An Approach to Use Deep Learning to Automatically Recognize
Team Tactics in Team Ball Games
Friedemann Schwenkreis
Dept. of Business Information Systems, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart),
Paulinenstr. 50, 70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Data Model, Deep Learning, Tactics Recognition, Ball Games, Video Analytics.
Abstract: Deep Learning methods are used successfully in pattern recognition areas like face or voice recognition.
However, the recognition of sequences of images for automatically recognizing tactical movements in team
sports is still an unsolved area. This paper introduces an approach to solve this class of problems by mapping
the sequence problem onto the classical shape recognition problem in case of pictures.
Using team handball as an example, the paper first introduces the underlying data collection approach and a
corresponding data model before introducing the actual mapping onto classical deep learning approaches.
Team handball is just used as an example sport to illustrate the concept, which can be applied to any team ball
game in which coordinated team moves are used.
In case of team ball games like football or soccer, two
teams of a certain number of players play against each
other trying to score with a ball. In this paper we
abstract from the details of scoring, i.e. we do not care
whether the ball needs to be put into a goal, or a
basket, or whether it needs to hit the ground in the
opponent’s part of the field.
One of the important features of team ball games
is that they are played on a match field and the
location for each active player can be determined in
terms of two-dimensional coordinates relative to a
specific point of the field (the origin). As an example,
Figure 1 depicts the match field of team handball.
Figure 1: Match field of team handball.
Another important aspect of team ball games is
the coordination of the team players usually called
team tactics. Sometimes individual and intuitive
decisions of the players dominate the movement of
players. However, the teams get trained in performing
coordinated moves to improve the probability to score
(offense tactics) or to decrease the probability of the
opponent team to score (defense tactics).
It is an important information for coaches if and
when team tactics are likely to be successful. One
approach to help coaches answering this question is
to manually analyze the game history based on video
recordings. However, it is a very time-consuming
process to analyze videos to detect team tactics and
then to decide whether a certain tactical movement
has been successful or not. Furthermore, for most of
the team ball games it is simply impossible for
humans to detect team tactics during the game due to
the speed of the games.
This paper introduces a concept to detect team
tactics based on sensor data during the ongoing game.
Based on the concepts of location and the change
thereof over time, a data representation of a team
move will be introduced. Furthermore, the paper will
show how to train a predictive model such that team
tactics can be detected automatically, and it can be
analysed whether certain team tactics are likely to be
successful or not.
The concept is presented from the point of view
of a data scientist. First, it will be introduced how data
Schwenkreis, F.
An Approach to Use Deep Learning to Automatically Recognize Team Tactics in Team Ball Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0006823901570162
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2018), pages 157-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-318-6
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be collected in the context of team handball.
Then, it will be shown, how the specific problem of
automated tactics recognition can be mapped onto a
well-known use of deep learning approaches.
However, as being a position paper, specific results
will not be presented, nor there will be a prove that
the approach actually leads to a sufficient recognition
rate. That will be part of subsequent publications.
Basically, a team is a set of players with individual
IDs (sometimes also called player numbers). Active
players are differentiated from (temporarily) inactive
players who are not allowed to interfere with active
players or the game. The set of active players is
usually called a line-up. When being part of a line-up,
a player has usually an associated position or role in
the line-up. However, this role of a player can change
arbitrarily in some sports (e.g. this is the case for team
2.1 Location and Moves of an Active
A team move, or a group move consists of the moves
of multiple involved active players. A move of a
single active player can be defined as the change of
his or her position on the field over time. For team
handball we have a given field geometry of 40 x 20
m which we discretize in squares of 25 x 25 cm which
is a sufficient geometrical resolution for human
moves in this case, because it can be excluded that
two players will be in the very same square at the
same time.
Based on this discretization of the field, the
location of an active player can be expressed as a pair
of integer coordinates, identifying the square in which
the player’s centre of gravity is currently located.
Since a move is a change of the location over time,
we need to define a discretization of time as well.
Theoretically, the maximum speed of humans can be
used to calculate the maximum frequency of
locations. Assuming a maximum human speed of 15
m/s and the geometric resolution of 0,25 m, we need
a maximum frequency of 60 Hz to be able to resolve
with the given level of detail. However, this is just the
maximum frequency which will allow to detect every
square that was “involved” in a player’s move. If we
have a lower frequency, for whatever reason, we
might not be able to identify all squares a player has
been in while moving from one square to another. In
that case the lower frequency is depicted on the 60 Hz
frequency resolution by linear interpolation between
the measured locations.
2.2 Approaches to Track Players
The concept described in this paper does not depend
on a specific method to detect and track the location
of players on the field. However, three approaches
have been investigated in the context of a proof of
concept. All three approaches are suited to generate
the data needed for the automated detection of team
2.2.1 Indoor-Positioning-based Approaches
Roughly, Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) are based
on the same concept as Global Positioning Systems
(GPS) (Curran et al., 2011). While in case of GPS a
receiver receives signals from multiple senders and
calculates the differences in time the signals needed
from the different senders to reach the receiver, IPS
systems usually reverse that approach. A single
sender sends a signal to multiple receivers and the
receiver side calculates the time differences. Thus, the
system can derive the position of the sender relative
to the receivers. A current transmission technology
for the signal exchange is ultra-wide band (UWB), as
for instance used by the solutions of Kinexon
(Kinexon, 2017), Catapult Sports (Catapult Sports,
2018), and other system vendors
All of the IPSs have the needed location accuracy
for team handball but they differ significantly in their
measuring rate ranging from 10 Hz (Catapult Sports,
2018) up to 200 Hz (von der Gruen, 2013). All the
systems come with an annual cost of more than
100.000 EUR per year which is usually not affordable
by most sports except for some (like soccer in
Germany or football in the USA). Furthermore, the
active sensors need to be attached to the players and
they still have a size, which does not allow them to be
used in sports where players do not wear protectors
(as for instance team handball). Finally, if the position
of the ball needs to be tracked as well, the ball needs
to be equipped with a sender. Hence, ball vendors
would need to agree on a sender technology standard
for a certain type of balls.
2.2.2 Video-based Approaches
Solely video-based approaches have usually two
advantages: The players do not need to wear any
sensors and they are usually significantly cheaper
than IPS based solutions (PlayGineering Systems,
2018). However, they have problems to keep track of
the identity of players if it comes to “crowds”. To
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
reduce the likelihood of losing the identity of a player,
current systems use up to eight cameras in case of
indoor games like team handball, which makes these
systems fairly expensive again. An alternative
approach is to use a separate video system which
permanently detects the identity of players by
analysing the player’s number, when a player enters
certain areas of the field.
2.2.3 Hybrid Video-based Approaches
Combining a simple video-based tracking system
(Monier et al., 2009) with a simple sensor-based
identification (RFID) is a good compromise of cost
and accuracy. The combined system can track the
location of players in an anonymous way until the
players identity is visually detected using the shirt
number or when the player passes a certain RFID
detection zone, which will associate an identity with
the, so far anonymous, player.
In contrast to active UWB communicating
sensors, RFID tags are very small and can be attached
to players without violating the rules. Furthermore,
they do not need any batteries and they are very
cheap, in case of passive RFID tags. Unfortunately,
the antennas needed to detect passive RFIDs are fairly
large. Thus, the only technology that can be used in
the context of team handball are antennas which are
embedded in the floor or floor mats respectively.
3.1 Data Model for a Whole Game
We can define a data model for the location of players
on a field based on an abstract definition of the data
that is captured by the tracking systems. Given the
introduced discretization from section 2.1, the
location of a player at a given point in time is just a
pair of coordinates. Consequently, the location of a
team at a given point in time is the set of the locations
of all active players with an associated player
The location status of a whole match at a certain
point in time consists of the locations of the two teams
and the location of the ball, which is a set of 15 triples
(player-id, x-pos, y-pos) in case of team handball and
for instance 23 triples in case of soccer. To add the
time dimension, we add a logical counter to the triples
which indicates how many 1/60 secs have passed
since the start of the game. Thus, the resulting
quadruple (time, player-id, x-pos, y-pos) expresses
the location of a player at a certain point in time and
216.000 quadruples are needed to encode the
positions of a whole game for a single player in team
handball (60 minutes playing time).
Figure 2: Player location matrix.
The quadruples can be mapped onto a 2-
dimensional matrix by representing each point in time
as a row with the location data of the active and
inactive players and the ball. Each player
identification (A to G in Figure 2) is mapped onto a
pair of columns, one representing the x-coordinate
and the subsequent one representing the y-coordinate
of the location (see Figure 2). While the time
dimension follows the sequence of locations during
the play time, the player dimension has no fixed sort-
order. However, we introduce some constraints
(given the specifics of team ball games):
The locations of one player must be contained in
a single column which consists of pairs of values.
If a player is inactive, then special coordinates
outside the sport specific field range, (0,0) to (160,
80) in case of team handball, are assigned (e.g.
10.000, 10.000).
The coordinates of the so-called observed team
are mapped onto the first set of columns
representing the whole team size (16 in case of
team handball, including active and inactive
The subsequent set of columns represent the
coordinates of the opponent team (another 16
columns in case of team handball).
The last column represents the location of the ball.
As a result, a matrix of 66 x 216.000 (60 x 60 x 60)
position values represents the locations of a whole
team handball match, which we denote as match move
3.2 Data Model for a Tactical Move
Tactical moves in team ball games are only
performed by active players. Inactive players are not
involved. Furthermore, we presume that substitutions
are never part of a tactical move. They might happen
before or after but not as part of a tactical move.
Hence, a tactical move can be represented by a matrix
< Time
An Approach to Use Deep Learning to Automatically Recognize Team Tactics in Team Ball Games
consisting only of the locations of the active players
on the field and the ball (15 columns in case of team
The number of needed rows is also limited. Given
the set of all possible tactical moves, the maximum
duration of these tactical moves is the upper limit for
the number of rows needed. The current hypothesis in
case of team handball is an upper limit of 15 seconds.
Thus, the maximum size of a matrix to represent a
tactical move in team handball consists of 30 x 900
position values. We call this a tactical move matrix.
We can depict a subset of the set of rows of the
match move matrix onto a tactical move matrix by
omitting the inactive players. However, we need to
define the criteria that allow us to decide when a
player is treated as being active. The key criterion is
that a player becomes part of the tactical move matrix
if the player is active at the end of the subset. I.e. the
location of a player in the last row in the subset is part
of the range of possible locations of a match field (see
section 3.1).
If we end up with less than the regular number of
players in the tactical move matrix, then we will fill
the empty columns with the location value of inactive
players. This might be the case if one or more players
have been suspended, excluded, or when they have
just left the field (which can be the case in some
sports). It is important to keep in mind that the order
of players in a team is arbitrary with respect to the
match move matrix as well as the tactical move
Deep Learning summarizes several pattern
recognition techniques which are particularly used
when we cannot explicitly find a model to describe
the interrelations between certain things or actions
(Goodfellow et al., 2016).
The approach described in this paper maps the
detection of tactical moves onto a classification
problem of video sequences. The question that we ask
is: “Does a video sequence contain a tactical move or
not and if so, which tactical move is it?”. It differs
significantly from other applications of deep learning
like face detection (for which a lot of papers have
been published), because in case of tactical
movements we do not focus on the similarity of single
images of a whole stream but rather on the change of
images over time. However, our work has a basic
assumption: if we can map the sequence pattern
recognition problem onto the face recognition
approaches, then we can re-use the systems that have
been built in that area at least to some extent.
4.1 Tactical Move Matrices and Images
Images, as they are used for face recognition, are
basically just two-dimensional data structures
matrices, of colour values. Usually, the cells of the
image-matrix contain three “coordinates” of a three-
dimensional colour space, but there are also variants
with a single value (black and white colour space) or
more values (e.g. CMYB). If we think of tactical
move matrices as images, then tactical move matrices
are like images of a two-dimensional colour space.
There is a significant difference between images
and the tactical move matrix: The tactical move
matrix consists of three sets of columns (observed
team, opponent team, and ball) and the position of a
column has no meaning inside a column set. Thus, the
columns, containing the two-dimensional values, can
be exchanged arbitrarily in a column set. I.e. a matrix
with a tactical move, which represents the move of
player A in its first column and player B in the second
column, both belonging to the same team, is
semantically equivalent to a tactical move matrix that
represents player B in the first column and player A
in the second column (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Tactical move matrix equivalence.
4.2 Generating Training and Test Data
With the introduced data model, the automated
detection of tactical team moves can be mapped onto
a classification problem. There is a limited set of
tactical moves for team ball games which we define
as the classes for our classification approach (in case
of team handball we differentiate approximately 80
tactical moves). It is important to note that the set of
tactical moves might evolve over time whenever new
team tactics are invented and/or discovered.
However, this is a relatively slow evolution. Thus, the
model can be adapted to changes whenever there is
enough data regarding a new team tactic.
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Given that any tactical move matrix can be
assigned to a class that denotes the tactical move
which is “contained” in the tactical move matrix,
training data can be derived from observed games by
splitting the data of observed games into intervals
which completely contain a tactical move (up to a
maximum of 15 seconds in case of team handball).
The splitting is done manually by searching for the
end of a tactical move and then going backwards to
look for the beginning of the tactical move. Then the
tactical move matrix is created from the
corresponding time matching rows that are extracted
from the match move matrix (see section 3.2).
Finally, the extracted tactical move matrix is
classified with the class identifier of the previously
identified tactical move.
In addition to the team move matrices, further
intervals of 15 seconds are extracted from which we
know that they do not contain any team tactical
moves. We generate additional team move matrices
from them as well to have additional test data (see
section 4.4) for the “non-containing” case.
4.3 Training a Deep Learning Model
Since our objective is to use existing approaches of
deep learning for face recognition, we propose to use
a convolutional neural net (Goodfellow et al., 2016),
CNN, to solve the classification problem. A
significant difference to the approach to detect
patterns in sequences of images is the fact that the
associated class of a tactical move matrix is partially
independent from the positions of columns in the
matrix (see section 4.1).
Unless we find a canonical sort order for the
columns of the tactical move matrices, we need to
handle the position independence of columns
explicitly. The need for “permutation invariance” of
the CNN is a very similar problem to the rotation
invariance in case of image recognition (Tivive and
Bouzerdoum, 2006).
There are two ways to address the difference as
long as CNNs do not have a built-in permutation
Training the model with all matrices that are
semantically equivalent to a given classified
tactical move matrix.
Classifying all semantically equivalent matrices
when applying the model.
Since response time is critical during the later
application of the model, while it is significantly less
critical during training, it has been decided to use the
former approach. Hence, when training a CNN with a
set of tactical move matrices, the set of all
semantically equivalent tactical move matrices is
generated for each tactical move matrix that was
generated for training. The set of the semantically
equivalent tactical move matrices is derived by
generating all permutations of column positions for
each player inside a team. I.e. in case of team
handball, we have 7! = 5.040 permutations for each
team and (7!)
matrices which are semantically
4.4 Testing and Applying the Model
The resulting model after the training phase is tested
using additional pre-classified data containing a
tactical situation, as well as tactical move matrices
which do not contain a tactical move. The
classification result for every tested tactical move
matrix is a single “class association” which is
generated by the final activity function of the CNN.
This predicted class is then compared to the
previously assigned class value. We use a classic
“domain specific confusion matrix” to measure the
quality of our model, which means that we weigh
errors according to their severity in the domain (team
handball in our case).
The application scenario of the model is based on
the constant stream of location information during a
match or even a training session. We are periodically
extracting tactical move matrices from the stream
containing the location records for the maximum
length of a tactical move (the assumed 15 seconds for
team handball). These tactical move matrices are then
sent to the model for classification to detect whether
a team tactical move was performed.
This paper describes the work of an ongoing project.
Using the example of team handball, we introduced
an approach to automatically detect team tactics using
a deep-learning-based classification model. In
particular, we have defined the necessary data models
and transformations. Given the available sensor
technology for location detection of players, the
described approach can be used to train a
convolutional neural network.
Although the concept has been defined, there are
still a number of open points to be worked on:
Developing a permutation invariant CNN to avoid
the generation of semantically equivalent matrices
to train a model.
Finding the appropriate activation function to
generate the predicted class.
An Approach to Use Deep Learning to Automatically Recognize Team Tactics in Team Ball Games
Assessing the severity of different categories of
Finding the optimal frequency for the extraction
of team move matrices for classification.
Currently, we assume that a classification
frequency of 1 Hz will be sufficient.
With the “online” availability of the player’s location
data, being detected with the necessary accuracy, a
complete new data science view of team ball games
becomes possible. The performance of players can be
described in a completely new way, which takes the
movement of players and their relative position into
Furthermore, the automated detection of team
tactics is the basis for the automated prediction of the
success of team tactics as well as for the definition of
a new class of player performance indicators. The
world of coaches will further change if they can base
their decisions on information regarding whole teams
rather than on player specific values only.
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Lokalisierungstechnologien RedFir & Co Ortung im
Sport, am Flughafen und in der Logistik:
DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications