucaramanga - Piedecuesta, Santander,
Colombia for his financial support to enable the de-
velopment of this work.
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DCENASE 2018 - Doctoral Consortium on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering